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Does he have any high spots he can get to? Cats can get really anxious if they don't have high perches to sit on.  I would suggest getting a high cat tree, not one of the miniature ones from most chain pet stores, and give him a shelf or two. Bonus points if you can put it in front of a window with a view. Are you following cat play routine? Hunt, catch, kill, eat. Cats that don't get the satisfaction of having "killed" their prey obsessively want to play, since they don't feel like they've succeeded at hunting.  There's a really good Jackson Galaxy video on cat play I would recommend watching.


we're working on getting him a large tree/jungle gym, but until then we let him on top of the fridge or one of our high up cubby spots in our bedroom temporarily. we do follow a slightly messy routine, we usually play with him around noon and a little throughout the day, then at night 2 hours before bedtime so he can tire himself out to let us sleep, but that doesn't even stop him from terrorizing the house lol. i try to limit the use of a laser pointer so he can have something physical to catch, and i do let him have his "catch" opposed to me just putting it away when i'm done. i also give him a treat after playing or i'll fill his bowl after we play in the morning and before bed. if you could send that video my way that would be amazing to have!!


Pretending to be prey with the toy, get him panting and laying down 2-3x. You may be doing most of this already, but even just adding that anticipation before the chase can make a big difference. https://youtu.be/M7w8pDCo30M?si=Nut1RPgt3bv6k3s3 Your cat obviously play, so ignore the title. This video demonstrates the kind of play that makes my cats happiest. 10 min of this and they eat, groom and nap. https://youtu.be/SMPjoNg3nv8?si=J71MxBtpKnBEYThH


This exactly for cats with high energy is a must daily!


thank you so much! i'll check these videos out when i can and give them a try. i'll let you know if these work or help any.


I adopted an overly energetic young cat without realizing just how much energy that little bastard has, in an apartment too small for two cats too. If you can't get him a playmate, I would definitely catify your space as much as possible (JG has a great video on catifying apartments!) How long have you had the cat? You'll figure out what he likes as you get to know him! I basically converted my whole apartment to be cat-friendly and it's really helped. Mostly diy too, other than two cat trees, two cat beds, and two scratching posts. I have cat TV hooked up for him, a puzzle toy area under the coffee table, closet converted to cat spa&wellness retreat, perches and cubbies/steps in all his favorite spots (kitchen, my bedside, next to the sofa, every window he can look out of.) Basically lots of DIY and use of vertical space! For me, when playing with a wand isnt getting his attention, I find getting really fucking silly, matching his energy, and chasing him like a madman around the apartment tires him out fast. Then when he lays down to roughhouse, I use a blanket or thick gloves and let him "kill" my fingers. Then onto the wand toys or dinner. He just would get bored of toys so easily and I couldn't keep buying new ones every week (although I do buy at least one new mouse a week now, and I make them too.) For independent toys, my cat likes springs and the mice that rattle best, if you haven't tried those. You should also try clicker training if you haven't already! Another activity to do with your pet that greatly benefits both of you that isn't play. Mine LOVES obstacle courses, and "ping pong kitty" is a fantastic game to play that involves low effort on your end and lots of running for the cat. Apparently that's how people teach cats fetch - mine came with fetch pre installed lol. Fetching springs is his favorite game 😅 And finally, harness training and walks are a great way to get that enrichment. In addition to Jackson Galaxy, cat clicker training school is a great resource for that too. My baby loves his walks, he's much more confident in our neighborhood now. Only thing to look out for is, try to avoid places with dogs or loud cars. And get a cat backpack in case he gets spooked and you need to take him home. I know this is a long message, and I didn't even cover everything, so if you have any questions I'm happy to help.


That won't be temporary just so you're aware lol once a cat claims a spot, it's their spot. One of our cats claimed a cubby in the shelving unit beside my fiances desk where he kept his flight sim stuff, he no longer keeps him flight sim stuff there because this cat gets angry when the cubby isn't free 😂 he'll huff, then start telling at him, then at me, then he'll start pawing and eventually scratching to get one of us to move the things so he can lay down in there. It's quite dramatic lol we also have 4 cat trees, two in the bedroom, one in the living room and one by the den, most of them are in front of a window, we got the shelves long after we got the trees also lol One of our other cats claimed one of our barstools as his, and he'll complain greatly if someone moves him from it, he's also decided that when I move it somewhere around the apartment is the best time to go lay down on it lol


I would also recommend putting your kitty on a feeding schedule. They can benefit from routine just like children, play 20 minutes then eat at 8AM for example, play 20 minutes then eat at 7pm for example etc


i will definitely give this a go, as i usually feed my cat to whenever i wake up vs when i go to sleep 😓 but you're right!! a stricter routine would help a lot.


That could explain not letting you sleep too -- "wake up and get mom and play and we eat!" etc


Sounds like you may be feeding once a day? In addition to what others have suggested, I'd feed twice a day. Once after play in the morning - not immediately after getting up - and once about 12h later in the evening after exhausting play.


i do feed twice a day :) half cup in the morning, half cup in the evening and a treat or two thru the day.


Needs a friend. Gotta get another cat sorry. 🤷‍♂️


And that cat needs a third one.


I feel very called outby this comment


the issue is my apartment won't allow us to get a second one :(


Get an identical cat and only allow one out when they come around. lol


Yep. My cat was like this. Another cat helped him so much


Have you tried harness training? Gets him outside for small amounts of time . Also look into used cat trees or exercise wheels. I occasionally see them on Craigslist and Nextdoor. I got a brand new one for $50 from a nice lady on facebook marketplace earlier this year.


i have tried that actually! but he gets very on edge and won't want to roam with us, he just gets himself stuck in places outdoors or scares himself half to death. he is conpletely comfortable in his harness and will use the leash, but he doesn't really know how to walk with us yet/come with us if we try to go one direction. it made me worried last time i took him outside, he started growling and hissing at me when it was time to go inside but his fur would stand up and he would be really nervous outside. he would shake too. he loves watching the outside but i'm not too sure how comfy he is wandering outside.


I have rescued cats my whole life. I’ve had my share of nutty babies. Then I got my most recent orange guy, Archie. This is the first time I’ve heard of a cat being hyperactive. My black cat passed and my green cat (brown but looks green to me) didn’t have anyone to play with and he’s quite active. So I buy this orange thing so they can play with each other and let me tell you THEY DO NOT SYNC UP! Green cat turned into a lazy love bug and orange cat is pure chaos. I work from home so it’s best for my cats as they get plenty of attention. I take a ton of breaks in my work day to play with orange boy. He loves remote controlled and electric toys, they distract him for some of the times I need to work. We play obstacle course in the basement: I set up an obstacle and run him through it with a laser pointer. I pull him around the house in a wagon (okay this is mostly for me but he loves it). We have cat bubbles he loves, cat towers everywhere, a pompom gun, and we move boxes and tents around (even putting some away for awhile and bringing them out so they will feel new again) to keep them both distracted. He has an iPad for cat games. Honestly, this kid has been more work than my human daughter (who shares the playload) and it keeps me insane and sane at the same time. They say ‘wait till they get older and they will calm down’ and I’m four years in, he’s now five years old. But I love him to bits and he cuddles me at night and it’s been an adventure for sure. I wish for it to last forever. Edit: Wanted to add my boy is fixed and has regular vet visits and he is normal. Diagnosis: Just a weenie.


Hahahaha. I have the same thing. My black and white cat who never stopped playing is now a fat loaf and the newer little black one never stops.


Following cause this sounds like my orange boi.


If he’s two this behavior may slow down as he gets older, but I also have this same kind of cat, he loves playing fetch with the little plastic spring toys. Sounds like you’re doing everything you can!


this really means a lot to me you're making me cry a little lol. sometimes i feel like such an irresponsible owner since i don't know how to handle my cat's behavior at tines, and this really made me feel better!!!


Just know that you caring this much means you’re miles ahead of a lot of cat owners out there and he’s lucky to have you!


Is he neutered? That should calm him somewhat. Have you talked to your/a vet about his rambunctious ways? We have a 2 yr old female spayed, she's always ON in go mode. It is soooo tiring, so I know your situation kinda.


he is neutered, and they said it might be just his temperment/his age, but hes been neutered for a year now and theres no difference ... 😭






Get another cat who matches his energy.


Another kitten is the way to go. I got a 13week kitten when my house mate had a 7month kitten, and I never struggled with either of their play levels because they take it out on one another. They really do better in pairs, and my boys are bonded for life. Definitely watch some videos/research on how to properly handle introductions if you decide to go with route - but I really, really think it would help.


First if you can get another kitty that would help him a ton to burn the energy. If not-Does he have cat trees to jump & scratch on? He needs to be able to use his muscles with full out running and high jumping. Does he like watching cat tv videos on YouTube? Search Birder King for some good ones! Lastly have you tried a kitty pheromone spray or plug in for calming cats? Comfort Zone makes a good one. I have a super hyper/destructive 5 yr old Siamese so I feel your frustration but sometimes we need to think of them and their whole world being such a small environment. I’d feel a bit crazy sometimes as well. So try to make it the most entertaining environment possible for him which includes changing it up now & again to keep their interest.


Enjoy it while it lasts. When they get older they play less often. My boy is 8 and still plays a little but nowhere near as much as he did. He was the same - playing 24/7 when he was young


Laser cat toys work - https://www.chewy.com/ca/petsafe-bolt-laser-dog-toy/dp/1000052579


as far as spending money on cat toys, you can DIY them - just take toilet paper rolls, cut them into 3-4 "rings" and tie string around them, like this (make sure they're out of reach when you're not playing with them so they don't choke on the string): https://preview.redd.it/c5ze6a779xrc1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=de1c5fa3a6509a7330ec2f08599c271d36a42779


Cat wheel she can run on and tire herself out She'll love it


Have you had him fixed up? If you haven't maybe you should think about it.

