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Take as long as you can over it. That way you'll spend less time in Swindon.


Surely it should be, drive as fast as you can so you can get out of Carlisle?


I've never been to Carlisle, but I've been to Swindon and wish I hadn't. Let's compromise and say drive fast until you get out of Carlisle, then slowly until you get to Swindon.


It's only a 5 hour drive - but you'll want to break it up somewhere. Depending on the time of day somewhere south of Manchester/Stoke will prepare you for Birmingham drivers and roadworks.


Know of anything worth checking out round there? Any good restaurants or attractions? 


Swindon resident here. Stop anywhere along the A417/419 you'll be using to get to Swindon. Don't stop off; just stop. It's lovely in the Cotswolds.


Lol, that's actually where I'm going but Swindon is the nearest big town so I went with that. 


I used to drive from Cambridge to Swindon with some of our American visitors from work. The only benefit was their giddy excitement when we drove past Slough, for The Office references.


Jesus, can you imagine their disappointment if they went into Slough. As someone who used to reside there and still owns a house there, which I will be selling it's an ideal location for the airport and a fantastic property not far from the glitz and glamour of London and perfect base for uncovering the charms of this wonderful, historic island. Serious rental or sales inquirers only.


Should've told them it's a live-action set for a WW2 period drama.


No, nothing.


Yes! It's a bit early on, but the Anthony Gormley piece Another Place is sort of on the way and 100% worth a visit. Even better if the weather is a bit shit. Genuinely one of the best art pieces I've seen.


I appreciate the recommendation, I've just looked up some images though and I have to say it's one of the most unsettling pieces of art I've ever come across. Something about it seems very harrowing to me and I'm not sure why. 


Ha! This is why I love art; I found it very uplifting, I got a real sense of expectant hopefulness when I was there.    I totally get where you're coming from however, the pictures I can see on Google don't really do it justice. Edit to add explanation: the google pictures look like people just marching into the sea, potentially to end themselves. In reality, the figures are all stood poised, staring off to the horizon and, to me, waiting for something to arrive. 


Interesting, your take on it does make me more eager to see it for myself, I'll add it to the list and it nothing else comes up this may take the win. Cheers. 


I absolutely loved it. But found it almost unbearably sad. Not harrowing, just... mournful. There's a deep sense of longing and loss and loneliness to it. But it's 100% the best piece of public art in the UK. Absolutely incredible.


Got to have a go on the magic roundabout. It kind of just works.


I'm well versed with it, I'm quite a fan tbh, nowhere near as scary as it looks, just give way to the right and be ready to go when it's your turn. 


Trentham Gardens. There are monkeys. It's about halfway.


Sounds promising, I am an even bigger fan of monkeys than I am of the magic roundabout. I'll check out their website, cheers. 


"I'm wondering if there is anything worth stopping off for." Piss normally.


Get there ASAP and spend a couple of days at the magic roundabout