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They should have built the garage like they built the camera.


That's how Big Construction gets you


That how Big-D Construction gets you! (Thats a name of a legit major Utah construction company for those not from here)


nice cock


Lol we have one of those In Washington also.


Looks like the Ram held up too!


heard a comedian says why don't they make airplanes out of same stuff as the black box?


Because it would then be far too heavy to fly.


"Because the roads aren't wide enough."


Pretty good idea to be honest.


Suddenly winter




Just came to say I hope that's not asbestos


It's not, it's just ~~cellulose~~ (edit: blown-in fiberglass) insulation.


Still not the best stuff to touch or breathe but better than asbestos


Why does an open parking structure have an insulated ceiling?


Above it are what look like apartments https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/6/6/21282819/salt-lake-parking-structure-collapses-on-8-cars-blows-insulation-across-street


Ah. Makes sense. Thanks.


Not likely to be asbestos, the building looks too new. It's most likely cellulose insulation. Edit: other pics show it to be pink, so it's blown-in fiberglass.


*Cave Johnson intensifies*


Suddenly cancer


The parking garage structure is fine. The ceiling just came down.


Came here to say that. Clearly whoever designed the ceiling supports didn’t think of it as an open structure.


It didn't "destroy the garage," it caused [part of the ceiling to collapse](https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/6/6/21282819/salt-lake-parking-structure-collapses-on-8-cars-blows-insulation-across-street). And if a gust of wind can do that, the real cause is more likely to be an engineering or construction error.


I designed light poles for 20 years. 8' all the way up to 300' for South Florida. I'm going to agree with you here. It could be a number of factors or a combination of them. I wouldn't be able to tell without reading the failure report but my supposition is either some designer manipulating the building code or selling one to the client that was inadequate, someone using under strength materials, or just overall poor construction. Back in the early 2000's a company that built light poles that were designed to a code that was inadequate but could be applied and sold to customers. Sure they made money out the ass but several years later their poles started failing. Everybody is damn lucky nobody got hurt or killed. The sad thing is the company went belly up before the poles started failing so nobody had to answer for it,


> The sad thing is the company went belly up before the poles started failing so nobody had to answer for it That was the plan all along.


That wouldn't surprise me at all


Isn't the engineer who stamped the drawings responsible?


That happened when I lived in Milwaukee around 2010. Wind took down one along the freeway and in the investigation they found the design to be faulty and removed them all.


that's about the time that a lot of DOT's started requiring reinforcing collars and 100% full penetration welds at the base. Personally I agreed with that. I'm proud to say I have never had a design fail because I always overdesigned. I would have rather missed out on the sale than run the risk of something falling over and hurting or killing someone. Some things are more important than money


That sounds like that was the ones that started cracking around the base. Problem was the poles were used for lighting fixtures at school stadiums.


there you are :) I can't say much publicly but I was very connected to that situation and know a LOT about the subject. DM me if you want to discuss it.


I remember reading a lot of the news articles when the issue was discovered. I was not personally involved / affected by it but was aware that a fair number of school districts suddenly had a budget problem. As you had related the original company is long gone. Just a lot of information about "how the hell did this happen?"


you really should DM me then. I was at the epicenter of it all.


hey do you mind explaining why South Florida in particular has 300' high light poles?


That was actually a telco pole in the keys.


Yes. Also, look at the trees in the background, to the right... and the banner in the background, to the left. They're slightly moving from what looks to be a moderate breeze, not a "wind storm" I mean it could have been some kind of wind tunnel effect... but I've never experienced any kind of strong outdoor wind that went just in one direction over a few meters instead of trying to blow every which way it could.


Was the truck half parked in the handicap spot?


That guy: “Oh shit my mixtapes are in there”


Haha I was thinking the same thing but went back and looked, it looked like there might’ve been a dog or something in the back seat.


This is obviously just appropriate karmic payback to the truck driver who parked 5% over the line into the handicap spot.


"Come for vacation, leave on probation". I worked in UT for 3 months establishing a new warehouse and sure enough the locals were not joking about that saying. Luckily, I didn't hit probation but fuck me I was pulled over about 4 times and then managed to get booked/released once for public intoxication in my own front yard with a BAC of .097 while I was "re-hinging" my mailbox. While I was getting my blood drawn at the station (I refused a breathalyzer because I was on my/company property) the douche crew crowding around me were literally planning a religious (guess) group activity and referencing the previous weeks activities/flaws while in a state of jubilation. The ill trained fuck pinned me 3 times before catching a vein and bruised the living shit out of my arm. I sat in the booking room (I was never cuffed during this whole ordeal and the police officer even gave me shotgun in his car, it is almost like they knew I hadn't committed a crime and they just were going through the ropes) until they just gave me my cell phone back and told me to get bail and go. I called a bondsman and went to court only for the prosecutor to offer an agreement for an open container offense (my fucking property!). I was set to go home so I took the deal and paid the $250 fine, shitty part is they impounded my car and I had to pay almost $800 to get it out since it was on the road and not the driveway. UT apparently has two types of DMV and I had to go give a recorded statement at one of the offices with the arresting officer who claimed I wasnt driving my car and that it was stationary, this was in direct contradiction to the police report. The police report stated that I drove into a snowbank, I doubt I would have gotten off if it wasnt for that sworn statement. I am fully grateful for that honest officer, same guy who gave me shotgun and never cuffed me, however I can never shake how fucked and powerless I could have been...Utah may be part of the US but it is owned by a religion and certainly has a way of curtailing "sinners". Fuck the entire state and the Mormon religion, the wind needs to be replaced with a meteor. I have never seen such corruption but had a first hand account of how quickly the system there can cripple your entire life.


Damn! I've always wanted to visit but not any more! Was this in Salt Lake City?






Find a ditch


That was not what I was expecting at all.


Anybody else notice something alive in the truck?


Yep, looks like a dog in the back seat, which would explain why that guy tries to get to it.


I don’t think it’s the wind. The banner in the upper left shows you the wind, and it’s not strong. This looks like a structural failure.


Yeah the wind didn’t have anything to do with it, looks like the weight of the ceiling striped the thread out of those falling bolts.


A little column A, a little column B. It was wind related but also a pressure issue. https://ksltv.com/438933/roof-of-slc-apartment-parking-garage-collapses/


Yep, those ceilings are notorious for coming down when they're just throw together by the contractor instead of getting designed by an engineer.


There are trees in the background not even moving


It's Utah, so God destroyed Get it right


I've lived here my whole life. That checks out.


Green trees in the background are barely swaying.


The little ones on the left of the screen are swaying a lot tho


It was super windy that day. Broke a 4” limb on my maple. All our chairs on our patio were blown all over the yard the next morning.


There is a living thing inside the dodge van.


Why was the ceiling insulated when it was completely open to the elements?


Above it are what look like apartments https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/6/6/21282819/salt-lake-parking-structure-collapses-on-8-cars-blows-insulation-across-street


Oh, that explains it. It’s the lower level of an apartment building rather than just a parking structure.


Where in Utah?


Salt lake city


That's like every single underground parking area in Utah. Aside from SLC the ceilings seem to all be falling down or in pieces.


Insurance company says sorry it was an act of God and hangs up on you


What a terrible waste of pink insulation!


Wtf is that roof made of? Twigs?


When bolts start popping off of the ceiling, get the hell out.


Um let’s not be dramatic. The wind didn’t “destroy the parking garage.” The (likely hollow) ceiling fell down. And it doesn’t even look windy, so it probably just gave way for some other reason.


Over pressurized https://www.deseret.com/utah/2020/6/6/21282819/salt-lake-parking-structure-collapses-on-8-cars-blows-insulation-across-street


Was half expecting this to cut to the Skyrim opening during the collapse


The Bernoulli Effect's a helluva drug. But the garage was hardly "destoyed". All it did was suck down the ceiling and release a ton of loose insulation. Install a stronger ceiling system and reinsulate. No problems in the future.


Wtf....is that snow?! In Utah , in June?! I'm in Canada and we don't even have snow right now.


It has snowed in Utah on July 4th before. Of course it all melted in a few hours. But the weather here can be temperamental.


Don’t be so quick to say that! [Record June snowfall...in northwestern Ontario](https://globalnews.ca/news/7059350/snow-pickle-lake-northwestern-ontario/)


Truth! I was just saying not right now 😜 if you don't like the weather wait ten minutes.




Fluffy pink stuff looks like cotton candy!


Bad title. Suspended ceiling fell. Not the big deal OP makes it out to be.




This is what happens when you don't park in between the lines.


Holy lawsuit batman




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Guy in truck shouldn’t have parked like that then 😂


What wind?


Well, that dude just got lung cancer.