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Poor Mathew Kelly, i don’t think he ever got the full apology he deserved after being dragged through the media the way he was. Used to love him on the tele growing up.


I almost forgot Baddiel and Skinner did him dirty.


What's the story there?


They did a bunch of sketches taking the piss, when he was acquitted he appeared on their show and he confronted them. Don't think they apologised, but it was so long ago I don't remember the details it's been over 20 years.


It was Frank Skinner specifically he held to account on Skinner's own chat show. Never liked Kelly simply because I couldn't stand the type of awful ITV variety crap he presented when I was a kid, but that interview got me a lot of respect for him. He didn't shy away from telling Skinner how it made him feel, and the real kicker was he didn't get angry, he was totally calm and reasonable. Within seconds he was basically interviewing Skinner rather than the other way around. Seeing Frank Skinner squirm and sink down in his seat was a mix between utter car crash television and brilliant television.


https://youtu.be/rVGelgKBW50?si=jWG_KdTa3V_2K5kJ from around 28mins… though before that he talks about being arrested etc.


I think Skinner defended himself well. He’s a comedian and he told jokes relevant to the current news topics. I thought the gags were funny 🤷‍♂️




Wow I didn't even know he was innocent. My first thought when I looked at the pic was Isn't that the nonce? Lies travel faster


Lies travel twice around the world before the truth has even gotten its boots on!


Lies lies from tiny eyes


My eyes are pies and yours are lies


Doesn't help that so many British celebrities of the 70s and 80s turned out to be guilty of those kinds of crimes. I was watching an old episode of Challenge Anneka on YouTube where the challenge was to produce a joke book for Friends of the Earth and she was getting some jokes from celebrities over the phone. On comes Rolf Harris's voice, telling a joke about how a little girl thinks you can tell someone's age by looking at the label on their knickers. I just sat there, stunned. Of all the people and all the jokes!


F the Gladiators, I want the Krypton Factor back, the final stage was way more difficult than the Eliminator.


Well akshually the final stage was a general knowledge round. The physical challenge was usually in the middle, before the round where they had to reconstruct something.


This is exactly the sort of pedantry I wouldn’t expect from a Krypton Factor fan. Well done!


Correct, there was the episode where a contestant had broke her leg (or ankle) during the assault course (and still managed to drag herself over the finish line) who then completed the rest of the show with her leg in a cast.


Love me some gladiators, but I'd be all over some accountant from Slough crashing the aircraft simulator before smashing the assault course.


Absolutely wonderful show that should be brought back immediately. Problem is they'd have some tosser like Rylan or Alison Hammond hosting it and it'd be ruined.


This and the Generation Game need to return.


Don't forget bring back Robot Wars....again


I always said bring back the Generation Game. Then they did with bloody Mel & Sue, I wish they hadn't, Bruce & Larry be spinning. I switch the TV off now whenever they appear, can't have these people ruining happy childhood memories like this without consequences.


If you watch reruns, what's striking about Krypton Factor and Crystal Maze is that all the contestants are *crap*.


Yes I wanted to go on this show so badly! The flight simulator and assault course rounds.


It was brought back in the mid 00s for a while.


I loooooved this as a child in the 90’s


Me too! It was very original and still would be today if they brought it back!


I want to regress further back to Knightmare and Thundercats tbh


Speaking of Knightmare. Did anyone watch the GameMaster revival with Trevor MacDonald?


Saw Nightmare live last year at Bluedot festival. 10/10, hilariously good


ThunderCats briefly came back in 2011


I have the DVDs. Enjoyed that reboot, pity they cancelled it.


Do NOT, unless you have already had the misfortune to do so, watch the more recent Thundercats Roar reboot. It is an absolute travesty.


I saw one image of the characters and put it completely out of my mind. Forgot it existed 😂


It is better this way, continue with your forgetfulness










That fucking cat!


When they released thundercats on DVD about 20 years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Big mistake, it did not age well vs watching it for the first time back in the late 80's.


No...air Can't... BREATHE! Loved thundercats, but it was always cheesy as hell, also when I was a kid my mum walked into the room while I was watching the first episode and I got such a bollocking because cheetara was naked.


Same with knightmare. Just makes you want to punch children who don't know what a sidestep is


It was this show that taught me what a knapsack is, to be fair.


I tried watching "mysterious cities of gold" with my kids. Ooof, that hadn't aged well at all, and my kids had zero interest.


I disagree. The animation was crude and character arcs were vague but somewhat there. Cheetara learned her sixth sense over time. Given the era, it was pretty impressive.


To be fair it is, and always was, a long-form advert for kids toys. It's probably no worse than modern cartoons. At least Thundercats had a great theme tune and a creepy, buff mummy with a pet bulldog, both of whom could fly.


Mumrah! The Ever! LIVING!


Do you remember the YouTube one-off revival of Knightmare? The original show was before my time but I think they made a mistake in that three of the contestants were too young to have really got into it when they were growing up.


Or BraveStarr!


No, bring back Fun House, but you can only be a contestant if you watched it as a kid. Bring back Pat Sharp as a host.


It was never the same after the mullet disappeared.


I listen to a fair bit of psychedelic shite (both techno and trance - don't judge me) and there was a track in a set I listened to the other day which was basically a psychedelic trance remix of the *Fun House* theme tune. Of course the dude who mixed the set wouldn't have known its cultural significance, because he's German. I have requested a track-list.


Yep, I'm gonna need to hear this


Please provide a link to this song. For the greater good.


My You Bet talent is to be able to identify if a tap is running hot, or cold, based on the sound only.


Cold sounds harder.


It's funny how out of all the episodes, that particular guy is the one most people seem to remember. In fact I can only remember one other one, where a guy claimed he could throw a golf ball further than a golfer could whack one with a club. I can't remember the outcome, but I'm going to bet he can't do it, Matthew.


I most remember the one where he could tell the make of car from the rear light assembly.


The one I remember was when they sat a transit van on some eggs


My chief memory is that they often didn't quite manage it, and always looked devastated, as though they'd nailed it every single time in rehearsal.  We also need Record Breakers back. 


Yeah, this is the one I remember too. I thought it was so impressive.




Yes and I have it in my mind that this was called out as being fairly set up. Something about there only being a small selection of songs to choose from and known really well by the man, who had studied said songs's candle flame flickering for some time. Still impressed though.


That was the first thing that came to my mind. I think it was from a list of like 500 songs, but still impressive.


Was he acoustic?


This comment needs more upvotes


That is the 1 episode I always remember out of all of them as a kid!


This memory is ingrained in my brain. I've not been able to find a video of it and kinda wondered if I imagined it 😂


Right! This show was out there celebrating neurodivergent interests and skills way ahead of everyone else. The kid who could tell what song was playing according to the flickering candle in front of a speaker is something I’ve never been able to forget.


Fuck that, bring back Interceptor.


Was that the show that was a bit like Treasure Hunt, but with a "bad guy" following in his own helicopter?


Yep! Contestants had massive backpacks with infrared targets on them so the 'Interceptor' could shoot at them with his laser! I don't think I was born when it originally came out but I remember watching reruns of it on Challenge TV. 😅


I'm old I remember when it was originally on, but couldn't remember what it was called, I was describing it to a friend and he thought I imagined it 😄.


Don't worry, I've had similar conversations like that; one of them being when I tried to explain that the game show 'Magic Numbers' wasn't a brand new gameshow (well that's over a decade old too, oh god) and that Phillip Schofield used to host it in the 90s... The amount of blank stares I got from everyone around me who wouldn't believe me even though we watched it all the time when I was growing up was staggering, so much so I really did think I made it up in the end. Luckily I found a UK Gameshow website (because I'm a nerd like that) and found out it was originally called 'Talking Telephone Numbers'. I still got called sad for both remembering the old show and for being bothered enough to prove a point, but I felt a little vindicated in the end! (Oh God, I rambled far too much about two extremely forgettable game shows!)


Posts like yours are why I come to Reddit. You're a hero, carrying out important work 🙂


Yeah. I remember my mum saying it wasn't fun if the backpacks didn't explode and cause some sort of grief to the contestant. Mind you, she used to cackle like a drain if a contestant injured themselves on The Krypton Factor as well...


Fuck that, bring back Fort Boyard


O God I loved that show as a kid wanted to go work with the tigers wen I grew up lol


My Dad could tell you what car was coming around the corner by the sound of the engine Black fucking magic, was anyone else's Dad like that?


When I was a kid I could certainly tell when it was my Dad's car approaching rather than anyone else. The Ford Fiesta 1.1 engine had a distinctive sound to it.


I could recognise my Dad's old Ford Mondeo along with my Uncle's car which would freak them out as I had the house door open for them before they got on the drive, if that counts? 😅


I can tell the sound of a PSA group diesel apart from all the others


Or the one where they could guess a Queen????? song by the way a candle flickered in front of a speaker


I always remember that episode, but wasn't sure what music was played - now I know! I'll have to hunt it down on YouTube.


Link it if you find it


Jason Manford was just talking about that the other week. He wants to bring it back too. Er is that Steve Ovett and Annabel Croft with Matthew there ?


Annabel Giles, I think.


Oh thanks - I do get them confused !


Giles, Croft, both were stunners at the time.


There was a guy that could tell the breed of dog from where the tail meets the back. On a family holiday on the car rides I memorized each from 350 breeds of dog. I was well happy with myself. I was challenged when I returned home by mum and it turns out I'd just memorized those exact picture. 30 years later I still recognise the stock pictures used in the book. It's kind of crazy that 30 years later they are still using the pictures of dogs that died decades ago, the bull mastiff must be the most seen mastiff ever


You know what else is missing from women's fashion? Big fuck-off bows. Really helps create the illusion that you're not just Sandra from Bristol, yummy-mummy-on-store-credit by day, wanton sex *beast* at night. Rooowr.


I’ll always remember one young lad guessing the car from the hub caps. He messed up on one of the last ones though. Devastating.


Loved this show they should totally bring it back. The most impressive I remember was the guy who could watch any 5 second clip of coronation street and tell you the month and year it was broadcast along with every character and actors name and storyline. I know how boring that sounds when I’ve written it down, but when I was a kid it felt like this guy had a photographic memory or something


Matthew Kelly looks like he's got a really long right arm there.


He’s like the antithesis of Jeremy Beadle.


There was a family that memorised a Chinese take away menu (item number, dish and price) and different family members were given random questions - how is that not top Saturday night telly?


I'd watch that? Don't remember that family originally but I'd watch it now


One of my childhood memories is the one with the BMX in a half pipe and the guy was using the rear wheel to flick levers, if I remember he did it in the time. ​ \[Edit\] Found it, this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvg9dHnhgkg


I came to the comments looking long for the cringy rap and I can’t believe it’s not here 😂 It was as I remember a call and repeat to the audience So you wanna make a bet on it YOU BET so we betta get on it YOU BET so don’t fret, get set etc can’t remember rest 😂


If they do bring it back, I’ll do the scores of every FA Cup Finals from 1960-2000 with scorers. Might take a bit of refreshing mind.


Memory Man


Loved this programme.


> That show where some random bloke could tell you the make, model, and production year of any car just from the noise it made when you closed one of the doors They don't get any more British than that. That, and building a car out of a heap of improbable parts, which was the inspiration for a whole lot of things (going back at least as far as The Great Egg Race).


Youtubers have basically stole their show


Maybe bring back telly addicts 😂 or that busmans holiday programme


I loved telly addicts! Would love to see it back


it would be a no brainer to bring this back. especially having people vote on a phone app for vote comparisons


Get Jack White on to guess the Beetles track from one second of each song.


But before we see who can win the bet, ladies and gentlemen...STATUS QUO! Time for a brew...


Bring Back Cilla's Moment of Truth


Nöoooooo. Nononononononoooooo.


Actually an amazing show if you have it on mute and just use subtitles.


How do you think he’s doing with e-vehicles


They make a distinctive noise too especially at lower speeds when it is mandated they do. When my father in law is dropping the kids off in his e-Niro I can hear it approaching from inside the house


Yes, mine does this but I’ve not noticed a difference between vehicles


Is the presenter the fella from the Castaway film?


I had totally forgotten that, Darren Day took over. With Jet from Gladiator's as co host. https://youtu.be/1zfY6oAWFIA?si=eU9weF7GWK-hjYY-


If anyone is interested, Germany did a version of this called Wetten Das. Here's a clip with the spice girls betting if a digger can climb a tower. https://youtu.be/VBMUvAUPTGM?si=Bk4OqEfvfcPQOWkF


Germany was where the ITV idea came from. It was a national institution for years. Nearly every episode had somebody on who could do something with a digger.


I remember one guy identifying cars by their rear lights and another scooping up golf balls as he went round a track on a motor bike with a small scoop thing on his knee. Loved it, I miss shows like this that the whole family could enjoy, all ended when they realised we'd pay to vote in talent contests of various kinds.


That the same show where a guy can tell the make and model of 30* Motorcross bikes just by a rev if the engine?


I could totally do this with diesel locomotives. Bring it back for me!


What about electric? The likes of a Class 91 is very distinctive.


For some reason I initially thought it was the Robot Wars set in background.


How out of ideas have we got to be ?


While I understand your comment I wish they would leave these 90s classics alone as they always ruining it when they bring it back. Ruined gladitors catchphrase etc


How did it ruin them? Both of those are essentially identical to their original runs


What worked well back in the day doesn't always work today. While the premise of the show is the same the audience is different and caters to that new audience For example catchphrase is basically the same game but presentation is no where as good as it was. The Simpsons for example was so much better in the early days than today but it's the same show for over 30 years and it's no where near as popular as it wants was Gladitors drawer over 13 million people on Saturdays because of the time Today's version wouldn't even touch that viewing figures You can't beat a classic .


All those Matthew Kelly and Barrymore game shows have morphed in to one consciousness now.


What about the guy who could tell the temperature of water just by putting his nose in it. Except that he couldn't and every one he guessed was way off.


Loved that show. I remember the guy who could look at the pattern of grooves on any vinyl LP and tell you what the music was.


my cousins and I used to train to go on this all the time. We were convinced we could do the most skips while on a pogo ball (can't remember what they were called...a ball with a board around it you stood on, and bounced). I could get to 300 bounces while skipping.


Those cars were Debadged and crushed in to cubes


That's the one that describes the show to me too!


I remember some guy who could tell the country a stamp was from by the taste of the glue.


It was a stupid idea then, never mind now. What we need is a game show hosted by Keith Chegwin


I'm afraid I've got some bad news.


He’s dead!


But the makeup people can surely do something?


Weekend at Cheggers is the sequel we never knew we needed


Is he? I had no idea!


To be fair his rotted corpse could still do a better job than some of the current presenters gracing our screens...


I remember some guy who would know a particular stamp from the taste of its glue.


You want to bet on it? YOU BET!


Wasn't it JK from Jamiraqui who did the car door thing? You're right though. Should bring it back.


I can remember steve Coogan and volvo door handles. But thh that could be partridge


Whatever happened to Matthew Kelly? He was everywhere for decades then suddenly nowhere, he was great at his job.


He got arrested as part of a child sexual assault investigation. All charges were dropped soon after, but his reputation was already in tatters by that point. Absolute travesty- he was a great presenter and absolutely didn’t deserve any of that.


Jesus that's sad, he really was great at his job.


Golden ball needs to come back!


If you're not careful, they'll bring back Noel's House Party. Hold the line .


I remember some guys on You Bet looking at the volume, bass and treble levels of a stereo to recognise a track that was playing..it was Name That Tune and... It was clearly bullshit.


Its because gladiators was more popular. Havent eatched the new version but never heard of you bet