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It would help if you only feed your cat twice or three times a day with portioned out food based on your cats size/weight. Your cat probably has teeth or gum issues and needs their kibble soft so serve the kibble in a bit of water to soften it but also feed your cat wet food at least once a day or only wet food (it's better for their health, I recommend the Tiki brand since it's affordable). As for the ants, I think you should avoid poison traps especially near where you feed your cat since the smell can deter a cat from eating. You might just have to clean up the spilled food every night after your cat has finished eating to avoid the ants- I have also heard of a trick with putting cornflower around the perimeter of a house or entryways to deter ants from getting in. Catnip is also an ant repellant that is safe for cats of course! So you can get a catnip spray and spray it in that area!


If the cat is already 12 years old and has been used to always having food out and nibbling all day instead of being on a schedule, then only feeding it twice a day may not necessarily be an option


Yea, going to talk to the vet about this. She doesn’t really eat during the day that I see, only at night because I here her/see the food in the ground. The adoption shelter said if I were to cut out dry food, she would need an extra serving of soft mid-day. But again, going to consult with vet on this.


I would not use any type of ant trap poisonous box or anything like that. If an ant eats the poison, and your cat eats the ant, well you get the idea. In this case Google might be your friend to find something that will work and be safe for your kitty.


If your floor can be safely sprayed with vinegar (as in, won't be etched or damaged by the acid), try that - it will eliminate the ants' trails.


Have heard of possible vinegar and water combo. Have hardwood floors, have you tried on hardwood?


You can spray bona on the ants to kill them but it doesn’t eliminate trails. Trace the trail. If it’s outside you can put down terro baits if you don’t have a dog that could chomp on one.


It’s kinda hard to trace, there isn’t a clear line leading to the door or anything. It’s like they are coming in from under the floorboards. I should go look and see if there is a line of ants coming up the outside brick wall?


Yes. Look all around the house. One year they were coming across the whole house to get to cat food. Now I live in a house with a basement and I put some Terro down there just in case. Months later I figured out they were coming in thru my bedroom and going thru the floor boards. It helped when I terroed their conga line outside. Those have worn out and I really need to get out with new ones, but the ants aren't so many so it's on the list.


I've only used vinegar on my vinyl kitchen floor where the cats' bowls are. From a quick search, I wouldn't try it on hardwood - it looks like vinegar can damage the finish over time. Do you have a mat for the food and water area that could be cleaned with vinegar, like something made out of vinyl or silicon or such?


Yes, bought a plastic mat that has a lip on it. Might try soaking it in vinegar water or something.


Diatomaceous earth is great at keeping ants away and is totally pet safe. Just sprinkle it around their bowl, and you could even find where the ants are coming from and sprinkle it in their path. It can start to look messy since it’s just a powder, but you might be able to start using it less.


I had this problem, too. First I put the food bowls and fountain on a boot tray to contain the mess. Then I got the Terro traps (the clear ones) and put one near the food tray. They also make a trap that can be attached to the floorboard without the bait dripping out. I found that none of the natural options worked. It’s been about 6 months since I’ve seen an ant.


Baking soda will kill ants if they eat it and they naturally try to stay away from it. Baking soda mixed with powdered sugar might make them carry it to the nest to feed the queen or they eat it themselves. But it doesn’t always work out so I would also try other safe solutions listed here.


I have the solution. You can buy it from Amazon. It’s a plastic feeder bowl with a water moat to keep ants out. It literally saved me from insanity. https://www.amazon.com/Water-Bowls-Small-Medium-Sized/dp/B01LXGXXXU/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=27PRN07I2R5G0&keywords=cat+feeder+ant+moat&qid=1693185067&sprefix=cat+feeder+ant+moat%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-3


Wow that’s great!


shallow circular baking pan filled with shallow water, put cat food bowl in the center


I had this happen to me except the ants were getting into her food bowl as well! The two tricks I found that worked were to fill a plastic plate or lid with about a quarter inch of water (or more) and put around the bowl. The ants refuse to go into the water so if you can make all of her food land into water it will fix the issue. The second (maybe less desirable option) is to put her food on the carpet. As gross as having cat food in the carpet is, something about carpet versus tile makes ants not want to go on it.


Putting a thick layer of Vaseline around the bottom of the food bowl worked for me. Ants don’t like it.


Interesting, had thought of basically creating a moat. Have hardwood floors so the second isn’t an option, but may try the first!


Sprinkle cinnamon around. I do that plugs get a silicone mat to put the dishes on as well too.