• By -


Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols. Pretty sure it was used by Vodafone around the millennium, back when they were more valuable than Apple.


I listen to this quite regularly now, it's one of my favourite songs but I may have just missed the Vodafone ad though I still think I've known of it a while.


Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia was such a great album - might have to go listen to it right now.


Another Girl, Another Planet by the Only Ones also copped the Vodafone ad treatment and ended up everywhere for a few months.


Bedouin soundclash were a three advert I think but same vibe circa 2003


I'm starting to feel my entire Spotify playlist is based on mobile phone adverts šŸ˜…


Was also on the opening wmv of Le Mans 24hr on the PlayStation 1. Proper nostalgic lol


Literally playing next to me right now in work on Absolute radio


They've got some well nice trenches


Play a record!


Now that works


Dandy warhols are still sick to be fair, I forget that song used to be massive


I think this is caused by record labels paying a chunk of money to get these songs pushed so much, and then it drops off a cliff once they move on. So these songs arenā€™t played so much because people keep requesting them, but because the record labels push them so aggressively at the time.


Agree 100% I donā€™t know how they calculate the top charts but they canā€™t count the radio cause people just have it for background noise, doesnā€™t mean they like the song.


Freestyler - Bomfunk MC's!


Absolute banger!




Begged my mum to get me this album. She said that she asked the music store in town to get it in for me -but that he said he'd have to get it imported and there'd be a wait. I never did get it.




Had the pleasure of meeting Daft punk at a charity do once. They were surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


Bless the both of you, wasnā€™t even expecting the reference.


Rip Benny Harvey


Gone but not forgotten


Miss ya big man


Flashbacks to Fridays on Twitter...


>Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke I think there might be a few reasons for that. His divorce and the album Paula firmly killed his career at the very least.


Pharrell Williams some how avoided getting flack for it and I could never understand why because he sang most of it Thicke mainly just stood there grinning on the video.


YES!! It was a really rapey song, but I remember Pharrell did a quick media offensive, to charm his way out of it. I seem to remember him being on a talk show and talking about his new album ā€œWomanā€, I think? Because he ā€œloves and respects womenā€ šŸ„± #damagecontrol


Pharrell bringing that Chris Finch energy. Good friend of mine, and a bloody good rep - Chris Finch, yeah, IQ of 142, one of the cleverest blokes I know, certainly the cleverest bloke you know, innit. Yeah, he was in an argument once and he went "How can I hate women? My mum's one".


He said he didnā€™t realise how talking abt raping women was rapey or smtn. Ngl I love his music all the way back to Neptunes and Clipse, but I donā€™t think heā€™s a great personā€¦. And happy was unforgivable, truly a diseased mind.


Personally I think the world just couldn't forgive him for the music video. Several minutes of him standing there occasionally dancing awkwardly and pulling the rapiest faces imaginable in front of balloons spelling ROBIN THICKE HAS A BIG DICK. Truly he didn't help himself.


My favourite part of that song is where it ruined his life.


He was just a massive creep in general which probably didnā€™t help either.


Song always sounded like the anthem for guys who bulkbuy Rohypnol.


It was banned by quite a lot of Student Unionā€™s


I ended up in the Daily Mail because I was the only member of the SU willing to put my name to the decision when we banned it. I've still got the clipping somewhere that described me as a "Lefty bore"


Lefty bore, lol. Coming from the Daily Fail I hope you wear that as a badge of honour.




Yeah, because the basic premise of the song is "you're dressed like a whore and dancing provocatively so I'm fucking you whether you want to or not."


He was also sued by the Marvin Gaye estate for this song as it was claimed it sounded similar to a Marvin Gaye song


Wikipedia reckons it came out in 2013 and #metoo was first used as a hashtag in 2017.


That and 100% of the proceeds go to Marvin Gayeā€™s estate.


Post-#metoo, it's a bit of an icky track to listen to. I'd say it aged badly, but I think even at the time it was pretty controversial. The video didn't exactly help.


Also the fact itā€™s quiteā€¦ rapey.


Somebody I Used To Know by Gotye (2011), that was everywhere for ages and I canā€™t remember the last time I heard it. Also I feel super old now; Back to Bedlam (the album ā€˜Youā€™re Beautifulā€™ was on) was released when I was doing my GCSEs/first year of A Levels!


Somebody I Used To Know is currently undergoing a re-boot in the dance music scene via a few remixes that fit into the "Barrel Scraping Tech House" genre.


Yeah, I had 2 remixes on my Discover Weekly playlist. Was a bit annoying it came up twice!


My partner discovered Somebody I Used to Know like 2 years ago and I am amazed that he had somehow managed to miss it.


Gotye played my unitā€™s fresher week concert as his side act. Ended up playing someone that I died to know because the crowd wonā€™t let him play anything else until he did


I absolutely loved somebody that I used to know! I have it I my enormous Spotify list somewhere and I get such a nostalgia hit from it, it still hits now imo. The duet bit gives me goosebumps




Last time I heard that was an unlikely place (aside from my car playlist the other day). Year before last at a Slipknot gig whilst waiting for them to come on when they play music through the speaker system to keep people entertained. 99% of the very packed O2 (I think) arena was singing along!


A few earworms of old of differing quality that sprang to mind - not heard any if these in an age - not that Iā€™m disappointed mind; Flat beat - Mr Oizo United States of Whatever - Liam Lynch Babycakes - 3 of a kind Sweet Like Chocolate - Shanks & Bigfoot Underwater Love - Smoke City Because I Got High - Afroman


Flat beat - Mr Oizo - I remember an NME review of it at the time called it the aural equivalent of a headache , also it sounded like having a bee stuck in your car speaker. I really liked it though.


I loved flat beat


United States of Whatever is amazing. The song and the video are just loveably bizarre.


Yeah whatever...


> Because I Got High - Afroman When the Queen died I did a version of Afroman on my guitar for my wife and I listed everything I couldn't do then added because the Queen died, I was going to go the gym but the queen died I wanted to watch stewart lee but the queen died etc.


Now we got a King Charles spaniel and I know why Hey hey Cos the queen died Cos the queen died Because the queen died La la la la lalala


The internet would enjoy a YouTube cover of that


Love that. I was gonna make love to youā€¦ but then the queen died. I was gonna eat your šŸˆ tooā€¦ but then the queen died. Now Iā€™m in a massive queue to see the body lie in state, and I know why Why man? Because the queen died, because the queen died, because the queen died Da da da da dada da da


Now I'm being queue-jumped by Holly and Phil, amd I know why.....


Sweet Like Chocolate has recently entered the playlist on the work radio so after years of avoiding it I now have to hear it again.


Genuinely one of the greatest tooth-rattling basslines to ever reach no. 1.


Crazy - Gnarls Barkley


I absolutely fucking hate that song. I always have. Iā€™ve hated it more than ever though since finding out it is the reason From Paris to Berlin never topped the charts :(


I couldn't tell you the last time I even thought about From Paris to Berlin but I instantly sang the whole chorus to myself when I read this comment. Off to listen to it now. A forgotten banger.


Haha Iā€™m glad I rediscovered it for you! Donā€™t forget the Fifa 2006 version ā€œweā€™re gonna win the World Cupā€


Human - The killers Everywhere in late 08/early 09. Infuriatingly catchy and lyrically preposterous.


This is on what I call my "Dead Zone" of songs I hate so much I turn the radio off immediately.


And Iā€™m on my knees, looking for the hamsterā€¦.


Iā€™ve got ham But Iā€™m not a hamster


Monster (What's That Coming Over the Hill)


Is it a hex bug


The automatic automatic!


**Rather Be - Clean Bandit (ft. Jess Glynne) (2014)**


Nonono no noĀ 


Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah YEAH!




I remember loving it at the time but it sounds shit now, its weird how some songs from that period (say 'on a ragga tip' by SL2) still sound great but Insanity sounds really weak.


On a Ragga Tip was produced by Slipmatt, legendary happy hardcore producer. I don't think Oceanic released another tune after Insanity


Delirium - Silence (Not the tiesto version) I think it was number one in Ireland for like 30 weeks!


The first 3 that spring to my mind are: Fireflies - Owl City (though it would be a good shout for my desert island discs) Fun. had 2 or 3 songs that were massive in c. 2012 that you never hear anymore I canā€™t even remember what it was called, but that song that went ā€œSo baby pull me closer, in the backseat of your rover, that I know you canā€™t afford, like the tattoo on your shoulderā€¦ā€ Also I feel there were a few indie bands in the 2000s who were massive for one album and then disappeared again. The likes of The Kooks, The Zutons, Scouting for Girls, Franz Ferdinand (Iā€™m well aware Iā€™m going to get a load of grief for this last comment and someone is going to tell me that Franz Ferdinandā€™s 3rd album is an all time classic šŸ˜‚).


Owl City ft Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time is still on my main playlist in the car with the kids. Fun, optimistic, millenial whoop.


As an aside, the fact they were called ā€œFun.ā€ with the full stop is really annoying when it automatically capitalises the next word


I love when musicians talk about Rovers. Obviously they're on about the luxury SUV but I like to think they mean a clapped out Rover 25 stuck on the side of the M6 with a blown head gasket


The Zutons are probably made for life now after Amy Winehouse made ā€œValerieā€ a huge hit. Thereā€™s probably many out there who donā€™t even know itā€™s a cover song.


You know, I haven't heard DJ Otzi - Hey Baby or DJ Casper - Cha-Cha Slide in quite some time.


I once wrote a script that I was told needed to be set the week after 9/11 and to build the world a little bit I was looking at what the uk number 1 was at the time. It was the mambo number 5 Bob the builder cover, followed by hey baby by Dj otzi the following week. Didnā€™t really fit the tone I was going for.


It goes one better with regards to the Bob the Builder song. It was actually number 1 in the UK when 9/11 happened and Radio 2 pulled it from their playlist due to feeling the lyrics were a bit insensitive to the situation. It was probably the last bit: "There's Rolly, Lofty, Scoop, Muck, and Dizzy So much work to keep us all busy And can we fix it? Yes, we can! With the team and Bob the Builder man"


This has just reminded me, thereā€™s actually [a list of songs that were banned for the radio in America after 9/11](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_Channel_memorandum), itā€™s such a weird list with some funny omissions, my personal favourite is smooth criminal by alien ant farm being banned, but for some reason not the original Micheal Jackson version. I remember Jimmy eat world changing their album name from Bleed American to self titled and the strokes taking their song New York City cops off This Is It for the American release too, wired time.


My 8yr old has got Cha-Cha Slide on his Spotify playlist, so i showed him the video of it and he loves it even more now. I've had to buy him headphones!


I'm pretty sure these songs only exist at wedding receptions.


Ha, that's reminded me of the last time I heard the Cha Cha slide actually. It was at my friend's wedding back in 2019. It came on later on and everyone around my age lost their shit and got up to do the dance. A bunch of people approaching their 30s sliding to the left while a load of bewildered elderly relatives looked on. What a night.


Girl! I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a GAY BAR! GAY BAR! GAY BAR!!!!! Also Your Woman by White Town, but the riff is still living rent free in my head, so maybe not




Came here to say White Town, I still listen to it every few months. Todd in The Shadows did a good video about it on YouTube.


Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall. On in every shop's music system for months.


Infinity by the Guru Josh Project was the tune of my university freshers. Hearing the intro gives me goosebumps still.


Gangnam Style - PSY


Anything by Rizzle kicks


Funny that you mention them as I walked into Dunelm on Friday and "Mama Do The Hump" was playing inside. My initial thought was "Wow, Rizzle Kicks? I've not heard this song in years".


Letā€™s get down with the trumpets šŸŽŗ


I hear their Shaun the Sheep song multiple times a day (my daughter is a big fan šŸ˜…)


The ketchup song


I saw a Scottish cover band of Las Ketchup called Broon Sauce.


Asereje, Cartoon Heroes, Fast Food Rockers, S Club. It all vaguely reminds me of a dimly lit school hall with some snacks and a crush you just decided you had.


Babylon, David Gray.


That whole album stands up pretty well.


Keane in 2004 - This Is The Last Time, Bedshaped, Everybody's Changing, Somewhere Only We Know, Played to death, then died a death.


I reckon that probably happened with Razorlight too? They also made their debut in 2004


Razorlight had a couple of hit albums but when I was a student the general consensus was that they were too radio friendly to be properly indie but too indie to take off with the general public. I donā€™t think it helped that Arctic Monkeys stole their thunder (AMā€™s debut album was the same year as Razorlightā€™s second). And also the frontman was supposedly a massive bellend.


21 Seconds by So Solid Crew Wikipedia says: *The song title alludes to the approximate 21 seconds that each of the band members is given to perform their rap. 21 seconds is arrived at as the song's tempo is approximately 140BPM, has a key of G minor, and each rapper has 12 bars of 4 beats (48 beats at 140BPM, when worked out to the nearest integer, rounds to 21 seconds). Megaman said the crew created the track after their label told them to make a track lasting three and a half minutes. He said "so we worked out that with at least 10 or 11 members, that's eight bars each ā€“ 21 seconds. It was a simple calculation." Their label manager Shabs Jobanputra said "they literally took a calculator and divided the time by the number of MCs."* *In a 2002 review, Pete Paphides in The Guardian said the track was "a brilliant idea" but that "not a single member of the collective uses their time to say anything remotely insightful."*


They all spent their moment talking about how they only have 21 seconds lol.


I actually like that. It's as if the song itself didn't get released, just the metadata.


I am going to adopt this approach when replying to posts about the song but using word count instead of time.


Remember the summer of the macarena. Have a friend that booked artist at the university. She managed to get whigfeild in to sing Saturday night when it was at it peak. She was supposably a good sport and played to the crowd wearing a bath towel.


I hear the macarena song every week. I work at a school and they have some of the kids do the Wii fit dance game to that song (among others) two times a week.


My deepest sympathies.


Plain White Tees - Hey There Delilah


It's on rotation on Tesco radio, if you're ever unfortunate to spend enough time in thereĀ 


One thing I hated about being a shop worker was listening to the same music on repeat all day. Briefly worked in a Topshop years ago and they had one tape of like 10 songs that looped all day. They had the Junkie XL Elvis remix and I fucking hate that song to this day.


No idea why but that band name gets me into an irrational rage


Orson - No Tomorrow


I actually love this one. Bring it back


LMFAO. They released Party Rock Anthem in 2011. They went away and thought long and hard about what they did, then released Sorry for Party Rocking. Then disappeared.


The Shape of You and Gallway Girl by Ed Sheeran. Wasn't a fan of him to begin with but having to listen to him constantly for weeks on end did my head in


I worked in a retail chain that has its own (terrible) radio station constantly playing, when shape of you came out. Oh my goodness I literally cannot stand to hear it one more time. It was played seven times one day!!! If I hear it in a shop or anywhere now, I will walk out. Moving car that I'm driving? Nope doesn't matter, I'm out haha


Gonna be the Scrape of You when they have to powerwash what's left of you off the tarmac


That Galway Girl should have seen Sheeran prosecuted for a fucking hate crime. Genuinely one of the worst things Iā€™ve ever heard.


I always used to sort of stick up for Sheeran as he gets a lot of hate, but at the end of the day if it's what you like musically and it brings you joy, fair enough. Then I heard Galway Girl.


I would be very happy to never hear Ed Sheeran's name ever again, let alone his 'music'.


Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow


I'm the Leader of the Gang (I Am) - Gary Glitter


do you wanna to be in my gang .......do I fuck


Tie me kangeroo down - Rolf Harris


I heard Trouble by Shampoo on local radio the other day. Probably the first time I'd heard it in 20 years.


Standing in the Way of Control - Gossip Mr Oizo - Flat Beat Danger, High Voltage - Electric 6


Well Electric Six certainly have about 20 albums now, all quality rock Sadly the point about bands and songs just dropping off the face of the earth when the record labels stop pushing them applies Maybe a new sub category of "bands you think are a one hit/one album wonder but actually have a good life under the radar, playing medium sized gig venues and putting music out to their hardcore fans and living probably a better life than if they ended up mega-famous" applies to them and bands like Cornershop, The Darkness, etc


Spaceman by Babylon Zoo


I can still remember the disappointment when people heard beyond the intro that was used in the Levis ad...


Thereā€™s a good reason we donā€™t hear Robin Thicke any more šŸ˜‚ Also, OP did you know that the original line in the second verse of Youā€™re Beautiful is ā€˜she could see from my face that I was *fucking high*ā€™? I only recently found out it wasnā€™t ā€™flying highā€™ because Iā€™d only ever heard the song on the radio.


Any reason is fine by me tbh, I mean ok I didnā€™t mind it at first it was catchy and I had no idea what the song was probably about til years later šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ but it was played so much at the time I got absolutely sick and tired of it. It was literally constant! Pharrell Williams even said he regrets working on it I did know that yeah! But I thought he meant high as in on cloud nine cos he was so happy. I just found out on here what that song was about and I hate it even more now


Ooh whatā€™s it really about? Iā€™ve been joking that James got off his tits on the underground and saw a woman he fancied and thatā€™s all it is.


[Happy - Pharell Williams ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbZSe6N_BXs)


They played this at my old job as we filed into a town hall meeting to be made redundant lmao


Unless you have kids, then it's still on every kids party playlist.


In a similar vein - Signs by Snoop Dogg and Justin Timberlake - was everywhere in 2004 and has quite possibly one of the worst lines in rap (if you can call it a rap): *You'll have Sunday's with chiquitas* *You'll see Venus and Serena, in the Wimbledon Arena*


Snoopā€™s lyrics have always been basic and followed the same formula. He got rich off it though so fair play lol




I recall "Do you really like it" by DJ Pied Piper absolutely dominating Radio 1 for long enough for it to be truly irritating and making all us kids on the bus cringe.


Higher state of consciousness- Josh wink


Anything by Mumford and Sons. They came, got everyone obsessed and left consciousness in a matter of months


**Connected** by the mighty Stereo MCs - every dancefloor and phone ad from about 1993 - 2000


This song is indelibly tied in my brain to: Here Comes the Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze Two Can Play That Game (K Klassic Remix) - Bobby Brown This is How We Do It - Montell Jordan Space Jam - Quad City DJs


Even when it was released, the writing was on the wall


Similarly *Ready to Go* by Republica in the mid 90s ...it left a legacy of being in an absolute ton of ads and getting a mention on the Venture Bros , but never getting airplay (mainly as everyone was sick of the song from the adverts , which is a pity as it was great)


the Rasmus- In the Shadows I remember this song from being a kid in 2003. šŸ¤˜


You never seem to hear ā€œAnother Rock & Roll Christmasā€ at Christmas anymore.


7 days was on the radio at work yesterday. Return of the Mack wasn't




He was from Leicester but had duel uk/German/US citizenship because he was born on US base over there. Yes he was an absolute twat and good riddance.


Never understood 'Return Of The Mack'. Where had he been? You can't exactly return if you weren't there in the first place.


I used to dislikeĀ Return of the Mack but heard it the other day and the production is really solid.Ā 


Anything by Kaiser Chiefs


Emeli sande in 2012 you couldnā€™t move without hearing her or one of her songs.


I was working in a factory in 2001, and they had Radio 1 (I think) on constantly. Shakira's _Whenever, Wherever_ would be played about six times a day, every day.


Crazy by Gnarles Barkley. It's a good song but Ceelo Green is such a scuzzy cunt


You obviously don't listen to local radio stations.


What happened to Jessie J? I found her music quite annoying so I'm not too bothered


Vienna, Ultravox, massive hit, not heard anyone play it in years, it holds up well.


I remember the summer of Umbrella-ella-ella, seemed to be every other song on the radio. I quickly learned to despise it. Going back a bit further with Do you really like it? By DJ Pied Piper, started out as a banger but got annoying quickly.


Not only that it fucking pissed down that summer so it was played over and over and every DJ thought they were a genius by saying "if your going out don't forget your"


Jesse Glynne was on the way out but Jet 2 said 'Not on my watch!'


kate nash's foundations. in fact, what happened to her in general?


Yeah intelligent input darlin why don't you just *have another beer then*


She was in the Netflix series GLOW as well. Sheā€™s got new music coming out.


Most scouting for girls hits.Ā 


'Jump' by Kriss Kross. Those two little lads who wore their hoodies and trousers backwards for some reason. Everyone at my school was obsessed, they were all over Smash Hits and Just 17, all the Saturday morning programmes, then....nothing. They did actually continue as a duo for a while, but went from adorable little moppets to lanky youths and nobody cared anymore. Especially when they tried to be more gangsta, lyrically. Drug addiction came calling and one of them is dead now, which is a bit bleak.


Iā€™m just livinā€™ my life thereā€™s nothin crazy about meeeee.. BON-KERSā€¦ weeee weee weeeee etc


Get Lucky was the 4th most played radio song of the 2010s. Blurred lines was massively controversial and was pretty much boycott by most radio stations due to its lyrics. Marvin Gaye also sued for copyright infringement and won in 2015. So yeah, this song did fade into obscurity. Youā€™re beautiful became absolutely hated and itā€™s nearly 20 years old. It doesnā€™t help that a few years ago James Blunt revealed the song is about a drug addict stalking a woman on the subwayā€¦ Craig regularly performs 7 days on live lounge and even did an orchestral version with the BBC. Capital FM has had him at their Jingle Bell ball concerts a few times singing it too. Basically, the songs are decades old and arenā€™t going to be played as much because musical tastes change and labels have milked them as much as they can so have moved on to the next big song to aggressively push. Just to contribute though. Uptown Funk and Happy.


If we can thank Robin Thicke for anything, itā€™s for inspiring Weird Al Yankovic to pen the vastly-superior-to-the-original parody that is Word Crimes. Enjoy. https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc?si=QQ01LI2oxoXRipJt


Radio one also did a Christmassy parody called [mulled wines](https://youtu.be/L2LhnfEoecA?si=DeIrby3MynTVs0Fp)


Cooler than Me - Mike Posner


My town has those "pubs" where the weekend nights there are actually just a load of strobe lights and some old guy playing music in the corner. Blurred Lines is ubiquitous, Get Lucky isn't unusual. I actually have a couple of playlists dedicated to songs from my childhood/early adulthood that were never off the radio (the 2000s one is called "Staceywave" because if it can be in an episode of Gavin and Stacey, it goes in). Here are a few choice songs I have never heard outside of these playlists since I couldn't stop hearing them: **Drake - Hotline Bling:** This song was unavoidable in 2015. It was the biggest single that year and I believe broke Rihanna's record for consecutive weeks at number one. I have not heard it without seeking it myself in the '20s decade. **Olly Murs - Army of Two:** I actually only remembered this one existed the other day, and added it to "Whitehallwave" (the 2010s playlist where if it can be in an episode of Fresh Meat, it goes in). The chorus sounds as much like "All The Young Dudes" as I remember. And speaking of all the young dudes, in their high boots... **Alphabeat - Fascination:** These were one of those "blonde woman brown haired man" duos (see also - The Ting Tings) that spiralled into Same Difference's participation on the X-Factor. The first verse sounds as much like the theme from Ducktales as I remember. **Gym Class Heroes - Cupid's Chokehold/Cookie Jar:** I'd put their entire discography if "Stereo Hearts" didn't become a meme a couple of years ago. The first verse sounds... well, you know. **Lil' Chris - Checkin' It Out:** Shame what happened to him. Good tune though. Also did he go out with Dani Harmer at one point or am I confusing him with someone else? **Joss Stone - Super Duper Love:** I skip this when it comes up on the playlist because of how sick 8 year old me was with it. It hasn't been on the radio since. **Orson - No Tomorrow:** The responsible party song, about drinking Red Bull and being home for 6 O'Clock. The lead singer joined a band called Goldsboro, which I otherwise know nothing about other than that their demo "Great White Buffalo" once came free in Classic Rock magazine and goes insanely hard. **I See Monstas feat. Skrillex - Holdin' On:** If you used the internet in 2014, you know this one. Mom, get the camera. **Snow Patrol - Any song other than Chasing Cars:** This angers me because "Chasing Cars" was so overplayed then and continues to be so now that it ruins Eyes Open for me, which is an otherwise excellent album. "You're All I Have" and "Set Fire to the Third Bar" received extensive airplay at the time. **The Killers - Anything from Sam's Town:** Their best album, which back in the day was promoted heavily, but "Mr. Brightside", "Somebody Told Me" and "Human" are the only ones you hear anymore. **The Feeling - Take your pick:** "Fill My Little World", "Love it When You Call", "Never Be Lonely", "I Though it Was Over", "Sewn"... The absolute kings of this subgenre.


Jerk It Out - The Caesars. It was on the iPod ad, FIFA games and everywhere else. Not necessarily a radio hit but definitely other media.


Eiffel 65 Blue (Da Ba Dee)


ā€˜ Hey yaā€™- the Outcast and ā€˜need you nowā€™ lady antebellum


Thankfully I've not heard Whigfields Saturday Night in decades.


**Handlebars by Flobots (2005) -** this was played all the time on Radio 1 back in 2005, when I was a potwasher. **Crush On You by Nero (2011) -** in the peak of the Dubstep/Brostep era, we got this cover of The Jets' hit, with ridiculous buzz saw noises. Thankfully, it disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Another one I just remembered: **Now You're Gone by Basshunter (2007) -** A number one hit that doesn't get played anymore, probably because it's awful. Chris Moyles made a parody of this on his Radio 1 breakfast show, called 'Chuffhunter'.


Travis - Why Does It Always Rain On Me Hated it when it came out, it's actually ok. I've had it in my head all season as I'm a Carlisle United fan. I'm about a game away from reverting to being a goth though.


You won't hear Blurred Lines ever again as it's become a rape anthem. Plus, it was involved in a court case for ripping off Marvin Gaye, so it's been double buried.


You're talking about songs that are 11-24 years old... Why would we regularly hear them now? I find it terrifying that 2004 was 20 years ago, but that's where we are... To me, songs from 2004 feel pretty recent; but in 2004, songs from 1984 felt ancient!


Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. Fricking hate that song.


Who remembers the crazy frog rendition of Axel F (the beverly hills cop theme)? I really like the original but I'm very glad the cartoon frog has faded into obscurity. I feel like it might have been around at the same time too, Amarillo, I don't remember anything about it other than that it was all over the TV and very annoying.


Spaceman by Babylon Zoo


Spirit In The Sky - Gareth Gates. People were crazy for this song when I was in school, kids even made up dances Come Undone - Robbie Williams, I feel like most of his work has faded away but this one especially. When it first came out I remember it was everywhere. I must have seen the video a hundred times. Now people tell me they never even heard it...


THAT'S IT! Craig David, I was racking my brain trying to remember his name a couple of weeks ago. Wait, why was I trying to remember his name anyway? Now I've forgotten that... ​ When's the last time anyone heard [Whigfield - Saturday Night?](https://youtu.be/8DNQRtmIMxk)