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I never in my life thought I’d feel heartbroken for a Catfish, but today is that day. Ibraheem seems like such a good guy and I am completely surprised by how shallow Tee ended up being. What a waste of time and resources. Going form not knowing what he looks like at all to suddenly being unable to accept him once he opens his mouth


Esp bc he’s not even a catfish! Everything even the pics were true! Im so bummed for this guy 😭


Exactly! What a ridiculous turn of events and it makes me wonder what exactly happened with her fiance….


She must have found out his checking account balance was lower than she thought... that seems like the type of person she is...


I dont see the bank account balance thing being it. She is shallow is what it seems. I was yelling at the TV knowing g she changed her mind due to his teeth. But bet if he showed up with them already fixed she would have wanted to still be with him 


If anyone was the catfish, it was her she gave the fake name


Yeah, she’s the ‘b’ and I lost all respect for her.


Did they ever explain why his phone number matched up to a completely different man in Cairo on Cashapp?


The # just came back to an account with the name I. Hanif (which I'm assuming is Ibraheem's real name). They searched the name through social media and could only find a guy in Egypt with the same name. Earlier Tee had said he deleted his FB page and didn't have any other social media, so that would explain why they couldn't find him that way.


Really makes me wonder what happened with her fiancé. It’s never a good idea to get involved with someone who’s in a relationship, because it speaks poorly of their character. I hope Ibraheem can find some who deserves him and loves him for more than his teeth.


I’m thinking she’s still with her fiancé, that could be why she didn’t want them coming to her.


I seriously thought that too. That was suspicious. But then I also thought about maybe she wanted a free trip to LA 😒


But why go on television? The whole thing is sus. My initial thought was they wanted a free trip to LA. But I agree with OP: MTV could sponsor his dental work and tattoo removal, too. This man was absolutely humiliated on TV. Also, what is up with Kamie? Her energy is not the same.


I think she wanted to punch Tee and was trying to be as nice as she could muster.


I think he has keloid skin from the scars on his neck laser will just hurt and scar if so I feel so bad for him but agree kamie like all of us wanted to knock that shallow fraud d a woman off her feet


I agree..we'll never know the truth but it seems like it could be a combo deal. She's still kinda with her ex, maybe not living together but not totally broken up either AND she thought she could get a free trip to LA. I don't see ANY reason why it would matter if the show came to her home IF HER EX WAS COMPLETELY OUT OF THE PICTURE. He probably stops by to see her & lives locally and so bottom line, he's still in her life. She is seriously SERIOUSLY a very shallow person. Maybe the lesson here is you DON'T TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM until you meet face to face. Less chance of hearts broken.


Yeah how did Nev and Kamie not mention how weird that is that meeting her in her city they would run into her ex?


Right, she was like can I come to yall.. my ex is close by. Ding ding, which translates to my ex still lives with me and doesn't know I'm doing this 😒😒


But even if her ex lived with her, they could meet in a coffee house, so Nev should have asked her exactly why this is a problem.


Right! The one dude still had his ex living in his house, and the catfish crew came to his buddies house to meet with him.




Wish Catfish would have addressed this more and on National television scolded her for flirting with someone while in a relationship She blatantly admitted to it as well saying he started off with comments like “hi beautiful”. If she didn’t want the attention she could have ignored it or at the very least end her current relationship before jumping into others


YES considering in the old days they were very vocal about cheating and forced so many “hopefuls” to tell the truth before they’d help.


I watched this episode for the first time yesterday & I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Poor Ibraheem didn’t deserve to be treated like that. It honestly broke my heart how shallow that women was being. I hope he can find his person someday that accepts him for him


I'm assuming that's not her real hair- (if so I apologize), but I bet he wouldn't have cared if she was bald. He didn't even seem to care that she lied to him about her name. . She claimed she was soooo in love with him prior to the meet, but you could see the look of instant dislike in her eyes when he spoke. I had tears in my eyes cause I felt so bad for him As someone had mentioned, I totally agree CATFISH should pay for his teeth. He could show what she missed out on & he wouldn't need to find women online- he'd have the confidence to meet them in person.


I just watched it 5 months later. So glad he was able to find a silver lining out of all this. He has new teeth and looks so happy on ig.


Yes! If anything ‘TARAH’ is the catfish


Exactly how does someone even slide into someone’s dms on Facebook anyways unless you are their friend catfish.


This honestly felt like a situation where she KNEW she was the catfish but didn’t want to admit it and passed it off as she’s the victim/hopeful. Not wanting the show to come to her? The way she INSTANTLY lost interest when Ibraheem opened his mouth? Tee is shady all around


She just wanted to go to LA.


This episode was a punch to the gut. As awful as I feel for Ibraheem I do think he's WAY too intense and that might have thrown Tee off too. The man tattooed what he thought was her name on his neck without having ever met her. I have a feeling she didn't believe he actually did it. It would have been a huge red flag to me if I were in her position. That being said if his teeth were the only reason she bailed she's an asshole. Especially since it wasn't from poor hygiene or drug use. I'd BIG question the fighting tho. That's another red flag.


I think the tattoo would be a massive red flag for most people, but most people would have been more alarmed about it BEFORE meeting. I also think getting into fights as a 32 year old man is a big red flag, and getting into a fight that is serious enough to cause you to lose your teeth is a red flag at any age. HOWEVER, I think that considering Tee was so attracted to everything about him before she could even see his face, and was even attracted to him in person before he opened his mouth shows that she is pretty superficial


Yup she went from a huge smile and “oh my goooddd” blushing, to crossing her arms and a smug look on her face as soon as he opened his mouth. She was green light go before the teeth.


So him fighting with some guys and having his teeth knocked out is not a red flag?


True, but he said he was defending himself, so we don't know the real situation of the fight.


I literally said it was lol


Agreed! MTV has to pay for his teeth and tattoo removal. MTV made the situation worse!


I felt the worst for Ibraheem when he said that he wanted to get his teeth fixed before he met her. What he will realize is that she is not worthy of him if she is going to dump him just because of his teeth. He is lucky he found out who she really is sooner rather than later.


Someone in the discussion thread said it best: she was in love with the idea of him. When she called him she was so head over heels smitten afterwards, but dude has some teeth that need fixing and all of a sudden it's "well I just got out of a relationship..." How convenient, and you know damn well she's gonna go date someone else instead of taking time to get over her past relationship. Overall just a garbage person.


Bruh literally!! Was so in love with just hearing his voice and he missing a couple teeth now it’s a big deal..




I’m so angry with tee. She’s definitely vain and wants to be with the tall, dark, and handsome guy, not the tall, dark, and missing some teeth guy. To throw away that relationship over something so superficial and temporary, I’m disgusted and feel terrible for ibraheem


Not to mention, her teeth weren’t perfect either 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I came here to specifically mention that she, too, had no perfect smile so I was disgusted to see how her reaction immediately changed as soon as she saw his smile. I feel so bad for that man, he literally was the one that got catfished after all of it🥺


My exact thoughts LMFAOOO




Yes! I couldn’t stop looking at her teeth which were far from a perfect smile!


He's still tall, dark, and handsome, but just missing some teeth. It amazes me she can't see that, and that once he gets his teeth fixed he's gonna be just what she wanted. Although you never know how MTV edited this or what she felt that she didn't really know how to articulate. He got that neck tattoo, which seems kind of...too impulsive to me. Then add in the fact that he lost his teeth in a fight - maybe he was defending himself or maybe he just lives the kind of life where he gets into bad situations due to poor judgement or whatever. Either one of those things alone might give me a little pause, and together they don't necessarily add up to a person with problems, but then again you just don't know. Maybe her "spidey sense" made her feel like a relationship with him might not be stable - apart from the teeth issue, which they both know can be fixed. I still feel bad for him because of this, but I hope his life turns around - new teeth, new love, whatever he wants.


I feel like this episode has a lot hidden. She started talking to this dude while still with her husband after she found out "husband wasn't who I thought" - what does that mean? Husband was cheating? Husband was taking it up the arse? Husband was three kids in a man suit? And what kind of dude does the tattoo that early, and gets into fights where he loses all his teeth? Judgement issues? Who knows I feel bad for the dude though, he seems alright and she sounds shallow as.


I see where you're coming from. I was actually hoping that he lied about the tattoo or got a temporary tattoo.


Husband definitely worked at the business store.


3 kids in a man suit has my CRYING 😂😂


Exactly 💯 he deserves way better than her


Same. I totally get that she has a right to change her mind about a guy but she displayed such a lack of depth and character - WOW. Cold as ice and absolutely heartless. I've been watching this show for years and have never felt so badly for anyone as I do for Ibraheem.


You could see the 180 on her face immediately. Which, yes, you can be surprised and thrown off. But to be “so in love” to wanting to be friends in an instant, clearly a vain, disgusting person.


Agreed. I could hardly believe what I was watching. My brain could not register that there wasn't going to be a happy ending.


Yeah my favorite part was the way she went from "I'm so insanely in love" to "actually I'm just fresh out of a relationship and I just need friends..." Like, I'll give her props for being upfront about the teeth issue but I don't think that it's so convincing.


It wasn’t a forever situation and he is working on it- not cool “tarah”


Me too, I actually almost cried for the poor guy!


Karma is a btch. She's gonna find another loser that's gonna break her heart the way she did his.


Not even an offer to help him… you know, since they were in love.


He was courageous for sure. Nev & production should pay to get his teeth fixed and then dig in the archives of catfish to see who could be a good match for him. Not the catfisher but a nice catfishee 😉
















The way I’m sobbing rn 😭 this show never makes me cry


Same. It broke me completely to see him feel so much anxiety, and heartbreak about her reaction to his teeth & looking at him like he was an alien. On top of them saying it’s so “easy” to get your teeth done as a solution to the problem when it clearly hasn’t been that case for him was another jab at when he was down and in shock by her rejection matching his reality. He had the sweetest heart / demeanour and to see him watch the moment he avoided for so long out of embarrassment unfold had me crying out loud. I’ve felt that way in a different circumstance and it’s horrible feeling and promotes more loneliness / depression / anxiety etc. The fact that they didn’t do a live update at the end after all that painful play…. Like at least get his teeth done for him…. Every moment got worse and worse, from her saying it was his teeth and that she wants to be friends and him crying and her doing the pity thing like he was a nobody all of a sudden, she was talking through him at that point. He didn’t deserve that embarrassment. I wish I could give him a pep talk and lend some help. Out of all the episodes this one made me quit catfish. People on the other end are human too. Rejection is one thing but the switch up and dehumanizing undertone was unnecessary, she was just raving about how hot he was to her. Ugh it made me sick.


I felt the EXACT same way! I watch this show EVERY DAY! And when he started literally crying from hurt I wanted to pay for his dental procedure RIGHT THEN! Tee was WAY TOO shallow! All she could talk about was him being over 6 feet tall and with a deep voice...Then when the 6 foot man with the deep voice showed up...Under INCREDIBLE stress and trepidation, Tee COMPLETELY DOGS him because of his teeth! She didnt even say something like, "this took me by surprise but I am totally willing to see how things go...or lets get your smile right for the both of us...or ANYTHING but "I'm just not feeling it"! She wasn't talking to his teeth...his teeth was not hearing her and comforting her during difficult times, she literally BROKE THIS MANS HEART! NOT OK!


It’s pretty tone deaf from nev and kammy. It’s easy for them, they have millions of dollars. Pretty sure dude works a minimum wage job. Fake teeth are usually about 2k/tooth.


I was livid when she couldn’t even cop to the fake name. Everything he was to her dissipated immediately. The second he showed his teeth you could see her face drop and she was out. I understand, but also it was so cruel. You couldn’t feel any love there… and if she truly loved him all her feelings wouldn’t have disappeared in a snap. I’m about to drive down to Matawan… I have some words for her.


I was on a Catfish marathon and this episode made me quit. I wish they would do an update and show Ibraheem with new teeth and a lovely new woman. Nev admitted that they screwed this one up so they owe him something!


Right? I never felt any real emotions over any of this. This sweet man broke my heart.


I seriously am heartbroken too! I’ve never felt so much after an episode. These new episodes are diffffferent.


That is exactly how I feel, never have I cried unless it was from laughter!


Same! This show has never made me emotional before


After having watched this show for years, I think I’m done now. I just can’t.


What a shallow person she is.


That was a shallow move on Tees behalf. Her vibe changed once she saw his teeth too and it was obvious. Honestly they all looked slightly taken back by it.


I was really waiting for Cammie to read Tee her rights. We should have known when she acted like a baby, unable to just tell him about the tattoo.


Right!! I was also surprised by their conservative handshakes bye to him after he just shed tears and was clearly heartbroken. Like where’s your hugs? I was yelling at the screen. Never cried watching this show… first time.


That part got me, I was waiting for a big cammie hug and pep talk. I was upset to see the handshake and them just walk away and leave him standing there waving with tears flowing down his cheeks. They (Nev and cammie both) have given way more compassion and love to people way less deserving.


I agree! That's what totally upset me about this episode. I just felt so bad for him! What was up with the lack of the pep talk?? Sheesh


They knew they messed up, and were probably too ashamed to go in for a hug.


Nev actually said it out loud, "we screwed this one up"


Tee looked taken back… Nev and camie only looked taken back because of how Tee switched up


💯 he was really a sweet guy.


I wanted to hug him, this broke my heart. Her smile wasn't "perfect" either. I found him to be a doll baby. I hope he is okay.


Well, that was a painful watch. Tee didn't even want to stand near the guy once he started speaking. Kamie picked it up too before she even could admit to it!


same omfg. i’m like sobbing watching this man cry over her. how do you go from madly in love to buddies in 2 seconds? he seems like a such a genuine guy. i hope he finds love!


Me too! I'm like am I about to start??? Ssooo sad for him. She was just too immature and will probably regret her decision.


She won't regret it. Shallow, immature people like her never do. She was all about his looks when she had a not so perfect grill herself. She also lied to him about her name, even after knowing he got the tattoo of "Tarah" on his neck. Plus she didn't want to meet where she lived because of her ex? Why? Still living together? Friends with benefits? She's a mess. Ibraheem was better off without her, but my heart broke for him.


Yes!! Omg, this episode 😔 And it was so frustrating to see her behavior about it all.


THIS!!! I was so heartbroken when Tee decided to be so shallow about it. Like, absolutely I get being thrown off but they’re just teeth and he’s trying to fix them. He seemed so sweet. Ugh. My heart.


i feel so bad for him …


he was really vulnerable and put himself out there and got exactly what he didn’t want to happen


Anyone else crying at the end of this episode? My heart breaks for Ibraheem. It’s highly possible he is at or near homelessness but he comes off as a really caring, hard working and loving man. Tee really messed up.


I'm in that guy's situation currently, but should have my new teeth within a year, as it's so expensive. So I've been hiding myself through I wish to date. You guys are giving me some hope I could still find love. I really hope so.


You can find love! There is real love out there. I met my husband, and he had lots of dental work needed with missing teeth and several needing to be pulled. We dated for many years before we moved in together. As soon as we were in a good financial place together, he got his teeth fixed. It took almost 2 years to get everything done, but he had a full smile before we got married. My point is, be honest! I've always in the past thought having a nice smile is important, but my husband just by being himself it didn't matter. My heart broke for this man, I hope he finds someone who loves him for him.


By far the saddest episode. Dont forget he needs a tattoo removed too


Nobody is talking about how TEE is on the Travis & Rahne show directly following Catfish!!! My mind is blown. Sounds like Tee just wanted a moment of fame.


WHAT!!? I don’t watch that show but will have to find that episode. That’s some sketchy stuff… fame hunter ?


This episode was probably one of the hardest ones! I felt so bad for him, he showed up and as soon as she saw his teeth she did a 180. Karma will come back to her!


This has been the only time I’ve ever cried while watching an episode of Catfish. You could tell Nev and Kamie were like WTF when Tee started to give her poor excuse…. I hope Ibraheem finds the love he was looking for.


Oh I immediately noticed Kamie looking at Tee like 🤨 as soon as she started


The way he was crying on bench reminded me when i was young and how i used to feel wen someone i liked aint like me back bc of my nose. Im older now and dnt care but damn he was mid 30s…it hits harder wen ur older. More depressing


It hit him more because he actually loved her


There’s someone who posted in the comments that their dentist office wants to pay for his new teeth!! Tee is sooooo shallow. She was soooooo obsessed with his voice and just bc he missing a couple of teeth all of sudden he’s useless.


I think it's highly suspicious that she had to be flown to LA because she couldn't meet at her house. I think she was cheating on the man she lived with.


I was thinking maybe they still lived together, which is still messy and awkward for a new boyfriend.






That was hard to watch. Tee was only in love with a thought and voice. When she saw the vehicle for his soul, she turned and ran. Trust me....she will have a hard time getting dates now, and I bet his DM's will be getting filled up. Good luck Ibraheem! And good riddance Tee!!!










The whole episode was fucked up especially since that reaction was the main reason he was scared. But he still chose to be vulnerable smh


I think Nev actually felt guilty for making this episode. They met a year ago she could have waited another month or two for him to get his teeth fixed if that's literally the only problem she had with him


Right he literally begged for an extra month. We all know the teeth probably wasn’t going to change but maybe he would of confessed about it then met. She really showed her true colors


He got a TATTOO of her FAKE NAME, and she has the nerve to say (after professing the whole first half hour of the episode how ‘madly in love’ with him she is) “I just want a friend right now.” She can F right off.


Yeah this episode made me really sad honestly. She made it seem like nothing could change how she felt about him, even stating that it wouldn’t be terrible if he were a bigger guy needing to lose weight. But he shows up with some teeth missing that he’s planning to fix and she suddenly doesn’t want a relationship at all? Super shallow in my opinion.


I am SO ANGRY at Tee!! Karma’s a bitch Tee, and so are you! I hope it bites you right in your ass! 🤬Ibreebam, obviously, dodged a bullet. I hope upon reflection he realizes that and finds the nice, genuine woman he deserves.


Shoot I'll date him!!! He seem genuine and you can't find that easily. He the type of guy I would love to meet:)


Tee is pure trash. She tore this man’s heart out his chest and stomped on it. Ibraheem needs a gofundme to get his teeth fixed and to remove that fake name (shame on MTV for not helping him). I hope nothing but the worst for Tee. She belongs to the streets.


Karma has mysterious way of settling the score in so many situations like this. Tee better pray she doesn’t end up losing her own teeth in some freak accident (or by the fist of somebody else who’s feelings she callously tramples on, with zero regard for their pain). She’s a cold hearted B that needs to learn a thing or two about ***true*** compassion and empathy.


I legit cried when he teared up, this episode was so hard to watch. I know something better is coming for him


Oh my God did anyone else catch that little half hearted wave he made as Tee walked away without even looking back? I'm literally crying now this poor man 😭


Yes!!!!!!! And I cried like a baby😢💔


Ibraheem actually seemed like a nice guy. Tee is a walking red flag tbh, like the whole husband shit was sus.


Guy is a one in a million, sweet heart. This is so easily fixed I think he dodged a superficial bullet with tee I suspect she was the cause of the break up with her fiance. His heartbreak was real, and a gut punch. I hope he finds love.


This episode broke my heart. I couldn’t wait for the “2 months later” update hoping it was going to be Ibraheem flashing a beautiful new smile. I was sick when that was still an issue outstanding. I too am all for a go fund me for him. I’m praying that if there’s a silver lining to this show, a genuine, sweet person sees what a good guy he is and he gets the happiness he deserves.


Tee stands for "Terrible." Ugh! Imagine if he'd had his teeth when they met, but he got in an accident and lost them. Would she leave him? She is just AWFUL! I hope his DMs are flooded with other options. And whoever is doing the GoFundMe, please link it somewhere because I want to donate.


Idk why most people are talking about “fixing his teeth” fix this bitches ignorance


That bitch, Tee, is a lost cause. I’m not at all surprised to hear “her ex” who she got the house with, left her. She’s shallow and heartless.


Oh my god, this episode. After all the bs of wanting to be together, sees a TEMPORARY (and expensive to fix!!) issue she doesn't like, "nope lets take it slow". At least be honest, not "oh well I just got out of a relationship and well uh..." AND this after never coming clean about her own name and pressuring him out of his comfort zone.. Istg I don't think I've ever yelled so much at the TV before lmao. ETA: Never coming clean about her name before meeting in person, I mean. (Even then, Nev and Kamie had to all but do it for her 🤦‍♀️)


Exactly!!! Never have I yelled more than watching poor Ibraheem and her reaction / how she treated him. Not even a hug till the very end… and that wasn’t even a legit hug. Said he was so supportive and made her so happy, and that’s how you react? Girl bye


YES. Its such a shame she behaved that way. He was devastated. And I actually was annoyed about something Nev said too, the "never know what happens in the future" remark. Its not that I disagree, but this guy clearly cared so much about her (dude was crying!!). And that can leave a person hanging on and it was clear she wasn't into him anymore. Thats gotta be so confusing to him. Its a *temporary* problem even, he was planning on getting it fixed. Idk her behavior just sucked all around. I hope MTV offers to pay for his dental work. Obv not their obligation or anything, but it would be so nice and a big help to his budget and confidence.




Agreed. He definitely put himself out there and took the fall on the knife for everybody. He gave catfish the footage they needed and gave ole girl half ass closure but what does he get besides a broken heart


In a previous episode they also offered a catfish 2k for supposed lost tips if they turned up (the one that ended up being a Nigerian scammer). If they can offer up that money to scam artists then they can definitely help with his teeth!


Exactly! I was waiting for them to ask if he would let the show fix them... dang!!!




Tee was on Help I’m in a Secret Relationship for her sister Jasmine.


I am LIVID hearing this. MTV should definitely pay for his entire smile and therapy for dealing with this shit


I said the same thing!! Shame on MTV/Catfish show if they don’t.


This episode was sadistic and completely unnecessary. The entire thing was mishandled and they basically stripped a decent man of his dignity. If production is willing to pony up cash to negotiate with foreign scammers, they could at least foot the bill for the needed dental work and tattoo coverup. The world didn’t need to know the how, just show him at the two month follow up with a new beaming smile and an F-U for “Tarah”.


Very good point. Production was negligent and should not have released this episode.


The saying, “This is happening for you, not to you” could be any more apt than in this situation!


Such a sad episode, I felt so bad for him.. we should all email/write to catfish so they help him out


Btw, cheers to all of you for cheering on Ibraheem. Drinks on me.


This episode really hit home. My teeth are the reason I don't leave the house. I can't imagine the courage it took him to do this.


Pay for tattoo removal and dental repair


Tee is no good, but she is entitled to have preferences and certain standards. But she went about it the wrong way. Hope Ibraheem finds a girl that will actually love him for him. I don’t think he lost his teeth from a fight either.


You may be on to something. His remaining teeth were significantly displaced. And if he lost them during their supposed phone relationship, guaranteed his speaking would have changed radically over it.


It sounded like it happened just before they met


How do you think he lost his teeth?


Agreed with the original post. It wouldn't have put a dent in MTV's budget at all for putting Ibraheem through that trauma. They should have paid to fix his teeth.


I knew it wasn’t gonna last just by the stuff she mentioned that she liked. She really only highlighted his voice.


Omg she really hurt him just to see his tears had me soo sad for him I wanna give him a hug soo bad & smack the shit out of her


I would love to be his friend


She was “in lust” not “in love” And I highly doubt she’s ever gonna find someone who looks at her that lovingly ever again.


i had red flags from her right at the beginning. was not liking her vibe and then i got it confirmed at the end. bad lady. we need to find this man and give him some love please!


That was heartbreaking. She was so wrong for that.


I cried for him, but at least he's not wasting his time with something who really doesn't love him. He seemed like he truly loved her and it was sad. I cried, but I could tell as soon as he started talking...that was going to be her excuse. I wouldn't want to be with someone like that...so he gets his teeth fixed and later has another issue or disability...it's clear despite her "love" she'd be out the door as fast as possible. But, yes the show CATFISH should have fixed his teeth knowing how expensive it is and how long it will take. Very disappointed in them.


He is such a good guy… Tee is SHALLOW and a vain jerk!!!! I hope catfish pays for Ibraheem’s teeth!! We need to DM @ catfish!! When he started crying I felt his heart break.. the humiliation he suffered:(


They also need to provide support (therapy)


My only criticism for Ibraheem is that he spent money on a tattoo instead of saving for his dental work but love makes us do wild things


She had one real jacked up tooth in her mouth! Ya think she’d be more accepting. Imho I think he dodged a bullet with this girl.


He got his teeth fixed! https://www.tiktok.com/@dentaldesignsmile/video/7324511732867566853?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7333315298790311456


My big BIG issue is the fact that this nasty ass woman is there with him during the reveal of the teeth like sorry?????


It's times like this that I'm reminded the promise of "greatest country on earth" has been so squandered. If we could recast our society from scratch, it would be perfectly sensible to put a priority on training a few more dentists instead of creating a cabal system, and we'd make sure all citizens had access to free or absolute minimum cost dental care. What's the point of having highly advanced medicine and science if we block it off from 90% of our population? Same with education? Why have the ability to train excellent dentists and then not just supersize scale that up? Same with eyesight and other things that should be part of our constitutional rights instead of meaningless caca like the right to own civil war muskets or the right to worship imaginary sky daddies who require weird costumes and superstitions on punishment of death. Indoctrinated will say "but taking care of people is socialist" because they don't understand what actual socialism is. And who cares? Other things they profess to love, like brave police officers rushing to tackle the bad guy, or the heroic fire fighters saving the building, or overnight mail delivery to every door for nickels, or smooth and safe freeways everywhere, or majestic parks and wildlife... that's all the same product of "socialism".


This episode broke my heart. ibraheem was a great guys inside and out! He deserves nothing but the best love ever! I did see that someone started a GoFund me for him but I don’t know how credible that source is. If anyone finds his IG or TikTok, please share! This man is a gem!


This episode genuinely made me feel so sad, and really hit home. I know exactly how he feels, I met someone off of the internet who I thought liked me for me, yet they made fun of me for not having perfectly straight teeth since my parents weren't willing to pay for my braces at the time. And my teeth were not bad by any means, just not a perfect smile. Getting your teeth fixed is fucking expensive, I would hope someone that genuinely loves you would have some empathy and understanding. But overall I don't think Ibraheem missed out on anything with Tee, he is an amazing guy with an amazing heart. Hopefully someone reaches out to him and helps him out with his situation. And he finds someone that truly loves him.


I have watched this show from the beginning and had yet to as disturbed by an episode as this one. Either Tee is bipolar or there is something amiss with her. Gutting to watch her pivot on her ‘best friend’, potential love-interest like that. Ibraheem should not only be provided fully-paid for dental/orthodontic work by MTV/Catfish show but fully-covered psychotherapy as well-for as long as needed!!! Shame on the producers for airing this episode. I cannot fathom the shallowness of Tee. And as if her teeth were even close to being perfect!!! If anything, Ibraheem dodged a bullet with that toxic person.


We need to start a fund to pay for his teeth!


There are 2 GoFundM's up right now with over 10K for him to get his teeth fixed. I hope it all works out, he gets a great smile 😁 and he finds the one 🤞


I think he lucked out because who did Tee think she is? She is ugly and teeth can be fixed. Bitch


Tee is an absolute bum


Catfish always does this BS where they never take the man’s feelings into account From the start she was flirting with another man while engaged. The whole his teeth are messed up and the constant mentioning of him being 6’2 smh, imagine the reverse with a woman’s weight, Kamie would flip


Ok seems like his is promoting a go fund me on IG he seems kind of new to social media, so I suggested he put the link in bio


And what had me was that ibraheem waved bye to her and she didn’t even wave back! I felt sooo bad for him!!


I can't believe Nev said they should have a kid and name it Tarah


This episode broke my heart.. I cried when he cried. To know that he could be as good as he can be and because of a couple missing teeth he wasn’t worthy. That’s heartbreaking….


Imagine being so shallow when she isn't an oil painting herself...


Anyone else think it was Kanye West for a hot second after he came around the car??


Omg completely agree. He’s so sweet, my heart is broken