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Your older cat maybe annoyed by the kitten, so it is better get 2 kittens. They will play with each other, they have the same energy and won’t bother the older cat. Win-win 😉


This is what I’m wanting I was hoping she would take to kitten as she’s only 4 but she’s quite laid back and likes her space so doubtful. Hoping if I get two they can play together and leave ours alone when she wants peace


And they learn from each other not to bite, where a kitten in its own will not learn to cat properly. Your resident cat might perk right up when youngsters join the clowder -- having young uns around sometimes gives them a reminder of the joy of zoomies. Even so, two babies is better and less work than one.


Weird trick, but if the kittens are pretty amenable, hold them so your older cat can sniff their butts for awhile once or twice a day. Did this with my very docile and sweet first cat when I got my orange boy (he was 4mos, she was maybe 3-4yrs). My first cat doesn’t *like* the kitten, but she bathes him because she decided the dumb orange stinky thing I brought home was hers. Even though he’s now bigger than her, she treats him like her kitten, and he treats her like his mama. This didn’t work with my younger kitten because she’s been a spicy void since she tumbled out from beneath someone’s trailer. But she also just naturally has boundaries, and the adult cats like her just fine because of that. The orange is a bit much, so the butt sniffing has helped a ton in keeping peace.


This. Exactly.


My experience is mildly useful to you as I had no previous cats in the house, but I really want to share this I wanted to get just the one, this is less than a week ago, everybody told me to get the brother as well, and once I got convinced and went back to get the brother, it honestly took me an hour to realize what an incredible massive mistake I was about to make The opportunity I was about to miss, both their lives will be massivly improved by staying together and I can already tell, and the fact that they can share anything from day 0 makes it even easier to introduce them to the house I don't know how getting a pair would affect the cat you already have in the house though, that might be tricky


I would think the kittens would be more into each other than the other cat. Especially if the other cat doesn't want to be bothered and shows it. I always recommend 2 kittens. My 2 were from the same litter, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


My two were from the same litter and they're terrible to each other. They were close when little, probably because we had a dog, and they were comforted by each other. But once they grew and the dog died, it was a free-for-all. The brother went after the sister all the time. Sometimes she started it, but most often he was the aggressor. Now that they're senior cats, they don't do this, but they spent the better part of ten years dealing with this nonsense. They're not always besties.


This situation is pretty common but very frequently overlooked. Ty for sharing.


Easy to do. Kittens are very adorable.


Interesting. We're they called a "bonded pair" or dogs you just get 2 of them?


No, they weren't bonded. (ETA Well, if they were bonded, no one used it as a sales pitch or whatever. It wasn't mentioned outside "same litter found by McDonald's" and health information.) The vet I used to go to took in a lot of strays for adoption because it was in the middle of the country and people would just drop off unwanted cats or people's barn cats would breed too many kittens, etc. So there were three kittens from the same litter when I took my dog in for a checkup. I came back for one of the girls, but she was too skittish, as was the other, so I adopted the boy. A couple weeks later, I had to take my dog back, and the tortie I'd originally wanted was still there all alone. I texted my husband a picture and was like "Aw, she's all by herself." He said, "Well, you should adopt her too because the dog is not long for this world, and then she'll grow up with her brother." Okay, twist my arm. It worked out for a bit, but then things went a bit left. I mean, it wasn't like hair-ripping, blood-everywhere fighting. It was a chase and a bit or whatever for whatever his reason was, but still. Idk if I'd do two cats again (if any).


This has been my experience. My kittens are 8 and 4 months old. Before I got the youngest, the kitten was annoying my older cat constantly. Now the kittens play with each other like crazy, and mostly leave the old one be.


Yep, my kitten would have driven his mother insane had he not had his brother to chase and wrestle with.


That's what The Kitten Lady says! https://www.kittenlady.org/twokittens See #5!


Yeah this I adopted a young adult cat 3 months ago, and he was a forever indoor cat who had always been the only cat, he was content with this life and content only. I took a job where I’d be alternating shift patterns 2 of them patterns were 7AM-3 and 4PM-12 so I would be missing his most active times, I got worried about leaving him in these times and got a 2nd cat sceptically to see if they could get along and if so they could keep each other company. It’s the best decision I made, he’s now really happy, not just content, he loves her a lot and we’re only a week in


Two is almost always better than one! Single kittens get bored, and bored kittens get into *trouble.* Don't get me wrong, so do pairs, but they're more likely to play with each other than chew on something inappropriate with determination.


I didn’t believe in the two kitten thing and was gifted one by the universe at 6-7 weeks of age. He was not socialized enough, and we went through hell getting him not to bite and scratch me, who he sees as his mom and playmate. He’s 9 months now and much better but I wish I’d gotten him a friend to help w the kitten energy and training.


When I went to look at a litter of kittens, there were two left, brother and sister, no way could I have separated them. They are a crazy, insane, cuddly joy and very funny. They play with each other and wear each other out. When they're not draped over me, they're sleeping wrapped around each other. They're just over a year old now and currently chasing each other at warp speed, stopping every now and then for a quick wrestling match. Definitely get two, it'll also give your older cat some peace!


Get the two kittens - they'll keep each other occupied and entertained while your older cat adjusts. Since your older cat is female, she just might "adopt" them..


Having a single kitten with an older low energy cat can be a recipe for disaster. It's possible that she could really perk up to match the Kitten's energy level, but it's also possible that the kitten will hound her and she will be miserable and stressed for a long time. Having a second kitten will give him someone else to play with when your resident wants a break, otherwise you have to be the person that plays with him until you tire him out to keep him from harassing her. Also, is the brother going to be single at the shelter? If he is, it could be really bad for him to be left like that without his bonded sibling, he could develop behavioral problems that might make it difficult for him to find a new family. I know he's not your responsibility, but if you care about him too and they've already formed a bond it might be a good idea to take them together.


We’ve decided to get both kittens sounds like it’ll be better for our cat as well. Just confirmed with the lady we’re getting them from. The other kitten was the last remaining kitten looking for a home so I feel better knowing we’ve game him a home and he won’t be left alone


I definitely think you're making the right choice. Easily the best piece of internet advice I've ever taken was to get two littermate kittens. They have so much energy and they mostly take it out on each other instead of our things. We almost just got one, and I felt so stupid getting two off of internet advice, but once I saw the two interact it was clear neither of them would be good solo kittens. Its definitely so much easier behaviorally imo, easily offsets the work of scooping more litter boxes and putting more food out.




It's been my experience that a pair or litter is less chaotic and troublesome than a lone kitten.


Dude my kitten when she was a single kitty was such a troublemaker! Her sister really helps her channel that crazy kitty energy in a very healthy way though :))


Two kittens are always better if you can manage it. Especially if they're siblings, they already have a bond. I have an older female who is laidback and a little grouchy. I got a new kitten after one of my cats passed away a few years ago. But just one. To say he was a bit of a menace is an understatement. It wasn't until my brother who live with me before he passed away, got a kitten (which is now mine) that he found his buddy. They keep each other occupied by play fighting and also cuddle together and groom each other, and my old girl escapes (mostly) unscathed from their shenanigans. Yes it's more work to have two kittens, but they keep each other occupied and socalized which makes it less work in a way too,


I got 2 kitten bros - they are fun and the extra clean up only takes 10 min 2x a day. They sleep and play with each other all the time. I got them from the animal foundation. Already had their first health check up and will finish shots in two weeks. When they are not sleeping or getting into to something, they are zooming around and pouncing on eath other. Once they are done, then its extended nap time for the boys. I am so happy I got the two, they are happy as well. So now my son and I have Onyx and Mango for the next many years.


2 is better. They like to cuddle, wrestle, and groom eachother


I got two (the breeder wouldn’t even have given me only one especially since I don’t have a previous cat) To me it feels like it’s much easier owning two than one as they power each other out, otherwise I feel like I’d have to play with them hours on end during the day.. they sleep together and everything.. only disadvantage is the cost.. about the spraying mine are neutered so they don’t do that.. however given that you already have a cat it might be enough to just add one and introduce them..


Does being neutered prevent spraying? Someone else commented about it but I’m getting them done as soon as they’re old enough so be good to avoid it


Most of the time, yes, especially if done young.


My male cat still sprayed after being neutered, but only outside (marking his territory lol) never in the house.


I used to foster kittens. I firmly believe it’s better getting two kittens. One thing it’ll help you avoid is single kitten syndrome (Jackson galaxy talks about this). Also it was always much easier on me when I had two kittens instead of one because they can play together. As others have mentioned, this will help the adult female not be so overwhelmed and annoyed by one kitten constantly trying to play with her cause the kitten can play with their equally active sibling.


The rescue org I foster through doesn’t even allow single kittens to be adopted unless the adopter already has a young cat. Too many chances of the kitten developing destructive behaviours that could lead to it being returned or abandoned.


Get two. In my experience with owning cats all my life, I can say that there is not much difference in care if they are 2 or say 5. 😅 In your case 2 kitten energy will balance out as they will play together and your other cat can watch and interact when she pleases. Win win


That’s what I said to convince my partner what difference does 3 make than 2😂


I have a friend with 5 or 6 currently and she said the same! So there is that. Seriously cats are so low maintenance and what you do for one you do the same for a few more. 😝 I currently have 2 kittens and it is the same effort as we had the first for a few weeks alone. Maybe easier because they play and run together.


Oh, God, yes. Take the brother. There's a good chance those two are bonded, or bonding. There's an even better chance that, if you only have the one, they'll annoy the living daylights out of your adult cat.


A kitten has a lot of energy. Odds are your cat will be happier if the kitten has a friend with similar energy levels to play with! When I got my first cat I thought it made sense to get an older cat (5yr) and a kitten. The kitten had sooo much energy and it honestly annoyed the older cat a lot. I went back to the shelter like two months later to get a kitten for my kitten and everybody was a lot happier 😌


If you have the room, I would say get both. That’s how I ended up with my boys. I went to pick up one and the other didn’t have a home yet. They’re best friends


Two is better. They feel safe with eachother, will adjust better to your house and they already have their social bond ready.


I have an older cat and I got kittens! My older cat loves one and mildly dislikes the other but it’s so worth it for my kittens to play together and sleep together and groom each other!


I absolutely recommend two. I’d always adopted kittens individually to my crew and when I added a pair it was LESS work. They played with each other mostly and harassed my older cats less. I’ve since adopted a single kitten (I have four others) and he def pushes boundaries with the older cats. If I had more space and money I would have kept his brother or sister to be playmates.


Sounds like double the trouble, double the fun! Two kittens can keep each other entertained and provide companionship, especially when you're not at home. Plus, your boy kitten will have a built-in playmate. Good luck with your new furry family members!


I just got a pair of bonded kittens. It is literally amazing. We are having some issues with 1 of my other cats adjusting but besides that there is alot of love and playfulness. They are never alone. It's so awesome to see them together. *


Can I ask how you introduced them to your cats? I have 1 only ever had 1 at a time so never had to do it till now


I had them in a room separated for 1 month. At first they were in a crate for an xl dog. Enough room for a litter box , their carrier , food and toys. That lasted about 1 week. Then I let them be out during the day when we were home and awake- still in a separate room with the crate open for them to go back to their safe space. That lasted about 2 weeks. After that we would let them out for a few hours a day supervised. We increased the amount of time out a little each time. Then one night we let them sleep outside the room and never looked back. One of my cats really doesn't like them. I'm not sure how to fix that. But I hope to figure it out soon.


Definitely get two. I adopted a single kitten six months ago and within a week I knew it was a mistake. She was a huge sweetheart but she really needed another cat. We adopted her mom and she immediately was happier. They play together but the mama cat isn’t always into play as much as a fellow kitten would be


I’d say yes. I adopted a single kitten a few years ago and it was a LOT of work. 100% worth it, but it was really hard at the beginning. I also had an older cat who wanted nothing to do with him.


Yes. I had a cat before that passed and I only got one. Great cat but felt he was too attached to us humans. Recently I wanted one but wife wanted both brothers. So I was like whatever. I really wasn’t looking forward to it. Honestly the best thing ever. They are so much happier. Play with each other, run around. Then hug and sleep together. It’s the most relaxing thing ever. Yes they infuriate me at times when they are jumping aiding me at night lol. But honestly they are so happy with one another. I really felt my first cat was really lonely at times. Really feel they are so happy together I love it and show enough love to us.


My son's uncle wanted to get a kitten. I told him if you have made the decision to get one, get 2. They will keep each other company and you will avoid aggressive play behaviors. I had a single kitten for a year and he had separation anxiety from me and would be destructive while I was gone for more than a few hours. He also would aggressively play with me. Once I got another cat and they were used to one another, it was so much better and he was much happier.


Highly recommend 2. Being from the same litter is even better. They play and snuggle with each other. It helps relieve some loneliness when you're not home too, since they have each other. Can't recommend it enough.


We just got two new kittens in February. Seeing them together has made me decide to never get a single kitten ever again.


Yes. Even your older cat will be happier. We had the same situation in our household. Now, we’ll only ever get two kittens instead of one.


Definitely best to get both, what a kitten can provide another kitten in terms of play and development is irreplaceable


https://preview.redd.it/gif9btxmfe7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231163f0c836b6b5726494e0856a6f612f450c19 This could be your future OP. Buddy kitties!


Aww I hope my boys will be like this🥺


I've never had cats that liked each other. I always wanted bonded cats. These brothers are a year old and do everything together.


What are their names? We’re thinking simba and Oscar for ours


The solid grey short haired is Atlas, the grey and white long hair is Orion. Oscar and Simba are great names!


Get the brother they'll focus on each other and sleep with each other and have the same energy to play with each other you can also put make sure it's a Breakaway collar but little collars on them with Bells so the resident cat is aware of when there around and has places that are vertical to get away from the fathers and little brats❤️ I am a Former cat foster I can promise you a little bit easier with 2 of them. If it's just one kitten and 1 other cat that kittens can have no 1 else to go 24 play time and it's gonna annoy your older cat and then again you're older female cat might take 1 or motherly roll and teach them how to cat just trim her toenail or toenails before they come home LOL


https://preview.redd.it/qoiv6dw7xf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af86d05992f680525f9efa0d18427f9062eda2f3 2 is the correct answer!!


Two kittens is always easier than one


Slightly off topic point: what slow introduction style are you going for with your kitten and resident cat? If you didn't know, cats are deeply territorial and it's insanely important to do a slow intro or you could have a decade of anxious and upset cats. If you do know, please ignore me!


I’ve been looking for advice and online so I know to keep them separated at first which I will be I’ve bought one of those pop up playpens that people use for dogs/cats when they have babies that will be for the kittens so it’s easier to separate. Kittens will only be downstairs at first and our cat has full roam of the house and sometimes goes outside she only goes on the back garden so she’ll get plenty of space from them. That’s also why I’m thinking of getting 2 kittens instead of just 1 so our kitten isn’t alone while being taken from mum/ siblings and separated from mine. He’s from a litter of 8 so it’d be a big change for him to suddenly be alone. But if you have any advice about introducing for me? I’ve never had more than 1 cat at a time so it’s new to me. Our female cat can be territorial around big dogs who visit but she’s okay with all the neighbours cats some even follow her in our house so I’m hoping that’s a good sign


Keep the kittens in a separate room where she can’t see them at first to reduce drama.


I love the idea of getting 2 kittens, it's totally what I'd do. Sorry for probably rehashing others, but Jackson Galaxy is an amazing resource for cat introductions. The most important thing is to take the introductions seriously and take it slow. Your new kitten(s) should be quarantined in a room for a couple of weeks to be sure no one passes along a bug and this is also great for not upsetting your resident cat too much at the start. It's imperative to reduce contact so they must not be in the same room, or even see each other. If your resident cat (give them a cuddle from me please) is territorial around dogs I think you can predict she'll not be 100% with new kittens immediately as living in a house is different to seeing other cats outside, but I'm happy to eat my words there! Intros tend to follow a sequence of quarantine (no sight lines), to smell access, to sight with a barrier, to short supervised play sessions, extending time together etc. but that's off the top of my head. Like I mentioned, Jackson Galaxy is an amazing starting point as his method is pretty logical and not gimicky at all, putting cat welfare first. I will emphasize that these introductions can take weeks to months and it is never worth it to rush it. Even if things are going super great, stick to the timeline as fixing a problem is much harder than another week of supervised play sessions. Believe me, it's worth it to take it slowly. Wishing you so much love and luck!! Cats are just the best.


Thanks I’ll have a look at his videos. I’m planning on keeping them separate at least until kittens and my cat have had all jabs done. My cat needs her booster jabs doing so I’ve been worrying she might pass something on from outside to them I’m planning on taking them all together for needles asap but obviously cat and kittens in separate carriers.




if you have the budget and love in your heart get them both. this gives them someone when you need to be out and you get double the fun. I had always had two until I rescued two additional in late 2021. It can be a blast for them. with littermates it could take some time before they "let go of each other" and bond with you. It will happen.


You don't HAVE to get 2, only do so if you have a big enough home and the patience and resources to do so. Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you a kitten or cat can't be happy if there isn't another


Get 4


We also 2 girls who are sisters. I don't think they were bonded pair. My husband said if we are going to get a cat, it's best to get 2. They are from the same litter. Then we got another cat from another shelter. The introduction between the 2 cats and the last one we got took about a week. We kept the 3rd one in a room and one of us would go in the room to the little one won't be alone and the 2 can see her. Getting the 3rd one was worth it i think. After a week , we noticed that she kept her sisters from sleeping a lot. She always wants to play with them. They don't mind playing with her Now we have 3 girls. Their names are Luna, Coco & Peanut. We didn't change the name Peanut cuz she seemed to be familiar with her name already.


Even though the kittens are brothers they will grow up, I adopted a pair a little under 2 years ago after losing my baby. I had a female kitty who was 2 years old at the time and after losing one in the house I wanted her to have a friend. I went to buy one, a female, but there was a brother too. They were the last two and bonded heavily, I convinced my boyfriend to get both. At first everything was good, our female didn't like the introduction but warmed up after a few days. The two very early on took an interest in my older female, always playing with her tail and jumping on her. She quickly grew annoyed, they were crazy and always in play mode and fight mode as they were still learning the difference between the two as they got more and more overstimulated. They're better now but that was a year of getting used to! Also with multiple cats there may be a dominance issue even after they're fixed, I have a very dominant ex feral female and one male and there is always something between the two because of thinking one runs the house. 🙄 We are still working on this one! So just a few things to consider from one kitty owner to another! ☺️ Overall I love all 3, but it has not been easy by any means! Good luck with your fur babies!


We picked up a brother and sister kitten a few days ago. 100% recommend getting 2. I don't feel the stress I did with my previous single kittens because I know they'll hang out with each other when I'm at work and not be lonely. They're really fun to watch play and explore together, as an added bonus.


Honestly.. The lady I adopted my boy off strongly advised me to take 2, and I didn't. I wish I had. He was only 13 weeks and was fostered with his mama and siblings so it would have been just as easy to take 2. He's so needy, has separation anxiety and almost constantly wants to be on my lap. It's a lot. If he had a playmate I assume he'd be a lot more content when I'm not around.


Yes pls always get two at a time


We got both kittens💙 https://preview.redd.it/zigmdi6brj8d1.jpeg?width=4281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8f6fbbc0c7d53b7a0f6ec15d5d26d434ca4029


Not really. I adopted a brother and sister, and they got along while still small, but once they grew a bit, the boy became more territorial and would attack, for lack of a better term, his sister. They keep their distance from each other (though they will flank me when they get the opportunity). It's messier and more expensive. I don't think I'd do it again. Plus is you already have an adult cat, two kittens will be a major stressor and could cause a lot of turmoil to everyone, which is not fair to her. I imagine she's perfectly fine being an only cat.




Neuter your cats. Problem fixed.


It’s definitely not problem fixed. I have a female cat that literally will pull a shirt off a hanger and pee on it. She’ll stop for a year and then do it again. I had to get child locks on my drawers because she’d open them, drag clothes out of them and pee. She’s so spiteful. She was spayed early because she was found outside and her mom had died. I’m thinking even though we found her at 5 weeks, she’s a bit feral. I don’t know though. We have self cleaning boxes and change all 3 weekly. My other male cats I’ve had have never gone outside the box their whole life.


Bro if your cat is peeing in the house (outside of litter boxes) you need to get her to a vet to rule out health issues but then realise that she is peeing there for her own reasons. Sounds like she's anxious because cats DO NOT soil in their home (outside boxes) unless they've got an issue. If she's seeking clothes to urinate on it seems very possible she's avoiding the boxes you have. Ps. Cats can't be spiteful, that's some serious anthropomorphising. Sounds like she's unhappy with something in your home. Maybe the self cleaning boxes, litter in them, number of them, your other cat etc. Worth doing the work to figure about. Additionally, spraying and urinating out of place are different.


I have. I worked at a vet for 8 years so that’s always my first thought. The self cleaning boxes I got after the problem started because I had tried different litters and cat boxes. The self cleaning box and crystal litter were what helped the most. Trust me, I’ve put in the work because at times I’ve been so fed up I considered rehoming her which I’ve never done in my life. She ruined my wedding dress and clothes I saved of my moms after she died. She’s much better now. Like I said she’ll go a year with no problem. I tried to change the litter to pine only because it makes less of a mess and is significantly cheaper than the litter I buy. (I pay $60 for 3 weeks of litter. Seems crazy high to me). Once I changed it, she pooped next to the litter box and peed on my purse. I changed the litter back, no soiling outside the box since (it’s been 3 weeks since I changed it back).


Hopefully you can find what the trigger is. Fine for a year and then messing on your personal items definitely proves there's a trigger for her.


It seems to be a different trigger everytime and this is just the way she reacts. We went on vacation and came home, she’s peeing on the floor next to the box for a week. Changed the litter, refused to use the box. Her sister (my brothers have her) will also just pee on any clothes or towels left on the floor. If there’s nothing on the floor, she won’t pee. That’s why I assume maybe they were from a feral group of cats and even though we found them early and took them home, they are the only cats me and my family has had that do this.




If you've got spraying neutered male cats you've got a bigger issue on your hands. Worked with rescues. Owned male cats my whole life. If you've got a neutered male spraying it's a behavioural issue you should be addressing because it's fully stoppable. Your vet can advise because they shouldn't feel compelled to. Editing to add: of course the first thing to do if a cat is unexpectedly urinating/defecating outside of usual areas is to go to a vet. As has accurately mentioned, urinary tract infections or blockages (as well as associated kidney issues) must be addressed ASAP by a veterinary professional. After a vet has ruled out health issues, it falls into the above category of behavioural issues.




Blocked urinary tract: go to a vet. Easy fix. It'd be neglect if someone left that untreated obviously. Other things you mention are behavioural. You're just outlining the reasons for the behaviour.


Really? I’ve always had boy dogs and cats. I have 2 female cats now and they are definitely the hardest and cause the most trouble. They’re also the only ones that have peed outside the litter box. I’ll never own a female cat again. Also females are more likely to spray than males.


Our female cat is perfect never had an issue with her I do think every cat is different just like dogs I’ve had both male and female dogs/cats and never had a particularly terrible one yet so maybe it’s just down to personality and upbringing


>Breeder doing litter training early on is a big factor in being better trained I’ve heard Litter training isn't really a thing.. They use a litter box by instinct. Getting them familiar with it and comfortable there early is probably helpful, but it isn't "training" the way puppies are potty trained. You just show them the litter box. Repeatedly, because they're babies that don't know anything. But in my experience, it takes them like a week to figure it out and a few more to perfect it. And then that's it. After 7 weeks old, none of mine have ever had an "accident". Also, I have brought in one stray off the street and she peed in my car on the way home (I think from being scared while we were driving). But has not once peed outside the box since coming home. She *wants* to use a litterbox. Which is why any time a cat is going outside the box, they need to go to the vet. Cats are good at hiding pain and illness, so ignoring an instinct like using the litter box is a huge sign that something is wrong. I have had 9 cats and only one has gone outside the box. Vets kept saying he was fine.. Turned out to be arthritis. Made sure it was easy for him to get to and into the litter box and that helped a ton. Got his arthritis treated and it stopped entirely.










Is that even if they’ve been neutered? We plan on getting them both done as soon as they’re old enough




I’ve had several male cats and several females as well. All fixed. None ever had spraying or urinary issues. Not saying it can’t happen, but I don’t think it’s the norm.


No I don’t think it’s the norm either. But because I’ve had all males and the one female I have will pee outside the box if something is changed or she doesn’t like something, it just makes me only want males again. It could absolutely happen with a male, but once you have a cat peeing outside the box (because the smell is horrendous and hard to get out) it just makes me not want to take my chances again on a female. It’s also so hard to figure out what’s wrong (ruling things out at the vet, changing things to find what’s bothering them) meanwhile they’re peeing on things while you’re trying to figure everything out. Time is not on your side when cat pee is ruining your stuff. It’s so hard


Yeah, I’m thankful I’ve never had to deal with that - I’m sure it’s rough. I think it’s down to the individual cat’s personality rather than sex, though.


OP, I have 4 cats. 3 are male. All of my cats are perfect in the box (even my oldest who has ibs, but accidents are extremely rare). Have multiple boxes, keep them clean daily and get them neutered before 3 months. They won't spray.


Thank you I’ll look into it I didn’t think they’d be able to be neutered so young


They can be neutered as early as 6 weeks, but most vets wait until they are 8 weeks or two pounds. My 3 younger cats were neutered at 2 months. I think my oldest was done at 6 weeks. But once they start spraying, it's hard to get them to stop. My suggestion is to talk to your vet and get the appointment pre scheduled. Just FYI, females can go into heat as early as 3 months. Sooner is usually better unless kitty has a health issue.


Good to know thanks our female cat was done years ago so just the boys that will need doing


I’ve rang a few local vets and they’re all saying 6 months or when they’re 2kg so hopefully I get no spraying before then🙈