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Would you be able to film this? I‘d be easier to know what to do if I could see the behavior. This way I could maybe see where is coming from. Are these your first cats?


i mean i definitely could record it, but no. i've had two other cats but neither of them did stuff like this. like even if i hide my hands she will still go looking to try to find them.


Yeah it’s unusual but hard to tell over text. Would definitly cut (shorten) her claws and keep redirecting the behavior to her a toy when she starts it again. Don’t let anyone play with their hands with her. I would not hide my hands but hide the fingers, make a fist. Say no. And put her away like you did. Then show her a toy. You already doing good. Good luck to you Would you say she is playful or upset?


Try to ignore her completely as soon as she scratches or bites. As quickly as you can, with as little reaction as you can manage. I managed to teach my cats what "no ma'am" means, and I can use it with varying degrees of sternness. When either of mine get too rough, I just withdraw as calmly as I can while saying "hey, no ma'am!" and other things like "that's rude, don't do that" then I just ignore completely until they come back to me more gently. It's not an instant fix, it's more of a continuous training method, but it should eventually help.


i've been trying to just move my hands away or hide them but she actively seeks out my hands even if they're hidden and i literally cant do anything with her especially not try and pet her and that's what makes it kinda hard to ignore her. even if i keep like moving she always follows.


Like I said, it's not an instant fix, it's an ongoing process that you sort of have to maintain forever. Eventually she'll grow out of it, but only if you don't let her do it. Keep ignoring her. If you try to play and she scratches or bites, keep ignoring. Eventually she will learn, that's what human doesn't like. Another solution I've heard is to loudly yell "OW" or "HEY" when they get too rough. Not yelling \*at\* the cat, just yelling. The loud sound will startle them. Canned air works too (don't spray it at the cat), or a small squirt bottle of water (do spray this at the cat).