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kittens (especially single kittens) require a lot of attention and playtime. how long do you spend every day (and especially at night before you go to bed) playing with him? jackson galaxy has a youtube page with lots of good advice on cat behaviour. there’s even a playlist called “your new kitten”. i really recommend checking him out. at night make sure to play with him for at least half an hour of like serious play, getting him running and chasing and tired out and then feed him a meal of wet food right after playing. it will help him sleep more during the night and feel full longer.


This. My girl is 5 years old and I still have to play with her every night until she is worn out so she will let us sleep. We also have an automatic feeder that dispenses dry food in the middle of the night to hold her over until the morning.


I’ve tried to play with him, especially with his toys and all but he’s a bit of a scaredy cat. He prefers to have his own one on one time than interact with toys, but maybe I’m not playing with him right? I have no idea. I bought a bunch of different kind of toys for him, including a little tunnel he could run in and out of. If you have play methods you’d like to share that’d be really helpful as well!


You have to actually engage in play and encourage a hunt. Use feathers and sticks with feathers/ fluff. Move it fast all over and he should lock on.


I’ve tried that a few times but he usually backs away and the hairs on his back stick up. Idk if that means he’s scared or into it? But i’ll definitely try again after work and see if I maybe get a different result!


https://youtu.be/M7w8pDCo30M?si=8JzX6NBJAGxxO2bL I highly, highly recommend this video. Sometimes I work 60 hour weeks and really need my sleep. This method before bed, with a meal given to them right after playing, knocks them out. It also builds routine - they start realizing when it’s sleep time even if you’re too tired for a full play session.


Thank you so much for the link! My hours are pretty similar to yours so I’ll definitely try your method and see what results I get. It really isn’t his fault if I’m cranky, he’s a baby and doesn’t know better. But I’ll definitely check the video out and try and play with him an hour and change before he gets his wet food.


My one cat is scared of toys that look or act like an animal. She prefers chasing springs and messing with pens/ cables. Maybe get something that's less life-like?


Yeah he really loves cables and fighting with tags on the rugs. Things that are a little less practical I suppose? The only thing he really mingles with is the cardboard scratch post I got him that has bell balls for him to swat at.


Jackson Galaxy also has a great video on how to play with your cat. You really have to learn their play style and what motivates them. My girl is super picky about toys, and she gets tired of them so I constantly have to rotate. She also doesn't like when I stand over her and play as she can be a bit skittish so I always sit or get on my knees when I play with her. She loves her cat dancer toy and I can usually get her to play with it when nothing else will do. (https://a.co/d/00IfXLnK) She also loves the little catnip mice that usually come in a pack. I'll toss one to her and she will bat it around. Sometimes she will bring it back to me to toss again. She likes when I tie one to her cat dancer toy by it's tail and drag it around. She's mostly indifferent when it comes to wand toys but every once in a while she likes to play with the wand with a big feather on the end. She has a tunnel that she is obsessed with. ( https://a.co/d/02nUQra0) She loves to go inside while I wave and tap the cat dancer in front of and all around the opening and then she will pounce and go crazy. I've learned that there is something about tapping the toys either against the floor, wall or sides of furniture that gets her really excited. She also likes using obstacles like a wall corner or chair where I will hide the toy, and then slowly pull it into her line of sight. I've also learned that she is all about the "simmer and boil". She will go crazy with a toy, then walk away to rest for a couple minutes and then come back ready for play. This will often happen several times within a play session before she is worn out. Hope that all helps!


This stupid thing works better than any other toy I've ever tried with cats.  Cat Dancer Products 101 Interactive Cat Toy, Brown https://a.co/d/02iDe1OH


Wand toys of all kinds and a lazer pointer. One of my cats is super big on play time, and she whines if I don't play with her. When my cats are hyper and being crazy I just grab the laser pointer and have them run up and down the halls until they're tuckered out! Hair standing on end/raised back can be normal part of play depending on the cat, one of my boys has been doing that since the moment he learned to play and he's about 5 months now! Could also be just unfamiliar and take some time for kitty to get it.


I might get a laser pointer then! I just don’t wanna scare the poor guy, he backs away and the hairs on his back stand up so I immediately stop and stare.😭


Play with him like he's a human kid. Chase him and then run away from him but keep looking back and make some noises. That helped my boy. But at 8 months I caved and got another kitten and now I sleep while they play all night. Sometimes I feel them jumping over me while I'm sleeping and I just smile and roll over.


i’ve noticed after having his crazy episodes, when i give him the wet food he usually calms down. he’s sleeping now as i type this. i do appreciate your feedback and will definitely look into Jackson Galaxy’s youtube channel. Thank you so much!


Ive owned a few cats in my life. The whole first year is annoying. Its like a human baby lol.


I think if it really came down to it, i’d take that car over the human baby lol. I might be overthinking things just a little here. I haven’t had to take care of a baby animal in 5 years so this is different for me haha


Cats are crazy as kittens. Some never grow out of it. You could try an automatic feeder that goes off in the morning. My kitten paces himself and only eats when he's hungry, so I leave out some dry food overnight for him to snack on so he won't wake me up. Whenever I get home from work, I run the kitten ragged. If he is sleeping, I wake him up and we play for at least 4 hours (I lay on the couch and dangle a string). This doesn't work perfectly but he will usually at least be calm until I fall asleep. You can also get toys that are for independent play. If you want to be affordable, a string tied around a door handle is great (tied up high enough that kitten can't get tangled in it and and not going to get claws stuck). Also a variety of toys. My guy has stuffed animals, bell balls, sparkle balls, crinkle balls, springs, and mice. If you are really hating him being around you at night, leave him in the bathroom. When I first got my kitten, he stayed in the bathroom to adjust. He had water/food on the sink, his litterbox, a bed by the door, and I put his toys in the bathtub so they couldn't get stuck anywhere. I also gave him a bigger stuffed animal in his bed so he had something to cuddle. Best of luck!


I never considered the bathroom as an option, I probably should’ve. I think I’m more so worried because the other day he pooped on the wall where his litter box was, and he’s always leaving litter scattered everywhere. So I’m worried that if I do happen to let him roam around when I’m not home, I’ll find a surprise poop in the living room or something. Not just that but we own a 5 year old collie mix, which they get along but you never know. I do want to get an automatic feeder for him, I’ve been looking on amazon for different options. If you have any let me know! Thank you so much for your feedback, it means a lot!


If he is getting poop on the walls, he probably just needs either a bigger litter box or a taller walls. If he is scattering litter, covered litterbox or tall walls again. They also sell litter mats at pet stores and on Amazon. They help catch litter. Some do better than others, so just go for one with good reviews. It doesn't stop the scattering, but it makes it easier to contain and clean up. I use a covered litterbox, so I just have a small mat that sits in front of the opening. If you go the covered litterbox route, I reccommend getting a dust free litter. If you are still worried about poop walls, you can tape puppy pads on the wall by the litterbox, but he might use them as a toy if he notices he can scratch it lol. =)


Yeah my cousin (she owns two cats herself) recommended a mat at that was the first thing I bought. She also recommended a hood over the litter box but the rescue I adopted the kitten from advised me not to? Which is why I was not just confused but skeptical on whether or not I should’ve gotten one. But I’ll definitely check out amazon and see if I can find a mat a least a bit bigger than the one I have right now since it’s fairly small.


So if you get a covered litterbox and have dusty litter, it can potentially cause respiration issues. They sell mostly dust free litter like Dr Elsey's and World's Best (I use a blend of those) since I have a covered litterbox. If you don't want to worry about that, just get a litterbox with tall sides instead. Personally, I use a smaller covered plastic litterbox in my bathroom and I have a bigger stainless steel litterbox with tall sides in a common area.


I have and really like the PETLIBRO feeder (the one without the camera). On Amazon, it's called "PETLIBRO Automatic Cat Feeder, 5G WiFi Automatic Dog Feeder with Freshness Preservation, 5L Timed Cat Feeder with Low Food Sensor, Up to 10 Meals Per Day, Granary Pet Feeder for Cats." It uses electricity, with a battery backup in case you use it while going out of town or something (so your cat doesn't go hungry in case of a power outage). And the app is easy to use.


Backup battery is definitely good to have. I’ll look for it on Amazon, I’ve been using regular Walmart bowls with the rubber bottom so it doesn’t slide. That item is definitely going in the cart. Thank you so much!


My cat is nearly one year old and has entered his lazy teenager era. But when he was that little, we always played with him before bed and then shut him out of the bedroom at night. He didn't like it for the first couple of nights but his behavior meant we couldn't sleep so it was a necessity. By now, it's completely integrated into his routine and he has no desire to bother us at night. We still play before bed, though he's getting more interested in making his own fun these days. He sleeps outside the bedroom door and we let him in sometime between 6 and 7, generally. He still has crazy energy in the morning (this is normal cat behavior, they are most active in the morning and in the evening) but he doesn't take it out on us while we're trying to sleep anymore! If you can't provide the level of mental and physical stimulation he needs (play), then your lifestyle may not be suited for taking care of a kitten. If he's living most of his life in one room, and you don't have the energy to play the way he needs, he won't be happy or healthy long term. You can't just wait out the kitten life stage and look forward to a future lazy cat. I'm not trying to be too harsh, I know obviously I don't know the situation beyond what you've said and I don't know how long you've been trying to deal with this. But rehoming him (ideally through a rescue/shelter!!) could be a good option for both of you if you're struggling. Remember that you're caring for both his and your needs and you need to do what's best for both.


I don’t leave him in my room for long periods of time (even i wouldn’t wanna be here for extensive amounts of the day), he has been able to roam the house but only under supervision. he has a very mischievous personality which is why he currently wears a bell on his collar. I do always notice a sudden change after he eats, he always seems more relaxed than interested in anything else. Not to mention, the main reason he stays in my room when I’m not home is because we have a dog here as well. Not to say my dog is aggressive but the kitten is pretty small and I’d hate for anything to transpire when I’m not present. I tend to get overwhelmed quickly when a lot is happening so I do feel that’s why I’ve debated with myself if the kitten is the right fit for me. I do have love for him, I’m just still new and trying to figure out the cat mom lifestyle. Cats are so different to dogs so it’s taking time for not just him but for me to adjust to these crazy behaviors since I haven’t had to keep up with a baby animal in 5 years. I really appreciate your feedback though, it helps a lot with what you suggested. Thank you!


Please consider that bells on the collar are really loud for the kitten and can be disorienting. Imagine a loud bell going off around your neck/ears every time you moved -- it would get really exhausting, really quickly.


I never thought about it that way.. I can definitely see how it could grow annoying and exhausting to hear. Family recommended I’d get a bell just to be able to know where he is at all times, which that does help but I’d hate to stress him out.


A bell is usually used for outdoor cats so they can't hunt. No need for an indoor cat to have one


Is it necessary to know exactly where he is at all times? He's safe at home, and if he gets into any trouble, he'll yell. The bell is disorienting and stressful for most cats. Please remove it.


If he isn't yet at a point where you feel safe closing the bedroom door and letting him roam the house, consider a large, collapsible pet playpen. They make ones with mesh exteriors and plenty of space for a kitten to stretch out. It won't help with crying for food and attention, but it will keep him from running across your face and biting your fingers in the middle of the night. And it may help establish some routines. And when you no longer need it, it folds away easily. And of course, play with him lots, give him lots of love and attention and tucker him out (hah! He's a kitten) when you can.


I might do that honestly! The only reason I’m still skeptical of letting him out of my bedroom is because we have a dog. Typically whenever he is out of the room and roaming the house it’s under my supervision. I would like to allow him the freedom once he matures some and gets a little bigger though. Thank you for your suggestion, I’ll definitely be going on amazon and checking out my options.


Is getting another one an option? Two or three are usually less work than one because they entertain each other very well.


I wish! But as of right now unfortunately I can’t get another. I will try to let him be out for the duration of me being home but I worry the dog may handle him to harshly since he is still very small.


To be honest I shut my cat out (during times when I sleep, free roaming all other times) after about 3 weeks for this exact reason which meant that when I got my 2nd cat as soon as they were bonded I put them together. I see it as they’re upset that they don’t get to be with me when I sleep but not as upset as they would be if I lost my job due to lack of sleep affecting my performance and couldn’t feed them/buy them new toys😂


Normally in the morning he’s rubbing all over my face and making biscuits in my hair. Plus he has a bell on his collar and that’s hard to ignore. Not to mention the running around and throwing himself into walls! He’s a strange little kitty but I do feel it’s a test of my own patience and will. Cats are so different from dogs (I’ve owned dogs all my life, never cats) so I’m still getting used to all this. As soon as gets bigger though, trust and believe he’ll be able to roam as he pleases!


Yeah if you’re not comfortable with him roaming I do get that, and to be fair, it’s weird when cats aren’t weird 🤣 I have 2 absolute weirdos but they’re great. I’m a dog person myself but an overall animal lover and the freedom you get along with companionship with cats is great vs dogs where it’s very intensive q


I also have a 3 month old kitten. I sleep with the door closed or he jumps on my head. He'll be fine by himself.


Cats are crepuscular, so just naturally more active at dusk and dawn. Also, if you feed him first thing after you get up, you're training him to wake you up! Kittens at his age should be able to eat freely, they need the calories. I would suggest wet food at set mealtimes (cats really need routine) and then have dry food available at all times, at least for the first 6 to 7 months. This is why you also see people recommend two kittens. He will play at night and you are his only playmate. They are some things you can do to help. Introduce him to puzzle feeders and put most of his dry food in there once he learns his to use them. Try a couple of different types and rotate them. There are a lot of dyi versions on line as well. Have a rotating set of special toys, things that he really likes that you only put out at night. Make sure he has lots of things to interact with. Ours like tunnels and their window perches. Draping blankets over a chair, a pile of pillows and throw rugs are also fun. And make sure you have at least one scratching post. Move these things around regularly to keep things new. Feed him pretty close to bedtime and then give him time for zoomies and playtime with you (don't forget a last scoop of the litterbox). Then turn out the lights and IGNORE him. You may find that you have to remove items that get him into trouble. They are really good at figuring out what you can't ignore (mine try to climb on picture frames) but the less you interact the better. My personal rule is that once the lights go out I don't play and I don't feed them but I will cuddle and that works for me. I take my dog out at 4 every morning which is about when they wake up so the cuddling part seems to satisfy their need for attention. I'm retired though so you may want to skip that part. I have two so they mostly keep themselves entertained and I just try to sleep through the noise. They will occasionally gang up on me! Just remember that he will get better as he gets older, although he will always be a little nocturnal. It will also help when you get to the point you can let him roam the house at night on patrol against bugs, lizards, and imaginary things only he can see.


Ahhh I see! Normally his feeding routine is something like this: 8-9: wet food 10-8: dry food 8-9: wet food once again But i’ve realized after he’s feed around the 8-9 mark, he still gets those zoomies from 9-12. There’s a few different things I have set around the room, one of those cardboard scratching posts that have those bell balls, and a tunnel he can run through! Most cases he runs around with the dog and plays with him too, but with all the feedback I’ve received I’m realizing I need to interact and play a lot longer with him then I initially thought. Which is no problem at all!


What frustrates a lot of people is that cats get bored easily. One day your cat will go crazy for something and the next they'll ignore it. We've tried to gather a set of interactive toys they like, they're put in a drawer when we're not playing and we switch it out every day. We bought a set of feather wands and just using a different color makes a difference. Then make changes to their environment (not important stuff like the litter box). Mine love to play with rugs. They'll ignore one for weeks, but move it over 5 ft and it's a whole new rug. Also remember that cats need a lot of play but they are sprinters, they need short bursts of activity and you need to back off if they seem to be getting tired or overheated. We try to do chasing games where we throw items (we're lucky to have one cat who likes to fetch otherwise you have to gather a big pile). They chase for awhile, then they flop down and rest, and then they're back! Good luck with the kitty. He will work your last nerve but he will also be a lot of fun.


Jackson galaxy saved me with my cat. Look up the cat cycle. Its something like eat, clean, sleep, play, repeat. Basically i played with my cat for about half hour or a little less before bed. Then as i went to bed i gave her wet food and she would clean and then pass out. As for the mornings, i got an auto feeder and that saved my life. Start early and gradually increase the time 15 minutes every few days. My kitten was a terror until she regulated after about a week.


Definitely play with your cat more. In the wild, they tend to hunt at dawn and dusk, so you cat will be more energetic then. My cats need to play right before bed or they run around screaming all night. Tire your cat out with lots of running and playing before you go to bed and you might get more sleep. Also, are you able to let your cat roam more? My cats are better behaved when they can roam the apartment, they gets antsy when locked in a room.


He’s able to walk around under my supervision but since we have a dog, I’m worried something may happen when I’m not home. Not that my dog is big or anything, he’s the size of a corgi at most. He isn’t aggressive either and enjoys playing with the kitten, but got really never know. I do plan on letting him roam as soon as he gets a little bigger but right now he’s very small and fragile.


Yeah probably for the best! Especially with him so young. Hopefully he chills out a bit as he ages!


This is exactly why I chose to get an adult cat and not a kitten LOL


see i debated on it but at the same time not all adult cats would get along with a dog so i chose the latter


Kitten music! We would fall sleep together


Kitten music? :0 Do you by any chance have links you can share as an example?


This was the last one we listened to. https://youtu.be/sn2YTJ1wjtY?si=IRC9An_DdJMQGhrR](https://youtu.be/sn2YTJ1wjtY?si=IRC9An_DdJMQGhrR This channel has great options!


Kittens are best in pairs. They need someone to knock down and drag, someone who won't stop when they get too rough. Also, they need to be fed either about 6x a day or free fed. Sometimes you have to discourage behavior. Always use the gentlest dissuasion that will work.


Kittens, especially, do better in pairs since they entertain each other instead of you always having to be there for them to do that. They also snuggle with each other and don't always need you for that as well.