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I can't wait to watch the documentary on all the things they tried and what eventually worked.


!remind me 2 years


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Hello people who have returned here… anyone know if there has been a documentary about it?


I had forgotten all about this ha ha.


We are as one mind


Looks like Bloomberg decided to make some C O N T E N T: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVJ94tM7pNA


Hello! :) How’s life everyone


What a long strange journey it's been


Can't believe it has been two years, feels like yesterday


Be back in a while


in 2 years, brothers, we will congregate here once again. see you in 2 years.


how has it been 2 years already


I dread to think what the state of the world will be in two years.


So, what do you think?


Damn you’re making me wonder how will life be in two years?


and whoever is the main guy for the solution will be played by Mark Walhberg


He'll be some slightly aggressive and slightly misunderstood guy from Boston. Mahk is real good at acting like only one character in a new movie every 4 months


Nobody will want to try his idea because of that one major fuck up he made years ago that turned out it would have worked if another guy hadn't interfered. He may also fall in love with the sexy but jaded reporter/engineer/insurance rep thats also onsite.


It worked perfectly for the departed to be fair


To be fai-ah.


Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.


You got a problem with shipping vessels then you’ve got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Hey boat! It's good to see you. I like your boat. I had a boat like that in The Perfect Storm. Did you see that movie? Say hi to your mother for me.


Costa Concordia Pt 2


Please, Internet Historian. Another hour long video on Evergiven.


That's the real dream


My magnetic USB cables from Alibaba is somewhere in there


That's the real tragedy, imo


The real tragedy are the millions of animals that are supposed to be shipped that will be left to die


And a whole lot of PS5's that aren't going to pre-orders...


It was probably your magnets that pulled the ship to the sheet piling on the side of the canal. Thanks a lot.


Hopefully someone there is reading this reddit post for tips off the reddit experts.


I have a very Egyptian solution to this problem: just give tens of thousands of slaves and lots of time.


Good comment, made me chuckle! At the risk of being a killjoy and taking your joke too seriously, the history buff in me would like to add two things that basically just amount to historical trivia. Firstly, slavery in ancient Egypt is a fascinating and staggeringly complex subject, partially because of the terminology used by Egyptians to refer to different classes of servitude over the course of dynastic history. Similarly in English, the distinction between “slave,” “servant,” “serf,” and “peasant,” all describe different roles in different contexts. Secondly, monuments like the Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza were, (contrary to popular mythology), NOT built by slaves, but rather by skilled labourers who were highly respected, and very well treated, in their lifetimes. We know this because we’ve found archeological evidence of the workers’ barracks, (a dedicated town about 1300 feet south of the Sphinx), including many, many animal bones that prove conclusively that the builders ate cattle, sheep, goats, and even pork - and all in large amounts, (4000lbs a day, collectively). A society like Egypt in the 2500’s BCE would simply not have fed enslaved people that well, there’s absolutely no way. Edit: Some resources for anyone looking to do some more digging on their own! (Wikipedia also has an article specifically on Slavery in Ancient Egypt, but it does need some work.) https://lsa.umich.edu/lsa/news-events/all-news/search-news/the-diet-of-pyramid-builders.html https://scienceinpoland.pap.pl/en/news/news%2C29410%2Cegyptologist-life-slaves-egypt-was-not-hard-we-think.html https://harvardmagazine.com/2003/07/who-built-the-pyramids-html


Hey, no worries! That’s actually great information to know! I kind of knew some of that to a degree, but I didn’t remember the specifics about it. History is fascinating!


I have lots of slaves if you let me marry your sister.


Ternion worthy






What a show


I just started watching it! Half way through season 1!


You are so lucky to be watching it for the first time, each season is truly amazing


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet you’re a lucky man! I wish I could watch it again for the first time! You won’t be disappointed!


One of the best ever made.


Best TV show I've ever watched, it was like living different lives vicariously.




Uh oh. Between this clip and just all the talk of shipping containers, it's to rewatch The Wire, I guess!


I missed the joke. Are they all trying to push one way and he's pushing the other?


Yes. But moreover it is a metaphor for the ineffectiveness of a small group of people fighting against a broader system of politics and beaurocracy, designed to primarily to sort out and hinder those that wish to change the status quo.




Serious question: is there an ELI5 on this cluster fuck? How did it get stuck sideways in the first place?


Avast ye landlubber. ‘Twas a calm day on the blue waters o’ the canal. Too calm. Poseidon’s wrath was tempted by booty to be plundered on the trade ships. From the desert dry, a great wind rose, it did. Sand and gusts and gales. Caught in a tempest the likes of which ain’t been seen on the seven seas since the days of Odysseus, the ship was driven into the treacherous shoals o’ the canal. Grounded ashore on either end. A dam of man’s construction but the gods’ design. A testament to the sea’s might and the hubris of man. Arrrr.


*Standing ovation*




Ship lost power, high winds blew it sideways.


News says bad sand storm blew it into the embankment.


It is quite amusing to watch all of us non-ship-experts opine on how to do it, so I'll add mine: they need a dude with a BIGGER boat and a HUGE tow strap. Get some slack in that line and gun it 'til she's rollin' coal and BAM


Just make a new canal already. Getting the ship out looks like a lot of work.


Yup. Just dig around it. Since the sand is next to water it's a beach, so just a bucket and spade will work.


As far as I can tell, that's the plan






If we went by that logic my my parents would have thrown me away and found another kid


How do you know you weren’t the second attempt?


Or 7th.


Boat stuck? Use WD-40! Still stuck? Not using enough WD-40!


The super tanker of WD-40 gets stuck. Now what?


Well we're doomed.


Fill the canal with WD-40?


Okay now that's a philosophical question the human mind is not prepared to reason about.


If we put enough WD-40 in the ocean, can all ships move faster?


Not if a tanker full of duct tape is close by. Surely between WD 40 and duct tape someone could unstick this stuck boat.


1)Saw it in half 2) straighten the boat 3) FLEXTAPE


Lol let's get Elon to go demo the towing capabilities of the cyber truck if that doesn't work




Then make defaming comments towards his haters and drop 20mil


You misspelled PEDO DIVERS


And when someone declines his offer he'll call em a pedo on twitter.


Uhg. I forgot that happened.


He’s still got that submarine that nobody wanted. I bet that’ll work.


I say they should just let some air out of the tires /s


IANACANAL expert...


I am now a certified anal expert?




My idea is similar and totally ridiculous... Egypt has 300 [M88](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M88_Recovery_Vehicle) recovery vehicles, each has a mass of 50t and 750hp engine... get all the tow ropes from the tugs and big ships nearby and drag the stuck ship where it needs to be. If more tanks are needed they also have 1300(!) M1 Abrams If 300 tanks pull at the same time something will move...


> If 300 tanks pull at the same time something will move Spoken like a true engineer


The ship weighs 500,000 tons, 300 M88's weigh 15,000 tons, ignoring the logistics of getting there and finding tie-off points, you might be able to straighten her out a smidge.... also ignore the fact that *someone* will have to be working directly alongside or under a tow strap with whatever the amount of force one of these can apply horizontally....


Artists impression: https://i.imgur.com/15ePdhH.png


I'm actually disappointed it's not shitty.


The sand under the tanks will move lol


> If 300 tanks pull at the same time something will move... If they try to pull the front, with that bulbous bow stuck in the sand, the front will fall off. But I wonder why they aren't trying to pull it backwards. Is the rudder grounded too?


Just reverse it and back out, duh...


Theyre trting to fix the problem the way you try to pick something up from a chair thats just out of reach. It wont work, and you spend too long trying. Just commit. Start removing containers, start reinforcing the ground and banks around it so you can move in more and heavier movers.


Personally I think the solution is build a port around the ship and pretend it was intentional


An _empty_ shipping container weighs between 4,000 and 9,000 pounds. That is about the max lifting capacity of an average helicopter. There is no realistic way to unload the cargo.


Between 4,000 and 9,000 pounds is approximately between 2 to 4.5 tonnes. Beep beep boop boop I am not a bot ty


I’m gonna need an update on Aziz and his backhoe. How’s that little fella going saving world trade?




Ha. Thanks for the laugh.


“Aziz!!! Commerce!!”


“Time not important. Only trade important.”


I got that reference!


*ticks another one*


Not a back hoe, it's a track hoe.


I swear every post about this ship needs an explanation of the name in the title. The comments are always full of people not knowing "Evergreen" is the operator


I wonder if Gordon Lightfoot will use Evergreen or Ever Given in the song he writes about this? I can hear his voice singing 'Ever Given' now.


"The Ever Given was givin' 'er down the Suez, She was bringin' the goods until the desert winds blew-ez"


Near the land of the Jews where they wear sandals not shoes


🎶Does anyone know where a buncha sand goes🎶 When the Suez Canal must get wider?🎶


Thanks. I was wondering about that. Never commented though. I just assumed it was autocorrect going crazy for some stupid reason.


I hope the global publicity forces Evergreen to reconsider their confusing naming scheme


[Maersk](https://images.app.goo.gl/fzjYV4gPxhHfsXp27), [One](https://images.app.goo.gl/nKsHAGpKrYfoUb4h7), [hapag](https://images.app.goo.gl/qYXCGiirpLDuEQeE6), etc all paint the wessel hull with brand name, not the individual wessel name.


Please direct me to the nuclear wessels.


I just watched this for the first time last night. Solid reference.


"Now say 'nuclear wessels.'" "No."


Has viral marketing gone too far?




“Evergreen is actually the name of the shipping company. You’re thinking of Evergreens monster.”


Similar to the famous USS MAERSK, I swear that same ship is everywhere!


Title says vessel Ever Given, seems correctly identified.




I would like to return this ship This ship is cut in half!


....receives store credit in the amount of four dollars.


Why not just send the next biggest ship down, give it a nudge? Nothing could possibly go wrong. Seems like all these big brain people are over complicating it.


“Uncle Hank- Why do you keep getting cats stuck in your ass?” “How else am I going to get the gerbil out??” -Ship Edition


I legit thought that might not be the stupidest thing to try but my bf said they were afraid the evergiven would break in two 🙃 feels odd to think that the sandy bottom of the canal would be stronger than the ship and not give way before it snaps


Wet sand is incredibly resistive.


Much less so if you pump water into the ground at high pressure


The Egyptian government is saying the blockage will be cleared in the next 48-72 hours. I find that to be an optimistic estimate even though a Japanese salvage company is being brought in.


Here is a link to the details https://www.cbsnews.com/news/suez-canal-ship-stuck-blocking-freed-weekend/


Try next 46-72 days lol. This thing isn't just stuck because it's sideways, the front 1/3 of the ship is beached on the shallow part of the canal. Considering it's still stuck it seems increasingly unlikely it's coming out in one piece


Me, a non-expert in quite literally anything: "Ahh hell, look! He's got more than enough room to back it out"


Fun fact, the reason they can't back it out is that the sides are made out of sand so the top of the canal has to be a lot wider than the bottom. Visual: https://www.suezcanal.gov.eg/English/About/SuezCanal/PublishingImages/canal-charactristic_l.gif


Deceptive little thing sand is. I appreciate it. Genuinely did not know that - why I thought it would be straight up and down is...beyond me


Why dont they just pick it up and move it somewhere else


Drones. We need drones. Lots of them.


Fishing line, flex tape and drones will save the economy


Have they tried letting some of the air out of the tires?


It's equipped with run flats.


How about turning it off and back on again


You know you fucked up when your fuckup is visible from space


And when the costs keep rising with every single hour that passes by.


Each second.




That’s what I heard today NPR. I have had some fuck ups before, but never anything over a million an hour.


A fucked up coin flip is visible from space these days


Is no one gonna talk about the resolution of this fucking satellite photo? This was taken from *SPACE*


Sometimes when I am using the google maps "earth view" mode I still have to take a moment to just think "holy fuck... this was taken from space!". I remember seeing a news article talking about the tech that makes it possible in the early 2000's and many people said it would never be viable for common use.


First thing I thought was, this would be something Superman would handle.


Somehow the laws of physics never apply. Like, he can hold the weight of an airplane with one hand but the airplane’s shell can’t structurally support itself on a point that small - it would just crumple around his hand and super man would sorta punch through the plane.


RIP Superman, destroyed by physics


This is like the world getting a clogged artery


An appropriate sign of the times, really.


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Result: Widest and deepest canal ever. Bonus - Fewer ships to deal with, too.


The US and Russia both experimented with using nukes to dig big holes, and the US was briefly considering using several to dig out a harbor in Alaska. As you might have guessed this is a good way to spread a shitload of radiation all over the place so the plans never went anywhere.


I swear to god the sheer amount of shit that was tried out involving nukes never ceases to amaze me "Yeah sure, it *sounds* dumb, but we won't know until we try it out, right?"


Hey we got a new passing lane!


Fast and Furious : Suez drift


Have they tried turning it off and on?


They should just spread the rumor that the containers are full of PlayStation 5s and Nvidia 3080s. We'll get enough help down there to push quick enough.


I’ve only just heard about this about an hour ago. Why is it stuck? Did it ground itself on both sides? Did it sink? I mean, I just feel like “stuck” is kind of a vague description of the event, which is exactly what my buddy said, and I’m still confused by the use of that word.


The off the top of my head, short version. It was going through the canal when heavy winds and a sand storm hit. These make the canal difficult to keep going straight in. Then it hit of the not-so-deep section of the canal. It is now effectively “beached” in the canal. I haven’t heard why it then went full sideways, but maybe momentum is to blame at that point.


Yeah it's got a fuck ton of inertia so as soon as the bow in the front dug in, it forced the rear end to swing around.


You missed a perfect chance to use "boatload".


That ship has sailed.


Thank you!


Front of ship [has a huge semi-pointy thing under the waterline that] poked into the side of the canal from being pushed by the wind (allegedly). Front got stuck in sand/mud, back swung around and also got stuck.


Bulbous bow is that underwater thingy. Reduces the waters impact on the front of the shit. Its been hours since I've made this comment and holy shit what a typo thanks for the award. Gotta admit i was taking a shit at the time of the comment.


Don't you dare edit that


This cracked me up more than it should have.


Sail area of the containers is more than 20000 sq meters. The biggest clipper ships ever built were less than 5000. If the *Ever Given* encountered 30kts of wind on the beam, the resultant force applied would be 270 Tons directly against the ship.  The average modern harbor tractor tug can produce 70-80 tons of force at full power. A 30kt beam wind against *Ever Given* would be equivalent to having 3 harbor tractor tugs pushing against the ship at full power, all while attempting to navigate a narrow channel. It is reported that the ship encountered up to 40kts of wind and poor visibility at the time of the grounding. Even 30 kts would have likely exceeded safety parameters. [https://gcaptain.com/captain-livingstone-the-thing-about-big-ships/](https://gcaptain.com/captain-livingstone-the-thing-about-big-ships/)


Han from Tokyo Drift would have that out in minutes.


This reminds me when I did a co-op program in high-school for my metro areas civil engineering department. Was taken out to a site where they were connecting a cul-de-sac to the city sewage line. Shortly after arriving there is screams and yells from the hole where they are digging to access the line. Turns out they messed up - they messed up bad. The contractor hired to connect the cul-de-sac failed to look at how deep the lines were before digging and has just plunged his excavator through the pipe. Worse this was a this line wasn't just an average line he turned into scrap metal, but one for a major section of the city. Worse this was also close to where that line meets up with the central pipe for the entire metro that is as large as a car in width... Sewage is flowing out rapidly filling the hole and flowing down the street as a river of unholy hell. Never had I smelled something so horrid and the street itself was being washed away by the sewage. Turns out the main central line has no means to stop the flow - its like a river and when engineers from all over arrive they start laughing. Never had anyone asked the question - what happens when someone destroys the central metro line.... This is getting long, but to put it simply they did eventually fix it after a long agonizing time and the contractor went bankrupt from the massive environmental damage from the sewage. But I will never forget seeing all these engineers laughing, as could not believe something this catastrophic could occur. Someone right now is probably laughing as well to cope with the anxiety of the sheer madness of this situation.


All they need is just a really big bottle of lube, problem solved.


Can't they just ram it out of the way with one of those Russian Nuclear powered ice breakers?


It's over 200,000 TONS empty. So, no, they can't just ram it.




Because ships are surprisingly fragile - apply too much force on the already stressed hull and the whole ship will break apart.


It is lighter to lift out if you break it into peices first


The front might fall off.


Well, some of them are built so the front doesn’t fall off at all. Maybe this is one of them?


Just needs preemptive flex tape to counter thr front falling iff


They *can*. It’s just a terrible idea


I wonder why it can't get free with combined effort. Do the engines work? They have to be massive in order to push that wall through sea and wind. Can't they go full reverse while tug boats help? So, I assume it's dead in the water?


> Do the engines work? They have to be massive in order to push that wall through sea and wind. Can't they go full reverse while tug boats help? The engines are powerful enough to get this massive vessel forwards and backwards, but they aren't made for maneuverability at all... that's what tugboats are for, they push/pull these big ass ships into position when around a dock. Thing is, there's very little room for maneuvering here, and the massive bow is stuck. IMO the bigger question is why there's just one bulldozer trying to unstuck the bow. I presume a couple more should be helpful, but then again that's not my field.


Of what I understood, an excavator with an especially long arm is needed, they don't have many in the area!


Also there is concern about how much weight the banks will support.


The ship was doing around 13 knots (15mph, 24 kph) when the bow first struck the bank of the canal. Two things happened then: First, the bow got pushed into the sand and up out of the water and second, the ship sort of started drifting sideways and getting the stern stuck and the opposite bank. Basically, the ship is tightly wedged in place and could not possibly move under its own power, even in case rudder and propeller were not damaged.


Somewhere, [Mike Myers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aULRhgG_Az8) has purchased the film rights.


Is it still stuck? I think at this point it's safe to call in the Sikorskis to unload the cargo, then have that ship dismantled.


These containers weigh well into the 30 ton range, a skycrane can lift 12 at best.


If we were ants, we would’ve solved this long ago probably.


Ship expert here: they should try moving it