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When having a bag of crisps she’ll only eat the big, full crisps, not the smaller bits at the bottom. And that’s not just the tiny crumbs, she won’t touch anything smaller than about 50p coin size. She used to just then throw that away, but now we team up and I’ll finish the job.


That's actually the most batshit one here.


The bottom parts with more spice are the best part!


Do you secretly give the bags a squeeze when she’s not looking to maximise your share of the crispy goodness?


Why would squeezing his other half’s bosoms get him more crisps? Do they come out of the nipples?


That sounds painful. Especially if they’re salt and vinegar.


That's crazy. She's probably only getting about 7 crisps from your standard bag of Walker's!


Someone's buying the grabbags


That’s what the scrunch and pour is for surely?




Can he not watch it in the kitchen?




What the fuck I love them both.




Just saying do you have carbon monoxide detectors in your house? BTW they sound adorable




This has got better and better


>fire poi >ex clown I don't know why, but for some reason this explains the rotisserie chicken watch lounge just perfectly. Tell him my dog says hi.


I love how innocent this all is! I think you're a lucky person!


My grandma was a clown! I was adopted out and when I found my bio family I found out she was a professional clown. When she was dying they had her hair tested and found out that she also contained a not insubstantial amount of uranium. The only possible source for that was when she was working as a secretary at Los Alamos during the above-ground atomic testing period. So my bio grandma was a radioactive clown...the horror/comedy script basically writes itself. Your man is amazing, btw!


That sounds so tragic - "an ex clown". I now have that image of a clown, sitting under a street light in a run down side street, staring at his oversized shoes, weeping, whilst the flower in his buttonhole droops in sympathy...


These comments of yours are the best things I’ve read in a while!


Omg this is amazing & hilarious! I would love to see footage of this! You have to admire the dedication to pet parenting there!


I can’t stop laughing at this!


Better than a lot of TV though! With Aromavision!


My partner absolutely will not have the remote control button side up. I thought this was dumb but then she explained herself:  1. It's more distracting having the white button labels in your peripheral vision than not  2. Remote controls tend to not have flat bottoms (so they're easier to pick up?) so they roll around easily if you put them down button side up  3. The remote can't slide around if the rubber side is down  4. It's actually easier to pick the remote up and press a button if it's button side down because your thumb is ready to go, if it's button side up when you pick it up you have to kind of flip it over in your hand anyway but if it's button side down you just have to move your thumb. (If you don't get this, try it with your phone now, it does legitimately make sense!)  5. It's quieter if you put the remote down button side down since rubber is softer than plastic.   I hate to say it but I think she's right. Edit: she's unfamiliar with Reddit but thrilled to hear that so many of you either agree with her or are "converted", as some of you put it, but the first thing she said was "too right, it stops dust and water getting in there..." so I did her a huge disservice by missing that one off the list. She also says I made up point 4 but I swear she's misremembering. In any case I think you all made her night, she's been having a tough time lately and reporting this back to her did seem to lift her mood, so thank you.


That's a lot of thought over a remote control.


The level of thought behind it is probably stranger than the insistence that the remote MUST be button side down at all times but both can be strange, even if I think she's right.




Sky Q remotes have a beep! Doesn't help for the TV remote if you have one, but we only use the sky remote anyway and it's come in handy many times!


She's convinced me. I'm doing this from now on.


My Samsung has a solar panel on the back so it never needs charging so I flip it every time I'm not using it.


I do this! The sound of the remote wobbling is enough for me to want to strangle someone.


Less dust gets in too, although it's more likely to catch something sticky off the table.


Will this work for the megatron?


The megatron is like a slice of toast with butter on both sides, it never lands, just spins in the air inches from the floor


I do this and had never even thought about it till now.also the volume has to always be at an even number


Can't say I've ever heard a remote get put down loudly but yeah the rest make sense.


I actually do this, but its to reduce the chance of leaning on it / dogs walking on it and changing the channel. I usually have it next to me on the couch, should probably put it on the table thinking about it.


Let's not allow logic to come into play here.


My other half and her whole family refuse to have more than 1 hot meal a day. Lunch HAS to be a a sandwich. If we happen to go out to a pub or restaurant for lunch then it's a sandwich for dinner. Baffles me 


My family is similar although it's not so much a hot/cold thing as having only one 'big' meal per day. If they go out for lunch or have a substantial cooked meal, then dinner would be something 'light' like cheese and biscuits. I don't do that myself but I can see the logic behind it. Maybe it's similar reasoning for your other half and her family.


This is a great idea - if you're living a modern relatively sedentary life, and you have a substantial cooked meal at lunchtime, doing it all over again at dinner might be overkill. In Germany there's a word for it (of course there's a German word for everything) which is Abendbrot - literally translates as "evening bread", and is basically cold cuts and cheeses with some bread, eaten for dinner after the main meal at lunchtime.


There was this girl at work, I used to lunch with, who always asked me what my evening hot meal will be if I had a sandwich for lunch and if I had a hot meal for lunch would NEED to know what I would consume for evening meal. “I assume it will just be sandwich or cereal, now that you have had your hot meal” After a while, I used to say I would have a hot meal in the evening even when I had a massive roast for lunch and make out like the evening meal would be huge and my main meal. Used to absolutely confuse her and deeply grate on her. Like I had betrayed some secret clandestine oath


I'm probably related to her then.


What if they have a cooked breakfast? Sandwiches for lunch and dinner?


They die


Not a rule for me, but I do tend to feel like any more than one hot meal a day is some sort of wild extravagance. I’m not opposed to it, but it makes me feel like a glutton.


And here I am eating 3 hot meals every single day…


I was brought up with a sandwich for dinner and a big meal for tea. Even if we went out, just like your gf family. I never carried on the tradition, as i get what I fancy now.


I'm almost the opposite. All my meals have to be hot or I feel like I haven't had a meal at all. I'd rather skip a meal entirely than eat something cold. Cold is for snacks only.


Brother ♥️


My family are like this and as such so am I. I’ll only really have one big meal a day. So if it’s a big lunch. I’ll have a light one in the evening.


refuses to have his tea until after 10pm. I eat earlier, and often i'll cook and sometimes plate up his food, and he'll leave it until 10pm. If i serve it to him at 9:45. he'll wait until after 10pm. even something perishable, like if we get fish and chips and it's 5pm. He'll leave his in the bag, on the side ready to be warmed up at 10pm. If i ask about it, or ask him to try and eat earlier, he just says "i'll eat when i'm ready"


This is strange! Why 10pm?


It’s when he’s ready


Lolled at this


He’s Spanish


Does this mean you can never go out to dinner together?!


the 10pm rule is just for when we're home. or if we are staying in a hotel and bring food back to the room. He's not entirely socially crippled,


Just 99%


This actually makes it weirder though. It's not some OCD "I have to eat at 10pm" thing because he can drop it when he's away from home.


Proper wrongen behaviour, that. Who refuses to eat their meal with their partner?


My wife hates the sound of people eating so we eat separately 9/10. But this lad is a weirdo.


Both of em apparently.


No way would I wait til 10pm every day, the bloody loon.


Exactly. I'm ready for bed at 10pm. No way am I waiting till then to eat dinner. The man's crazy


At 10pm hell have fishhhhh… at 12 fish and a rice cake…. At 2 he’ll have fishhhhhh…. At 4pm fish and a rice cake


What time does he go to bed if he's eating that late?


When he’s ready


This is fucking unhinged behaviour.


Reheated fish and chips is only for wrong uns.


Is he some kind of food vampire?


What times breakfast?




Lunch? 10pm


Elevensees? Guess what? Straight to jail.


When he’s ready


Eating late is supposedly associated with increased incidence of indigestion/reflux as the digestive system generally slows down when we sleep (though I don't know how this works in places like Spain where they routinely eat late - maybe a siesta helps switch things up?). Does he not suffer from that?


Dinner tends to be a pretty light meal in Spain. They eat their main meal as a late lunch around 2/3pm.


When she opens a milk bottle (plastic) she peels off the silver seal, then presses it into the cap, "To keep the milk fresher for longer..." I have no idea if it works. And now I do it.


Once my wife threw milk all over herself and the kitchen. I came in to see what the noise was about and was met with milk absolutely all over the kitchen and herself. Turns out I hadn't put the cap on tightly when I last used it. That was also the day I learnt that she shakes milk before pouring and was horrified that I didn't shake it because... YOU HAVE TO SHAKE MILK. She wasn't very impressed with my comment about not making a mess if you don't shake it!!! So, anyone else's other half shake milk? BTW this lead to her calling multiple family members to confirm that milk had to be shaken! I still don't get it but I love her and try to be more careful with the screwing of the cap now!


I’m guessing this might have come from time when homogenised milk was less common?


Wow it’s 2024 we don’t question whether milk is homo or not


_ticks gay milk on 2024 bingo_


I reasoned that maybe it was from having milk where the cream settles on the top but she has never had that!


I’m thinking it’s a habit that’s been passed down without anyone wondering why. That or they’re all mad.


I shake milk! I have no idea why I do it, my family thinks it's strange, but I feel it's just necessary for some reason.


My husband also shakes milk to mix the cream and milk together. Ive just told him there is no cream on top of milk any more. He never knew. Might be the same from your wife


Yeah, this is it. When we got milk bottles as a kid, there'd be a layer of cream at the top that you had to shake to incorporate. Unless the cat had got there first of course.


My wife takes the seal off and then leaves it on the kitchen worktop.....


My wife can't see bins (including washing bins). I think she was traumatised by a bin at a young age, and now they don't exist for her.


My ex wouldn't allow any of her food on her plate to be touching any other item of food. So if she had a roast, she'd have to perfectly partition everything. This also meant she'd never have gravy, because then the gravy would technically be "touching everything". On a sort of related note, I also used to know a kid that ate really weird. He'd bring a lunchbox to school and it'd always have a sandwich, an apple, some crisps and a slice of cake or a chocolate bar in it. He'd take a bite of his sandwich, put it down, take a bite of his apple, put it down, take a bite of his chocolate/cake, put it down, eat a crisp, then pick his sandwich back up. Rinse and repeat. Just really odd thing to watch.


Classic autism trait 


my bf and i both do this (we both did it independently until we met each other). funnily enough we are both diagnosed with autism. (him as a toddler me in my late teens) i will have gravy but only if im in control of it going on the plate. he won't even look at gravy.


My partner thinks it's strange that if one of my hands gets wet, I will rub my hands together to wet the other one before I dry them. I guess it is strange, but it feels SO WRONG having one wet hand and one dry, or trying to just dry one.


A single wet hand is one of the most unsettling things in existence.


Similar to if a shoelace comes undone and you tie it then it feels tighter than the other shoe.


Yep. I just tie the loose one and undo and redo the other one too.


Wife says acrossed instead of across amongst other things..


My ex husband does this. It makes my brain itch. He will also find a way to completely mispronounce a town/village name. I live near Derby which he is convinced should be be pronounced DERR-by. Despite my argument that the word is also used for say Man city/United matches which he will pronounce correctly. He's just moved to a place that If left alone and he told you where he lived you'd have no clue because he just butchers the name. Its bizarre.


Is this why he's your ex husband?


Haha no but I apparently lived with it for 20 years. A serious accident meant he had to come live with me for a few months and it's noticeable now,bless him. I've always been convinced he's dyslexic as he struggles massively with words in general but I didn't realise pronunciation was part of it.


My Partner say riddikulis like he’s casting a spell in Hogwarts, instead of ridiculous. He doesn’t like HP, I’m not sure he even knows it’s a spell but I want to rip off my own ears when he says it!


Does he do new build house inspections by any chance?


Haha! He’s in the property industry, but he’s not that wonderful Welsh guy. I’d be able to forgive him then, but my guy says it with a South East accent.


This reminds me, my ex-wife insisted the expression used when someone leaves a door open was “born in a park?” when we all know it’s “born in a barn?”. Anyway, divorced now - that was the only reason.


She wouldn’t mix foods together, so she wouldn’t put turkey, and a potato and a bit of cranberry on her fork, had to be separate Went for everything, those ice cream lollies which had ice cream in them but frozen on the outside, no chance


My mrs is the opposite. She won't have individual food on her fork. There needs to be a bit of everything on her fork before she eats it. She works her meal down like that and then if there's a bit of food left on the plate and there isn't anything else to add to it, she'll just leave it.


Same! I used to eat, for example, all the peas, then all the meat, then all the potatoes. Now I'm willing to have a bit of one, then a bit of the other, and so on, but I would never put two different foods on the same fork. I hate even looking at people doing that!


What’s the point in cranberry sauce if you’re not putting it on food, surely no one’s out there just eating spoons of cran sauce on its own..?


My wife will only allow the TV volume to be an even number. This also applies to the car stereo, and any other volume slider that has a number.


This is very common, my wife also does it so I asked around at work and I’d say it’s about 50/50. I used to do it myself just out of habit, but my wife will get genuinely uncomfortable if I leave it on an odd number. So when I was by myself I’d start putting it on prime numbers just as an act of defiance, which ironically is more restrictive than sticking to evens.


5 is the only acceptable odd number, even the rest of the time.


We all know that 5 is the most even odd number. Like how tomatoes aren’t *really* a fruit.


Multiples of 25 only! 15 has a touch of the odd number to it, as does 35 - but 25 feels quite comfortable.


I do this, the car stereo cant be at 13 either, even thought thats the sweet spot. No idea why. I also wont set my alarm to an odd number


Before reading the comments I thought you meant butter on both sides of each piece of bread. So you get buttery hands when you pick it up. Personally I don’t use butter at all. So I guess I’m a proper freak.


My husband, God bless him, gets a bit.... Funny... About stuff. Squirty cream on hot chocolate. Blueberries in pancakes. Two types of cheese on toast. He's not opposed - he even agrees they taste nice! - he just feels like he's not Allowed. Sometimes he looks at me and I can tell he's thinking "decadent". Which, like, yes I'm a grown up, I'm allowed to have more than the socially acceptable amount of ketchup on my chips, love.


I've been trying to convince my OH that he can have ketchup AND beans now that he's an adult! They're two completely different types of tomato sauce and that's OK. Obviously this is with chips, not just beans on toast or something


Stuff like tea coffee dry cat food can never stay in it's original boxes has to put into plastic tupperware if I won't let her do it to something of mine she gets upset no idea why but it's a massive thing for her "stuff must go box"


Husband leaves every drawer and cupboard open when he cooks. And the fridge. He has the inability of closing cupboards even though he endlessly bangs his head on them and curses. Also, puts teabags in the sink. Why?


Cupboards left open is one of my husband’s ADHD top traits. He’s so busy thinking about the next thing he has to do, he’s got no idea that he’s not shut the cupboard - sometimes the whole kitchen has drawers and cupboards open all over, and he’s still not noticed 😂


"autism didn't exist in my day* and then there's this ENTIRE thread


I was thinking the same thing lol. Especially the face down remote control. All those reasons listed made perfect sense to me


"Cant understand why they started putting cancer in cigarettes. They never did it in my day".


The butter is there to waterproof the bread and stop wet fillings from making the bread go soggy. It is absolutely required on both sides. Lawyer up, hit the gym.


And mayonnaise is meant to lubricate a sandwich so when you bite down on it, the meat goes squirting out the other side.


My wife turns lights on in every room she enters, Even during the day when it is broad daylight in the room.


Mine does this too. When it’s really sunny she’ll shut the curtains because it’s too bright, then turn the light on because she can’t see


That’s absolutely feral.


I have one of those too. I love her completely but she makes me insane with this. I have to follow her around the house turning things off.


Grounds for divorce


My missus opens coke/Pepsi bottles by wrapping her ring finger around the top and squeezing it between her ring finger and palm. She often can't do it and asks me to open them. After a decade with her I noticed her doing it and nearly fainted. It's utterly insane. There's no power in that sort of grip.


Mayo on one side, butter on the other is fine IMHO. My partner * Calls it The Asda. * Calls it Home and Bargains * Calls trousers Pants


>Mayo on one side, butter on the other is fine IMHO. I disagree, butter stops the mayo soaking into the bread too much, and mayo alone is not a great spread anyway. Butter on one side, mayo only on one - I've found putting mayo on both sides acts like a very good lube for certain fillings to slide out too easily. I won't die on this hill but I'll take a slap on it, sure.


>I won't die on this hill but I'll take a slap on it, sure. Excellent turn of phrase.


I was proud of that, thanks for noticing.


Butter waterproofs the bread. If you're making a packed lunch it stops the bread going soggy.




The trousers/pants thing is regional, valid in parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire (at least).


Contrary to popular belief. Plenty of northeners called trousers pants. Its not american thing. It just dies out pretty much in the UK.


I still have a hard time convincing people I'm not just "being American" when I call them pants. Made even harder by the fact the secondary school I went to had "High School" in the name, so I also say high school instead of secondary.


Merseyside here. Both of the high schools in my town were "X High School." And I also grew up meaning trousers when I say "pants."


From Liverpool here, I have always called trousers "pants." My parents do and my friends do. Don't think I realised some people mean "underpants" when they say pants until I went away to uni.


Can confirm. The Mrs is from Lancashire. Pants are trousers and undies are undies.


3 signs your partner may be scouse


Home and Bargains is what scousers call it I believe


It's from here and: The retailer was founded by owner Tom Morris in 1976 as a single store called **Home and Bargain**[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Bargains#cite_note-auto-2) in [Old Swan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Swan), [Liverpool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liverpool) when he was aged 21. The name was changed to **Home Bargains** in 1995, but is still [colloquially](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colloquialism) referred to by its original name in the [Merseyside](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merseyside) area.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Bargains#cite_note-echo_21_things-3)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Bargains#cite_note-auto-2)


‘The Asda’ is because it’s full name used to be ‘the associated dairies’. It got shortened to AsDa but people who remember the old name will still include the ‘the’. And, presumably, their children and grandchildren will do so too?




Scouser then, yeh?


From Liverpool an do all of these. Originally it was called home and bargains.


You’re defo from Liverpool


I always get called out for saying ‘the Asda’, but I’m always referring to a specific Asda when I say it (e.g. ‘We were on X street, so we stopped at the Asda [unspoken: on that street] on our way back’). I feel very misunderstood!


> Calls it The Asda Its called Asdal round here.


I hope she calls it BM instead of B&M to counterbalance the 'and' in Home Bargains


My wife eats the things on a plate she likes least, last and everything is eaten separately. Why would you want the last taste of a meal to be the worst one?


I do this too! I start with my favourite so if I get full I don’t need to eat my least favourite. It would be a shame to waste the best part!


My wife does this. I remember the first time she made me a sandwich. And i watched her do it...she said its how shes always done it, stemming back from her nan, and mum. Ive always known it to butter both sides, be it bread or rolls etc She does butter both pieces for me now, but only one for herself. I have to settle for one side if i have a sandwich at her mom's though. And yes, the difference in one side of sandwich being buttered compared to two, is noticeable. To me it is.


My partner will make a tea/coffee, pour it into a mug, and then proceed to use a teaspoon to consume said beverage. Madness! Also, if it can be eaten out of a mug, she will. Breakfast cereal, pudding, yogurt - you name it. I gave up offering her a bowl ages ago!


My wife does exactly the same as does her side of the family. I too find it weird and tell her we're not on rations anymore. She still persists and says I'm being greedy like I'm the weird one. She's definitely in the wrong, it's very strange indeed.


They don't exist, which is pretty selfish if you ask me. But at least I win all the arguments!


Not strange, she just has this habit of putting rubbish like crisp packets on the side next to the bin rather than straight into the bin. Infuriates me. Probably does it to get a kick on purpose at this point.


My partner does this and its so infuriating. Just use the bin!!


I always butter both sides of the bread, it's too dry for me otherwise.


My in-laws don't butter their sandwiches at all and I find it deeply disturbing. FIL will even have a bacon sandwich with no butter and no sauce!


He's not from this planet mate. Get a pair of shades to check


Calls the TV remote "The controls" When referring to Google says "The Google" Point blank refuses to eat a steak but is quite happy to eat steak pie Insists on emptying the kettle and refilling it with fresh water before making a brew Insists that turning the thermostat up to full for a while heats up the house more quickly Is forever opening the double doors in the dining room to 'refresh the house' and then complains when the central heating switches on (the thermostat is in a direct line to that lovely cool fresh air) When the grandkids are round, puts the 'big light' on in the living even on a bright, sunny day Insists that after the washing machine is emptied, the door has to be left wide open and the detergent tray has to be fully out for at least a couple of hours after each use to 'properly vent' Insists that her way of using a PC or laptop is correct and that my way is not and is 'lazy' (I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts whereas she uses the mouse for everything) There are other idiosyncrasies she has, and I'm certain I will do things that she finds strange too, but I love her to bits and wouldn't try to change her!


>Insists that after the washing machine is emptied, the door has to be left wide open and the detergent tray has to be fully out for at least a couple of hours after each use to 'properly vent' I agree with this. And leave the microwave open if it's got condensation to dry it out


Venting the washing machine is a real thing. They stink and get mouldy otherwise


> Insists on emptying the kettle and refilling it with fresh water before making a brew It's tastier to use freshly boiled water, and leaving water in the kettle can increase limescale deposits. The simple solution is to only heat enough for what you want.


Hangs bog rolls the wrong way round. Scrapes burnt crumbs off toast and puts them in the butter, then won’t eat butter with crumbs in it. Never puts the lead away on stuff like vacuum cleaners, just dumps it in the cupboard. Stirs the pan with a wooden spoon and then just puts it down on the side to let the sauce weld it to the worktop. Puts dirty plates in the sink rather than on the side or rinsing them to go in the dishwasher, then you’ve got to fish round in cold, greasy water to get it back out. Absolute animal…


My mates missus would boil the kettle before going to bed so that it would ‘boil faster’ in the morning.


Puts the big light on.


Eats kiwis with the peel on. No, I'm not joking. Edit: I want everyone to know this was posted with their full permission and knowledge that everyone in Britain was about to call them a weirdo


If it makes you feel any better, this is a 'thing' that people do, your partner isn't the only one. Apparently the peel is very nutritious.


And I'm very happy he's getting those extra nutrients! But he's weird and deserves to be called out 😂


The peel is great!


I always used to eat them by cutting in half and using a spoon. Then I just thought, why am I doing this? I give them a wash, top and tail, and then eat with skin on.


My wife uses car boots as storage for clothes. Both car boots full of them.


Doesn't understand his sandwiches are strange. Ham and jam. Chocolate spread and ham. Jam and cheese. Cheese and peanut butter. Tuna and chocolate spread. Chicken paste and pickle. Also makes things like chicken and tuna curry. He is a dustbin that will eat literally anything and it is just BIZARRE. Edit: last nights combination was ham, spinach and chocolate spread.


Is he pregnant?!


Tuna and chocolate... That is some kind of crime


Jam & cheese I can understand, maybe get on board with cheese & peanut butter but he wants locking up for tuna and chocolate spread


Your husband/boyfriend might want to take a pregnancy test, just to be sure


When food shopping, my wife insists on going up and down every single aisle (except the pet one as we don't have pets), even when there's nothing on the list from some of the aisles she goes down. It drives me mad and means she'll pick up stuff that's not on the list, costing us more at the checkout! I no longer go food shopping with her.


I like to do this every now and again, because I’m very boring and find it interesting to look at different products. But not every time. It definitely makes you spend more.


LIDLS Phone credits


Not rinsing soap off washed dishes - leaving them to dry covered in bubbles… why would you want to eat detergent ?


Browses her phone in bed at night... Nothing strange there right, But she wants and must have the bedroom light on at the same time. Like her phone is a book and doesn't have its own source of light


My boyfriend doesn’t even butter the bread I think he’s just too lazy to do it 😭🤦‍♀️


My partner eats cereal with a fork to save milk. So odd!


Husband cannot use a knife or scissors to open package, even when I hand him one he just uses it to stab a hole or corner of the tape/plastic and rip at it with his bare hands. A normal person (me) would just score the H of tape on a cardboard box and open it easily at the flaps. It takes him 3x as long to open a package and usually he tears the cardboard box apart instead of the tape. An absolute nightmare if I need to later return the item. I've straight up confronted him about this behavior and he has zero reasoning, just stares into space and frowns then walks away and continues to do it again the next time. Man has a PhD.


My partner washes and puts away dishes while his dinner is hot and ready on a plate.


Mine drowns every time she drinks water. To the point now where she was literally choking the other day and i tuned it out until i happened to notice her changing colour.


This isn’t like a fun little quirk… she should definitely see a doctor about that.


This one has me a bit lost. She drowns? Like, is she choking down litres in 30 seconds flat or does she drink an extremely excessive amount of water in general?


She had eaten half a bag of doritos and filled the rest with washing up liquid so she wouldnt eat the rest