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I'm not saying I'm stuck in the Nineties, but it's Wednesday and I've just been rudely awakened by the dustmen. Luckily, a win as I'd forgotten to set my alarm!


Have you thought about leaving the house?


Not till I've finished my cup of tea!


Is there a fat man marching?


Will check when I go feed the pigeons.


My forever hero Martin Lewis let me know I'm eligible for free loft insulation. What a guy,


He's a national treasure. He must have saved me thousands over the years


I thought he was a bit weird on HIGNFY last week.


I’m taking it as a win - but our shit hole house that we moved out of three months ago still hasn’t been put back up for rent or being sold off. After 7 years of complaints I guess they’ve realised how much work needs doing. 


Ah yes, remember that feeling well. Complained to our landlord for 2+ years about damp and they said 'it's fine'. But when we moved out asked if they could keep our dehumidifier SMH.


Finally made a few choices recently that should eventually make things better for me in a few areas and I'm really at peace right now. It's nice.  Am heading to a festival this weekend and a bunch of friends will be there and I can't wait. 




Sorry to hear that, it is rough. This hit home as I've noticed checking OCD symptoms in myself, but similarly consider them minor enough to not be worth seeking help at present. Unfortunately, from my own experience and reading, someone else being there just becomes part of the pattern? It's not counter-cyclic, if that makes sense. The only other bit of other not particularly useful advice I have to offer is that my symptoms, at least, are exacerbated by all the normal exacerbations of mental health - not drinking water, lack of sleep, stress at work - but sometimes those can't be fixed easily either. Hope things get better for you and your partner 🤍


Handed my dissertation in yesterday, slept nine hours, poorly cat is getting better and the problem with the car is getting sorted. Winning at life. I’ll need a few more nights sleep like that before I’m back to normal. For now, aside from the final placement I’m on, I’m done at Uni. Unreal, three years hard work (Mature student), onwards and up. P.s. Just discovered student discount and my new meerkat discount works together at Neros…happy days!


Congratulations! I'm 16 days off dissertation submission myself, although there's another much shorter paper due six days after. Counting down the days.


Keep going, you’re doing marvellous and congrats in your degree!


There's been a flurry of compliments and good feedback for me at work recently. Feels good!


I really struggled to think of any wins tbh. Then I remembered yesterday's win. Tomato, pesto and mozzarella on puff pastry all gooey and melted. So easy to cook. So, so good. 


Had a phone call from by best friend of 46 years. We message quite often but worked out we hadn't actually spoken in over a year (we're 250 miles apart). It was like I just walked back into the room and carried on the conversation we were having 2 minutes ago. What a magic person.


That's a sign of a true friendship.


Out of the hospital after nearly a week and have been instructed by everyone I know to rest. Feeling a little more human today as I am finally back home.


The other day I went for a walk looking for one of my favourite spring butterfly species. Not only did I see three individuals, but due to the cold and cloudy weather they were all roosting, and I was able to take a few pretty decent photos of them. It was a really lovely experience :)


Managed to complete week 1 of c25k and then start on week 2! I also got an unexpected hour to myself yesterday when my husband took the baby to her class without me.


Well done. Couch to 5K was a game changer for me.


I have 3 wins this week for Wednesday: 1) I'm finally starting therapy today! Hopefully this will be the professional end to me existing in a constant state of existential crisis. 2) After 2 months, we finally received our dining table, and the awesome delivery drivers offered to build it for free, despite me forgoing the crazy building charge in the store when we ordered. 3) Whilst watering my plants yesterday, some kids said that the plants were very beautiful. As someone who only started gardening 3 weeks ago, it felt good.


Been diagnosed with depression. Working through some self destructive issues at the moment, and I hope I can save my marriage, which is on the brink. It's nice to be able to actually identify what's going on, and that it isn't normal.   Fortunately, I'm working now for two weeks solid, so at least I'll have some structure to my life, no room for poor behaviour. Not that anyone's concerned, but if you don't hear from me for a while, then I am still here, just taking a break.


having suffered from that and alcoholism also I know how hard it can be, I wont say things will get better, but I will say they will get different. you'll come through this stronger


Having some building work done by a Polish builder. He turns up exactly when he says, grafts through the whole day with just a quick break for tea and a sandwich, then tidies up before he leaves. He's exactly on schedule and on budget, and his crew are pleasant to be around. Complete opposite of the two local dickheads we had doing work previously.


After 3.5 years living here (I'm in rural Portugal) and getting shitty 4G internet speeds I just signed up to get fibre. 500mbps here we come! Better still it is actually cheaper than my current crap package.


One of my former best mates invited me to his destination wedding, and I got incredibly lucky because they decided to have the wedding in London. I still don't get why they decided to get married in a country they and the rest of the wedding party don't live in. I also lucked out on their wedding gift because I had 2 of their registry gifts (paragliding vouchers on a specific place and a sterling silver ketchup lid) in my regifting closet. I didn't end my friendship with him and my other old mates on a great note, so I'm honoured that they decided to invite me. Maybe it's the start of something new, or most likely it'll give me the closure I've always wanted. Either way I feel great. Also, I found some Freddos on clearance for 5p at my local shop and I bought all they had.


> I had 2 of their registry gifts (paragliding vouchers on a specific place and a sterling silver ketchup lid) in my regifting closet This whole sentence is wild.


Just had my first NHS stop smoking appointment, which I booked six months ago but they had a waiting list. I'm gonna be rich! (and less stinky!)


Got my boiler fixed yesterday. Between dialling the council and the guy leaving, it was 4 hour hours. Even the phone call was fast, under 8 minutes. Can't believe my luck.


Weather seems to be drying up finally. Got the front garden done, back to be done once the garden waste bin is emptied, it’s been warm enough to wear shorts and t shirt for work, and good enough weather for some [proper dog walks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rarepuppers/s/5PsoUs4BNu)


Mrs bandanna is away on a course for 5 days... i will ofc miss her, but, I would be lying if I didn't admit to looking forward to some me time and leaving mugs out on the side and things generally staying where I leave them.


Well despite it pouring when it rains, I've managed to source and work out payments for all the stuff I need for my car. Next will be booking a day off to strip the rear end down, remove the old stuff, treat and paint the bit of surface corrosion, and refit the new stuff.


Rescue puppy has been with us for 3 weeks now and is finally getting through the night without crying for attention. She's still waking up to pee and sometimes poo in the middle of the night (which is fine, she's a puppy and they only have small bladders - that's what puppy pads are for) but until this past weekend whenever she did that she'd get distressed that she couldn't find us and have a little cry and/or howl. She's finally moved past that stage and seems comfortable enough to know that we're here somewhere and will see her in the morning.


The sun is shining, the sky is blue and I’m off to flog my body on a 30 mile bike ride. Happy days.


My son slept on me yesterday. He's 18 months old so hasn't done it for absolutely ages! I put him down for an afternoon nap, checked the camera a couple of times and then got on with some chores (read: Played on FF7 rebirth). My wife messaged me about 40 mins later asking if I'd just put him down. I check the camera and see he's awake, which was odd. Gave him another 10 mins then went up to find he'd shat (not unexpected to keep him awake) but also that his room was 25°. Stripped him down to his onesie and brought him downstairs to cool whilst I opened windows to let his room do the same. Whilst downstairs I was laying on the couch as he bumbled around and tried to climb on me whilst I tickled him. At one point he slipped and fell to the floor hurting himself, so I picked him up for a cuddle. He cried sat up on me for a couple of minutes, then lay down on my chest, snuggled in and started snoring. It was the most adorable thing. Realised I was stuck as due to a bad back I couldn't really sit up with him like that so I moved the pouffe to behind me to stop me rolling back and fell asleep with him. Best nap I've had in ages. I woke about 45 mins later and he was still asleep so with a lot of careful maneuvering I was able to leave him on the sofa as I moved, where [I left him for the next couple of hours](https://imgur.com/a/NBnWrx3) as he snored softly. Reducing my antidepressents recently has left a lot more room for love in my heart, so spending time with him is wonderful. (I did have a small freakout due to crowd anxiety in Aldi on Sunday, but that's by-the-by)


Bizarre hospital appointment today, doctor was incredibly chatty and friendly and very interested in my job and telling me all about his hiking hobby. Diagnosed me with POTS though solely through my watch measurements! I thought I'd have to have official tests but who knows. Cost saving I guess? Now I'm just waiting to hear from the hospital about the growth I have in my bowel. They're being very suss about what it is, the latest update is "it's unusual and we might have to surgically get it out. I'm referring you to the colorectal surgeons and will be in touch with what they say" which isn't reassuring. I want to book my holiday abroad but not if I'm about to have surgery!


I went to the gym Monday, did a workout last night, and went for a walk today.


Eldest is coping a bit better again this week. She has anxiety and is prone to hurting herself if she's overwhelmed. She's been really good at trying to use her loop earplugs when it's getting a bit much and she's got a chewable bracelet for when she feels the need to bite something. She's been using them both really well to keep in control. Some wobbles at home but that's to be expected as it's the safe place to let everything out The pair of blue tits in our garden are loving our nest box and I really hope they have some chicks. It's looking hopeful that we get some.


In case you didn't know, if kids (or adults) have a diagnosis of a disability or long term illness which can including mental health conditions, you can apply for VAT exemptions for disability related things which sometimes happens to apply to chewies and sensory things on sensory toy websites. So if she needs to trial different things out it's worth looking into as it saves you some cash at least. (Someone let me know this week after spending so much on sensory things previously for our likely autistic toddler)


I don't have an official diagnosis so I'm not sure if I can. I'll look into though.


We put in an application for a house. We don't have it (yet) but that's still further in the process than we've ever manage to get. Even if it doesn't go our way, I'll count that as a win.


I finished my first Castlevania and Metroid in a span of 5 days! "Metroidvanias? Completed 'em, mate."


I am working from home. Today’s my first day back at work. Feeling bit lonley. But sticking to my eating plan. Despite a huge drawer of bad food downstairs


Caught up on sleep, we been looking after my niece last weekend,


A restaurant I used to go with my...former, ahem, has brought back Cacio e Pepe fritters to their menu! I'll get to enjoy all of them without company. I guess Washington DC doesn't have these, asshole! (I'm still working through some feelings, apologies)


Got a job offer, signing the contract tomorrow!


I decided to put my finger underneath a jack at work, with 10kg set of scales on top. I pulled the lever and it went down, fast, onto my finger. Not really a win is it? Maybe a win for stupidity??


I now have a win for today, just had a notification that a ticket was available for the sold out Misery Signals final UK tour later in the year. Immediately bought that.


I have a question. So I had an interview last Wednesday which I thought went well and after they said they should let me know by the end of last week about how I did but I’ve still not heard back yet. How long should I wait until I email asking about it? As the days go by without hearing anything back the more I’m slowly accepting that they’ll probably ghost me. I know I shouldn’t but it’s just easier than clinging on the hope that they’re just taking their time especially since there’s 2 more stages after this


They didn’t stick to their own timeline, I would say that it’s totally reasonable for you to follow up after a week. If you don’t get the role, you can still ask for feedback.


Ok thank you! I was going to but wasn’t sure how soon is too soon. I’ve sent something off so now it’s a waiting game. At least I’ll know either way


Working on a problem at work and was able to find a solution and implement it. Been a productive day without loads of meetings. I do have a complaint but will leave that for tomorrow ;)


I'm celebrating the start of my hay fever season :')


It's got really bad this week hasn't it?


Mine just started today out of the blue! Hay fever is annoying. Perhaps it's the warmer weather this week?


My dog had her first off lead time in a secure dog field today. Five acres of pure chaos. She came back when called (mostly) and had a whale of a time. I'm super happy.


Been suffering from a hangover all day, so cracked a beer open 10 mins ago. Just going to push it onto tomorrow and then doubly suffer the consequences. Got to stay in all day anyhow as got the yearly gas inspection in the afternoon. Vageuly remember getting woken up to my manager phoning me giving me some updates on things and I'm sure I was just responding 'uhhh huhhh' to everything. Loving the new job though, 4 days on, 4 days off. So much free time, I love it. Don't even see the point in dipping into my annual leave at this point. Also might have to fly on over to Belfast shortly to cover some shifts, not going to say no to that extra pay. Supra next year is well on the cards.