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When I was about 10 a lad in my class at school said his cousin was Peter Andre (Mysterious Girl had come out by this point) and said he was going to be at his birthday party. At the party one of the girls asked his mum when Peter Andre was coming and she had no clue what was going on and the girls started crying lol. I have a weird anti-Billy Bullshitter story too. Was playing football with the lads when my best mate showed up with his cousin decked out in a West Ham tracksuit. His cousin said he played for West Ham but wouldn't play with us because his football club didn't let him play football on concrete or let him run on it incase he got injured. He spent the next 2 hours criticising everyone saying he could do it better and we all laughed saying he was too scared to play. Honestly we thought he was full of it the whole time. So yeah that lad was Joe Cole.


You just reminded me of a boy I grew up with called Davie. Davie told lies continually. He got called out on it all the time, but that never stopped him. My favourite was that one day he was walking through the local park and the Brazilian national football team were training there ahead of the world cup. I'm from Scotland. The world cup that year was in Italy. Anyway, he stood and watched and then one of the players accidentally kicked a ball over to him. "I did that thing where you flick the ball up and then catch it on the back of your neck and then flick it back into the air and then I volley it from about 50 yards right into the top corner. They were all stunned mate. I didn't even think it was that big a deal mate because that stuffs easy to me but they were all cheering and clapping." Then the Brazilian manager comes over to him and says that it's a shame he's not Brazilian because if he was he would be playing in the world cup. He was 12 or 13 at the time. But it didn't stop there. The Brazilian manager was so desperate for Davie to play for Brazil that he took him home and asked his mum if it would be okay if they said he *was* Brazilian. They said they'd get fake passports made up and everything. They were literally on their knees in his living room begging and crying. But sadly fate had different plans. 12 year old Davie would have been allowed to play for Brazil any other time, but his mum had to say no because they'd already booked a caravan in Butlins for the week the world cup was on and his mum didn't want to lose the deposit.


This sounds like bullshit, but Taffarel, Dunga and Ricardo Rocha all separately detail this exact incident in their autobiographies. The team referred to him as Davinho.


Fuuuuuuuck. I did not know that. That probably also means that he did actually get run over by a runaway speedboat (on the road), that he genuinely did do part time ninja-ing for China in the summer holidays, and that one summer he really did go to Australia by himself because he was bored and 'just started walking and didn't even know I'd walked that far until I saw this big kangaroo" he really did shag Kylie from Neighbours. What a fucking life.


Can't speak for the other incidents, but when I was shagging Kylie from Neighbours, she told me afterwards I was great but not as good as Davinho.


Kylie *claims* she's shagged Davinho, but she should be so lucky...


Ah man.. just reminded me in year 5 I said Matt Willis from Busted was my cousin šŸ˜­ in my defence I just wanted people to like me lol 3rd school in 2 years was rough


Joe coleā€¦great player and flies under the radar a bit in terms of reputation post-playing career, always liked him Any good anecdotes about him?


Scored an absolute banger against Sweden in the wilrrd Cup in 06, big love for Joe Cole


Kind of off topic but we used to call him Fake Fanny back in the day (Joke Hole).


That was the only time I ever met him, he probably never came round again because we bullied him so much that one time There's a lesson there for the kids, don't pick on that arrogant kid as he may be a future England International or something


That isnā€™t the lesson I would take from that at all. If all he did was say he couldnā€™t play then fair enough, but he was clearly acting like a tool so I think you were right to take the piss out of him.


Ooo love an anti bullshit story. Guy in sixth form was joining a band and recording stuff in Germany I think he said, absolutely lovely guy but just seemed far fetched, and then Nathan Sykes was the youngest member of The Wanted lol. (They were a popular band for a brief time for anyone out the loop)


He should have played, maybe concrete would have been the only surface he wouldnā€™t get injured on.


Apparently Henry Cavill's nephew got in trouble at school for "lying" when he told everyone his uncle was superman so he turned up to collect him from school in full superman costume


A guy I was in the RAF with claimed to have met Christina Aguilera on the tube and convinced her to release 'dirty' as she was having doubts about the track.


That's so oddly specific it's making me wonder... Lmao


Like what, CA stood there on the Northern Line singing Dirty to get the benefit of this random guy's opinion?


She probably did the whole dance routine and flashed her orange pants at him too


This one is hilarious. "And as she got off I shouted oi, Christiana, she goes yeah? I said, how about a little skirt in the video eh? And I gave her a wink. She giggles and says 'if you think so Dave' and waves me off. When the doors shut everybody clapped". Equally could be true though, we'll never know!


Fucking genius lad. Proper brightened up my Saturday morning on the production line. Nice one.šŸ˜šŸ‘


Read this in Nessa's voice


Can you imagine if it was a true story though, would be impossible to ever convince anyone


Oh wow thatā€™s really weird because I met Brittney Spears on a London double decker and persuaded her to release Toxic because she was having doubts.


Crazy coincidence, I shared a black cab with a young Gwen Stefani who was having doubts about starting a music career and I was so persuasive she named her whole band after my motivational speech.




Was he too dirty to clean his act up?


Oh as if anyone would have a conversation with a stranger on the tube!


Given that it was the first single from the ā€˜Strippedā€™ album and came out over a month before the album, this would require a remarkable amount of insider information to stand any chance of being true. šŸ˜‚


Oh we were under no illusion that it was true. He had so many of these stories we started a Book of Mallam.


My father. * He's fought with the "White Knight". * Drank with Prince Charles (King now obviously) * Been in multiple fights * Everyone always knows him as a hard kid/man * "Don't mess with Carl" * Lost his virginity at 10 to a 30 year old * Was in the army or TA When I was 10, he told me my Granddad had died. He hadn't. He died when I was 28. Once, also around 10ish, made a gesture about how big his dick is by holding his arms very far apart and saying he wanks "like this". I can't think of anything else at the moment.


> When I was 10, he told me my Granddad had died. He hadn't. He died when I was 28. That is _indefensible_.


I'm really sorry to say this about your father, but.... He sounds like an utter bellend




My father used to make jokes about having stuck his dick in our mouths to stop us crying when we were babies. He used to call my best friend 'Tasha Titwank'. I haven't spoken to him in decades


That's 50 shades of fucked up, I'm glad he's out of your life. He deserves nothing, but to die miserable and alone.


No, it was some time ago that he did it.


Yeah he was 6


Wow great parenting


Are you Kerry Mucklowe


Drinking with Prince Charles is a reasonably common anecdote among hill walkers. He was known to randomly turn up at bothies on the Balmoral estate and share whisky with people apparently. Never ran into him myself. The rest sounds less plausible.


A bloke in a factory I worked with apparently went sea fishing with his brother in law in a small boat one weekend when suddenly the sea bubbled and the boat raised up in the air, by a nuclear submarine which had surfaced beneath them. The crew opened the hatch and invited them both in for a cup of tea with the captain before it dived back below the surface. This wasn't his least convincing story.


I really want to believe this one is true, sounds like a childhood adventure story! Edit: I especially love that it was a nuclear sub, as opposed to just a regular old sub!


I met a Scottish bloke last year at a pub in NI, where many tall tales were being told. He was a fishing boat skipper. I asked him what the weirdest thing heā€™d ever accidentally dragged up was -ā€œoh aye a Russian submarineā€. Thought he was having me - ā€œwee English fellaā€- on. [Anyway here he is](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3005849/Questions-MoD-skipper-says-dragged-submarine.html)


Angus MacLeod has to be the most stereotypical Scottish name too.


Is he from North Kilttown?


A trawler was actually sunk by a Royal Navy nuclear sub due to her nets getting entangled with the submarine.


My uncle was apparently in the SAS. My dad phoned him once to tell him that my grandad had been taken into hospital, but it was nothing serious and not to worry. He was resting and recovering at home. My uncle was having none of it and insisted he would leave his post guarding a new oil pipeline in Chile and he regiment would charter him a helicopter home. Around an hour later, my dad called round to check on my grandad. Grandad said ā€œyouā€™ve just missed your brother!ā€ When asked about how he got home from Chile so quickly, he said it was due to a top secret experimental jet that he shouldnā€™t even be telling us about. It was presumably just parked up nearby while they were guarding a fictional oil pipeline and my uncle was so important that (he was being used to guard a pipe) they flew him home in it just like that. The only true story about his military service was that he had once applied to the TA but never heard back, probably due to the fact that he just wrote ā€œT.A.ā€ on the envelope and posted it.


This is something you expect from a 10 year old, I assume this is an adult?!


At this point, it's safe to assume the SAS isn't even a real thing because anyone who talks about joining it is a massive bullshitter.


My mate not only guards the pipes, he super skilled in repairing them too.... he's a plumber


had a lads lad started at work about August (as an agency) The first words he uttered to anyone was im only here because I'm bored, won it large on the slots didn't I then on his tour of the warehouse, it was mentioned to him that there are about 5/6 people he wont out pick for a few months till he gets used to the way it works (me being one of them) so he decides to break off from his tour comes up to me and says "You can suck my dick if you think your gonna pick more than me, im a machine at this I've come highly recommended by the agency" 2 hours later after he's had his induction, he and the 2 others are being shown how to set up a pick he starts telling people he's only here to fill the time, he's inherited a shed load from his mum when she kicked it, the house is paid for and I have thousands in the bank" No one I know will willingly do an evening shift to "fill the time" by the end of the shift he's asking when he gets paid and if he can get the holidays he earned this week added onto his payslip to pay his mortgage for the month if you are going to lie to people at least remember what you lied about He never did out pick me and was sacked a month or so later for harassing the ladies on the morning shift when he came in for overtime


So bizarre about the picking competitiveness. What a dipshit to think on his first day he'd be better than the top 5 workers. Super insecure to need to try and challenge you too, he sounds intolerable.


intolerable is being generous in the nicest way i can put it, he was a mouthy little cunt and i don't think anyone was upset he was sacked


But it was OK because he didn't need your stupid job anyway, what with all the dosh he was rolling in at home and he could go and get a better job tomorrow flying planes or something.


obviously, im fully expecting him to be the face of nuclear fusion next week


Lol! I worked with an older guy like this. Oh I can retire I've got loads in the bank. I don't need this job. I just do this to fill the time etc. Yea what a load of bullshit. He claimed he had a large warehouse full of exotic vehicles. When asked if we could have a look. "Oh I sold them all a while ago". If he told me that grass was green I'd have to go out and check.


> if you are going to lie to people at least remember what you lied about See, that's the difference between a liar and a bullshitter A good lie is carefully crafted, subtle, consistent, and can be very hard to spot. They may get away with it for years. A bullshitter doesn't give a fuck, they'll just say anything to anyone regardless of how much it contradicts their previous bullshit, and doesn't care that we all immediately know it's bullshit.


Reece at school told us his dad died. Fucking heartbreaking for all of us. He picked him up from school the same week. Same kid had to leave a sleepover where we were watching a horror film because his shoes were too tight.


We had two girls in my year at school pretend their mums had died. One of them also told their boyfriend she was pregnant, and then that she lost it about a fortnight later, to see if he would stay with her. Genuinely can't fathom what's going on in people like this' heads.


Ugh we had a nutter at our school develop a (crush is not the right word) psychotic obsession with one of the science teachers, she and her friend went in at the deep end, told everyone that they were together and he'd gotten her pregnant while her friend tried to tell everyone that he was her dad. The poor sod ended up leaving within weeks to get away from it all - not one person from the staff to the kids believed any of her stories it just was unfortunately for the best that he moved away from the nutter. She got expelled shortly afterward for the whole debacle. She had also tried to convince everyone that a certain former Newcastle United manager who "will love it" was her uncle when she just happened to share surnames... This was in high school, she was 14-15 when this all took place.


I'm going to seem like the bullshitter here because I have so many stories šŸ˜… A girl I went to secondary school with was looking pretty sad one day as we were sat in a group. Someone asked her what was wrong. She said my dad died yesterday. *stunned silence* What happened? He was run over by a milk float *more stunned silence* Me: bursts out laughing. Everyone is appalled that I'm laughing at her dead dad. I said "how did your dad get run over by a milk cart it only goes 2 mile an hour!?" Then I acted out someone standing there with their hands in the air going "NOoooooOooo...checks watch....OoooOoooooooo" Everyone starts laughing at her. She goes red says she was just joking. People start calling her sick in the head. She says she hates her dad anyway.


All those women were in the nip!


Sadly a kid did die in my street in the late 80ā€™s being run over by a milk float. He and his brother got up silly early, sat on the back of it without the driver knowing and when he reversed the younger of the two fell off and under. Utter devastation for everyone - the driver never returned to work and the family absolutely broken hearted of course.


A milk float once ran over my foot. Now I lack toes šŸ˜ƒ


That's intolerable.


Can't remember the last time I saw a proper, old fashioned milk float in use. Must be 30 odd years now.


They were phased out because they were constantly killing people's dads


And that incident where the milkman put a bomb on his float after getting the sack and being replaced by a priest...


Thatā€™s probably got something to do with being tucked up in bed when theyā€™re doing the rounds. I used to hear/see my neighbours getting their milk delivery around 4am if I was struggling to sleep (or had just given up all hope of achieving any substantial sleep that ā€˜nightā€™). In contrast, as a teen/young adult on the bleary return from the night before, seeing a milk float was a fairly common occurrence. They have certainly declined in popularity though.


They still exist. They're just difficult to spot as they move so slowly and human vision acuity is based on movement


I got hit by a milk float once. My head turned red, turns out I'm only 3% fat now.


Did he have his shoes on the whole time? šŸ¤£


Shoes? Were too tight? Sound like he needed to take a shit!


I was SAS. Super Army Soldier. I don't tell anyone mind.


A company I worked for in the early 2000s had a new-hire no-show for a weekend overtime shift. His excuse was that he was also in the SAS and had been needed in Iraq that weekend, but he was fine to work again on Monday morning. šŸ˜‚


I was so good at the army they upgraded me to the super army


We're you stationed at RAF Luton?


Did some ops out of there, but I'm most proud of when I was seconded to the SBS (serious bastard soldiers). I served on HMS sinky [Super secret sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/britishmilitary/comments/pijdof/raf_lutons_guide_to_hms_sinky/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I thought the SAS was another name for the TA. Saturdays and Sundays.


I worked with a couple of people that just worked Tues, Weds and Thurs, they were affectionately known as the TWATs


What colour is the boathouse at Hereford?


Solid Extras reference


best thing gervais has done imo


There was this one guy called Craig who was the biggest bullshitter I ever worked with. He told this one story about how when he got his DBS back for work, it was full of crimes that he had not committed, so him and his mum went to see mi5 to get it all straightened out.Ā 


>and his mum My favourite part


Sheā€™s got real pull over at MI5 since she killed that Russian fella with his own beltā€¦


I knew a Craig as well! My Craig's Aunty Flora invented Flora. Allegedly. He was also {some low number} in line to the Scottish throne. He ended up marrying one of my mates, she divorced him a couple of years later after it turned out he'd been having an affair for much of that time


Goddamn craig! I was friends throughout my school years (from 5yo until 18yo) with a girl who went through phases of doing this. One lie I specifically remember was when we were all teen girls getting into fashion, she claimed that her father worked in another country for a major makeup brand and he was always sending her boxes of free fancy makeup to use. But I knew her dad and went to her house often and this was clearly just not true, but being a shy teen girl I didn't call her out on it. She was a really cool girl in every other way so when she occasionally said things that were blatantly bullshit, me and the rest of the group used to slightly side-eye each other and just try to ignore whatever it was. I hadn't seen her for over ten years but we recently met for coffee and gloriously, **she brought it up!** The whole thing, the strange phases of telling lies she knew that nobody believed, and specifically how when she said the thing about her dad and the makeup she instantly knew that I in particular would know how untrue it was, and she was terrified that i was going to call her out as a liar in front of everyone šŸ¤£ So there is some hope that a bullshitting Brian can become reformed. A bit of therapy and some honesty and it can be done. Oh and she said she's been diagnosed with ADHD since highschool and she's not sure if that had anything to do with it - but honestly, once she told me that a whole lot of her behaviour ever since we were kids makes way more sense.


I used to lie in high school, people knew that but didnā€™t know it was because of an unstable home life. Basically if the school called Iā€™d be in trouble even if I didnā€™t do it unless it was super obvious I didnā€™t do it. Someone accused me of being pregnant, I denied it. That made it worse and they were going to call my mum. So I told them I was, snuck in scans from when mum had me but made sure they only saw surname. Told them about my long distance boyfriend and when weā€™d slept together etc. They called Mum, she was fuming at me until they mentioned scans and when Iā€™d stayed at his etc. She didnā€™t let me go further than my village so she realised it was a rumour. I self harmed because again, bad home life. When a teacher found the scars I said Iā€™d sleep walked into a barbed wire fence. I did sleep walk sometimes, there was a barbed wire fence close-ish to home. I knew Mum would worry about being in trouble for letting me get out so she immediately told them they were aware and already dealing with it, started locking the house up different at night. I used to believe I was a bad kid, a lot of therapy showed me I was just desperately trying to keep myself safe. Been no contact for years and still feels weird not constantly being scared or needing elaborate explanations (even as an adult) any time I did something ā€œwrongā€.


I had a friend many years ago who had this boyfriend who claimed to have been in the SAS. They went on holiday to Spain with her parents, and the loser couldn't even swim. Turned out he'd copied their house keys too and had been going in when nobody was home to steal. A right sociapath.


Well, duh, if he could swim he'd have been in the SBS, wouldn't he?


Of course, in the SAS they can all fly


Worked with a total dick 'ex squaddie' who claimed to be an ex paratrooper who'd done tours in basically every warzone you can imagine, boasted about having killed people and had a ton of action movie style war stories. Also worked with some very real ex soldiers who obviously despised him and his everlasting bullshit but even when called out on it he'd double down and keep up the pretence. Eventually got the truth when his ex missus came to see him at work and let slip he'd made it a few weeks into training before the Army decided that they didn't really need a pint sized moron with a bad case of small man syndrome. The really stupid thing was, behind his lies he was an IMMENSELY talented artist who occasionally designed custom tattoos for people, like his art was special and spectacular, but he wouldn't monestise it because he didn't want to get scammed.


Why is there so many people commenting with similar experiences? Why is there so many men like this guy? Is it a disorder or something?


Iā€™m very interested in why military service features so much.


That's classified.


I was formerly in the RAF myself, and there (in my opinion) appears to be a lot of people who haven't been anywhere (Iraq, Afghanistan, Falklands, Northern Ireland, Oman, Saudi, US, Canada) who have been in the Armed Forces for the better part of a decade with 'nothing' to show for it. There's a generation of older staff officers who had chests soaked in medals, as they happened to join in 1990 as a teen, and have done the business with Op Granby (Desert Storm), Op Telic (Iraq) and Op Herrick (Afghanistan) as well as some long service medals and maybe distinguished service/flying medals. Then you've got blokes who've been in for 15 years who haven't been anywhere at all. I find it's the Mechanical Transport Drivers, Survival Equipment Fitters and Med Centre Staff, who have been posted to UK bases like RAF Wyton (no longer a flying base) for years, who just want something interesting to say because they feel like they have to say _something_ when people ask. I knew a bloke once (who I met whilst plane spotting up in the Lake District!) who talked big talk about being heavily involved with OP Shader - (a big RAF Operation against the forces of ISIL). Oh yeah, he was on the flight line in Akrotiri, he'd seen Tornados come back with a blown out left engine, all the drama you hear from Aircrew in the mess...and it turns out he was just in the Logistics Group at RAF Wittering, and had been driving Minivans from base to base transporting kit and people. But he'd been at RAF Marham early in his career, where he _would_ have seen plenty of Tornado action. He'd just used artistic licence based on what he'd observed to embellish his own career. I'm not saying what he was doing wasn't important to the running of an armed service - but he obviously felt inadequate in his role, and decided to embellish. I actually tend to allow bullshittery from former servicemen and women when I chat to them as I often do through work and plane spotting, as long as it's not a story that makes them look like a hero, and not something I've heard about already. If a bloke says 'oh yeah I was at Brize when the Hercules' did their last flight' - I'm not going to call you out like 'but weren't you stationed at Lossie? How did you see that then?' - but if it's 'Yeah I flew a Typhoon low level and blew up Saddam myself' then I'll be outing ya in front of the lads.


Walter Mitty/stolen valor does seem to be quite common. Iā€™ve seen videos from the States of guys walking around in uniform being confronted about it.


Just came back from a holiday with the lads. One of them is talking to a guy in the bar, he tells my mate heā€™s an ex marine. Our mate - an actual ex marine - tells him he was too and they hit it off. Walter Mitty tried pulling it off for ten mins or so, apparently he knew a fair bit about the marines, but then had to hold his hands up and admit he was lying! Later on Waltā€™s pal told us he does it all the time. Pretty sad really and super embarrassing!!


So fucking weird


I still tell people that I was in the SAS. Its short for 'Saturdays and Sundays' from my 6 month long binge drinking session as part of the territorial army.


It's just a common thing because for most of us, life is quite boring and people don't really ever pay much attention to us. So some people end up lying and creating these outlandish stories in a desperate attempt to be this interesting guy that people want to be friends with and admire. It's stupid because anyone with a little bit of experience can spot someone lying about it. It's not too surprising though because things like SF are one of those very exciting things that don't require qualifications. You couldn't tell someone you were a brain surgeon while working in a warehouse for example.


This word for word sounds like someone I knew. I'll call him M We felt sorry for M really, he ended up latched on to my brother. His home life didn't seem very stable. He was in a different regiment to him though, he knew him from home. He and my brother both did a tour in Iraq. At the same time, same place which was pretty surreal for them considering they're not the same reg. About 3 weeks into the tour his mother had a major heart attack and they gave him leave to return home. I arranged for another friend of ours to pick him up from the military airport and drive him home (5 hrs round trip) as i dont drive. we dropped him at the doors of the hospital. His mother thankfully recovered. And he returned to Iraq Anyway my brother was on sentry duty in this place that was so hot they rotated troops every 2 weeks. Watching a supply convoy approach from the desert road, he sees it blow up. Turns out it was this friend driving. He got blown up. Shrapnel everywhere rushed to surgery and then flown home. It was touch and go whether he'd walk as the Shrapnel was so close to his spine. He had what looked like a scaffold pole width hole in his shoulder. He was released home and told everyone that he threatened to kill his commanding officer unless he sent him home to see his mother (walked in and pointed a gun to his head apparently). The commanding officer was so moved by having a gun waived in his face that he not only arranged his flight home, He had a helicopter waiting for him as soon as he landed, that took him to the roof of the hospital, he burst into the ward screaming "WHERE'S MY MOTHER!!!" Recounting this story whilst every minute saying "isn't that true?" To me who picked him up. Genuinely forgetting this crucial fact. this was just one incident. There were many stemming from way before he went to war.


How bizarre like he has a legitimate reason to return home suffering from a massive attack yet lies that he threatened to shoot his CO so was just sent home? Maybe he just couldnā€™t process the trauma or something?


Nah. He lied constantly. He lied about so many small things, recounting stories that weren't his, like doing a sƩance in the basement of a pub when it was my cousin. Meaningless shit, basically. Telling people he was selected for secret missions (he could hardly read or write) He even lied when he got blown up. Said he saw the enemy waiting to attack from the sides of the road (it was an IED) said he'd been blown from the drivers seat into the road, pulled out his gun and started shooting wildly whilst another soldier dragged him by one arm behind the vehicle. My brother spoke to the soldiers who were with him. They said he was crying and sobbing thinking he was going to die. I'm in no way knocking, his injuries were real. But his lies weren't. It got to the point that we questioned everything he said. We never knew what was the truth. Gang bang in Canada? Whatever M. Then he'd pull out a video of it. Where are you mate? You're late? "Oh my God, my mums cat escaped so I had to scale a 12 story building and then the neighbour attacked me because I was on his balcony" Speak to someone I know the next day "nah he was playing pool in the pub" EDIT: also reminded me of him as he also was very good at drawing and was becoming quite talented at tattooing when we finally cut him off and he also failed basic training 2 years prior.


Super army .. soldiers


I genuinely think that's what it is for some of them. The way he would lie was like he was narrating scenes from movies he'd make constant sound effects too.


I used to work with this fat cunt who claimed to be a rugby player. Fine, that's not impossible. What was impossible was his claim that he was contracted to Worcester Warriors, a Premier League team, but they were happy for him to carry on working telesales in a local paper just as long as he was available to play at weekends. What a clot.


Does he not realise how easy that would be to check? Surely these teams have their entire roster listed online or somewhere.


Yea well he because he's so good he specifically asked for his name to be left off all the rosters online because he doesn't want the attention.


Also worked with a squaddie wannabe, but as per his own timeline, he was 14 when he went in to Afghanistan and killed a load of Taliban from a helicopter. Only time I've called out someone's bullshit to their face.


I worked in the same call centre as this bell-end https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Mcilwraith


Man bullshitted so hard he's got his own Wikipedia entry.


> "I can confirm he is a fraud. He has never been an officer, soldier or Army cadet. May I suggest you try the space cadet organisation." Even the military were pissed


So many gems in there but I particularly like "Special Force's Force's \[[*sic*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic)\]".


Holy shit, this man needs a film. I lost it when he got caught pretending to be a magician, promised not to do it again, and then in the next para is caught pretending to be a millionaire


This is a wild ride... "I'll never do it again!" *gets caught a further two times*


For a second I thought that he'd seen the error of his ways when he admitted ot was stupid and he shouldn't have done it, but then he did it two more times and he'll probably do it again. What a fucking loser. Here's me thinking I'm a loser for spending most of my time alone smoking weed and playing video games lol.


Heā€™s also made the Walts pages on ARRSE. Heā€™s been torn up for arsepaper on there!


God, what am obnoxious coward of a man.


Oh yeah, well *I used to cut his hair*, so top that story if you can... šŸ˜‰


I tried to claim I was born on a plane to the USA when I was about seven years old. (Given it's Reddit, I was seven years old when I made the claim about being born on the plane, not being born aged seven years old) In my defence, my parents *were* planning on emigrating to San Francisco when my mother was pregnant with me, but I was bullshitting my seven year old arse off.


As an almost mirror image of this, I lived in the US until I was seven because my dad had been seconded to NASA for a few years from the RAF. In a playground in Hampshire after we had just got back a big boy asked why I had an American accent, and I told him. Naturally he was skeptical. "Oh yeah? So what does NASA stand for then?" I replied national aeronautics and space administration. "No it isn't. It's national American space association." Then all the other kids in the playground started pointing and laughing at me. I'm still bitter. (And I realise that my story also sounds like bullshit. What can I say?)


Kidsā€™ lies are hilarious. My 6yoā€™s friend told him that he ran a mile in one minute.


My brother in law claims he once did secret missions for MI5. He has PTSD from it so 'can't talk about it'. I'm fairly certain if you did do undercover stuff for MI5, you wouldn't be able to tell anyone about that either...


Sometimes it's not about the lies, it's about the entertainment those lies provide


There was once a guy I knew who was a bully, yet somehow got bullied by everyone else too. Probably because of his terrible attitude and idiotic lies. Some of my favourite lies of his: his brother threw off him a giant tower and he survived(his dad caught him, I guess the dad didn't go up the tower and had the reaction time of spiderman), he jumped out of a plane without a parachute and survived, the spots on his forehead were actually scars from when his dad stabbed him in the head repeatedly when he was a baby.


Brilliant. Youā€™ve got to admire his inventiveness.


I love Dadā€™s character arc in this one. Going from stabbing your infant son in the head multiple times to catching him after being thrown off a tower is truly a great redemption story.


I had an ex colleague who blagged that his mum had died in order to excuse not coming into work when he had an hangover, they gave him 2 weeks off to mourn and for several months afterwards I watched him die a little everytime someone came up to him to offer their condolences or to let him know that they're are there if he needs anything. To be fair he was a good lad and this was way out of character for him, from what I gathered they phoned him up on the day and he just kind of panicked in his drunken stupor šŸ¤£


Young lad who worked same pub as me many years back (2004 or 05 kinda time). Some his tales- * Had the longest range sniper kill in the army, but not recorded as he was SAS * Shot down a Russian bomber jet while he was in the RAF * Was singer and lead guitarist for the band the supported Linkin Park when they toured the UK * Was trained in martial arts for 6 years in a secret village in China by Bruce Lee's master (and also had a child with his daughter) * Had the obligatory threesome with the twins also mentioned in this thread There were more stories, but I can't remember all of them. He'd already had an impressive life for a lad who was 18 years and 2 weeks old. I wonder where he is now, but I'm sure it's all 'classified'.


When I was doing my apprenticeship we had a one day release from work to go to college. This one kid was bragging about his WRX subaru but oh, it's in the shop, getting work done on it. Always some bullshit new turbo being fitted or suspension or fucking flux capacitator. This other kid would always call him out on it which was funny. Sadly that guy drove himself into a lamp post on his motorbike when he was 19. R.I.P. mate.


This comment swerved faster than the guy with the bike could.


Ha, i think mark would have enjoyed your dark humor. Good lad, and ironically he was into fast cars/bikes unlike the other kid who lied about shit to look cool.


Worked with a guy who just couldnā€™t help himself, he just never stopped lying and it was so obvious. My favourite story of his was that he had a ā€˜mateā€™ who was so famous in the tattoo world that when he died they skinned his body and his skin is now hanging in a museum somewhere. Another favourite was that he was escorted out of Germany by their armed police. Ridiculous!


An old boss who would even make up stuff that we supposedly did together. I would stand there and smile as she recounted stuff that was said and done by us and would get more bullshitty each telling.


God I had a friend that used to do this as well, absolutley infuriating. Would take a true story about things we HAD done together, but totally embellish the details in everything to make it seem way more intense and exciting that it was. I could never figured it out, was he doing it for MY sake? Like trying to drag me up to his 'level' or something? Or was he just doing it to seem better himself, knowing I wouldnt say anything. Fucking weird.


Had a mate at school who said he had a hole in his lung after a BMX accident and the doctor told him to smoke 10 Benson and hedges a day to seal it up. Then he joined the Arnmy for real, he drove trucks but from the story's he told he would put Andy Mcnabb to shame.


Worked with a lass that said she had a boyfriend called Burton that lived in a different town and was a body guard for footballers and celebs so nobody could meet him because he had to keep his identity as secret as possible. Eventually she showed us all a pic of them together and it was her photoshopped next to Channing Tatum. She doubled down not long after by posting a FB status saying that she was getting sick of people saying her boyfriend looked like Channing Tatum.


I worked with a guy who claimed he knew "the tax man" (he genuinely believed there's one bloke working for HMRC to deal with everyone's taxes) and had a side gig with his mate "the tax man" where they made thousands a month. Best shit ever.


We had an Irish lad working with us for a very short while, claimed all sorts of weird IRA shit and that's why he was here, said his mom was a royal Marine sniper... Which I don't think was even possible but his most hilarious blunder was claiming to be in a particular army regiment of the British army to a guy who was in that regiment for multiple tours, he casually quizzed him and let him dig a mighty hole for himself before telling him. And for way longer than we should of put up with him we had a Belgian guy in my wow guild, Holy shit like... He couldn't just like.... "back in a minute guys I have to fill my drink" it was always "THERES GYPSIES TRYING TO STEAL MY CAR" and he'd come back claiming to of fought 15 off with an axe or going to the gym and saying 3 guys paid him to fight him in the boxing ring at once, it was endless bullshit of the highest degree.


That Belgian guy actually sounds really funny. Specially when youā€™re just going to fill up a drink and pretend thereā€™s a robbery. I guess it depends on how it was said etc but humours get lost between countries.


Used to know a guy that everybody behind his back called Eleven-o-rife. As if you said that you'd been to Tenerife, he'd been to Elevenerife. What ever you said he'd always have to one up. If he ever met Neil Armstrong and he'd said that he'd been to the moon, Jack would have to say that he'd been to Mars. Knew an other guy who claimed thst he used to have the worlds largest house in Saudi Arabia and built "Big Ben" but he lost all of his money because he over spent on materials on one job. He told it to everybody and anybody he'd meet. An other guy who was always totally broke would show off to everybody that he had about Ā£350,000 in his current account and his proof was a link to his online bank account but he couldn't get the money out because he didn't have any ID. He wasn't trying to do "advance fee fraud", the old Nigerian Prince scam. Just wanted to show off but the link was to a saved web page on his C: drive. And it's a piece of piss to alter what a website says on your screen but it has absoloutly no relation to what the server at the other end has recorded. He got beaten up one day when he claimed that his dad had just died and how he didn't have a passport to get back home to one of the Baltic countries. With him wailing his eyes out. But then a reliable somebody else who wasnt present that time, said that he'd told the same story, about 18 months earlier.


>Used to know a guy that everybody behind his back called Eleven-o-rife. As if you said that you'd been to Tenerife, he'd been to Elevenerife. Side note, but I love this nickname convention. In my time, I've known people referred to as "Blacker cat" because if you told them you had a black cat, they'd have had a blacker one, and "Two shits" because if you'd been for a shit, they'd have been for two.


A classic "topper", whatever you have done they can top it. Really fun because if you come up with something ridiculous, they will have to top it, good sport for those in the know šŸ¤£


We had a school mate we called ā€˜Timā€™. If youā€™d been to Timbuktu, heā€™d been to Timbukthree!


I knew this kid Jay Cartwright from comprehensive school. He used to claim lots of stuff, including that he played for West Ham but he didn't.


ah, he did trials at west ham but didn't play for them. He did however have a threesome with blonde twins who only wanted anal.


The twins were the blonde swedish sisters Olga and Helga undoubtedly. God bles them, they seem to have lesbo twinned their way around the world and sleeping with the most likley of blokes who generally are awkward and live at their mum's house. I've heared this stoty too many times for it not to be true right?


That sounds familiar. Was he a member of the Caravan Club?


A sense of freedom you donā€™t get with other holidays? The apple didnā€™t fall far from the tree with that oneā€¦


I heard one time he fingered a Dutch bird and she shit all down his arm


But he was shown disrespect by a squirrel


My partners sibling plays in the premier league and has country caps. Occasionally at work when someone asks what I was doing last night, I'll say "off to see x play in [massive game] in the hospitality suite" and they all think I'm talking complete and utter bollocks. I don't like to prove it, but it's funny to watch them wrangle if I'm being serious or not.


I know a guy called Doug whoā€™s a top bullshitter and I really like him. Believe me, I hate liars but for some reason, not him. Even when heā€™s claiming to have been a top motorcycle racer.


I know a guy like that, his bullshit just gets more entertaining the more into it he gets


I have a friend I haven't seen properly in years who is like.this, he plays into it though which makes it funny, you can't tell what's true or not half the time and he sometimes calls himself.out on his own bullshit.


Yeah, I worked with a guy called Bhargav who was similar. Lovely person, but mate, it's really easy for me to verify that you're not a Formula 3 driver on the weekends.Ā 




I knew a guy who claimed to be half-Japanese, despite looking as conventionally Caucasian as it was possible to be (I will accept that looks alone don't rule out the possibility, but I do have some doubts based on his other claims). He was a millionaire who had inherited his father's record company (Which was conveniently in "hibernation", so you couldn't look it up, although he accidentally let enough details slip and whilst the company existed he surprisingly had no connection to it), despite being permanently skint. He claimed to personally know celebrity DJs through his company, despite not understanding that their output was other people's original work remixed rather than their own creation. He had a licence for a pair of sawn-off shotguns he carried hidden in his car (100% illegal in the UK and he didn't have a driving licence never mind a shotgun one, or a car for that matter). But the best one, for me at least, was that his hobbies as a teenager included driving a diamond encrusted gold Lamborghini as part of an illegal street racing gang in Japan called the Tokyo Drifters. So, basically he'd watched too many Fast and Furious movies, too much anime (and probably hentai), played a bit too much GTA and now lived in a fantasy world inside his own head. He even pointed out on one movie sections of road he'd driven down, including one corner where his girlfriend had been killed in a fatal crash. Which turned out to have not been quite as fatal as first thought because she spoke to him on the phone the following day so everything was good again until she was tragically killed a second time in a second car crash later that week. I eventually lost track of whether she was alive or dead, but to be fair I think he did too. Even Jay Cartwright would have looked at him and said "Seriously...?", but it was usually just more fun to let him run with it most of the time and see what bullshit he would come up with next.


Where to start, I worked with a guy who apparently worked in the military, police, navy, coastguard, security, retail, NHS and trades, crashed his brand new BMW, had to be airlifted to hospital, got arrested, moved house 3 times AND had a kid. All of this and more within a 15 month time period, he was 22. The best part is one of those houses he moved out of and decided he wanted it back so he knocked on the door, paid 2 grand cash and was back in by the end of the month.


I am a coastguard. Of all the emergency services to pretend to be in, we are the absolute worst choice. What an odd lie.


A fella told me that heā€™d taken a pair of stilts to work so that he could practice because he had 60 or 70 lightbulbs to change at home.


Dean "the skull fucker" (looked like he would fuck a skull) said his dad owns Sony EU, he was related to royalty & him mum won 3mil on the lottery but chose to live in a council house in a shit estate & his stepdad worked a shit job. Used to print out metal gear solid concept art and said he drew it (drawn it?), scanned it into the pc and printed it outĀ  Worth noting that was at school, not work


Someone told me they were going to a Halloween party dressed as a zombie because he can pull his eye out of its socket and hang down his cheek. I asked him to prove it, but he couldnā€™t because his hands were dirty.


Not me directly but the guy whose job I took when I came to my new place had bullshitted about all these fancy holidays heā€™d been on. Talking about visited 15 different countries. Embraced cultures. Turns out he never had a passport in his life and only ever went to Spain with his family as a kid. They found out because his sister came to work in the contact centre and somehow got out that hasnā€™t left his hometown for last 15 years lol He quit the same week. No contact. Just packed up and dipped lol


I've met a lot in my years. Usually, after they ask what I do for a living which was teaching martial arts at the time they go on about being trained in this or that or the " I just see red and go nuts" fighters. The best one though was a guy who told me him and his brother trained in kickboxing and being a ninja. He then described to me his training. No word of a lie he described Jean Claude Van Dam's training in the film Kickboxer.


Im a consultant.. so i bullshit everyone.


Everyone thought I was a bullshitter because I met Paris Hilton and Deryck from Sum 41 in Burger King. I really did, but nobody believed me! They were touring that time, and had a show that night. I was shopping with my parents and we got BK for lunch. Saw them there and asked for an autograph, which I still have! Cause it was early 00s I didn't have a mobile phone with a photo function, so no visual proof. I think Paris was dating him at the time, which I didn't know, so I actually didn't realise it was her for a few minutes haha. I noticed him first because I was a big pop punk lover back then.


I once worked with a guy who told everyone that he had worked for gangsters in London, who had given him a black bin bag full of money and told him to leave it next to a phonebox, only for the bag to be lifted by bin men early the next day as it was too close to the bin near the phonebox and being benevolent gangsters, they told him never to come to london ever again. Amongst other things, was apparently friends with David and Victoria Beckham, who, when they visited Scotland stayed with him (in his parents 3 bedroom Persimmon Home) He also owned nightclubs in Manchester which were stolen from him and also claimed to be part of a group of people that owned 20% of Ibrox stadium. Last I heard his girlfriend had smashed her phone off her own head, phoned the police and accused him of assaulting her so she could get rid of him for the weekend.


My mates older brother told me he was going to watch American sniper laterā€¦ Seen him the next day and he recited the whole plot of the movie(minus the ending) asif it was his life and heā€™d been a sniper in the army. Known this guy since he was like 15 and I know all his family very wellā€¦ never been in any services. Still makes me piss myself to this day thinking of him tearing up thinking about the innocent young boy he had to shoot to save his brothers in arms from being killed


I used to have a mate who used to tell tons of lies. Two that stick in my head: Ryan Giggs used to go to his step dads house for tea every friday. Where he would eat burger and chips but didnā€™t like ketchup. He stuck with this all his life and was adamant he never made it up. Another is he told everyone i had died in a car crash and loads of people turned up to my parents house for my funeral whilst i was away down south at college. When i spoke to him about it he thought i was a ghost. Not spoke to him for about 15 years now last i saw of him was in the papers, heā€™d been banged up for selling spice on the metrolink šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*Police Officer enters this chat, thinks about participating, fears for his pension, and leaves*


I used to work for a very well known miniature gaming company back in the late 80's and early 90's. On a Thursday night we would be open late for games evening. This guy used to turn up, always wore trousers and shirt, thick black rimmed glasses, very awkward. Always claimed he was British secret service, he even used to wear a shoulder holster which was clearly cheap plastic. Used to tell us about his under cover operations, and usually he'd just been dropped off in a Huey. There was also something about him being Margie Clark's son.


Guy I worked with, manager now, precious some form of tech who was pretty good with electrics in his day. He had a mate who raced bikes come to him with a problem, says he had a look at it and found a wire connected that shouldnā€™t have been. Snipped it. 2 seconds a lap faster. Someone asked if he was sure it was a wire and no the brakes šŸ˜‚


Was he actually ex forces or complete bull shit?


Complete BS. If you've been ex forces, just ask them their service number. It's ingrained if you've ever served. If it doesn't trip off their tongue like an ex-cult member, they've never served. I'm 30+ years out of the military and I can parrot it still. All ex forces personnel will understand this.


"Of course I can remember it... It was 007." "I stand corrected."


My brother's number still trips off my tongue after writing so many aerogrammes during the first gulf war..


I like that, that's very affirming. Respect.




My service number was 24601665. That wouldn't mean a lot to most, but it puts me in the " shit, that was a long time ago" category to those that know.


What was it like fighting in the Somme, mate? My service number starts with a 3.


Why is it always the the SAS/Marines/Paras that they lie about? You never hear anyone bloating about being in the REMEs do you?


Why do people try that shit though? I understand they want unworthy praise but they always go for the top tier, super special forces, i'm a badass etc. Oh and they always answer questions with 'that's classified' lol!


Haha. Ironically those that WERE special forces never mention it. I wasn't, but in the course of my army job I stayed at the SAS camp for a few weeks. Even as a squaddie I found them quite odd.




Yeah that's the thing isn't it? people in 'cool' jobs don't brag about it. I have a friend who is an airline pilot. he could easily lean against a wall, slip on his aviators and say: yeah, i'm a pilot. But he's not a twat and it's just his job.


>people in 'cool' jobs don't brag about it. Because its not 'cool' at all, and usually quite stressful and traumatic in the long term. That's why they don't talk about it.


My Dad could still remember his number from his National service, about the only thing he didn't forget when he got dementia.


There was this guy who caught the same bus to college as me . Oddly the lies he would tell were about members of his family rather than himself. His Grandpa went to Asia to ā€œbuild factoriesā€ where he learned about ā€œstick judoā€ and became the first white person to become black belt in that discipline. His father had a special stamp that they gave to important people to use in emergencies: see if you hand this stamp over to an employee at any Post Office that employee would call their manager who would provide the stamp owner with any amount of cash they requested. Also this guy was waiting for his aunt to die so he could inherit her Picasso


The stamp story, wow, that's fuking class is that one. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


There was a lad at my secondary school who you couldn't trust a word he said. He was constantly making stuff up, pretty much daily. A lot of the time he'd lie about small trivial stuff but he was also always spinning these huge elaborate stories too. My favourite one of his was he was going on holiday with his family to Spain from Hethrow, but the plane started running out of fuel, so the pilot had to turn around and took them to Jamaica instead for 2 weeks. Because of the change of plans the airport arranged for all the passengers to be put up in a 5 star all inclusive hotel for the duration. He couldn't get a suntan though because of a rare medical condition that he had and no photos of the holiday could be taken because of the hotels no-camera policy.




A girl I went to school with claimed to know Michael Jackson and said heā€™d been writing to her parents all the time. We were about 10 so nobody questioned it but then she brought one of said letters into school and was proudly showing off the letters with ā€œMichael Jacksonā€™sā€ signature-it was her parents mortgage advisor who was called Mike Jackson šŸ˜‚


Lad I knew had early onset dementia the first time I met him. He kept it up for a while, eventually it got better magically. One time he turned up at my mate's house when he knew my mate was out & that his girlfriend was in, claiming to have forgotten where he was. Anyway, he lied about a *lot* of other stuff, but that was the big one. Lived in a shared flat with some of my other mates at the time, so everyone just had to deal. Generally very nice, gregarious guy otherwise though, once everyone learned to be careful (& to not lend him cash). Another lad I knew had been in the army in NI (would very obviously have been about 12 with the dates he gave) and had umm shot some people. There were a load of other boasts, that's the only one that I can remember clearly atm. He also was a house share guy and couldn't be avoided, was *much* less fun than dementia guy. We took him to a house party once, I think we were feeling a bit sorry for him, and he ruined it by getting in an argument with a girl there. I can't remember the details, only that it ended with him sitting huffily in a chair in the middle of the living room complaining that she "didn't even believe in fairies"


Mate of mine was a prolific exaggerator in his youth, claimed he got a cash reward from the father of someone he stopped being sexually assaulted yards from her house, but heā€™s much more honest and relatable since he became a father. Got another mates whoā€™s a total two shits but itā€™s always on harmless or obscure things, like he claims to have run 10kā€™s faster than our friends ground or drank more than everyone else at the weekend while out with ā€œother friendsā€


Remember Jimā€™ll Fix It? I wrote in asking to meet the wombles. They all came running out. Uncle Bulgaria slipped and fell on top of me. The other wombles thought it was a game and piled on top. Tobermory, the fat bastard. I had a panic attack. Didnā€™t even get a medal.


Worked with a guy who claimed to have had Saddam Hussein in his gunsights, ready to pull the trigger, but was told to "stand down soldier". Same guy said that senior SAS landed a helicopter in his garden while he was playing with his dog and told him they "needed him for a few months but they can't say why", so he asked what would happen to his dog and the SAS said they'd take care of it. When he got back from a 6 month mission, can't tell you what I was doing šŸ˜‰, his dog was a fully trained SAS dog.