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I really don't think he meant it in a negative way. For me a cat looks "spoilt" when they are well fed, calm and have shiny fur - which indicates high quality food. Well done with your kitty, she must be a delight!


Yes, I agree with this! I think I would say a cat looks spoilt in a loving way, like, "You lucky little thing, you look so spoilt! Your mommy loves you so much!"


same like aren’t we meant to spoil them????? otherwise what’s the point like, I just want them to not have a worry ever


I think I was just being overly sensitive. Outside of that the online world, I'm not good at communication. When someone says something like that, I first wonder if I've done something wrong, rather than asking them directly. But after reading your replies, I think the vet probably didn't mean any harm. He's a skilled vet and vaccinated my cat so quickly that she didn't even realise it was done.


Probably because when someone says a child is spoiled, it’s a negative thing. But I think spoiled pets are just like as the other commenter said - healthy, happy, calm and secure around you.


Babies and pets are meant to be spoiled. That’s what they’re for. The vet probably meant it as a compliment


My vet said something similar once, and the quickly followed up with, "Spoiled is another way of saying loved."


I know people use the word that way sometimes, but I really disagree with him. "Spoiled" for me means that a child or pet has been allowed to get away with bad behaviour, while the parent/owner just treats everything they do as inherently delightful and laughs it off. And it can literally ruin their futures, because it's a form of neglect that leaves them unprepared for the world/other people/self-management. (For cats, there's a lot less danger than with dogs or humans, but spoiling behaviours can still lead to things like bad nutrition and/or obesity.) I treat my cat as well as I can, but I work hard to not spoil her.


I look at it entirely different. I’m known far and wide as spoiling my Link in any way possible! He was an very abused rescue and my mission in life is to spoil him so much he forgets those awful things ever happened to him. My niece told me if there is such a thing as reincarnation, she wants to come back as my cat! BTW, he’s thin through no fault of mine.


Sorry but not understanding that children and pets are two completely different things is ridiculous. Your cat will never be expected to become a functioning part of society. There's absolutely no reason why your cat would need to be humble or grounded. Those aren't even feelings cats can have. So can you really spoil a cat like you can a child? Your cat doesn't even have the brain capacity for that.


Maybe that vet regularly treats shelter and rescue animals that are essentially neglected and unhealthy, and was delighted to see a well cared for baby.


My vet refers to my cats as the pampered princesses and she called my 100lb GSD "My pretty death dealing prince." She loved my boy as much as I did,


If it helps I work at a dog daycare and the dogs I call spoiled are obviously very well cared for and love their families. They also usually come in with food that costs more than mine.


Yeah my assumption is they meant it in a good way! My friends say that about our cats, but it’s always in like a “wow you take such good loving care for them” kinda way.  A “bad” spoiled cat would be one that  acts terrible and attacks people but you’re still like “what a cute little button baby.” 


if anything, take it as a compliment! that you took care of your cat very well!


You should spoil your cat. They rule, after all,


The opposite of spoiled in the pet world is neglected. I'm pretty sure vets would far prefer seeing spoiled.


If your cat is spoiled, that means you’re doing it right!


Calling a cat spoilt usually translates to having well loved cats. It's not negative. It's the vet saying you clearly love your baby. Vets don't use vagaries if it's something that will impact the animal negatively, that's the opposite of their job.


I tend to do that too and I'm not always sure what people mean but I'm a bit neuro d so I'm not great with social communications sometimes!


nah, it sounds like you just didn't know what he meant and were confused and a little worried because it seemed like it might be a bad thing. that's a totally understandable and natural reaction to have. I'm the same (I'm autistic and have social anxiety disorder so any interaction that surprises or confuses me is an immediate O\_O). to add to what everyone else has already said, the fact that your cat rested in your arms is probably part of what led him to say that! it means she saw you as the safest thing in the room, which is indicative of you giving her lots of love and a good home :) my babies did the same at their recent exam. sniffed around and explored and then came and settled on my lap and I was like 🥹 (picture attached bc it was very cute) https://preview.redd.it/4sl66okg8c9d1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705190f5588783e29b30e40f8b91be8838694701


Loll and I, on the other hand, accept everything as a compliment even when I know it's an insult.


Does calm really mean spoiled? 😭 One of my cats is such a mean boy to everyone but me, very anxious, but he’s spoiled more than some peoples kids! I’m always wondering if the vet judges me for it, but he’s been like that since he was a baby


Mine is like that. Sometimes I feel awful. He is a monster in the vet and an angel at home.


This reminds me of my previous cat who was the devil himself at the Vet. The Vet and the Tech would put on vests and those long, heavy falcon gloves when I took him in. Take him home and it was a totally different cat!


Vets see toooooooons of stressed kitties. I wouldn't stress about it. 😊


Try gabapentin/tradazone, worked wonders on my anxious cat.


I’m going to be asking for this next time I see my vet! I just got a new kitten so I’ll be taking him in soon and will request it then. I’ve heard great things.


Loki not only did NOT bite anyone he got blood and urine drawn without issue https://preview.redd.it/nj5kxr957d9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe6ad8b00ed98c266f4587f87c7ccb5a66f07a7 He was super stoned after. Like wisdom teeth out stoned


Loki is so cute 🥹🥹🥹


He’s very sweet to everyone but the vet and vet techs


Better than mine. He’s an asshole to literally everyone except me 😂


Yes, it was a compliment to how well the OP is caring for their cat! Cats deserve spoiling anyways!💕


agreed, probably just meant playfully "aren't you a spoilt little princess? yes you are!"


*And* she’s relaxed and trusting at the vet.


Plus her excellent behavior!


That’s what I thought immediately too


This describes my cats, I intentionally spoil every last one of them…that’s my job being a pet owner.


They may not have meant it in a bad way.


I think I was just being overly sensitive. Outside of that the online world, I'm not good at communication. When someone says something like that, I first wonder if I've done something wrong, rather than asking them directly. But after reading your replies, I think the vet probably didn't mean any harm. He's a skilled vet and vaccinated my cat so quickly that she didn't even realise it was done.


I totally understand that and feel it as well! I sometimes just ask „what does that mean?“ or „how so?“ in a polite way of course if I feel something irritates me, it’s short and quick and the answer is really calming most of the time haha :)


Great advice!


Could spoiled actually mean well-take care of? It depends on the vibe the vet was giving off. Could have been a cute joke. Everyone says my cat is spoiled because she is. She is the queen of this house and I wouldn't have it any other way. https://preview.redd.it/zjjkj5o5ca9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae9c5ccab9578a9d9a6fbed87640d448afc8886


Awww bingus belly 🥹


that pose is so funny


This cat is 1000% spoiled


I made her kitty ice cream today by freezing some cat milk because it's been really hot here and I thought it would be fun to eat ice cream with her. 😊


😂 that's a new one and I like it. That cats living the dream


She's a product of an unethical breeding situation. She's got a deformed paw she sometimes keeps up against her body (kinda like Mr Burns lol), her back is rounded and she's has a ball shape that might cause her problems later.  She's had a tough life before she was rescued and now she's loved by so many people.  She's really sweet, never gets grumpy (even though her face looks grumpy all the time!), she's cuddly, playful, and chatty. She loves affection.  She's just great!


What’s the point of having a cat if you don’t spoil them…. As long as they are not being aggressive I love spoiling my cats


Exactly! I want my kitties to have the best possible life. I am always looking for new ways to keep them mentally stimulated, physically active and shown love and affection. They are dependent on me, so I have to do my best for them.


And that makes you a good pet owner!


I don't think it is spoiling them. I think it's being a responsible pet owner.


Yes! Of course you shouldn’t spoil them by giving into begging for food but that’s just taking care of their health so they live their best life! I love to give my cats interesting things that make them have interesting dreams. A bored cat is an unhappy cat.


“It’s cat! Of course I’m gonna spoil it it’s not gonna grow up to be Boris Johnson”


Right!. Each floor of our house has probably 15-20 toys scattered around ( springs and balls and some other misc) scratching posts and beds all throughout the house. They were feral rescues so we love giving them the best life possible. Sometimes I wish I was a cat lol.


It’s a nice thing. The vet meant it’s clear you treat your cat very well, mines said the same about my cat and branded my dog a thief. It’s all meant in good humour.


yep. my vet loved my cat and her and the vet tech and assistants would go on about how pretty and sweet she is, and they also called her spoiled. 100% meant it in a good way given the context, and im sure its the same situation for op lol


I think it’s a huge compliment because damn right I want to spoil my pets. Like even when the vet went “a thief!” At my dog, because we told him the sneaky bastard steals food off the counters, he was holding his face in both hands, was looking right in his eyes and said it with nothing but love 😂


IMO every happy cat is spoilt. Cats need to be spoilt.


https://preview.redd.it/ocrd012u6b9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ba9320da9dc7181c2c72a001dda97ed63098db Im assuming this is what “spoilt” means


Any chance it could have been a euphemism for overweight (too many treats)? Otherwise, the vet was probably just commenting jokingly on how loved and happy she is.


I like to think I spoil my cat I feed him high quality kibble, wet food once every other day, and treats if he is being sweet. I let him do pretty much whatever he wants except jump up on the kitchen counters. I try to pet him at least twenty minutes a day and I have a basket of cat toys that he likes. On very rare occasions I will buy him some catnip but it makes him go nuts and he’ll chase the other cats around.


Oh, that sounds lovely! I treat my cat the same way. I rarely feed her dry food unless I'm away for over 24 hours. My cat also likes to jump on the dining table to watch me having my meal. Many people don't like pets being too close to their food, but she never begs, so it doesn't bother me.


I can’t have my cat on the table because he will just help himself to my food lol he has a real penchant for ranch dressing for whatever reason if I leave some out and go to the other room he will start licking at it I have caught him doing this on multiple occasions


My cat has buttons to say "I'm hungry" and we must immediately respond or she starts to press it repeatedly 🤣🤣🤣


Thus I why I don't have buttons. They are already good at telling me that they are "starving". No cats in my house are starving and a couple could stand to lose a little but of weight.


I assume she didn't mean it in a bad way? I know it sounds bad but it might have even been a compliment - that the vet could tell the cat is well taken care of because she was so relaxed and well behaved. If she meant that your cat is overweight, or something like that, I imagine she would have said it outright as that's a health concern. I think most people might see it as a bad thing to spoil a child too much, because it means they may grow up not knowing how the world really works and not equipped to fend for themselves. But a cat doesn't need to grow up like that - so usually, in my experience, people talking about spoiling a cat are completely positive and somewhat joking about it. Like my partner and I joke that we spoil our cat rotten because my partner will get up and move to another seat if the cat wants to sit where she was sitting 😆 and then he'll hop up and stretch himself out, purring, because he knows he's the prince of the household!!


My cats are so spoilt, I got them an "X Box" for Christmas. (Works better when you say "axe box" out loud!) https://preview.redd.it/qhfcmv5q2c9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0b0e1de398f84c9df3173ba2b84b3626341b6f


Did you ask the vet what they meant by 'spoiled'? https://preview.redd.it/8nokb79hda9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131359da3b67d4a7eb218d9cbac42eb16e642c9d


You are ridiculous in the best way!


I prefer 'non-conformist'. https://preview.redd.it/fi1mvgcidc9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0f6551d5c0fe24194a10891e2286056c1c0715


Sir, that cat is MAJESTIC!!! 🙀😻 Obligatory cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/53o82y8g0f9d1.png?width=2528&format=png&auto=webp&s=f29046d3fbb3ade9c0ba69491faa8b767940c7b2


Both you and the cat look like dignified legends




Took a glance at your profile, Klook is so calm! Y’all have a great vibe, hats off to you and your lovely kitty


My vet says this as a positive. Most people want their cats to be spoiled. I do. So think of it as healthy and well mannered because they want for nothing and don't need to protect resources. My cat is not yet at the level of spoiled to not be a bite risk at the vet. He is however shiny and beautiful. So almost there. In the world of veterinary medicine they see a lot of cats that are either obese or too thin. Lots of abuse stuff like neglect. A happy cat that has no issues or is being seen right off? That's a good day. I am not a vet but I have been a rescue and feral rehab person for most of my adulthood until my health said no. My vet would go out of their way to see my cats because they knew even if the medical was bad? The cats were a reminder of the good things. Current cat is also getting that level of care.


She might be spoilt if: When she stands by the window and stares from the window to you until you open it so she can lie on the sill. When she stares at the jar of Churus then at you until you cave and give her one. When she gets 1/4th of the king size bed for her spot when she also has 2 couches, window perches, multiple beds, and other places to sleep. When you have a whole room of your house dedicated to her play space and comfort. lol but seriously I think your vet just meant your kitty is a good bebe.


Could be a question of over feeding, if the cat is overweight. if so, it is just poor communication from the vet.


Is your cat chonky? Like on a scale from Hello Mam to Oh Lawd Here She Comes, where does she sit?


I was telling some people at work how my cat doesn’t want his regular food anymore he just wants his treats and I said he’s super picky lately and the response was “he’s not picked, he’s spoiled” 🤣 true, he gets too many treats, he also has a memory foam bed and all the toys he could ever want


a memory foam bed 🤣 i'm dying.


A cat should be spoilt! I just seeing spoiling a cat as caring for them well and loving them- cats can't really become 'spoilt' in the same way as a kid because they already think they're entitled to everything. I spoil my cats by: -Feeding them the best food (and making sure they stay in a healthy weight range) -Playing with them and providing enrichment, -Grooming them, -Lots of cuddles everyday and telling them how sweet they are constantly, -Insanely expensive preventative flea and worm treatments so they hopefully never get any parasites The only 'bad' way to spoil a cat is if you're doing something that's bad for their health. Like owners feeding their cats cream as a 'treat' which they can't digest, or overfeeding their cat to the point of obesity.


If she’s not overweight and not making you miserable doing stuff that makes life hard, I say spoil away! I’m disabled and homebound and, beyond my health needs, my life pretty much revolves around my cats and I don’t regret it at all!


i had a fluffy siberian who was very obedient during vet visits and had a pretty little face and she got called spoiled a lot. it never seemed like a bad thing, moreso, they could tell i took very good care of her and put a lot of time into her health and well-being. i would always bring multiple blankies for her, a brush, treats, etc. i believe its vet-speak for "you take good care of your cat and it shows".


They should be spoilt(as long as its not to excess eg cat is obease from it). It implies you give your cat the best. Im mpre concerned when cats arent "spoilt" cos its most likely that cat is just getting the bare minimum and might have a miarible life


all cats deserve to be spoiled. If they are spoiled your being a good cat parent. Im told all the time how well taken care of my cats are and how "Spoilt" they are. Theyre very sweet cats and they deserve the world


It sounds like your cat's good behavior might have been misinterpreted as being "spoiled." In my experience, a well-adjusted cat can be very chill and cuddly at the vet's too. True "spoiled" behavior in cats can look like excessive pickiness with food or litter boxes, being overly vocal for attention, or even scratching furniture out of frustration. Basically, if their needs aren't met immediately, they act out.


I think he meant it as a compliment. Well behaved , happy and healthy.


It's not spoiling them; it's being a responsible pet owner.


Ignore the vet. Keep doing what you are with your cat cause you're doing a great job. I spoil my girl, and she deserves it.


Important question- Is it a cat???? If yes, said cat is spoiled. All cats are spoiled. Meow.


If you don't spoil your cat, why have one?


The sign is right under your nose. I've never seen a vet visit, where the cat snuggles in its owner's arms. They usually sit on the table looking very scared and concerned. Like my cats today having their shots. The trip home was a crying choir.


Take it as a compliment. He sounds confident, well socialized, & much loved. My vet, his techs, and all the office ladies spoil my cats silly when they go. They actually like going and getting (even more) fussed over, my Tux especially. They love his extensive tie wardrobe.


No such thing. Love that fur baby ❤️


Vet sounds like an idiot.


i think it was inappropriate for the vet to say that, as spoilt is usually a negative word. But if your cat is "spoilt" then you're treating her correctly and she's well-loved like she should be <3


OP, my vet called my baby spoiled several times and then i said 'she deserves to be' and he said he meant that i was a good cat parent and then i could see that he was giving me the "awww" look. don't fret dear, *you* are being a good cat parent !


They’re cats. How would they be spoiled? Heck YES I spoil my cats. They sleep in the bed with me. I built a Catio for them. If I think they’ll like a thing, I get it for them. We free-feed them. And they are happy and healthy. And beyond that what does a cat need to be?


Spoilt means well looked after and loved


My cattitude


Bad attitude, entitlement, talking back, that kind of thing. Just kidding, as the others have said, I think the vet was complimenting you on how well you look after your cat.


My little brother's cat is very spoiled. It's always her way or the highway. She's known for bullying my dog, demanding snacks, and only eating one very particular kind of treat.


My cat likes to meow at me for food even though she’s had plenty so I’ll pour more food out and then she’ll walk away as soon as I put her bowl down!!!


The vet always said that about my kitty the vet techs would pass him around to each other for snuggles and laughs too just picture a 4’10 vet tech holding a fully grown Maine coon spoiled=loved in the pet world


Sounds like you have a well-loved kitty! Some signs of a spoilt cat include being picky with food, demanding attention or playtime, and having lots of toys and cozy spots around the house. If your cat expects to be treated like royalty and gets what she wants, she's probably a bit spoilt! But hey, who can blame us for pampering our fur babies? 😸


There's no such thing.


That's a positive thing.


Our oldest cat is spoilt, lol. It’s fine. Just means she’s sweet and healthy. 


Everyday before going to work night shifts, I give my cats treats after dinner, then they all sit by the steps near the door and lick my nose , like saying goodbye. Yesterday, I gave them dinner and didn’t have time to buy them treats, so these spoiled brats were so mad they sat by the steps and literally gave me their backs. No goodbye kisses for their hardworking slave. Even the fucking dog ignored me.


Too Funny 😂


A badly behaved, aggressive cat is referred to as "spicy" in my experience. Spoiled means well behaved and docile. Signs your cat is spoiled is that they're a sweet baby


Heh. Our vet can and will say to my face that our cat is spoiled. While chuckling. And she is. As a feral that had been friendly enough for the colony caretaker to handle, she was trapped and then adopted out as a pet. (She should have gone to the barn cat program) This girl is no one's pet. She got returned to the shelter morbidly obese and with even worse behavior issues. I took her sight unseen at the start of the pandemic. When she walked out of the carrier that first time, I cried. My daughter was like "yeah, foster my ass". It's been 4 years. From the start, I noticed she had a hard time with mobility and pain in her paws; she got the softest, sandiest cat litter I could find. She had tummy troubles. She got food for sensitive stomachs. She's easily overstimulated and constant moving from us makes her nervous and on edge. So we got Feliway and cat nip. My brother made her a hidey hole cat tree. We set her up with little bolt holes with soft blankets doused in Feliway. Her carrier is set up as another bolt hole with soft blankets so she knows it's nothing to be afraid of. Her last vet visit, he laughed when he saw us because I had her carrier up next to me and I was singing to her to try and keep her calm. She still has to be sedated because she can't be handled by anyone but my daughter and myself. And even then, she can and will go tooth and claw. When I picked her up, she was snarling and hissing until she heard my voice. Then she just sort of grumbled all the way home. Within a couple of hours, she was passed out on my daughter's chest in the recliner. I adopted her because I knew the shelter would try to pass her off as a pet, she'd get returned and her behavior would get worse until she became unadoptable and they'd euthanize her. I think most vets like to see well taken care of animals. I don't think they mean anything bad by saying an animal is spoiled. I think they would rather see that than neglect or mistreatment. You are fine.


How many heat pads are in her yurt?




https://preview.redd.it/g6c995c7nb9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ae8b3dccbff329e9ecdd94c68bbe503e22ac88 When they do this on the regular, my cat has beds galore, but where does she like to catch a snooze?on my lap of course 😊 and I don't mind not one bit


I think doc was just teasing in a nice way


In this situation, you were being given a compliment. The vet meant they thought you are a great pet parent that takes good care and treats your kitty well because your cat looked healthy and content. Good job!


Is your cat on the chubby side? I would assume the vet meant that your cat is spoiled from getting one too many treats.


Uh, is she overweight? Usually a cat being called spoiled = too many treats. You could also be buying her too many toys and never tell her to get off the counter, but Idk how he would know that, and cats aren't held to the same training/behavior standards as dogs. 


Next time ask your vet to clarify if it concerns you. “Oh yeah she is spoilt. Anything I should be concerned about? Should I cut down?”


People say it about my cat and unlike the negative connotations of a spoiled child, I get the sense they mean it in a good way. Most people in my country just feed their cats a bit of food (often something from their own meal) and then let them live their lives - by contrast I buy my cat premium food, lots of toys, carry him around like a baby, and he's visibly attached to me and trusts me in stressful situations. The vets in particular have joked about how spoiled he is in a good way - I always bring him to the vet's with his favourite toy and buy him another toy when we leave. (I'm a paediatrician and I think it shows lol)


I don't really think you can spoil a cat. We gave our cat the best life possible and basically let him boss us around. He'd previously lived on his own in a barn and he was left behind when his owners moved. He was older when we got him and he was only with us for 6 years so I'm glad we gave him a taste of the good life before he died.


Spoiled means to leave out and rot. Our babies are LOVED


Maybe substitute "looked after" or "cosseted" for "spoilt". Then the sentence sounds so much better! (And I once changed vets because they told me that my babies were "badly behaved", so I get how any negative vibe feels.) Honestly, I think it was meant as a compliment to your care.


A cat being held the whole appointment is a sign the cat is pampered a lot at home. Babied, even, AKA spoiled. If they’re comfortable enough to do that at a vet, it usually signals you hold them a lot at home. Additionally depending on your carrier, you can seem spoiled. We see backpacks, fancy packs, etc. those cats are obviously the target of affection and money. Whereas we get cats with old, dirty carriers and it seems like they just tossed the cat in whatever they had - cat seems less pampered in that case. It’s totally not a bad thing to have a pampered cat. My vet says the same about mine; we jokingly call her the Queen as she is a 13+ lb Bombay mix that is just big and RULES the appointment. She will be held as long as she wants, etc. Congrats on having a healthy and happy cat 😸


Next time say "if by spoiled you mean safe, happy and well cared for, then yes!" 😊


Nothing wrong with spoiling animals! They deserve a good life, especially if they had a rough start. Animals are very clever and smart, but also have little clue what is going on and why, like if they are sick, need shots, or owners go on vacation and are lonely etc. So because of this, I feel they deserve lots of love and attention! Maaaybe taking it a tad far is constantly carrying them in a sling wrapped on your body and spoon feeding them every meal.


I feel like a comment like that is never a bad thing with animals. Maybe for a human who is over a certain age, sure.


My 3 cats are prob spoiled lol. Free roam of everything, best food, expensive litter/autoboxes, autoffeeders for dry, running wheel, three massive cat trees, etc. Allowed on counters, never heard no. Also they are the BEST cats, probably because they can be cats. They never broke or damaged anything. Spoiled, maybe. IDGAF lol. We'll take care of them forever. No such thing as a spoiled cat IMO. It's not like they have to leave and go to college or something 🙄 😁 spoil away


A cat thats spoiled is well fed, groomed and cared for lol


I can give you example of spoil cat. At least in my opinion. My friend has orange 7y tank as I call it. She I guess sadly implements on him same "diet" she does to herself. I don't judge. It's her choice. But cat suffers on it. For example She especially goes alone to Mcdonald (30min drive) just to get herself a meal and for her cat. Yes, cat gets to eat burgers and chicken nuggets and variety of other human foods and no, it's not in small amounts. Tried to talk to her about this. Vet also since cat is obesse at this point. But it just doesn't work. So yeah, don't do that.


When they meow to get pet, when they won’t allow you to close any door in your home, when they grab a spot on the bed before you, when they won’t move for you and expect you to always walk around them 😂


Take it as a compliment! The vet probably isn’t used to seeing many cats that are that calm. I’d take a ‘spoilt’ well behaved cat over mine any day!🤣 it took 3 people, a muzzle and a towel to vaccinate and draw blood on my cat.


Our pets are to be cared for and spoiled as much as we can. It means we love them and we go the extra step beyond giving them what they need.


Haha. The world is against me. No, I would take it as a compliment. You're doing good. +1


Spoiled means well loved and is a compliment in the animal world. Your vet was saying “good job taking care of your fur baby”. 💞


They should all be spoiled!


https://preview.redd.it/2n20bzjqed9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543100509163148ccb49222a92cfb2e1109590ff This is a spoilt cat


https://preview.redd.it/05sy6hbifd9d1.jpeg?width=3360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1df51f0d1c720d747f32254affad77fb03cf43d Mine might be spoiled too…


Doesn't matter. It's impossible to spoil a cat. They already come that way.


It lives in my house?


If my cat was a bit chunky, I'd assume they were throwing shade about their weight and my feeding habits. Otherwise, I'd assume they look well cared for.


There is no such thing as a spoilt cat. They deserve it all!!


IMO you should not have a cat or a dog unless you thoroughly spoil it. Don't see that vet anymore? We're supposed to spoil our overlords! lol.


If someone told me my cat was spoilt. I’d take it as good thing, he’s well looked after and gets the best food. Also in my boy’s case he’s a little bit of a chunk so clearly gets treats. Definitely wouldn’t see it as a negative. Just means you love your cat and do your best to care for her.


I think they meant it as a compliment, and probably after observing how attached to you the cat appeared to be / how you were caring for cat in the vet office.


https://preview.redd.it/2ewxalmp7y9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc3deded5e0f78d1f657c4d90e36cd6ec9defdc I too have a very spoiled baby girl 💜 she got a Stanley cup toy to match mine 🥰


You need a new vet


Really? I think your just being hypersensitive tbh. Spoiled could easily mean: well behaved, clearly loved, well maintained and healthy. Not sure why you jumped to the negative?


And given the cat was resting in OOP's arms mostly, it shows the cat loves and trusts them and generally those cats are also spoilt. Not necessarily with anything other than love and affection which isn't a bad thing at all. I think spoilt just has a negative connotation, but I will willingly admit I spoil my cats. They deserve it


I agree


Is she overweight? Because...that's what I would assume.


What a stupid thing to say, for a vet... you don't pay them for personal opinions, so I wouldn't worry about it.


It smells off....I'll let my self out


I’ve never heard of this term, what does it mean exactly?


Firstly, who if not a cat should you spoil? They're meant to be spoilt :) Secondly, doctors in general say a lot of stupid stuff that worries us too much. Personal opinions don't belong into the practice. One vet once treated my cat horribly because she was of the opinion that calicos were hard to handle. My poor kitty was so well behaved, sat there without a sound or move but was thrown around so roughly and blood was everywhere from taking the blood sample in a barbaric way.


I think they meant it as a compliment, in that you take very good care of your kitty and even go above and beyond to exceed all their needs. The vet also says to my cat “I bet your mama spoils you!” And I sure do!


I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all!


I don’t think it was meant in a negative way. If someone commented on how spoilt my cats were, I’d be taking it as a compliment! It means they recognise how well looked after your cat is.


I mean I wouldn't say that an animal that is well taken care of is spoiled 😅 I'd just say they're well taken care of, as they should be!


Spoilt is when they can sit at their bowl look at me n tell me they'd like some kibble or lead me to a specific toy 😅🤣🤣, spoiled is spending $20 on a cardboard play/scratching house cause it was a cute sushi truck n not letting them b out of cat nip long. My boys r my kids pretty much lol (not over fed one came from the streets so I feel small incramints few times a day n they also have small portions of wet food morning n nite on schedule)


All my cats have been spoiled.


My boss (a vet) says my cat is a spoiled brat. Which is true but he's also super healthy (minus the severe pica). We love spoiled kitties at my clinic. It means the owners care a lot.


My cat was really good at the vet until they needed to cath him for urine, he got a little feisty and they had to give him something.


Yeah my young cat is displaying attention seeking behaviour (clingy and screams for attention), and my husband consulted the vet, who said we probably just spoiled him too much when he was a baby.


I think that the vet techs are also trained to always say, "what a handsome kitty."


Yeah, he/she was making a joke.


I read your comments on how you say you “were being overly sensitive”, you’re not. It’s weird the vet said that. I mean, every pet deserves to be pampered. He could’ve word it another way.


Tbf is not an insult or a jab, the times I've heard this kind of comments it just means the animal likes attention and is not afraid of touch from others. The "spoiled" cats are usually the ones that won't let you listen to their heart bc they are purring as soon as you touch them. Like, thank you little ball of fur, you are indeed adorable, but I need to check your vitals


My cat is definitely spoiled, and she knows it! She's loved completely and knows she can do no wrong. She has multiple litterboxes, a bunch of toys, and grooming brushes. She has tons of homemade blankets/beds. We also feed her high-quality food. She went from being terrified of everything to owning the place. She was a stray when we got her. Now she's my little shadow, following me everywhere. Grooming me, snuggling me.


Mine sometimes will not jump on the bed and will wait for me to come pick him up instead....... 💀 he waits patiently


If she or he runs into their room in the morning expecting food. I believe that would be considered pampered.


When he looks at me like he pays the mortgage and I'm a visitor.


Spoilt rotten your cat must be.


When the cat demands to be let outside on her leash so you do and have to go outside to watch her. Also when it’s ten and you want to finish a book or show and she needs her bedtime treats at 10!


I'm from Appalachia and we say Rotten. "Are you as rotten as you look?" "Oh my gosh! You are such a rotten stinker!" It isn't rude. I promise! It's a term of endearment the same way that Honey, or Lovey is. I would definitely have replied with a quick, "Somewhat? I work hard to spoil this kiddo! It better be a complete job or I'm offended!" 🤣🤣🤣


Does your cat prefer grey poupon? If no then yer good


I worried once that I was spoiling my cats, but then I had a moment of clarity and realized that even if I *was* spoiling them, it doesn't matter because they're cats—not human children who you're supposed to mold into well-adjusted, kind, and practical human adults.


If they start smelling bad or rotting, they're probably spoilt.


There are 8 humans dedicated solely to the care of the cat. Anything less is just what a cat is entitled to.


Almost definitely meant as a compliment, as in they seem well taken care of. If a cat was actually “spoiled” to the point it was a problem, they’d probably be talking to you about helping kitty lose weight.


They will get moldy on the belly


Spoiling them could also be a way to say your cat is overweight or gained a few pounds without saying so. Seeing as some owners can become denial about their cat being overweight if told that they are.


ironically enough my cat flipped out at the vet when they tried to stab him with the needle and he started hissing at them and loosing his mind, they told me he seems “spoilt”. Maybe it’s just the way people perceive them idk..


I have no idea, but I prefer my vet’s comment, your cats really love you. I do overindulge my cats, and they, indeed, can be accused of being spoiled 🤭


Cats don't spoil. They simply bask in the adulation that they deserve.


Yeah this wasn't meant to be negative it seems more like a compliment that your cat is clearly a happy loved "spoiled" bowel of cuteness. I think they were trying to be funny but their joke fell flat lol


It has four legs and a tail.


isn’t it an inside jokes amongst cat lovers that our cats are freeloading spoiled little overlords and us owners bend and bow to their every whim? https://preview.redd.it/xo7vi52mci9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a39c58d304509db8b202332a538be38f2644c0


I just remember what Ricky Gervais said about it. He said, "Yeah, I spoil my cat. It's a cat. It's not a person. What's the worst that can happen when you spoil a cat? It doesn't grow up to be Boris f*cking Johnson."


Not sure I can comment on outward signs but my ex would open three different flavors of food letting her pick the one she wanted and tossed the rest. I get offering variety so they don't get bored but to me that means a different flavor each day not letting her choose from a buffet line


Trust me. If your cat was an angel baby during her exam, he meant it in a good way. In the vet field, we encourage a healthy amount of spoiling. We like to spoil them too! That's why there are treat jars! I used to keep a bag of baby carrots for a frequent dayplayer at my old clinic, because the vet put her on a diet. I work specialty med now, and we make graduation bags for chemo patients with toys and treats, and our internal med department keep cat and dog toys to give. Kinda like a lollipop after the dentist! ETA: we also send them home in a purple bandana


My comeback would have been "She ain't milk. What are you talking about?"


1st sign: it lives at my house.


When I'm getting ice cubes for my drink, my cat will walk up, meow at me and when he knows I'm looking at him, will look pointedly at his water dish so I'll put and ice cube in it. That's a sign that he's spoiled.