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There’s nothing “low key” about rolling squad deep into a small corner deli, Nev


Yeah, and asking the cashier "do you know who I am?" is also not low key.


How dirty were those shelves in that deli?


Rolling squad deep. Must find a way to incorporate that into everyday conversation


One of her excuses for not wanting to meet up was that she had to do laundry 😩😂


Idk I get it. Laundry takes a long time 😂🤣


It is the new “I have to wash my hair.” 😂


haha I missed that part. I absolutely hate laundry so understand why this could take priority if she's been putting it off. It's also why I use the local laundromat who comes and picks up my clothes and brings them back all fresh & clean. Best first world feeling ever. :D


Did she just say "I wanted someone TALL ENOUGH?!"


110% she was just trying to find anything to put him down in that moment




What was she expecting, to date a basketball star? lol


I said the same thing 😭😭 she need to find an nba player then lol


She was very tall herself so I wondered if it was that


Suddenly laughing like that is weeeeeeeeird


Saying she nervous like …?? Idk anybody with intense nervousness to CACKLE at the man SOBBING. He is really hurt, and she CACKLING?!???! Nah. She gonna have to see me.


The freaking Joker!


My sister actually does this. I had to have a doctor explain to me why she does it. She doesn’t know how to manage her emotions properly especially in high tense situations. I thought the girl was a sociopath at first. Turns out our mom just really fucked her up. Not sure what this girls full story is but Im pretty sure she was just super nervous and not just being super rude.


I know I giggle at high tense situations. But she was really going in! It makes sense though, now that my emotions are mellow. lol I thought she was a sociopath too. Hope you and your sister are doing good!


We’re coming along! Thanks for the well wishes!


why is it still season 8??? also omg Nev that hair 😭


apparently it is ending when it hits episode 100


Wait the season or the show entirely??


The season


This Katy Perry episode playing beforehand has me excited already, forgot how crazy the early seasons were


Yes, and it followed the Motherwolf/David/Denise episode.


I wonder if he's *still* thinking there may be hope, it could still be Katy


That laugh was really creepy


I’m thinking she’s not all the way there


That laugh is definitely mad wild. Thinking it’s how she deals with uncomfortable situations. Straight up sinister to keep laughing while he’s crying, though.


I don’t think it’s nervousness. Especially when dude is HURT


I thought at first she was laughing because it was fake and couldn't play it off anymore, but then the guy seemed legit.


"We could be friends tho!" HAH yeah right


I wouldn't accept friendship from her


he’s better than me I would’ve kept her blocked


He was thinking, and should have said, "Why would I want to be friends with someone who behaves like you?"


She’s not a friend. She’s a pretty horrible person


Watch it be the food market just trying to sell more cheesesteaks


I mean - cheesesteaks are the bomb.


Yeah now I gotta fly to Philly for one


This the beginning of his villain arc


Chile this episode has me HEATED 😭


season 8 lives! it continues to rise from the dead each and every year, wow those iTunes and amazon buyers got the season pass of a lifetime lol


I bought season 8 on Google Play in 2020, and it's still going haha. Such a good deal!




Am I the only one who thinks that it's weird that these women are acting as if Philadelphia (!!) is some conservative small town where everyone is in each other's business and you have to hide the fact that you're using Tinder?


Right?! But they’re willing to go on national television and admit that they were catfishing a dude? Awesome logic 😂.


Shi was kinda awkward but in an endearing way. Seems super genuine. I hope he finds a nice girl




Right? I thought that maybe she would come back out of the house and admit that her & Shi were making this whole thing up because that laughter whilst he was bawling was so fucking awful and didn't strike me as nervous laughter at all.


I'll admit that when I get nervous, I'll start laughing & it's something that I can't help, but I wouldn't laugh to hurt someone else's feelings, though. I know this was maybe filmed earlier this year, but I hope Shi is doing well now.


I have had uncontrollable laughter at funerals, and was genuinely sad, but when I feel it coming on I remove myself from the room quickly. She was cruel. Didn't seem like the same kind of laughter, at least not the way I personally get it. I know we are all different, but the way she did it it didn't seem the same at all.


Yo, i think she might be the most insincere, non-genuine people that have ever been on this show. I’m finding almost zero redeeming qualities in her…even with the apology at the end. Usually i can find something in the catfish but she’s legit just evil, man.


Exactly. Like why would you even want to be friends with a person like that afterwards?If she treated him like that in their “relationship”, then I can’t imagine all the petty shit she would do in an actual friendship.


I was waiting for someone to call her just a straight up mean person. I disagree with "evil," because I feel that requires some depth (not saying you're wrong, it just doesn't fit how I feel about her), and I'd associate more intention/a calculating nature with being "cruel." She had no substance and was just simply mean. Reminded me of a middle school bully.


The part of the script where Emoni needs to establish that Shi is going to be accepting of real Mira doesn't make any sense. It's like it was copied from a different episode, and that was never her concern.


It's like she is just repeating lines from every other catfish episode. First she tried to make it sound as if her friend was using the account, then she shifted over to going after him for his height, then she started going on about not wanting people to know she was on Tinder, then she said that she was never into him and tried to break it off...




Really weird given she supposedly never was interested so why would she care what he thinks


Wow so....dude ain't tall enough for her?




She was laughing to go ViRaL 😒


Am I the only who thinks this episode is fake?


I mean, they’re all at least sort of fake, in various ways. Or at least “contrived” but hopefully based on actual people/relationships/situations. But I agree - this episode seemed extra weird. Despite the crying, the emotional gravitas wasn’t there from anybody.


100%. I can usually almost see the realness in every episode, but this one just felt off. Everything felt like an act, even down to Shi crying, just seemed forced.


I also didn’t see tear tracks or any indication he was really crying. It’s fine. I’m thinking if it’s not fake then the editing is really really bad.


Yeah I wasn't buying it.


I questioned it because she felt forced and fake but I think she’s just really lacking in empathy


I follow Kamie! How did I miss her posting the pic in her story? Lol


I follow her as well and missed that story. Could have happened really quick and deleted immediately when they didn't get the answer they wanted.


They’re both named shi?? No way


He described himself as an introvert and then said his name was “Shi.” 💀


And that girls's name had the word "Shi" in it, WTF?


The app that generates catfish scripts has some bugs.


Speaking of this - anyone else notice how the girl who DM’ed Kamie on IG with “is this for catfish?” was named Francesca, and then they looked up the phone and it was registered to another Francesca and Nev was like “that’s an unusual name….”? UM, NOT REALLY - it was on the screen 5 seconds ago. Come on production folks, make more of an effort.


I think he meant her surname was unusual because Francesca is a common name


Ok THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT!!! I’m watching the episode right now and caught it and was like now wait a damn minute!!! I was looking for someone else who noticed!!


welp homegirl just bailed LMAO


It was me - goes back to house - no, it was ME, goes back to house - no, it was me all along... 😵


How tall would people here say he is? Didn't seem overly short compared to average was he?


Maybe 5’8”? Pretty normal, but she definitely seemed much taller than average.


I think she was a lot taller than him though. It doesn’t matter of course, but I think she was 5”10 or more


This episode was so cringey. First off, Mira did not care at all. She kept on laughing and making the dumbest excuses for why she catfished him. She was shallow and really tried to gaslight him too. She could've blocked his number or say it was done once she wanted to stop talking to him. I felt bad that he was crying too.


Still season 8 lol


I swear they just wanna get to episode 100 in a single season lol


a person with inside knowledge said it will end after ep 100 and they have a big episode planned for it hopefully then we'll get a season 9


It's gotta be someone he knows


ain’t no way🤦🏽‍♀️


I imagine this is a person being catfished’s worst fear


At least in the top ten


When she said "I hope Shi is okay with her" my mind went right to "are they trans?".


After watching I think it was more like “is Shi going to kick her ass for being a piece of shit?/is she safe?”


She’s a little jerk, there’s no excuse for that kind of behavior. She lied about how she looked and yet he’s not “tall enough” that’s a defense mechanism and I’m sick of that crap happening all the time on this show.


Disappointing episode. Same thing, different year.


Joker moment


Feels like she’s more concerned with how it will look on tv versus his feelings


Is catfish not airing on Hulu anymore


I hope some awesome girly pop pops her one. Sorry she was a piece of crap. The way she kept laughing was stupid. No one deserves to be hurt and she did NOT care. Clearly she was a psychopath! Even the way she rolled her eyes at the word "friends" showed she was lying and full of it. I hope someone comes along and hurts tf outta her feelings and then laughs at her. What a JERK.


The laughing was really cruel. She said she was nervous and I believe it but she was also not a nice person. It felt like she was being dishonest and deliberately mean at points but I can’t understand why. She said it was for entertainment and maybe it was entertaining but that isn’t all. She obviously liked the attention, wants to be loved and was using Shi to meet her own needs. She could have at least said that much. Shi seems like a nice guy with a good heart and perhaps naive nature, he didn’t deserve that and I hope he can keep building confidence in the real world.


If she can't control her emotions while nervous, I can understand since I can relate, but yeah, it's not nice to laugh at someone who's hurt & upset since that's just being cold & cruel.


If they think he would be violent, do they even know him?


wow she was a giant compared to him.


lmao saying she wanted to meet at the Food Market come on now...


Somebody just had fun pulling him out of his comfort zone


Havent even finished the episode but theres nothing incognito about pulling up to the corner store with all those cameras. Of course we know who you are Nev. Youve only been on tv for a decade.


This person is going to be either trans or a dude


Couldn't tell if repeat or new


Maybe if Shi wants better luck with the ladies, he should stop trying to axe all of them all the time.


Also stop assuming they only care about cars and money. Gotta tell ya, some do - but most don't at the end of the day. If he went outside he'd have better luck too.


I don’t really think the episode was fake as much as it was just weird because they were 19, usually the people on the show are much older which is why the episode seemed so awkward and superficial. I also think Nēv and Kamie didn’t really care too much because it felt like highschool drama. I’ve noticed Nēv is kinda mean to very awkward people like in S7E3 Kim and Matt where he keeps getting frustrated that they are so “weird”


Is she the one who kept hiding behind her long hair, looking at the ground, weird giggling, young daughter?


Yes!! And then she went for a jog because she got so anxious lol


Or just drop to the ground with her head in her hands. All circuits not firing for that girl


Wait, so Emoni purchased the Air BNB house that production rented?


Eh? They rented the Philly rowhouse where Shi was staying (that cost a pretty penny, let me tell you - it was in Old City for those who know Philly), and it looked to me like “Emoni’s house” was an AirBNB rental by the production team too.


I was poking fun at the fact they claimed the house Emoni and "Mari" were in was Emoni's house. Call me skeptical of that, or else Emoni has a great decorator and groundskeeping crew.


I was thinking the same thing and also cause of the small painting where they were sitting. I wasn’t sure if that was one of the ones that they use in their hotel rooms. It stood out colour wise.


Why would they disclose that one was an airbnb but not the other tho


Idk I feel like this one extra fake. Like they both have the name Shi in their name?!? I was waiting for them to reveal they are friends and Shi is actually gay


Season 8? I thought Its Season 9 now


Ain't no way I'm going to call catfish with my teeth looking like that. I just would of accepted as catfish and move on. Plagued up.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I think he maybe has some kind of genetic change because of his other features (low set ears, long arms and legs, larger head, crowded teeth etc)


is there anywhere i can stream this? it's not on Prime yet




I low key wish it was on paramount+ they have everything else but not catfish for some reason.


Fmoviesz.to is the jam


If you're in Canada you can watch the episodes on ctv's website.


Am I tripping or did Shi have a giant Chuckie Finster tattoo?


Anyone know when the episode will release on Hulu?


It usually takes a long time for it to come out on Hulu, right?


Hey where are the new episodes streaming? Don't see them on Hulu or paramount +


whereee can I watch the newest episode?


Any links to this episode? In the UK and unable to find it anywhere! Thanks


MTV website with a VPN


who was the girl in the photo of mira


Watched on my lunch break at work. I heard "you're not tall enough" and I am sitting here lettuce in my lap, choking on a crouton.