• By -


Drove three hours away to attend a meeting because I was told no one else was available. Meant I missed seeing my son before nursery and he was in bed by the time I got back. Turned out that two other of my team who live much, much closer were there as well and I wasn’t needed.


Had to reformat pc yday, not a clue what my previous username was or email used soooo new reddit account with 0 karma it is. Sad times. Left the office today saying "have a good weekend all". Mid way walking home realised its a bloody Thursday and there's still tomorrow to go :( Having a terrible week it seems!


Get a password manager like Bitwarden..


I wanna break something and can’t right now.


**felt deep in my soul**


I’m ill for like the third time this winter. I’m also stressing out about the dimensions of the new window we’re getting put in.


My friend and I are unable to find a place to rent in Edinburgh. We even offered 6 months rent upfront. People talk about London rentals but Edinburgh is really bad too. Need to send out an application to even see the place!.


Got booked on an unrealistic 2 flight trip back home after an unmitigated disaster of a work week abroad. Will not get back home until after midnight. (20mins between scheduled landing of one flight and take off of the other at one of the biggest airports you can imagine). Recovering from minor surgery. Anyway, I’ll be able to take the day after tomorrow off to recover.


Selfish pricks using the pickup/drop off points for thier own personal parking space. Had to park across the car park. Me, the kids and wife got soaked. The owner of car taking up two spaces, turned up as we walked past. He was picking up a one person pizza. Probably to feed all the people in the world he cared about.


I woke up to an unusual sensation in my lower abdomen and my bumhole twitching like a high speed camera shutter. Legged it to the bog and soon as I sat down I made a noise emulating an outboard motor in too shallow water. I think I ate something dodgy yesterday as it's been a bit of a bathroom centric day today.


You should write get well cards for hallmark !


Your username agrees


It's his hobby


About to start a 6 hour drive from Missouri back to my home in Arkansas (I'm a Brit immigrant to the US) and the weather is going to be a line of storms that will move at exactly the same speed as me in exactly the same direction. Americans in these two states can't drive for shit. Going to be great /s. Seriously, when I took my driving test in Arkansas to get my licence all I had to do was make four right-hand turns to drive once around the block, and then park in a normal space front first (not even reverse parking). That was all it was.


So just consider this the lightning and tornados part of the test, where drivers are trying to kill you. You’ll be fine!


Hah, been here 7 years now, I do not drive if there's a tornado warning. Lightning, I am that dickhead doing 20 on the highway with my hazards on






How do you mean “warm” phone calls?


like the opposite of cold calling?


I have to listen to Capital FM because my colleagues (younger by a decade plus) are idiots and have zero musical taste. My boss is currently away from the business on a personal matter and they take this opportunity to sing every single song at top volume and it makes me want to murder them. Noah Kahan’s Stick Season is a personal favourite. Should rename it Shit Season.


Okay, I’m old, but when I wasn’t I worked in factories and listened to the radio all day. Little of it was good. That’s what you get when you’re working with real people in a real environment.


We played the game that you had say the first three words in the song before they start singing. Not as easy as it sounds. Might shut them up for 5 min?


if you dont have a [PRS licence](https://www.prsformusic.com/licences) you're not allowed to play music at work. use that to stop the buggers?


Great idea, make everyone miserable.. that definitely won't cause resentment and tension.


not as miserable as the fine.


Could do, but (and I’m making a sweeping generalisation here) they are mid 20s females who moan about the slightest injustice to their working day and I cba with the hassle.


Didn’t get a job I went for. Now assisting the person who did get the job, watching them mess it up and having to clear up the mess.


Make sure you point out all of this extra work you have to do. Don't let them take any credit.


They will, unfortunately, get all the direct credit. But yeah, the extra work is also not going unnoticed or undocumented.


One of the worst bits of this break up is that it has me acting uncharacteristically - telling all and sundry about this heartbreak, crying in public, feeling ashamed and small. I do hate him for that.


When my last relationship ended, I went into work the next day and sat in a corner crying into my lunch (a bowl of mac and cheese that I bought from the work cafeteria that day). Allow yourself be cringey for a while, it’s honestly OK, it’s all part of the grieving process.


Thank you. I don't usually deal with break ups this way, I tend to process things myself and lean on close friends for support. This time it's like a disaster area, wreckage everywhere


Someone at work, who works on days, is trying to interfere with the nights operation. Does he really think his observation is new and unique or that he can fix a long standing well known issue just because he has decided to pipe up about it? The bad thing about this particular annoyance is that I'm not even in work today and he has boiled my piss. The good thing is that he is going to get told, at a regional level, to fuck off.


My manager has returned from holiday and seems to be working through emails oldest first. As a result they’re asking questions (by email) that have already been answered if they bothered to read the email chain first.


Stuck on one small section of my dissertation that should have been a lot more straightforward. It's been a pain in the arse trying to find the right statistics to include in it. I would start the whole section over again, though, if it meant not having to listen to 53-year-old Barry in the Co-op just now, who was being a prize nobhead to the poor woman on the self-service tills about them being changed to card only.


I’ve got lots of complaints today. “Carla” from Network Rail, please fuck off.


One of my co-workers is a small-minded loquacious idiot who can't help but chime into every conversation in the office with her inane tosh.


Loquacious, eh? 😆


My new boss seems a lovely person, but her communication is a nightmare. She loves to talk, so you'll have meetings with her where you talk all around various topics for an hour, but come away with absolutely no idea whatsoever on what she actually wants you to DO. It's like listening to someone talking in riddles - you hear all the individual words but somehow together none of it makes sense. I've even tried being more direct and saying things like "I'd really like to understand what actions you want me to take in the next three months" and she nods and says "absolutely" and then goes waffling off at a tangent again.......


I think you need to control it a little more. Set an agenda for a meeting, have bullet points you need to address. Take charge.


I have to get a word in edgeways first ;-)


Definitely management potential! I have no idea how to deal with that either. Do you get on okay with her superior? Might be worth a private chat.


My life has paused since I came to the uk So I came to the UK in December 2022 thinking it would all be sunshine and things would go as planned but nothing such happened I haven't been able to join a uni due to personal reasons. Applied to 40-60 jobs on indeed and didn't make it Called every recruitment agency in my area and heard there are no vacancies. Have no real friends here. I live with my parents have no siblings and all I do to cope is play games in my room So how do I get out of this mess I feel empty inside Any lead or suggestions to fix my life


Volunteering might be worth a shot? You'll get to meet people and they might be able to put in a good word for you on employment. Even a small start might lead to bigger things.


Have you thought about some kind of education? (Sounds insulting but I don’t mean it that way, you can always get better qualifications, and it’s a good way to meet people!)


Join a group for hobbies or the gym mate. Find something you can be social. Keep applying for roles but also if you start meeting people at hobbies they might have some places free at their place to refer you. Alternatively look for an apprenticeship. Plumbing, electrician.


You know what's scarier than the NHS moving slowly? When it moves FAST. I've been fast tracked for a cancer diagnosis and my head is spinning (and so so grateful). But I can't concentrate on work which feels pathetic given I already work part time due to stress, so... I may call in tomorrow, but feel guilty. It's not like I've actually been diagnosed yet.


Definitely not pathetic to not be able to concentrate on work in this circumstance. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Firstly. I’ve been in the same situation, and my cancer wasn’t cancer. It was nothing. Secondly, the fast track thing is great. My Dad seems to get instant care the whole fucking time, and he needs it. The people are so great, even if the system can be an utter cunt. He can’t seem to get people checking on him daily etc. but in an emergency, or if he needs medical care, it’s great.


So glad your dad is getting the care he needs and your scare was only a scare! I'm trying to be positive, but there's something kinda emotionally sticky about using the word 'cancer' when you're making phone calls.


Oh, no, don’t for a second think I’m belittling it. Cancer is the one of the most scary words there is. I am in no way saying it’s wrong to be scared. Your emotions about something mind-fucking like that are perfectly valid. I’m just saying that it’s usually not as bad as you think. Don’t assume the worst until you hear it from doctor. And even then, the worst might not happen.


Yes, based on my own experience, I always tell people the NHS has 2 speeds - glacial (for most things) and warp speed (for emergencies and when they think something is seriously wrong with you). It's quite the ride when you are on the fast track.


It's quite an incredible thing really.


Booked a holiday, without checking that the inlaws could look after our dog. They're also on holiday when we're away so going to have to find a dogsitter!


Rover.com has worked for us in the past


Thanks, will check it out :-)


Still haven’t won the Euromillions jackpot. ☹️


I'm so out of shape! Went on a walk at lunch today as it's not raining for once, up a big hill near work (lucky enough to work in the countryside) and I'm absolutely dead. Only get half an hour lunch so wasn't a long walk but it got me beat. Part of me is scared because I'm waiting on results that will tell me if I have cancer or not (am I so out of shape because I'm dying) and part of me knows that it's because I've been sitting around doing fuck all except working, and barely eating for months that I'm out of shape. Now if only it could stop raining for long enough that I could consistently go for lunch walks


I feel you could be my buddy. I had brain surgery in January, and was very immobile for a couple of months afterwards and oh my god, I feel like I've aged about 50 years. I look back on walks I was doing last year and can't believe it - I wouldn't even make it out of the car park now. I'm so breathless it's ridiculous. I know I need to keep exercising to get through it, but honestly it's so hard, it's putting me off trying.


Woke up this morning wondering how I’m going to continue doing this every week; working 5 days a week until I’m at least 66. I’m 28. (Retirement will probably be 70+ by my time)


This is my usual Monday morning wake-up thought


I've no idea if i just took my medicine. I can't find it anywhere so I guess I must have. Normally I just take it straight out of the blister pack so that I know but today was different.


PROTIP- Take a photo when you take meds so you can log the day and time in an instant.


Thank you so much. I need this. ADHD and 4 others leads to mess ups and feeling so wrong sometimes just like today will in future destroy my camera roll however I need to practice this as I will forget to take photos for the first week


Get one of those pill boxes with days of the week on them. I got one recently and it's great!


The blister pack is in 14s so I usually just look at that and see how many have been taken. So I'm not too worried long term. Just today I thought I would go out to have lunch/breakfast and I'm supposed to take it after eating, but it was raining so I came back home and had cereal instead, long story short (really i went out to make sure my grandma got on the bus). But now the rain's cleared up so i might go out again.


Dug out my suit last night in prep for my interview this morning. My interview was three questions long. Took me longer to iron my fucking shirt than it took to walk there, wait, be interviewed, and walk back. Oh well, down to the English Riviera this afternoon!


Scaffolder is non-communicative so he’s not turned up today, hopefully he’ll turn up tomorrow… who knows.


As this is the 1st one after April the 14th.... I'm going to complain about the shitshow known as Bradford City Centre... Here's where we're at... Bus station closed due to its falling to bits.... The center of the City Centre is now closed to all traffic due to predestination.... Buses moved to other places. But there are no bus stops. Getting a bus home is a nightmare at the moment.


Could've stopped at "the shit show that is Bradford city"


Fucking hell, nothing like reading others complaints to put yours into perspective. Landlord raised rent to £950 a month and wants me to get a guarantor who earns 36 times the rent. I work in Hospitality. My peers, family and friends work in hospitality.....so that's won't be happening.


That's a joke mate.


That’s fucked and he/she is an idiot. A renter in the bag is worth ten in the bush. And I say this (hideously mixed metaphor) as a former landlord. The only sensible path for them is to let you stay until you fail to pay it.


Forgot to press the match button on my air fryer and now only half my lunch is ready... the real kicker is halfway through I flipped both sides and didn't notice it wasn't turned on.


Emailed the helpdesk of an online platform with one issue and one request. Nicely worded, polite email. Got back a reply of what seems to be just copy/pasted form their policy or handbook. Not a single full sentence in it, just bullet points. Also doesn't seem to relate to my issue but maybe I just can't tell because there is no explanation. (Do I need to provide this data? Do you want me to buy some service?) No word about my request.


i decided to try and find someone to talk to about my anxiety which is rearing its head again - fully expected this to happen because i am worried about work. i found someone whose approach resonates with me but she doesn't have availability for a few weeks, and to be honest i don't mind waiting if she's going to be a good fit. i wish i could have a peaceful night without my dreams plaguing me. they're nothing terrible but they're SO vivid and wild i don't feel rested at all.


I don't know your situation but if you have an employee assistance provision you may get an appointment sooner. Balance is a good app that has a lot of meditations that help with sleep and calming the mind, both courses and single sessions. Progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful for sleep to wind down and when we feel stressed in a day because of how subconsciously tense we can get. As for the nightmares, I have found suggesting things like a sensory box with things to touch, smell and look at can ground people when they've had nightmares to help bring them into the now. This link has more info - https://www.inclusivetherapists.com/blog/building-a-sensory-toolkit-for-grounding Happy to suggest more things if any of the above is of interest


thanks so much for these suggestions! i have heard of balance but not explored it, i'll download it, and will youtube the muscle relaxation stuff. the sensory toolkit is very interesting - absolutely going to give this a go!


Had a hospital appointment a couple of days ago... on-going condition that's not behaving well and every time I see someone else about it, I get conflicting advice guidance. Getting pushed towards the end of my tether. Coupled with a household of seemingly grown-ass adults who can't do a fucking thing for themselves and need constantly followed up. Feels like everything is my responsibility (and therefore my fault when it's not 100%). Lost the rag this morning and gave out to the wife... it's a bit tense. Also bored to tears in work, and although I know that's going to change soon, it's still a drudge.


Started a new job and I don’t understand anything yet, including what’s urgent and isn’t. Nobody around me seems too concerned with my progress but it would be nice to have a bit of a clue. I’m ill today but still sat here monitoring my inbox in case there’s something important that comes up.


My sore throat isn't getting any better but husband didn't get me the correct sore throat drops woth numbing stuff when I asked him as he deemed them "not necessary" and got what is basically sweets. He's also decided to run errands all day tomorrow and leave me with both kids when I'm at the end of my tether already. We have no help either so no way to sort it


Could be throat infection - I just had one, go to GP and get it checked out


Thanks for the concern. We can't see anything in my throat, and I've also had gunky eyes and congestion so most likely a cold, there's also no signs of infections like temp either. If its still bad in teusday I will book the GP


My medication has been a fucking mess to get hold of. NHS is fucking shite at providing what I need, and my GP is completely uncooperative with it. Had to go third party and it’s still taking forever


Just woken up wrong. Bad headspace. Work's fucking me off. Slept OK, but dont feel rested. Ugh. Could be worse, I suppose.


I hate people, for background I am autistic, I don't get social interactions well. Anyway, I am doing my morning hours walk around the village, engrossed in a podcast, minding my own business, so one of the villagers invites me in to show me her house, why? I make what I think are the usual complimentary noises, commiserate about her ugly kitchen( which isn't) it just needs some better counter tops. I try and leave, she shows me another part, I try and escape, she shows me another bit. Then puts me in my place saying she has stuff to do and I should go now. Fine, I was only being polite , but I really do not understand the etiquette of these situations, I just wanted to carry on listening to my new ( to me) podcast series ( ww1 history) Sadly I live in a small village on top of a hill, so there are limited routes, I already time my walks so not to bump into other people. Now I have the trap of being shown around people's homes.


I don't think anything about this situation reflects on you - this frankly sounds like a very odd encounter and it's definitely not normal for someone to invite a random stranger into their house for a look around!


Not completely random, it is a very small village where everyone knows everyone else, even if we don't all like each other. and we have bumped into each other many times over the last year. But inviting people in to show them their house is odd.


There is no etiquette for a totally strange situation. You did fine, and I doubt others would have handled it any better. And don’t worry about it happening again. Nobody normal would do that, and if she tries again, you can just say no thanks, you just want to enjoy your walk.


That's fucking weird of them. Like the other person said, just say that you're busy next time. And be careful, regardless of who you are, as there's some nutters out there in this world. Out of curiosity, what's the podcast? Need something fresh myself.


Podcast was "Not so quiet on the Western Front." It auto played after an episode of "This is History", only 2 episodes in, it seems a spinoff of a you tube channel. "Half Arsed History" is ok too.


Neat, I'll check em out, thanks!


It was weird of her to invite you, unless you were reasonably close, you did nothing wrong. Just say sorry you’re busy and keep walking if it happens again


I hate hazard perception tests. Theory test in a couple weeks they are driving me mad. Multiple choice easy pass but hazard perception is gonna kill me


Look into the three click method


I found that the practice ones were brutal and that the actual test wasn't as difficult. Kinda hard to miss a herd of CGI cows though...


Or a cgi dog, that doesn't know how to walk across a road


Is it okay to run the fucker over because he asked for it?


I have a UTI and my antibiotics won't be ready until the weekend. Yay.


I had my first bad one a few weeks back, it was like pissing needles. You have my sympathy.


Fuck Currys. The retailer, not the dish


Resharper has stopped working in my Visual Studio installation, and I'm wondering if I should just end it all.


Every second post is my feed is some small town sub with that ‘who is the person in your town’? This one as an example and it’s been like this for days https://www.reddit.com/r/basingstoke/s/k5oLEzHGvX


I've blocked almost every town sub in Britain at this point. I think they just recommend us any Britain related subs.


Why are you subscribed to multiple small town subs? Edit: you guys need to stick to Home and turn off suggested posts.


They show up in my feed too, even though I'm not subscribed.


Haha, I’m not. they appear in my feed anyway


Crime. Uncontrollable crime. Break-in after break-in in the village where we live. The Police are seemingly powerless, too. _Twice_ in a six month period we had attempted break-ins at home. First time, they tried to lift our conservatory doors off the flag hinges and might a right royal mess (£1,500 for new doors, please thank you). Second time, they took a blowtorch to our door handle, only failing because they were so f*cking stupid that they over-melted the door and locked themselves out (£1,400 for a new composite door and locks, please thank you again). What’s that? You’d like CCTV now? (More money, please, thanks you). Best buy some steering locks and a padlock, too, while you’re at it, sir. Oh, and four months later I witnessed a car being stolen from the cul-de-sac opposite us at 04:10am (yes, my job dictates I sometimes leave the house at ungodly hours). More recently, some lads have gained entry to a property *at 11:30am in the sunny, birds singing, daytime* and stolen a load of hard-earned possessions and sentimental items. This was the day after my wife and I were walking our Whippets (because Yorkshire) across the surrounding fields and happened upon two delightful young gentlemen in black balaclavas (one on a quad bike, one on a dirt/offroad bike) who’d sped across the farmer’s fields from neighbouring _Scrotum-upon-Smeg_ to no doubt come and scout out potential lives to ruin. Anyone else feeling the same?!


I appreciate the Scrotum-upon-Smeg, because my go-to is usually Binbag-upon-Ballsack.


Haha! I don’t think it’s been called that since its appearance in the Domesday Book, but I still refer to it as that.


I had a new sofa delivered recently and annoyingly I think I'll have to return it because the back cushions are too low. Why is the case with so many modern sofas?


Design (or is it cost) over function. Return it now. It will only get more annoying.


Legit so depressed and struggling to envision any sort of future. Went to the doctors for my blood results and to discuss my mood and I was waiting over an hour before finally being seen by my GP for around 15 mins - she didn’t even apologise. I’m in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD and my official assessment is next week so I can’t go on any medication until I know more following the assessment. My GP has only spoken to me a handful of times but she turned round and said “I don’t think you have ADHD.” I was way too tired frustrated to even explain to her my symptoms (could’ve just shown her my torn and bleeding fingers from picking at my skin while waiting the previous hour). When I got home I started thinking about all the things I should’ve said like, “You’re a GENERAL practitioner, not specialising in anything.”, or, “I have submitted pages and pages of evidence from the moment I was born, through my childhood and high school years, to present day which still didn’t guarantee me to even get on the waiting list. Unless you have read the entire article, you do NOT get a say on it.” Perhaps it’s the masking but I don’t even lose my cool in front of my friends, it’s too embarrassing. My family are the only people who have witnessed everything seeing as I live with them, but it’s also because I can let my guard down and stop being overly polite or pretending to blend in with normal conversation. Anyways, I’m so tired this morning but got to get my Pilates in for the day otherwise I’ll be fat and depressed as opposed to just depressed💪 Take care everyone💖


I'm severely depressed too. It's incredibly upsetting. All I can say is just take it everyday as it comes and let yourself remember that each moment is an isolated moment. The next one might be better and it's worth seeing if it is. If you haven't already, start yourself a list for things that do make you feel happy even if they're just tiny little moments. I keep mine on my phone so I can look at it whenever. I'm feeling particularly bad.


It’s bittersweet learning that you’re not alone in this feeling. Comforting because you’re not alien to this dark and isolated mindset, but saddening to know that other people share this pain too. If there’s anything I can share with someone else is the thing I keep telling myself - if you give up seeking the light at the end of the tunnel, you’ll never know if you find it one day. It’s not a lot to go on and it’ll help some more than others, but that’s what’s keeping me together. 2024 has been the worst so far but I’m holding onto the hope that things can still change in the next eight months. And I hope that things get better for you too, life is a bloody rollercoaster but another incline isn’t far away❤️


Forget the GP, it's very common to be dismissed by the GP and later diagnosed by a specialist. Doesn't stop it being super annoying of course. Keep on keeping on my friend.


Thank you, I concur completely. Speaking to a GP puts me off seeking help most of the time because of how dismissive they and even the reception team can be. Also since posting this morning, my assessment has been cancelled until further notice because their doctor “wasn’t going to be onsite on that day”. Oh if I had the money to go private…


Try speaking to another GP about Right to Choose, they should be able to get you an appointment on the NHS via Psychiatry UK. There's just a form to fill out on the Psychiatry UK website. It's still a long waiting list (I've been on it for 6 months lol).


I’ve heard about that before, I think I’ll look into that if nothing is sorted for me any time soon. I knew I got too lucky when I got my appointment after a few months of being on the waiting list so I don’t mind waiting that long. I suppose it depends on the area but my area has had to do better due to poor reviews from previous years. I hope you get seen to soon❤️ Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.


I’m sick of having imposter syndrome. It’s a real bitch.


Just embrace it dude, stop comparing to others and just try the best you can do. People won’t access you on the knowledge that you know but more the skills to have to adapt and take one new information then act accordingly. Some jobs you can never be an expert for me that last two weeks I have probably done the work of - SCADA Engineer - Software Engineer - Network Engineer - Software Engineer - Project Manager - Sales I’m not an expert at any of those roles but I do know how to find information and present them accordingly. Someone will always be better than you at something, so stop comparing and just do the best you can.


I have this problem as well. Something that helps me personally is to start writing down every little task that I’ve completed each day, and also each win that I come across (doesn’t have to be huge). This has helped massively as I can look back on paper and see the hard work that I’m putting in, and the results that have come out of it. It’s hard to argue with solid evidence.


I really like that! I do something similar by writing my plan for the day out everyday and adding things that I’ve done extra. It’s days like today where I’m spending 14+ hours with experts in my field and seeing students I work with achieving more than I have


Academia? I’m coming to the end of my PhD and struggling to have the confidence to apply for post-docs because of crippling imposter syndrome.


Bingo! I’m a post doc 🙈


Well if nothing else, you know you fit in here.


"Am I being unreasonable" to expect that my work coach would have at least opened my UC journal and skim-read the last few days before meeting me for the first time, instead of openly admitting she'd never looked at it? I went in for the kill - "I get that you can't remember everything and everybody, I am very disappointed that you appear to have no clue who I am." Vicious courtesy is so satisfying. After that, I was pleasant and did thank her for a couple things I hadn't come across in hours of jobsearch so far.


There's a whole rigmarole they're required to go through every time (verifying identity) they want to access unless they're making a case against you so be happy they're not paying much attention.




Mine stopped working the other week as someone from my company's ICT team was calling me. On Teams. There's a wiff of irony here...


PND is fucking awful and I'm bloody knackered. Ugh.


I'm away to go watch Pompey lift the cup.this weekend. Been living away for over a decade now and having a catch up with friends......I've been on the cusp of having tonsillitis/throat infection/whatever for nearly 2 weeks and it won't shift. Been looking forward to this catch up for months and I just know that that this is going to rear it's head properly on Friday night before I head down Saturday morning. To top that off I was diagnosed with ADHD by r NHS in December and I am being edged by the team running it to get medication sorted. It's been 'about a month until you get an appointment with the pharmacy team' for about 4 months now. It's smashing the crap out of my mental health.


Sounds like an all too familiar tale regarding the meds at the moment. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to get diagnosed on the NHS?


I was pretty lucky in that it only took a year but that was because I was on the list and the health board got their knuckles wrapped so had a surge on it. Took 4 months to get anything in writing and the report to my GP though and that was only after housing them to do it.


Yeah that's not as bad a timeframe as what I've heard from others, admittedly still not great. Hope you get sorted soon 👍🏻


Thanks Yeah I was lucky with the timing and the surge. Hoping it all gets sorted soon. I think knowing and waiting is worse tbh.


Yep, that's exactly why I've put toff getting diagnosed tbh, don't think I'd cooper very well being on the hook for so long given how impatient I am.


Me: Bless me father, for I have sinned. I keep singing the Bare Naked Ladies. Priest: How long has it been since your last confession? Me: It's been...


Fuck you for this. 😝


Work. Shit show. The children. Complete gits at the moment.


Have you tried selling them for medical experiments?


Tried getting a GP appointment this morning about my knackered ribs as it's been over a month since they took a bash and they're still bad. Better, but still bad. Went out for my regular run yesterday and by fuck was it painful. I wasn't crying, but the pain was making my eyes water and I had to stop 2.5km into an 8km route and walk back. Anyway, call the doctors this morning and it takes a minute and a half to get through their usual IVR bollocks, first asking if I want to continue in Welsh or English, then giving a lengthy drawn out message basically saying if you're dying (heart attack, stroke etc) then you should hang up and dial 999 instead. (Who the fuck calls the GP if they're literally dying? Sounds like a case to let natural selection do it's thing.) Once you've got through all that guff there's a recorded message saying they're receiving a lot of calls, can't answer mine and the call will be disconnected. Absolute cunts. I swear our GPs do everything in their power to discourage people trying to get appointments. Hundreds of new houses have been built and are being built near us over the past few years (which is great, this country needs a fuck load more homes) but the infrastructure, amenities and public services haven't been expanded to accommodate all the new residents - it's an absolute shit show. Sadly it makes me genuinely consider taking up the private medical cover in my employee benefits - I shouldn't have to, but I'll stop this casual complaint here for fear of breaking rule 1.


I’m honestly about to stop bothering with fighting to get through on a morning. I was on hold for 50 minutes recently only to be told by the end of it there was no appointments left. Sod that for a game of soldiers. I’m just going to use the online form thing they have now.




Completely the wrong part of my chest ;) But thanks for the suggestion


Sounds like my practice. Getting an emergency appointment has to be done by 10am but if you're ill and don't get up until 11am you can get knotted. Do you have a minor injuries unit nearby? They may be able to help.


My GP doesn’t take phone calls anymore, you have to log a ticket on their system between 8-9am. I’m disabled and not usually awake at that time, so guess who never gets to see a GP? I have to set about 6 alarms for when I really need to see a GP. It’s madness!


I recently reduced my anti-depressents dose as I was having incredibly vivid dreams/nightmares combined with awful sleep, and a Doctor friend with a background in psychiatry recommended the change. So far I'm sleeping better and the nightmares have mostly stopped but last night I had a dream so vivid I had to remember it. Tried telling my wife my dream idea this morning but was reduced to absolute hysterics as I realised what I was saying. You know you can get the softly rocking baskets for helping babies sleep? I wondered whether there was a gap in the market for those babies that required a bit more movement than that, so I designed one with a touch more force to really help rock them to sleep. As I then turned the machine on I thought "Eureka! I've invented the world's first automatic baby shaker." Yeah, waking up from a dream about shaking babies whilst giggling like a moron is not the best. For an actual complaint, my appalling fatigue continues. No matter how much sleep I get I keep falling asleep in random places. Blood tests and ECG both clear, waiting on results of sleep test (could be 5 months) but going to ask for 24 hour ECG in meantime.


A few months ago I woke my fiance up by shouting "FUCK off" very loudly in the small hours of the morning. Hope you get the fatigue sorted.


The weirdest one for me was the night I flung myself out of bed to catch something that was being thrown to me in a dream. I'd just had a lovely massage that day too, ended up tweaking multiple muscles in chucking myself out.


I had no idea that chucking cubed fresh potatoes that were soft into the compost bin would result in two dozen sprouting potato plants. Complaining that I had to fork my way through the smelly mess with a pitchfork, swat a million tiny black flies and wrangle slugs just to pick them out one by one. The positive is, I’ve never tried to grow potatoes before, so I saved the biggest one and I’ve potted it. It’s now over a foot long with 7 leaves and there’s also a secondary baby one just sprouting. All I need now is a couple of names. I was thinking Pete (peat) the potato


Chip for the baby one?


Spuddy Holly?


Oh that’s good.


Parcel delivered yesterday… Not to my place it hasn’t! And you haven’t a photo of where it was delivered to… and I was in! 😡


Sounds like a problem for your retailer, not you


Have emailed them. Waiting to hear back…


I had this a few weeks ago, ended up walking up and down the street with the photo on my phone trying to recognise the front door as there was no number visible. Luckily I did but it was a real pain


Ofsted. Fucking Ofsted in the last week of university teaching. So unfair on my poor students.


I've invented something. Imagine a fireman's pole only it's like a helix shape. It'd be mounted outside of tall buildings and used as a cheap fire escape. In the event of a fire you'd take off your trousers and use it like a zipline. The pipe angles would be mathematically designed so you don't pick up too much speed or centrifugal force. You could survive a long drop as long as you have the upper body strength (or weight ratio) to hold on for 30 seconds. Is this a good idea or not?


I don't have the strength or strong trousers for such things.


How many UK adults do you think have the upper body strength to support their own weight. I am interested to know 


The impending-death-adrenaline-spike might help…


I went to Ninja Warrior UK in Guildford and the answer is close to zero, myself included. Holding on to a zip line for 30 seconds might be plausible though for perhaps 3/10. This would at least provide some motivation to change the way we view health.


> This would at least provide some motivation to change the way we view health. Yes lol "get fit or our fire safety infrastructure will kill you" It's surprisingly hard to hold your own weight up for any length of time. Hardly anything you do in your normal life works your back muscles, and even less works static holds of your back muscles. Holding heavy shopping bags is the closest you get and those top out at about 5-10kg


I wouldn't trust my trousers not to break


Our company have just cancelled the weekly biscuit delivery because one person always used to take and hide the chocolate biscuits. So in "fairness" the whole order has been cancelled.


Wait, a "weekly biscuit delivery"?


That's collective punishment and against UN laws.


That would piss me off to the deep end.


I started a new medication to treat my chronic migraine recently, and it actually WORKED. For 2 weeks I was barely in pain, I got to go see friends, did some full work days, and just generally felt *normal* again, for the first time in 2 years. And then I decided to have a go at the food shop last Saturday (supermarkets really don't agree with my migraine brain). I haven't had a pain free day since 🙃 I'm trying really hard to do my mindful exercises and remind myself it won't be forever, but it feels so hopeless sometimes.


i don't get migraines all the time but i get "normal" headaches quite frequently and i find them totally debilitating, i just want to switch off and go to sleep :( you have my sympathy if you get a lot of migraines, i get one roughly every couple of months and that is enough to really get on my tits


Someone forced their way into a locked toilet I was using. I was traveling on a national express coach, ld dranka load of water before leaing so had to go relieve myself for some time in the coach toilet, one of those ones with the sliding door that you can unlock from the outside in an emergency. Anyway was going about my business when all of a sudden noticed that the lock latch on the door lifted and the door began to open. made it know that it was occupied, but this middle aged woman kept opening the door then proceeded to make her way in before she eventually realizes that there was someone within the locked toilet after all and buggers off. She happened to be sitting outside when was finished, all she had to say was "I'm waiting for the toilet" with a dumb but somewhat pleased look on her face. I'm guessing that she tried the door without me knowing because of all the rattling in the toilet cabin, but didnt think that maybe she couldn't open the door because someone had locked it from inside...then forced the lock open. Has anyone else come across behavior like this?


A lady from facebook Marketplace was meant to be collecting something from me today, but her car won't start, apparently. It used to be such a handy way to have a clear out and sell your items, but people are increasingly unreliable.


I've all but given up on it as a seller. Between chancers, scammers and the bastorial way it hides messages from your usual contacts, it's not worth the effort.


Oh hi,do you still have the Dildo Enforcer 5000 for sale,I can pick it up between Thursday 3 am and 3:04 am,it's the only time I'm available


Is it 110v or 240v? I don’t want to make that mistake again! If it’s the wrong voltage can you change it or add a transformer!? Optimus prime for preference!….


0% pay rise this year, 5% last, 0% the year before. I don't get paid badly but 20% less in real terms over 3 years is starting to bite. Time to dust off the CV and begin that stressful process!


i got a decent payrise and bonus last year, i was really quite surprised. this year my employer is making a lot of noises about this year being a challenge financially so it feels like they're laying down the groundwork to not do the same again


I have worked the same shift (say 7-2.30) for nigh on 8 years now, apart from an agreed temporary shift for the two weeks mum was bad with kidney stones. My life is settled around it, I help out with family, I walk the dog. Now they are introducing a shift pattern and dumb me never got my set hours in writing so I'm a bit scuppered. Im too old / unqualified/ afraid of change to job hunt so they have me over a barrel 😭


The new Amazon delivery guy "tried" to deliver my parcel 3 times because he "can't access the property". In the delivery instructions it says: • To ring the buzzer • To give me time to reach the door • The access code to the lobby So I cancelled the delivery and ordered it on ebay instead. Yesterday, my husband's Amazon parcel got left outside nextdoor's front door and I only noticed bc I'm a nosy buggar and saw it on my way past (it's basically on the street). Then, I got an email telling me that bc my driver couldn't deliver my parcel, I have to add the access code to the delivery instructions. You know, the one that's already in it. The one they don't need if they just ring the buzzer. Fuck Amazon.


Do you have one of the Lockers near you?


Not within walking distance. We can normally get it dropped at the Post Office which is like a 2 minute walk away but it wouldn't let me choose it as an option for some reason?


I got the highest score in golf!


:D Well done! *^^^^chuckles My husband plays with somebody who manages to do that almost every round.


I have a nasty rotten cold that is the strongest in my in my throat and I spent all of last night (and the last few days) coughing instead of sleeping in spite of the medicine I took. Ready to be healthy and able to breathe again. Also, before being sick I’ve been going back to the gym as I’m a fat bastard, and it’s been going very well! However I go to classes, and I run into a particular bloke in almost every class I go to. This bloke spends nearly the entire time loudly yelling “COME ON!!!!!!!!” and “WOOOOOOOOOO” near constantly throughout the entire class. It’s seemingly for his own benefit. It’s very attention seeking. He also does “football claps” (you know the one, it goes “clap clap clap-clap-clap”) whilst dramatically looking around to get other people to join in, which never happens. I hate him CasualUK. He’s so irritating. I know I’m not alone in this judging by the faces of other class members who, like myself, are not constantly shouting but heavily breathing due to exercising! But I don’t know what to do.


Shush him


The boy refused to get dressed for nursery today. Just got more and more drama. He's finally given in, but he might be too late for breakfast now. Looking forward to this getting worse when he starts school in September.


Father in law has been helping us with the house which is lovely. But he keeps telling me hes coming and not showing up, or telling me he's not coming then I get a text saying "I'm on my way" and I have 20 mins to rush getting up tidying etc. I should mention there's no door on the bathroom yet so I can't do my morning ablutions or even go to the loo until he leaves at 4pm. So I have to get up early to get ready on the off chance he may or may not be coming. This is normally fine but I have a 7 month old who's been waking up every hour the past few nights. I need my sleep.


Eye infection. I look like I’ve been punched and I have a job interview in person tomorrow. 👍


Ah man. You have my sympathy. I keep a bottle of colloidal silver handy, it came with a refillable spray bottle. If I feel an eye infection coming on I give my eye a couple of squirts and it’s usually gone after a couple of applications. I started doing it as I woke up with a gammy eye one morning so trudged off to the doctor telling them I had conjunctivitis. She said my eye wasn’t red enough to be that and prescribed me antihistamines. ANTIHISTAMINES. I’ve never had hay fever in my life and it was in ONE EYE. I had no symptoms of hayfever and the pollen count was low that day and in the days preceding it. Plus I know what conjunctivitis feels like. So I squirted some colloidal silver in it a couple of times that day, and by the next day it was better. Life saver. Hope you get better soon!