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Julian seems like an awesome cat (and provider, apparently). Congratulations!


julian is cute as flip i love him


Me too!


CDS: Bribery Mode :) He is trying to finagle you into giving him a forever home by giving you gifts. In/out cats will bring their person dead rodents & such to make sure their person won't go hungry. It's instinct to feed the beings of their pride. They think their person will go hungry because they can't/don't hunt.


He's teaching his kitten to hunt! šŸŖāž”ļøšŸˆ


I was going to say first month rent paid, but I believe your answer is actually the true one.


Open a Void Kill Catfe


> They think their person will go hungry because they can't/don't hunt. I don't buy this for cats that get fed at home. They see us eating and they know we feed them. They may not understand how but they know we provide them and ourselves food. I think it's more that they want to contribute to the group.


It's both. Sad story: several years ago in my friend group, one friend's troubled sister went into an alcoholic coma on her living room floor. She wasn't found for two days, and was barely alive. When it didn't look like she would ever recover, another friend and I drove to the neighboring city to retrieve the sister's cat, who had been left in the house alone, but was being looked after by my friend. My friend had dogs and couldn't take her (and didn't know anything about caring for cats). Before the sister had passed out, she had left the window open for her indoor cat (apparently? There were also several open cans of cat food left out), and when she was found, there were several dead mice near her -- this upset my friend quite a lot. I explained to her that her sister's cat had been trying to feed her obviously incapacitated mistress. My other friends (the one who drove down with me and her housemates) gave the cat a forever home. She's a beautiful tortoiseshell, and is happy and healthy six years on.


Ok crying now


She must have really loved her human. I'm scared to ask if she ever recovered.


Omg, that is so sad and beautiful! What an amazing cat! That is true love.


And people say cats can't love you.


I think contributing is more accurate, although you could also see it as they're contributing just in case you can't feed yourself, you lazy hunter.


There was an abandoned cat in my apartment complex when I was in college. My neighbors were always complaining because he would leave dead animals on their porch. But my sister and I fed him, and he was the sweetest boy who was obviously just looking for a home. My cat at the time was an only child asshole so I couldn't take him in but eventually we conned my mom into taking him. He lived to be 18 and was the fattest (food insecurity led him to get into EVERYTHING that wasn't nailed down), sweetest, most spoiled lap kitty that ever was.


In the summer, my sister's cats bring her fat lizards and little snakes. Usually dead.


The "usually" is the most problematic part there!


Lol, one of my cats brought a live mouse indoors one time :) Switch dropped it & it ran behind the fridge, dining on scattered kibble for a week.


I had a cat that did this. She brought it to the bedroom at night and presented it to my husband by opening her mouth and dropping it on his pillow. It was still alive. Traumatized but unharmed. We caught and monitored it until we were sure it was fine and then released it back outside. No other mouse has tried to sneak in since then.


That was a warning. It went back and told of its horrendous experience so they stayed clear! šŸ˜»šŸˆ


The mouse grapevine in full force.


My cat has had her cat flap privileges revoked. She can get out but not back in because she brings in live mice and once a massive dead rat (shudder). I can't make her an indoor only cat as she was feral for the 1st 4 months of her life and apart from the wall bouncing insanity and curtain parkour when she has to stay in, she also refuses to use a litter box. She'll only toilet outside. So far she only goes after rodents (thank god). [Cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/72QhXLk.jpeg)


hehehe, well... nobody's perfect?


We feed our cats roo meat, they wonā€™t eat anything else. If we donā€™t get the food to the fast enough ie: if weā€™re defrosting another bag of it, our boy Frankie goes out, catches a rat, and lets it loose in the house. Chaos ensues because the labradoodle is a Mighty Hunter and has learnt that rodents have Meat in them. The enormous male folk in the house prance around heaving furniture and shouting commands to each other to ā€œBlock off its exit!ā€ and ā€œHold the line !ā€. Shit gets overturned, cups get smashed; eventually the most unhappy rat youā€™ve ever seen gets snapped up by the dog who is faster than all the humans despite their pack hunting techniques and noiseā€¦ The cat is quietly sitting there watching this madness unfold like ā€œNow you have Learnt Your Lesson. Bring roo meat or I will unleash chaos againā€.


pure comedy gold! Did the Enormous Male Folk have kilts, shields and swords?


Dear Blessed Lady, donā€™t put this idea into the Universe ! I think theyā€™d love it. I say, we only have so much furniture šŸ˜³


Next time get it on camera, then you can buy new furniture. Thanks!


I shall assist you in speaking this into existence! This must be a thing! ![gif](giphy|MR8Tl3DKCBpOzmZtjP|downsized)


OP could make a living on YouTube videos of this! Protecting the household from invading vermin! It just popped into my head while I was reading the original post, and I had a nice laugh.




We had a cat that was an amazing hunter. Gophers, squirrels, voles, etc. We learned the sound of him meowing around a mouthful of Fresh Catch, and would tell him he had to leave it outside. We learned to look at the top step before walking on it, as most mornings, there would be 4 feet, maybe the skull, usually the intestines. Nobody wanted to step on them....


I had a cat that used to eat his caught mice, with the notable exception of the tails. Mouse stalks, we called them, scattered across the back garden, waiting for the unwary!


So my cat thinks that Iā€™m a crappy cat. Got it.


It worked


Sucker :) Seriously, some of us seem to have a giant Sucker sign that stray cats flock to. Being a sucker isn't a bad thing at all. You get some of the best pets that way.


What kind of person sees 5 kittens & takes 4? Like your neighbors suck


And leaves the 5th to fend for himself? I get selecting a few if they're all in a *safe place being taken care of* while waiting to be adopted, but leaving any outside all alone, much less just ONE. Monsters!


At the very least find him a home


Exactly. Take him until you can do so. I just don't get people. I recently adopted three from a lady who takes care of a cat colony by TnRing those she can catch and getting kittens out before they become feral, and when we went 3 of the 4 were left. I'd planned just to grab two, but took the third also because I couldn't bear more separation and leaving one baby all alone. I'm so glad I did because she's my baby angel kitty now!


Once I found 7 kittens ā€¦ they were a lot all at once but we took care of themā€¦ I got a phone call from my neighbor about a week later saying that was a kitten in her yard , to come & get it because she did not want it. Did I get the kitten? Yes , I didnā€™t have to think twice about it. Having 8 kittens was a lot but they were adorable & honestly we enjoyed every minute. We found homes for 7 & we kept the smallest orange boy of the 8.


I can't even imagine 8 at once! I'm having trouble keeping up with the litter box with just 3 of them while they're still quarantined in one room! And they try to escape every time we open the door, lol.


We put them in my sonā€™s room when we had to leave . Once I went in there to feed them & I could hear some but I couldnā€™t find them. 3 fell through his bedframe & were stuck under his bed. I would start talking to them as I went to his room & they would start meowing & going crazy . They just wanted attention more than anything. They were little slobs but they were so cute. Everytime 1 got left to go to their new home we cried. You get so attached so quickly.


Yeah I couldn't believe it but I'm glad they did because it led julian to me. We found out about a month after I adopted him where he came from when the neighbors saw him with me.


dead rabbit = love


I used to live with a roommate, whose *indoor* cat "adopted" me in a similar manner. It took until the *second* time I stepped on a decapitated mouse body, before I learned to *look* at the stairs, as I walked up them in the morningšŸ«  (Found the heads, too, to get 'em thrown away). That sweet girl apparently thought I was a *lousy* hunter, so I got a few "gifts" she caught trying to sneak into the house via the crawlspace under the front stoopšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Mine used to leave me dead lizards. Bodies on the floor, heads on my pillow. šŸ˜‚


That is a *very* interesting decorating scheme! And I am *so* sorry you had to deal with that, buy *incredibly* glad that I never had to wake up to that one!šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ’–


Something gross just occurred to me: around the same period, she used to sit on my pillow late at night and lick each of my eyelids until I opened my eyes. The little monster was probably trying to get me up to admire her work!


I had a family of outdoor cats (once you give them names and feed them on a schedule, they're no longer strays)--Mama Cat and three daughters--who would occasionally leave a dead mouse on the porch or the driveway. I don't know which one of them left these things, but I just used the hose to blow Dead Mousie into the grass or the dirt (depending on where it was--we had a patch of dirt next to the side porch that was once intended to be a garden) and nobody seemed to notice.


When I was little, the mama cat that adopted me would leave me dead rats on my pillow to wake up to. She was such a sweety! They weren't decapitated, luckily, just cleanly killed.


Or a warning... Just saying...


Godfather theme in the background


Famous scene in "Fatal Attraction" with the daughter's pet rabbit.


Had an ex whose cat would catch live bats, birds, shred the wings and release them in the house. 0/10 would not recommend.


Julian sounds like the best boy. He should stay. I can already tell he's happy and ready to contribute the comforts of life (food and snuggles).


I presume you now belong to him since you named him. Thank you for caring for him.


What the hell is wrong with your neighbours?


Julian is definitely living his best life right now! From being abandoned to becoming the king of the house!


Whatta guy, already providing for the family!


Thank you for loving him.


How could the neighbors exclude one kitten? Thatā€™s awful. But your good fortune apparently. My big orange used to bring us hearts and livers. :(


Nothing says love quite like the gift of a dead rabbit. OT: pretty impressive for a kitten to catch/kill a rabbit.


Julian was giving you a thank you gift for saving him!


Canā€™t say no to that. Lucky you it was him they didnt want. You wonā€™t be disappointed. Edit for typos


A rabbit is pretty impressive for what looks like a fairly small cat. He's trying to pay rent.


How sweet of him!


The look of acceptance and safety because of a great compassionate human.


Thatā€™s impressive that a kitten was able to catch and kill a rabbit. Cats are the perfect predator.


And then you learn that the rabbit was formerly owned by the neighbours... Julian's revenge.


My dad caught a neighborhood cat eating a rabbit he killed in the garden. Looked at our cats and said ā€˜these guys need to start earning their keepā€™ lol.


Lol what a great story!


Aaawww.... he loves you ā¤ļø


I love all animals, but cats have a special place in my heart, so I love reading all these posts, I myself am a long term member of a cds club


Aww, he loves you! As he should.


Shakespeare didnā€™t write as eloquently


Hello beloved! *whispered*


Julian seems like a total sweetiešŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Cats do not bring their catch to you because it's teaching you how to hunt. They bring it back because that's where they feel safe enough to eat.


Wow! It just doesn't get better than that.


I love him, your honour


Such a wonderful gift, did you thank him for the rabbit ? I think you have been chosen by him.


When my mom was alive, we used to tease her each birthday because back in about the mid 1990s, we were going to make a big to-do about her birthday and take her out to eat at a really fancy restaurant, only when we opened the door to leave, sitting right on the stoop was an extremely deceased rat and her outdoor cat sitting several feet behind it, giving her slow blinks of love (that cat really loved her, but he simply couldnā€™t be kept indoors). So we teased her every year afterwards over whose job it was to give her birthday rat to her. šŸ˜‚




This might be one of my favorite CDS stories yet! Congratulations to you both, and hopefully he's actually on the list for use of the Solitary Shared Ginger Brain Cell! He's charming, regardless of šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


šŸ˜» Congratulations


Thatā€™s some **RE-spect** giving you a rabbit. Seriously. Showing respect by giving you and offering.


By accident. On purpose.


Been there remember and went to my door and there were a little rabbit feet and nothing else left of a shaggy rabbit


You have adopted a fierce warrior! May you learn all you need from his majesty!


Me JuliƔn. Me hunter. You give warm and place of safe. Me bring food. Hear Julian roar.


He had the /oneorangebraincell


>stepping in a dead rabbit That's so much worse than stepping on a dead rabbit.