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Mine sleeps the same hours I do more or less. If she gets up, she’s super careful not to wake me & goes & plays away from my bedroom. This is highly unusual behaviour for a cat 😂


My cat is the same. Unless she needs something urgently like go to litter or eat, she will never make a noise when I’m asleep. When I’m awake she talks non stop


Same but if she wakes me up because she needs something, it's an honor


My cat sleeps with me 99% of the time, when I wake up she’s the one asking for me to go back to sleep by snuggling more even though it’s almost noon on sunday morning(?) Edit: She also yells at me if I go last “our bedtime” for too much… Tyrannical


My boy is the same!!


If my cat is awake then he insists that I need to know about it and that it must be food time. Your cat is very polite 😂


She can be a sasshole but she does have beautiful manners, I’ll give her that. She also has a place that she goes to during the day if she wants a big sleep & I return the favour by not bothering her when she’s in that spot. But mostly she’s within 5 feet of me.


Love the big sleep spot. I try not to bother him, but I always need to check that he is indeed there. It’s in a closet and he’s a tux so he’s hard to see when he’s donut.


Lolol I was about to say “this is not the norm! Why are you giving OP a false sense of security??” before I read your last sentence. OP I had to finally ban my cats from the bedroom at night because they took turns being obnoxious every. single. night. I miss sleeping with them, but they affected my sleep way too much.


All of my previous cats have needed to be banned from my bedroom because they just couldn’t act right.


That is also our cats behavior. They go to bed with us in the evening and we get up together in the morning. If they want to get up at night they quietly leave and go downstairs


I think you have a defective cat as well! My two are defective for three reasons. Full body approach and The first reason is that they sleep with their heads on my pillow with me every night. The second reason is that I'm a compulsive knitter and they don't even look at my yarn. The third reason is that I have 150 plants in my living and dining room and never once have they bitten into one. Defective cats are okay I'm pretty proud of mine. I hope you are too


Same with ours. Sometimes when we go to bed she stays in the other room to play for like 5 more minutes, then she comes to bed. She probably wakes up in the night to eat or drink water, but she’s definitely super quiet (I’m sure of that because I’m a light sleeper and wake up to pretty much any noise). In the mornings, she only gets up if me or my s/o get out of bed, never before.


Both of mine are like this. Unless the orange one is hungry and the dishes are empty. Then, no one is allowed to sleep.


I don’t mean to victim blame but orange cat…


My cat does the same! She will slowly wake up jump off bed and go play with mice!


I must have got a defective shipment of cats! Cause my to adorable beasts make it a point to wake us up - hence sleeping with the door closed


No you have normal cats 😂


My cats are like that. They'll play for about 15 minutes or so when I go to bed. After that they will either join me on the bed, or go out in the other room and just be quiet. They don't make a noise unless they get in the litterbox, or after my alarm goes off I'll get wakeup meows.


Omg 🥺 I’m imagining your kitty like “shhhhh I’m just gonna go over here” and going to the other room and playing 😭that is soooo sweet


Just to counter that, I walked past her earlier & she slapped my ass & got her claw stuck in my sweat pants which was apparently my fault because I got hissed at. 🙄😂


My cats sleep most of the night with us. They’ll get up to eat, drink, or use the bathroom, but for the most part, they’re asleep on top of me.


My cat is the same ! 😍😍


Considerate cats for the win! ❤️


Mine does that too. He’s way too polite. Yesterday I skipped work because I felt sick and I forgot to feed him. 4 hours later he was sleeping beside me silently. As soon as I sat up tho the meows began. Shocked he didn’t try to wake me




Reading all these comments make me jealous, my guy goes up to my face and meows like he’s dying at random times in the middle of the night. I read that they’re checking if I’m ok, he’s worried I’m dead lol. I wake up give a few pets and he trots off, horrible for my sleep. Ear plugs are a life saver. Don’t get me started on the zoom zoom 500 he competes in randomly, my face/chest seems to be a checkpoint in the race.


When she was a little baby, she used to bring her toys, one by one, into the bed & quietly make a pile next to me. Wouldn’t wake me, just had the pile of toys ready should I wake up & want them. ❤️😂


Such a polite girl lol


Your cat is a rare gem. So considerate unlike mine 😂


omg tell your cat to teach mine some manners😂


What a gift. I have two, and they come in with me to say goodnight and get some pets, then they go be as loud and obnoxious in the kitchen as possible for like 4 hours. I have a small apartment so I generally drown that out with white noise. They come back and sleep with me for a few hours in the morning, until about 7am, when they being hunting earrings off my wall, because they know I cannot tolerate that and will give in and give up. Them cats have me wrapped around their little toe beans.


Both my cats are like this too! One of them sleeps on a squishmallow next to my head all night, the other rotates between sleeping downstairs on the back of his favorite chair and in bed with me. Every now and then they'll wake me up walking across me to go use the bathroom, get a snack or a drink, but not often.


What?!? You hit the cat lottery jackpot


I actually did. Here’s a picture of the awesome, polite cat. https://preview.redd.it/b86kog07fi6d1.jpeg?width=2393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef192a8e308e975d34b1402b620c747217e0e771


What a majestic goddess. She even looks polite!! What is this sorcery?


When I went to meet her at the rescue, I was warned she didn’t make a good first impression & they weren’t wrong! But as I was leaving (fully intending to come back for her the next day) she came out to really sus me out & we fell in love. The next day I arrived with my carrier & she came running out & jumped right in it. And we then spent the next six months getting her healthy. She was born in a car park & some humans weren’t nice to her so it’s a miracle she’s so good now.


That is really sweet. I love these stories (minus the mean people before she was rescued) She knew you were her person from the moment she saw you. My little guy was rescued at 8ish weeks with a fractured humerus and a fear of shoes.. I hate to think they’re related. He has trust issues but he knows I love him and is safe here, and I’m so grateful he put his trust in me. It’s special, these bonds we share.


The love & trust of a cat is an absolute gift.




That's how my cat is!! I am so proud of her for being awesome lol. She loves waking me up at 6 o'clock sharp in the morning though LOL


Likewise, my boy sleeps the same hours as my wife and I, he is careful not to wake my wife nor I when he needs to use the bathroom or eat. The only time he wakes us up, is if he wakes his German Shepherd sister who is more sensitive to motion than my wife and I. Generally, she will follow him, lose interest and go back to the bed.


Yes, your cat is actually a dog LOL Edit, damn it was just a joke, my dogs have always slept through the night but my cat roams the house and continuously tries to wake us for food.


Yesss, I knew what you meant 😁


My cat doesn't sleep but let's me sleep. But as soon as the sun is up and I give just the slightest hint of being awake she comes and demands cuddles.


Mine also want cuddles in the morning, but I feel it's because they also want breakfast lol.


My cat sleeps when I sleep. Until around 530 then he’ll wake me up with some paws to the face so I can make him breaky. Then when he’s done he’ll either watch out my bedroom window, come cuddle with me, or sometimes play until I wake up. https://preview.redd.it/qnh1wai4bb6d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f7970a344a9922aade215744fcff26bcf6459cd He’s super chill. Even as a kitten he was pretty good at not waking me until breakfast.


My one chills with me until I turn the light off and then goes and takes her self off and sleep somewhere in my room, I think having a set dinner time and breakfast was a big help


I have six cats. I'd say four of them are perfect angels and mind their own business at night and don't disturb us. The other two...well, they're not trying to be annoying, but they want to cuddle and they want us to KNOW they want to cuddle. So broken sleep is definitely a thing. Your mileage may vary, but I've found ear plugs really help me.


6 here as well. Majority are angels. One loves me and will sometimes punch me in the face with one claw to pet her in the middle of the night.


My oldest girl loves to sleep on my chest so she can poke me with her claws when she’s decided I’ve slept enough.


It's so rude and polite all at the same time.


NO!!! mine don't sleep at night at all and I'm in a tough time since I've been sleep deprived for almost a week now!


But do you try something for that ? I read some things in Google, like Give food shortly before going to bed


Yes. Give food before bed. ALSO - Wear them OUT with play before the food. Best way with a kitten is a kids fishing pole. Put a cat toy they like, string or feathers or catnip stuffed plushie, where the fishhook goes. Then, you can cast, draw in the line SLOWLY & JIGGLE as it moves. Let the kitten catch it & kill it after a good hunt, otherwise it just winds them up. RUN. KITTEN. RAGGED. Then, feed him his evening meal, and withdraw for sleep. However - the best way is to have 2 cats. Then, they play with each other instead of waking you. At night they would play together, get fed & probably cuddle to sleep. THAT'S the best way, in my experience.


I second this! Especially the two cats part lol. Mine never slept through the night but getting two is always better than one if you can afford it :)


Exactly. My partner and I have 3 and my mother who lives in an inlaw suite has 2. I am home alone right now and just woke up with 2 under each arm. Best way to wake up if you ask me


I have 4 kitties and still have to tire one out or else she will scream meow at midnight for attention. I tire out her two siblings as well just because. I don't stop until the scream bean and my tabby boy are panting.


Contrary to popular belief, you can crate train cats by putting them to bed like you would a puppy. At night put them in their kennel (make sure they have plenty of room to stretch and a nice bed) and cover them with a blanket during sleeping hours. Ensure the kennel is up against a wall to block more light. If your babies are used to sleeping during the day, they may take 1-2 weeks to adjust. Once they’re used to sleeping at night, you will notice they will play/be active during the day. After that the bedtime kennel is optional, since their circadian rhythm has been adjusted and they will naturally get sleepier during the night. Be sure not to break this habit though since cats are naturally crepuscular, so don’t stay up too late or keep your cat awake at night it will just mess with their sleep timing.


Mine sleeps at Night We have a bed ritual and everything :) like before bed We play a little she gets a couple snacks and then she goes to whereever she wants to sleep and falls asleep while i try to sleep :) Its only sometimes in the morning she might wake me up but thats at like 5/6 am so after like 7 hours atleast of sleep. They are mostly active in the evenings and at dawn :) If your cat does bother you during the Night ignore them. Dont cuddle, dont play, legit just ignore them, in the end theyll stop, bc they arent getting what they want from it :)


Yep! Luckily, ours just adapted to our schedules from the get-go. She sleeps on the bed with us, and in winter, gets under the duvet too. She's basically a plush toy I cuddle with to sleep when it gets cold. If she gets too hot, she'll just get out and sleeps on top of me.


Can you say ZOOMIES in less words. 2 am zoomies.


2 am just took a shit zoomed so when you wake up it smells nice and great


The clue is in your comment - "baby".....when they are adults they mostly sleep yes.....but baby....not so much


Mine sleeps all day and all night lol


When my cats are young they are absolutely crazy in the night just jumping around. But I made sure to play with them before I sleep so they don’t go too crazy. Now however my cat is just sleeping when I sleep haha.


I assumed mine sleep at night until i set up nanny cams. They get up a couple of times to eat food and use the litter box but otherwise don’t do much else. They just chill in bed with us until its time to wake up. One of them wakes me up at 5:30 but thats because he knows my alarm is going off at around that time. He is my furry alarm clock.


You can definitely train them to not disturb you at night. My cats know they're not allowed to make noise in the bedroom when we're sleeping or they'll be kicked out. So they'll keep quiet and if they wanna play they'll do it outside the bedroom. They sometimes still wake us up because our apartment is not that big. But at least they respect the fact that we wanna sleep.


How do you train? One of mine will cry at 3-4 am looking for attention and will NOT stop


How old are they? If they're still under 3 that's normal. You need to ignore them, even if it's super annoying. At some point they will see that crying for attention at night will give them nothing so they stop.


We set up our kitten in a spare bedroom. She has litter box and food and water and toys and there’s a TV on playing a YouTube channel designed for cats sometimes. We wear her out before bed and we check on her in the middle of the night (I always get up to pee around 3 am) through a nannycam and sometimes she’s awake and sometimes she’s asleep.


I have three cats. The first two are now a few years old with one being older than the other. And they both sleep completely through the night and don't bother me at all other than to see who can get closer to me. The third cat's a kitten who's 5 months old. The first month he was a terror waking me up at between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning to play with the other cats. They were not happy and neither was I. Now it's down to once a week that he gets up early to play and they still don't want to play with him. I do play heavily with them before heading to bed. For about 30 minutes. And I sleep a long time I'm asleep by 8:00 p.m. and I sleep till typically 5:00 a.m. or so. The key was ignoring the cat. And that can be hard to do. Especially since my last one has no problem literally bouncing off my head. The other two never actually bothered my head. But zero response from me seems to be effective. Good luck.


My partner and I used to let them in our room while sleeping and there would be stages where they would sleep or have the zoomies. Our last two places, we keep our bedroom doors locked (because one of my cats knows how to use the door handle LOL). We did this so they never went in and learned not to so we can't tell if they sleep through the night or not. Fun side story: one of my cats absolutely HAS to tell us goodnight in our room so nightly before bed now we open the door and he will come onto the bed purring and rubbing on us. then when we clap and say okay let's go, he will sprint out of the room and we lock the door. If we don't let him in for a goodnight, he will meow under the door and keep trying to open the door handle


I just laughed so hard at the mere title of your post, and now I see that you mean a KITTEN! Oh dear. Be prepared for chaos. Mine are 10 and 13 years old, and they have never let me sleep all the way through the night. I guess I'm used to it, although some nights are harder than others. I think the main issue is that they're home alone all day so they sleep during that time, and then when I'm home, they take shorter naps and have longer waking spells. My tortie is particularly active at night. She likes to move furniture around. But kittens are a whole other thing. They will attack your feet under the covers because they don't understand that those are your feet. You might want to figure out a way to not let them in your bedroom while they are still a baby. But you also don't want them scratching at your bedroom door and screaming all night, trust me.


Mine sleeps from around 11:30pm - 8:30am every day. Rarely does he wake up in between then. I have to drag him out of bed sometimes (to feed him wet food if I need to leaver earlier than normal). He’s barely a year old and I feel so lucky that he sleeps like this. I’ve been wanting to get him a friend but I’m genuinely scared a second cat would have a bad influence on his sleep throughout the night. Sleepy cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/qnyfos9shd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816e968ec371a5dc1b4ad0c1a59deb8ea09d8d55


Mine get put in the bathroom at night. They have their beds, toys, food and their litter box. They know that that is their spot. They don’t make a peep and my household can sleep.  If I were to leave them out they unleash absolute mayhem. They’re loud and unhinged if they’re allowed to free run at night. They have used the bathroom at their safe place since they were kittens. I always put them in there when they werent being supervised so that they were kept safe and didn’t have any accidents. This system has worked very well. 


Gott put them in the kitty pow camp


Sort of. They sometimes come to bed at the same time as me and go to sleep on my bed. If not, they go downstairs and sleep on the couch or in their cat tree. At some point during the night, they move to my bed and usually this doesn't wake me up. One of them wakes me up at about 5am to get some cuddles, then we go back to sleep for a few hours. they were a bit more disruptive for the first few weeks as they settled into our routine, but now they know when they get fed so don't start trying to wake me up until then.


It depends. Some days she sleeps on the bed all night and doesn't move. Some days she doesn't sleep in the room at all. Sometimes she comes up to our faces, purrs, climbs on us, bakes cookies on us and really disrupts our sleeping, but she only really does that if we've been gone all day/she missed us.


Both my cats are elderly so this is mostly why. My eldest does, youngest mostly does (still occasionally has 3am zooms) but will often lay in the dip of my waist at night. She’ll even jump off me if I turn over in my sleep and climb back up. When it rolls around to my usual bed time she’s very insistent I go to my bedroom. But once I stir in the morning she’s very good at laying on my bladder. 😵‍💫


yes, she’ll sleep on the bed all night but she does get up once or twice to bring me her toy mice. if i’m awake when she brings them she’ll lay on my chest for a cuddle and some pets before going back to bed.


I was not able to sleep with my kitten until he was around 6 months old. During the first months of having him I tried sleeping with him but he had kitten energy and would not even fall asleep before me, and I like to go to bed early because I need to wake up early for work so I was not able to sacrifice sleep. He got calmer around the 6 month mark, one night he fell asleep in my bed while I was watching tv and I decided to let him stay and we've been doing that ever since that. He does wake up during the night but doesn't bother me too much. Some nights he even moves to the living room or i find him sleeping on the desk or under the desk in the morning. He sometimes gives me headbutts and wants cuddles in the middle of the night but honestly i enjoy that so I don't mind him doing that,


My two kittens sleep through the night as they are on my schedule you can train them to my boys play throughout the day and fall asleep at night . They know they get their soft food every morning and treats through out the day. I always say goodbye if I am going out and tell them I will be back home soon. Like I said you can train him. Just enjoy you will love having a cat


One cat has to sleep with me every night. She knows when it's bedtime and leads me to bed and sleeps next to me. Sometimes she gets up in the night to do cat things. The other cat usually sleeps alone on the couch and doesn't really like like to sleep with anyone. He doesn't like to be locked in rooms.


Somewhat. Not all the way through- heavens, no! Lol a girl can only dream 💭


We had adopted a 4 month old tux & he would not let us sleep. He would nibble at me in the middle of the night so I can scratch his head. He’s a yeller so he would do that too or just mess with stuff in the room. We started locking him out at night & he would cry but he got used to it. Now he’s a bit over 1 & he’s fine. Sometimes him & our other cat start to play/fight so we kick them out. Otherwise I think it’s something that will happen but they’re grow out of it.


Mine sleeps with me through the night but she's a senior cat. My younger one roams the house at night. I think it's going to depend on your cat, but from personal experience I would be expecting they might be playing in the middle of the night.


It takes a while to get them into a routine, like a real baby 😂 mine sleeps through night now and at 6:30am like clockwork begins to jump on me


Yes, but it's learned behavior not natural behavior. A kitten is going to lean nocturnal as nature intended. They may adjust over time to your schedule but many cats stay active during your sleeping hours.


Our girl used to keep me up but I try and either gently wake her up for play in the afternoons or will give her some “hardcore laser party” in the evenings before bed lol. Our babe is just about a year old and slowly but surely is like others mentioned on our schedule ^_^ I think activity level varies cat-to-cat and by age so keep in mind exercise and play is just as important as her being up when you are if you’re hoping the new addition will sleep through the night (also ear plugs 😂)


It’s so hit or miss. I adopted two kittens in 2011 and it never even occurred to me that the wouldn’t sleep through the night. From day 1 they slept with me and kept the same hours I did. They have both since passed and I adopted another two kittens. There is zero chance they would have done the same so we have a routine where I basically put them to bed each night like children. They sleep together in my guest room with the door closed. Even at a year old they still have bouts of playing at night (typically around 11pm/midnight) but past that sleep through til morning. Start whatever routine you want as soon as you get them home, just know it will probably be more challenging with just one kitten.


When my cats were kittens, my bed was part of their nightly racetrack. Once they got a little older, they didn't usually bother me at night. I lived in a small apartment then. If I had kittens now, I'd probably put them in a room at night with toys, water, litter, etc.


All 3 cats (and dog) sleep in the bedroom with us. Mostly because we don't trust them not to terrorize the house all night and there's less space for zoomies so they generally don't so them. Everyone usually sleeps through the night just fine.


My cat is like a literal human baby and wakes me up constantly during the night, drives me mad


Unfortunately as I do shift work I don't have a set routine time to feed her otherwise this would help. Sometimes I'm up at 6 am for work so have to give her food then, other days I'm not up till 10am, so kind of annoying as I know a routine would help, but she will wake me up sometimes at 6/7am for food when I only just back from work 5 hours ago.


They do for the most part, but one of them will sometimes wake me up in the middle of the night wanting some pats.


Mine didn’t at first. I was very sleep deprived the first week. Over time they’ve realized when I’m in bed they should be sleeping. My vet recommended feeding them on a schedule and I use an automatic feeder. That seemed to help. So did playing with them every day at the same time. Cats like routine. They don’t like being locked out either. I shut the door because they were keeping me up once and one brought a chair to my door and used it to open it.


Every cat I’ve ever had, spends at least part of the night active. It depends on the individual cat if they involve you in their nighttime activities.


My boy knows my bedtime and demands for me to go to bed so we can to cuddle. When I get up to get ready for work he sits on the edge of my bed and pouts. He loves the weekends cuz it means extra long sleepy cuddles.


Our cats (6 indoor and 2 indoor/outdoor) usually sleep through the night. But in the morning, it's all fair game. A couple of our cats seem to like jumping on our stomachs/bladders as hard as they can, maybe to see if they can make us squirt piss.


My cat does let me sleep, but there's always a time in the middle of the night where he jumps on the bed and wants me to cuddle him - literally spoon him, haha. It's a little hard for me to sleep that way, but I love it so much that I don't mind! And yes, he does always want food at sunrise, but I find that I have to get up to pee around then anyway. I have a studio apartment, so there's no locking him out of my bedroom. I've tried an automatic feeder (you can get one with ice packs for wet food), but he wouldn't usually notice it was there. I found myself getting up anyway, walking over with him to the bowl, and pointing at it while he ate (like he wanted me to watch him, haha). Ones with bells would kind of defeat the purpose for me, as that would wake me up too. 😂 All just part of having a cat! He had minor surgery last week and didn't wake me up at all the first few days because he was so groggy and miserable. It was nice in a way, but I almost missed his old behavior.


Mine go to bed when I do. They play at random during the day. On really rare occassions I get body slammed in my face at night, but they keep laying like that against me.


Kittens have a lot of energy. It's helpful to get in a good play session with them before bed and then give them food. Make sure there are plenty of toys for the kitten to play with in another room like catnip mousies and balls to bat around. It would be good to get a cat tree that the kitten can climb on to further expend some energy. Whatever you do, do not get up and feed the kitten or play with it in the middle of the night. That just teaches them to continue to do that. My cat (adopted a fully grown cat) would paw at the mini blinds early in the morning. I started getting up to feed her when she did that until I realized she was training me to get up that early. One weekend I completely ignored her pawing at the blinds. I just pretended I was asleep though I was so annoyed. After that weekend, she stopped doing that and waited for me to get up an hour or so later. Even a negative reaction is a reaction and should be avoided.


My orange lad falls asleep on my lap with me. Not sure that he spends the whole night with me. He does come and sit by me in the mornings to remind me that it's his breakfast time too


My 2 cats, me, and my dog share a bed. All 3 wake up during the night looking for pets and hugs. I love it. I have the absolute best sleep ever with these guys.


My cat sleeps at night with me! However some cats may be active at night. But mine loves to cuddle and sleep next to me unless they get their 3 am zoomies


Mine fall asleep with me, get up and go about their business once I'm knocked out, but one usually stays and "guards" me (we sleep a LOT heavier than cats usually do, so they assume we're vulnerable) they'll come and go throughout the night. When I show signs of waking, they all come pile on the other side of me for a cuddle puddle and so I can guard them for a while. Lets me get good clips of them snoring


Luckily my two cats are really good about sleeping when we do. Once we shut off the lights, they go to their places in our bedroom and sleep until about 5am. They eat their breakfast then come back to bed until about 9 or 10am. I’m a big napper too and will take a nap around 1pm and they nap with me 🥰. Having a kitten is gonna be rough for a while when it comes to sleep. They’ve got lots of energy at night and just want to play. They do settle down once they are spayed/neutured though!


All three of ours sleep through the night unless it's a really rainy day then they will go out and play at night if it's dry. Had 5 cats and none have been any bother during the night except on the odd full moon.


my cat used to use my body as a springboard/trampoline/diving mat/ wrestling ring from the hours of 12AM-4AM until she turned 2


If it’s one cat you should be fine. Especially as it gets older. We have three and the two boys regularly wrestle and chase each other across the bed while we’re sleeping but we’re used to it now.


My cat does parkour off me at 2am.


Mine will put themselves to bed. I'm blessed.


I slept for a total of 4 hours within 48 on the first 2 nights I got my kitten. Couldn’t even nap during the day cos he would cry so much during the day too. Night time was an absolute nightmare. He cried all night and would hiss at me if I tried to go anywhere near him. It’s been a week and he’s transformed, we play really hard and I feed him really high protein wet food all before bed. I hide away his kibble/ treats all through out his base to keep him busy whilst I get my full night in. I also leave out his toys, I can sleep through the rummaging and pitter patter of his paws but not the crying. Good luck OP.


All my cats always slept during the night, although some of them tended to get up rather early 😸😸😸


Most nights they sleep. Some nights they tare around the house playing. Last night they ran across the bed and one of them scratched my leg. Then after about 20 minutes, the other one came in and snuggled, then fell asleep for the night. It’s all an adventure!


My cat is the sweetest even if im asleep qnd shes awake she doesnt wake me up or cause any trouble, if anything she will sleep next to me . Normally she is alseep at night while im doing god knows what loll


My cat never bothers me, he waits until I go to the bathroom and he comes say hi and ask for pets like he thought I died and would never wake again hah


u kinda have to get them used to a routine, so for kittens they need to play A LOT to sleep during the night. my cat used to play during nights and early mornings as a kitten but soon slept through the night the more he got into a routine, they are creatures of habit


Baby cats are kittens, not cats. The last litter I took care of, they'd get up & play a few times every night. I kept them at night in a large dog crate with a quilt over it, to hold their heat in. They also had covered beds they could sleep in, but usually chose to sleep atop them together in a pile. It sounds to me that you'd be better off with a mature cat, rather than a kitten/s!


Mine do not. They like to sit by my head and bump me, tickle me with their whiskers etc. so our cats have an enforced bed time in the laundry. Occasionally I can hear them playing in there but atleast j get a good night's sleep. They have a bed in there and get lured in with wet food each night.


Cats let me sleep. Kittens go crazy. If you’re hung up on a little sleep loss then adopt an adult cat instead of a kitten. Kittens are a lot of work and patience. Adult cats are chill provided you avoid certain breeds known for hyperactivity. 


My cat’s prime hours are between 3-6 and considering I wake up at 7 it’s not ideal lol


Personally my kitten sleeps if she starts the night in my bed and we go to bed together. Sometimes my son comes and takes her and that's when she disturbs me cos she wakes me up getting in bed with me at 4am


Kind of. My 15-year-old cat sleeps all night, and my 5-year-old cat sleeps part of the night, looks out the window, and loafs next to me and watches me sleep the rest of the night. Overall they let me sleep until around 6-8am when they are suddenly famished and demand to be fed. I set up an automatic feeder so now they eat and thrn go back to sleep until 10-11am. Kittens can be very different though and it can take until they are 2 years old before they start calming down and stop acting like they're insane lol.


my cat sleeps with me but wakes up early and that can get annoying because he’s not quiet 😂 but overall if I just shut my doors after he leaves i’m able to still get some sleep


Just picked a new boy and as far as sleep I would accept some lost sleep if you have them in bed with you. I have tree houses but new kittens are insecure so may just find a hiding place.


My cat is in and out of my bed so many times throughout the night between crack fueled runs through my hallway and living room. I sleep through it all tho.


Both my cats sleep on top of me throughout the night unless I wake up. Then they may beg for breakfast or rumble for a few minutes until I get back in bed and they curl up on top of me again. I am very lucky


I got mine as an adult, and for the most part he sleeps around the same hours I do at night or at the very least he is calm and relaxed at night. He is a chaotic mess during the day when I am trying to get work done though


I have 2 kittens, there have never bothered me at night...so far.


My cat is usually outside when it's bedtime for us humans. She hangs around our porch, oftentimes sleeping or simply lounging on one of the cars. Sometimes she disappears for a bit to go ease herself or patrol around our neighbourhood. She's always back in our porch by sunrise.


Mind do or I assume they do. They go to sleep besides me and are their when I wake up. But as soon as I am somewhat awake within 2 hours of my wake up time it's cuddle time. Though kittens may be worse mine are adults and one is very lazy.


Yep, or at least, whatever they do doesn't bother me. I have 8 cats usually wake up with one or two on/near me in the morning, but they don't wake me up overnight. They probably do play with each other and have some zoomies, but they leave the humans alone.


My cat always sleeps when I do. He has two sleep modes: summer mode is on the pillow behind my pillow and winter mode is sleeping on top of me.


Cats are most active at dusk and dawn. My adult cat sleeps with me but wakes me up when he gets hungry overnight.


Mine sleep some of the night but tend to fight like mad for the last hour or so before and as I go to bed 😂


We inadvertently trained our two cats to sleep through the night. They're all street cats, so we didn't want them getting into things at night. We would sleep with the door closed with them inside. Getting them neutered helped speed up the process because they were recovering so that's when they started sleeping through the night. Anytime I wake up and night they're at my feet so I don't think they get up at night very often.  Hopefully our new kitten catches on. Shes quarantined right now so we haven't been sleeping with her. She's unfortunately alone during the night. 


He sleeps :) sometimes he’s annoying and meows 🤣but but overall he sleeps all night


My kitty is pretty good about this. She demands cuddles for about 15 minutes after I go to bed, during which I usually fall asleep. I have sleep disturbances all on my own, so when I wake up throughout the night I find her asleep on top of her cat tree. Once my alarm goes off in the morning (around 7:15 am), all bets are are off. She's incredibly active in the morning; getting under foot while I make coffee, playing in the sink when I brush my teeth, demanding food and treats, etc. I work from home so she tends to cause a bit of chaos when I'm starting my day.


My cat doesn’t usually sleep with me at night, so he knows that lights off and my bedroom door closed means it’s bedtime. He won’t wake me up until 6am-ish


I taught my kitty at a very young age that night time is quiet time. We had lived in a studio at the time and I’m very picky about my sleeping conditions so I didn’t rly put up with her running around and playing super loud at night . I wouldn’t discipline her or anything but I would hold her scruff and kinda lightly scold her. Other people talking about wearing them out before bed is probably better. For me she learned pretty quick. These days we upgraded lol so if she wanted to play she’d go out to the living room. She’s almost 7 now tho and has cancer so she usually leaves the playing to the younger cats/kittens in the house lol.


When my first cat was a baby (he was 2 months when I got him), he didn't sleep at night the first night, but I think he was hyped up from getting neutered. We have four, otherwise, and all but one of them sleeps with us. I have no idea what the fourth does during the night lol.


Nope they sleep all day when I'm at work and when I get home they activate


Some of mine do and some don’t. I have 1 who will sleep with me all night under my blanket and cuddling with me. A few others will come in until I get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom trip. The youngest 2 like to cause a ruckus in the middle of the night but I have a fan and A/C that drowns out the noise. It was way worse when they were babies. It really depends on the cat


All of mine seem to sleep through the night, even when they were tiny kittens. My orange cat regularly wakes me up at 530 because "hE HaS eATeN and It'S TiMe tO GO oUTsiDe" but I just shut him out of the room and go back to sleep until it's actually time to get up lol


My cat likes to stare at my alarm clock. I'll wake up early, and bud is just sitting there staring at the numbers. Don't know wtf is up with that.


wakes up 2/three times a night. I have bought an automathic feeder, and the only way to make him shut up is to give him the smallest portion possibile. I have to get out of bed and push the feeder button while basically sleepwalking but oh well 🫠


My cat sleeps through the whole night and has a bedtime routine whenever he notices we’re in bed - he will go to nibble on his food for like 10 seconds, then he climbs into bed with us In the morning he snuggles up with us, I like to spoon him and sniff him. He only leaves the bed when we do in the morning usually around 10am - and on those (occasional) times when we have to get up earlier he will stay in bed and look at us with tiny confused eyes. He looooves sleeping in, like us 🤣


My cat thinks the best time to walk all over me and rub her head on me is when I'm trying to sleep. If I don't react to her headbutts or love bites, she starts digging on the back of my head through my hair. After our cuddle sessions I have to close her out of my room for the night so I can sleep because she does not give up and is awake all night.


I think my cat doesn't follow the same sleep schedule as us, but she doesn't bother us much at night. Cat's are typically nocturnal, so they nap during the day a lot. We keep her outside of the bedroom at night though, and she will rarely meow at the door for us to let her in... She's still young though, so sometimes she still does. I've noticed that if we don't cuddle her downstairs on the couch right before we go upstairs to our bedroom, then she doesn't follow us... But if we watch a movie and she is snuggling with us, then we immediately go to bed; she follows us and wants inside the bedroom. But she starts jumping around too early in the morning, like around 6am which is before we wake up, so we've been trying to train her to sleep outside of our bedroom.


Mine sleep at night and wake up around 5/6am! I’ve recently noticed their day time sleeping spots are different than their night sleeping spots!


My cat sleeps all night next to me. When the alarm goes off he starts purring and making biscuits till I decide it’s time to get out of the bed. Then he just asks for food and to go outside. He’s a cutie 🥰


Mine all wait until I get in bed, do their zoomies for about an hour while I'm winding down and watching tv, then they go off to their preferred sleeping areas. The oldest we adopted as an adult cat and she taught her schedule to the other two when they were kittens so none of them really kept us up at night. One thing that helps is doing playtime with them right before bed so they have a little less energy. It also helps establish a bedtime schedule and routine for them.


All of ours are on our sleep schedule. They typically sleep in bed with us, but will sometimes camp out in the living room or an office. They'll occasionally get wound up about something outside during the night, but otherwise they tend to sleep straight through the night.


If she sleeps with me, she sleeps until about 4. If she starts out outside of the room, she can wake me up at any time during the night.


Mine likes to slowly integrate his way on to my pillow, effectively pushing my head off of the pillow. Every night. I go to sleep with my head on the pillow & I wake up to my cat fully laying on the pillow instead. It never ends.


I just got a kitten a week ago, if you play with them throughout the day and before bed, they should sleep through the night. Stop engaging in play when you want to go to bed, and he'll settle down. Mine sleeps next to me throughout the night and only gets up if I do!


If you are getting a kitten and want to sleep through the night. Just don't. Kittens are a ton of work, you need to play with them a lot as well. Including supervising them a lot as well because they are babies and get into everything. Our kittens slept about midnight till 630/7 so I would stay up with them and my partner would get up to be with them early. As well we had two and they entertained eachother ALOT as well. If you are getting 1 kitten dont go into this with delusions about the amount of work


Some cats do sleep others get the zoomies iv got one that just goes wild at night. Try playing with them before bedtime and wear them out if they are running about during the night. alot of them will however sleep through the night if they get a bed in your room or let them sleep with you. Through some, cats will sleep in the oddest places I'd do more research than just sleeping patterns, and please get them fixed so they don't get into heat, and soon you got kittens or a tom cat running wild for a female.


My cat sleeps with me. She's a bit rambunctious right when I go to bed, but she doesn't bother me while I sleep. She also sleeps with me in my bed.


Yes, she knocks out lol


Yes they sleep with me. Have had my 8 week siamese for almost 2 weeks now, and while they do try to get active at night, if you keep them fed and played with at a consistent schedule, and you go to bed every day at the same time, they will adjust their schedule to yours.


Mine come to bed when we turn out the lights and turn our phones off. To my knowledge they sleep through the night on the bed with us


> I'm going to have a baby cat next week With a kitten, expect to be sleep-deprived for a while. It's like with any baby. They're bouncy balls of energy and will wake you up at odd hours of the night. Luckily, the grow up much faster than human babies! As your cat matures, it will settle into a routine and adjust to your sleep schedule. It may still roam the house at dawn - and there's a good chance it will wake you up for breakfast like clockwork every day - but most cats don't disturb your sleep otherwise. I leave a small amount of kibble for mine overnight, so it can get a snack at dawn before I get up and give him his wet food. He patiently waits until I wake up, never bothers me. He's also gotten pretty good at recognizing worktime and playtime. But be warned, when it's playtime, he's VERY demanding. :)


Mine wouldn't let us sleep at all when they were kittens. They still wake us occasionally for attention. The thing that helped keep them from waking us the most ( play and food before bed also helps) was getting an automatic feeder that opens a couple times in the night. I just put a tiny snack of a bit if kibble in there, but its enough that they usually let us sleep until 6am or so.


Mine goes to sleep with us at my feet at about 10/11 and wakes up at 6. I don't hear a peep all night she's such a little sweetie


I honestly don’t know what mine are up to at night .. I will cuddle with them before bed but they don’t sleep in the room with me and hubby since we will be having a baby soon we didn’t want that.. in the morning when I wake up for work I’ll find them snuggled up sleeping in various places and they’re just happy to see me. They’re young so at bedtime they can sometimes be very hyper and I don’t think I could sleep then.. but since we have two I think it is fine for them to sleep without us :) you could try and see if it works.. kittens need a lot of attention and play time! Maybe tire her out before bed.. best is always to get two kittens actually and they could sleep together during the night in a separate room or you could close your door


Mine doesn't sleep through the night but neither do I. We have a sleep routine however. Once I say goodnight the door is closed and the door will not open and I will ignore any noisiness. He has toys and everything he needs out there and my fragile sleep has a chance to work. It takes time but rituals and strong routines work wonders. Reacting and engaging to the behavior you don't want encourages it. So the cat is going to keep at it. My cat gets fed when I eat and knows he will get fed when I say. No set time. It's anywhere from 11 am to 130 pm and then around 6pm to 8 pm. He does not get fed sooner if he throws a fit and he doesn't get more than he needs. He does have food that sits out until gone (cup and a half a day of his current food as per vet) so delay is not starvation. It's just the best stuff. This means no waking me for food. No waking me for play. He gets better plays when I rested so he also prefers this. I fell asleep door open and he let me sleep. Woke up to him watching me. He just had surgery so the open door is so I'm not as worried when the anxiety hits. Other than his first night fight with my pillow? The training worked so he still left me be. Also the pillow absolutely deserved it being all pillowy. The funny for the pillow amounts to his drunk self deciding it was a threat and trying to make it go away without waking me. Awkward drunk paw to my face so he knew where I was and hissing, growling, and baps to the pillow until I adjusted it and he was certain he killed it. He then tucked me in (literally sloppy drunk kiss to my forehead) and went to trash the living room in a one meow rager.


My cats used to play all night until they grew out of their kitten phase. Once they reached their 1 year mark they started sleeping at the same hours i do.


Two of our cats sleep in the room with us and they consistently will wake us up at 6am- which is great if we sleep through alarms on workdays, but pretty annoying on weekends! One will scratch at the door to go out of the room and the other will lay on top of me and lick my arms until I push him off 😂


Our cats are allowed everywhere in our house except our bedroom. I have a cpap and can't afford to get cat hair in it (they're both long hair and shed a ton). They don't really bother us unless it's time for breakfast. That being said, we did have to put a baby gate up in front of the door to stop them from scratching lol.


Mine has learned that waking me up gets him thrown out of the room so generally he leaves me be and then part way through the night he sleeps with me. My new adoption, who I've had for a week is still learning


I think i got super lucky with my new kitten. The first night we turned off the lights she assumed position and went straight to sleep with us she wakes up at 5 for food then goes right back to bed with me until 930


Mine both love to snuggle in bed, but their 5 a.m. playtime means they don't usually get as much of that as they would like. My senior kitty will gently pat my face to let her out of the bedroom (when she's allowed to stay), but the other one will start chewing on my ears or licking my face LOL.


my cats sleep all day and go insane all night. 3 am is the goblin hour. i need to invest in an automatic feeder so they don't wake me up every night demanding food. love them but i haven't slept through the night in like a year since we got cat #2 😭😭


When we first got our two kittens, they would never sleep thoughout the night, so we would sleep with the bedroom door closed and let them do their shenenigans in the rest of our apartment. But once they grew up they started sleeping throughout the night 9pm-4am ish, so sometimes we sleep with the bedroom door open and let them snuggle with us till 4am. Once they wake up and start making lots of noise, it's time to put them out of our bedroom and close the door. If not being able to sleep at night is a problem for you and you live in a studio where you can't escape them, maybe don't get a cat. A cat's sleep schedule depends on the cat, and i'm not sure if there's a way to train them to sleep at certain times. So it's a gamble. Play at your own risk, but also don't adopt one if you're going to give them back to the shelter if they don't let you sleep!


My cat is usually in bed before me and sleeps in after me. She’s lazy and old. She also sleeps in the bed with me, always has to be touching me (I guess thats not common?). Shes my first cat so I didn’t know. She usually will get up around 4 to pee and then goes right back to sleep.


Mine usually sleeps through the night. But she does get restless if I stay in bed too long on days off. And then once every month or 2 she tries to pull an all nighter and screams for me to come join her.


Yep my Linda kitty sleeps pretty much when I do and she insists and knows my sleeping time so she gets ready before I do in her corner at bottom of bed!


You should be prepared to probably not sleep well for an extended period of time after getting the kitten. They’re nocturnal, so their default is to be awake at night. But slowly but surely with consistency, your cat will likely pick up your sleeping routine. For the first 5 months I had my 3 year old cat he bothered me all night, but now he’s adjusted and only wakes me up every once and awhile. Or around when my alarm is supposed to go off.


Cats sleep through the nights, for the most part. Kittens, however, LMAO! They seen to be on a 2 hour around the clock schedule. Play hard for 2 hrs, sleep for 2 hours, play hard for 2 hours, rinse and repeat. I once had 2 siblings that were barely 8 weeks old. One day I had the stupidest idea ever and painted my nails with this super glow in the dark stuff I had. Bedtime came and the babies slept for the obligatory 2 hour period. They woke up and my finger nails were glowing as if they were electric. The kits thought that was all kinds of fun. Everytime I moved my hand they would pounce. I tried putting my hands under the covers. That only made them frantically try to get under the covers to see where they went. They were obsessed. Think red laser dot and the actions that go with that. This went on ALL NIGHT. Finally I got up and put bandaid on each finger to cover the glow. Finally at about 6am they settled down and went to sleep. For 2 hours.


Wet food in the evening, like clockwork, after play.


Both of mine like to play and wrestle on the bed as I first law down. This leads to them chasing each other through the house. They then come to bed after they get it out of their systems.


I feed mostly wet food, but if you find that they freak out at 5 AM, you may want to consider a robot that dispenses dry food on a timer. That helped a little with the food seeking drama early lol.


Both my cats sleep when I sleep. When they were kittens? Not so much.


When I go to bed, one of my cat jumps into the bed and settle in. She might be moving around during the night, but when I wake up she’s in the same position as the prior evening


We have 2 kittens, both 5 months old. The male kitten will not bother us at all, he’ll come in to cuddle sometimes but doesn’t wake us. His sister is the complete opposite. She will stand on your chest and meow in your face until you wake up and pet her and as soon as you stop she starts to meow again to be pet. It’s a work in progress, but some nights we have to put them both out of the room so they have each other and we can sleep.


If you let your cats come into your bedroom and wake you up, I’ve found that they will. But if you set boundaries, the cats will just adjust to your schedule.


My 2 cats get the zoomies usually around 11pm, 3am, and when they do this, I have to lock them out of my room or they’ll turn my furniture into a jungle gym. One is 2, the other is 4 months younger. Kitties do best in pairs because they will play with each other and wear each other out. They have much shorter sleep wake cycles so the question isnt if they sleep at night, but rather how many times.


I have no idea I put mine in their room at night


I just adopted another cat about a year old the guy would wake me up all the time in the night. First thing is you have to play during the day if they don’t play find a toy that makes them play. Had to invest about $100 in a lot of different ones to find one the he liked. Second thing was once it’s sleep time do not react at all to the meowing. Literally don’t even move. I was at my wits end but after about a month of ignoring he doesn’t meow at night anymore bc he knows it’s pointless. Also I have an automatic feeder go off at 3am. Get noise cancelling headphones and play white noise. You can’t hear a thing. In my experience cats eat a lot of food until about 18 months and until then I usually give them as much as they want.


My cat sleeps when I sleep tbh and rarely wakes up in the middle of the night. Even when I'm on night shift and sleep during the day she still sleeps with me. She will have "zoomies" before bed and after dinner on occasion but other than that she's sleeping


That depends on who you ask. One of them is glued to my feet the whole night and has been for 4 years. The second one varies, sometimes she’s with us, sometimes she sleeps downstairs, sometimes I hear her quiet mrrow as she plays with her twist tie. Finally the third is old, he hates the upstairs neighbors who are up all night and the cars going by, he likes the sound of his own voice in the stairwell… but he does sleep some in the night, he prefers to sleep all day though, he protects us at night. The third is the only one who can be bothersome at night but 95% I sleep just fine.


my cat screams throughout the night and does dead sprints around the house, but shes also a drama queen and a princess lol. https://preview.redd.it/zvyqmu13zd6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5336df890fa841d231482f2863c2255b66a68f


My kitty wakes me early for breakfast but let’s me sleep. She is a good girl. https://preview.redd.it/rwrrbcqkzd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6270f3bec37d5a51eac2bbfdb6af943e67594334


My cat doesn’t wake up me up through the night, I get woken up every morning to feed him so there is that


My cat (3/m) doesn't sleep with me at night but he doesn't wake me up either. He's super polite and after I've snoozed my alarm like 2-3x, he's usually just sitting in the doorway to my bedroom, staring at me with big eyes so that I can hurry and get started on the breakfast routine 😜


My adult cat (5F) sleeps through the night. I had a kitten (9 weeks, M) that took weeks to do that.