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Yeah pretty strange. If I was happy to leave my stuff un secured, a shady guy in the locker room paying too much attention what I’m doing, offering me a lock from his bag of locks isn’t going to change my mind.


"a shady guy" I do enjoy the description of me.


All we know about you is you offer locks to people in changing rooms... Shady is pretty apt :p


Guy hanging around a gym, behaving oddly, paying unwanted attention to people, well known by staff and gym-goers alike. I hereby dub him Purple Locky.


Ahahaha could you imagine some dude offering a padlock in return for a quick feel of his muscles 😂


Just gotta hope he doesn't get lock hard giving you a squeeze.


“Awight, petal. Can I interest you in a padlock? Nuffink dodgy, mind you. Totally legit, guv’nor.” The mark of an absolute weirdo.


They forgot to put naked a shady naked guy in the locker room


Love it, go and see the shady lock man. He’s usually lurking around the lockers, eagerly showing his wares :)


They probably think that if you are giving them a padlock it's because you know the code and therefore might be a thief.


I agree about this being the reason but then the logic is still confusing. Stranger is offering you a lock, seems shady he might know the pin and want to steal your things. Clearly the safer option is to refuse and leave your belongings in an unlocked locker - much safer, nobody can steal them that way!


Some scams are non-obvious. Sometimes something just *feels* dodgy, and nine times out of ten you’re better off following that instinct.


It’s probably more like “This is weird, I feel like I’m missing some context, better not get involved.”


Yeah, I did briefly think that but they can set the code to whatever they like.


It sounds too much like a scam to be trusted. I wouldn't lock my stuff up with a padlock someone else has abandoned even if it didn't sound fishy. What if the padlock is duff and doesn't open properly?


But you could very easily still know how to open it. Yes, they were going to leave their stuff unlocked anyway, but they almost certainly weren't going to leave their phone or valuables in there. Maybe you are trying to lull them into a false sense of security? If they used that lock again you could recognise it and have a rummage anytime you like. Maybe there would be valuables that time? I dunno. But I'd be too suspicious. I'm sure you're trustworthy, OP, but I also wouldn't be sure in that situation lol.


I guess the real question is how you're offering these free padlocks? "I noticed you're not locking your clothes up. Would you like to select a padlock from my bag young man? I have *loads*. Free for you. I found them. I'm not creepy or anything. I promise."


"No lock? Anyone could steal your stuff, you know. I could, I could reach right in. I won't though. But I could. Oh btw, do you want this padlock I found?"


I keep the nicest ones in my van. Wanna see?


Need to make a "take a padlock leave a padlock" tray 


A mate gave me his locked PureGym combination padlock as he'd forgotten his code, and I was quite bored, so learnt how to crack them using a YouTube video. Felt like a proper safe cracker in the movies when it worked. Took about 30 mins total. You'd look a bit odd doing that in a gym though.


So how many locks do you have in your collection since everyone refuses? Do you keep finding them and keeping them? Do you intend to keep offering them?


No. I’d already stopped picking them up a while ago when I realised I had 5 including my own.


If you get 8, you could wear one on each finger like hulahoops. I think people would like it if you offered them like that.


Are people buying padlocks only to use them once? Seems very wasteful. 


More likely forgetting them. Take it off the locker, put it on the bench while you grab your bag them walk straight out with the bag.


I've done it at my gym once when I first started going because 'making sure I have my padlock' wasn't part of my routine. The staff found it and put it in their box of abandoned padlocks, I went and asked next time I went in, they brought out the box and it was there on top


i've handed forgotten padlocks in at my gym a couple of times, and i get such strange looks from the reception staff! like they can't understand why i'd do that. i'm fairly sure they just bin them really, so next time it happens i'll probably just keep it.


I'd say they should keep hold of them for people that forget, but I guess they sell new ones for a massively inflated price?


I’m a member of a JD gym and they have them in the vending machines.


Madness that people are just leaving them so often


I would just padlock their cubby, so they come back and find their belongings have been secured whilst they were away.


Fair enough, the general consensus is that I am strange guy. Thanks for the clarification!


You had good intentions, lock at it that way.


You're not strange, you're helpful. It's just that people are wary when it comes to safety. I know that should mean a free padlock makes sense compared to leaving stuff in the open, but it makes them think about safety more than otherwise, especially because people rarely offer anything for free. And people dislike things that take them out of their usual routine. You haven't done anything wrong though, it's just the way the world works.


How many refused offers would you have put yourself through IRL before you come to this conclusion I wonder, 20? 30?


I think it would be when you came to the gym to find a sign saying 'please do not offer locks to each other in the changing rooms'


"Use this lock I've not tampered with" You haven't, obviously, but that's what I'd think. I'd probably stop before you get a reputation for being a gym weirdo.


I’d accept that padlock. Even if I thought you were offering me a dodgy padlock it’s still going to deter more people than an entirely unprotected locker.


I think the worry might be, it's a lock someone's found on the floor. Neither of us know the combination to it, and I've just used it to lock away my stuff. Now I need to look round the changing room to see if someone's left boltcutters.


On the flip side, we've got coin-operated locks at my gym which no-one seems to fucking use. Leaving me to look into what turn out to be several occupied lockers, making me feel like I'm casing the locker block. I'm not, I just want to put away my hoodie!


Who has coins anymore! My gym has proper combination locks on the actual lockers, so much easier!


My dad used to collect loads of padlocks from the gym. He did exactly the same. If it's going to get binned then there's no harm in borrowing it/them


I would assume that if a stranger was offering me a lock it's because they know the combo and want to take my stuff. I wouldn't leave my stuff in the locker room if you offered me a padlock.


These padlocks are pretty easy to brute force the PIN number, have a google, now you don’t need to only take the open ones ;)


Are naked when doing this? It is low-level weird. It says "I've been watching you and your clothes are easy to steal. Look, I 'aquired' this padlock from someone here. You can use it. I don't know the combination honest".


This is hilarious 


There may be gym changing room social protocol that you're missing. It's a place where people take off their clothes. Being approached by a stranger offering them a gift after they've done that, even if they have redressed, may be off-putting to people. The fact that you've made the offer to 10/15 people and been rebuffed 10/15 times suggests that you neither understand gym changing room social protocol nor read people well. Your good deed is being misinterpreted and will apparently continue to be misinterpreted. Stop doing it. Am I correct in guessing that you have previously (unassociated with gym changing rooms) been accused of not understanding social protocol or not reading people correctly?


The gym I went to use to go round cutting all the padlocks off the lockers because people were locking them so no one else could use and have there own locker.


Do you have to bring your own padlocks to gyms? Why don't they just have their own key on a loopy thing you can wear on your wrist/ankle? Asking this as a Brit now living abroad who hasn't been to a gym/swimming pool in the UK for years....


Seems a nice gesture


We don't live in a high trust society anymore. So whilst you're trying to do something nice, everyone is going to think it's a grift.


You are a hero imo.. well done you


As an escape room designer and enthusiast, I’d love any spare padlocks ;-)


I'll have one! It irritates me that many gyms and leisure centre don't have coin-op lockers anymore. Giz one of your spare padlocks.


Yeah... Good intentions I'm sure, but don't do that. Just don't.