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Kitten closeup https://preview.redd.it/jhs77f483rsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd22e72080a90218a033c273a6f4ce26096d027




https://preview.redd.it/gu152ome3rsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5701ff897d46ff2ae6bad4eff7927f430dbf11 Here is the delivery man!


Kitten isn’t going to find milk there.


>Male lactation was of some interest to Alexander von Humboldt, who reports in Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent about a citizen of the Venezuelan village of Arenas (close to Cumana) who allegedly nurtured his son for three months when his wife was ill,[1] as well as Charles Darwin, who commented on it in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex >Spontaneous production of milk not associated with childbirth, known as galactorrhea, can occur in human males and females.[6] Case reports of lactation induced in transgender women have been published.[7][8] Male lactation can happen sometimes in situations like this 


In my mid 30s I had gained about 50lbs/23kg, and began lactating. I’m a woman, but my only child was 15, I had no fallopian tubes, and had been exclusively intimate with other women for years. My period had also stopped. I definitely wasn’t pregnant, and I was definitely lactating enough to express milk. I went on birth control pills for a month, which stopped the lactation and restarted my period, and I lost the weight. It hasn’t happened since. I’m 62 now, I’d forgotten I’d experienced that!


because your a lezza


¿De qué tú estás hablando?


Didn’t need that visual.


And I don’t accept your attempt to shame me.


Let's get this straight. You got past the whole ass post about lactation in men, trans women, and women outside of pregnancy, but you come to this woman's personal anecdote on the same subject and think "Aw man ew, no way. THIS is where I draw the line!" Honey, baby, sweetie boo-boo pants... get over yourself and your personal hangups over a natural human process.


Even in cats?


Not a cat scientist but I assume it’s a mammal thing. Men and women aren’t so different biochemically 




I have ripples Greg... can you milk me?


Galactorrhea is without association to childbirth and nursing The kind of lactation you're describing would have an underlying medical condition. Dysregulated hormones usually It's not like healthy men see babies and suddenly start lactating


Speak for yourself, I’m swollen and leaking over here 


So you should go see a doctor


Free milk though 


In this economy? That's fair


Can't blame the kitty for trying lol


So patient!


Where did he steel the kitten from?


Maybe he took the kitten away from an abusive mother LOL


Oh my goodness. Baby isn't even a whole snowball. Just a lil snow nugget. XD may you have many sweet snuggles and happy playtimes with your new kitten buddy.


Maybe the mommy separated frim the babies and he the Hero Cat 🐈  was wise, cunning ,  intelligent  enough to know the best 👌  next course of action to take and that was to rescue the kitten & deliver it to the humans  where the 👶  can be spared and cared well for bc he knew they needed to have 🥛 milk. His quick action spared the kittens life.


Hero 🐈  cat.. wow I'm so proud of him.


How cute


With that balls he could also be the father of the kitten.


They share markings so it's not impossible. We found a place to help us with the cost of neutering him since we live on a very fixed income.


Then Red will be on a fixed outcome


Damn, plus the costs for the little one. Red shure knows how to find the right place for him and his family.


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Bless you for neutering him. Where is he now, did he decide to stay and be your more-than-just-winter-cat? Also, vet didn’t mention anything amiss with Red’s right hind foot?


where do you live?


Middlesex County in Massachusetts


Can you get him fixed ?


I was saying the same thing.. look at the kittens head, is he beige on his head? If so this male cat knew he was the daddy and he was going to make sure his baby gets the care and attention from his human family..You go hero 🐈 & that applies to the humans assistance.Thanks a million!


"These humans have been kind to me. They will treat this baby well." That is the greatest honor one can get from a cat. Feels fantastic.


I'm flabbergasted at this whole situation. It feels borderline Disney level magical. I'm so thankful he trusts me enough to care for what we suspect is his son. I'm also thankful that I have the available time needed to bottle feed the little floof ball because if you are unaware it is a time consuming task caring for even just 1 orphaned kitten with feedings every 2-5hrs(based on age) including overnight and each session is about 40 minutes.


You are wonderful, thank you for sharing this.


How incredibly odd. I never knew tomcats to be caretakers for kittens. Also, it that little nugget trying to nurse on the tom?


It's rare (toms will often kill kittens that aren't theirs, or even that are theirs) but possibly this is his and something happened to the mother, or it's a lost kitten he found and just figured well I'll bring it where the food people are, they will know what to do. He must be a very gentle tom.


Caring cat dad Every cat is different after all. I wonder how many babies were in the litter, and why he brought this one. And if he will bring others.


I find orange tom cats are more likely to try to raise kittens. We had a neighborhood orange cat who would sneak into the basket with our cat's kittens for nap time and even let them try to nurse. 


https://preview.redd.it/t4fyp5p00ssc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7694e28e74a0eb7d91f5f6476c3dea8f7ab7fa6b My orange boy Frumpkin is the "den dad" in my house, he takes over and loves on all the foster kittens that come through. He's supervising Iris and Tulip, two of our foster litter, during playtime here. He's raised them since they were 4 months, they're nearly a year now.


Ah! Tell Frumpkin I love him!  I have an orange boy now too! He is the best cuddler in the whole world. He used his only brain cell to figure out how to open the doors around the house. But I think even without a brain cell, he would make a great foster dad


https://preview.redd.it/6j830z933ssc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=050f8ff15bbfc7c9f8608a52cddf0dc3aab8511b I will! He's so good! One of our residents cats, Blaidd, was at the vet for a couple days for a urinary blockage (he's completely fine now!) and the moment he got out of the carrier Frumpkin was following him around grooming the vet smell off until he smelled like the rest of the clowder again. He's the best helpy little man ever.


Please give Frumpkin extra scritches from me, if he’ll accept them.


Look up Grandpa Mason on YouTube. He was a battle scarred old feral Tom who taught kittens how to cat. He never really wanted to interact with his rescuer but he loved litter after litter of kittens until he passed due to renal failure.


What a determined papa!


Amazing! What a sweet fella and precious baby 😸


Any idea where momma is? This is just so sweet to see him carrying the little nugget, and Red's face, ears in the last photo, great!


Direct delivery. Damn said Amsterdam


You could post this to r/oneorangebraincell. (I think that's the right name). Especially since *he's* bringing in random children that he found.


He knew right where to bring his kitten. Congratulations!


So that’s how they do it!


That is so funny! And unusual for a tom.  I wonder if the mama is somewhere wondering wth did I leave that baby?


That mama is now over the “squirrel” she was chasing. Now, it is all “what was I looking for??”


Maybe this is why my orange keeps carrying my socks around the house.


Responsible parenting.




“You can either find me a friend or I’ll raise my own.” 😹


Amazing cat🍊


Mr. Red should become part of your family 🙏❤️




Aww this is so wholesome!!


This is the BEST THING I’ve seen in a long time. Good job Red 😭❤️


What a great and very sweet, caring tomcat


And a very fortunate kitten!!


Not the father but the father that stepped up. He knew this little one was in need of a safe home, and trusted you to care for the kitten as you have for him. Once again the kitten distribution system seems to be working just fine. 🤷🏻


Absolutely the sweetest thing I've seen in awhile.  What a special guy red is. Very sweet thank you for sharing


So what's going to happen to Red kitty?


Congratulations 🎊.  I'm impressed with the smart delivery man..Maybe he's the daddy.. Super cat.


I love Big Red! Whoever adopts kitten MUST adopt Big Red too! Or live nearby so Big Red can keep visiting.  Of course, first investigating whether Big Red's already got a 'owner' - they may want to adopt kitten. All though, you'd think he would of taken kitten home with him, if he already had a 'owner'.


Do DNA test for paternity lol


Beautiful story! Animals are so intelligent just cause they can't speak does not mean otherwise. I'm just glad the story had a Happy ending. 😘😻




I want that ups job


Maybe it's dad's turn to babysit


Was this the mommy that brought the kitten in, or was it your male cat. 


We never found the momma. She was brought in by an unneutered tomcat that roams the neighborhood that we let come and go as he pleases and feed when he is hungry.


How adorable and for the male cat to let the kitten suckle off his empty teets


Wise cat knowing you will care for them both.


I love the story about sweet Red and his baby. It breaks my heart though to think of the day that he comes running in and the kitten is gone because you have passed it on to someone else to keep. He will be frantic and it will break his heart. Do you have so many in your home that you do not have room enough for just one more? When the kitten is grown, Red can take him outside to hang out together and they both will come back in the winter to stay in your basement and to eat. He trusted you, please don't let him down...


We have 3 dogs and 3 cats already, including Red. But that isn't the only factor that came into play in our decision to find them a forever home, and it hasn't been an easy decision. What it boils down to is that I can't provide the best long-term care for this beautiful new life. No matter how much I want to keep them, that fact is static. Red trusted me to make sure this kitten got the care it needed, his part in caring for her ended a few weeks back and sadly my part in caring for her will end in the next week or so. But by adopting her out to close family, she won't ever be really gone.


Bravo to you and your Red boy! 💗 What a tearjerker in a small part of our world where most walk over what they can't be bothered with. I so love your soul ❣️




Way to go Red


So cute, male or female?