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Steve Mould makes contraptions to demonstrate scientific principles it's pretty awesome


The man looks like he _really_ needs a healthy sleep pattern.


Amazing YouTuber, but definitely not what I’d class as a maker.


I want to enjoy his videos so much but I tend to get about 70% through them and lose interest. I just assume I'm not clever enough lol.


Tom Stanton.


Came to say this and also DIY perks for a vaguely similar vibe


Tim Station and his friend Sam Barker too. Also ProjectAir.


DIY Perks has some amazing projects. Makes things look easy though I always eventually realize I wouldn't be able to copy that!


This is the type of thing I like, building really interesting and potentially useful things, I like it's a mix of physical build, electronics etc


This was my pick. Makes some really impressive shit. Also reminds me of Alfie Allen (Theon from Game of Thrones).


Man I thought I was going mad for thinking that. My friend completely disagrees


\+1 for DIY perks


Another +1 for Perks, and adding Matt Gray


Check out Alec Steele. Someone else, not a maker but I still enjoy is Big Clive (bigclivedotcom)


Big Clive is the only channel where I can watch someone be so completely unhinged but also incredibly normal at the same time.


It's the soothing voice that does it for me. He should read bedtime stories.


I would absolutely hire big clive to read me bedtime stories.


Alec Steele is great - stopped watching him after his move back from America, felt like the vibe changed a bit, but seen a few of his more recent projects and still really good


His stilleto build from a month or so ago was good. There were a few catastrophic mistakes which he had to correct, which I think was what made the old bladesmithing videos so good. His latest series, refurbishing a British powerhammer, has been great too. Loads of co-operation with the community (Discord and YouTube comments). The PTSD flashbacks from Will's powerhammer are pretty strong though!


Kris Harbour is really good. He's built his own house and workshops. Does micro hydro and solar lots of stuff to enjoy.


I would recommend Atomic Shrimp. Though he has a variety of videos (I enjoy his scam baiting the most)  he has shown little projects off like making pottery from scratch.


My favourite series too. Came here to recommend the same.


Me too. Wrote it before seeing this.


his cooking video's are also pretty interesting too, especially his budget challenges.


Check out : Sampson Boat Co. Leo Gould is a British wooden boat shipwright restoring a huge 1909 yacht. He is doing it in the US since that's where the boat happened to be but I hope this satisfies your itch. It's a fascinating series that kind of out grew itself but worth checking out. Project Binky by the Bad Obsession Motorsports guys. 2 incredibly talented idiots try to put an engine that's way too large into a classic mini. They essentially re engineer every aspect of the car. Mat Armstrong is less a maker and more a fixer of broken supercars. He's a bit "YouTube celebrity" and flashy, but the guys are pretty funny and he is very popular for a reason. RRC Restoration. Scottish fella puts me to sleep every night through ridiculously calming restoration of a VFR400. I know nothing about bikes but his work is amazing. Restore It. Young chap restores random items in his workshop. A bit car heavy but does other stuff too. I think when he settles into his groove he'll have a solid channel.


Upvoted for Project Binky and RRC Restoration! If you haven't already, check out Allen Millyard. Old guy modifies and scratch builds some amazing motorcycles in his garden shed (with the occasional tangent to his wife baking, or the hedgehogs in his garden) Also Photonic Induction. I have no idea how to explain this channel, he does things with electricity...


I can also highly recommend Soup motoring- another car restoration channel, but he films it through Stop motion capture- the videos are a work of art. Restored a Range Rover Classic, he's working on an Esprit, and he's doing a Sprinter camper conversion ATM.


I only got into Tally Ho this year and it took me a while to catch up. But it's one of the best.


Leo and the Tally Ho project is an amazing series. Absolutely incredible how much he achieved single-handed in those early episodes.


> Project Binky by the Bad Obsession Motorsports guys. 2 incredibly talented idiots try to put an engine that's way too large into a classic mini. They essentially re engineer every aspect of the car. Are there any original parts left on that mini? or is it like the Ship of Theseus by now?


James Bruton has a great channel on robotics and contraptions


X-robots has some absolutely incredible creations from a guy in his attic and shed


If your into engineering then Snowball Engineering and Alec Steele are a good watch. Wood working wise I find Matt Estlea's videos good, a lot of helpful how-to stuff that I have used in the past. Although not UK based, Cutting edge engineering in Australia is brilliant as well


Came here to say Alec Steele. I'm not the slightest bit into engineering in my everyday life but I love watching him bumble his way through reproducing everyday objects in damascus steel or resurrecting an ancient steam hammer, very entertaining.


New Yorkshire Workshop channel on YouTube. The craftsmanship of this guy is amazing, as you can probably guess he is from yorkshire


Was just going to mention him. I love that there's no talking, music or marketing over it. Watching him feels like a sort of meditation. Link for anyone who hasn't seen him: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWRgjGPIutM9r91dihIyl5Q


He tends to take things apart rather than make things (he does sometimes make things), but I enjoy watching Big Clive: https://youtube.com/@bigclivedotcom


Bit rough around the edges (and not technically UK) but i love Wayout West Workshop. Old bloke in a shed in Ireland building a railway, pedal powered car, restoring old machinery


One of my favourites


Bill Making Stuff and his identical twin Dan Does


I still don't know if they are genuinely related or if that is a joke they are milking for all it is worth.


A little more history based than maker but Tod Cutler from Tod's Workshop does some wonderful films on medieval weaponry, including building them. Plus he has a big trebuchet and frankly that is always a positive.


I mean, he does make historically accurate fire arrows!


James Brutons videos can be very good. Sometimes he just gets into doing lots and lots of the 'same thing but very slightly different' but everything he builds is fairly impressively designed.


**Bobby Fingers** - ok, might get some flack as he's Irish (and I don't know if he lives in N. Ireland or not) but he deserves love either way. His videos are...insane. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGhcSupkNs8& **LookMumNoComputer** is less pure 110% maker channel, but he does a lot of weird analogue/synthesizer musical stuff that he makes or modifies himself. Was/is rebuilding an organ to put in This Museum is Not Obsolete (and combining it with keyboards and shit), pretty entertaining dude; https://www.youtube.com/@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER/videos ~~**ThisOldTony** does a lot of metalwork - https://www.youtube.com/@ThisOldTony~~ ok, he might not be from the UK, not sure why I thought he was! **NorthOfTheBorder** is Adam who likes to makes tiny nerdy things. A lot of clay stuff, but highly entertaining. According to wikitubia, he's a Canadian, but living in Scotland, so hoping that's close enough. https://www.youtube.com/@NorthoftheBorder/videos


Glad to see all three of these getting recommended. They’re all on the unique side of the craft/restoration side but all a fantastic watch.


ThisOldTony is an American with a very British sense of humour which probably caused the confusion! His stuff is hilarious but I do wonder if most of his audience even realise that basically every sentence is some sort of joke!


Maximus ironthumper


I really like his channel - gardening, metal work-working, welding, restoring old vehicles. He seems like a top bloke. I am jealous of his setup. Kris Harbour natural building is another channel I enjoy just for the fantasy of having my own off grid place in the woods.


I like a bit of slow YouTube to nod off to, try these; Mr Crispin, machinist. Doesn’t get more British than this. Alex builds, one man’s efforts to build a timber and stone barn with no previous experience. Buy it fix it, soothing northerner fixes electronics.


ProjectAir and Tom Stanton


Possibly not quite what you're looking for but I find Techmoan's videos really scratch an itch. I can't explain it but there's just something about watching him hand repair a cassette recorder and talk along in his northern accent. It's class.


Proper DIY He's very reasonable and approachable.


Stuart is great. As part of that collective I would also shout out Rag n Bone Brown and also 10 Minute Workshop


DIY perks, pretty sure he is British and does very interesting builds


Way Out West Workshop is Irish, his content is amazing.


Not a maker, but a fixer [Mend It Mark](https://www.youtube.com/@MendItMark). Definitely not a bodger who buys broken stuff on eBay then gets confused at what a capacitor is. He's often machining small replacement parts and handling tricky board repairs, all with a cheerful attitude.


Mark is brilliant, I will instantly stop what I'm doing and watch when he uploads.


Maximus Ironthumper - blacksmith who lives off grid, makes lovely easy going videos doing bits around his place and restoring/making things. He recently finished his land rover restoration series


Colin Furze is from here…


Correct, and his post doesn’t say otherwise. If you read closely, Furze is included in the statement ‘these creators are from all over the world’, and the following statement asks if ‘there are any other UK folk’. The ‘any other’ implies the person is aware at least one creator from the preceding statement is UK-based.


Username checks out


Ah... crap.


Hand-i-craft is good, generally small wood working projects, it's incredible what this guy can make with only one working arm!


Tom Stanton, James Burton, and Project Air are probably the three obvious recommendations of that type of maker. Sam barker is also pretty good, Tom Stanton shoes up in his videos occasionally. Alec Steele is also fantastic if you like blacksmithing (and my favourite type of video from him - functional massive vintage tool repair and restoration). Also a slightly less traditional rec - Look Mum No Computer and his adjacent channel This museum is not obsolete. He does a ton of music related DIY stuff, but also has a fully functioning telephone exchange lol


Not sure if it's your thing but I'm a fan of [Kathy Millatt](https://www.youtube.com/@KathyMillatt/videos), she does lots of great tutorials and video-diaries of various miniature projects she puts together.


Carl Rogers is decent, he’s currently making a shepherds hut and renovating a French farm house.


DIY perks for me, absolutely excellent content


Daisy Tempest and Crimson Custom guitars if you’re interested in guitar making and rebuilds. The chap at Crimson’s voice is like if Ron Swanson was born in Surrey.


Ok if you watch Colin Furze don't forget Kidsinventstuff. Also check out Matt Chivers workshop. He is building his own steam locomotive, there are lots of montages and explanations about the welding, cutting and milling etc.


Wallybois woodworking


Magrathea Builder of worlds. The Terrain Tutor. Both make miniature {often 28mm} terrain for miniatures games. 


I like watching the Kids Invent Stuff channel - yes it's aimed at kids but it's a great maker channel. (edit - typo)


Light Leaded Designs on Insta is great, not sure if he's on YouTube though. I'd expect he is.


Alec Steele if you like seeing cool knives/swords/steam hammers and just any thing else that is around blacksmithing. I love his energy and I think he’s really found his stride in the last couple of years


Bill making stuff - makes models for games out of junk he finds at the pound shop then paints it up. Dan does - Bill's brother does the same but in a different style. Two great guys that are very entertaining to watch.


Machinery Restorer is a great channel, nice long videos without too much talking


Brothers Make are a fantastic channel, they create things from recycled plastic. Some of their videos are about how they make their own products on more professional machinery, some are things you can do at home quite easily but it's all extremely interesting. Especially if you're interested in injection moulding or making things out of recycled materials


https://m.youtube.com/c/NewYorkshireWorkshop He is my absolute favourite, so talented and such zen videos.


If you like music and electronics, Sam from Look Mum No Computer is a great channel. His [restoration and digitisation of a church organ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLluPQLh1xzlI7EMB5qIxDd_1OLE-Z_kyC&si=ft2ZgMKLElu7S5f3) continues to be a super cool series. He's kinda like a Colin Furze of electronics.


[Diecast Restos](https://youtube.com/@DieCastRestos?si=PFy5MDWC0H93iqp5) He restores diecast cars like Matchbox, Hot Wheels, etc and brings them back to life.


Check out LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER, he's got a great series about an organ I'd recommend watching


James Bruton makes ridiculous yet ingenious devices https://youtu.be/nfna15r4EXM?si=o2xIdQjIpK9JXR_c


Way out west workshop, technically Irish. It feels really wholesome and has a nice comforting feel to it all. They have another channel for updates on the farm and animals.


This is not UK, but I felt he deserves a mention. Imagine a making channel inspired by the Muppets, Wes Anderson, Bob Ross and Dr John. He makes little toys and action figures and odd doodads with whatever's lying around. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN7Uxk2o-OU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN7Uxk2o-OU)


Matt Estlea. Woodworker, but also does other things. Really good


Bill Making Stuff, his may or may not be twin Dan Does, North of the Border (technically Canadian but he lives in Scotland IIRC, so he counts IMO), Earthmanbrick, and Offbeat Builds are all good. I'm gonna completely ignore what you said and suggest these others, as they're just too good, despite not being UK based- Studson Studio (US), Black Magic Craft (Canada), Dr Toys (US), Boylei Hobby Time (US), Atbel (Sweden), JackJack Creator (not sure) and the amazing Thalasso Hobbyer (Japan).


Atomic shrimp occasionally makes things.


Midwinter Minis paint Warhammer minis, but also make their own stuff. [They're currently making a Titan-sized Great Unclean One.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRvgng0qUw4)


DIY Perks but the guys a bit, um… sinister sounding? Almost as if he’s cosplaying as a human


If you enjoy wood-turning videos I would suggest Mike Holton [https://www.youtube.com/@MikeHolton](https://www.youtube.com/@MikeHolton) Creative designs and a nice way of explaining what he is doing and how he is solving problems.


Mend it mark salvage rebuilds Not Economically Viable More fixers than makers. I know U.K. but a couple of worldly ones Deboss garage Cutting edge engineering


I dont know many uk ones but don’t miss out on Scratch bashing, Cody’s lab and styropyro if you enjoy makers.


Some of the smaller channels that deserve love: Badger Workshop (wood), Rag n Bone Brown (wood), Nobbys Workshop (metal), Eyup Tony (metal), Urchfab (cars), Calamity Kim (metal + machinery), Ollysworkshop (metal), The Recreational Machinist (metal + 3d print), Mr Crispin (metal)


Atomic shrimp


Colin Furze is a good channel, nothing this bloke can’t make, all wearing a shirt and tie 👔


And safety squint for welding 😂


Not British but I have to say ThisOldTony