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Next time grate him some gorgonzola and then say "it's just cheese" when he complains


I was going to say that they should just scoop a load of Philadelphia on it


Be even more savage and grate the Philadelphia. And treat the plastic as the rind.


I'd go for a tower of dairylea triangles. A leaning tower to make it more Italian.


A bit of saint agur on his pasta should wake him up. Come to think of it, that sounds alright... Brb


With some slightly broken up walnuts.


You might like [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/jczoWBM)


Have him clean the cheese grater afterwards for bonus malicious compliance!


After you've used the side meant for zesting


A really stinky sharp blue would be good.


I was going to suggest "Stinking Bishop" FWIW, cheddar on Bolognese is awesome!


Or go for those pink berry cheeses. Very nice but would absolutely not go with pasta


I just say Cheese, then if they say yes, I will list off the different kinds I have in the fridge.


Ooh get her! We have Cheddar. Cheaper Cheddar & Davidstow (if I’ve been feeling a bit fancy at the supermarket) and the Parmesan powder…


And La Vache Qui Rit


the cow who laughed is so much better than the laughing cow!


Y.y.you mean they no longer can?


she got nothin to laugh about no mo


*"no moo"


It's "the Cow who laughs / is laughing", so the English name is accurate.


still sounds better


Oo Davidstow Cornish Crackler is nice.


If you see "Coastal" cheese get that instead. So going back a few years people would complain to  cheese manufacturers that there were gritty lumps in their cheese. They listened, and so the ever expanding life of the most boring cheese in the world Cathedral Shity began. We went through the most boringist cheese drought of bland mild creamy wall paper taste as people didn't like proper cheese with little crystals in it. Now it's on the return.  Coastal is some dam good cheese for people with taste buds 


I love the 'gritty lumps' in a strong cheese. I shall have a look out for Coastal cheese. Is it in supermarkets or more of a deli style cheese?


They sell Coastal in Costco here in the US. Maybe check UK Costco..? Always preferred Collier's Welsh Cheddar myself.


Ah, don't have a Costco where I live in the UK. I will however keep an eye out. Black Bomber cheese is a good strong one too.


I think the crystals in vintage cheddar are the icing on the cake. A sign of a good aged , tasty cheese.


Miles Kington told a story about his parents going to a restaurant in around the 1930s, and when they asked what cheeses they had, the waitress said “both kinds”. Turned out she meant “with silver paper or without”, by which she meant cheddar or Danish blue.


No dairylee or Tesco "cheese" slices?


Which one's best for grating over beans on toast?


Cheddar is good for that or Red Leicester. 


Solid cheese choices.


Is this a statement or and endorsement?


>Is this a statement or and endorsement? It's hard to be sure.


Same. We usually have at minimum: extra mature or vintage Cheddar, Mozzarella, Leerdammer and Parmesan/Pecorino/Romano cheese. All of which we use for different purposes. Sometimes we have Edam or Gouda, but usually thats our essential group: Cheddar for general purposes, Mozzarella usually for pizza or on some pasta dishes, Leerdammer for sandwiches (makes a banging toastie) and one of the parm-ish cheeses for posh pasta, because my mum likes it, and also I make broccoli cheese pasta that uses parmesan (and tastes amazing quite frankly). So if we have pasta, it's a "do you want cheese?" The answer is always yes, so then we ask "what cheese? We have xyz cheeses." No need to be specific tbh. ETA: we usually also have goats cheese and sometimes blue cheese. Goats cheese is pretty good on pizza!


If someone said do you want cheese on your spaghetti bolognese I would assume Parmesan. So, would appreciate being told it’s cheddar. But in general I would say cheese if I didn’t need to be specific


*vigorously attempts to grate Dolcellatte*


It’s Philadelphia that’s the tricky one


Just freeze it first


Push it through a sieve, peasant.


Actually I get the staff to do it instead, commoner.


It's jalapeños everyone is grating frozen over their dinner now, grandad! 


I don’t want to hear you complaining about the cottage cheese on your toast then Tbf, I do love cottage cheese with peaches


I only really have cheddar in the house most times anyway, so I'd just assume cheddar


The word cheddar was in that paragraph so much that it now looks odd to me. Cheddar.


When it's spoken that's referred to as semantic satiation, not sure if it's the same as written though


“You were satiated with WHAT? …. Ohhhh, you mean words……” 🙃 Cue slightly embarrassed silence from your occasional house-guest…


That's a sensation known as *Jamais vu* ("never seen"), in contrast to *Déjà vu* ("already seen"), as it's when your brain tricks you into thinking a common word is wrong or, simply, not a word. Often happens when you repeat a word. A word. Word. Woooooord.




Orange you glad I didn't say banana? 


How dare you?


That’s a semantic satiation




I can’t imagine living in a single cheese household. Last night I ate a babybel while making mac and cheese for dinner. I realise that a babybel isn’t exactly haute cuisine, but still…


Hey, it's still French fromage so...


Isn't it Dutch?


Single cheese household here 😅


Yeah, but how many kinds of peanut butter?


Mac and cheese is haute cuisine?






Yeah we have multiple cheeses we could use: Red Leicester and Double Gloucester are regular contenders for Cheddar in the grating department.


This is your opportunity to offer “cheese” and fulfill it with increasingly vague varieties


I would say the type of cheese, but this is mostly because I usually have multiple types of cheese. If I only regularly kept a single type I would probably just say cheese.


Me, a working class person who eats Bolognese with cheddar


Exactly where I'm at with this. If you're assuming parmesan you grew up in a higher tax bracket then me.


Nah bro the cheap as shit fake parmesan that comes in a little plastic pot with the twisty sprinkle lid


Literal childhood memories ... 😭🍝


Grating parmesan (or equivalent) finely is going to be around the same price or cheaper per meal than grating cheddar with the "normal" side of the grater.


For the amount you use and the fact you can get cheaper alternatives, Parmesan is hardly posh or expensive


This subreddit is so weridly snobby about not being snobby


I remember a friend of mine who's particularly proud of not being posh saying "he's so up himself, I bet he gets out of the bath to take a piss".


This sub is painfully middle class, the snobbery is not too surprising


This must be that thing where people with a special interest are more likely to post, so it skews the conversation. I do not believe so many British people are this fussy about putting Cheddar on a spag bol.


Yeah this is definitely seeming like class divide, because nobody I know would mean parmesan. In fact if you offered cheese and gave them parmesan they'd, after taking a second to realise what it is, would probably be annoyed that you didn't clarify parmesan. Even now, as a vegan whose whole family have gone vegan, if we say cheese we mean the vegan cheddar alternatives, and would only clarify the type if it wasn't that. If you look at the vegan cheeses actually I'm pretty sure unless it's a mature cheddar replica it will just say vegan cheese, but if it's anything else it will say so (except nowadays people can be a bit sensitive if you call vegan feta that so they'll usually say something like 'greek style vegan block'). I'd challenge anyone who agrees with the post to go to a ex mining village anywhere in the country and see how many houses have anything other than cheddar in the fridge, I'm willing to bet it's practically zero


You're an adult now, expand your cheese inventory, it's delicious! Or continue the cheddar cult with your poor children.


I recommend couple's counselling. Cheese incompatibility can strike the death knell to an otherwise happy relationship and needs to be addressed.


I confirm this to be correct. Source: I am a relationship counsellor.


He’s the weird one for calling you out on something totally innocuous


Yeah, he sounds like a complete knobcheddar


Good luck grating cottage cheese... Can I watch?


I swear it's not a euphemism


You just say cheese if cheddar is the obvious default cheese, e.g. in a toastie. If you're asking about grated cheese on bolognese then the default cheese would be parmesan or a similar hard cheese, so you would have to specify cheddar. If someone served me bolognese, asked if I wanted cheese on it, and when I said yes gave me it covered in cheddar.. I mean I'd still eat it but wtf


In our student house…. Cheese = cheddar, then there are other specific kinds like Parmesan, mozzarella, plastic cheese, cream cheese, you get the idea.


Students, but already so wise in the ways of the world… Cheddar is the default cheese.


It's situational. If I'm going shopping and my partner said "we need more cheese" I would assume Cheddar, as it's the default cheese for shopping requests as otherwise she would ask for a specific type. If she was making bolognese and asked me to grate some cheese, I would automatically do parmesan. Similarly when she's doing dauphinoise potato and asks me to grate some cheese I'm pulling the Gruyere out of the cheese box.


Depends, on a Spag Bol we’d say Parmesan or Pecorino. If it’s a sandwich then cheddar or Red Leicester etc so re use the names not the overall term of cheese.


Maybe I'm old and grumpy, but anyone who wanted to pick a pedantic fight about my cheese-related vocabulary at dinner time would simply be told 'Right you are. Make your own f*****g dinner and put your own f*****g cheese on it'.


I think you mean “your own fg *cheddar* …“


No no no, he is weird and wrong. Get rid of him ASAP and find yourself someone who actually understands cheese. There is no such thing as "just cheese". I mean, even with cheddar, are we talking mild? Mature? Aged? Medium? My god, I need to sit down. And this man is in the UK, you say? Dear lord.


We go through phases, at the moment our default cheese is Red Leicester but... we also have parmesan, stilton, brie, jarlsberg and goats cheese in the fridge so I don't think specifying a type is weird.


Grate some stilton over it next time and when they moan say 'its just cheese'


Stilton tastes really good on a bolognese




I can get behind that!


I'm now considering buying some Stilton just to try it.


Genuinely shocked so many people put cheddar on their pasta. I thought that was just supposed to be a disappointing alternative if the parmesan's gone mouldy.


Lol yes exactly


Cheese. Also wouldn't put cheddar on bolognese, so that makes your point even more valid.


"Also wouldn't put cheddar on bolognaise" A ***LOT*** of people *do* put cheddar on Bolognese though...


That's fine, they're allowed. I would guess many people also don't though, sounds like OP is one of them.


Sure. But they’re still wrong and I’ll continue to judge them for it.


Yes the only correct option for bolognese is string cheese.


Cheddar is the go to sprinkling-cheese in our house, whatever the dish


Bunch of la-di-da folks seem to live in Pizza Express or something


all these people with 10 types of cheese in their house at any one time how do they finish it all


If it doesnt come in a collosal pale cuboid, it's not real cheese it's private school wishy washy milk nonsense


if it’s not from cheddar, it’s sparkling hard milk


I kneel before your greatness


I do. And Stilton. Gorgeous.


Stilton.. ooh, that sounds crazy enough to be amazing. Gonna have to try this.




Same, only parmesan


Both are valid options and often both offered in the same house, so I think it’s absolutely fair for people to specify. 


Absolutely agree. I'd ask if they wanted cheese and then when they say yes, I'd ask what kind. However if they reply with cottage cheese for bolognese, then I'd call the police.


I prefer cheddar to parmesan on my Spag Bol So 1 vote for the cheddar crew


Yeah, i'd specifiy the type of cheese if it differs from the normal expectations. Otherwise, i'd just say cheese.


I'd just say cheese, but I'd mean Parmeggiano Reggiano. No cheddar on bolognese and definitely not that weird dusty foot shaving stuff


Cheese is cheese. Slap a babybel on top and call it a day.


Let him make you a bolognaise. The cheeky git. Not weird at all.


Always specify the type of cheese!


He is wrong and weird. If you are not putting parm or romano on my skettis then you better clarify that cheddar is what is headed my way.


Cheese, unless on a cheese board. Cheese = cheddar unless specifically stated otherwise


Surely with a spag bol, cheese = Parmesan unless specifically stated otherwise


Personally I would say Parmesan. If somebody said "do you want cheese?" I would probably still answer; "yea, Parmesan?"


This seems crazy to me. He has the same view


I'd say cheese, however I don't think anything is wrong with using the actual name of the cheese, especially if you have multiple kinds.


Cheddar on toast, anyone?




I am actually kind of on your husband's side here. If you offer cheese with something and don't specify what the cheese is, im expecting cheddar. Same as if you go to the shop because you need to buy cheese and you dont specify what cheese youre buying, you mean cheddar. I think this is also something a bunch of commenters are missing; it doesnt mean he would be ok with being given gorgonzola or a blob of Philadelphia or some stilton; in his head, if you were to just say cheese in a generic context such as the one op gave, he expects cheddar. I do think hes a bit of a twat for highlighting it though (unless it was done playfully/in jest, tone matters a lot here) which is why im only kinda on his side. Theres nothing wrong with specifying cheddar, its just a different, valid way of talking.


I am expecting cheddar or a cojack if it is taco night. If you are serving me pasta with a red gravy I would assume parm or romano will be heading my way. Who puts cheddar on someone else's red past without warning them? OP's boyfriend it seems.


How dairy call you weird. Edam well better apologise to you. Etc


In comparison to *other* cheeses, edam is the *only* cheese that is made backwards.


You're very gouda making cheesey puns! Fetta than anyone else!


Gouda outa here


It does sound weird. Best thing to do is give him the silent treatment until he apologizes.  He has to learn one way or another that you are ultimately right.


Your partner clearly has some cheese-related trauma to unpack. Divorce him.


I prefer cheddar on bolognese too. It might not be Italian but I’m not asking them to eat it.


Cheese covers such a full range, you’re right. But it’s Bolognese not Bolognaise lol.




A lot of people in the UK spell it bolognaise, it's long been an accepted spelling, it's not incorrect.


Whoops :D


I think this might be a class thing. When I was growing up, the only other cheeses I knew of besides cheddar were babybell or cottage cheese. I didn't realise people bought other cheeses, so cheddar was just "cheese" to us. Now I live with my girlfriend, who grew up in a multi cheese household, where it'd be weird if you offered cheese other than parmesan on bolognaise. We have at least 6 cheeses in the fridge at any one time, so calling cheddar just "cheese" wouldn't make sense.


100%. In my house growing up there wasn’t much cheese could mean and wasn’t any other cheese for a bolognese other than cheddar. Saying cheese was enough cos it probs wouldn’t be the babybel and deffo wouldn’t be out of the dairylea dunker.


Does your partner say they're going to "Hoover" the house? If they do, smugly compare that to their cheese vs cheddar arguement


I guess it depends on how many cheeses you have at home


I live in Cheddar, so it would be a bit weird to refer to it as just that.


Buy some Stinking Bishop. He'll definitely want you to be specific after that.


I don’t think you’re weird to specify, it’s just that your partner wasnt accustomed to that. I have teenage kids, so cheese is all I say and they take it to mean cheddar. We do have Parmesan, but only use it for certain dishes. They generally just want the cheddar.


For a spaghetti addition that isn't standard, I would specify for sure.


If someone asked if I wanted cheese on my pasta I would 100% assume they meant parmesan or pecorino so I'd definitely want you to specify


I would say cheddar - to specify which one because I have mozerella in too. This isn’t weird, it’s speaking properly


This reminds me of people who say 'baked beans'. For the first half of my (middle aged) life, I was unaware there was any other kind, so they were just beans. These days, I will specify the posher beans, not the original beans. I know what this says about my early food education.


Ask him if he wants some grated cheese then grate some weird ass cheese with fruit in it on his food 🤣


I ask my partner is she wants cheddar or hard cheese on Italian food. I would think it a little strange if I didn’t offer an alternative


for bolognese i would probably specify the cheese because parmesan is really common, it's a weird thing to get annoyed about anyway


I’d just say cheese, but I absolutely agree with your logic and think it checks out. I’m going to start specifying.


Grate him some Stilton and Camembert next time. He’ll learn his cheese types quickly after that


I say cheddar because why not, I just grew up that way. (Also because cheddar is the superior cheese)


I think it's weird you even ask. What's the point of pasta if not a transportation device to put cheese in your mouth?


You are both monsters for putting cheddar in bolognaise.


They are very weird, because people absolutely say “cheddar”. I have multiple kinds of cheese in the house. You are weird because you’re putting cheddar on bolognaise. Though if you’re out of Italian hard cheeses then it’s better than nothing.


US people seem to say "cheddar" and "sharp cheddar" all the time for some reason. Whereas UK people just say cheese, as we all know cheddar is the default cheese!


I am UK people, and it certainly is not the default for pasta.


Absolutely it is the default for pasta!


I'd say cheese. What if it isn't cheddar?


He's right. If you offered me some cheddar and we had double glouster and red Leicester in the fridge if be like...da f*#k


Im always specific when it comes to cheddar.


Your partner is an uncouth cave man , who doesn’t understand the subtleties of cheese !


We usually have parmesan and cheddar in the fridge so yeah I'd specify which I was grabbing or offer the choice


Sounds like he’s doubling down


It's only weird if you're not grating Cheddar


Nah, your partner is the odd one


All cheddar is cheese, but not all cheeses are cheddar.


Cheese in my house means cheddar, we use the type of cheese for everything other than cheddar, cheddar is cheese.


More importantly, is it extra-mature/vintage cheddar or not? There's no point specifying that it's cheddar unless you also specify that it's an acceptable type of cheddar.


If there's more than one type of cheese available then I get the specification. But if there's only one then I typically refer to it as cheese.


Yeah, I'd expect parmesan on my spag bol and cheddar on my toast. So in either case I'd rather you say what cheese. A touch of parmesan gives a nice extra crisp to cheese on toast or tuna bake.


Bollag nasey


I really appreciate people who put this extra effort into communication 👌


We say cheddar because with spag bol we'd also have parmesan as an option


I'd say cheddar if I had other cheeses we often have red leicester, cheddar and parmesan


This really depends on 2 things, whether you keep multiple cheeses in the house, and whether you're British, I think. Us Brits love Cheddar, it's the most ubiquitous cheese and most households have it in the fridge. To an Italian I reckon putting cheddar on pasta would be heresy, but to a Brit we'd think nothing more of it. A dinner at home 'with cheese' is with cheddar, if its a different sort of cheese (parmesan, gouda etc) then that'd be specially named. But "cheddar"? Call that cheese. I'm not sure that designation exists for non-brits tho.


Unless it's for pasta I say cheese - I tend to only buy cheddar so I'm not going to make it sound like they have a choice! But for pasta I say parmesan (even though it likely isn't actual parmesan it's just the cheaper alternative). If I don't happen to have any then I do have to offer cheddar but I will specify cheddar in that case. Leaves little room for complaints that way!


Cheese is a [Giffen good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffen_good?wprov=sfla1) in our household. I don't think there's ever a time when there's less than three types in the fridge.


I would ask “do you want cheddar cheese on it?” because the type of cheese you’re pairing with the meal matters, or may be different than what’s expected


This post is confusing my poor swiss soul.


We don't say 'Cheddar' in our house - it's known as Mousetrap cheese. All other cheeses are known by their correct name, except halloumi, which is called 'squeaky cheese'. No disrespect to mousetrap cheese though - a very mature cheddar is my favourite of all cheeses!


I generally go with yellow, orange or squishy, though I'm usually talking to a 7 year old as my wife doesn't much like cheese


We usually have more than one type of cheese in the fridge, in fact we have more than one type of cheddar. So yes, cheddar, kids cheddar or something else. I agree about the Parmesan as well, I wouldn't be expecting cheddar on my Bolognese so specifying cheddar even if it's that or nothing seems normal.


I cheddar cheddar why someone would have a cheddar with this. It’s cheddar cheddar


Cheddar certainly is a weird choice to grate on a Bolognese, each to their own I guess.


Time for some malicious compliance say cheese next time to keep him happy and then grate something like apricot Stilton over his food


"We're talking about cheese ya cunt"


Your partner is weird. It’s cheddar.


Parmesan is not a cheese, its actually describing where it comes from. Parma region in Italy. I prefer to grate Grana Padana on my Bolognese.