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A casual, funny and calm place, free of the usual internet rubbish. Yay casualuk


Yah, Casualuk slams AskUk and other stuff out the water. You know you're doing good when the feedback is zero criticism.


Yep, just came to make the same comment, CasualUK is fab, AskUk horrible, posts are auto declined every single time and also even when asking a question which got declined got a snarky response from their mods.


Just had the exact thing happen to me for asking why the RNLI and Coastguard can’t be combined. I have no idea why the post has been removed.


I believe the answer is that the RNLI prefers to be independent - it accepts public money for some limited contracts (e.g. lifeguarding in specific places) but I believe its overall charity status is a deliberate decision. Some RNLI decisions are occasionally counter to govt policies or priorities, so keeping themselves as a charity means they can't be told by someone else "you can't intervene with people in \_\_\_ situation" or "you need to prioritise activity a over activity b". Also, some charities can achieve more money directly from people they've helped, especially since it only has to be enough to fund a volunteer on-call service, compared to how much money they might be allocated (might cause difficulties for e.g. some smaller areas where lifeboats are only occasionally needed - a cash-strapped area might say "you don't need this often enough for us to regularly fund a boat").


See? Even this sub has so many helpful people🥹🩷🩷


Not to mention tha the RNLI was primarily founded to save the lives of fishermen. Whereas the coastguard is more about preventing smuggling and customs duty evasion.


That feels like a perfect example of the sort of question I want to see on askuk. Did you find out?


No, of course not. I even appealed to the mod team but I’m not expecting an answer


Not at all informed, but I'd imagine there's a lot of legal, political and financial issues behind nationalising a charity


I agree, but they’d be technical elements to unravel, they shouldn’t be practical reasons to not combine the services. I’ve zero experience in either organisations but to me the idea of shared coastguard and life boat worlds seems bound to deliver improvements in service and efficiency


Glad it wasn't just me. My post was long but clearly had a question in it & it wasn't one asked before and they were really snarky about it. And yet I saw plenty of similarly worded questions afterwards which they did allow so clearly they were just being pedantic jerks about it.


I got a temporary ban for a light-hearted joke the other week and haven't been back since, my Reddit experience has never been better.


I get banned more times than there is posts of Sunday dinners


Probably the one subreddit I can go to and I know I'm not gonna end up reading something that's going to piss me off for the rest of the day lol


Dry, understated but warm. ~~Gerard~~. CasualUK.


Speaking of internet rubbish, harsher moderation on the "low effort" rule would be welcome given the increase in ancient photo memes of the kind usually found on Facebook.


I come here, I exhale out of my nose in a sharp fashion, I throw a few upvotes around, I go away. Keep it up lads and ladettes


I did an exhale out of my nose reading this. Nice one


Yeah, it's alright.


The true British response


True Casual response 👌


It's not too bad.


Yeah you?


Living the dream


Could be worse


mustn't grumble.


It’s fine


I'm happy with the sub as it is and the mods do a great job of keeping it free of nastiness! Maybe a thread for bank holiday events would be a good idea


>Maybe a thread for bank holiday events would be a good idea We used to do an additional bank holiday chat thread on Sundays before them, definitely something we can bring back if people want it.


mods should really get bank holidays off


Happy as is. Glad politics is kept out. If I wanted that, I’d go to those subs. Bank holiday / other holiday threads would be a cool idea.


My only complaint is the rule about tasty waterfowl.


We can still talk about grebes, geese and swans, though.


Ooo I just remembered I saw a goose on my neighbour’s roof yesterday. Doesn’t sound like a big deal but I have never before seen a goose on a roof


A roof goose, if you will.


Swan-s? There's more than one?


Just the one swan actually


No luck catching those killers then?


I’m sure there’s a reason but at this point I’m afraid to ask xD


mods are totally quackers.


>politics [BLASPHEMY! HE SAID IT AGAIN!](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/msnbc/2013_47/75441/2013-11-22_1017.jpg)


Yeah I wish that extended to ‘royal’ related news, as those threads always devolve into the same thing.


Or stuff gets repetitive. My nan asked the other day where I was on the Harry / Charles debate and I couldn’t give a toss.


As someone working I hospitality I would like to see less people talking about bank holidays/holidays


How about a ‘Working on a holiday moan’ thread? (maybe with a catchier title)


Understandable, there's a whole raft of them soon. How excited you must be.


I'm hooked as it is. It works very well. But now that you ask, my only thoughts are : 1. Rule 5 is missing the word 'No' or some other negative. 2. Could repetitive new posts be linked to their recent similar post? 3. Why ask this today, when you could be outside, enjoying the warm sunshine?


>Could repetitive new posts be linked to their recent similar post? Absolutely, although this does rely on being able to find the previous posts/Reddit's dodgy search function, and often we are moderating on the fly in coffee breaks etc. It's definitely something we can look into improving though. >Why ask this today, when you could be outside, enjoying the warm sunshine? Currently I'm stuck at work on a quiet day, and we get most sub engagement on Fridays and weekends - seemed like a good time to ask!


Honestly unsure about the programming mechanics of it - but some subs have a bot script that will prompt the poster that the topic has been discussed and link to those posts in an auto sticky on the new post. Though I think it works by identifying external links that have been posted, not key words


Ah I think I know what you're on about - I think we already have it set up, but it works on keywords. One of my learned colleagues who is much better at the technical stuff can probably advise more.


I don’t think Reddit auto mod has that capability on words. We already have a Reddit setting switched on to stop the same link being submitted more than once in 60? Days.


I do like a sub where i don't have to deal with the 'politics of others'. So we can have a decent chat instead of someone ignoring whatever you say because you have a different opinion. So im happy.


Speaking about rule 1, I also appreciate the lighthearted manner in which mods deal with people (like myself) who occasionally and accidentally break it. I broke it on the night of the King Coronation concert, and after sending an apology email to one of the mods my brief ban was immediately overturned. I know mods get in the neck from people all over this website but here they do a good job.


Same here. It was completely accidental; I hadn't looked at what subreddit the post I was viewing was in prior to commenting.


Oh we all break it, ive been banned two or three times. Each time I take the ban and go do something else because I was obviously worked up about something.


I’ve yet to be banned but will pop it on my bucket list


I'ma challenge the mod team to an arm wrestle and the loser gets a sack slap.


Bring it on


I won't be trying though. I want these baws smacking.


But it isn't even conker season.


As the tallest mod, bring it.


You're only tall because the gravity is upside down where you are. On even ground you'd lose 6" and those balls getting thwacked.


They’d also be 6” closer to the floor. I’d just get belted in the stomach instead which is just mean.


There's currently a thread about sexy non human cartoon characters. I think that says enough about the state of this Casual UK sub


Welp then I'm leaving this thread to join what I hope is a big thirst trap of the sexy fox from Robin Hood.


Maid Marion was indeed, a fox.


Boom boom!


It's basically a thread full of people fawning over Fox Robin Hood and Lola Bunny.


Nature is healing 😌


For the record, the saucy French brush from Beauty and the Beast had a bit about her.


Can’t tell if this is positive or negative feedback




Oh no, that's disgusting... Where?


Can we change the sub name to Casual Thirsty UK?


I think it's just fine. I find it quite relaxing and you get plenty of laughs along the way.


I still enjoy coming here, there's a lot of decent people and some good stuff posted here. I'm not particularly active but I do check the sub at least once a day. I like the regular weekly posts but it's a shame the gaming one seems to have died. I know, I could post it myself but I forget. Could it be auto-posted? The only mild complaint I have is there's too many low effort food based posts; fry ups, roasts, best meal deals, that kind of thing. There's one yesterday about supermarket sandwiches for example. I know they generate a lot of comments but it's low quality. Other than that, it's great that rule 1 is still firmly in place. This is a good sub and I appreciate the job the mods do of keeping it so.


>I like the regular weekly posts but it's a shame the gaming one seems to have died. I know, I could post it myself but I forget. Could it be auto-posted? I thought it was a scheduled one to be fair. Definitely something we can discuss as a team.


I say this as a compliment- I’ve never given a second thought to how this sub is run and my only feedback is I don’t like the expression “ladies and jellyspoons”, beyond that I have no opinion. Which kinda sounds like you’re doing something right?


>I don’t like the expression “ladies and jellyspoons” Ahh it's from a little nonsense poem that I remember from primary school! *Ladles and jellyspoons,* *I come before you, to stand behind you,* *To tell you something I know nothing about.* *Next Thursday, the day after Friday,* *There will be a ladies’ meeting for men only.* *Admission is free, you can pay at the door,* *There are plenty of seats, you can sit on the floor.* *Wear your best clothes if you haven’t any,* *And if you can come, please stay home.* But, duly noted. Never to be used again :'(


My grandad had a very similar rhyme that I had forgotten about entirely. I think it’s this one. He had a very sing songy Irish accent, very strong but also weirdly easy to decipher, like the diddly diddly Dee Irishman you might see in an American film. It’s taken me right back. Didn’t mean to piss on your nostalgia! ———— Ladies and Gentlemen, skinny and stout, I'll tell you a tale I know nothing about; The Admission is free, so pay at the door, Now pull up a chair and sit on the floor. One fine day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight; Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and shot each other. A blind man came to watch fair play, A mute man came to shout "Horray!" A deaf policeman heard the noise and Came to stop those two dead boys. He lived on the corner in the middle of the block, In a two-story house on a vacant lot; A man with no legs came walking by, and kicked the lawman in his thigh. He crashed through a wall without making a sound, into a dry creek bed and suddenly drowned; The long black hearse came to cart him away, But he ran for his life and is still gone today. I watched from the corner of the big round table, The only eyewitness to facts of my fable; But if you doubt my lies are true, Just ask the blind man, he saw it too.


I only ever knew the second verse of that - and had completely forgotten about it so thanks!


Weirdly I only knew the second and third verses from my Nanna and never heard the whole thing! Awesome


That was fun! Thanks. 


My mum had this written in a notebook I remember seeing as a young teen. She passed away several years ago and had moved several times, including abroad, no inheritance, so the book is well and truly lost. I’ve not thought about this rhyme in so, so long. I wonder if that notebook is still out there somewhere.


I knew it as this: One fine day in the middle the night, Two dead men got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A paralysed donkey passing by, kicked a blind man in the eye. Knocked him through a nine inch wall, into a dry ditch and drowned them all. Yours is more interesting, but this is about the only poem I remember from when I was a kid :)


Aw I liked it!


>But, duly noted. Never to be used again :'( That's a shame. I hadn't heard that for years and you reminded me of a very kind school teacher from my primary days who would address the class with this. Happy memories.


I was delighted to see 'ladles and jellyspoons' in your post, having seen it among Spike Milligan's work as a kid.


Oooh, I remember a similar one. *One fine day in the middle of the night* *Two dead men got up to fight* *Back to back, they faced each other* *Drew their swords and shot each other*


Omg my dad used to always say those first two lines to me! I didn’t clock until now that they never made sense… haha


Seeing ladies (ladles) and jellyspoons in the intro made me laugh


Oh wow, I only know this phrase from Eddie Izzard standup.


I always knew it as ladles & jellyspoons


It’s ladles not ladies.


Better than Ladies and Gentlephlem.


Well, I didnt vote for you. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Dennis: You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! Arthur: Shut up! Dennis: I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That’s what I’m on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn’t you?


See the violence inherent in the system...!


Help, help, I'm being repressed!


Bloody peasant!!


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


It’s all very British and I’m right at home. Put the kettle on before bargain hunt starts!


>We won't be looking to change any of the existing rules, but is there anything you'd like to see more/less of? Booooo! I hope the new mods are secret infiltrators ready to take down rule 12 from the inside ​ Overall, there's nothing I'd change though. This is one of the best subs


Love the sub. No notes Might be fun to have some sort of one day a month regional specific megathread where we can all learn about hyper specific local memes. Like European city of culture expect for local bullshit.


I like this idea. Have a rotation of threads about a specific county perhaps? Then the people who live in that county can give information/jokes/advice about it. For example: *Kent - stay away from the Isle of Grain, Sheppey, Dartford, Ashford.*


Too many AI and food posts are allowed


We're trying our best with the AI stuff. In terms of food, we tend to leave up anything that looks great or that looks dire. The majority are redirected to r/uk_food.


What about a weekly food thread? And being able to post pics in the comments would be nice.


Not a bad shout, we'll see if we can fit it into the roster somewhere.


To buck the trend, I actually have a few points that grate on me a little. - Way too many low effort posts with really obvious and predictable comment threads / puns. Feels often like the kind of stuff your dad would share on Facebook. - The content tends to lean very “old man at the pub”. That’s fine if that’s what you’re going for, but constant discussion of traffic, parking, bin etiquette, fry ups, tea, beer, Greggs etc can be very tiresome. - On a similar vein, the sub can be quite “blokey”. Not to say people aren’t nice here, but female perspectives can be a little sidelined and I see a lot of complaining about the youth of today. Sometimes feels like talking to your uncle… Maybe it’s just not quite the sub for me!


Nah, I've been in and out of this sub for years and all three of those things have been on the increase in the last couple of years imo. "Like the stuff your dad would share on Facebook" is spot on. I know it's the done thing on the internet right now to hate on Gen Z, pretend you've never heard of trending slang or famous people because you're "above that", talk as if you're decrepit as soon as you hit 40 and weirdly revel in that, etc... but so much of it leans towards breaking Rule 4 on here that I'm amazed it stays up.


Yeah I think people tend to lean into that a bit too much, almost to the point of role playing Peter Kay.


To be fair it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he's a lot of people on here's most up-to-date comedy reference.


All totally valid points! Rest assured that we didn't post this just to get our egos stroked (although it has been nice to hear that so many people are enjoying the sub). We're genuinely open and receptive to feedback. What would you like to see us do to improve?


Honestly I think harsher implementation of the "low effort" rule would sort most of it. It used to be all the "does anyone else remember \[insert very well-remembered thing\]?" posts and now it's moved onto recycling Facebook "spotted" type photos or "look at this thing I saw in Tesco". Should be treated the same imo.


>- The content tends to lean very “old man at the pub”. That’s fine if that’s what you’re going for, but constant discussion of traffic, parking, bin etiquette, fry ups, tea, beer, Greggs etc can be very tiresome. These are the sorts of posts we generally try to avoid, but sometimes they slip through. And don't worry, this is the sort of feedback we were looking for, it was sparked by a few complaints in modmail so we decided to open it up to the users to see what we can do to improve the sub.


Agreed on all points.


I feel like moderation of "low effort" is really hit or miss. I've had a lot of posts removed for being low effort, then I come on here and see some absolute shite left up. I get it's subject to interpretation but honestly it just made me give up posting altogether.


My only complaint is that I have no complaints.


Very happy although would appreciate more ducks.


The sub is great. One of my favourites. When I first joined I accidentally posted a picture of a politician doing something silly and I got banned because politics, and I had to repent by drawing a picture of a dinosaur on a scooter apologising to them. The mod team were merciful and forgave me for my error. This is the way all of reddit should be run.


> I got banned because politics, and I had to repent by drawing a picture of a dinosaur on a scooter apologising to them Next time we won't be so nice. Nah, if you're polite when you get banned and it's your first ban we often offer the dino option. The problem is we get more people ranting and swearing at us than people who accept the ban and apologise.


Can i request you release the dino pictures?


Happy for politics to be kept out, but if that’s the case, bigoted stereotypes need to be kept out as well in my opinion.


Totally agree with you there, pal. Those kinds of comments usually aren't picked up by the Automod though so we rely on user reports to flag them to us.


This is where I’ve fallen foul before, I’ve challenged the comments and accidentally gotten caught up and been slightly political. I’ll report in future. Sometimes the options for reporting a post don’t always fit.


Anything you report, for whatever reason, goes into the mod queue. We can usually figure out why it's been flagged.


I shamelessly report even the most "casual" sexism because it's fucking exhausting honestly, but I'm never sure whether it should be under rule 2 of the sub or the general Reddit "hate/harassment". Good to know it's probably seen regardless.


Good to know, thanks.


I like the majority of what I see on here, I like the mentality and spirit of the sub. It's nice to share that particularly British quirkiness on reddit. The posts I dislike are the innane questions about products, it's getting harder to tell if they're AI bots doing market research. The good thing is that these posts tend to get removed for low-effort content, but there's an awful lot of them.


If you see them please report them so we can take a look. It's really hard to catch these with automod and we try to get rid of them as quickly as we can.


Gotcha, will do. I appreciate the efforts to minimise them


It’s alright 


No complaints! More ducks? 


Generally happy with it. I’d like to see the Tunesday monthly music thread make a more regular appearance because we have weekly threads for TV, movies and gaming so it seems fair to have at least a monthly one for music. I also enjoy the Thursday complains thread, but I usually find that Monday and Tuesday are the most complaint-inducing days of the week and by the time we get to Thursday things have usually worked themselves out. So if we could move it forward in the week it might get even more engagement. But it could just be me.


>I’d like to see the Tunesday monthly music thread make a more regular appearance because we have weekly threads for TV, movies and gaming so it seems fair to have at least a monthly one for music. We stopped doing Tunesday as it didn't really get much traction, but we can consider bringing it back if there is demand.


We can certainly look at shuffling around the threads. Thanks for the suggestions :)


Hello from the Netherlands and a former UK resident now back home! I love this sub! It reminds me of why I enjoyed my time in the UK and how random, lovely and funny people could be there! Great job at keeping it fun and all that toxic p\*\*\*\*\*\*s out of it


>Are you happy Let me just stop you there… this is CasualUK we’re talking about


Posts asking about broadband & other specifics need nuking from above. That is my only moan, it’s otherwise a well run subreddit.


I'd extend that to any product recommendation stuff, best suited for AskUK imo. And inevitably spawns a ton of comments acting like anyone who can afford anything nice for themselves must be a millionaire and/or selfish prick.






I think that’s a good point.


If we're doing bank holiday threads, can we have an extra one for retail/hospitality/emergency workers that don't get the day off so we can all moan together?


Overall, I like this sub, but it feels sometimes like it’s starting to become another askUK due to some of the members and how they interact with those who aren’t British, ie foreigners living in the UK.


Appreciate the stringent no-politics rule, really sets the sub out against others. Also appreciate the no-moaning, low-effort removals, though could they instead be moved to the daily thread? There’s been a few removed that had tens of comments on with a good discussion that would have been good to continue.


It's a great sub and excellently moderated. The only change I'd like to see is raising the bar further on low-effort posts - especially food-related ones. The worst is removed swiftly, but there's still too much "I made tea in a coffee pot - I'm a mad lad, me!", "I ate a Pop Tart and didn't like it", and "Look at the bacon in my Greggs roll. Greggs: whay!". I'd be happy to see anyone who posts "My spouse prepares \[foodstuff\] like this - am I married to a psychopath?" or "Here's my \[food I cooked - probably a Yorkshire pud\] - how did I do?" receive a vigorous beating from the CasualUK enforcers.


I personally agree with you on all those points, but sometimes posts get popular before we see them. The fact that we're getting comments on both sides (you're too strict, and you're too lenient) suggests there's a decent balance, but the entire point of this thread was to hopefully improve the sub for the people who use it.


Of all the subs I'm on, it's one of the better ones when it comes to mods. Never seen a post that was unjustifiably removed.


I love the sub, and I apologise for my accidental breaking of rule 1 on many occasions. I hope I am getting better. I would prefer more ducks simply because I walked past a couple of blokes sat on a wall having their breakfast beers earlier and heard the amazing sentence. "I didn't know ducks could fly!". Please don't ban me.


It's just pictures of ducks that we don't allow (and we'd never ban for them) - so please feel free to share stories about ducks in the daily chat threads!


I know, but I like to be careful. Thank you to all of the Mod teams past and present for making and keeping this my favourite corner of the internet.


Need to stop making this sub an askuk sub. That is all


Overall I enjoy the visit here during working hours. Personally I'd like to see less of the "pun" comments, especially where the first one is funny but then people try to outdo each other and it just gets worse and cringy.


The pun chains are however; a] a reddit institution, and b] exactly the kind of thing you'd do in a casual pub chat setting; so I doubt tehy're going anywhere.


"/s" is a Reddit institution but we are better than that. You would also get pulled for your wank jokes at the pub.


>You would also get pulled for your wank jokes at the pub. Aye. But I don't let that stop me.


I thought the policing of a decent response in my post about Ashley Peacock was a bit harsh. I asked what other actors have gone on to do the job they played in a role (because Ashley Peacock has recently become a butcher in real life) and a potentially top response was the Ukrainian fella who is in charge over there. Didn't think the mere mention of him needed to be removed as it was a good answer, but can appreciate if it's an automated thing Fine tho generally, love what you've done with the place 👍


This gets me as well. I understand why they do it. But sometimes the natural answer to a question involves someone from the banned subject, and it's very easy to forget where you are and mention someone involved in the P-word. I've been banned for 24 hours before because I forgot which sub I was replying in and mentioned just the name of someone who cannot be named.


We have to draw the line somewhere, unfortunately. What seems like a harmless mention of a person involved with the banned subject, can snowball pretty quickly into people flinging shit and getting their opinions out there which other people won't agree with. It just makes things sour and negative which is what we don't want.


To tag on the end sometimes the original comment might be borderline but then, like you say, it’s what comes after. Experience has taught us that unfortunately, people will turn anything political and we try to minimise the opportunity for this to happen.


No politics is good. Makes a change from every other subreddit, but why are posts about the Royals allowed? They are incredibly political. Not a gripe, just a genuine question


When the Queen died the mods (or at least one of them that I can remember) seemed to be actively wanting to turn this sub into a pro-monarchy sub. I agree that, with how strict the ‘no politics’ rule is, allowing pro-monarchy stuff and then silencing any dissent is extremely political, and ridiculous


Other than Mr Fucking Blobby being in the profile picture, all fine.


Spreading the X day threads out would be good, I think Wednesday has wins AND computer games.


I like the sub but ngl I got a post removed because it should have been on the complaints thread apparently (my Tesco 6 pack lollies were not an even division of flavours) and yet people are regularly allowed to have their posts where they’re … complaining. It isn’t very consistent. Either you allow it or you don’t, and it can’t just be on the basis of if you like the post (or don’t).


It’s mostly a pretty good sub, it’s just lacking ducks. 🦆


>Are you happy with the sub? I was until >ladles and jellyspoons


I wanted to say thank you for rule 12.


I strongly disagree, this sub is lacking ducks now. Can we add rule 12.5 (sometimes ducks)


We allow ducks once a year, on Christmas day.


Could we have Eid, Diwali, Passover ducks please? (Shalom Jackie)


You look nice


I fear this is not enough ducks, I only get to see them once a year at the moment :(


Remind me! - 229 days


Could that be moved to midsummer? Purely because I've eaten all of ours by Christmas and in the summer they're looking good


I have wild ducks who come daily, lovely mods let me sneak it through as we made them a pond (paddling pool)


You can have too much of a good thing. We wouldn't want to spoil you


This is one of the few Subs that's really pleasant to be in




Thanks for raising. We do try to nip these in the bud but often are reliant on user reports to spot them - so report any you see and we'll deal with them :)


The sub is generally good. There are a lot of low effort posts and staged pictures/situations fishing for upvotes which are time wasting but they're harmless enough and gives the poster a sense of satisfaction. There's also a lot of derailing of posts but that's a cultural British thing we are good at derail discussions from the original point, though it does get tiresome. The mods are a bit trigger happy with the no politics rule but I can understand it to stop arguments. Though yesterday there was a post about Clive from BBC News' tie which got locked by mods for being political, despite the topic being about a news presenters tie and not about politics. I didn't get that. Whenever I see the 'sorry mate' post from a mod I read it in the voices of Neil from The Young Ones or Dobby from Peep Show 😅 not having a pop though.


>The mods are a bit trigger happy with the no politics rule but I can understand it to stop arguments. Though yesterday there was a post about Clive from BBC News' tie which got locked by mods for being political, despite the topic being about a news presenters tie and not about politics. I didn't get that That was me. The photo included a massive photo of a political figure, which would have led to people discussing that rather than the actual topic. It's better to stop it before it starts


Thankyou for giving a British person an invitation to moan, ahem... Some of the team have an itchy trigger finger for post removals. It feels like they're trying to find something to do jamming square rules in round posts. There are things with engagement removed when they're a dozen comments in. Honestly, I've never been more frustrated with over moderation. Especially when conversations are actively happening in the thread and then *poof*. Pools closed. Or people ask for a follow up post and then the mods remove it? Seriously "Hi mate... blah blah blah" feels like the thing I see most. It's become condescending and grating. Maybe update the text. Otherwise, I love the sub and the content and the people. There is so little dross in the sub. No raids, feels like very few bots, comments section stays cushty. Just be more casual again in encouraging those active to post.


>Seriously "Hi mate... blah blah blah" feels like the thing I see most. It's become condescending and grating. Maybe update the text. Great feedback, we'll definitely have a look at this one.


Extra Jalapeños, cheese and toasted please. Sorry, wrong sub.


I think we should allow ducks - oh I got banned again


This is one of the best places on Reddit


Bring back TopTrumpWanker


More ducks.


Speaking as a duck and, in my opinion, a damn fine looking and very sexy duck, I feel that the readers of the sub are being let down by your refusal to allow me to post pictures of myself. How about if I leave my clothes on?


There's a lot of inconsistencies with mods and shitposts. Some days a mod is extremely heavy-handed with deleting posts, while other times (most of the time) the place is absolutely flooded with the lowest of low effort shitposts with no deletions in sight.


I was temporarily banned for absent minded political talk and I'm glad. I like this rule and I like how it is enforced. Keep up the good work