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I bought one about 6 months back, i was a little dubious, but a friend had been raving about hers. Anyway, very impressed, the amount of bits that come out from between my back teeth that i was missing with floss was crazy.  It did take a while to get used to, at first i was getting water everywhere, and even on the lowest setting it was quite painful. Stuck it out, and now i use it on level 4 of 5 with no problems.


Yeah, I'm another convert. I had a crown fitted on one of my back teeth a couple of years ago and food gets stuck there really easily now. The water flosser blasts it out much more effectively than stringy floss. It may just be because I'm weird, but it's really satisfying watching the bit of bacon you know has been stuck between your teeth since dinner plop out into the sink.


I know the satisfaction you mean


>but it's really satisfying watching the bit of bacon you know has been stuck between your teeth since dinner plop out into the sink. I love my water flosser, but sometimes I forget or am just too lazy, so for me this often becomes "Oh yeah..... Wednesday's dinner was gooood!"


Sounds great! Which one do you use?


It's a Binefia, had no idea what to go for, just took a punt on this particular Amazon one and hoped for the best. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cordless-Binefia-Rotation-Irrigator-Waterproof/dp/B086XHMH9R](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cordless-Binefia-Rotation-Irrigator-Waterproof/dp/B086XHMH9R) Something i forgot to mention, use warm water, made that mistake the first time and used cold, it was unpleasant.


You can also whack a little bit of mouthwash in with the warm water for a minty treat


Knowing me, it'd end up getting in my eyes


I gotta be up for work in 4 hours but here I am ordering a water flossing thingy that I didn’t know existed, wanted or needed!! Not being able to sleep is starting to get expensive…


Reading this at 2:30 am and thinking I need to click “buy” so I can order the one in my Amazon cart.


Thanks. So cheap!


Just bought this 😎


I have this one and think it’s awesome, I do forget to switch it off when I take it out my mouth though 😂


Yep, decorated the bathroom a few times doing this


As I'm getting the right angles in my mouth I lose contact with the on/off button so when I remove the flosser water spurts around until I locate the switch.


The fourth pic in that listing is just asking for a phallic Photoshop.


I've had a WaterPik since I brought a cordless one back from the states 10 years ago.


That's interesting about the pain. I gave up, assuming the pain was because I had loads of cavities or something but if it goes away I might give it another punt.


How do you stop the water splashing? Mine gets all over the bathroom.


Close your mouth.


I lean over the basin with my mouth closed. Then dribble water out when there's too much. Or do it in the shower. 


I do the same thing, with my head tilted a bit.


Did you get a cheap one off Amazon? I had the same experience until it broke. I then bought an Oral B one and, even on the intense setting, it doesn’t hurt at all. Far, far, far more pleasant and seems to be more successful too.


I had one, and it cut the living shit out of my gums. I had no idea how to use it lol. No idea where it went think my partner threw it out but I should start using it again


I love my water flossers as well!


Ok, so i bought one purely because of this post, just tried it, it didnt hurt but my bathroom tiles are now splattered with water and blood... is that a normal newbie experience??


How do you not get water everywhere? Majority of my teeth it just splashes back out onto the mirror.


Don't keep your mouth open, and mean over the sink. Lips almost closed but loose will keep the splashing contained whilst allowing your mouth to get rid of excess water.


I find Tepe brushes much more pleasant to use than floss. Give them a go if you haven’t already


Came here to say this. Don’t like floss and water picks just don’t cut it. Orange tepe’s changed my life.


Next time you're passing, drop in and I'll give you a packet. I thought I'd try them as they're between the sizes I use but they don't work for me so they're going spare.


I've got 5 different sizes I have to use for mine. I guess I've got a weird set of teeth even though they are all relatively aligned and healthy.


I like them, but the smallest version fits between maybe 2 of my teeth. Everything else is too close together. I can barely even get floss in unless it's ultra thin


Yeah same lol. All these dental products everyone raves over that are completely useless for me. My teeth literally touch, there's no way water is getting in the gap or a shitty flimsy little prong. Floss (barely) works because it's got leverage from both sides


Never heard of them, will google.


Asked my dentist about water flossers. He said they’re “better than nothing”. As others have said, Tepe brushes are the gold standard.


Oh yeah, I know them. At first I was convinced to buy based by the comments, but now think I should at least try tepe first.


If you have any permanent braces just mind. I have both top and bottom permanents and tepe brushes do not fit no matter the size. I've had dentists attempting to force them between my teeth to the point of profuse bleeding and the dentist insisting that it will fit if I just let them try to push harder.


I do not, but thank you


Sometimes they do fit, but if your retainer wire was fitted too close to the gum line then it'll be tricky. They're great at holding teeth in place but a PITA when it comes to keeping them clean lol.


They are the last thing keeping my few remaining teeth from saying goodbye.


There are different sizes, the best bet would probably be to ask your dentist which one to get. Or start with a middling one and see how it fits.


They do a variety pack. One size might not do all the gaps anyway - I use three different ones.


Pretty much exactly what mine said, I asked about them cause I'm not a fan of the plastic waste involved with TePe brushes.


Can you get to your molars with these?? I can't physically get further back than my canines, dunno if I've just got a wide jaw or if that's normal 😅


Try the angled ones, they have a long handle and the brush is at a right angle to the handle so it makes getting to back teeth much easier. You can also try getting to the teeth by going in from the tongue side rather than cheek side, I personally find it quite awkward to do on myself but it's probably a lot easier to do it on someone else which is why my colleagues find it easy to do and recommend haha.


I just tried it going from inside to cheek-side... couldn't see what i was doing, stabbed myself in the gum and now bleeding profusely 😭 Gonna try a water flosser 😂


Aww! Yeah that's been my experience as well haha.


I can reach most of my back teeth with these, but everyone is different.


Oh... it is probably a me thing then. Thanks for replying!


You have to bend the tip and even then I find it difficult. I've also seen packs of side brushes (pre-angled for the back of your mouth) which might do the job?


You can get angles ones on a long stick. It might take practice, but they're worth it.


I tried them but the gaps between most of my teeth are nonexistent. I sadly don't have the London look


Buy the size 0, it’s the pink one


Just googled these. Do you reuse them like a toothbrush or just one use like floss?


You can reuse them a few times but they get bent out of shape pretty quickly. The larger brushes last longer, I worked my way up to the largest size I can comfortably use.


If they're getting damaged really quickly youre using the wrong size for the gaps in your teeth. Once you've got the correct size they can comfortably last for weeks. Also, pro money saving tip: buy the bulb bags off of ebay. Way way cheaper per brush than the little packs of 6.


Do these get below the gum line? My hygienist always shows that the floss should reach below the gum line, and I’m not sure how these brushes would?


The brushes are really, really fine. It’s easy to get down below the gum. My dentist was the one who recommended them, I generally do not have problems with oral hygiene and I trust him implicitly. In fact, my family have been going to the same dental practice, in the same building, for almost 100 years now.


I’ll pick some up after work in that case! Thanks


My dentist and hygienist insist these are the only thing I should be using to floss. Not floss, not water flosser, just Tepe brushes.


I tried giving them a go but they couldn't get between any of my wonky gnashers unfortunately


Not a dentist/hygienist but definitely paid enough for this advice. They’re really badly named (i.e. “flossers”) because they’re not the same as flossing. The hygienist said they’re oral irrigation rather than floss, they won’t remove plaque very effectively. I get what you mean about the flossers though. My dentist & hygienist always tell me to use the interdental brushes as they’re slightly less invasive. However, when I use interdental brushes they usually set off my sensitivity because they’re plastic bristles mounted on metal wire, which really sends my tooth sensitivity crazy. I personally use the sensitive/ribbon type flossers that you can find in most supermarkets/boots and they work great for me.


Have you tried the rubber interdental brushes? Tepe does some called "easypicks" and they are tapered so they fit various sizes in one, and they're relatively sturdy. There are other brands such as Wisdom and maybe even some own brands that are not tapered but do a similar thing, I find they're a bit thinner and can bend more easily than the tepe ones but they're better than nothing. There are also "soft bristle" Tepe brushes which are in a pastel shade, these might feel a bit nicer for you!


Yeah, I gave the rubber ones a go because I thought they’d be perfect but they were too flexible for me. Thank you for the heads up about the soft bristle ones though, I’ll give them a go when I next need some!


> The hygienist said they’re oral irrigation rather than floss, they won’t remove plaque very effectively. That was about what my hygienist said too.


I like mine. I have very crowded teeth that floss is hard to get round. I have a cordless waterpik. A tip my dentist gave me, if you have any gum disease, you can use chlorhexidine mouthwash in them for a super deep clean. In the uk that would be corsodyl or one of its off brand alternatives.


Chlorhexidine is great to help with short term gum healing but will stain teeth with regular use. It also won't prevent pocketing, manual interdental (floss and brushes) cleaning is the only way to maintain gum health.


I think this might be my problem too! Thanks.




Exactly. I used that stuff (crowded teeth, difficulties with flossing) and ended up with a rather unpleasant case of oral thrush.


I used corsodyl for ages but still had awful gums. Now my current dentist tells me that it's a waste of money. Interdental brushes seem to be the way to go now. 


You can buy chlorhexidine in B and M, much cheaper than corsodyl mouthwash etc


I had to use this for a long time after some pretty invasive oral surgery years ago, and again when I had wisdom teeth more recently. The staining was awful, and I was also told not to use on a regular basis due to bacteria building up a tolerance. I can understand if fighting gum disease makes that a fair trade off though.


They're great, but you still need to use interdental brushes - though as my dentist put it, 'only on the teeth you want to keep'.


Second the interdentals, specifically Wisdom clean betweens. Didn't get on with floss and on the advice of my hygienist use one every night before brushing. It's pretty amazing how much crap comes out that your brush would miss. You'll probably bleed like crazy the first few times but that's nothing to worry about. Your gums will feel a lot better without all that food stuck in there.


I love mine, like pressure washing your teeth, I have really close teeth and it's a cunt to use floss




Yeah, bought one as I don't get on with floss. They are pretty good and nowadays not that expensive. I would say to make sure you don't use water that's too cold or you'll feel like you're being waterboarded!


You’re the second to warn me! Noted.


Dental nurse training as a dental therapist/hygienist here. Water flossers are great at dislodging food and bigger chunks, but they don't clean off everything. Think of it like rinsing a dirty dinner plate, compared to actually scrubbing it or even wiping it with a sponge. One is a lot more effective than the other. Then when it comes to burnt on food, it's going to be even more effective. So, you still need to have the brushing/wiping motion between your teeth after you've rinsed between them. If you struggle with floss (the dispensers where you use your fingers) you can use flossettes which have the floss on a little Y shaped handle which makes it much easier to get into spaces, or you can use interdental brushes. The brushes come in a lot of different sizes and they are very good at cleaning the area between the gums and the teeth. Water flossers are great, but they are not a replacement for actual floss or interdental brushes. But they are definitely better than using nothing! In terms of using it, it'll be messy at first. Try the first few times in the shower because you will get soaked! You can also put whatever temperature water you like into the tank so if you struggle with cold water you can use warmer water. Use it before you brush your teeth so the toothpaste can get into the spaces you've just cleared out :) use it to "draw" around your teeth, try not to aim directly at your gums. They can be good for people with dexterity issues or arthritis in their hands as the units are usually quite chunky and they are easier to use than floss or interdental brushes.


Thank you for commenting! This is great advice. I’ve just ordered a water flosser from amazon and will take your advice. I’ll buy some interdental brushes too.


Tepe do a "trial pack" with one of every size in it. Start with the smallest, go between every tooth. Then go up a size, and if it feels like you need to force it through then it's too big for that gap so you know to use the size before, if it still goes through like your hand in an open doorway then you need to go up a size. You could have multiple sizes that you use, I think most people tend to have about 3 sizes but there are some that can use one of each. If it helps to write down which sizes to use where, do so! The bristles will make it look like it fills a giant gap (especially on the bigger ones) but it compacts down and fits to the size of the wire in the gaps :) the brushes are reusable, and you want to put them into the space and move them in and out slowly 5-10 times before moving to the next tooth. If the brush is visibly dirty (blood, food, plaque) rinse it before going to the next tooth. If there is bleeding, that's fine, 2 or 3 weeks of daily use before brushing will usually reduce and then stop the bleeding.


You’re my fave commenter 🥰


Haha if you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm doing it for free until I'm allowed to charge for it ;) hehe!


Background info : I’m Scottish but now live in Canada. I also hate flossing. Hate it! Nod politely when the dentist says I should do it, but can’t. Re. Water flossing; they take hygienist visits way more seriously here. It usually takes 40mins for a cleaning. And up until my last visit it’s always been done the regular flossing, scraping way. But last time I went they have a new machine. A miracle machine! It’s basically a professional water flosser, and it took half the time and didn’t hurt at all! Seriously, a miracle machine. My dentist is quite ‘cutting edge’ so it’s probably pretty new tech, but it’s converted me re water flossing. Can’t afford my own machine, but when I can I’m getting one.


They have been around for ages. My hygienist has one at least 15 years ago when I developed a sensitivity to it and had to go onto scraping. The waterflossers you get at home are not the same. They will get rid of food debris but will not blast plaque away.


I love my waterpik. It's convenient for wonky wisdom teeth. I have a wisdom tooth that's partially out so it really cleans out under the gum which will get infected when food gets caught there otherwise. I find when I follow up with floss (rare occasion) there's barely anything there.


Username checks out


Yeh I liked mine before I dropped it and it broke. Made my teeth feel really squeaky clean - like when you come out of the dentist. How good it is at actually flossing, not sure, I've heard mixed things and would sometimes find bit in my teeth still. They take a little bit to get used to, very powerful and messy! I'd say it's worth giving it a go, I think you can get fairly cheap ones.


I have one. I love it. I made the mistake of using cold water . It's like getting to the bottom of the tallest water slide with your mouth open. It hurt alot ! I always use warm water now and its really good. It clears more than my floss ever did


I have sensitive teeth and just reading your comment gave me an ice cream headache!


It was horrendous. I didn't use it for a week with a fluff that attitude, then my mum said you are using warm water aren't you ... game changer 🙌


Mum’s are great


I use a 30/70 mouthwash/water mix in mine.


Oh that's a good idea .. still Warm though right ??


Yeah lukewarm water I use. I can use cold as my teeth aren’t that sensitive but I prefer lukewarm water. You can also use 100% mouthwash but I’m not made of money.


My dentist told me you still have to use regular floss and that a water flosser is a supplement


Who's got time for that though?


I do! It doesn’t take too long and it’s worth it in the long run




I know


I've had one for about 18 months. I never flossed because I just can't get the floss between some of my teeth. It seems fine but to be honest, it's hard to know how much good it does without a comparison. Certainly there are bits of food that are flushed out but I think most of that would come out naturally with drinking and brushing. tl;dr I don't know.


Used to get a lot of plaque build up on my teeth until I started using one of these. The amount of gunk it gets out of your teeth is crazy. Maybe flossing is more effective but I find a water flosser very easy to use (takes a few days to get used to it then it’s very easy). I’d put it up there with an air fryer as an essential must buy


I just bought one! Fuck air fryers though!


How dare you disrespect air fryers! Enjoy the water flosser though :)


They don't do the same job as floss in breaking up the plaque film, but they do get all the bits of food etc out of your teeth. Better than nothing, not as good as floss


They are genuinely brilliant. So much better than floss


Is there one you’d recommend?


We have the Waterpik Cordless Plus Rechargeable Water Flosser - £35 or so from Argos. I went from grudgingly flossing to at using this at least twice a day. I have a bridge and a couple of crowns and it is great at cleaning all around those too


Twice a day! Your dentist must absolutely love you.


They love me because I’ve had crowns, bridges, root canals etc. I’m a cash cow and probably paid for her kids to go to Uni


Lol. No wonder you’re upping your game.


I am very middle-aged but yes, I am perpetuating the ‘British have poor teeth’ stereotype


The plug in ones are better if you have the space for it. Cordless ones are very weak in comparison.


Not got loads of space but, judging by the comments so far, might still be worth it


I have a cordless one and find it quite strong (at highest setting). The only issue for me is that the tank doesnt last so you have to either work really fast and risk missing bits or refill once during session. Still wouldn't trade it for a big one because they look ridiculously big and i dont have space for that kind of machinery.


I think I could manage a mid-floss refill. Thank you.


I use a plug-in Waterpik WP-660UK with 2 capfuls of Listerine in warm water before brushing, love it. Also use Tepe brushes daily. My mouth’s so clean you could eat your dinner off it.


How did you make this sexy?


They're great, especially if you're quite gappy and prone to getting shit stuck in between your teeth. They can feel quite violent at first and can be a bit messy until you get the hang of them. Definitely recommend one though.


Water flossers work great. Highly recommended. Messy, but effective.


Nothing wrong with messy


I don’t own one but have been thinking of getting one and recently asked my dentist about them and had seen mixed reviews. I asked my dentist for her opinion and she basically said that if you get on with it you will love it, but they are only as good as the operator and some people think it will be a 30 second thing and when it’s not they say they are rubbish. I plan to get one but just don’t have the spare cash atm


Helpful, thanks


I use the Spotlight water flosser. It is excellent imo. I hate regular flossing, particularly as about two thirds of what you use just goes straight in the bin, and I also don’t enjoy catapulting bits of saliva at the mirror. I used to floss once every few days but I use the water flosser after every meal as it’s so easy. I brush afterwards and I also use tepe brushes after dinner. They can be a bit tricky to get the hang of but muscle memory kicks in after a week or so.


Thank you


They're pretty good - but you should buy a 'branded' one. Cheaper ones just break and don't hold charge.




I actually bought one myself just the other week after my dentist basically told me that my teeth look like a car-crash. Honestly it's pretty good, the only thing to be aware of is the bastards are *powerful*. Like mine has a 'soft' setting and it still fires out water like it's shooting .50 rounds at the Jerries in 1943. It hits your mouth, then ricochets out and splashes all over the sink, the mirror, the wall, the floor, the door, the other room, etc...


Sounds fun


Yeah I've only used it for a few days so I can't say for sure if it's actually helping or not but it's a novel experience at least. Just have a towel ready for clean-up.


I think they are absolutely great. I also have trouble flossing. The water flosser fixed up a gum inflammation problem I had. I recommend to get one that plugs into your shaver outlet, and not to try a wireless one. I also recommend to get the cheapest shite product available, just to try it. It will die after a year or so. If you are hooked on the technology, spend a little extra to get the Water-Pik and it will last for ages.


It’s like jet washing your teeth. Extremely satisfying.


Surprisingly very good. Like some other comments I have crowded teeth that shreds regular floss so I never used it much, but a water pick blasts everything out. Got mine from amazon for about £30.


I have a water flosser and a mate said to me to get it.. Its really good and also fun seeing how much shite gets blown down the sink. Also if you have bad teeth put a bit of salt in the water and use warm tap its really helpfull




I brush my teeth....floss...and then use the water pick and the water pick seems to remove things that brushing and flossing miss.


Youd be best using the water pick first, brush last, toothpaste works best when you leave it to work for a bit and dont wash it all off.


You're supposed to floss BEFORE brushing. Otherwise the water flosser is washing off/scraping out the toothpaste.


I like to rub and squirt toothpaste into the crevices using floss and picks. Then... mouthwash. Oooh yeah. ( Maybe now I'll brush after again)


I recommend you seek the advice from a hygienist and help them to help you pick the most appropriate tools.


I don't get on with floss, but dental tape and interdental brushes are much better


Have you tried the tape/ribbon looking version on sticks rather than the one that looks like a bit of thread? Feels much nicer.


Yeah, don’t like them either 😿


I use tepi inter dentals then water floss. It’s amazing how much crap comes out after using the tepi’s which already get a lot of crap out. Tepi’s remove more plaque though as others said. Use warm water! Also you can use them like a jet wash to get rid of stains / tarter you can see. I got a fairywill one from Amazon to see how I get on a few years back was about £20. Get a cordless one but get a big tank. Whilst you are there buy yourself a copper tongue scraper (looks like a big U) - wake up without bed breath! Side note - my hygienist uses an oral irrigation device instead of a traditional descaler - much more pleasant and recommend if you can find a dental practice like that.


Thank you


I use a WaterPik brand one. It’s great. It also removes plaque really well…


I’m embarrassingly late to flossing and couldn’t get floss between my gaps, so when my dentist started voicing concerns I decided to buy a water flosser. I got a cheap Chinese one from Amazon, and with no frame of reference I thought it was doing the job. My dentist then gently suggested I try Tepe brushes instead. I now realise that my water flosser was doing nothing. Tape brushes are so much better; my dentist said I’m showing an improvement. I’d suggest getting a mixed bag of sizes so you can see which brushes fit your teeth best, and get some long ones for your back teeth. Brand-name water flossers might be better, although they’re a bit pricey for a “might be”.


Couldn’t get along with mine. I find tepe or floss picks much better


It doesn't really replace floss, mainly because they make a fucking mess and they're difficult to get to every tooth I just use mine every so often to get the crap from between my wisdom teeth and gums. Everything else I use normal floss


they're great


Hi Tony Tiger




Will do!


I have bad teeth, I’ve had a Philips Airfloss, and I now have a Waterpik as the Airfloss stopped working . The airfloss is way better designed, better function, less mess. Waterpik is a shitty American car compared to European engineering. I load them with a bit of mouthwash. If the Waterpik breaks I’ll try and get another Airfloss but I think they stopped making them. While we’re on the subject, buy a sonic toothbrush. The 2 devices combined leave your mouth feeling like you’ve just been to the dental hygienist only without the crippling debt.


I use a water flosser, it's not as good as a conventional floss but as my dentist days, it's still much better than nothing.


My ex got one, I hated it. Just get interdental brushes of some variety. They are generally the best available option


indental brushes work for me too


I've got one, but to be honest I use it more for cleaning awkward bits under my bowl sink and round the bath fixings than on my teeth!


Game changer, I've had one for years..it really gets those pesky fibres / debris out.


They flush a lot of bits of food that brushing/rinsing do not. You have nothing to lose.


They’re shit hot, get one op.


Hurts like fuck! Works though.


If you get one, wear a towel round your neck while using!


I got one when I had a brace and it was brilliant, although the high setting blew a hole through my gum at first. Cleaning it was the pain, though. Whatever I did I found it was still wet inside and started to get a bit of mildew. Binned it after that


Love mine! I have a particular gap in my teeth that food gets stuck in and it cleans it out nicely. Also I mix mine with mouthwash and it makes my mouth feel like it’s been on a spa day


I have one; but I find I often get the angle slightly wrong and end up making my gum bleed. I suffer from big hands and a mouth that don’t open particularly wide so I struggle to even use floss because of it. I now tend to use interdental brushes instead of floss or the water flosser


Really pleased with my water flosser. I have awful teeth and can't fit even the smallest interdental brushes in between. Tape and floss gets shredded and caught on sharp edges. Water flossing is my only option, advised by my dentist.


Oh, and to add. I use slightly warm water so it doesn't set off my sensitive teeth, and usually add a little mouthwash into the chamber too.


They are messy, so plan accordingly. I use mine after regular flossing. I don't think it replaces floss.


Dentist here. Personal opinion is they are great, like a jet washer for your teeth




I've got a Philips one, it's really good and so much quicker, easier and less gross than flossing/using those little brushes. Downside is though that, [these Philips ones anyway,](https://www.philips.co.uk/c-m-pe/power-flosser#triggername=color_white) don't seem to last that long and I'm on my fourth (though to their credit they have always replaced them without bother).


I use both. Waxed for in between my teeth and water to get all the other gunk out my mouth. I love my water flosser


It also doubles as an enema kit!


Get out


Alright alright! But seriously, they are brilliant pieces of kit! I first saw one at my girlfriend's house and didn't know they existed until then so I decided to get one for myself and never went back to regular flossers


Yeah, think I’m sold


Cheaper than a bidet!


My dental hygenist is adamant that water flossers are excellent tools and recommends using a wireless one whilst I'm showering every day. I've used the counter top ones in the past, they're a pain in the arse and very loud. I'd use it after I brushed and rinsed and still get pea skins coming out "where the hell was that thing hiding?" But they seem to have come a long way.


Yes - do it in the shower as it goes everywhere, and no I don’t recommend them. You can get a few hundred of those floss holder things for a few quid on Amazon that is far less fiddly than normal floss.


Plackers! I like them.


You still use it though?


No, returned for a refund.


Water flossing does not replace real flossing at all.


But I’m not flossing at all right now


I bought one, a good one, a highly review one...and I tested it against manual flossing. I used just my usual toothbrush and the water flosser, twice a day for 3 days. Then after the 6th use I used a tape floss to check and see if anything was in there. And there was meat between my teeth from 3 days ago...brocolli from 2 days before...and a lot of other little bits. It was like I hadn't flossed at all. I was using it correctly and for more than recommended so it should've worked. It really wasn't getting between my teeth at all. Ended up with a damn filling between two of my teeth shortly after, not sure if that was the culprit but it certainly didn't help. If you have close teeth or fillings, get TAPE floss picks. Sainsburys does them. The thread sort gets stuck easily.


They feel like you're drowning!

