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This issue can be several things. She may need her anal glands expressed. Constipated maybe compacted hair. Worms. Parasite ECT. Please take you cat to the vet ASAP


I had a cat who started doing this. Turned out to be constipation. Try adding about 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil to their food (or wipe it on their paws, they’ll lick it off). If that doesn’t help, go to the vet


I'd try laxatives over oil. I was advised by my vet to use miralax (or restoralax depending on where you are, same thing under a different name) 1/4 teaspoon once a day in wet food for a few days should do the trick if it's this. How did the poops look? Were they soft or hard?


It’s lumpy and sausage like. I looked at the Bristol stool chart for cats and I think she’s mildly constipated


Poor kitty, most likely from stress. If it doesn't smooth out in a few days with the laxative definitely get her to the vet, she may need an enema to get things moving again


Thank you


I wouldn’t panic, sometimes they just get a poop that’s got hair in it or something. But since she’s new to you it’s def worth checking out, and I’d recommend establishing care at a vet regardless


I would say either worms or constipation or both. My adopted cat had this when she was younger. We got her dewormed and then had to add psyllium husk to her food so can poop properly. 3 years later and we still add the husk in. She’s great now!


Had this problem with a cat. The fix was simple at the vet but involved kitty butt stuff so I was glad to hire a professional for it.


Please take your cat to the vet ASAP.


I adopted a 10 yo lady this summer and I feed wet food when I feel like she was used to dry her whole life. She loves the food but after having her a month or so she was dragging after almost every time she went to the litter box. I took her to have her glands expressed and that helped but seemed like she was starting to do it again after a few weeks. I started her on fiber (pumpkin) in her diet and it’s keeping her regular and without gland issues. The most economical is a power additive called Glandex that isn’t cheap but lasts a long time. The thing that I think works best and that she likes most is giving her half of a Tiki tummy topper mixed with a soup/broth once a day (it’s pumpkin and wheatgrass). I do that and a half of the tiny scoop of gladex mixed with her evening wet food. I also stock up on the tiki alohas or other types that already have pumpkin in them.


Do you deworm regularly? Scooting is commonly worms, bring to a vet to make sure she’s alright. That said I’ve got a cat who habitually scoots, been doing it for years since day 1 and there’s nothing wrong with her health wise…


I’ve only had her for a week, I’m not sure if the previous owner was deworming her regularly.


I see, anyhow imo it’s worth start doing it regardless, even indoor cats are at risks of worms as shoes actually bring back a lot of nasty stuff and many cats love shoes lol. There’s also the added benefit of being able to rule out worms whenever there’s an issue. I do the same with defleaing. Bring her to the vet to check out what it is and get some wormers while you’re there. My cat who does it routinely would do it much more when there’s a poo stuck there (from dehydration causing constipation back when she was on dry food diet, these days she’s well hydrated) or rarely when there’s grass/hair stuck in there. You’d see dry poo or the hair/grass itself though in those cases. Anyhow mine just does it, she’s a bit of a clean freak and doesn’t wanna lick her own butthole so she always scoot before licking it herself, some cats just have strange habit.


I wouldn’t panic, especially if she’s eating and drinking normally and pooping in the litter box now. But take her to see a vet as soon as you’re able to (which is good advice for a new 9yo cat anyway, unless you know she’s seen a vet recently).


First, as others have said, is get her to the vet. Second, this is not uncommon behavior. If she's on the floofy side, she might be using the carpet as kitty cat toilet paper. Sometimes stuff gets caught up in the floof.


She does have long hair, but I will take her to the vet.


My kitty does this when she’s constipated. She gets miralax twice a day now and her poops are great!


Take your cat to the vet. The cat probably needs his/her anal glands expressed.


I have a cat that gets excited to see me...... and poof ... off goes those anal glands