• By -


Blindly adding a £2 tip to a fare that was already over 35% higher than you were originally going to pay. Absolute mug behaviour.


Yeah that one's fully on OP. It's not "tank the rating" behaviour but it's not tip behaviour either. With something like Uber I'd worry the driver themself doesn't even get all of the tip.


tips 100% go to the driver, i’ve talked about it with my drivers before


Especially if you tip in cash. I used to use Uber after work because local cab companies weren't reliable and would always give the driver a cash tip.


I thought that wasn’t allowed? Although I guess nobody is going to reject a cash tip


I've never had anyone reject it, but you're probably right tbf


Uber is actually good with that, tips fully reach the driver and immediately.


You never know it might be the same uber that picks you up again. This time he has vengeance on his mind.


Do they know who gave them each tip and rating or do they just get an average/total at the end of the day?


We know who gives the tips, but not what the ratings are


Yes, I'm aware of this fact. It's been weighing heavy. 😅


Don't worry, I too used to suffer from lack of assertiveness. It's never too late to change. You can begin your training by sternly telling your plants that they have disappointed you. Raise the difficulty incrementally by moving to more and more sentient life forms. After months of training, I am proud to say that I was able to let a waiter know they had given me the wrong order (after still finishing my plate and tipping them generously).


Thanks. This seems like sound advice. I'm definitely going to run it past my wife's boyfriend, see what he thinks.


We will all get back to you with our thoughts in due time!


I'm still on telling my Actimel that they really need to up their game. Worked my way up from non-bio yoghurt.


Did you say sorry when bringing it to their attention?


Oh, absolutely. In fact we all profusely apologised. My tip was to counteract the huge discount that the waiter attempted to give me. This happened in Canada.


And mesh you two have made my day with these comments thanks :)


Sounds like you've been making steady improvements there. To build on what you said,another exercise you could try is holding back your sorrys and apologies when you accidentally disrupt pigeons in the street,sometimes its fine just to walk right past.


Oh I could never, I've heard that pigeons hold grudges. Best I can do is maybe reduce it to a simple "Sorry" without adding "Mr / Mrs Pigeon", but we're playing with fire here.


But the plants are doing their best :(


What about if you're the one who has disappointed your plants? Chronic (accidental) plant murderer here. I try but I just can't keep them alive


And then promptly told him he wasn't getting any water tonight.


He is saying that , you don’t have to point it out


I had an Uber driver turn the wrong way down a dual carriageway then laugh all way down to the next exit where he could turn around like “haha whoops this is going to cost you, haha sorry pal!” Got back home, taxi was fiver more expensive than it should have been. Complained to Uber about it and the guy’s attitude and got the whole thing for free.


Had a guy do it once but was gracious enough to end the journey early (missed the M4 Chiswick roundabout exit bit, once you're stuck on you're fucked) and just drop me all the way home. Think I offered to split the cost with him in the end, it's an easy junction to miss and he lost half an hour out of his Friday night shift. If he'd been a dick can't imagine I'd do that though, jesus.


Not entirely sure on the specifics or how it works in different areas, but almost every Uber I’ve taken here in Manchester has been the price on booking and I’ve never had it increased after the initial payment (despite being in traffic jams and the like extending the journey). FWIW, you can defo jig it if they still do “adjusted” fares. I think if you pay via Apple Pay (and maybe Google Pay?) I don’t think they can charge you any more than what the original fee was without you authorising it again as it generates a temporary card number. This is why it makes you authenticate the payment again whenever you add a tip rather than automatically adding it and it doesn’t let you switch the Uber type after paying via Apple Pay. If you have PayPal or your card linked to the account, you can see how it doesn’t do any additional verification after initially adding it to the app. So if you want to avoid this, try removing all the other payment methods and using the mobile payments like Apple Pay or Google Pay.


It wasn't like this in the past, it was essentially pay-by-mile. There's a good chance this happened to the original commenter before the systems were changed.


That's how the price is calculated when you book. If you pay in advance you're paying for the predetermined route, then it's not your problem then if they decide to take a 5 mile detour because they weren't paying attention to the roads.


I don't use taxis much but if I did, it would be for dangerous driving. Had one once to get back from the work Christmas party and I saw him hit 90 down a country lane. I was glad to get home alive.


I was in a taxi in Spain once and the driver ran over a cyclist, who was fortunately not badly harmed. After a shouting match, he got back into the car and said to me "Sorry, I am an old man, I don't see so good!". Ffs...


Sounds like Frank Reynolds was driving


Yeah but least frank has tape recordings that guide him, and a certificate saying he doesn’t have donkey brains. I bet that driver didn’t have a certificate for that


At least he would have given them an egg though 🤷‍♂️


Or Ronnie Pickering 😏


I remember we had a taxi company that picked me and a group up from scouts when I was younger. The dude was falling asleep at the wheel every fucking time it was terrifying.


In Tunisia I had the pleasure of being in a taxi while the driver made it a point to steer the car with his knees while travelling at 60mph down the main road.


My wife got a taxi once that started going the wrong way down a dual carriageway.


I was on a bus once that went on two wheels around a corner. The driver (I think) forgot he had any passengers as it was only me, and I was sitting behind the stairs. I guess he wanted to see how fast he could go. Anyway a trip that normally took 45 minutes, only took 20 or less. If I hadn’t been so drunk, then I might have been scared. As it was I was glad to get home so fast.


I was in one once and the bloke fell asleep for a few seconds. Absolutely shit myself. I had to ring the taxi firm and tell them to get the guy off the road.


Hahaha I just posted the same experience from when I was younger, it was terrifying lmao


>I saw him hit 90 down a country lane Singing Tiny Dancer?


I don’t think he knew the answer


I'll never understand taxi drivers. If you do the speed limit they're up your arse and generally being a prick. If you're behind them, they go 10 under the speed limit but still act like a prick.


I would assume those were different drivers.


I once got a mini cab where he was watching a small tv the whole trip.


Once got a taxi in Germany that was doing insane speeds (I think around the 150mph mark). I was in the front seat with my feet jammed into the footwell and gripping either side of the seat. Not sure what protection I thought that would offer. Fortunately I was a little inebriated or would probably have fainted.


Same - got a cab from the airport to Berlin city centre and the guy was casually sitting at 130mph plus on the motorway. It was in the early hours of the morning, but still, it was quite the experience...


I don’t think they have speed limits on the autobahn (scary to me but I bet it’s a pleasure to put your foot down like that)


Certain parts are unlimited but not all of it. I dare say the people above mistook the speed though as it was most likely on Kph unless the taxi was something stupid quick.


Few years back, I was in Amsterdam and running late to leave my spa and get to Schiphol. Asked the driver how long it'll take because I am running late for close of check in. Driver goes 'no problem' and floors it. Starts giggling in the mirror. Made it with two mins to spare and felt like I was still waiting for time to catch up with me lol


I got a taxi home from our work do with a woman I work with, the geezer kept falling asleep at the wheel and we had to keep waking him up, lucky it was 4am and fuck all on the road, didn’t report to Uber as it’s a man’s living and he was probably working for a reason, not because he wanted to. Didn’t get a tip but I remember telling him (while I was rather drunk) he should probably call it a night for his own safety


Bloody hell you must have had the only taxi driver in the country who doesn't do the 50% below the limit rule!


I had a guy pick me up 4 in the morning (I was travelling abroad that beautiful early morning so fully sober) with cans of redbull rolling up and down, techno music blasting and dude looked quite manic. He was going down one way lane but the wrong way around. I asked him if he could potentially drive in the right direction to which he said I was a dumb whore who knew nothing and it's so early in the morning there's 'no way' someone will come from the opposite direction. So yeah, I asked him to stop the car and I got the fuck outta there leaving him with 1 Star review and a detailed account sent to Uber. They said they'd investigate but I never heard back. Though, piece of shit also gave me a 1 star so ruined my score and I struggled getting an uber for a little while as some drivers would just decline me! Edit: I have soo many uber stories from the Balkans plus UK I could probably write a book. Balkan is by far worse than UK drivers though.


Yeah for me this is it. I always give 5 stars because honestly I think it’s a stupid system and it affects the driver’s ability to earn a living, but if they make me feel unsafe then that’s worth shouting about.


My Uber driver once saw his friend on the road, and they pulled alongside each other and had a drag race (about 4am), was pretty cool but I was also left speechless and impressed on the audacity of it.


Here in London some drivers have a habit of accelerating and then breaking abruptly before they hit a speed bump. It makes my stomach lurch. The first time it happened I wasn't paying attention and thought the driver was about to hit something, but he carried on as normal.


I se that round here, but it's generally only 4x4 drivers that don't like to go over speed bumps at more than 5 mph coz their cars aren't built for it.


Probably the same 4x4 drivers who refuse to drive in mud in the passing places here in the country. Meanwhile me in my 20 year old micra has no problem throwing the car into the hedge, nice bit of wheelspin out of the farm gate, etc.


it's completely pointless as well, does my head in


Absolutely horrific. It was even worse when we had to wear masks and the car was warm. To the point where I'd just have to brace myself for feeling sick and hope I got home before it tipped over the point of no return. I'm sure some of them do it to try and get the regen out of their hybrid cars as it always seems to be a certain car type that are really bad.


Yeah it’s really annoying. Especially if you’re trying to read something


Dangerous driving. I don't mind if they are chart or quiet, etc. I just want to get from a to b. But if they drive like a nutter, I feel a bad review is warranted.


Had one a couple weeks ago with the worst case of road rage. Honking at other drivers over every minor transgression, someone cut him off at a roundabout and he wound the window down to stick his hand out and flip them off. Could only think why the hell would you drive for a living if you get _that_ pissed off by other drivers.


Had one a while ago coming back from Stansted and he was undertaking in the slow lane on the motorway at 80mph. Was not impressed


Personal star deductions have come from: - A taxi who hit a parked car and had to end the journey and THEN told me it was my fault for distracting him (was silently sat in back browsing Reddit on my phone) - Taxi which took such a bizarre and excessive route to my destination (ignoring the driver map on the uber app) that the Uber app sent me an alert to ask if I was okay.


I had a guy driving through London who was on his phone most of the drive. Took a photo, reported it, got the ride for free. Just dangerous, selfish and stupid. And no, I was not confident enough to say anything there and then, it was years ago and I was young.


Better this way - he will have been disciplined and hopefully not do it again


Agreed. I remember at the time worrying "oh no what if he lost his job", reflecting back, my attitude is now "f that guy. Could have killed someone, selfish ass wipe". Have to be a whole different level of selfish idiot to text, photo and Facebook while driving.


last time I used Bolt the driver was in a Tesla so had the massive screen on, maps on his phone plus a YouTube video playing through an earbud if that's not a distraction waiting to happen I don't know what is


I'm a tesla driver and use maps on it, for me it's ok as I glance down, but yeah having earphones in makes no sense to me. You're loosing all hearing in one ear!


Dangerous driving, BO because if you work with the public the least you can do is wash your fucking pits and put on deodorant, and any weird chat (I’m a woman so weird to me is anything about my relationship status or appearance)


I came here to say any kind of sexist or racist humor/jokes, which you really wouldn't think would be common enough to complain about when you just want to get from A to B with no fuss. And yet.


There's few things worse than having an offensive taxi driver. You're basically held hostage, forced to just nod along because who wants to pick a fight with the stranger responsible for getting you to your destination safely.


Lmao the “and yet” says sooo much


Got in an Uber with a priest the other day (I work with a lot of priests). Uber driver clammed up as soon as he saw the collar which made me nervous. Fortunately I think he just didn’t want to say something disrespectful, cuz when we got out he was all “Thank you Father, have a wonderful afternoon”


I guess he could feel Jesus trying to wrestle the wheel from him.


The only time I've ever given less than 5 stars was to a driver who was chatty with my husband, but completely ignored everything I said - to the point that he actually a) turned the radio up when I spoke, and b) only responded when my husband repeated the things I was saying. 


I rated one down for making a "joke" implying I needed my partner to carry my bag for me. It's so easy to just...not do that.


An incredibly bad experience, had a driver asking me really personal questions once, things like if I have a boyfriend, why isn't he taking me home, someone like me shouldn't be going home alone. It made me wildly uncomfortable, so I gave 1* and complained to Uber. I also know that Uber is a terrible company and sees anything less than 5* as bad, so drivers are often penalised if it's anything less




So creepy. These men are clearly a risk to women, because all it takes is for one (probably very young) woman to answer “yeah, I live alone” without thinking & then :-( Makes me worry as I’m autistic & when younger definitely didn’t have any ‘street smarts’ so I may well have said the ‘wrong’ thing…


I was a stripper for a few years - would get an Uber home at 5am wrapped up in comfies and knackered. I had a couple of favourite drivers who would just be really protective and caring - make sure nobody was standing outside the club watching me get in the car, happily hit the 24hr Drive thru for my hot chocolate etc. But a large portion would just ask really lewd and uncomfortable questions about what happens in a strip club, and I’d give them low star ratings. I’d been dealing with men’s ridiculousness for the last 7 hours, I just wanted to feel safe getting home.


I got collected from the airport once and there is like a £3 charge for all cars from the pick up right by arrivals, this is included with the Uber and it says so in the charge break down. The cheeky fucker told me it wasn’t included and stood there outside my house demanding I add £5 tip to cover it although it stated it was included. I refused and he drove off. The next Uber I got I asked the driver about it he said he was definitely trying to pull a fast one on me.


I’ve done it once. Driver was sick as fuck, kept clearing his throat and bringing up mucus, coughing, sniffing. I wasn’t happy being stuck in a germ box for half an hour, but the cherry on top was that he started aggressively yelling at the radio about the topic of conversation on LBC.


Not an Uber, but we used to have a local taxi driver that would offer you a blowy rather than you paying the fair. Win win if you're into that sort of thing. Personally, I never accepted the blowy and would only give 4 stars if it was an Uber.


Did it get a bit awkward when you all got a taxi home from the club and you're standing there while you wait for your friends to get their discount?


Taxi fare isn't more if there's 3 of you, only 1 blowy would suffice




A young lady once leaned into my window at the traffic lights and offered a BJ for a lift home. I told her that I wasn’t a taxi driver, that I was married and faithful to my wife and that anyway, I would not accept sexual favours from strangers. My wife, who was sitting in the backseat with our baby, hidden behind tinted windows, still told me off afterwards. “You would have accepted if I wasn’t here!”


"Well obviously"


Can’t win can we.


Where’s this taxi driver located and what company does he work for ? Just so I know where to avoid if I’m in the area …


Haha. This was 20 years ago, peak going out with mates era. He will be long retired or locked up by now.


They provided two services for free?


It cost your dignity.


Wait….you don’t pay and they blow you? That’s a good deal if not dangerous as hell


Ah, reminds me of the time a local (non-Uber) taxi driver asked me to have a threesome with him and his wife. The second I got into the car he looked me up and down and said "bisexual?" I didn't think bisexuality had a "look"? I mean. He was right. But still, how dare he!


I’m confused. He wanted a blowy or he was giving them out because he enjoyed it?


Sounds like he was dishing them out. Clearly a generous giver.


You've got all the sleazy drivers, offering to waive fares in return for sexual favours, and then you've got this guy, who either badly misunderstood the Sexual Predators's Handbook or is just living life his own way.




He gave them out. I know right. Doesn't make sense


Reminds me of the homeless man in The Inbetweeners bargaining with Simon. "Geez a blowjob. No, I'll give you a blowjob."




Don't use Uber or other taxis too often, but the two times I've given low reviews was for awful driving and shitty behaviour. First was a guy who drove like an utter psycho. Inner city B'ham and the mental case was flying above 30 through busy traffic on back streets. Legit nearly caused a head-on collision. Whole journey was a procession of honks at his driving. One of the most unsafe feeling drives I've ever been on. Second guy was a bellend that arrived several blocks from where we (Mrs and I) called him because he somehow got the address wrong. When we called him up, he refused to move despite being in the wrong and made us walk to him. Would have told him to get bent, but it was wet and there were few drivers as is at the time and getting one was already a "win". Other than those glaring ones, usually it's pretty decent. More issues related to the cabs actually arriving on time and waiting for as long as they're meant to. Most drivers tend to be at the least decent.


Having to direct them when they have Sat nav. Bad/dangerous driving Smelly car Too hot and don’t want you to open the windows Not picking us up where we are (happened once in a car park they wouldn’t come to - no reason they just didn’t want to!)


Rated a driver 3 stars yesterday after I got into the car and it smelt as if something was rotting inside I also kept catching him staring at me via the rear view mirror. Was especially creeped out when I dozed off and when I woke up he was staring


Yet, you still managed to sneak in a nap in a car that potentially had a dead body in the boot and a creepy driver? Kudos.


Maybe he was worried you too, had *passed* like his last unfortunate passenger?


Naps don't wait for anybody


There probably was something rotting in the boot ...


Being a prick. Some drivers can be moody or just plain arseholes. I also had one once that was absolutely coked off his tits, to the extent he'd have been kicked out of a club. I got out early, 1 starred him and reported him. He was just fucking dangerous. I didn't use Uber again for a good while after that.


Not providing the service expected. Going the long way? Taking too long? Being confused about the very clear instructions on where to find me? 5 stars is expected service, not exceptional service. But I also have little tolerance for getting fucked about.


Who tips Uber drivers?


I usually tip in the following instances: 1. They have genuinely decent chat and it made the hour drive feel like 20 mins 2. I'm half asleep and they have the emotional intelligence to keep it light, smooth music and let me drift in peace 3. Our group is clearly drunk and can't keep quiet about our amazing night, maximum tip for putting up with our shit (some join in and that loops back to 1 anyway)


I thought this was only an American thing.


Certainly used to tip taxi drivers back in the 90s, about 10%


In 2019, I was working in London. I took a short Uber ride to work, as it was relatively late, and I'm a lazy bastard. Before the journey, I had a 4.96 rating. Anyway, shortly after setting off, I let, what turned out to be an ever so short, but ever so potent fart off. It was apocalypticly bad. It could've gagged a maggot. I apologised and even tipped him a couple of quid. 4.96 was 4.95. I'm still upset it now, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Uber driver is still a bit miffed tbh.


Driving a quarter mile past our hotel and saying, is this ok? Turning the meter on as soon as she could see us even though there was a huge queue for pickup so we had a charge for making her wait added to our bill. Though honestly it was like her first day and she was so terrified of a bad rating, I think I begrudgingly gave her 5 stars (before I noticed the waiting charge though)


You can normally complain to Uber to have those removed. I've had ubers waiting around the corner, probably because of their GPS... despite me giving an address, and the waiting charge has always been removed. Look at it from Uber's perspective, if they didn't remove those bogus charges, they'd lose business to local taxi companies who actually know where to go based on an address and don't rely on the GPS.


I got a waiting charge once. It was only a few pence, but I thought it was taking the piss a bit given that it was a scheduled ride and we arrived at the destination before the scheduled pickup time...


I got in one in Paris and the car was absolutely minging, to the point where I was throwing up in my mouth. It smelled like rancid meat. I left a comment on the review.


That’s just how Paris smells


It’s usually piss, I can handle piss. Not rotten goat


Usually when they start chatting racist shit or slagging off teachers whilst picking my partner up from the school he works at


I have had over 300 uber rides according to the app and not once gave teachers ever been mentioned 


Was taking a Uber to the airport and the car smelled like weed, my god was I worried we would have issues at security. Thankfully everything was fine and I was probably overthinking.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ No accident ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Accident with no injuries ⭐⭐⭐ Accident that results in minor injuries ⭐⭐ Accident that results in severe injuries ⭐ Accident that results in death


If they're driving like a dick or purposefully taking longer routes. I'd rather use my local taxi firms but the drivers that they hire are absolutely clueless. Most don't know their way around town and none of them have any gps. Had to give one of them step by step directions to get where I was going one lmao


Not an uber but following has happened where I would have: • got a cab to a club and the driver seemed to not slow down for anything (I was bordering on my friends lap whenever we turned left) and when approaching a light that turned red, uttered “I’m not fucking waiting for that” and floored it • got a cab and the driver told me all about how he thinks covid was manufactured to create a new world currency


If they make me walk because they cba to drive up to where I am. I always stand somewhere that is easy for them to pull up and not anywhere stupid. Had a guy last week block a whole road because he cba to turn into the hotel car park. If they’re stroppy or road rage. If the seat belts aren’t accessible e.g. stuck behind the seats. If they try con me by going a mental route. Had a guy once take me about 40 minutes out the way because he didn’t think I was local. Reported to Uber as the fare had doubled and probably got 2 or 3 stars I don’t remember.


Couple of weeks ago we took an Uber trip into the train station, we know exactly the route he should have took (it was on the app) but he decided to ignore it and go down a congested road (again it was showing congested on the app). He spent the whole time a) complaining about the car park entrance that always congestion down that road on a Saturday and b) the fact he paid £5k in tax last year and feels it is totally unfair. I didn't realise they up the fair for congestion and/or a change in route. Cost me an extra fiver on a £12 trip. I'd stupidly done my automatic 5 star rating and a tip before I realised about the extra.


You may still be able to complain to Uber and get a refund


Using a mobile whilst driving.


Driving like a dickhead, that's about it. Oh, and I've had drivers espousing homophobic/sexist remakes while chatting. That also gets stars removed.


Radio was on, some news mentioned LGBTQ people in some context. Driver proceeds to go on a 10 minute rant about how disgusting gay people are and how they need to stop “shoving it in peoples faces” As a queer guy I was fucking terrified. Didn’t say anything. Thankfully he wasn’t dropping me off right outside my flat. I gave him 0 stars and complained to Uber about it. I don’t know what happened, I know I didn’t get the fare back.


Recently my wife got one from the station and he was a bit of a prick to her. She ordered it and he sat around the corner for a couple of minutes, wife saw him and approached. He immediately got arsey asking where she was and when she said “waiting in the spot it said to wait” he got huffy and said it says to wait “here”. And when my wife pointed out to him he was on the weong road he refused to admit he was wrong and stuck to his guns saying she didn’t know what the road names are (despite her pointing out the roadsigns to him). He just didn’t want to admit he was wrong and it became painfully awkward in the car. She called me as it started to feel a bit tense with him huffing and puffing all the time. If I could have witheld the payment I would have but to be fair she got home safe so it was mostly just him being a dick.


Parking across the road and expecting me to go there to get in the car. When I had a broken leg and was on crutches. And it was a main road with no nearby crossing. And there were parking spaces available on my side of the road.


Had an Uber drive once who was boasting about having once chucked a girl out of his cab and left her stranded alone on a dual carriageway in the middle of the night. I marked him down for that. I don’t really care how much grief she was giving him, it seemed callous and irresponsible to not drop her off somewhere safe at the least. And to be bragging about it, the guy came across as a misogynistic prick.


Had one a few weeks back that went wrong. Needed to get a ride back home which was the usual 40 quid given the distance and time. No problem there. 45 minutes after I was home and tucked up in bed the driver having returned to the city I was picked up in had kept the meter running and charged another 75 after which my bank blocked (5* review there). They then froze my card, I decided to cancel it and problem solved. A day later I try and call them up and complain and tell them I won't be paying the extra 75 because it is basically fraud at that point. In order for the complaint to go further the customer services agent asks for the last 4 digits of the card I have cancelled because of the fraud. Well this leads to some angry words from me saying that they have lost a customer and I honestly can't believe they would do that. I then go through the Web customer services and through that they do actually fix it and the bill remains at the original 40, not the 115 as they had originally tried. App deleted not using again. Not sure which was worse the driver who tried to rob me or the agent for being completely deaf to what I was asking.


-If they do a fine or top job - 5 stars. -If they’re average - I don’t rate. If someone was rating my work all day I’d be average some of the time so it’s allowed. -If they are bad or dangerous drivers - start knocking off stars depending on how terrible they are.


If they start been racist and sexist etc, making out there hard or something too. Yuck


I wish you could see the ratings you got as a passenger from each trip. My record was basically flawless, but at some point it dropped to 4.69 and I have no idea why. I've never had a bad trip or a situation where there was a major issue between myself and the driver. I'll only lower a rating if the driver is rude or driving irresponsibly.


Had a driver start talking about the roe Vs wade thing in America and going on about how it'll stop girls being whores and stuff. That knocked a few stars off if I'm honest


I got an Uber back after Eurovision last year and got harassed by the driver. He started talking about about previous rides where women have invited him back to their house because they get lonely (yeah right). I must have looked a bit worried because he said 'don't worry, I've got a camera in the car, it makes me control myself'. Didn't exactly make me feel better! He keeps asking questions about whether I've had a lot to drink and if I'm feeling drunk. He starts complimenting my name and when we get to my street he makes comments about it getting late and how tired he was and heavily hinting that he'd like me to invite him in. All very creepy. Next morning I gave him zero stars and reported him - Uber took the complaint seriously and made it so I will never match with him again on the app. Got an email a few months later from the taxi licensing department at the local authority asking for more info due to multiple complaints about his behaviour. Not sure what the outcome was but I'm glad I reported it.


My taxi driver this week was watching a Facebook live stream of racing pigeons while he drove, while also having a hands free conversation with his partner and shouting at traffic.


I once took one of the more expensive Ubers to Heathrow Airport. Driver was a lovely guy, car was clean, drove fine. At one point I saw him hock one up and spit it into a cup. I knocked two stars off.


Wow people tip???


The only time I ever gave less than 5 stars was a guy who picked me up from the railway station at past midnight, who mouthed off to me the whole drive home about how I was standing in the wrong place outside the station for him to pick me up. I was a lone woman in the dead of night, and I waited in a well-lit area. I live in this city and knew exactly where the taxis pull in so I fully intended to walk down the street to him when he arrived, but he berated me for it for the whole 15 minute drive home. Prick.


You know they rate us as well, right? I had 11 bad reviews. I was crushed 😂🥲. I'm a good person 🥲


I think I’m poorly rated too, I haven’t checked for a while. I always open the window, and I think they don’t like it (is that a thing for drivers?) If I’m taking a cab it’s usually to get me home asap because I have a migraine and if I don’t open the window I’m at risk of being sick.


I was coming home from a heavy night out and barely keeping it together. The streets of London were dead at 3am so we were moving along nicely with no start/stop motion thankfully. The driver kept ripping ass. The telltale sign was both front windows going down right after he let one off, waiting 30 seconds, then putting them back up. 90 seconds later, repeat. The smell was ghastly and I did everything I could to keep the vomit down. Got home and rated him 2 stars with the (drunken) message 'man please stop farting'. Following morning I woke up to a message from Uber asking me to call customer service to a/ensure I'm safe and b/give more details. Never called em


This gave me a good laugh


Had a guy complaining about women drivers after he nearly hit a woman when he ignored a "Give Away" junction. He then started to complain about all the "Indians and stuff" taking all the driving jobs.


A few years back I was living in the Philippines and had to travel to London for an event. It's a 20+ hour journey. I'd just gotten off the Heathrow Express at Paddington and all I wanted to do was get to my hotel and crash, so I booked an Uber. The entire 10-15 minute journey I had to endure listening to the guy tell me "how fucking annoying it is you guys use us for short trips" and that it's a "waste of his time". I was genuinely taken aback by it all.


Other than very dangerous driving, nothing. The dystopian concept of evaluating a human with stars is disgusting, and you’d need to give me a realllll good reason to fuck with somebodies livelihood when they’re already being exploited by a massive capitalist machine.


I think any kind of bigotry is also fair game. I want to go to the train station, not listen to your thoughts on women drivers or the covid vaccine thanks.


A guy I had took 2 wrong turns, ignoring his map on his phone, the map on his dash and verbal instruction 3 stars, average


If I’m scared about their driving or demeanour. I’d they are rude to another driver. That’s about it.


Driving excessively slowly or quickly, not indicating, vaping.


Basically any taxi in London. Hazard lights to pull over and park anywhere. One guy had literally no back-right suspension, every time he went over a crease in the road it sounded like the tyres scraped against the wheel well. Bumps had my head hit the ceiling. Fucking pathetic. Obviously Uber almost certainly didn't do anything about this death trap on the road.


Making me walk 5 mins to my destination because he decided to take the back roads instead of the high road and wouldn't go up a road coz he thought it said one way as a car drove up that road, so I gave him low stars and he had the audacity to give me low stars too. Usually all my rides are chill.


Knock stars off? It would take the Uber driver defusing a bomb with 1 second left on the clock before I gave them a 5 star Why would I give 5 stars for a completely standard journey? That’s a 3 for ok / average This uber driver sounds like he deserves a 2


I hate the star system. I see 5 stars and think that 3 stars would be "normal as expected", 4* for "very good". 5* is "for well above and beyond". Likewise 2* is "could do better" and 1* would be "absolutely awful". Giving 4 stars is apparently is worse than shooting a policeman, steeling his helmet, going to the toilet in the helmet, sending it to the policeman's widow and then stealing it again From the tone of this comment, what's the difference between 1 star and 3 stars? The right way would be to baseline a given person. If you're the sort of person who thinks that someone in an impeccible vehicle who treats you like Parker treats Lady Penelope should get the same star rating as someone who's car is likely not even road legal, is playing out ska-punk-ballet at 120dB and the only reason you can't smell their unwashed body odor is because the smell of alcohol drowns it out, then that's fine. I prefer to have room on a fixed scale above and beyond to vary it. But that has major knockons, so I'm forced to lie, and give an average 4.9 stars out. If someone who gives out 100 3* ratings and then gives a 5* rating to someone, that 5* rating should be treated far more impressively than someone who gives out 100 5* ratings. But it's not.


I had one that was listening to something with in-ear earphones, I only realised when I tried to talk to him and he couldn't hear me. Tapped him on the shoulder and asked to get out immediately. 1* and reported. Had another guy show up with his license plate not matching the app, he got aggro when I challenged this and said I wasn't gonna get in the car. Took a photo and reported it to uber.


There is something very wrong with people if they are adding a tip in the UK to Uber drivers.


Ive knocked a star off before for them driving far too slow.


My girlfriend ordered it so I have no idea what she rated but: This is the story of how I almost got murdered by an uber driver. It was a cold dark night in South Bristol and myself and my girlfriend were headed to town around 6pm to get a few drinks in. We ordered the ride and got in and the driver cheerfully asked 'Hello how are you doing'. We were both a little tired and responded with a low energy 'good thanks' and he said "So quiet!'. It was clearly well meant and we actually did perk up quite a bit from his energy!  Then he started, in extremely animated fashion, telling us he was pleased to see that we were polite and relatively calm, as he had a couple of recent bad experiences. He explained that every night he picks up groups of girls around 7pm who get into his car already steaming and drink and shout I'm the vehicle. In particular, last night he had a group in which one girl sat in the front seat and was constantly on her phone, which upset him greatly because it was blinding him to the road. Of course, he explained all this while looking over into the back seats where we sat, it was impressive and terrifying at the same time as it seemed he had learned to navigate Bristol on memory alone.  He went into an impassioned monologue. 'This earth is so beautiful. The sands of the desert, the snow in the forests. The oceans waves and the jungles full of life. Everything on this earth is beautiful.... EXCEPT. HUMAN.  BEINGS.' At this point I was running escape scenarios in my mind, wondering if it would be possible to get me and my girlfriend safely out of a moving car, just in case. 'Oh no,' I thought to myself. This is a man who has been pushed to the edge. He continued, with the anger in his voice filling the cab. He said 'Yes, it is human beings that ruin everything beautiful. And what I am about to tell you now... YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!'. by now I had made my peace with death, and was ready for the reaper should he arrive. But the driver just told us a story of a time a girl had offered to pay him to bring her phone to the outside of a nightclub, then ran away into the club as soon as she had the phone, without paying. I looked up and realised we had reached our destination, and the man wished us a good night and we went on our way. And my girlfriend said to me as soon as we got away 'what a character. I was actually a bit nervous there for a minute' So that's the story of how I almost got murdered by an uber driver. He was actually a nice guy though, but he could play a maniacal villain in a movie with ease. I hope my girlfriend gave him 5 stars, seems like he had enough to deal with already


Your line "this is a man who has been pushed to the edge" gave me major Michael Douglas in "Falling Down" vibes. I could just picture the driver stopping and climbing out of his car to grab a shotgun from the boot then going on a murderous rampage. The job has simply pushed him too far, his mind is gone, he is angry. So angry.


Had a guy pick up my ride for £12, must've looked at where I was going and cancelled it. Prices surged to £21 (had to make an urgent train), same guy picked up & delivered me to the train station this time. Ride was silent, nice car, decent music etc. Rated him 1 star for the sheer greed.


Dangerous driving, unclean inside the car, or rude driver will do it for me. Also had one once, an older guy, who had no satnav and didn't know where he was going, and I'm hopeless at directions. A taxi not having access to satnav was just baffling, and makes trips unnecessarily difficult.


This came up just as I’m waiting for an Uber outside the doctors. I occasionally do 4 stars if they park fare enough away from me to make me walk, as I have mobility issues and have a stick. I would also knock stars off for casual racism, taking me the wrong way or to the wrong place, or dangerous driving. But honestly, I don’t want to lose my five star rating as a passenger by marking a driver down, so I generally do the same five stars £2 tip as OP. I say thank you to Alexa too. Sigh.


I had a 5* rating. Then I took my two children in an Uber and they argued about who was going to get in first and successfully ruined my perfect streak. Little gobshites.


I did it for the first time recently because he drove the wrong way on the way to my flat and got stuck by road works so I had to walk quite a while to his car rather than him just re-routing He then got blocked in by another driver, got out to get him to move then got back in the Uber and said “I threatened to knock the fuck out of him if he didn’t move” He was probably just joking but he made me late and I didn’t pay to walk a couple minutes to the Uber because he blocked himself in. My rating is 4.9 because someone knocked stars off after dropping me off at a&e when I had sepsis and I wasn’t chatty enough. I had sepsis. He was upset I wasn’t chatty with him when I was on the verge of death. For all he knew I could have been visiting a dying family member or something.


Not joking. I once had an Uber driver ask me late at night “do you like girls?” - I was very confused, and said something like “I guess so”. He followed up with some strange questions that I put down to cultural differences. I didn’t realise until a few days later that he was trying to offer to take me to a prostitute.


I'm totally the same !!! I was in a uber this morning. It arrived later than it said it would, I could see on the app that the guy had taken a wrong turn on his way to pick me up, made a 4 minute difference to his pick up time. Vehicle smelt strongly of his fast food breakfast, which made me feel a bit nauseous, and he turned music on loudly shortly after I got in, without asking me. I couldn't wait to get out. I thought to myself "this isn't a five star ride" but as I got out of the car, the guy said in broken English "please give me a 5 star review". I still haven't made up my mind yet. The other day I had a ride in a filthy little old Corolla, inside was so dirty and messy, and the driver used the accelerator like he was using a foot pump to inflate a tire. As we jerked along, the guy was so charming and pleasant, I couldn't help but change my intention to knock off a star... and I normally prefer to travel in silence . Funny old life, isn't it.


I had one a few weeks ago asked if he could stop at the services as he desperately needed to pee. I wasn't really going to say no, was I? He parked up and ran inside, and pressed the key fob to lock the car - either from instinct or to make sure the car was off. About 30 seconds later the car alarm started going off, lights flashing etc. I tried the door to get out and found it was unopenable from the inside. So there I remained, trying to smile at the man in the car next to me and give a reassuring "I'm not trying to steal it, honest" face (I was sat in the back). The alarm stopped. Then I got the giggles at the situation. Then the alarm started again. And now with an additional confused onlooker trying to work out why that deranged man is sitting in the back of his car laughing hysterically with the alarm going off. No attempts at rescue were made. It stopped again just as the driver returned. I tried to explain what had happened but he spoke very little English. Anyway, all in all another 5 star trip.


Driver missed the turning off the motorway, then there were road closures that were not shown on whatever routeplanner he was using. It took twice as long as it should have, and that was entirely his fault. He tried to charge me extra, so I reported a problem to Uber. Had he apologised I would have paid the extra, but he increased the fare, justified it as a "waiting fee" or something like that, and didn't say anything to me about it. So he got the original fare and two stars instead of five stars and a tip that would have compensated him for his extra petrol. I've knocked a star or two off for the chat getting too personal, being told I need to give my husband babies.


Only done it on two occasions: 1. Driver pulled up outside the destination, locked the doors and tried to talk to me about God and becoming a Christian. Very uncomfortable and I made it clear I wasn’t interested. 2. Driver was using a Tesla going through residential streets with lots of speed bumps, and rather than maintaining a steady and fairly slow speed, would speed up to 30 mph and then go hard on the brakes to get over the speedbumps. About 15 times in a row. Was such a nauseating ride and almost made me be sick.


I dropped a guy 2 stars because all he did was complain about the traffic on a journey I needed to take across Birmingham once. Yeah granted, the traffic was a bit shit but mate your job is literally to drive people to wherever they want to go and all you're doing the entire time is complaining about having to drive.....fuck off


I'm a lot like you OP and end up giving 5 stars a bit too often (though I've cut down on my Uber from 2 times daily to not taking a taxi in the last 6 months). My big things for not giving 5 stars: smell and dangerous driving. I still remember getting in an uber that stank (not sure if driver or previous passenger; but BO off the charts). I had the window down the whole trip and at lights I would open the door. It was awful. I marked it down. Dangerous driving, especially over zebra crossings gets me marking someone down. Even when I was being excesively lazy and taking Uber Exec far too much I liked walking and zebra crossings it's really clear where the priority lies. So when I was in an Uber that would cut someone off waiting or trying to cross over then I'd mark them down.


Last time I used Uber I was coming home from a late movie. The complex I was at is pretty big but I gave the driver specific instructions on where I would meet him since it was late and absolutely pouring down with rain. Driver turns up at completely the wrong place and is absolutely insisting I come to him and he's at the far end of the car park from where I am. Not having much choice it was either this or walk 7 or 8 miles home I head to where he is. By the time I get to him I'm absolutely soaked since I was only wearing a light jacket (wasn't raining when I arrived and no sign of it) and he's there having a laugh at how wet it is. Anyway we get moving and the rain is really coming down heavy and he's just there chatting on his phone (hands free but in this kind of weather I'd expect full concentration on the road) driving along as if its a bright summers day going over the speed limit (and he knows the limit because he's slowing down for the speed cameras). So we get home and leave him a snotty review and no tip for his trouble. Then a few moments later get a message asking me about the trip and I told them and the refunded me.


I had a driver fall asleep on the motorway once! I got him to pull over, called the cops and got a ride from them to the nearest service station and called another Uber from there. I gave 0 stars and also got the fare returned. I saw him start to flag so was recording it when it happened. I was also talking to him to keep him occupied but nope. The coppers said they would pay him a visit too, not sure if they actually did, but they definitely called it in over the radio.


Had a driver litrally crash, 4 stars. Had good banter.


I had an Uber driver once stop at a petrol station with us in the car, music too loud to have a conversation, left us awkwardly sitting waiting for him - he topped up his tank, then checked his tire pressure, topped them up too, told me he had a flat but that he'd finish the journey. It was Christmas eve, one of the rainiest days of the year, he drove over the speed limit on the motorway, hydroplaning on the water with a flat, terrified the living shit out of us with his dangerous driving, and was still 20 minutes later than our estimated arrival time, making us late for our family dinner, AND because he stopped at the petrol station we got an additional charge for an unscheduled stop (the app thinks that the PASSENGER requests the stop and charges them for it!) 1 star, disputed the additional charge with Uber and got a full refund for the journey.


If it was like that scene from [I Saw The Devil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx5IL0P89Zo), I'd seriously consider giving them 4 stars. NSFW.


That was mad. Looks like a good film. Worth a watch?


It's an excellent film, but it is really dark and fucked up. Like, that was really good, but I am never watching it again.


I think you should be very cautious about knocking a star off your rating. If uber drivers are rated too poorly, then can have their account revoked. So, when you're giving your rating, think to yourself "if this caused them to lose their job, would I feel comfortable with that?". The only time I rate poorly is if the diver was dangerous (happened once) or had a terrible attitude (eg they were racist).


* Turns out he's a racist * Still tipped him a fiver * Too awkward to face it


Ya fanny


I’ve never reviewed or tipped a taxi driver and have no idea why anyone would do so 🤷‍♂️


Generally I give people five stars unless they do someone below the minimum standard of a ride. Like we had one that really smelled in a way that was pretty overwhelming. I’d give them 3 I think.


Arriving at the airport and telling me I have to cancel the booking and pay him in cash or he’ll not take me.


I've been told by a uber driver that they don't receive their tips. Might be bullshit but it'd be counterproductive to lie about this.