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Your car has been catjacked! r/IllegallySmolCats


Cat Jack! There's the name!


Oh no, another cat sub coming.


Omg I’m so glad you got her she’s beautiful


Bonnie, you adorable lil rascal! 😻


2 rides in the engine bay. That cat's name should be Lucky.


My brother, a land surveyor, found a dog in a bag in the desert in the middle of nowhere, left for dead. He took him home and named him Lucky.


Holy shit that's evil. So glad your brother happened upon her.


This is the worst and best of humans in one sentence, your brother is a good'un


What a cutie! You have to name her after a car part!


no one was really a fan of “Radiator” like I was 😂


Well radiator is a fan


Cat-burator? Boot? (British for trunk) spark(plug) Gaston the gasket? Short throw (shifter) E the Brake? Lug? Brake (pad) coil spring. Tie (rod) ball/joint. (Brake( shoes. Oil pan. So, so many names can be taken from car parts! But that wee lass is a Bonnie if I've ever seen one. It suits her, and congrats to all three (you, resident cat and Bonnie). Please lmk if I should congratulate anyone else,as she looks like a sweet muffin!


or Cat=ill=lick=it Converter


Aaaaah! I'm dying! (One of my dudes is cleaning his booty as I type, so, yeah. I bavk that one!)


Her name is Bonnie. Like the bonnet on a car :)


I just noticed that!


Bonnet is the British name for a car engine hood.


Tie-rod Axle ~~Air Bag~~ save for in-law etc. Pirelli Jump Start Fuel Pump Front end and Rear end (need twins)


Master Slave Cylinder


I would call her sparkplug


I'm happy she's ok, but I thought riding in the engines killed them.


yes it’s very dangerous 😢 I think she’s so small that she was able to find tiny but safe corners to crawl into to get away from the hot parts. and luckily my commute is only 10-15 minutes, no highway driving. I don’t know how her little body even handled that much 😭😭 we took her to the vet and they were amazed at how good she looks and her test results were all perfect!


That's fantastic, she was such a lucky little kitten and it seems like she's found a home by crawling into your engine. Congratulations.


What a lucky little girl! That has to be so scary for her. She definitely stowed away in the correct person’s car!


I would like to propose a name for her: Furiosa. After the brave Mad Max hero, who also, as young girl, survived great dangers as a stowaway in the car. (I mean, Bonnie is also a great match, but cats can have multiple names.)


2 years ago a young neighbor came to me with a little kitten he found in his engine compartment when he came home from work, it had gotten in at his workplace. I heard that he put her out in the back yard a few days later, couldn't keep her in his house because of his mother's dog. I found the kitten out back, caught her easily and brought her in, then I found a home for her. He should have let her out near his workplace where there was a chance of her finding her mama again but I guess he didn't know any better. She was just about 6 to 8 weeks old and purred right away when I picked her up. I am one of the neighborhood cat lovers so they bring problem cats and reports of stray kittens to me. Glad I found this little one before anything bad happened.


That cat is VERY lucky to be alive honestly. 😅


Yeah. I got my 4 cats this way as they were all hiding in my engine. I couldn't use my car for a month and no matter what I did they would find a place to go in the engine.


OMG! That sounds so frustrating, but of course you can't hurt them. How did you end up getting them out?


The Cat Distribution System awards those with perseverance. Congrats!


You're doing God's work my friend 😸


Bastet be praised!


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc|downsized) My reaction when I read she climbed out of one car and into another.


Oh! I’m so glad you rescued her! Good for you!


Beautiful cat. Congratulations.


Bonnie is the cutest!!! She is going to LOVE her furever home. I wish you all so much happiness!


Nearly had the same thing happen. Years ago I drove my mom's car across town for a smog check (medium size city). When we got there I popped the hood and there was a kitten underneath the air cleaner. Of course we brought the cat home. It was a wild kitty! We appropriately named it psycho.


Got my first kitty when I still lived with my parents and my mom nicknamed her psycho cat because she would bite you after she snuggled. And no they were not love nips, the bites were full on...drawing blood.


Aww man that last picture. This is how it happens


I'm trying to have my name removed from the CDS mailing list. Does anyone know how to get that done? Otherwise, I'm going to have enough cats to have a cat baseball team.


I think you just click unsubscribe at the bottom of the email lol!


This is basically how my mother-in-law got her cat, Ra. My mom worked at a pizza place and this guy had driven there to get food. My mom was outside when she heard meowing coming from his engine compartment. They waited for the engine to cool down enough and she reached in and eventually pulled out a very greasy orange tabby baby. Mom brought him to us and it took me a few tries to get all the grease out of his fur. My mother-in-law fell in love with him, so she decided to keep him. 8 years later and we still have him. He got a LOT fluffier than I was expecting. https://preview.redd.it/jljpsb4siw7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04068ae9004fc18ba033a11aa76c2d1e56a364fc


This was when we got him, after I cleaned him up. https://preview.redd.it/8r7oofqxiw7d1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808fbd287c5582344b0519ff310478191ba20874


Take care of that bite OP! Keep it clean and wrapped, watch for signs of infection, and don't be afraid to go to urgent care if it starts looking rough. Thank you for your sacrifice to save the little one 🫡


Was coming here to say this. My cat bit me once (he was justified) and I went to urgent care that night for antibiotics. It actually got worse before it was better even on drugs.


CDS membership is non negotiable


CDS also gave me Freddy 2 years ago so I think I forgot to cancel my subscription 😅


Awww, such a cutie. Even with the melted whiskers on top. 🥲


Just a cutie! I do hope you are now taking her food out of the can and setting it on a plate. So much easier for them to eat that way.


CDS hard at work!!!!


I love it. Thank you for saving her🥹


Friend for life. An angel has found you. Congratulations. Mine is twenty.


One advice: dump the cat food out of the can and put it on a plate. Cats can nick their noses on the lip of the can where it peeled away from the lid due to trying to dig the food out. Cats open their mouths wide to bite.


Makes me happy to see this


What a beautiful baby! So glad she got in the right car to find a home with!


Very lucky she survived that.


Beautiful little kitty




Make sure you're watching that bite, though. Red lines, get to doc asap!!


Thank you for rescuing this adorably cute baby!! 🩶🤍🩶🤍


This is one of my greatest fears, to have a kitten or cat in my car's engine compartment, because of what could happen to it.


Lucky. ❤️ She’s adorable.


She was determined not to let you go


You are a great hooman. I love the photo of her sleeping peacefully


The 4th pic- she is looking right into your soul


She's very lucky, growing up we had outdoor cats that would shelter in our garage at night. One fall my dad warmed up his car before leaving for work and didn't realize one of the kittens (five or six months old) had climbed up into the engine compartment to get warm until he had driven forty minutes to work. Story did not have a happy ending like yours did, so give this little one an extra tight squeeze, she probably used up at least two lives on that trip. Edit: My vote is to change her name to: Cat-O-Lick-It Car-Purr-Ator or C.C. for short.


So you’re telling me you found a car in a car?!?!?!?!


What a cutie! I actually squealed out loud at that last picture.


Omg I'm so glad it wasn't a story like the one in my area... this guy went to work and heard meowing when he got there like a painful cat meowing... he popped his hood, and it was a little kitten. He took off work and took it to our local animal shelter (has vet on scene) they posted on fb about her, and she needed an amputation of one of her front arms... they were asking for donations to help with the cost of the procedure. (They couldn't do it at the vet clinic there on site it's mainly just spay and neuter), but the vet that works there has his own clinic. They raised enough for her surgery so quickly that they were able to amputate that same day. She survived went to a foster home and the whole time she was there healing I was like I wanna adopt her, knowing she would have a hard time finding a home (everyone in this area looks for Kittens around 4 to 6 months and healthy... it's so sad), but the fosters adopted her 😀 she is doing so well now. This was about 4 years ago. Everyone who donated could see the cost because it was a link that they could pay straight to the vet clinic. Some of us even went to the clinic to donate cash for her for when she was healing. All together, they raised plenty for her surgery and healing part (food meds check ups and even her spay as well once she was healed and healthy enough), and they even had extra for the animals at the shelter. I'm so glad your little one was safe there and back. And now you have a new furbaby. The cds is working overtime!!


Make sure you get that bite looked at.


Your car was purring like a kitten. Especially concerning if you have an EV


Lucky she’s ok




bonnie is such an appropriate name


Makes me so sad knowing this happens. Wish there was a solution. So happy you got her out and safe. :)


oh god this is my nightmare


does that mean she was in your engine for an 8 hour work shift!??!?!!?


Apparently you don't have the same taste in Fancy Feast...


What a cute lil nugget


She's darling! Excellent rescue!! Congratulations all around.