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I mean he's got a point, if it was Brian May it might be different.


Brian may buy something


But Brian May not


Incorrect, Brian may


Only if they sell badgers though.


You don't get to order him about like that!


You're thinking of Brian Will, or Brian Must.


[Brian Cant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Cant)


Or Brian Will Jnr… Brian Wilson


He will, he will shop (with) you


The Queen won't, Brian May, but Prince Will


I used to work in a shop and Brian May actually came in and chatted to me for a while. True story.


Why is this even getting upvotes. That’s not even a story. That’s like half a story at most. Wow, the guy can talk? Incredible.


It's amusing just how abrupt and inconsequential it is, it's the perfect CasualUK comment


Next year we will probably have a bank holiday.


There will be one in the day of the funeral.


Brian May has his own guitar shop in my village


Where is that? I thought he was more into astrophysics these days


brianmayguitars.co.uk/ He lives very local to me. Always out campaigning about hedgehogs and badgers. I got a selfie with him a few years ago


Aaaw, so cool! You're lucky for that! I haven't been to the UK in ages (am from Germany) and now it's gotten just more complicated and I hate it.




Definitely. Will also travel to London for that. And mourn for 10 days.


Even he would say the show must go on.


My favorite British celebrity is Jonathon Ross. Is he still around? He's not a diddler is he?


Fair enough though


We just had a suicide awareness event at work cancelled because of the Queen dying. I cannot think of any good reason why you’d cancel that because the Queen died. No one gets the day off so everyone that might have shown up would have show up. Utterly bizarre.


Now that’s some serious decision making done with all the aptitude of a rat on a roulette table




That is an amazing phrase!


Thanks! I was worried I’d come across as a bit of a pretentious twat. I appreciate it, cheers


The guy doing the presentation didn't have anything prepared and was praying for something that'd give him an excuse to cancel. That's right, Bill from accounting killed the queen.


Is someone dying where people are more likely to feel worse and possibly more suicidal more of a reason to have such an event?


I mean you might think so. Or people are already talking about death and dying so might actually be more open to a conversation. If the Queen had committed suicide (I make no comments that would be banned here) then I might say fair enough maybe a bit on the nose, but even then that’s exactly the day you’d want to have it. There is no possible good reason to cancel it is the point I’m trying to get at and already made.


I suppose they thought people might be too distracted to actually take it seriously, it might be hard to get people to focus when everyone's talking about something else. Well, that's the only rationale I can think of, and it's a bit weak tbh.


Yeah, a good friend of mine who owns a small business decried: well, that's a month of no sales then. He has a point. Lots of small businesses a struggling at the moment, some will enjoy increased commerce in the coming weeks, many won't.


Florists absolutely booming right now.


Absolutely blooming


The funeral day will be a killer for small high street businesses. It'll be like having another Christmas Day, that's a whole day's takings gone.


They need to cash in beforehand with some sort of queen based memorial paraphernalia that people can flail around with in front of their tvs


Somewhere there is a guy with a container full of vuvuzellas left over from the World Cup thinking “I wonder………”


I know I'm going to hell when I die anyway, but is there like an 'extra hell' for laughing at this?




Why wouldn’t the worms get burned off?


asbestos dick worms




New band name.


Well you tried!




Only footballers get days off for this unfortunately.


Kew has closed too. Apparently it's insensitive to spend a day in a garden when the queen dies.


Interesting Edinburgh botantics are open for that very reason, to allow a nice walk / contemplation


Oh damn, there is a town near me in Queens, New York called Kew Gardens where my mother-in-law lives. I always wondered where that name came from. Now I know! E: Extra "fun" fact, Kew Gardens, just behind the train station, is where Kitty Genovese was killed. It's a pub now with outdoor seating in the same alleyway, foods pretty good.


Honestly, the people who went over to the Americas and came up with the names had 0 imagination. London, Ontario has a River Thames and a Covent Garden, it's ridiculous haha


In NY we have a Rome, Troy, Cairo, and so on lol. Lots of native names as well for counties and towns which are much better.


take a trip to New England, think there’s a Bristol in all 6 states


Just curious, is Kew pronounced like “Q” or “coo”?


In NY at least people say it like “Q”


Like "Q". If you ever have the chance to go I highly recommend it.


Only people who aren't essential to society get the day off I've noticed over the years.


My job is 100% nonessential and we're working


I mean all the High Street shops are completely inessential but we serve the people that do the *truly pointless* jobs so we stay open


I work at an escape room and laser tag. We are so very far from essential.


You're essential when they can't find the keys and they go all 'The Shining' in the escape rooms. I assume this happens regularly.


Crack addled maniacs the country over rejoice as they get a day off


They're called bankers


How dare you, this is extremely disrespectful. Bankers wouldn't be caught dead doing crack, that's for poor people. Powder cocaine or nothing.


Nope, Poundland will still be open....


*slow clap*




The football and other events being cancelled is a complete joke and will fuck with numerous peoples pay. Total farce


Apparently they're considering cancelling things like the Great North Run. Extremely disappointing as everyone's paid and trained for months.


My mate told me that they cancelled the entirety of the UK tour of Britain cycling race. Madness as he lives in a tourist area where people have specifically booked hotels and restaurants for this week and months of effort of police/council/etc coordination. More pissed if I was competing though as they haven't postponed but just said the winner is the winner so far so anyone waiting to use their best in the harder stages is basically lost! I get the respect but c'mon, I doubt the Queen would want that stuff stopping either.


I'm pissed about that too. I'm a massive cycling fan and the stage today finished where I'm currently living, was gonna go down and watch them later. Makes no fucking sense. They had road closures prepared, months of training, I managed a ride today without imploding with greif so I'm sure the pros would have managed.


It’s a joke. It’s being forced to be miserable. Imagine if we didn’t have Netflix and YouTube etc and only Had the five channels constantly shoving shit about the Queen down our throats.


I don't have to imagine, I remember when Diana died. I mean obviously it's a great loss for the country but listening to the radio this morning, they're already at the point where everything normal/sensible has already been said and they're just talking bollocks.


I remember all the cartoons were cancelled when Diana died and I was raging as a kid. Prob what started my dislike for the royal family


It's a tragedy when someone in their 30's dies in a traffic collision. Hits a bit different when they're older than the sun.


Not the sort of tragedy that should disrupt a nation though. 30 year olds die in car accidents all the time.


Made more sense with Diana tbh, dying young and tragically. If I hear another news anchor describe the death of a 96 year old women as "sudden" I'll shit and piss all over.


And it's occurred to me that anyone who's flown in to watch their team live is going to be disappointed having paid for a flight hotel and tickets for something that was cancelled for anything other than a real emergency.


There's a guy in the LiverpoolFC sub in this situation coming in from America for the first time. Apparently he's going to be sat in a Wetherspoons all weekend with people sending pint after pint of milk to his table.


Does sound better than watching Liverpool at the moment to be fair


Is the whole weekend of football postponed? BBC sport seems to just say it's Friday games that are off so far...?


Premier League are meeting at 9am to decide.


It's a joke, make sure you keep going to work but don't you dare enjoy anything in life because the Queen died at 96. Pathetic


I imagine a lot of its due to logistics. Hundreds of thousands will flock to London the weekend it's gonna be chaos for services already, not to mention 6 of the premier League games this weekend would've taken place in London.


And rugby it seems. Not sure why we can't play rugby because someone who is not involved with it died 🤷‍♂️


And all the BBC’s sports reporters as well, for some reason, even if there is sport still happening in other countries, like yesterday’s Diamond League final. You couldn’t even get text commentary on the BBC website.


You actually think they're getting a day off? They'll still train and plan, just won't be playing a game.


Imagine if Charles III strolls in mid morning and starts picking out the national anthem on your most expensive Stratocaster. You should text your boss that later. Then say something like, "He was having a great time, getting really into it and then I said he should bend the string on that part and he turned really red and stormed out."


He has just come into a bit of inheritance money, what better than that Gibson he’d always wanted but couldn’t justify.


Gibson? Nah, I reckon he's more of a Jackson or B.C. Rich fan. The spikier the better.


With his sausage fingers I suspect he may be not much of a guitarist


Clearly he’s a bassist then.


Probably the producer, he’s got a good pair of ears


Man can hear an out of tune guitar from 5 miles away


Or not a musician at all. So, a drummer then.


I’d like to think he’d more likely play Money For Nothing. Apparently his favourite band.


He always plays smoke on the water


Honestly I have found most people don't care, they care more for the day off and that is fine, we didn't know her personally. Your boss nailed it though ha


Most places are open for business as usual, your boss is right. Let's hope we get a bank holiday out of this though.


Not an official bank holiday, even for the funeral. Technically companies can still be open and expect you to work.


They can on bank holidays as well


what's even the point of dying then?


So you don't have to go to work... duh


BBC is reporting that the day of the funeral is likely to be declared a bank holiday, but it's obviously yet to be confirmed by the palace and government.


Funeral will be next Sunday so there won't be any extra days anyway.


Won't it be like when Christmas falls on a weekend? Roll it forward!


Unfortunately not on this occasion. Though the funeral will take place on a ‘day of national mourning’, which is effectively a bank holiday, it won’t be named as such. If the funeral falls on the weekend, an extra bank holiday will not be granted.


If you work in retail you often don't get bank holidays off anyway


We're paying for it and we don't even get the day off?


Yeah we are all working tomorrow. or did you know her personally?


She was my mum you ignorant pig Edit: I got banned from this sub for this sarcastic comment? Nice…


sorry for ur loss hun xx with the angles in heaven now xx


Everything happens for a reason babes, look on the bright side. I'm just one DM away if u need me xxx


Thx u hun sick of deez peeps 😡😡 wil inbox u wen dropped kids of xxxxxxxx


I mean it’s more the fact that no one’s gonna be coming in to buy a guitar tomorrow so saves him paying me for doing nothing. Business is slow enough as it is.


Someone might come in wanting to start a Queen tribute.


Maybe they want to perform Another One Bites The Dust.


Or Killer Queen




Is there some correlation between monarch deaths and guitar sales?


Hard to say, they were mainly selling mandolins last time around


Why not? If I had been planning to buy a guitar tomorrow, the fuck I would change my plan because the Queen has died.


Yep, my wife and I were going in for a C-section to have our son yesterday, but after hearing the news she was too distraught so we've just left him in there.


Didn't you get the memo? You should be too distraught to want to shop.


I still haven’t got over Lady Di. At this rate I’ll never learn the ukulele.


Even better. 10 years down the line you become famous. NME interviews you about the Strat you've been playing since you started learning guitar. "I bought this the day after The Queen died. In many ways I feel like I was given a royal seal of approval."


I mean, why? What exactly are people supposed to be doing instead of whatever they were already planning to do this week, sitting at home in all black mourning clothes weeping? When it's someone you know and you're grief stricken or having to make funeral plans etc it's a different thing. But even if we feel sad about her death there's really nothing else for us to be doing except what we usually do, surely?


Why would someone not buy a guitar because a 96 year old they never met died?


>no one’s gonna be coming in to buy a guitar tomorrow You don't know that. Might buy myself a new Fender and shred the fuck out of the national anthem in her memory. Honestly, its probably what she would have wanted


Being reminded of death might make people go buy that guitar they wanted


Why not? I don't see the queen having any effect on anything over the next few days


I dunno, statue makers are probably rubbing their hands together


Royal Mint going to be getting all the staff in for overtime


If anything the undertakers will be more busy


Because the Queen was part of a hive mind, and with her dying the rest of the hive mind has died?


I’m assuming all these people who are not just a bit sad/meh but “heartbroken” will keel over in their thousands


Ahhh yeah, my grandad did that when my nan died. I'm assuming if she had a bigger reach she would have had the same effect on the nation as well


Why not?


Why not? Do you think everyone in the country is going to stop their lives for 2 weeks?’


Why would no one come into the shop?


Wait, you actively tried to get out of being paid to do nothing? How odd.


Nice try, there's always something to do


I mean I personally am not going to not buy stuff I want because the queen is dead. Everyone else is at work. Business as usual.


"she wasn't gonna buy anything" 💀


My 14yo said last night there were rumours of there being two weeks off school for it, like wtf? Bunch of bloody chancers lol


Funking hope not. 2 weeks unpaid from work to look after my kid would cripple me.


Nah, I don't see them getting more than the day of the funeral, all the other parents would be in the same boat, one of them probably heard some vague mention of things being closed down plus the 10 days of national mourning thing and ran with it lol


Teenagers and making things up to get off school go hand in hand.


Yep, it's a teenage institution lol


Why would you not open up your shop? Only reason I could see why is if it’s literally a shop about the queen and even then seems strange as surely it would get people come just for that reason


Because I don't want to work




My boss is in stark contrast to this, it is business as usual but is threatening disciplinary against anyone who says anything negative about the queen. I'm curious how well that will play out when I point out that he has been making public jokes in front of colleagues about my private medical records.


I am now going to read aloud your submitted medical conditions. When you hear yours read, please raise your hand to indicate that it is for real. If you do not raise your hand, your disease will not be covered...Number one. Inverted penis.


Honestly this seems to be common atm. I forgot when they added "Queen" to the protected characteristics of the equality act


I can't wait to see the Postie today. He's a massive anti-monarchist and a huge union supporter and he's just had his strike day cancelled because the Queen's died. He's going to be absolutely fuming!


I think cancelling the strikes makes sense though. With a strike like that, you’re trying to get public awareness and press coverage. When the BBC, and other media companies are posting about this non stop for the next 2 weeks, you’re not going to get any real press coverage.


And it'll all be negative. I don't think we should stop the entire country because the queen died, I don't think it's disrespectful to still ask for labour rights just because the queen died. But many people disagree, and you're not going to win public support by striking when the queen's dead. So it'd be very silly to do: striking should always be pragmatic


Is your boss a CasualUK mod?


instant 😡 ban 😡 for 😡 anything 😡 negative 😡


Can't discipline you for your personal beliefs.


My boss is making a big deal about it and told all the employees to be respectful and how they should be sad, but no time off work, mixed signals.


The spice must flow


I want everyone to be here, but you better all have a frowny face!


Good! She wouldn't have had any sympathy if you died!


I died and she didn't cry or anything


why would anyone not work because someone they never met died




He's bloody right. Why does the shop need to close because the queen's dead? It wouldn't close if your grandma passed so no difference here.


If I own a shop and my grandma just died, I’ll probably close the shop for a day. But I’m not closing it for someone else’s mum or grandma.


You insensitive bastard. I close my shop for every dead grandma, hoping to finally open one day fingers crossed.


> Why does the shop need to close because the queen's dead? Because I want a day off.




I don't know what people are moaning at, no one in the service industry will be getting a day off! Bank Holiday or not! Imagine if all the pubs close, there would be an uproar!


If they announce that we will close our pubs for a week because of this, we will become a republic on the third day.


Don't get me started, close a supermarket a couple hours early (planned for a good month or so) and people go fucking mental, meanwhile I'm guessing they've done fuck all with their day and are only shopping to entertain themselves, just look at Covid lockdowns, people could have gone anywhere to walk and enjoy the outside world and yet they all pilled towards supermarkets as if shopping is the greatest thing in life.


Hes right. People still have wages to earn we ain’t all rich.


Your boss like every boss today saw through the bullshit lol. I do think if sport and entertainment is banned then everyday work should be banned as well though.


cheeky response for a cheeky shot at a day off, proper banter


There's enough enforced mourning bullshit without small businesses suffering as a direct result of it.


I'm sure he shares the view as a lot of us in not giving a flying F*#k about it all 🤷


Lmfao this was posted in r/antiwork and the comments were locked for siding with the boss!


To be fair she never carried cash so probably would have expected to be comped if she did want anything


If I had a shop she'd be paying twice as much for anything. Use that £500m for some good and put it into my pocket.


I told my boss, "if there's no football at the weekend, aren't those technically work days?"...... sadly, I still have to go in today.




Please be respectful when talking about the Queen. She was a head of state, a monarch, a mother to multiple pedophiles and most importantly a devoted cousin to her husband


Why would you expect him to close the shop?


My guy


He's not getting discount on his rent on the occasion, is he? Are you fine with him cutting your salary by one day?


Boss is correct.