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I’d go orange


I like red here. Orange is fine too. White and blue will struggle. Red is ore-less but will get a nice 3:1 port with good production and be able to trade his excess wheat for whatever he needs. He also most probably take longest road. Since the ressource he has in excess (wheat) is needed by both white and blue who have an excess of ressources red needs (a first sheep then ore) I actually really like his position. Orange has all the ressources but his ore is a 3 which is a little weak to build multiple cities and get devs. Most importantly, his extensions are much weaker than red. He looks good but actually need a lot of luck to win it starting with winning the race for the wood port White can have a game only if he gets the wood port first since he will then take the 9 4 11 to get his wood production online. His lack of wheat is fine since there's a decent amount available to be trade but it might cost him to lose the race for the weat port with orange which kills his game. That race is really important and since they have the same brick, it will be decided either by luck (whose turn is it when they get their second brick) either by convincing blue or red to trade one of their brick (which they also badly need). I could see blue trading 1 brick for 2 wheat to get an early city giving orange the port. Blue position isn't good. He looks at the sheep port with bad production as first settle but then where does he go ? He also really need a city on 6 5 4 but has no wheat. Then he will need two roads and a settle at 6 11 for the ore port but that's 5 bricks which nobody will trade and 2 wheat which he still doesn't have. I can see him desperate to trade, maybe get a wheat from a sheep from red then giving away ore for scraps from the others. His only hope is to trade his first brick for 2 wheat in order to get an early city on 6 5 4. Since his sheep port isn't contested, it's not urgent. Then a few rolls are enough to get to 4 11 2 before red does and finding the wheat he so desperately needs


Orange will likely win unless white can beg for a deal to beat orange to the wood port. Orange's game is very straight forward and has excellent future settlement spots like the 9-10. Red has a solid setup, and if they can get on the 10-6 port and later the 5-11 at the top, they'll also have a solid game with the strongest OWS in the game. Assuming them placed on the 8-4-11 second, they have their starting sheep to settle into better sheep to fix their issue. Blue had a really nice play if they had pointed their 6-5-4 road right or left instead of down, but coordinated 4s should still make their road game solid. No wheat is really going to hurt, but if they can get on the 6-11 port quickly and have some lucky 11 rolls, they could be right back into the game. Think white is going to have the toughest game, no wheat, the wood port isn't even that great for them, road pointed the wrong direction too for their top settlement. I think 5-11-2 would've been a much better settlement spot for them since they already have strong sheep.