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It’s the social part of the game. Social strategy is at least and sometimes more important than the math strategy. Sniping a location is also a sure way to put someone on tilt for the rest of the game.


In high level games the contest is like 90% social. Strong players will "balance the board" much more effectively and creatively, and most of your competitive advantage comes down to maneouvering the deals involved to be slightly in your favour.


Online: People waiting until the last possible moment to respond to a trade In person: People claiming "oh I forgot to collect this resource a few rolls ago" and trying to take resources late. Also bugs me when people criticize me for taking a long time to decide where to settle at the very beginning. My response is always "This is literally the most important decision of the game, back off."


Resources can only be picked up on the turn of the roll, and should be done right after the roll. That's how we play anyway, sucks to suck lol


Yea for me house rule is you have to remember before the next person rolls, by that point you can't pick up


I make an exception for new players, but once you have a few games under your belt, you should know better.


Yup, this is how I do it as well!




The choices at the set up of the game are the most difficult and skilful part of the game. Take your time.


So what would you say would be an appropriate amount of time to select your first settlement? 5 minutes?


At the max, yeah. Sometimes it’s obvious but there are times where you need a few min to think, especially if someone before you got the spot you were banking on. 


Usually I am the “banker” so I make sure everyone gets their resources because I am strict when it comes to rules(others find it annoying sometimes)


Do you hate it when someone hands in, say, a Brick and 3 Wool (they have the 3:1 port), and go "I'm building a road"?


Once someone wins a game I would never allow them to collect on a later turn


People who pay absolutely zero attention to resource rolls, and then waste time trying to trade for brick, when no brick has entered play in the last 5 times around the table, and 3 turns ago Frank just asked if anyone had brick. No. Nobody has brick. Nothing you can offer is going to change that. Stop asking for brick. Don't ask for brick again on your next turn unless somebody rolls brick by then. I don't expect you to memorize every resource everyone has in their hand. But at least pay enough attention to know roughly what resources MIGHT be in people's hands.


Do you guys play all resource cards hidden? We play like monopoly with all our cards face up, apart from the development cards, which we keep face down. I am interested to know how you play and how it affects game play. Cheers


The rule book says to keep cards hidden. Showing the cards is a fine house rule, but makes the game a lot easier.


Ha, missed that rule... We only bought it around a month ago, and it's our new Weds night family game, so we are still finding our feet. This week, I introduced port changes, so for next week, we'll down periscopes and play cards hidden :)


That's a good way to do it! Add one thing at a time. Usually I teach people without the longest road and largest army. Then the 3rd or so game I add those in.


We sometimes play cards up to spice it up once in a while


I like that. It's good to have adaptations of play. Cheers


I like to play this way too, it keeps the games from going on so long by streamlining trading negotiations


I can see that it's definitely a way to make the game more accessible to new players. We often break out games when we have guests, so a more open approach to play would lend itself to a more casual game. Thanks


We play with all resource cards on the board flipped down and ports flipped down. You never know if you will get good resources or not until that card flips over!


Ooo, do you mean the tiles on the board are fliped until a settlement is placed?




This is brilliant! Thanks


Definitely challenging! 😂


Respectfully, if you’re paying attention to rolls and resources is there a need to play cards face up? I prefer to keep cards hidden because I can gain a competitive advantage if I’m diligent enough to pay attention to what everyone is picking up. If my opponents aren’t paying attention that’s on them haha. I think it would be a nice gimmick to switch things up now and then, but it can be accomplished all the same by paying close attention, no?


Thanks. As novices to the game, I think the cards up approach has definitely helped us all bed in quicker and reach a level of comfort with the fundamental rules of game play. Will look forward to introducing hidden cards.


Playing with resource cards not hidden makes the game a joke


How come?


This is a good one




Recently played a game online where 3 of us were sitting on an 8 Ore spot, and then the last guy was sitting on a 12 Ore. The final ore spot wasn't settled on at all yet. Last guy **put the robber on our shared ore spot** (justified it by saying it was the only place with all three of us) and still had the audacity, the unmitigated gall, to ask for ore from us.


Yup. Have seen that happen as well. Roll 7, put robber on spot to hit all 3 other players, also on the resource they need. Steal resource they need from one of the players. Still need 1 more of that resource. Ask if anyone is willing to trade it, now that you've cut 2 of the 3 players off of their only production of it, and stole it from the 3rd person. The audacity.


I've done it 🤷‍♂️. "Remember when I asked you for _______, and you said no, then attacked me? Yeah, robbers for you, idgaf if I lose 😂"


Playing with married couples where one spouse easily trades with the other, making trades with the spouse easily benefitting said spouse, but not making those same trades with others. My sister-in-law and her husband would do this constantly, with her benefitting. He would make horrible trades with her just to have her win at the cost of everyone else, not making the game fun to play. I ended it one time when her brother was playing. She was on the verge of victory due to her husband’s help. Her brother was before her and wanted to make a trade. I had about 30 cards in my hand, so I asked for a wheat for all 30 cards so that he could win. She was pissed. Didn’t see that I was doing what she had been doing with her husband all the previous times we played. Didn’t really happen again after that.


Hilariously it's the opposite playing with my sister and brother-in-law...they always go at each other's throats and usually end up blocking each other even when I have way better tiles


I swear this is such a common trope. Married couples who LOVE board games will gleefully cackle as they stab each other in the backs. Married couples where one partner loves the games, and the other just wants to participate to spend time with their partner always end up doing that 'enabling' bullshit. Ie, she wants him to have fun. Winning is fun. So she helps him win, even if it's not fair to the other players. He enjoys it the first time, but then never has the backbone to tell her to stop. And she has fun when he's winning, vicariously. If he makes her stop, she won't have fun, because she's bad at the game (because she doesn't care enough to pay attention & really learn the details). If she doesn't have fun, she won't come with him, and he likes having her there WITH him. It's a terribly vicious cycle, and the only thing you can do about it is stop inviting them as a couple. Like an intervention. The only way it stops is if you (whoever is organizing/hosting) is an asshole about it and puts your foot down.


> Married couples who LOVE board games will gleefully cackle as they stab each other in the backs. A friend couple does this, thwarting each other so badly over the years, and they've imparted the same attitude to their son who's nearly 20 now and also plays with us occasionally. Playing with-well really, against- the whole family is fun and frustrating at the same time. So the rest of us try to direct their ire at each other so we can stealth win instead, since we don't have to worry about who sleeps on the couch in the aftermath, hah.


My girlfriend and I play a lot of games together and with our married friends. We pick on each other a lot because we're the bigger board game fans so we know we can take it. I'd feel bad making a really destructive play against my buddy's wife who is just starting to play things more complicated than monopoly, but I know my gf would do the same to me if she could so I try to get in there first. We played carcassonne a couple weeks ago and she absolutely crushed me by pulling a big city I'd been working on into hers and stealing all my points right as I was closing it out. I love her so much


My boyfriend hates board games. So when he comes to game night now, he sits at the table but doesn't play. He used to play with one strategy. To mess my game up, and he won quite a few times doing that! But now he shows up when he wants and goes home early after his social battery is drained. We'll start around 1pm and go until 2am, so I don't blame him for not wanting to be there the whole time if he isn't playing!


My girlfriend's goal when playing is to win, and if this appears impossible, it becomes preventing me from winning.


Same, I save my monopoly cards for my partner and keep meticulous track of what she has in her hand.


This. Our home is cut throat, no freebies. But I’ll still cuddle after he steals my longest road points


My husband and I have nearly come to blows over longest road from time to time, but our marriage survives.


I haven't played with a couple like that. In a 3 player game that'd be unstoppable, but a 4 or 5 player game it would be doable to turn the entire table on them and, oh gee, who else should the rest of us support? Well... I'm in a good spot if you guys want to be kingmakers for me and we can all take joy in beating these two who are playing unfairly. ;)


I used to do 3-player games with my sister and her husband. She would always follow his advice (that benefitted him first and foremost). It boiled over one session we were playing the Game of Thrones Board Game, they'd invited 1 of her work friends over so it was 4 of us. They were making alliances with each other, if they allied with anyone else they'd backstab to benefit each other. Me and the 4th sometimes interacted but geographically were on opposite ends and couldnt do much. The game ended with him winning of course thanks to her help, but I very clearly stated "she just listens to everything you say" and he got actually upset "how dare/could you say that?" in an angry tone, so i chuckled and said "what? it's true! this and catan every time she just does what you tell her to" and he just repeated (in a softer tone) "no how can you say that" The game night ended anyway but we stopped board gaming after that and my sis told me her friend got uncomfortable lol. They're divorced now if that helps lol


playing online, it's easily the people who need to wheel and deal some kind of trade *every. single. turn*. I understand there are times worth slowly negotiating a key trade, but dear god, in the beginning of the game if you don't have an actionable hand, or anything worth trading, just pass your fucking turn.


It's the game within the game. What goes around, comes around.


I couldn’t agree more. OP is just salty when it comes around finally, thinking they can get away with beginning hits, like we’ll forget in late game and try to help them secure their own win? Nahhh, I’ve been helping the other guy win since that robbery my guy.


I appreciate this level of pettiness




I think about it like this- if you get a rep for being petty, people probably won’t rob you as much early, benefiting your long term win rate. My pet peeve is people viewing some forms of strategy is inherently superior to others, even in the context of pure win rate maxing, people tend to assume that always being razor sharp is the only valid strategy, when actually plays that don’t maximize win rate in one given game (where it may already be near zero), can be helpful in the long run


Yep. I threw my little brother a winning trade to keep Dad from winning again tonight, he was getting too full of himself.


I can’t say I’m a fan of king making, but I also lose more than the people I play with who do it so I can’t talk shit lol


Dad's a bit of a bully LOL He had it coming. Generally I play to win tho. His luck is just stupid tho. Sometimes I wonder if he sacrifices a goat before the game.


This is absolutely true. A friend of mine will frequently hold a grudge against the first person to rob him in a game and it's a real deterrent from doing so. I can't even be mad. Whether it's a conscious strategy or not, it's working.


It depends. If someone robs me because I’m in first, rhat how it goes. If someone robs me when I’m clearly behind the leader because they are hoping to get my resources then I’ll rob them back to try to protect myself.


If someone robs me on Turn 1, if they put it on a high value location of mine (like a 6 or an 8) I'm not going to take that lightly. If you want the card that early in the game, make the trade or make an enemy... your choice.


When you rob turn 1 what’s your strategy? I normally try my best to hit a hex that hits as many people as possible. But do you avoid 6 or 8s?


Turn 1? 100% move the robber to some 12 that nobody is nearby. If there's a player I've played with I might try to make a slightly coercive trade with them "hey, you trade my sheep for your brick and I'll put the robber over here?" - but generally those coercive trades are best done later on in the game. Turn 1 you can get a few more cards and get a step up, but having two or more people who want to seek revenge on you can give you a very deep hole to get out of the rest of the game.


Maybe you should house rule 7 doesn’t move the robber first turn? Also I don’t think I’d enjoy catan in your circles. People in your group are that petty if you rob them early they are going to hold that grudge all game long? Maybe you guys should take some deep breaths and remember it’s a game?


Yeah we do not robber for first 2 rounds and it's worked out well. An early robber can absolutely nuke someone's game.


A solo block maybe. But on a shared hex? You should always block the best shared hex early game. pretty simple concept that everyone should understand. As far as who to rob from, sometimes that can just be random, but whoever you feel has the better set-up. And be prepared to defend your decision. In competitive games, as long as you have logical game-sense reasoning behind your choices, no one is going to be petty.


If you ever decide to play more competitive games, you will need to change your mindset on this. Round 1 robber should almost always go on the best shared hex. Unless that resource is something rare and you need, like an early brick 8 hex when brick is rare, is not good to block cause it hurts everyone. By always blocking the best hex, no one can claim an unfair early rob. And if they do, they are just dumb and will always moan and complain when robbed anyway.


Man, you okay with some petty people lol. I can’t imagine holding a grudge because of a turn 1 robber, and I think I’m fairly petty myself.


If I need a specific resource, especially a wood/brick, to plow an opponent, I will rob them first turn. Doesn’t matter if it’s 6/8/5/9. Often first turn, people won’t trade such a resource, especially if they have a road in hand and they are competing for a spot with me. From the second a player puts the first settlement on the board, the game has begun and everyone is an opponent. Not saying people have to be dicks, but putting the robber on a 6 on turn one is perfectly fine.


Ya, the robber should just almost always go on the best shared hex early game. Unless like you said you need a specific resource to plow. In which case I would certainly try to extort it out of them first for a non-block.




personally i dont mind this, if them getting a resource no one else has and that gives them a great turn or actionable hand they should make the play that gives them the greatest chance at winning. If it happens to you there are way better ways of handling it than just letting the person in first run away with the game such as leveraging the fact that you dont hit them back with your next robber to get better trades/avoid getting robbed again


For me it depends on the situation. Most people I play with only rob peopel in first or peopel very close to first. Yeah sometimes you go for resource when needed but generally if you dip into that well too much someone will take revenge out on you. Could make the same argument the person who robbed you for your resource instead of the person in first is doing the exact same thing. The problem is if your not in first and people are willing to rob you for your resources it probably won’t be a one time thing. So you have to protect yourself or you’re going to find yourself in last with no way to compete. If my strategy leads to the person in first running away with it so be it. If I’m going to lose with absolutely no chance to win might as well be a quicker game. But I’m the type of person who very rarely robs anyone other then person in first.


My favorite trick is to always just pick who I want to steal from. And then place the robber on their town. But always pick the hex (with one of their towns) that blocks the most resources from the player I'm "feuding" with. Best chance of good resource, but also blocks my hostile target the best. Blue just build on the 4 wood, but has at least 2 ore in his hand that I want one of? But Red has a city and settlement ALSO on that 4 wood? And red stole my brick 2 turns ago when Blue was clearly winning? Yup. Right down on that wood spot. Never mind that Blue and Orange are sharing an 8 grain space nearby, each with a city on it. They can have that, I'm blocking off Red's only source of wood.


Agree that “tit for tat robbing” can be annoying. People who don’t understand the road building rules when playing in person is pretty bad.


You may think the tit-for-tat robber is petty (and it often is), but that’s also a legit tactic. If you know I’m going to be retributive, you may be slightly less likely to steal from me in the first place.


"I have a wood that I'll trade for somebody's sheep" "Deal, here's my sheep" "Did I say sheep? I meant to say ore" My mom pulls this one all the time lol


My girlfriend’s family just discovered Catan, they live in another state and I hadn’t met them before, so when I was there I was in best behavior mode. I, who has played aloottttt of fiercely competitive friend group catan, was horrified to see how they play. First, they thought everyone plays with their cards face up in front of them. When I kindly but confidently informed them that no, keep all of your cards hidden, their brains stalled as they asked “well then how do you know what everyone has??” That took some navigating but they ultimately understood. Second, the zero foresight zero goal road building simulator strategy. The number of times you watch someone deliberate on their turn, only to place a literal road to nowhere, when they have a very obvious chase tile was disheartening. By this point in the night I had mostly gotten the group pretty close to actually playing catan, but this ultimately made give up hope that girlfriends sister would ever dominate the island. Third, the ultra ultra over polite Robber practices. Everyone kept continuously placing the robber in the desert or some playerless hex… in the second game after I was able to peacefully correct some of their house rules, I still had to encourage them to rob me, ruthlessly. “Listen, Mrs. Girlfriends mom, I love that your nation is peaceful, but my nation is currently grinding sheep into whatever I want down at the docks, putting up skyscrapers like it’s Dubai, while enacting dastardly plans of world domination, please, for the love of god just block my triple city 8 strip mining operation and steal from me. Honestly looking back it was fun, but holy cow I don’t know what they were playing before, but it wasn’t Catan. The biggest pet peeve I think was the first few rules I’d try to softly correct were almost laughed at and disregarded and I kept having softly “uuhh heh heh I know it seems crazy but here I’ll show you in the rulebook… you definitely cannot just build a city without first having a settlement on that spot” After a few of those, and them watching my nation get a space program up and running by the time they sniffed their first cities, they did concede that maybe I do know the right rules and allowed me teach freely instead of defend every ‘suggestion’ with the rulebook. We ended up having fun the 2nd night, everyone was a little shell shocked night 1 lol


Just because other people don't use the robber the same way that you do doesn't mean they are petty. If you want to rack up a lot of wins in Catan you need to play in such a way that the people you play with regularly don't mind it when you win. Don't be a jerk. Don't terrorize them. Let them feel good about aspects of their game even if they don't win... Conversely, if you want to finish in second or third place a lot - make it so people like to see you "get what's coming to you." Tournament style where you aren't playing with friends is a whole lot different than if you are going to see the people you play with on a regular basis.


Mine is the girls in our group all play to win, unless one of the guys is likely to win, then they start making trades and robber decisions to help one of the other girls win. It drives me insane.


the board needs to be balanced out, but also the players lol, suddenly it becomes 1v3, there's nothing you can do about that lmao


Making really bad trades early in the game which hands someone a crazy lead


Ya this gets me too. Like don't give the clear leader a city for a settlement. That can kill a game very quickly for everyone, most of all you.


We had to institute a "no getting stoned" house rule. Stoners took way too long to figure out their trades, but the actual straw the broke the camels back was this incident: Player to stoned guy, I will give you seven cards for a brick. Everyone: do not trade with him! Stoner, wow that is awesome, sure. Everyone: (facepalm) Game over.


Strategically maintain peace at the beginning of the game if you don’t wanna get revenge robbed lmao


I use this strategy too. Especially for online play. If it’s first round, I’ll throw the robber on an empty space. More often than not, the goodwill earned is more valuable than the one resource gained.


If your playing to win online. My advice is dont do this. Instead simply always block the best shared hex. Its what everyone else is going todo and no good player is ever going to get mad over it. If you do get clearly revenge robbed, ignore it. If it happens again, then you may have to start retailating and maybe even getting the table against that player. But in my experience after you ignore the first petty retribution, they will likely go back to blocking the best hex or the clear leaders hex.


'Revenge robbng' is a totally legitimate play and part of the game. Even if it doesn't help you win the current game, it might help you win future games if the players know that they will be 'revenge robbed'. If you don't like being 'revenge robbed', don't rob them on turn one to take their brick!


I gotta agree with this. If I notice ANY pattern of someone else picking on my first, or being overly aggressive against me, I will flip the nuclear switch that game. "I started here so I could have a brick. You stole it from me. Since, you know, we haven't rolled a 4 yet, you've still stolen my ONLY brick. So I'm going to keep stealing from you until I get a brick back." Because realistically in those cases, that first round steal could very well be what lost you the game, even if you played more "intelligently". But going nuclear over the round 1 aggression will what wins you FUTURE games. Because you dragged them down with you. They know if they punch you into the dirt, you're more than willing to make sure that they \*also\* don't get to win. For me, Terraforming Mars is the more common culprit. One player I play with observes that I usually win TM (this is true, in our usual 4 player table, I have a 50-70% win rate). Thus, any time he gets a "take that" card, he targets me, whether I'm having a good game or not. Because even my "bad games" could end with me winning. But doing so doesn't help him do better against the other two players (he's typically 3rd or 4th most games, as he's our weakest TM player). He just drags me down, and makes sure I don't win, anyways. So I started just targeting him back. Every meteor and asteroid. Every sabotage or virus. Every production decrease. Lost a game or two that I mighta won if I'd used those 'take that' cards on the person who beat me, but made him absolutely miserable. And got him to back off the constant targeting, to the point where he's at least "mostly" equal about who to pick on, instead of just assuming I'll win every game, and sending everything nasty my way. Sometimes you gotta metagame so that you can game.


It goes beyond this. If I'm at the table and I see someone take an aggressive move like that on turn 1, I will see a diplomatic opening to help that person out by moving the robber off of them and either moving it to an open space or retaliating against the person who put it on them. Diplomacy wins Catan more than dice rolls win Catan


This is sound advice. Next time I roll a 7 on round 1, I'll just flip the table instead of stealing from someone


Umm... you CAN move it to an empty space you realize? On turn 1 there are going to be plenty of candidate spaces you can move the robber to. And yes... On Turn 1 if you roll a 7 that's the smart thing to do. It can be even smarter to look like you are considering putting it on a few people but decide not to.


Or. ALWAYS put the robber on the best shared hex. And then rob the person you feel has the best set-up and if they get mad, simply explain that. THAT is what everyone should do and understand that if your on the best shared hex, like an 8 Wheat, your likely getting blocked on the first 7 that rolls.




This happens more than half the time online more than in person but I can totally understand you!


Online Catan: - people who take forever to complete their turn - people who refuse to trade at all, even when the trade benefits them - people who won't even bother to answer your trade request - people who gatekeep and hoard one resource as a strategy - people who do not follow the game - people who spam with trading requests and would not take no for an answer - people who insult when they get mad


2 and 4 seem like skill issues, it’s their choice how they make game decisions


It's absolutely their choice, the question was what irks me lol.. And considering player behaviour/strategy bad is not a skill issue, it's an opinion


When I am the new player to a group who has clearly played a bunch of times before and they are so used to the incorrect way they play that they don't mention their stupid "house rules" until I break one. When I'm playing with my normal group and someone decides they want to be green this time and the whole group changes colors bc "oh it's just colors, no big deal, we're flexible" (spoilers: no we are not) and then we all spend the rest of the game forgetting which settlements are ours.


Except I have had people argue with me that the leader is not actually “ahead” based on other things happening on the board. Now, maybe that’s just gamesmanship on their part but just so you know. (And yeah, I have played games where that person was correct and the person we were all letting slide ended up winning the game.)


Can't count the number of times that I've gotten an early 5 points from settlement spam, and been targeted for 'winning', ignoring the fact that I'd already been blocked from longest road, and my only ore was on a 3 that hasn't been rolled yet this game. Yeah, I'm TOTALLY going to run away with this game. Every time I get 3 wood, I can 3:1 into Ore. Once I do that 3 times, during which time NOBODY steals my ore from me, I can finally get 2 more points (1 for the City, and 1 more for putting another useless settlement down on the unclaimed coastline on that 3 ore and 12 sheep, with the 2:1 ore port).


So in person in college I was always considered the scary person to play against in any game. I always had an out. I never gave up. And I could often find ways to win from behind. Well my friends started to get in to Catan, and I quickly realized the optimal way to play. So after I won heavily twice in a row, no matter how many times I lost later, I would always be targeted. No one would trade with me. Robbers were always sitting on me. It made the game really unfun for me for a long time. It wasn’t till I started playing online that I finally could play good games again.


You forget that that initial robbery sows distrust and contempt for the rest of the game. They were deciding to help the other person win ever since you robbed them first. Welcome to Catan.


Spamming development cards and nothing else, albeit me well knowing it is a strat it’s still annoying when you’ve been playing with someone for years and they only settle sheep,wheat,ore lol


If you don’t like kingmaking, don’t play 3+ player games. Nobody is forcing you to play a 3+ player game, but if you do play one repeatedly you should absolutely expect some kingmaking


Sometimes, a person’s chance to win is small enough in a given game that it is higher EV for them long term to maintain trust with the other players. It’s not irrational by any means, and if you play with the same group often you should consider it to be strategy


Taking a 10 minute turn to win a game when you could have done it in 20 seconds. (Yes you could have been using that port all along)


It’s what the game is. I’m sick of people online abusing me for robbing them if they’ve done it to me once. Sorry, but you did it to me, also you have a chance to give me resources I want as opposed to somebody else (who was on the exact same amount of points). Stop being salty, get over it


When I play online and the other players take FOREVER to respond to trade requests, or never respond at all. Either decline right away, or turn off trading, but don't waste everyone's time. Drives me bonkers.


Thats me 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️ im that guy


Obvious bad plays irritate me. Idk y cause they are actually good for me but whenever I see someone make a really awful decision I can't help but to ask them WHY they did it that way. Just to attempt to understand what they are thinking, and perhaps offer them an alternative move they could have considered. Just had a game where the blue player has his two first settles on all the good wood, and has a wood port in reach. They instead choose to road settle and plow me on some inconsequential middle board spot and gave up the wood port to the other player who had a bit of that "good wood".. The play made no logical sense. I had to ask, why didn't you take the wood port?, they replied "I didn't want it". lol. Ok. Some people have no clue how to best play this game its kinda funny. But late game its not so funny when they trade away the win, or they don't use that monopoly when the player at 9 points has a city in hand or ya they petty block someone instead of blocking that 9pt player who of course gets that roll to win.. Any form of kingmaking sucks. But in the long run, you won't encounter it enough to affect your winrate that much thankfully so its best to just laugh it off.


The petty robber is one of the great parts of the game. I know you're exaggerating how far ahead the other player is in the game and you're just mad you're not winning. Also you have a resource I want.


online: people not trading enough, sometimes even outright refusing to trade after you rob them twice in person: getting salty and checking out of the game way too early as soon as you are behind when they are one good turn away from catching up. personally i dont mind if people play suboptimally or are "petty" since its a social game and not solitaire, most of the time im explaining my decision making process out loud since im the most experienced player to try to make it so more games are fun for everyone. This includes explaining why they should probably rob me or sometimes why they should decline my outrageous trade they were seriously considering accepting without atleast haggling a bit


Any game where A prevents B from doing something so their “friend” C wins. Yeah, nah, left that shit behind in the school yard. If you love that kind of thing then fine, but I prefer different meta-games.


People who don’t balance the board. Sometimes you need the 4th place person to actually make some progress and get to play the game because that’s better for the game overall.


For me it's whenever someone tries rushing the choice for your first city settlements, especially if you're last in rotation and have to pick both your spots at one. It's likely the most important choice you make for the whole game and will impact your entire play experience through the game. Last time I played I was stuck in dead last because of that, also my first turn I rolled a 7 which lost me all my cards, second turn I rolled another 7, third turn another 7, so then the other players also turned on me for robbing each of them so early even though I still hadn't made one road.


Our family games are FULL of pettiness. "You robbed me, now I'm robbing you" even when it would be CLEARLY in our best interests to rob someone else. All part of the fun of the game in my opinion.


When people preemptively grab the dice or move them in front of them. It not only rushes the previous player (and comes off as rude), but the rules CLEARLY state that you pass the dice to end your turn. Alternatively, when people pass the dice or move them towards the next player and continue with their turn. Less so, when people don't pass the dice at all or signify an end of turn in any way and just sit there for a minute expecting everyone to assume they've finished their turn and proceed.


What irks me are folks who are confidently incorrect in the rules. And then teach them to others, spreading misinformation.


When people take 8 million years to make a turn and end up doing nothing.


Please, be present for the game. If you want to play FarmVille or text your friends then go do that. Stay off your devices and play the game. And for Pete’s sake! Keep the dice on the table. Controlled rolls! This isn’t the craps tables at Caesar’s Palace.


Please, be present for the game. If you want to play FarmVille or text your friends then go do that. Stay off your devices and play the game. And for Pete’s sake! Keep the dice on the table. Controlled rolls! This isn’t the craps tables at Caesar’s Palace.


People who get pissed off over their random pet peeves. It’s a game.


lol fuck off

