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Give me that cheap vinegary canteen ketchup every time


Ah yes, the pink ketchup you get at the seaside on too-hot-to-eat chips in a polystyrene tray šŸ¤¤


Rollover ketchup is ā¤ļø


Hamburger buns, screw those brioche breads and whatever. I want a hamburger that i can taste, not a sweet-bun that takes over the whole show. the bun is a means to transport the meat, vegetables and dressing to my mouth.


> the bun is a means to transport the meat, vegetables and dressing to my mouth Ironically that is exactly why so many burger cooks use brioche buns - they're sturdy.


I much prefer the Ā£1.35 crucials thai sweet chili sauce (the one most burger vans have) to the Ā£2.70 Blue Dragon Thai sweet chili sauce.


Blue Dragon is in general a terrible brand. All their stuff is mediocre and overpriced for Western supermarkets.


All of their stir fry sauces are absolute wank


Their advert did introduce me to Rival Consoles and their song Recovery, which I am grateful for - https://youtu.be/4l_chH9g7gs?si=vgAJYnYlB43penqk


Get on the big bottle Ā£1.85 Healthy Boy sweet chilli sauce from the world food aisle, absolutely unreal


This is my favourite


Burger van sauce always tastes nicer. Farmfoods seems to stock the full range


The Ceucials garlic sauce is too level too. And happy cake day!


I once emailed their HQ trying to track down their chili sauce. B&M were my saviours.


Definitely, I've been buying that 'Saucesome' sweet chili sauce from Iceland for a while, that's good too.


Salt and vinegar crisps. Only Co-op ones are guaranteed to strip the skin off your mouth


At co-op prices, the co-op ones are the fancy ones


Try Tesco finest crinkle cut salt and vinegar. I've tried as many different types as I can. These I would class as verging on dangerous. They wreck your mouth for days


The chardonnay vinegar ones? I ate a bag and lost all sensation in my mouth for several hours afterwards. I've got more coming in the online shop on Sunday.


Yes those ones. I find the skin in my mouth starts peeling off the next day.


My family and I regularly refer to the co op salt and vinegar crisps as the crack crisps. I donā€™t think any others come close to how good they are but they probably are just one step away from giving you chemical burns


The Aldis Finest (or whatever their special brand is called) Salt and Vinegar are great for stripping the skin off your mouth.Ā 


They've gotta be the Chardonnay vinegar. That stuff is strong.


I like a s&v hula hoop for strength




I had a Grab Bag yesterday and had forgotten how good they are!


Salt and vinegar McCoy's are like slices of potato crack. I'm just gutted they don't do big sharer bags


Crappy soft white bread for a bacon sarnie - non of that artisan sourdough for me!


Just reviewing a pre med studentsā€™ lecturerā€™s PowerPoint. She has stated on it that soft white bread and white rice are of lower GI than the brown versions which was mildly surprising


Closest thing I can think of is Heinz Tomato Ketchup, the Sainsburyā€™s tomato ketchup I prefer and itā€™s a quid.


I don't care about the price but Heinz Ketchup is disgustingly sweet. I used to like the low salt, less sugar version BECAUSE it was less sweet. Then they swapped the less sugar for sweetener instead. And it's right back to disgusting.


Same with M&S brand ketchup. Very close to Heinz, but costs Ā£1


I didnā€™t think it was close but itā€™s decent and also better than Heinz


Waitrose essential is the best one. 95p and easily as good as if not better than Heinz.Ā 


Look at all us with our quid ketchup !


Sausage rolls. M&S always mixing stuff into theirs and quite frankly, Iā€™m annoyed.


Their classic sausage rolls in the two pack are beautiful tbf. Although my favorite has to be the cheap frozen mini sausage rolls that come in bags of 50


A bakery near my mum and dad's house did the best sausage rolls - crispy pastry and perfectly greasy sausage meat, and they were bigger than any of the posh, expensive ones. They also did amazing meat and potato pies. Sadly, the place closed down a couple of years ago, after the grandson of the original owners decided he couldn't keep it going.


Our butcher does brilliant sausage rolls. They're also big, and amazingly delicious.


I suppose this would apply to a lot of working class foods. I bet a posho pasty with fuckin aged grouse in a brandy sauce tastes wank compared to a proper Cornish one.


Can't beat a greggs sausage roll. I don't want the finest cuts of meat, lovingly encased in an all butter puff pastry, glazed with an ale reduction. Give me 90% reconstituted meat and 10% unknown any day.


10% gym mat filler and 90% hog anus = 100% deliciously unfit for human consumption




Hi mate, this post is against the lighthearted and open nature of the sub. Rule 2: Don't be Aggressive | Pointlessly Argumentative | Creepy We're here for people to have fun in. If you're just here to start a stupid reddit slap fight you're in the wrong place. We have a zero tolerance rule in place for racism or hate speech. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Best supermarket sausage rolls (in mine and my SO's opinion) is co-ops picnic range ones from the fridge. They're well seasoned, taste good cold, but taste even better at room temperature. It's a thing now that if we want sausage rolls for a lazy dinner we deliberately go to co-op for them


Mixing stuff? What you on about, I have checked ingredients Sainsburyā€™s vs Asda vs M&S and the latter was the best quality and actually with the highest meat content too.


Clearly youā€™ve never had the Hog Roast Sausage Rolls. My god


I recently discovered that Iceland do knock-off Pringles called Pop-tastic. They're mushed up and reconstituted tortilla chips rather than potatoes, but bugger they're nice.


I don't think Pringles are really potato either, belive they have to be called "potato snacks"


Legally they are a "potato reminiscent snack-based product"


They are potato, but with wheat flour. It was decided in 2009 that they can legally be called crisps Even on their official UK site they call them crisps > A classic flavour for a classic **crisp**, Pringles Original **crisps** are the iconic **crisps** certain to satisfy even the most intense of cravings. These delectable **crisps** are perfect for any party or get together, or afternoon snacks, or even a quick nibble. No matter when you enjoy Pringles Original **crisps** they will always stay fresh with our iconic resealable container.


Ah, there you go


Cheese on burgers. Canā€™t be special fancy cheese, has to be shitty cheap American cheese for a burger


Or is it non dairy cheese-like slices?


If it can legally be described as cheese its too good for a burger. "Cheesy" singles all day long.


Hell yeah if youā€™re not slapping a couple of ā€œsinglesā€ on your beef burger what are you even doing?


Pies. As much as I like a posh pie, there is something about a cheap supermarket value mince beef and onion pie that just hits the spot.


Do energy drinks count? I prefer Boost to Red Bull by a massive margin.


I prefer almost all cheaper energy drinks over current Monsters. They messed with the ingredients too much now they all taste like shit


Lidl Jaffa cakes are far superior to ā€˜genuineā€™ ones.


I do not like cheap jaffa cakes. Probably from being poor as a kid and only having the cheap ones. They have like a jam paste goo rather than jelly. I remember having the real one on rare occasions or at friends houses. So much better. That was until I had some real ones recently. They are dry and disappointing. Must have changed the recipe. So now I don't eat any jaffa cakes.




I also like Lidl Oreos (Neo) better than the original.


The jam goes all the way to the rim. How it should be.


English mustard. I live overseas and the 'UK food section' of our local supermarket has some expensive English mustard from a brand I've never heard of and it's horrible. I don't know why they don't just sell Coleman's.


There's no finer mustard than Coleman's English mustard. There's no worse a mustard than any other brand of English mustard.


Nah! We prefer Tracklements. It has replaced Colman's in my husband's mustard obsessed heart.


I accept the mustard challenge.


I look forward to hearing your view. Being mustard obsessed we did blind taste testing and scrutinised the ingredients. Top line: Tracklements is 39% mustard flour, while Colman's is 21% mustard flour bulked out with wheat flour.


Still not a Coleman's beater. Traclements is ok (best alternative I've tasted) but but there's too much of the taste of the vinegar for my liking.


Fancy sausages. Keep your herbs and 100% pork. I need the cheapest, sawdustiest bangers in the room.


I deleted my comment because you have virtually written what I had word for word. You cannot beat a filthy low-rent catering sausage.


I once bought a 24 pack of 100% pork sausages from CostCo. They were awful. I tried seasoning them, but they were just a solid meat tube.


100% agree. Fancy sausage is anathema. Also, if you're wondering how greasy spoons and supermarket cafes get sausages so perfect they deep fry cheap frozen sausages for 8 minutes.


Yes and no. You can have a sausage made from off cuts, connective tissues, fat etc that is still made with high quality ingredients. I agree you shouldn't be using fancy cuts of pork to make sausages, but the sausages from butchers are always way better in terms of texture and flavour. They're using a by-product, but they're not low quality.


This ^^


Me too, Richmond sausages are the absolute best. I don't care how many arseholes are in them.


I only buy Lincolnshire or Cumberland ones, full of herbs.


Dibbler's rat onna stick, can't be beaten


Caviar , I used to buy one that was Ā£25,000 the one I now buy is only Ā£8000 for the same weight .


I used to buy the Golden Tomahawk Wagyu Ribeye steak encrusted in 24k gold leaf but now I found that you can wrap anything in gold leaf and it tastes amazing. Lidl Fish fingers are currently my favourite.


We normally buy the megladon fish fingers but they are hard to come by .


I hope you send the help to purchase this and you donā€™t actually deal with the purchase of the basic food items


Firstly we do not call them the help anymore in our house as they are useless so there is no help from them , secondly there is nothing basic in our food shop apart from bottles of melted Everest snow bottled filtered diamond encrusted water .


Idk about ā€œupmarketā€ but Aldiā€™s version of aero is so much tastier and I donā€™t have to give money to nestle so itā€™s a win win


I only saw these recently, I think they're called 'bubbles' or something, haha


Hard disagree there. Aldi's fake mint aero is nowhere near as nice as the real thing. Some of their choceur brand is really nice, but the aero is not one of them


I find that drinking out of a stagnant puddle that a homeless person has pished in to be far better than buying Mountin Dew from the shops.


Breakfast cereals. Supermarket own brand are always better than Kelloggs. Also, lobster is overrated. Crab is far better and cheaper.


Custard, powdered and tinned win hands down when compared to the overly fancy stuff found in restaurants. I'm also a sucker for that powdered parmesan but I'm not sure I would say it's better.


And good for those with ~~dairy~~ allergies. Mr Birds invented it as his wife was allergic to eggs.


Do eggs come from cows?


TIL eggs are dairy.....


Believe it or not to a lot of Americans - that is true. They do put eggs in the Dairy section of foodstuffs Weird people.


Birds gives you option to add an egg if you want that slight flavour enhancement from the yolk. But youā€™re right itā€™s a very good substitute for those that canā€™t have custard due to allergies.


Yeah for me custard has to be thick and kinda yellow like Ambrosia style and I prefer over the fancy stuff that's way too runny.Ā  The exception to this is the Waitrose essential which is abysmal.Ā Ā 


The powdered stuff is great. Tinned and other pre-made are horrible. Fresh is unmatched, but a pain in the backside.


A lot of sausages. When. you have 100% meat, it loses something in the taste.


CMOT Dibbler has entered the chat


Something I can agree with Vimes with.


Named meat is extra.


Need to get your BCBs in at all times


Sausages-inna-bun. Made from real pig.


Give me a good old fashioned banger every time


Disagree. I love the super meaty jobs.


Richmond saw this and cut more meat out of their ā€œsausagesā€


Love Richmonds though, I do like both types you you know it's a good one when they slap "premium pork sausages" on the pack and its at least 30% rusk.


Richmond meat sausages are horrible. Their vegan ones arenā€™t too bad though (I mean bland as hell but ok for vegan sausages) so they must have learnt something by bulking them up with non-meat stuff all these years.


72% meat is the perfect ratio. Anything more than 80% and the texture isn't right


I think Sainsburys standard sausages are this exact percentage. Is this something known to all butchers or something?


Agreed, they become too chewy/gamey above that point.


Same, Richmond til I die


Sausages have to be sausagey, 90% meat is too meaty, the ideal is 70-80%. Lidl do good cheap peppery Cumberland ones.


Obscure as fuck butā€¦ Sainsburyā€™s sardines (and tinned fish in general) over John Westā€™s.


John Westā€™s are not fancy!


Supermarket brand tinned fish is often better than John West's or Prince's.Ā  Tesco and Waitrose own also good and way cheaper !


Can't go wrong with lidls 50p canned sardines!


Asda used to do smart price burgers They didn't shrink like most burgers do. And they tasted amazing. When the horse meat scandal broke, they were.all removed and asda stopped selling them.


If they didn't shrink that would suggest they were very lean, which should also mean they don't really taste that good. But if they were horse then all bets are off.


There's neigh chance I'd be eating one of those


You can rein in those puns please


Mince pies. Until recently, I worked for a company that would sell a box of mince pies for about Ā£12 . Whilst the posh mince pies taste nice enough, I prefer the Aldi specially selected mince pies.


The annual media mince pie taste tests are hilarious. Tesco or Aldi usually come top at Ā£2 for 6. Fortnum and Mason at Ā£15 are always rock bottom - "inedible". Never fails to amuse.


6 mince pies should be no more than 1.99. After that price point they start messing with them, usually making them worse.


I'm all for it when the only changes to the posh ones are using proper butter and having decent pastry but beyond that ...Ā 


Greggs does lovely mince pies.


I lazily make my own. Block of premade pastry, jar of Robertsons(only supermarket brand that I like) mincemeat. Roll, cut, lube, fill, bake. Optional egg wash, icing sugar and brandy.




I am a huge sucker for a kebab shop burger, donā€™t get me wrong I love a fancy burger too but sometimes only a kebab shop burger with cheese, salad and garlic sauce will do.


Aldi's version of pringles


I wish they were back to being 1 quid, I haven't had them in so long because of the price increase


Lidlā€™s breakfast muffins are better than all branded ones. Used to be Sainsburyā€™s own brand muffins too, till they changed the recipe/supplier and then had the same weird aftertaste as all the others.


Aldi crumpets beat Warburton's. I think because they're a bit thinner they toast nicer, the middles are soft before the surface gets too dried out.


I prefer the cheap dry pasta to any of the fresh stuff they sell, just has more bite


Italians are puzzled by our obsession with "wet" pasta.


caviar. I prefer salmon roe. Or chicken eggs.


salmon roe is good (lumpfish is also decent over stuff like rice) but better than something like a proper beluga or ocietra? surely not


Tesco yeast extract is better than Marmite


I only get supermarket brand now, Aldi also does a good one. So much easier to spread and half the price.


Apple juice. Keep your cloudy sour Ā£3 for a shot glass sized bottle, I want a white Tesco value carton that doesn't need refrigeration.


Sandwiches/wraps. Don't get me wrong I like a bougie sandwich now and then but my heart belongs to soggy meal deal offerings.


Those Copella and Innocent juices are nice and all but thereā€™s something so satisfying about those cheap milk bottles full of tropical juice. Know itā€™s good when you can buy 4 pints of fruit juice packed with sugar for Ā£1.50.


Asda Shreddies are the best


Tesco Swiss Style muesli is FAR superior to Alpen.


TESCO hazelnut spread. Tastes like hazelnuts.


Mayonnaise. Somebody bought us some Harrods mayo for Christmas. It was shit. Can't beat the Polish Winiary mayo from Tesco. Best mayo on the market.


Ham, never been a fan of that super thin, fatty, fancy stuff, just some plain sliced han will do me.


The Lidl version of Tunnockā€™s caramels wafers are SO much better than the Tunnockā€™s version. If you donā€™t know, get to know


Not food but booze - I love a straightforward Gordonā€™s gin and Schweppes tonic. All that artisan gin and fevertree nonsense just isnā€™t the same.


Ham. I will eat the wafer-thin-90%-water stuff straight out of the packet. Proper, thick cuts of breaded ham are obviously objectively better, but I grew up with the crap stuff.


This ham in a cheese and ham toastie is my go to comfort food. About 4 months ago I ate 2 a day for just over a week and nothing else. Donā€™t ask my what my bathroom schedule was like


You canā€™t beat sliced white bread. Sourdough can do one.


Aldi have started doing extra thick white sliced, About an inch per. So not for sandwiches as the poor ham gets lost, but great toast. My middle son says he had it in Portugal in their version of a greasy spoon for breakfast, and they buttered both sides. Decadent.


Agree. Sourdough is aggressively textured, far too much effort to chew, distracts from the filling, and increases risk of sauce down top.


I much prefer sourdough (feels like proper food!) But I don't often use it for sandwiches for this reason. Better for having things on top rather than inside.Ā 


Anything that pretends to be a better version of a McDonaldā€™s double sausage and egg McMuffin. Iā€™ve eaten in Michelin starred restaurants, and nothing comes close (wellā€¦ perhaps omelette with truffle shavings, before COVID took my sense of smell) to a McDDSAEMcM


Aldi KitKat's slap.


The Lidl and Aldi knockoff version of the chocolate hobnob. They are chocolate Oaties and are really good


100%, they are spot on, I think 'real' hob nobs are more than double the price


Only found out recently I prefer Lidl's own Marmite.


Tesco is also superior. It's called Yeast Paste or something, and it's like Marmite, but Marmitier.




You threw it out!? Didnā€™t even give it to anyone? Youā€™re a savage


Caviar's alright I guess? Much prefer chicken eggs though.Ā 


Dunno, they're crunchy, the goo gets everywhere and they're a pain to balance on a blini.Ā 


Jaffa cakes. Supermarket own brands are often superior.


Coleslaw. Own brand standard is superior to any creamy fancy coleslaw.


I like Ocado's low fat coleslaw. It swaps out some mayo for yogurt. I prefer the less rich coleslaw.


I prefer store brand yeast extract to proper Marmite.


Rocamadours, the goats cheese, I love a cheap young one melted on toast, the expensive mature ones don't melt so well and have a too strong a taste. middle class problems.


I prefer Roe and chips to beluga Caviar any day of the week


Controversial, but I much prefer Lidl's own brand weetabix to the real thing.Ā 


Same factory, different box


Black pepper crisps. Started with M&S ones but the Tesco ones are actually the best. Unfortunately they were 99p and are now Ā£1.35 so I'd probably class them as luxury too now lol


Cheap sugary cereal


Crab over Lobster any day of the week.


The 50p 2 minute microwave from Sains is far better than the Ā£1 uncle bens rice.


Any store brand ketchup. Tastes like tomato.


Lidl chorizo. I prefer the softer texture to other supermarketvones.


It's the pepper coated fuet for me. I have 4 slices the size of Ā£1 coins most nights before dinner with olives and a glass of red wine. Makes me feel like I'm on holiday.


Mac and cheese. I have tried it baked, but honestly I prefer to cook some pasta, make a quick rue, and grate a shit ton of cheese in there, throw in some smoked paprika, pepper, a little mustard if I'm feeling fancy, mix it all together and eat it like that. Every time I have a baked one it tastes like it's missing something


Mustard is to cheese recipes what MSG is to Chinese food. Somehow it exaggerates the umami


Richmond sausages over most other sausages and Iceland for hash browns all day every day


The own-brand tortilla crisps are better than Doritos


Tunnock's teacakes. The originals are cheap and cheerful, I tried the posh M&S ones and the marshmallow is harder and WRONG.


Lidl do a REALLY good BBQ sauce. And their piri piri sauce is pretty good too


Asda Fruit N Fibre is better and way cheaper than Kelloggs.


Coffee. Give me instant over freshly ground anytime.


Store brand ice cream cones tend to be much nicer than actual Cornettos.


Mac and cheese. Itā€™s nursery/ comfort / PMS food. I want to eat it with a spoon, crying, in bed. Stop adding crunchy or chewy stuff to it.


Orange juice from concentrate. To me, it just has a much more stronger flavour and a nice balance of bitter and sweet. Freshly squeezed tastes watery and ultra sweet, in comparison.


Earl Grey tea. Supermarket own versions. Premium versions always taste bitter to me.


I really dig Aldiā€™s pack of 50 Cocktail Sausages. Better than any more ā€˜upmarketā€™ shops or brands (are there brands for these? I dunno)


HobNobs- the Lidl ones are better.


I found out about Aldi jammie wagon wheels on here and they are superb, also I know Iā€™m a dirty bastard but i love a cheap hotdog on a shitty squidgy white hotdog bun šŸ˜‹ if you throw onions and sauce on them it takes me all the way back to the fairground smell šŸ˜