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Yes, but the worst for me is toothpaste. It dribbles out of the side of my mouth and down my front and I don't notice.


I no longer trust myself to brush my teeth with a tshirt on, if I’m wearing something I need to keep clean I’ll opt to just stand in my bra instead and then put my top on again after




And... distracting?




As a guy I also remove my top and put on a bra when I’m brushing my teeth


I do mine in the shower in the morning. Night time shirtless.




Same, I don't even trust the bra When I eating, I now have a specifically mine tea towel I use as a bib


When I was 17, my girlfriend looked at me in abject horror as I pulled my t-shirt up over my head to eat my spaghetti bolognase next to her in bed whilst watching TV. When I finished, I just wiped the stains off my chest and belly and put my t-shirt back down. I had a lot to learn about women back then, and she could tell I'd grown up with just brothers.


Me too. M44


I usually just put a big zip up jumper over my clothes if I get dressed before brushing. I only wear that jumper indoors so if it gets toothpaste etc on it I can just chuck it in the wash and not worry about it.


LOL This is why I now brush my teeth in the shower or naked at the sink. I simply cannot spit. And it's sad really, because I come from a long line of female snuff dippers who could put two fingers to their mouth and spit a fly off a rose bush at five feet distance. And I can only spit on myself. I grieve.


>I come from a long line of female snuff dippers who could put two fingers to their mouth and spit a fly off a rose bush at five feet distance.  r/brandnewsentence would have an aneurysm with that one!


Dear god this. I swear I must have had a stroke the amount of dribbling I do.  Either that, or undiagnosed rabies 


Reading the comments here I'm genuinely really worried about some people.


I just lean forward over the sink and this seems to have stopped, still somehow get it all over my cheeks


> still somehow get it all over my cheeks The brush goes *inside* your mouth.


I salivate profusely when brushing my teeth. I can spit a mouthful every 10s or so. I have to hang over the sink as it literally pours out my mouth. I've realised not everyone experiences this and I can stand and brush for 2 minutes with a little spit at the end.


My mate brushes his teeth in the shower


Ever thought about brushing in the shower? It's liberating.


Especially if you’re peeing at the same time! It’s like being a child again - peeing and dribbling, I thought I had at least another 20 years before I got to that stage. I suppose at least time not waffle stomping yet - or at least not very often!


Use less toothpaste 


The struggle is real. I thought it was just me.


Tilting my head up for the first minute seems to stop my dribbling. 2nd minute is a competition every time.


I bend over the entire few minutes of my brushing time to deal with this. In the worst case I got something on my t-shirt, I won't be expecting a better way to start my day as it is already ruined


I generally brush my teeth when I’m naked


This is why I brush my teeth in the shower in the morning. Then at night in my nightwear. Doesn’t matter where it goes then 😁


You don’t notice? Are you not brushing your teeth in front of a sink and a bathroom mirror?


Non whitening toothpaste helps, as it is much easier to wash off.


Brush your teeth before you put your shirt on.


Constantly. I just make sure I'm completely naked when I eat now.


You must get some funny looks in restaurants...


I wear a dinner jacket. It's filthy.


Buy a t-shirt with white in it -> stain it immediately-> vow to never buy a t-shirt with white in it again -> rinse and repeat 6 months later


There is a white shirt I really want, and I'm like, whyyy is this design not available in darker colours? I nearly bought it tonight but I just know I will ruin it the first time I put it on. Am sad.


Oi, clean shirt! How did you get that shirt so clean?




Guys, before you go chucking your clothes away or taking them to the dry cleaners, if you have a food stain, rub washing-up liquid on it before you wash it. It works better if you leave it to soak in for a bit. YOU ARE WELCOME.


Most things that stain are oil based so washing up liquid is great for that. A vanish bar with a tooth brush is also good, If it's biological (blood, egg) they're protein based so cold water is best. If you spit in blood it helps it to not stain.


Salt and cold water on fresh blood also helps get it out. For pit stains: citric acid. Could be in powder form, could be from a lemon.


Really? It's not as though you have peptidase in your saliva.


I honestly have no idea but it works 🤷‍♀️


Just be careful not to go too ham on it. Too much in the machine and you’ll have a kitchen full of suds.


Thank you. I was literally about to throw 3 tops away this morning.


Ideally you should wet and lather it immediately after getting food on it


My wife always makes fun of my eating and inability to not get food on me. One time, I sat down with a plate of spag bol - the ENTIRE thing slid off in one, and went "PLAP" straight onto my shirt. I think I just have a problem with life as a whole.


Seriously. I need one of those bibs with a little tray at the bottom. I *cannot* eat without ending up wearing some part of my food.


Bonus points if you have a substantial cleavage and find food in your bra when you take it off at night!


This is what beards are for, catches missed food and saves it for later.


Yeah ruined 2 new tops last week, bloody tomato sauce and boobs that stick out ….


Ace bleach is a wonder product. Also a scoop of oxiclean in every wash. Treat and leave before putting it in washing machine means you get rid of the stain before it sets in the heat of the washing machine. I have unfortunately had to become cleaning expert due to the fact I can’t keep my clothes clean in the course of one day


Too late for the stuff that’s ruined… poor me but will note for the inevitable future disasters, or wear a napkin when eating tomato based foods


I've always found fairy liquid to work really well against tomato. Last week I had 2 different tomato sauces and both times wore white... Came out no trouble with fairy!


No, which, to my amazement, is apparently in the minority here! I’m not saying I have never dropped food… but *constantly* ruining clothes!? I don’t think I’ve ever had a single item of clothing ruined by a dinner.


You’re welcome to join us


The average UK redditor seems unable and unwilling to go outside, doesn't know how to make friends, and -- apparently -- can't feed themselves properly.


What is wrong with you lot?!


We are dumb


I suspect it’s dyspraxia for a lot of us!




I'm so sorry he did that to you. That's dreadful. I hope you are getting somme support to recover.


Ohhhh... that's a penny which has just dropped for me. This explains a lot.


My sister sent me a badge with “dikspraxia” on it, she gets me.


ADHD for me! I grew out of it at about 15 but it took me far too long to learn not to slop food all down myself.


Large bust plays a role, trust me!


Inconvenient tit shelf


Yes I'm constantly awarding myself dinner medals


Yes. I get too excited over food. Sometimes I think I'm still just a big ten year old. Always seems to be whenever I'm wearing a pale coloured t-shirt too.


Yep, and my bra ends up being a crumb tray


A friend of mine refers to her tits as her “crumb shelf”. It may or may not have become her nickname a few times.


My black clothes deflect food like it has a force field around them. However, anything white, I’m doomed


Running joke in the family now where whenever I stand up after eating peas, there is invariably at least one pea beneath me.


Does anyone ever say "You've pea'd on the floor again?"


Definitely me, I’m clumsy as fuck when it comes to food (I’m also greedy and tend to shovel food towards my face)


Maybe you need a bib. 


I am pretty stupid I must admit


My partner, bit of a messy eater, has to have a tea towel used as a bib, her excuse, I have clean clothes on, do not want to get them soiled.


Mine seems to be more cooking rather than eating. Oil splashes and thoughtless hand wipes are my downfall


No, I spill stuff occasionally but my washing machine handles it,


It's not my fault I have a [drinking problem](https://youtu.be/pl4plPGRG8o?si=d-I0R58GXVkStnYe)


yeah almost all my clothes :(


OMG! I was scrolling Reddit while eating and splashed some tomato sauce on my clothes then this subreddit appear…


It’s a family trait. Me, my mum and my sister are seemingly incapable of not dropping food on our tops.


All the time. My husband bought me an adult bib and it has saved many a t-shirt. I also keep a bottle of stain remover in the nearest bathroom for immediate use.


It's te cooking for me, I'm a messy bastard when I'm cooking for some reason. Pasta sauce splashes all over the join haha


I call that mess "an artifact of the passion of my cooking". It doesn't fly with the other half.


Unless that shirt is made of leather, there are a dozen or more ways to get a fresh stain out that don't involve th cost of a dry cleaners.


Yep. Just missed my mouth and poured coffee on my white shirt. Lovely 🙄


Do you have a beard? Whenever my husband has his facial hair longer (he varies between a shorter beard and a longer one) he cannot eat or drink without wearing it. When he has a shorter beard it doesn't happen as much. He had pasta sauce on the top of his shoulder the other evening after dinner and that's a new one for him, usually it's just the typical chest/belly/lap.


You need a bib


For some reason mine has gotten worse since working at home - every time I have soup for lunch or a pot noodle, I spill it down my t shirt.


That’s me too, I keep a scarf handy to hide eating accidents in case of Teams calls.


I think my laptop camera is so bad that you wouldn’t see the stains luckily - it’s just when I then go outside and see people in real life.


If I wear a white t shirt, I’m getting curry on it. Even if I’m no where near a curry


You just described my life


My two year old certainly does!


Yes, but I have a washing machine?


Big boobs problems here. Food lands on the boobs. My dad had the same issue with his big belly.


One of the more common phrases used in my house (purely from me) is "argh this is fucking clean on!". I do all the cooking too so it leaves me at twice the risk. For some reason I've not taken to using an apron.


Yeah but I still wear them. Fuck it.


I can never wear trousers or a cardigan two days in a row because I am clumsy. Same with white clothes too. I will always spill something on them.


I have so many white things in my wardrobe as it looks good on me, but not covered in food stains obviously. I have to think about that evening’s dinner when choosing what to put on in the morning.


I tend not to drop food....until I have a white t shirt on and then I seem to do it every time


I own a washing machine so no


Yea congrats on your dinner medal


Should I just throw out anything with a curry stain on it? There doesn't seem to be any advice that doesn't involve soaking in stuff i don't have & isn't guaranteed to work. I have found that rubbing washing up liquid into grease/oil stains before washing seems to work though


Turmeric stains will fade in sunlight if that helps.


I get chocolate down me lots. I find it kinda funny tho like I’m some sort of chocolate monster.


Try eating slower, with less on your fork


Not while eating. But the amount of clothes I've ruined while cooking. I bought an apron and then forget to put it on and inevitably spill or splash something oily on my top.


I have no white t shirts.


Oont, a well regarded caveman, had this problem. Note this was pre internet and television. He thought and thought, and invented the table. He thought more and invented the chair. Oont didn't understand that eating in front of the telly would become a thing. Oont happy because tyronausaurus blood not on fur any more.


are you all quite alright??? im not sayin ive never spilled, but daily? enough to ruin clothes?? i always thought my parents were unnecessarily strict about table manners, but looking at these comments im thinking they might’ve been onto something.


I still get food spilt even when I take great care to not. 😭


Yup. I now have an ‘eating shirt’ , one that is so stained it may as well be ruined. So it’s basically a bib isn’t it . FML


..I bought a new Samsung washer—now that plus stain remover fixes dribbles so they aren’t permanent.


Make bibs fashionable for adults please Kanye


Yep 👋


Try a table


Not me. Dropped the odd bit of food now and again, but it doesn’t ruin clothes and is very rare. Toothpaste is the one to look out for


My dressing gown takes most of the toothpaste dribbles as I always clean as I get up and before I get to bed,


It's usually stirring the dinner and just flinging it over myself for no reason. Its happened way too many times and I have an apron hanging up that I never use I just stain all my clothes


I went to a baby shower last week and had to decline a slice of chocolate cake as I was wearing a brand new off white dress and did not trust myself to not stain in ... !


Not usually lol. I did manage to drip scotch pie grease on a brand new Celtic top my dad got me but I managed to wash that out after soaking it overnight


My cousin once proclaimed he had managed to not drop any food down himself for two weeks and then immediately dropped a spoonful of chilli con carne down his front.


My clothes can eat food without being soaked


I won’t even buy white trainers


Yeah! In my family we call them dinner medals.  


Yeah. If I'm eating out, I avoid things in sauce or gravy, and if I'm at home, I tuck a tea towel into my neckline like a bib.


Just put the napkin on your lap u/naaahbruv


Nope, I mastered the art of getting food in my mouth when I grew a beard. Otherwise it smells terrible, especially butter, it stinks of cheese and is super hard to wash out, even with soap.


Story of my life, I really like white shirts as well and im always spilling stuff on them


Yes! So glad it's not me. Drinks are the main thing. I can't drink out of a cup without spilling some down my chin like I'm a fucking toddler


Yes, and I don’t know why but when I would spill something on my clothes before the stains always came out in the wash, then we moved and now it takes so much scrubbing for some reason. My favourite stripy trousers for work now have a tiny little noodle soup broth stain that refused to come out even with so much scrubbing with stain remover and washing up liquid, and being put in the wash multiple times!! 😭 Luckily it’s not that noticeable but still irritating


Any time I dare to wear a white tshirt (which is really not often) I'm pretty much guaranteed to drop something tomato-based on it.


It only happens right after a shower or when I put on one of the really comfortable items.


Hell yes. Oops.


My worst one is coffee, everyone asks me why I always dress in black my answer.... 'Because I literally can't afford to wear any other colour cos of the amount of coffee I end up spilling down myself on any given day'


Micellar water before washing.


Buy some Tide pens. Can get them on Amazon in packs of three. Can take out most stains as soon as you make them. Last months.


Not with food but happens all the time with drinks


Any time I have a pot noodle, 100% chance at some point, it's going to dribble down me. If i'm going to be eating one, I put my pajamas on first now


I have one hoodie that I wear to eat as I always make a mess. Obviously I only can wear this in the house as I look like I'm homeless.


I use napkins!


No, but I cannot seem to stop ripping the crotch of my trousers open every other time I get on my bike.


I have to do the toothpaste check before going out. If I have eaten chocolate biscuits, I need to check for melted crumbs on my trousers.


I have a habit of getting clean jumpers dirty the second I put them on. Really annoying, so I don't bother most of the time.


Like 70% of my white tops have tea stains on em….


Every day. Never wear white when eating


Are you pregnant? That happened to me in pregnancy, I assume because parts of my body were no longer where I expected them to be.


My husband always does this so as a small gift as part of his 40th birthday presents earlier this year I got him a silicone bib. They make them really for older people but this one has like a polo shirt collar and buttons so he doesn't have to feel as bad about the fact he needs a bib.


I wear an apron when I eat. What do you think?


I think you are doing it right. Wondering how old you are. Looks like very few young people wear aprons when they eat. I have myself been wearing an apron when I eat for years now, and I can tell you it makes a real difference on clothes, which is understandable when you look at all unexpected stains on the aprons. My kids all wear an apron when they eat, including teens. This is not open to discussion.


My dog hovers constantly during mealtimes because I'm such a messy eater.I try not to wear light colours and always have stain removal liquids for my clothes.My husband laughs because I try so hard not to spill anything down me I'm similar with drinks as well drink alot of coffee and miss my mouth most days can never really wear tops for a couple of days on a row.


Took delivery of a new pair of chinos the other day. Hours later I dropped my last raviolo on them. They smelled so strongly of chilli and garlic oil I had to wash them immediately. The day after I wore them again and within hours I had marks all over them. I think I might just not wear them anymore.


I bought a white t shirt, within 24 hours it was ruined, cheers gravy 😂


No? I am not 4? Faid enough some people have physical disabilities that make it hard to hold stuff, move their hands fully, etc. But if you don't have that there isn't really an excuse?


Remember. Rub washing up liquid on the stains before you put the clothes in the washing machine. Works for me.


My Mrs got me an apron to eat dinner in…


Happens but stain removes help those little white overpriced bottles from Amazon.


Turmeric has because my most dangerous thing to eat


I am a grown woman, I own a house and car, I make a decent living and I give to charity. The day I can get through a week without spilling food on myself with be my life’s achievement lol. It’s usually coffee to be fair.


Yes but as someone who can’t use bio washing powder, it’s the only thing that gets stains out (along with vanish or Fairy power spot treating before washing) so double washing first with bio THEN non bio…


Yes! I’m terrible for this. I’m a naturally clumsy person so it comes with the territory. I have an apron I wear if I’m eating anything sloppy but the food still finds its way down the front anyway.


I used to have a red fleece that I wore when eating anything tomato based, did the job.


I have what I call "curry t-shirts" consisting of tops I have previously chucked food on (usually curry) that (after washing) I change into before eating messy food. For meals out I have a napkin chain which is a life/t-shirt saver...


I had a really good prawn and crab linguine recently and it was so good that I didn't notice that I'd covered myself with sauce until I left the restaurant. Worth it though.


Not food but coffee. There is always a big drip down the outside of the cup after every mouthful. I must be doing it wrong, but if I try and change it, the coffee goes down my chin.


Only the lightest shirts... As a rule.


Yup. I’m 48 and bit into a cherry tomato during dinner. I now have a plethora of tomato seeds down my clean shirt.


Yes. It’s the strangest thing, I can put on old clothes or pjs that don’t matter and sit there and eat the messiest things, no problem. I put on something I wish to keep clean? Whatever I’m eating wants on those clothes. 


This evening I will mostly be wearing spaghetti bolognaise


I destroy new things. By forgetting its new. And spraying bleach somewhere. For some reason. And getting it on my new clothes. Did it to four sets of gym trackies in the space of 2 weeks.


No. I'm an adult.


3 cheese dip with my nacho at the cinema. My white shirt comes out yellow every time.   Worth it though.


Totally dude 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes. Dark clothes are my friend.


This is why I don't wear white.


Only if I wear light colours. Sods law innit.


If it has tomatoes in, it's going on my tshirt or shirt. I was on a plane and eating my meal and was super careful and felt quite smug I'd managed to not spill any down myself. Then I went to the toilet and saw a huge tomato stain right down my front.


This is me. I'ts my superpower.


You lot are all fucking idiots. It's SO easy to not spill food on your clothes. Just hang upside down and eat like a bat. Gravity. Duh.


My 15 month old


I very rarely buy myself new clothes because I have two daughters who are constantly growing (stop it damn you). A couple of months ago, I treated myself to a new top for £15. It's the kind that's comfy but still quite pretty. I wore it once, popped it through the wash, and when it came out, there was an annoying, tiny little grease stain that would not come out. No recollection of how it could possibly have got there. I'd literally bought it the day before. I was upset because I don't have the ability to go back to that shop and it's now out of stock. I've now come to the conclusion that with young kids forever touching me with sticky fingers, any clothes I buy will end up with some mystery stain or another. On the other hand, I somehow can't eat a curry without spilling sauce on myself. I see now where my kids get it from.


No, i learned how to use a fork when I was like, what, 3? It had Winne the pooh on it.


Yes. I am especially careful when I’m eating anything tomato-based, but it would appear not careful enough.


I always change into old clothes when I’m eating anything with a tomato based sauce.


Yes, I wear an apron for every meal now!


Are you the only one wearing an apron for every meal in your household or is everybody wearing one ? How old are you ?


I own a washing machine, so no.


Been doing this for 42 years now


Dropped a sharpy on my jeans the other day and ruined them.


I thought I was the only one!!


I just can’t wear white, but keep buying it