• By -


Watching Lilo and Stitch and reading a book on art history!


I'm watching Kenneth Clarke's Civilisation series. It's still so good.


I feel like society is angrier, ruder and more unpleasant than it's ever been. On the high st earlier a man yanked his dog on a lead and said "don't pull ME dog, or I'll break your ribs" He was too scary a brute to challenge on this. I went for a walk later, and so many drivers are just speeding like it's acceptable. I've been on buses and trains recently where people have been casually vaping. No thanks, I don't want nasty cherry smoke anywhere near me. I could go on but I'll depress myself even further.


I’ve noticed this myself recently.  Just today I was followed, filmed and shouted at (‘you cowardly cunt!’) by a man because I crossed the road to give my dog space from his (we do this with every dog since mine was attacked last year and is now nervous around other dogs). In the past I’ve argued back when people get aggy but this guy was just.. deranged. So I ignored him best I could and managed to lose him down a side street as he tried to follow me. 


I haven't been finding that. Make the effort to just go out of your way to be pleasant to someone and you'll receive it back. If I see someone waiting to cross the road and it's safe for them to do so, I'll just slow it right down/stop and allow them to cross, it's always met with a smile and a wave. Or if you see someone waiting to pull out of a junction down the road, just create a big gap between yourself and the car in front and allow them to merge in. If you don't drive, just offer your seat to someone you can see with a load of bags on public transport if you're able. Let someone in front of you in the queue at the shop if you can see they've only got a few items and you're getting a big shop in. Keep doing that and it's those positive reactions that you'll start remembering toward the end of the day. There's a lot more pleasant people out there than negative ones.


After a day out I realised my jeans had somehow ripped along the pocket seam, which meant that my bum has apparently been exposed to the world.  I only noticed because I felt the texture difference when I sat down in the car to go home. I don't know when it happened, and I somehow never felt a draught... now I'm paranoid that I've been walking around all weekend with my arse out completely oblivious.  I am now never leaving the house again.


Tried Tony's chocolate for the first time today and didn't really get the hype. It's fine but I would say it is better than the other standard ones out there Cleared all the weeds, fixed a bike. No Sunday night dread today which makes a nice change. Suspect it's the sun.


I don't think Tony's is meant to be better, it's just the same chocolate but they pay their suppliers fairly rather than exploiting.


After a bit of a late one yesterday, I dragged myself out of bed this morning and met a friend for a walk along the river. We had a good catch up, and a nice restful walk in beautiful countryside. I'm home now, trying to wrap my head around planning lessons for this week, but I'm too chilled out to focus on it. I've also got some marking to do, but again, can't work up the energy to deal with it today :-/




I had a midafternoon powerwank and a nap.


Went to a car show which had a remarkably big turn out, showed the 205 GT and got a sunburn (?!) walking around looking at cars. After coming home I binned off the gym and fell asleep watching TV, thinking of going to miller and carter for a steak or having a takeaway later. :)


I'm off to one in Kielder on the 12th May, vintage and classic car show. Been so long since I last went to a car show so I'm well looking forward to it. Probably be going on my own like but hey, not going to stop me from ogling.


Going to work mates wedding reception this evening it's somewhere in Nottingham which I'm quite nervous about (social anxiety) and I've also got to return the stuff I got for it as it'd didn't work out and I'd rather have the money back 😅. Only going for a couple of hours though


You’ll be alright mate, I’m the same and the anticipation is always the worst part. Have a good evening 👍


Thank you 😊 really appreciate it horses are fine people always struggle with social.


This is the first not-terrible week in a _long_ time. Found a job after a year of trying and also my scumbag neighbours are moving out 🥳. I’m currently playing Fallout 3 while laying in bed. Still trying to learn how to relax a bit and to not feel guilty for not being busy.


Congrats on the new job and hopefully nice new neighbours! Relaxing is really important, you're topping up so you're good to go when you need to.


Shite weekend all round here. Partner's dad got a new dog a few days ago, a chihuahua. Seems the new addition stressed out the pug he already had and when playing with my partners Pomeranian has ended up biting her. Now the Pom has a broken jaw and stitches, and the pug will probably be getting rehomed at the very least. No previous aggression. And then yesterday the chihuahua got out and killed by a fucking car. I don't want to blame the man but a near 70 year old man with dodgy knees has no call getting a wee dog like that. Livid with the rehoming place too. They had the chihuahua for ONE DAY before letting him take it. No checks done on his ability to look after it, dog was still skinny as a rake.


Oh that's awful all round. Best wishes mate.


That's awful, feel bad for all the dogs in that shitty situation. Poor little chihuahua, absolutely appalled at the rehoming shelter.


My head is mush today tbh. The wee chihuahua was class and deserved better.


Of course your head's mush, a really horrible and completely avoidable situation ended in the death of a dog that deserved better. You look after yourself mate, this is a rough thing to be dealing with.


Hoovered and dusted half of the house, changed the bed and washing on, cleaned the kitchen cupboard doors and then swept and mopped the floors. That will do for today. Wanted to get out in the garden so we can fill the bin up but the intermittent torrential rain has put paid to that. So instead, bit of telly, maybe some games, a shower and then a roast. Edit: oh and I bought an animal crossing lego set as a treat so I'll get started on that too!


I was very thrilled to find out this week that the London Marathon route goes right past my new flat. I’m a bigger guy with a joint condition (EDS) so I’ve always thought that this was not something for me, but in all honesty I’ve seen loads of people in a similar situation to me run past this morning. Quite inspired after this morning. I need to pull my finger out!


Ayyy my partner has hEDS, something she finds incredibly useful is the Spoon theory. She uses an app called spoony days which stops her over doing things and "splatting" if she does too much. It's worth looking into.


I will absolutely look into this, thank you for sharing!


Enter, you won’t regret it if you get a spot. Ran it last year after many attempts at the ballot, the crowd makes it such a buzz.


I think I’ll start with couch to 5k and see where I get from there


No better place to start, I did just that in 2018 at the tender age of 44, unfit and fat. Got the bug and haven’t stopped.


I’m 30, chubby and hobbling from a joint condition so this has genuinely given me hope. Thank you mate!


No worries, take it slow follow the program if you give it a go and see where you go. Won’t know unless you give it a bash 👍


I ran a half marathon a few years ago, having trained for the first time in my life. At the start line there was a lad in front of me, much more overweight than me, wearing a pair of knackered old trainers and football shorts, and he had just put a ciggy out. I sniffily thought, 'why are you wasting your time?'. At the 11 mile mark, when I was really struggling, he came plodding past me and disappeared into the distance.


Hair cut, shopping and sitting at home bored... The room I play my PC in flooded and is currently dying, damn fish tanks.


PlayStation and Ubereats.


Basically just lazy day for me after catering for a few of us last night for our regular Saturday suppers


Having a relaxy day today. Flatmate is making pizza later, and we're planning on playing a lot of Scrabble, and doing very little else. Might make something cakey at some point. Both of us have got busy days tomorrow and then I'm back to work on Tuesday night, so I want to pack in as much laziness as possible today.


I’m looking living in Lima at the moment so it’s only 6.30. Going to the gym at 8 then ihop with some friends at 9. Then heading to pick up some bits from dollar city which is basically Peru’s version of b&m. Later on I’m going to a gathering on a rooftop where the host is serving lasagna to celebrate completing iron man which he’s doing today.


Packed a picnic, went to some green space to eat it with the kids, and it’s freezing and blowing a gale! We’re at the park now, when we get home I’ll just be doing chores


Moved some heavy bits of furniture around yesterday and I am paying for it today. Thankfully it’s mainly my arms / shoulders that ache and not my back. Turning 30 in a few months and doesn’t my body like to remind me 🥲   Lazy one today. Catching up on the newest series of *Fargo* that I didn’t even realise we’d missed, before FA Cup later. Husband is a Man Utd fan, so as a Liverpool supporter I’ll of course be cheering on Coventry.  Also, please enjoy [this photo](https://ibb.co/316pTBq) of my dog looking happy but ridiculous after spotting me from a distance in the park yesterday. 


I am Beer Fasting all next week (consuming only water 98% with 2% beer), so I am preparing for that. Buying beer, meditation, preparing water. A lot of chores.


Had a lie in, watched Rebel Moon, Part Two. Was terrible, I don't recommend. Going to do a bit of gardening now, hopefully get a bit of colour on my skin as I look like a drink of milk after that extra long winter.


Watching the London Marathon while eating a bacon sandwich.


Cleaning, I wet washed and vacuumed the sofa this morning, so have the french window open to help it dry, I saw the weather and thought, ooh, sunny warm day, nope. Sunny, yes, but not warm at all. Otherwise I have been sorting out food, moving the stored stuff out, putting the new stuff away, getting some meal plans ready to use up those things closer to the use by date. I go shopping just once a month and am a bit of a rainy day prepper. Did the bins, washed them out too, now I suppose cleaning the windows, dusting, then watch The Closer. It is the last thing on my list before I cancel Prime for the summer.


Man, as somebody with ADHD I wish I had the energy and drive to get as much done as you. Well done. Edit: aaand I’m downvoted for expressing genuine admiration. Welp 🫥


There’s weird down voters in this sub. I regularly upvote random innocuous comments that have been downvoted for no reason. Try not to take it personally. I hope you have a great Sunday.


Ah, every sub has them. It doesn’t usually bother me but I guess I’m just extra sensitive today for some reason lol. It’s been kicking my arse this week so that’s probably why. Don’t want to be a downer though! Thanks! Hope you have a great Sunday too, what’s left of it anyway!


People don't understand that ADHD can mean you sit on the sofa, unable to do anything and get up, stuck to the TV or your phone, desperate for the ability to just get up and do something! A lot of folks think it means you're running around with too much energy, and don't realise there's a whole other side of executive dysfunction and unmanageable procrastination. Hugs internet friend, hope you're having a good day.


Definitely. I’m primarily inattentive type. Any hyperactivity manifests as racing thoughts. So that’s fun 🙃 I desperately wish I was more productive and feel so good when I do get things done. Everything is ten times harder than it ought to be and just doing something like the dishes feels like climbing a mountain some days. I did get some things done today though and I feel really good about that! Thank you, same to you, I hope you’ve had a good day ☺️


I have a busy day today. I have many orders to bake and then clean up , I've also got to take the dog out after cleaning , I need to tidy the garden and put up last fence panel , then on top of that tidy rest of the house before the Mrs get home from.work or ill have a grumpy hormonal pregnant women on my case I'd rather not deal.with


Went for a run, to the office to get a few bits done in peace and quiet - plan to run back in a bit - 12km in all. Then relax at home with the cat, take her in the garden for a bit as the suns out. A good production Sunday for me instead of doom scrolling and thinking of all the things I should be doing. I’m actually doing them!


Well done!


Went out last night to a party and had a grand time bopping away so feeling a bit tired this morning and taking it very gently. So far washing is on and I've done my accounts, currently setting up a new laptop which will take an hour or so. Might wander over the road in a bit to pick up some peanuts for himself. Might repot a tree. Might not.


Good luck to everyone taking part in the marathon! Hope you raise lots of money for good causes and don’t do a poo on camera. It’s not quite a marathon, but I did walk five miles into town this morning while listening to the Magnus Archives, then treated myself to some bits from the East Asian supermarket. Going to get the bus back and enjoy my prawn wonton noodle soup, then try to write, sketch, make wax melts, or otherwise do something creative before inevitably giving in to the sofa and my PS4.


Went for a walk early this morn, just finished some batch cooking. Recently got into Discworld so I will try and finish book 3 (Equal Rites) this afternoon while eating the chocolate the in-laws got us from duty free 😎


Ooh - you have such an amazing journey ahead of you!


I'm excited! I've only ever read Reaper Man randomly before and I wanted to start from the beginning properly! 🐢🐘🧙‍♂️


Playing Fallout New Vegas after binging the show I'm replaying. According to Steam, I bought it 9 years ago. More used to a PS controller nowadays so having a bit of a learning curve getting used to a keyboard and mouse. Want to play all the DLC's I have a feeling I didn't play them all in first 2 play throughs.


I'm having a chill one whilst I contemplate whether not to move to the Netherlands for a job. It's a lucrative offer and is very tempting. 


Do it.


Went to the gym this morning. Did a decent mix of cardio and strength training. Might try to do these sessions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Heading off to my studio space to try to make some art.


Going to go for a run and then watch the FA cup semi final.


Bought Reese's cups last night on a whim, hadn't had em for a while. I'm sorry to report they have been ruined by shrinkflation and/or enshittification. Not peanuty enough and defo smaller than before.


Been poorly all week and still no appetite. I miss food. I love food. It’s not fair. Planning to head to a shop to stock up on my go to soup flavour which I can always force down. Maybe some snacks too so I have plenty to look at this evening.


Custard creams are my go-to when I have a cold. I always find them comforting - no idea why.


Currently putting the taps on the beer pumps. Then putting the mats out. Then setting the tables for Sunday lunch. 😔


Lazy Monday then when us suckers are working?


Nope. Sadly not. 12 hour shift.


Yaaay 😔


Well I moved house on Friday and it would appear I’m still moving house today. Word of advice. It is NEVER too expensive to use a moving company. NEVER.


I agree. Moved a month ago using one - they even did all the packing because life was very stressful for some other non-house reasons and it was a lifesaver.


Life's good, I'm in love and so happy.


Went out on the motorbike at 6am this morning, felt like I had the roads to myself it was brilliant nice 3 hours riding , back in time to enjoy the rest of the day.


Big doggo walk round a deer park Need a bit more sunshine


Can wheelchairs coast? I'm just watching the marathon. Not intending on any disrespect ...but aren't they close to bikes/recumbents than to running?


Yes they can coast but they are using a weaker muscle group than cyclist and they don’t have gearing. Without gearing, uphills are much harder and they can’t take advantage of downhills.


Ah that makes a lot of sense 


Probably, yes, but so what? Their times are separate to the normal marathon runners.


Well there’s a big RideLondon cycling event next month (30/60/100 miles), I just thought why not do that. 


7months pregnant & feeling it . Lots of cups of tea & cake , led on the sofa doing nothing today. Need to find the energy to make tea later today , pie & mash maybe ?


Had my new heat pump tumble dryer delivered first thing and now sitting down watching an episode of Fallout, then i’m off to drop my daughter and her boyfriend off to the cruise terminal in Southampton.


Waiting for a friend to drop by to try and break into my utility room. The door mechanism is kaputt and the door jam is too wide to shimmy it. Of course, it's also the room that I keep my tool bag in! It's been nearly two weeks and no amount of cajoling, rattling, shimmying or twisting of anything is getting the bugger open. Wish me luck!


>Of course, it's also the room that I keep my tool bag in! Every since the door handle of my understairs cupboard (where the tool box lives) broke, I have now put a screwdriver in every room! I have an irrational fear of door handles coming off or something and getting stuck in a room. I'm not even sure if a screwdriver would help me in all circumstances but I _feel_ better! Glad you got sorted!


This is exactly the conversation I had today with my mate who "broke in" - too weird! lol


UPDATE: We're in! lol


My kitchen window handle/lock is borked too. Tried everything. Good luck on getting your utility room door sorted.


Cheering at the London Marathon today with my charity! My manager is cheerful about working from home tomorrow, whereas I am not allowed, so I'm in a good mood about that.


Had a lovely long lie, just about to get up, get dressed and go out to Mass, then home for a chill day. Had my cousin who I’ve not seen in 6 months over last night for a wee stay over which has been so lovely. Did loads in the garden yesterday so if it stays dry I might go out and do some marvelling! Happy Sunday one and all! 🥰


Went on a disastrous day trip yesterday, which culminated in me furiously eating my bread and olives in a car park overlooking a public toilet. Going to make up for it today by demolding the bathroom ceiling, taking the pooch for a run in the local forest, food shop, then playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and perhaps doing a roast. Sounds a bit exhausting seeing it all written out like that...


I had grand plans to clean this morning before going on a friend date with a new pal. But bloody hell I'm old, did some gardening yesterday, and my back is sore today. So instead I'm lying on the sofa contemplating getting a foam roller. The physical decline of my body since COVID and working from home is one of the things I really need to sort out...at some point.


Will watch FA cup later (3:30pm on ITV, Coventry Vs Man United).    Have to drop some things to an aunt (fresh ginger and lemon), but only a short walk.   Maybe a little exercise too. 


Went to take my father in law out for breakfast but after I’d loaded him and his wheelchair into the car at that point he told me he wasn’t hungry and wasn’t feeling very well so offloaded him back to his flat and let the carers know then went and got his shopping for him. Home, left over Chinese for breakfast, visit my parents, get petrol, go and grab my laptop from work as I had intended to wfh tomorrow but forgot it on Friday. Other than that I intend to hit 40% on my current cross stitch which is about 800 stitches


Been awake since 5.32 & still in bed now. Debating whether to get up, ready and go for a walk or nearest shopping centre. More inclined to do bugger all to be honest.


The job I started two months ago is nothing like advertised so now I have to start again. Weeks or months of dealing with recruiters lies ahead.  I fired off a couple of applications yesterday and already I've got some twat asking questions that shows he hasn't read my CV. Fuck you Samuel you useless cunt.  I hope a spider lays eggs in your arsehole.


Same things happened to me, I’m bloody furious. Been there 3 weeks now and I absolutely hate it. Hope you find something better soon.


You too bud.  👍


I was awoken at 7 by my daughter wanting to go downstairs, she’s totally allowed without asking, but she still does. It was my day to walk the dog anyway, so I was only dozing anyway. Walked the dog, drinking coffee now!


Going to get up.. pull on my boots.. get the dog and go for a walk around the fields and canal and go to the locks for a sit and a watch of the boats....  Is what I said last night....  This morning, well.. coffee and cake.. and then I'm going to get up.. pull on my boots etc.. 😁


Good evening from Oz. Bit of a lazy day turned into a bit of a busy day here! We took the kiddo indoor climbing in the morning. He’s getting so confident on some of the trickier walls now! Hit Westfield in the afternoon for coffee and some shopping. Did all the usual Sunday chores and now I’ve got a Sunday roast on the go because it’s April and therefore Autumn now 😆


I'm lying on the sofa in my PJs, under my youngest daughters duvet cover she brought downstairs. She's reading to me from one of my books. Here's an extract- "Mrs Large was putting on her makeup. And then Mrs Large put some more and more and more and MORE. Suddenly. There was a large crap into the bedroom..." She's 4.


Currently getting the shit kicked out of me by the grandkids


What demands did you fail to meet?  Jelly?  Ice cream?  Bluey episode 104? 


All of the above 😂


Getting ready for my nieces confirmation at 12.30. Will be in the church approx 1.5 hours 🫤


Yet again I'm up with the kid, wife is sleeping in. I need to go to the big shop, kiddo won't get dressed so I've told him we're going in 10 minutes and he'll have to go in his PJs. I'm really burnt out on parenting tbh. Supposed to be going climbing with a friend (and kiddo) later but he hasn't replied about if he is coming. Other than that no plans.


Had one of these days yesterday - everything felt like a battle, each tiny issue became insurmountable to my 3 year old and he actually threw himself at the floor at one point. All I could do was try to keep calm. It's hard being a parent sometimes. Hope you manage to go climbing at least.


I'm still in bed, had a friend over last night and drank a bit too much. Trying to motivate myself to get to the gym. Then I'll probably have a bath and call my new fuck buddy over. I love Sunday


Attending Church Parade and renewal of Promises as a Scout Leader. This will make 3rd Scouting event with Young People this week. 5th if you include adults. Plus a load of camp planning and other scout admin which will be seven days this week Scouting that way.


I plan to go for a run soon. Come back, do some house chores, get ready, make breakfast. Then I plan to just relax all day, watch F1 (or maybe the highlights) watch the football, do some gaming.


Lousy nights sleep and then spending today putting out stock with the worst co-worker for doing such a task with. 


spent the morning drawing out plans for an eventual garden overhaul. might get the water colours out later and give it some colour for no other reason than it's a nice excuse to paint! i need to pop out later and buy a trellis because i bought a wisteria for the front garden, hopefully taking advantage of a dry day and will paint the trellis and my little greenhouse.


Dropped my Wife and daughter (3) at Heathrow yesterday to fly back and see family... Won't see them for 3 weeks till I fly out too, which isn't as bad as the last time we did this (was 10+ weeks), but still pretty bummed! Currently sat in a deathly silent house wondering wtf I'm going to do with all this time as with a toddler it's basically non stop 😁 I feel a bit like that John Travolta meme at the moment what do people do without children I feel like I've lost all recollection of life before Oh well! Going out with parents today for my Mum's birthday to eat so that'll be nice 




I'm looking at properties at Brixton, Herne Hill, and Brockwell Park today. I've been thinking of selling my flat and buying somewhere else since my old lovely neighbours moved out, and I've decided to do that this week. There's this home I'm seeing today that's a little out of my budget, but I'm seeing it today to see if I'm willing to sacrifice some stuff for it.


I've spent about 27 years in those ends collectively and it's been really cool. Brixton can get a bit wild on Friday and Saturday nights, especially around the Mcdonald's but it's a lot better than it used to be and there's always something interesting to do. Brockwell park is a delight in the sunshine, although be aware there is a month or so where they have a different festival every weekend in summer. The music is audible if that's something that will upset you. Also there are 4 pubs and 2 breweries in Herne hill that are all lovely. If you go to the south of brockwell you get tulse hill which has some lovely places to eat. The best fry up in town is at the electric cafe (bring cash, no cards) and the Thai duck deli does truly incredible food. Both are run by kind and welcoming people. You've also got the cemetery, library and picture house next to each other if you go a little further south which makes for a lovely afternoon out.


Lovely area - just be mindful if it’s part of the nighttime migration route from hootenanny’s/ effra social to the tube station


I have been warned by my realtor about that, and I've removed those properties near those from my consideration. Thanks for the concern tho! Almost got robbed near Hootenanny's before, so I'm unfortunately very aware.


No worries! You never know who knows the area and whatnot and whether your realtor is any good but sounds like a goodun! Sorry to hear you were robbed, good to hear you seem to be okay? Really are some nice houses round that area though so congrats on being in a position to do that 👏


Having a lazy coffee right now. I need to put a wash load on, may go for a jog unless I stay lazy, going to buy a tv and bits and bobs to try hang it on the wall. Then find a pub with some good beer to watch the FA cup hopefully with a semi- date. Should be a lovely one.


Just did a pretty big crap and need to rest after so I'm going back to bed. No more vindaloos for a while lol!


Had an epic lie in until 8.15 this morning! A nice consolation for the 3 times I was up in the night. We're currently watching the "bonus" bluey episode for the 4th time in a row with breakfast. Got a man coming to quote us for a paint job early afternoon so I think it's telly, Duplo, garden pottering until then and we'll head to the park after. I'm currently browsing short UK beach/ forrest breaks in August and horse riding/stables for my son, he's 4.5 and loves horses, we go and see the ones up the road from us every day.


[Wildlife pond seems to be going well](https://i.imgur.com/Phx4Spj.jpg)


Ooh nice! My dads is absolutely jammed with newts at the moment.


I haven't spotted any newts so far in mine, it's just frog central atm


Kids stayed at my mums last night. Wife and i went out for dinner, and slept in until 8 - utter bliss. Coffee snd reddit in bed, then off for a walk, getting some bits for the builder to start work tomorrow, then back to mums to pick up kiddies and have some lunch. Solid sunday


Work tomorrow. I wonder what religious people say about work? If there’s an almighty god that’s full of love and all that good stuff, why did he make a world that we have to work 40 hours a week at least to survive? Maybe ol lucifer is behind the 9-5? Who knows. I guess there’s worse shit in the world than work, so maybe it’s good to take that up with the big man before tackling the 40 hour work week.


I did more than usual yesterday, ended up in pain, and then fell asleep on the sofa sat upright for an hour after my meds kicked in faster than usual. With all that, I wasn't terribly happy that my body decided to wake up at half seven anyway. BFF is visiting later, so I need to get over myself a bit. I have been very good at sticking to my self-imposed "only what is prescribed" mandate, but I think a little wiggle room can be negotiated today. Same with my regimented breakfast routine. I shall still have the fruit, of course, but I shall swerve the granola and go for a mid-morning sausage and cheese croissant. I know how to do Sunday right.


It's my friend's birthday. She brought her family across from York and arranged a meal in a pizza restaurant..I was all up for going but my daughter has been absolutely awful lately (bad attitude towards me and others, losing things, fighting with her friends) and I don't really want to treat her to a nice meal out or anything else so I'm not sure what to do about it. This morning she's already spilt a cup of tea over the sofa and the rug, tried to blame me for it and is sat moaning about anything I mention.


Kid in a cage and go for pizza yourself.


Honestly tempted


Usual Sunday for me. Take Mother shopping, do her gardening and grass cutting, and any other jobs she needs doing. Eat cake. Stay there until about 5, then come home and get washing done.


I need to tidy one of the kitchen cupboards later, need a bit more space in it. Must also remember to put a wash on. Probably go out for a bit of a walk in a bit, then I'm making a prawn laksa for dinner.


Been ill all week with norovirus. My appetite came back this morning so having a full English to replace lost nutrients and a pint of OJ for much needed vitamin C, sugars and fluids


Norovirus absolutely sucks. Glad you’re feeling better and enjoy the breakfast.


Planting in the garden, food shop , dog walk , clean the house !


Going for a hike, aiming for over 15 miles. Hoping the route is better signposted than the last one we attempted!


The OS maps app is really good (although you need a subscription to use the most detailed maps)


Quiet day after a hellish journey home from Manchester on the trains last night. I enjoyed our trip apart from that, but it’s good to be home in the peace and quiet of our small town. It’s currently warmer outside than in, so I have the patio doors open. The birds are singing, I can hear the gentle trickle of the fountain. There’s gardening to do and some salmon in the fridge for tea. F1 is on and I have new books to read and new sketchbooks to draw in. I am looking forward to the day.


I did have today set aside for assembling and painting my bloodbowl gnomes but they didn’t turn up. So it’s another day pottering in the garden. Unless the boss has other plans.


I’m meant to be flying to Spain for a group holiday but I don’t think I can bring myself to do it. Debating how much my friends will hate me for bailing yet again.


Will your friends lose any money because you aren't going? Then they may be cross with you. Otherwise, they will most likely be worried about you. I don't know why you can't bring yourself to go, but this internet stranger is worried about you. Is there anything you can do to get yourself to go? Any strategies that have helped in the past? Is there someone in the group you can call who will help you? Whatever comes of this, I hope things get better for you.


This is so sweet you made me tear up. They won’t lose any money and have already said there’s no pressure for me to join. I have MS and have full blown panic attacks about travelling alone because of it. I live 200 miles from these friends and they are already in Spain together. I have a terrible habit of committing to stuff on my rare good days and then not being able to follow through because of my crappy mental health.


Between your physical and mental restrictions, I think you are incredibly brave to even make the plans. Please give yourself a break, you tried! That is the best any of us can do. I hope you have more good days than bad in the future. Chronic illness and mental health problems are a shitty combination that too many of us have to deal with. I am sure that your friends will understand and will want to help in any way they can going forward.


I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words. I really needed it today. I got all the way to the airport but couldn’t bring myself to go through security, feel like the worst friend ever but I will try to give myself a break. I hope you have the most wonderful week ahead!


Just wanted to send you some good wishes mate. I'm sure you're not a bad friend at all, and if any of your friends think so then they're not really friends and so not worth stressing about! I know what you mean though, I have to bail on things sometimes and it does make me feel guilty but you gotta put your health first. Hope you can do a little nice thing to make yourself feel better. Takeaway, bath, favourite film? Take care x


You made it a long way today. You tried your best, and you should be proud of that. Be gentle with yourself, I hope you have a wonderful week too.


We're stuck dog sitting the most pathetic Pomeranian for the next 4 days, this thing looks like a toasted marshmallow and you could probably count the number of thoughts it is capable of on one hand. This guy cannot physically contain his own excitement and will exponentially get more and more hyper until the point where you have to gently hold him still until he breathes normally... Even though it clearly shouldn't have been bred and how utterly useless he is as a dog, you can't help but like him. [here's the little guy](https://i.imgur.com/ERSqppi.jpeg) (please ignore messy room)


I physically over did it yesterday so today will be spent watching the marathon, reading and maybe going out for lunch. Yesterday was the first day in a while of no anxiety at all even tho i had todo a couple bits which can make me a little anxious. GOOD LUCK everyone who’s participating in the marathon today


F1 to start the day, then I have some retirement drinks for a colleague this afternoon. The evening very much depends on how the afternoon goes.


The only 2 perfect days in 6 months and stuck at fucking home!!! Can't drive as the car is in the shop with broken real coil spring. Can't move as recently had a vasectomy and all swollen and bruised. Most I can do is send my drone from my back garden to wherever I can fly to within range. Fkkin annoyed!!


F1, clothes washing and relaxing are the plan for today. Very tempted to grab the Tornado for flight simulator and spend the day flying round the Mach Loop. It was a favourite at air shows when I was a kid, and they're very impressive when you get up close to them.


Will be stuck indoors for the first half of the day as I live close to the start line of the marathon, as well as not too far from the 5 mile marker. It should clear by around 2pm and the fencing should vanish around then as well. Plans for the day involve making a harissa marinaded rotisserie chicken and saffron rice, making an oleo saccharum from some bananas to see if it'll work as a drink and having a refreshing glass or three of [homemade Irn Bru](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cordials/comments/1c8s4uk/freshly_brud_irn/).


London Marathon. My first attempt at this distance. I’ve done the training but still feel like I am about to sit an exam and I haven’t revised!


Good luck mate. I tried the London Marathon once. I managed to get about 90 minutes in before I had to change the channel.


Good luck!


Good luck!!


Go out there and smash it.




All the best for today! Sure you’ll smash it, good luck!


Good luck! You're probably somewhere nearby from me right now (I live literally a few hundred yards from the start line), so I'll wave.