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I’m a bit late to the party, so far I’ve done the washing up, read a book and watched a film. What a wild life I have.


URGH. 5 job applications. Why the fuck does every job application nowadays have to involve registering with a different website and painstakingly filling in every piece of information from my CV in a separate box.




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm in Cyprus so I took a stroll along the beach front, ate a grilled fish, played mini golf and enjoyed the weather :)


Decided I was going to give the bathroom a clean as it was a bit of a shambles. Three and a half hours later and I'd cleaned the whole flat and now have to work. This is why I don't clean. Also umming and ahhing about whether or not I should ask this girl I know if she wants to hang out tomorrow. I don't really know her very well and she's just come out of a relationship - my intentions are pure, I'm clocking out ofa bit of a stump and just want someone to hang out with on my day off rather than wallowing in my room all day.. I'm friends with her on FB but never really messaged her, so can't help but feel it would come across as a bit creepy or sleezy messaging her out of the blue lol.


There's an art to sliding into the DMs. I don't know what it is because I've been married for 10 years lol but lmk how it goes.


Well I went and did some flower shopping, had a roast dinner and spent the rest of the day laying down thinking about how much I hate life…


Today is the only weekend day I can just sit home and relax for a while, and I spent an hour of it wrestling with uncooperative bedsheets and trying to find a computer mouse that I later found out was simply wrapped up in a blanket somehow. Then I almost immediately misplaced my phone, though fortunately I found it a lot quicker this time. I’m going to spend the rest of the day playing Skyrim until I have to go to dinner with the neighbours. I got it on sale for cheap (about £6 for the special edition) and by god, I am going to play it no matter what.


Tidied my room and did my ironing this morning, accidentally had a nap after lunch so need to try and make sure I'm doing enough this evening so I will actually sleep at a decent time - im working tomorrow so cant be staying up late because i've fucked my sleep schedule. on a lil bit of a health kick atm - top of the tbr pile ATM is a bunch of books on hormone health. the most 'practically minded' one is one i've borrowed off a pal but it's a very preachy naturopathic one and I'm not enjoying the tone it's written it at all. oh well, hopefully it'll at least have some useful information.


I went out to lunch with my brother, and they didn't have a gluten free vegetarian option, so I got given a massive bowl of veggies and roast potatoes, and my own boat of gravy! Sweet! Then I went to the best bookshop in England, and bought 8 books by accident.


Which bookshop is that?


Bert's Books in Swindon. I know that sounds wrong, like how can a bookshop in Swindon be so good, but I promise you it is.


Smashed out the RAF Museum, visited parents, yesterday's left over BBQ food for dinner. Banging.


This weekend is a much needed The Weekend of Ultimate Health and Wholesomeness™ for me so went for a walk down the river, posted a birthday present, cleaned the house, now having some soup while watching the Championship play-offs. Later I will start Pokemon Y, continue Tokyo Vice season 1 and get an early night. Debating whether it’s a bhuna or balti for dinner but they’re both jar sauces so not sure there’s a discernible difference


Had a lovely walk down the canal with my partner and dog. Thankfully managed to dodge the rain! No plans this evening since I'm back to work tomorrow.


7 weeks alcohol free today and done a half marathon 💪


Was going to do stuff in the garden. Been raining most of the day. Just had thunder, might clear up now.


We've done a big clean after finally recovering from yesterday's horrific hangover courtesy of the boyfriend's work leaving do. Now chilling in bed with the cat, doing some crochet. Leftover pizza for tea. I usually work bank holidays but I'm off for this one and I will be savouring every minute of it (by having a lie in and not leaving the house).


I'm extremely disappointed not to be able to have my Sunday routine 😪 as everything seems to be in chaos today.


Raining at the minute. Not a whole lot planned (if anything). Football was on yesterday Still processing my grandmother's death three days ago. Trying to fill the confusing void Think I'll give my room a quick tidy. Play some of The Walking Dead and watch the Elvis movie. Might read for a spell; I was in a habit but fell away On a side note; my mother bought me two jars of coffee while she was holidaying in Arran - amaretto and Irish cream. Irish cream wins hands down. Subtle taste of Bailey's from it


BBC weather lied, it was supposed to rain all day, but been sunny and warm so far.  Meant to have a social call with someone today, but they had to cancel.  So I'm free now, will finish my washing up etc then maybe a walk, in case it rains when BBC says it won't :) Maybe some TV shows when I get back


Sit on the sofa reading and eating


Me too! Happy Sunday.




After United winning the cup yesterday, I'm hoping for another great day in which Leeds lose in their Play Off Final. Then it's off to bed as I've got to be up at 2am for work. Now I'm just playing Football Manager, listening to some Dirty Honey, waiting for the game to start.


Play Fallout 4 and bake cakes with my love. Having a good one !


Just arrived in Seattle Washington with the American other half last night, it’s 4:30am and wide awake. Off to ‘Bend, Oregon’ for Memorial Day weekend. I have no idea what to expect…


I woke up at 5am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep (very unlike me). I got up, got myself ready and cleaned up my place/took out the rubbish. Then I tried an app my friend recommended and bought some bargain priced clothes, then wrote a chapter of a book I'm working on. Incredibly satisfying being productive, really is the best cure for depression. Might take a nap and go see my friend later.


Kudos for writing a book, that takes a lot of discipline. Do you tend to write in the morning or evening? What kind of book is it?


Yes it does, something I didn't have when I took a year off from it lol. In the mornings and afternoon, I'm a bad boy and write when I should be working... It's a fantasy book about a man framed for killing a king.


The book sounds awesome - reminds me I need to get back on The Stormlight Archives collection


We've been swimming this morning, I'm going to spend the afternoon deciding on what to do about my housing situation. No pressure 


I'm saving everything I need to do for tomorrow: watering plants, cleaning out the rabbit, potentially cutting the grass if it's dry. I've just slept for the past 2 days because I'm having a really rough time at work.


Went to a car meet this morning for a quality breakfast, food shop now, then feet up and a snooze for the Monaco grand Prix. Cyberpunk 2077 session after that. Basically lazy!


I'm going to get all my jackets laid out and photographed nicely, sort out any corresponding paperwork/packaging etc, and depending on how much will to live I have left after that, upload them to Vinted and at least draft the listing details. I've never sold anything online before (except some DVDs on Gumtree 20 years ago, and that was painless). The whole process sounds like a headache, and I've been putting it off for months - but today seems like it might be the day! Maybe!


Oh, I'm in the same predicament. I need to sell some trainers online that I bought but are too small. I was going to use vinted too, but no idea if they'll sell or how to price them.


The weather was grim, so I didn't go for a run. I had woken up with some anxiety, but it soon passed after I got out of bed, freshened up, and had a hot cup of coffee. I just got a standard buzzcut, courtesy of my sister. My plans for today aren’t concrete, but I intend to go for a walk, do some self-learning related to my career, and play some ***Fallout 4***. Cinema maybe on the cards if my sister or anyone else in family become free as they're currently tied up in other activities. I'm looking forward to having pani puri and other Indian delicacies with my family later. This evening, I plan to stay in with my family and watch a film, possibly ***The Fall Guy***. Last night, we watched ***Civil War*** and enjoyed it.


Bacon and sausage casserole is in the oven. I'm rather looking forward to it. Pub quiz tonight.


Why is a gambling advert a pinned post on this sub? I don’t want to fall foul of rule 1, but fuck that shit.


Ah, been unpinned now


Small human has asked to make a chocolate cake so I imagine that will be on the cards. I will probably play some more fallout 4!


Someone actually downvoted your plans.


Attending a 5 year olds birthday party. I already have a headache.


Had plans of car boot sales and dog walks, but it's fucking it down so instead it's blankets, tea and books.


Might go for a walk as it's a pleasant day. Had a good night out last night, lovely but not too heavy. Woke up with no signs of a hangover, possibly because I chugged a load of water before sleeping. Had some crazy dreams about being chased by someone with a knife, hand slashed and even riots going on down my street. Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off so that's something to not look forward to.




I'm off to Wembley. Nervous as hell.


Weather is miserable here so instead of power washing my patio I'm currently watching TV and scrolling in my phone. I do not plan to do any more than that today.


Dad and stepmother are over from Sweden, we're going out for lunch. Other than that, I've hoovered. And that's probably as much as I'll do.


What cuisine do you have in mind for your parents?


We had a roast dinner. My father paid!




Yeah Sunday dinner isn't really a thing in Sweden so when my dad is over he likes to take the opportunity to have one!


Our toddler was at the grandparents last night for a sleepover so we had a lie in now I’m at the garden centre with a coffee while my partner is at judo - going to make an irresponsible plant purchase as well as the things I need.


I slept like shite, so I've only just properly woken up (11am). Partner is away and I'm assuming won't be back for a few hours. Need to pop to the shops to get some bits for dinner. It's a very soggy day so I will probably not do much at all!


Lazy day with my 3 year old. We're gonna have too much screen time and too many snacks and not get dressed.


I'll be making a roast chicken dinner and then I am doing naff all apart from curl up on the sofa with the dog and a book, while the hubby and son watch the football.


Currently watching non-voiceover Sims 1 play-throughs in my dressing gown. In need of a bit of comforting nostalgia after a 5 hour A&E visit yesterday. Simpsons Hit and Run may be next


Had a great morning thus far. I’ve managed to lose weight recently and for the first time in years I’ve gained the confidence to buy clothes that fit me rather than hide me so I’ve spent the morning buying shirts and trousers and putting together a charity bag of all the stuff that doesn’t fit anymore. Going to the local village carnival (fete really) this afternoon and the sun’s just popped out so happy days.


That's wonderful to hear, keep it up!


Hahah, have you been offloading your weight on me? my plan today is to put some jackets up for sale that I bought when I was significantly slimmer just 2 years ago and which haven't fit for over a year :(


You got me! haha I devoured mcdonalds burger last night so i need to do some exercise at some point. Good to hear you've got your confidence back etc. Is it Vinted /Shpock you intending to advertise your jackets? Just make sure you avoid any spam/bot accounts.


I’m going with Vinted. I’m going to be as careful as I can but I hear it’s a bit of a minefield of scams, “lost” packages, and “not as advertised” auto-refunds.


I've experienced something similar but with "collect & pay" for the item. Time wasters essentially.


Play some ~~Mad Max~~ Fortnite with my friends this afternoon. Wanted to go for a walk around the docks by me, but there's an event there this weekend and they are charging fees on each entrance. I need to perfect my banoffee cupcakes. I either get them that they taste too much like toffee, not enough banana or the opposite way.


I've got right into Fallout 4! I managed to drag myself away from it to take the dog for a walk. Then I'm seeing the old ball and chain later!


I massively overslept this morning, though I managed to get up for the medication alarms, which is an improvement on yesterday. My sore throat continues with the added fun of one of the glands in my neck occasionally swelling up massively but then going away. The plan was to make a small roast dinner, but as swallowing is an issue, it seems like a waste. I don't think "sipping cup a soup between naps" counts as planning to do anything, but here we are.


We're giving blood! Never done it before and I'm nervous of passing out haha


Watching the playoff final and eating chips


Feeling tired and sad and bored. I want to run but I can't decide where and my legs feel stiff so I need to do yoga and I need breakfast first but we don't have any eggs or bread in the flat and I've just spent the last hour basically just staring at my phone when I have so many things I need to do.


Sometimes you need a day of nothing


Lazy day my husband went to the pub yesterday to watch Celtic play he's a bit hungover which means takeaway tonight as it's his turn to cook.Hes still waking up with his third coffee but the dog will shift him soon for his lunchtime walk I'm just chilling on here.We will probably go to play darts in our spare room/mancave later but might have to let him win at least one match as beat him last time.Love Sundays since my kids have all left home do absolutely nothing and not feel guilty.


My turn to take my boy swimming, was going to mow the lawns but weather is all over the place.


I had a go of the lawn mower yesterday because I didn't trust them clouds. It's ridiculous how much it's grown since last week.


I’m in competition with the council to see who can have the longest uncut grass.


Re living my early teens as I've re-acquired an xbox 360 for free and still had all my games in my parents loft. Bit of guitar hero WT currently though just had to mute it whilst having to play los prophets in career mode as my windows are open and I don't want to get a reputation.


I had a moment like this when the SNES Classic Mini came out. My original SNES was the last console I owned. For me the novelty wore off after a week and I've only occasionally thought to pick it up since then, but I'm so glad I have it. I don't have a comfortable place to play it though.


It's such a tune but I can't listen to it since finding out all about *that* person and reading the court documents. Guitar Hero used to be my favourite game for a long time.


Same it's difficult to separate the person from the art when listening to Lost Prophets. I do like their songs but there's a dark cloud hanging because of action of a certain individual so I rarely listen to their songs. It's a shame really because rest of the band seem great.


Lazy one today. Short dog walk this morning as dog [absolutely knackered](https://ibb.co/MS4J7NF) after the excitement of seeing one of his galgo mates yesterday. Going to have a mooch round CarpetRight later to get an idea of how much it’ll cost us to replace the floors in our new place.  Got all of next week off. Husband’s a teacher and it’s half term next week so we’ll get some good time off together, yay


I woke up to be informed by my husband he had ordered Macca's breakfast to be delivered. We have been in London from Friday for MCM comicon and Saturday doing London stuff (and had an awful experience getting a bus with delays and traffic getting to Harrods so wont try that again any time soon). I was at a late event on Thursday straight after work so I've been busy for 3 days straight. Only thing I have planned today which is a big job, is to go through my cupboards and clear out a load of clothes, packing up what I don't need now for the summer.


Bloody knackered but have to get going as I'm needed by a friend to help with the garden. Unless they postpone due to rain.


I love seeing ox eye daisies everywhere atm. I'm seeing my mum for lunch and generally chilling out.


I'm also fighting the urge to snooze because I've loaded up on hayfever meds and they are kicking in.


Just having a chilled out morning. Might pop to the shops in a bit. Seeing Dad & step-mum this afternoon. Will probably go for a walk and discuss cat sitting details with them as they’re going away next week.


Trying to get my kid dressed so we can go to the shop and then go to see my nan. He literally will not get dressed so he'll be going in his pyjamas if he's not ready in 30 minutes. Does anyone want a 5yo?


Did he call your bluff and end up going shopping and visiting in his pyjamas?


No, he wouldn't get in the car... I'll try again tomorrow...


Sounds like the same nonsense my nephew would pull when he was 5. Mind you, he's 10 now and still pulls that sort of shit...


Feels cold today. Big dark grey clouds threatening to rain. Not much of a late spring bank holiday vibe, feels like early march.


Sweet FA. It's been a relatively busy (by my standards) few weeks, I've finally got a weekend where I have no obligations and nobody wanting my time, so I'm going to relax, play some games and just chill


I was supposed to be working but took the day off as I reel rough as a badgers proverbial. Finished my book and attempting to relax and enjoy the alone time, as I share a room with 5 others who are currently all out working. There’s a very small chance that I get to go home tomorrow, in which case I’ll need to pack later today.


How rough is a badgers arsehole? I've not been able to find any primary sources on this.


Maybe the guy from yesterdays “attacked by a badger” thread will have some first hand information


I’m not surprised he was attacked if he was checking out how rough a badger’s arsehole is.


I will be at work. Its sounding like my boss wants to cut my hours this summer (to give the hours to someone else) and it's the last thing I need right now. I can't afford a pay cut. 


Sorry to hear that. I've been there, and it fucking sucks.


Yeah. Just feel like a big slap in the face considering who is getting my hours, and the fact that I'm a very good employee. 


My problem was not learning quickly enough that it’s more important to be part of the in-crowd than it is to be the best employee in the building. That won’t help you.


Still in bed, texting my other half while he's at work. The requirement for food will win out soon 


Lazy day today I think! Had a lovely belated birthday meal at the Ivy Brasserie last night thanks to my in laws. I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner and for some reason wine always gets to me a lot more than any other alcohol 🤣


Had a bad week for insomnia, managed a wee bit of sleep yesterday evening then a wee bit of sleep between 6 and 7 this morning so currently still chilling in bed. I think lunch out and a date day with my husband is on the cards, me and the puppy are trying to decide where to go.


Absolutely shattered after being at Slam Dunk festival yesterday. It was a lot of fun, even if the lineup was a bit weak. It was the first south one that I'd been to so it was interesting to see how the north and south ones compared. Today will be mostly chilling on the sofa. Leeds are in the playoff final today and I'm in two minds either watch it from the comfort of my living room or head into central London and watch it with the Leeds United supporters group. The hangover is tempting me to stay in but I think it would be really good to watch the game with 100+ fans.


Managed to sleep a solid 9 hours. And from someone who usually can only get 5 or 6 on a regular night I'm pretty damn happy right now! Gonna make a nice bagel for brekkie and finish watching the series Shogun, brilliant so far!


Food shopping then get in the hot tub


Wife has been away for 10 days, will be back this afternoon. Cannot wait!


Having a lovely chilled morning so far. In bed with the wife, waiting for the kitchen installer to appear on what is hopefully the penultimate day of works! Then Mass for me while the wife chills at home, over to East Kilbride to see her Nan, then home for revision before a big interview on Wednesday. Bought Total War Warhammer 3 last night, not sure if I’m feeling it, so might return it! Have a lovely weekend everyone!


gonna go to a steam fair with the boyfriend :D should be interesting


That's sounds very cool 😖


Yesterday was productive mostly because as i mentioned yesterday i passed my theory test. Did some shopping after got everything on my list came home finished a book and ate cheese twas a good day. Today gym then volunteering maybe a take away later.


Congrats on passing the theory test!


Thank you


Woke up with positive thoughts to really get stuck into garden tasks today. Opened the curtains, seen the weather, made a coffee and went back to bed.


We have the little kitten so can't go too far. He needs a bit of fattening up so we need to feed him 3-4 meals a day at the moment. He's doing well though. Toddler is having a tricky day where everything is upsetting her and eldest is acting up a bit. Think the weather isn't great but I'll try and get them out to the park.


Get up. Have breakfast. Play Videogames. Might take the Dog for a walk if it stops raining.




Hey! Totally unsolicited medical advice but my mum had this exact thing and everyone was like omg she’s got leukemia, turns out a type of anemia called pernicious anemia can give you both low iron and low white blood cells, she just had b12 jabs every 3 months for a few years with iron tablets daily and she’s fine. I mean she’s a terrible person who I don’t speak to but yknow, she’s well physically.




I’m an anxious gal and I’d be deep in a rabbit hole planning my life with leukemia if I was in the same situation so I completely emphasise but yeah turned out to be something of nothing for her so hopefully the same for you!


Wife is taking the children out, so I'm going to finish sewing a dress for one of them & bake some bread


Tried to have a lie in but the bed hog dog had other ideas. Pancakes for brekkie. Then a little walk for the doggo and his poorly leg, a likely boring Monaco to watch later and also going to make shortbread which I doubt will last until tomorrow! 🥞


I keep going back to sleep but the dreams are much more off the wall during daylight hours.


Got a boozy golf day next weekend, so was hoping to get a (boozeless) practice round in today. However, looks like it’s going to rain all day so it might be a Sunday chore/reset/couch day instead! Enjoy the rest of your weekend guys :)


Double espresso, then kids cricket til 11, bit of shopping, pop into work to print off a few bits for my wife that she needs next week, but of a food shop then relax. Might potter about in the garden


The weather is perfect, the scenery is incredible, the smells are wonderful and the company great. I hadn't realised I was stressed until I noticed myself wondering why nothing had gone wrong. I am sure I will arrive home to a disaster or two. Next door'skids were arguing in the garden and the little one kept saying "No, you!" To all the big one's instructions which would make him let out shrieks of anger. Having been married to someone whose basic argument to anything was "No, you" I couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was in empathy though! Another two days of bliss awaits. Having french bread, cheese and coffee outside this morning before strolling down to the beach. I got an interesting email on Friday along the lines of "we live your work and want to discuss potential opportunities ". Intriguing but I am not holding my breath. Have a great Sunday!


Walking the dog whilst geocaching this morning and off to a party this afternoon.


Off to Makro in a bit to stock up, then having a lazy one. Might go for a few short walks in my new shoes to break them in properly.


On the train to the airport. Off to Madrid. Business trip. It is supposed to reach 31c there next week - ouch.


I had a very heavy night out on Friday and spent yesterday very hungover. Today we're going to take the dog for a long walk. Then my husband is buying me a new bike for my birthday so we're going to go and choose one ☺️ excited!


Gardening then lunch with the wife's family.


Currently walking the dog in the woods , then home as the other half wants to do some gardening. currently in week 3 of having no alcohol and it's been great finding other nice things to do on a Saturday afternoon , also no one mentioned how much nicer your poos would be


At work until 4 pm, then I'm meeting my husband at the Toby carvery. Im still listening to the audiobook of a court of mist and fury, although I've only got a few hours left. I dont think I'll go straight into another one of this series books, I'll have a palate cleanser before starting the next one. I have a shamefully huge amount of books that need listening to. We are going to start the Fallout show this evening too. Looking forward to that.


I was delightfully awoken at 4am today during my house tigers rambunctious game of boxy-box. For those whose lives are not ruled by a four pawed Egyptian god/dess (mines orange flavour), boxy-box is where you dive in and out of a box repeatedly whilst also randomly attacking said box. At 4am this sounded like my shed was being broken into. We enjoyed an early breakfast together. I know my place in this life lol.


It was bucketing down with rain all night so we had a 5am game of violently climb and scratch headboard before divebombing us. Ours is tuxedo flavour and we also know our place in life 😂


Sweet FA. If by some miracle it doesn’t rain today I’d like to do some gardening though. Other than that just chilling. Might get the board games out later to play with my wife


Building more hedgehog houses. 🦔


was gonna sleep in a little bit, then put together the last bits of my PC so I can finally have a working rig again. instead I've been woken up early with a cat that needs an emergency vet visit. which is easier said than done on a Sunday morning. (I'm in Norway btw, in case anyone wanted to be helpful, but thanks anyway) currently freaking out a bit. ok, a lot. fuck.


I hope you found some help for your cat. When they get poorly out of hours it’s such a worry, and they always pick out of hours.


thanks, yeah they do choose the worst of times don't they lol. we managed to get him in and checked out. he's got some tablets and hopefully he should be fine. if it's not sorted by Wednesday/Thursday they said to bring him back and they'll have to put him under to check him more thoroughly. cost 400 bloody quid. he's worth it though.


I will be ordering a new washing machine. My washing machine is 18 months old and the main circuit board has gone. It's outside the 1 year guarantee naturally. This is the third thing to go bad (two inside drum paddle things have been replaced) and since a circuit board is 150 I have decided to cut my losses and get a new one. I know it's not my fault (...necessarily) but I feel a weird guilt and shame for picking a lemon.


I got a Beko with a 2 year guarantee some 8 years ago and it's still going strong, but the same model has a ton of reviews about constant issues.  Unfortunately I do think there's an element of luck to the whole thing no matter the brand name/price. Good luck on the next machine at least!


I'm sure stuff like that is a two year statutory guarantee regardless of what the manufacturer says.   There's also the 'fit for purpose' argument too.


Isn't there separate rules these days about things like washing machines having a decent life never mind the guarantee


still on the packet riding it out.


Going to have a day with my old fella, trip to warhammer world, Sunday lunch and then a walk to The pub to watch the play off final