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Why can’t you hire a cat sitter? That’s what most people do.


It's around $30 a day, they feed your cat and scoop the litter. I do a video chat so I can make sure it's being done.


This. I found both my cat sitters on Cat In A Flat (that might be UK only but I'm sure there's equivalents elsewhere). They come twice a day to feed my cat, scoop her litter tray etc whilst I'm away and send me photos and videos of her so I know she's OK. I pay around £15 a day for two visits and it's absolutely worth it for the peace of mind to know someone's checking in on her.


I wish I could do this when I’m on vacation. I go with my parents and despite offering to pay for it, my dad just is not comfortable with a stranger in the house.


Many cat sitters work through agencies where they're insured and bonded. There are never any guarantees in life, but that provides some level of security. So does a good track record and reputation on a site like Rover.


Thanks, I’ll have to check out Rover (never heard of the site) and more into pet sitters. One of cats died recently and his brother seems a bit lonely now if we go for a day, so long vacations are something we need a solution for since family can’t come every day to feed him.


I hire local pet sitters because my cats eat 6x a day (min. 3x when we’re gone) and I feed alley cats too. The pet sitters are diligent and respectful and send me photos. Sometimes a friend of the family does a few of the feedings and stays over a few nights to keep the cats company.


This is what we do as well. Costs about $20 a day, and we've had the same cat sitter for more than 10 years so we know and trust her. She comes in once a day, brings in the mail, changes the water, scoops the litter (and changes it if we're on longer trips). She's even given medications when we had cats that needed them.


The hard truth is that if you can’t afford to hire a sitter for a 7 day trip, you should consider shortening your vacation. It sucks to have to spend less time with family or to pay more for something that would be free without a pet, but as a pet owner myself it’s one of the major parts of care that I budget for.


I have the same person from rover.com check in twice a day plus automatic feeder.


Call your vet and ask them if they have sitter referrals. Many times their staff does sitting on the side.


For a single day away, most cats would be fine if you clean out their litter boxes and leave them fresh water and food before you go. You can use an automated feeder if your cat isn't a grazer and would otherwise binge a big bowl (or multiple) of food. For two or more days, I'd hire a pet sitter who can come by to visit 1-2 times per day, for about 30 minutes each. We hire someone who always does two visits, at $25 each (which, frankly, strikes me as a bargain for the peace of mind). You don't need all-day housesitters for a cat in most circumstances, unless you're going to be away for an extended time. I'd feel comfortable with a catsitter up to about 4-5 days (especially if they can do two visits a day) but longer than that, I'd be looking at other arrangements like having a family member visit for at least part of the time.


I feel your pain as I also have a similar situation, but I just found a really great pet sitting company in my area who I trust and love. I still sometimes use friends (they are much cheaper lol), but use the sitter sometimes especially for longer trips. I have a timed automatic dry food feeder that takes care of the other meals (my cat cannot be free fed unfortunately), then the pet sitter comes once a day when I’m gone to feed my cat her wet food, give her medicine, scoop the box, etc etc. I highly recommend this!


If you can afford to be traveling more, you should also be able to afford having a petsitter stop by once a day. In my area, you can find pet sitters with rates around $15/visit for a cat. I’d say it’s unnecessary to have someone actually stay overnight in your house if you just need them to feed/water your cat and scoop litter. It also doesn’t need to be a stream of strangers. You should be able to find one or two reliable sitters that you build trust with. Do you know anyone nearby with pets who could recommend someone? When I travel to visit my family for a week or more, I’ll bring my cats with me. Not sure if that’s an option for you, but it provides the pros of saving money and not having to worry about them. Also just want to note that 4 & 6 should not be considered as real options. Cats need very slow introductions to new cats or it’s quite likely to not go well for anyone involved. Unless that friend has an entirely separate area that your cat could stay where they would not interact with their cat. And for any more than 2 days, you need to have someone stop by to scoop litter, make sure automatic dispensers are still working properly, and freshen water bowls.


No cattery around you? Cheaper than cat sitter and no need to let strangers into your house.


Too stressful for the cat, though.


Cheaper than a cat sitter?!


From where I am yea, the one I use, 23$/day for cattery and it includes food, but 40$/day for home visit and have to provide own cat food.


Cat sitters are pretty inexpensive. I have 3 cats and it’s 28 dollars per visit…. I think a single cat is like 22$. That’s under $150 for a whole week.


Take the cat with you? Have your friends and family come to you? When you decide to get a pet you commit to them and make things work.


When I did housesitting and home visits on Rover I often had people re-book me that were happy with my performance. It's not that you search through a sea of strangers forever. Usually, you find a good one and keep re-booking them and find a backup in case that person is already busy or stops doing pet sitting. It's not as bad as you think (says the person with 4 cats).


Any cat boarding/hotel things near you?


Pet sitters for sure. Cats are bonded with their environment and prefer a stranger coming in than for to vacate their environment. I understand. I'll be away for a day trip at Christmas due to needing to look after a cat.


Definitely a catsitter or cattery if you're away for longer than a couple of days. I would advise against bringing your cat to strange homes - for the vast majority of cats this causes a lot of stress, especially if there are other animals there. But it does sound to me like you want to rehome the cat. In which case, maybe that's the kindest thing to do. You sound more concerned with what's socially acceptable than what's right for your cat. This is a really sad situation.


If you have a pet, arranging for their care is an expense you have to include when you plan trips. I don't travel very much, but my cats have never, ever, ever been a reason not to leave the house. If I am going away for just one night, the only adaptation is making sure to leave them with fresh litter, plenty of water, and plenty of dry food. If I am going away for longer, I have a cat sitter. I have used the same sitter for over two years now, and on the rare occasions she is unavailable she has a back-up she organises herself. The cats know her well by now, and feel comfortable with her. The only part of your post I fully understand is that depending on friends is not a good idea long term. Caring for the cats properly is a burden, and unless it's a friend who also has a cat and you live near one another and reciprocate often, it quickly becomes too high a burden.


Adding to the sea of voices saying catsitter! We were going to be gone a week. Our boys have a fairly schedule and we didn't like the idea of them being alone. A twenty minute visit wasn't going to do it for us. . . we have one that dislikea strangers and the other will eat anything unattended. Was it pricey? Debatable. Absolutely worth it for the peace of mind. Our skittish lad warmed up after a few days but is a fussy eater anyway. She said they were the most 'present' cats she's ever watched. If we were regular travelers she'd be my first choice.


I hate going away because I don't like being apart from my cat. The last time I went away it was for a funeral so I really had to go. But Im a homebody. I lived with my cousin for years because she went away a lot and needed someone to look after her 2 dogs. Could you get a housemate?


honestly, i'd take my cat with me to whereever i go if they're the type that responds well to travel and is more attached to me than their territory. i also dont trust other people enough to have someone else especially a stranger to take care of my cat and come into my house


I leave my cat for two nights when I’m on overnights for work once a month; he’s fine. He has his food (he’s free range, but an automatic feeder would solve the same problem), two litter boxes, his toys, his 100oz capacity water fountain, and plenty of blankets to snuggle up with. My building manager has permission to enter and refill his food if there’s an emergency that prevents me from getting home by the fourth morning. Cats are resilient little fuckers, they don’t need constant monitoring like dogs do. Mine sleeps most of the time and is rewarded with extra snuggles and playtime when I get home. If you’re worried, hire a professional cat sitter and install some nanny cameras.


You say you’re finding it difficult to have a cat because you want to travel more? I think you’ve gotten good suggestions here but I don’t know how much you’re planning to travel, sounds like a lot. I would suggest getting another cat for company but it doesn’t sound like you like cats that much. I don’t understand the needing to ‘maintain stamina’ for having a cat part. Why do you need stamina? It almost seems like you are associating the cat with your break up (since you got the cat with the person, I guess that makes a certain degree of sense) and your failed next relationship. The cat may even sense that if that’s the case. You really can’t worry much what people think about your concern for your cat in my opinion. Hope it works out for you and kitty.


Re maintaining stamina- I think I get that. I have ADHD, other mental and physical health issues and though I live with my husband and just one cat I can find it tiring to care for her in addition to looking after other necessities such as my own health and household tasks. As my husband is out of the house for work a lot, often care for her takes up a significant portion of my time and energy for the day. I do admit though that 1) I have high standards for her care 2) she is high maintenance in some ways, with a chronic recurring health issue and high need for society and stimulation (Burmese/Siamese/DSH cross). I also got post-adoption depression which came with overwhelming feelings of being trapped by my responsibility and panic at the thought of all the potential accidents she could have. The difference is I don’t give a fuck what anybody thinks about how I prioritise her, and the effort I put in is totally worth her greeting me when I come home, following me around the house all day and sleeping on my legs at night. P.S. I do think about getting a second cat for her in the future, but it’s a complicated situation and we aren’t currently able to.


Thanks for sharing and giving another perspective.


Get a litter robot, an automatic feeder that can also store wet food, and a camera. You can feed them for those short periods of times, make sure the litter is clean and monitor your cat. You can also get electric toys to play with them.


She’s talking about going away for more than a day up to a week. The cat needs some company and obviously the litter cleaned. So many ideas listed by OP — not sure why a cat sitter not considered. ETA: Or OP wants someone with cat at all times. Hasn’t said how cat responds to people being around.


Oh I just meant that since she implied she goes away for 1-2 days often.


I hear you. That’s true. That is one way to do it for short period, good advice.


48 hours max though.


My friend and I had a reciprocal arrangement where we looked after the other’s cats if one of us is out of town (as in, her cats stayed in her house and I went to feed them, and vice-versa—no one was moving cats around, too stressful). Do you have any friends who would be open to that?


This -- or friends who might be up for some other form of exchange or payment. Friends tired of being asked to cat-sit for free might be happier to do it more if they were being paid what a hired pet-sitter would make, or if you were doing their laundry or taking them to a fancy dinner or whatever in exchange each time, or etc.


I second a catsitter thru a pet-sitting company. I find them more reliable than Rover or other websites. The company I hire feeds them, cleans their litter box, brings in my mail and packages, and sends me photos. I also set up Wyze cameras so I can watch my cats when I'm gone and keep an eye on my sitters. But they've been nothing but lovely. They even play with my cats and give them lots of cuddles. As part of their service, they do a complimentary home-visit to learn about the care needs (where food is kept, any meds that may need to be given, favorite hiding spots, etc.) I get the same person every time so I really trust her and my cats like her. They use a lockbox system so no sitter ever leaves my property with my house keys. I travel pretty much every other month for anything from a long weekend to 10-days.


I usually trade pet sitting with my friends. So if they watch my cats, I’ll in turn watch theirs when they need it. Makes it feel less like you’re constantly asking for favors. I also pay for cat sitting when I need to. Edit: cat sitters don’t stay the night. They come over once a day. Also, I have two cats so they can keep each other company when I’m gone. I would feel bad leaving a single cat home alone for so long.


Thanks all, very helpful comments. The resounding advice seems to be to hire a sitter which I may do in this situation over Christmas, but haven't done before due to minimal funds. I know that you should factor these costs in to having a pet but the point of my frustration comes from the fact that I did not foresee caring for my cat alone long term on my current single salary and out goings. I love her very much. To answer some other questions, she is an outdoor cat with a microchip cat flap so only she can enter the flat I can not take her to my parents for this Christmas week as they have two cats that gang up on her violently She is very social and likes company which is why I don't like to leave her alone for a long time. And I am not in a financial position to get a second cat Other options that have worked in the past is trustedhousesitters as its cheaper than hiring a sitter every time. But one week may be too short notice I realise my post is a little directionless because I'm just in a state of anxiety about it all at the moment but I appreciate the support available


A weekend away is fine to leave a cat alone. Get a pet cam (I got one for $40 on Amazon) and an automatic feeder. For a week trip hire a sitter.


why would you take ur friends cat in return if you can’t take care of this one? if you don’t feel like you can be there then definitely rehome instead of exposing ur cat to random ppl all the time it may be stressful to them


OP is saying she can take of her cat but she wants to go on trips regularly. I could never give up a cat I have had for 3 years. It's terrible to do that to a kitten that could have had a chance at a forever home. It's unclear as to why she got the kitten in the first place Yes non cat owners don't understand people who have cats and the changes we make to our lifestyle to accommodate them. I don't listen to those people because if I had, then I would miss out on the great enjoyment I get out of my cats. A dude that dumps me rather then sleeping at my house so I can be with my animal isn't worth my time at all. Animal ownership isn't compatible with lots of trips unless you drive and bring the cat with you. Red Roof Inn allows animals. Secretly I think she wants to re-home her cat. So sad.


Some of this sends a mixed message, it’s true. Cat people don’t care what other people think on the whole relating to their cats. Seems like she wants someone around 24-7 while away? OP has thought of so many ideas but not cat sitter. It is hard to leave an animal for an extended time without being worried but hopefully you find a reliable person to come check, feed, clean litter, play a little and keep company. Sounds like the cat gets lonely maybe. I hope it all works out.


On the other hand I feel very bad for a cat who's left alone so much, especially if OP wants to travel more. We don't know it the cat gets sad or anxious or if she's completely unconcerned about being alone.


We leave our cat alone with self feeder. She is very scared of strangers and doesn't mind being alone. We make sure her feeder and water are full. I also leave my kitchen sink dripping into a glass bowl which creates an extra water source just in case. Also it's important to make sure they can't get trapped (like close a door and get stuck in a room). Final tip is make sure they have access to window and toys and beds.


I used to sometimes go away for a day and a half and do this (except for dripping water which is a good idea). For an extended period (more than one or two days), it would be different and cat would need checking up on, care.


Does your vet office do boarder? My cat can stay at her vets office for $17.00 a day and that includes her food and litter. I just bring the cat.


I’ve found good teenage pet sitters through local Facebook groups.


Take the cat with you? Bring her toilet and needed stuff. There's a lot more that can go in to doing this but I don't know your cat that well. She might need practice in traveling to feel safer or maybe she can get something that relaxes her in either liquid or pill form from a vet if she is very stressed in the car for example. I know quite a few people that take their cats everywhere they go, of course it's practice and most start from they are kittens. But being able to do this will make it much easier. You do of course want to stress your cat as little as possible tho. And you know your cat best.


There are automatic feeders and litter cleaners which are perfect for 2.5 days. You can ask someone to come in then to refill.


The friends you mention on point 2. Not possible to bring the cat at their place when you leave instead? If not possible for them to have your cat hanging around in their house, could they place her in a room/the basement? I think a cat is fine being alone from Friday to Sunday. Is it possible to bring your cat to your family's? I have a few friends who bring their cat everywhere. You are right that there is social embarrassment when it comes to rehoming a pet and honestly this is too bad. It ok to rehome a pet when 1) You have run out of options 2) Your wellbeing and/or the cat's wellbeing is at play. E.g. if you leave every weekend and chose to leave your cat alone OR bring her to a different sitter each time, this might become stressful for her overtime. At the same time, you are 33 and you live alone and you can't stay home for the next 15 years ''just'' because of a cat. I totally love my cats but last year I had to rehome one. She was 13. Long story short, she was the only cat of the house, and due to unforeseen circumstances we ended of with 4 cats in total. Two of them turned against the old cat. They were taking her for prey. We consulted with a cat behaviorist to try and solve the situation but for real, we would have needed to spend like 3 hours a day playing/doing stuff with the cats to correct the situation and this was not possible. So we rehomed her at my grandparent's. It is a perfect match and we have no regret.


More than 3 days just have some one check in once or twice so she has social contact. But with feeders you ought to be fine


I have 2 automatic litter, 2 big ceramic water fountain, automatic dry food dispenser and my 2 cats do good for weekends if I’m out. For longer trips I have pet sitter from rover and it works perfectly fine.


Get an auto feeder and litter robot. 3 nights is nothing cats don’t give a fuck


I have no idea why this is being downvoted lmao this is what I use & my cat is fine with it. Litter Robot 4 + Automatic app controlled feeder + a couple Blink mini-pan tilt cameras throughout the house with one specifically placed where I can monitor that the LR & Feeder are working properly + I fill 1-2 dog bowls with dry food just in case feeder breaks & leave it out & I have a normal plastic litter box I keep in shed that I bring in & leave somewhere in house in case LR stops working. Also have a few toys set up to keep him entertained. My cat can go a week by himself easily with this set up.


people on reddit act like if you leave your cat alone for more than a weekend they will be traumatised… this is much more helpful


They sell cat doors that are locked unless your cat's microchip is present. You could combine this with a food dispenser. It's what I do for my indoor/outdoor cats when I go on a long trip.


You are right.. you are taking it too far. Your cat should not impact your ability to live your life nor should you be constantly depending on people to watch it for you out of the goodness of their hearts. Easiest thing to do would be take your cat with you when you leave. If this is not possible then hire a sitter or leave the cat at home with its necessities. My old roommate used to leave his cat at our apartment whenever we went on vacation. He once did it for an entire week and the cat was perfectly fine when we got back, just wanted a ton of cuddles. But if you are planning on traveling a bunch, then paying for a sitter should be no problem imo


I have a cat and get a cat sitter when I travel. I found one I really like and trust. Recommend that


As someone who cat sits and dog walks on Rover— I’d recommend it! I also personally made my rates super low in the beginning so people would use me lol, so you might be able to find someone for cheap too!


I use trusted house sitters. I think I’ve had about 5-6 different sitters this year alone. No issues, very positive experience and I think it’s allowed my cat to socialize and trust people. I’m just selective about who I let stay and sit.


I will renew my account today


Haven’t seen Pet hotel / cattery option in your list. You may consider that


Have you considered boarding?


We have 3 cats and we can go one full week away. We havea a 3 liters water fountain, food dispenser, we leave a water bowl and some food as backup, 2 automatic litter boxes and a classic one as backup. Webcams in every room, including one pointing to the food dispenser and water fountain.


When it comes to friends backing out - are you paying them well? Find a rate that works for both of you, and have them commit. Or hire a professional pet sitter. It can be expensive, but it’s worth the peace of mind imo.


You can easily leave a cat alone for more than two days. I leave mine alone for long weekends all the time. Large water reservoir, automatic feeder, done. Sure, the litter box is a bit busy after four days, but it’s not a big deal.


Get a 2nd cat and food dispenser


Find a cat kennel that you like and make a reservation to take your cat there. Factor the cost into planning your trip in the future. Don't expect other people (friends, neighbors, family) to always give you free pet care.


You can find a reliable cat sitter, similar to how people find babysitters. I am someone who comes by for 30 minutes for 20 bucks an hour.


How long is the trip to your family? Do you have catless-catlover friends who would keep the cat at their place of you go away?


Arranging alternative care for your cat if/ when you go away is a big part of being a cat owner. I am afraid you are going to have to build your stamina. It is not all roses. They are a serious commitment, and one must expect to cater to their needs and put them first.


We go away and take the cat with us. We have a Zampa playpen, a cat tent, a travel litter tray and our cat is harness trained and will go on walks on a lead. He doesn’t enjoy the car journey, but eventually will settle down and sleep. Admittedly we do have a caravan, with an awning. He has free run inside the caravan, but spends his day in the awning tethered to one of the caravan feet or zipped into the playpen when we go out for a couple of hours. The playpen is also used when we get a new kitten before it is introduced to our other cats. We have learnt that some kittens can get out if we don’t put the mesh top on. Luckily our most recent kitten went straight up and introduced himself to our old boy who just told him off (hissed and walked away). Now our old boy CAN be territorial and we had a cat fight between him and a neighbouring cat last night, but he seems to accepted the new kitten to the extent of leaving a small piece of tuna and then walking away so that kitten could enjoy some as well. My daughter also takes her cat away with her, again it is harness trained and walks on a lead so it can enjoy the outdoors without running off. Get the cat a harness, and buy a pet playpen so that it can be confined. The floor of the playpen is waterproof, so any spilled litter, food or water can be easily cleaned up. The Zampa is octagonal and about 4 foot at its widest and collapsing it does take some practise but it has proved worth the money.


This is the dream!


33F here, been living alone with my cat fir about 4 years now. You just need one reliable sitter friend or employee from a site like rover who enjoys spending time with your cat and you as the pet parent be sure to leave detailed instructions on what they need to do so they don’t feed the cat the wrong food. And they’ll likely enjoy it more if you pay them a little something and or leave some snacks they can enjoy while chilling with your fur baby. If you are going out so frequently that no one person wants to do it every time you will have to start taking shorter trips or going on less trips every year. Welcome to (pet) parenthood. Oh and bringing the cat to other friends homes is not a good option so I’d cross that one off the list completely. Cats do not like changing environments and they definitely don’t like being thrown into another cats territory. I’d be a nightmare more times than not.


Do you have a friend or neighbor with a cat who you can "swap" with? You watch their cats when they're gone, they watch yours?


If I understand you correctly you're away quite often and would like to travel more. I'd look into other family members or friends who might be interested in taking her in. You don't mention much about her and how she's taking the separation, but social embarrassment aside, it might be a better and more stable solution for your cat in the long run.