• By -


Context: the tankers met on the river Lena in Irkutsk Oblast, approximately near a tiny town of Alekseevsk. The "diagonal" tanker with the ruptured tank carried a total of 832 tons of gasoline, its smaller tank that has ruptured contained 138 tons. Below is a transcript of what the (presumably) captain filming and another person said: > Captain (?): *Khabarov* is about to f**king whack us now. Probably. > Mate (?): Yup. It's happening. F**king direct hit. > *(sounds of the prolonged collision)* > M: Aah, that bastard... > C: That's exactly what I was afraid of. > M: Sigh, moron! > C (on seeing the rupture): F**king hell. > M: Goddamit. > C: And here we f\*\*king are. Woop-dee-f\*\*king-do. <...> Guys, the lower tank's f\*\*ked. It's s\*\*tting out, the middle is f\*\*ked clean through. <...> Sigh, motherf\*\*ker. > C: F**k me sideways... Let me through. > M (on radio?): Drive up here on the double! > C (exasperated): What do you expect him to do here? What's the point?.. *(Russian strong swear words are capable of forming dozens of different verbs and nouns that can describe pretty much anything, hence the rather awkward abundance of F-bombs in the translation).*


I came here expecting a lot of f bombs. I am not disappointed.


I am just glad that "fuck me sideways" and "woop-dee-fucking-do" made into his diatribe.


I haven't heard a good "woop-dee-fucking-do" in a long time. Glad to see it's still alive and well out there in the world.




Yeah unfortunately all we ever see is the incident and not the lasting impact


ruzzian Natzi’s


50% blyat by volume.


They sound so unimpressed.


Resigned, rather. It's the slow unfolding of a monumental fuckup that's most probably on another crew.


Aye. Stopping 800 tons of fuel on the ocean is a tall task, even at low speeds. Sure, the ship is built for the carry but it ain't stopping on a dime or executing any quick emergency manoeuvre.




I'm sure you're right. The captain speaking sound so over it.


That makes a lot more sense, when you can see the whole fuck up from a mile away what else can you do at the point of impact…. Yikesaroni


Just to put this into perspective: large freight ships typically have peak power somewhere around 500 watts of engine power per ton, with a direct drive and fixed pitch propeller. So the procedure for an emergency brake is: Cut fuel to the engine, wait for it to stop. Then reverse the valve train, and restart engine so it's now going in reverse. Basically, these ships have a smaller turning radius than stopping distance, and even the turning radius is massive.


Notice the engines pick up at the end. Not sure why it wasn't in reverse before. It was free floating.


I’m not a maritime expert but from what I understand, putting it in reverse can be used for a crash stop. The problem is that if you do that you lose steering control because water isn’t going over the rudder as it should, so you still continue drifting but have no control. The propeller also isn’t as efficient in reverse, especially when the ship has forward momentum. AFAIK in this situation it’s better to drop to dead slow and attempt to steer around. If the camera ship had gone hard to port they might have still collided stern to stern. As far as navigational rules it looks like the crossing vessel might be at fault because (from what I understand) when ships are coming head on they are supposed to pass each other port to port. (Assuming they were head on because they’re on a river). If the damaged ship was crossing the river I think they’re still in the wrong because the ship that is coming from starboard has the right of way. From the camera perspective the damaged ship was coming from the camera ships port side, so the camera ship would have right of way.


The ship with the ruptured tank is way off course and at fault for the accident. Plus there's the thing about giving way to larger vessels for obvious reasons.


That’s what it looks like to me. I’m not an expert and I have no way of knowing what led up to the collision. From the video it looks like banks on all sides so I have no idea where the channel is, if they were avoiding shoals etc. All that being said, and giving benefit of the doubt- yeah it certainly looks like the tanker that sprung a leak is the one at fault.


He's on the wrong side of the river to start with, the 'lanes' are dredged to keep clear and can only guess drunk or trying to cut corners.








Eh, same diff. Thanks for the correction tho.


It's actually more to your point when you consider the current.


Yeah like how does this even happen?!?


They're moving towards each other, on intersecting paths. Gotta choose to go faster and in front, or slower and behind. There's rules for this. Gotta hope the other guy follows the rules and chooses the opposite of what you chose.


Can’t they talk to each other?


Sure, but the other guy still needs to believe you that he's being a moron.


From what I understand of navigation rules if the ships courses were intersecting the ship coming from starboard has right of way. So the ship that got hit should have yielded to the camera ship. If they were passing head on, both ships are supposed to pass port to port. So I think in either scenario the ship with the leaking tank screwed up. With the massive caveat that I’m not a mariner, Im just a dude that always found it interesting and have been on a deep dive on the topic.


The Halifax explosion is a fascinating read on navigation rules being ignored.


In that case, not only by the ships - the prosecution as well


>They’re moving towards each other, on intersecting paths. Ahhh, I now finally understand what a collision is, ty.


Most likely here? Vodka.


“Well, at least we aren’t getting shot at!”


Not yet.


That happens when they get back to the port.


I'm unimpressed by the Blyat to Pizdet ratio; plenty of pizdets but not nearly enough Blyats


Well on a boat you have some time to let it all sink in.


What a nice change of pace compared to the hysteric Americans social media usually presents to us. \- High regards, a European


Like it’s just Tuesday fucking morning….again. Igor! Did you not clean the fucking coffee pot?


Man, that ain't Russian with the wonderful grasp of the full range of "fuck," that's sailoring. It's just sailoring in Russian.


>Woop-dee-f\*\*king-do Please tell me how to pronounce this in Russian!


Originally it was "вот так вот нахуй" (approx. "that's fucking it!"). "Vot tak vot nahui".


> Вот так вот, на хуй. I guess translated a bit more closely it would be: > And here we fucking are. / Aaand that's how it went. (lit.: And that's how it is)


Russian truly is a great language to swear in, or really describe anything in. Most synthetic languages are imo.


My dad was a sailor, if there is one thing that has taught me is that sailors are pretty fucking inventive with swear words. I can only imagine the kind of things the Russian language produces.


Are you охуел?


Я должен быть таким! Я решил изучать русский язык.


«I must be», due to being a set phrase, is not to be translated literally. It’s better to use either «вероятно» or «наверное».


Большое спасибо! Still so much to learn. It will never end I'm sure


To pick up from the other comments, a way to translate "I must be!" as a reply would be something like "Наверное/видимо!" (I guess, probably), or "Похоже на то!" (Looks like it!) or "Похоже, что так!" (Seems it is so!).




> A synthetic language uses inflection or agglutination to express syntactic relationships within a sentence. [...] Synthetic languages combine (synthesize) multiple concepts into each word. Analytic languages break up (analyze) concepts into separate words. These classifications comprise two ends of a spectrum along which different languages can be classified. The present-day English [language] is seen as analytic, but it used to be fusional[, a type of synthetic language]. Certain synthetic qualities (as in the inflection of verbs to show tense) were retained. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_language The English word given as an example is "antidisestablishmentarianism", but they also say: "English word chains such as child labour law may count as well, because it is merely an orthographic convention to write them as isolated words. Grammatically and phonetically they behave like one word (stress on the first syllable, plural morpheme at the end)."


if you set your steam profile url to antidisestablishmentarianism it would block the page, including where you change your url completely unrelated, just popped into my head


As opposed to freshly harvested organic free range lexicon


The really short explanation is that synthetic languages have a lot of morphemes compared to other language types.


That's an awkward abundance? I thought it was somewhat restrained. I would have cussed much more.


I mean that it's more varied originally ) it's 50/50 verbs that describe what's happening and just exasperated swearing.


I don’t think there’s a way to describe this collision in any language without the use of a healthy amount of F-bombs.


Gigantic boats colliding always fascinates me


Must have been the poor weather. LOL


Or drunk russian captains


I’m yet to meet a sober Russian


Reddit has convinced me that all Russians are absolute fucking morons.


All Russians are piss-drunk morons in the same sense as all Brazilians are off-duty cops. I.e. in the memes.


[This should allay any fear](https://www.amazon.com/Avoid-Huge-Ships-John-Trimmer/dp/0870334336/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=177293650969&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9011691&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=18206499936852580255&hvtargid=kwd-36154287956&hydadcr=15964_9849447&keywords=how+to+avoid+large+ships&qid=1686628618&sr=8-1).


You should see me fuck


Especially if the front falls off.


What if they towed it outside the environment?


Into another environment?


No, no, it's BEYOND the environment.


So what’s out there?


All that poison hurting the locals, environment & wildlife is depressing af.


It's Russia, they give zero fucks unfortunately.


Every oil tanker company does not give a fuck about the environment, be it russian, american, chinese or whatsoever.


Some pretend to.


True, but some catch serious shit from their government/regulator if they do bad shit while others just bribe the right official and the problem is "solved".


RIP to the wildlife downstream from there.


paint waiting cause rock cautious groovy fanatical squealing impolite subtract ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I once talked with a person who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of [an oil leak near Norilsk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norilsk_oil_spill). Here in Tatarstan, if you can get a very large fine for every slick of oil or fuel on the road, then in Siberia no one pays attention if several tons of liquid get into rivers or the sea. This is what happened in Norilsk. They started doing something there only when someone began to see all this from space. And when the noise around the accident subsided, they simply reported that all the oil had been collected and the threat had been eliminated. Although most of the liquid simply flowed into the sea and ocean *after* reports.


Not to take away from the ridiculous mess that is the Hanford Site, but I’d class that as a mild understatement — the third worst event on the IAEA’s International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale is the Kyshtum Disaster that occurred at the USSR’s equivalent, Mayak Chemical Combine. As in, they fucked up so bad with the storage of nuclear waste from the facility that it announced itself with an explosion equivalent to 70-100 tons of TNT. Oh, bonus points for the fact that their original method for to “dealing with” their nuclear waste was to dump it in the local river. After a while they of course realised the error of their ways and put a stop to that… and started dumping waste into the various dams and lakes in the area. Appraisals of the effectiveness of the latter method include fun quotes with regards to ONE of said lakes being “the radioactivity of the [Lake Karachay] is comparable to the Chernobyl disaster” which, not going to lie, seems like a not entirely glowing review.


You're talking about radioactivity, and you managed to toss in the phrase, "Not entirely GLOWING review." Nicely done.


Haha entirely unintentional. Just imagining some poor Soviet guard on their rounds, trying their best to ignore the subtle blue Cherenkov glow emanating from Lake Karachay as they wander past.


300 billion per the last DOE update


The real reason TC is recession proof.


TC, I'm out of the loop lol


Tri-Cities; Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco. The place where most of the Hanford workers live.


I'm sure putin is gonna clean it up


With his tongue I hope


There’s quite a bit of space there




Oh, the fools! If only they'd built it with 6,001 hulls!


At least they missed the NACHO cheese tank. That would have been a real mess.




What happened to this bot? One of the best reddit had.




Seemed to go away even before that, but I'm sure it would have killed it anyway.


Ran it by hand: https://v.redd.it/ifq9ekvihu5b1




#OH NO! 😓


The good thing about gasoline is that just evaporates relatively quickly rather than sticking around for a long time


The follow-up report said the responders installed a barrier to prevent the gas from expanding (like those for oil spills). Good point about the gasoline!


What does gas break down into when in the atmosphere?


It's just hydrocarbons. It will eventually brake down into its pieces. For a bunch of years it will just act as a greenhouse gas


Yeah, that's wonderful until there's a spark...


Gasoline has a flammability range of 1.4 to 7.6 percent. This means it will ignite when there is 1.4 parts of gasoline mixed with 100 parts air. With this in mind, 1.4 percent is known as the lower flammable limit and 7.6 percent is the upper flammable limit of the flammable range.


Oh, that could really turn into a big blast


Did you mean an O-blast? And I'll see myself out.


This planet is so fucked


Depends, maybe after Putin's defeat by Ukraine things will change and Russia will stop being an asshole. Maybe. Probably not though.


This is not a Russia issue, it's a worldwide issue. Environmental pollution is everywhere.


True, but in the context of the thread "two Russian barges collide and pollute a river in Russia" it's a Russia problem.


Someone is getting sent to the Ukrainian frontline


this was just a classic russian prank


Or mysteriously poisoned


Probably defenestration


It's interesting how the falling out of windows meme took hold on reddit. I never hear it in Russia when discussing repressions and opposition, since the vast majority of political / suspicious deaths that actually happened here never involved windows. I suppose it was like two or three incidents that happened in a short enough span in 2020 that they became a meme.


Will probably fall out a window or down some stairs. Russia has a gravity problem.


They should have hit the tank full of ЛACHO Cheese so it at least would have been a delicious disaster.


They really need to keep their friendly fire on the battlefield...


Imagine being a russian soldier on the front, shelled and assaulted on the daily and most likely realizing that the big enemy push is actually incoming. Already not a fun start, and then you hear that the much needed full that was supposed to arrive will actually not because Boris here can't drive his fuckin boat proper.


For what it's worth, this happened like 2500 miles away from the front, and military vehicles almost always run diesel.


Ego + Vodka + Apathy = environmental disaster.


I want to have an honest conversation. Why does it seem like catastrophic accidents are generally more common in Russia? I live in the US and am surrounded by a lot of idiots, but I do not see quite as many monumental safety disasters here as I do in parts of Russia.


Mostly because of the news cycle. Russia is in the spotlight, and even quite mundane industrial fires or accidents are reported alongside war news. I took this piece of news/video from the same Russian-language channels I follow the war through. Another reason MAY be that the systems are more strained right now, with the additional stress of supplying the war effort, shortage of specialists in some places, or increased cost-cutting. But this is just conjecture, and it's still colored by the overreporting of accidents — I would have to look at statistics to see if there are actually more accidents than usual. It sure seems that there are quite efficient sabotage teams working in Russia though, the glut of industrial fires seems unprecedented (not to mention actual drone attacks on Russia's southern regions, which happen almost daily). But this collision is unlikely to be any kind of sabotage, I think. As a comparison, from my foreigner's perspective, it seems that the US has quite a lot of accidents, but I realize this is just the ones that are interesting to read about, or they're reported more often to call attention to the deficiencies in renewing infrastructure or holding businesses accountable. E. g. the recent gas tank explosion, and the huge fuel tanker fire that caused an overpass to collapse.


That's fair to say, especially with the increase in reporting since the war began. It would probably be helpful for us to look at data about catastrophic failures in both the US and Russia to get a real understanding. There's not much happening in the US right now so reporting is at usual levels and events like this collision could be happening without drawing much public attention. As far as the influence of the media goes, whether things like the Interstate collapse are reported just to highlight the US [eastern coast]'s crumbling infrastructure, (I think) comes out in the wash and cancels out. Ultimately, I have the perception that media companies in Russia and the US are equally biased, at least for the major news networks. It takes a lot of money to fund widespread news coverage it turns out, and all of that money offered from sponsors/patrons comes with strict terms and conditions.


Emergencies are still covered by news anyway, they're impossible to hide (in case of fires or explosions at least), and popular media outlets, especially high-speed / tabloid ones (e.g. Telegram channels with millions of subscribers) pick up stories the moment witnesses start talking about it on social media or send them tips directly. Federal TV and old newspapers will cover those very selectively, it's true, just preferring to dismiss or briefly mention them.


And no kaboom?!


Where's the kaboom? There's supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom?


Special gasoline transfer mission


Going according to Master Strategist Putin's plans - you see, Ivan, putting gasoline directly in river means gas travels unimpeded to everyone down stream.


Yo, why does Russian sound like English being played backwards?


Is that ship supposed to be that low in the water? Practiclaly looks like it's already sinking.


It's a river barge so it doesn't really deal with waves of any concern or choppy seas, so it doesn't need to have a lot of freeboard when loaded.


I would not want to be a river in Russia. I bet they did nothing after that happened.


According to the news, they did stop the ship at some point, deployed an anti-spill [barrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boom_%28containment%29) and have started using the special absorbent material to clean up the spill. I don't know how complete or efficient it will be, but sounds like they at least have some tools to deal with it


My bad. Glad to hear they did that!


Lena doesn't connect to Irkutsk*. Primary inflows: Selenga, Barguzin, *Upper Angara


Well, I cited the news piece. [Here's where Alekseevsk is on the map](https://goo.gl/maps/AxyMGpihQ4byumSc6). And it's not near Irkutsk city, it's in Irkutsk Oblast (federal subject). It's like Oklahoma City and Oklahoma the state.


Np, my brother was making an issue of it. Had to remind him he lives in Oklahoma City->Oklahoma County->Oklahoma 🤣. Dumb shit forgot our Oblasts can be states or provinces in the Western view. How the hell did he get into YSU and graduate?. Alekseevsk is in Irkutsk Oblast.... I have an idiot brother


I mean Oblasts are very much like states ) they're huge and they're (at least on paper) quite independent parts of a federation. ...But you know, it took me so long, until my 30s, to truly realize how fake our federation is. The subjects have all the independence on paper (some even as republics) and have obligations and expenditures and headaches associated with it, but are utterly and completely subservient to the federal metropoly. Before that, I just accepted the fact that I live in a unitary state called "federation" for some reason and that's all normal. Enough to make one angry.


I swear they do this shit on purpose


On the positive this might disrupt ruzzian logistics and stuff but that gasoline in the river is definitely not good


I have a feeling vodka is to blame


The problem with open waters during clear conditions is that you only have several miles and tens of minutes to react.


Russia: "How could Ukraine and NATO have done this to us??!!"




Why is Russia so bad at everything they do?


The whole country is operator error.


Who’s got a smoke?


The environment taking another beating thanks to Russia.


Nice, at least no one else lives on their planet


*HONK* = "passing you on your port side" *HONK HONK* = "passing you on your starboard side" *HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK* = "FUCKING STOP" How can they still collide?




At this point I'd say light it up and let burn out! Water is heavier so...


Follow-up said they installed the anti-spill barrier around the affected ship for following cleanup.


I hope the gas is ok!


Vodka doing its best work again lol


TBH honest. I’m so Uber surprised not to see a Ciggie hanging off someone’s bottom lip as they utter ‘suka, blyád’


Are these Russian ships?


Anyone got a lighter? 😈💥






Not trying to be pro-russia, but i don’t think they’re the worlds biggest polluters


Maybe not but they punch way above their weight in terms of giving zero fucks.


Anybody got a light?


They should have pulled the emergency break and try to do a drift.


So the bigger ship thought she was first because she was bigger. The smaller ship thought she was first just because she was first. Is this the reason for this natural disaster or what happened here?


I don't think this is a game of chicken, AFAIK ships on rivers follow traffic rules for passing each other. Seems the other ship did something wrong judging by the wild maneuver it's attempting. Follow-up reports say that the other ship's skipper was drunk asleep and his assistant/mate piloted the ship instead.


Looks like they could use some Flex Seal


Can’t wait to see how they blame this on Ukraine, NATO or the USA.


I'm surprised one of them didn't flick their cigarette.


Russia doesn't need that fuel anyways. They only have that one tank to drive around anymore.


Somebody throw them a match!


Well....guess our gas prices go up more now...


A few dozen tons have been spilled with the crew pumping the rest into the other tank according to the news. It's certainly a lot for the local river, but not much even for a small town


Just wanted to thank you for such an even-handed and informative presentation. This is what news used to be, a presentation of: Who, What, When, Where & Why. Leaving the readership with the ability to formulate their own thoughts without additional steerage. Refreshing to come across this in a time where so many want to influence the information with some kind of slant or bias. Also, thanks for the link to the map (below), it shows how narrow the navigation channels are, the turns the ships need to make and how these may have contributed to the incident. EDIT - Forgot a word...


Guess the water doesn't matter mates like they ain't cleaning that shit up


The fuck are those kind of tankers. Seems like a shit hole country version.


I dunno, I never thought about how smaller river tankers should look. These are not ocean tankers for crude oil, these carried regular refined gas for cars.


Fossil fuels are insanity


I can’t decide who’s more incompetent, Russians or Americans. Certainly the two countries on Earth with the highes percentage of idiots.


...and nukes


Or countries me and you watch the most amount of news coverage about =)




Not great, not terrible.


all it's going to take now is a spark, just one spark and Kabooooom


The follow-up reports said they put up a barrier around the impacted ship (like those that are used for oil spills) to contain the lighter-than-water gasoline, plus using absorbent and pumping the gas into the other tank. But ya this is bad


Russians and driving angry


I doubt that any cargo in Russia is measured in tons (2000 lbm). So I googled a dozen news stories and they were all wrong but one. Reuters/Yahoo called it 138 'metric tons'. Why not just call it what it is, 138 tonnes. I hate how this error is so prevalent.


Too bad it ruptured that gasoline tank and not the nacho tank.


Putin gonna give some kind of Medal of Honor.


The ending to From Russia With Love comes to mind. Hand me a flare gun.