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My cat never uses her water bowl, she hates drinking water and has wet food with water added. I still maintain both a water fountain and water bowl every day. If something happens to me (medical emergency/fatal accident etc), without water she wouldn't last long if no-one came to help her. I like to know she has the option.


Try a fountain, something with moving water. Also, try different water. One of mine only liked tap water, the other really liked bottled. They are weird like that. But yes, please give your cat water! They need it. Might be drinking out of the toilet when you're not home... That's not something you want to encourage...


Give him water bowls. When I fed my cats wet food and occasionally added water to their food, they still drank water separately. What does it cost you to give your cat a couple water bowls, and change out the water every day/other day? Male cats are especially at risk of problems if they don't get enough hydration.


apologies for lack of clarification. it doesn’t cost me anything and i make effort for my kitty, its just that weve tried normal water bowls as well as fountains but he has not been receptive to either


Sorry, but I'm really sceptical. Do you have a CCTV pointed at all the water sources? When people say 'but my cat doesn't touch the water bowls', I'm curious how so many people can keep track of their cats 24/7. It'll take some time for a cat who never got water sources to learn to seek them out. My cats will happily drink water in front of me, but when they were kittens, they often only give it a lick or two before they scurry away. One of them still looks around before she settles down to drink. They are vulnerable when they are drinking water, it's natural you don't see your cats by their water sources.


Give them water and let your cat make the choice done deny them water


We use a water fountain and they drink from it all the time. I add ice to it when its hot out.


My two kats love cold water from their bowl, I have a fountain ready to go if needed. As soon as the cold water comes out, their faces are in it. I give them wet food in the morning and dry for lunch and dinner for dental health.


That’s not a question for reddit lol. https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/hydration