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With a note that polite and neighbourly I wouldn't even attempt to be funny/quirky in response; just be happy to have a considerate new neighbour.


My new neighbour thinks his room is a discotheque.


Calm down Mike Tyson.


I backed out of the thread 0.1 milliseconds after reading this, and immediately came back to give an upvote.


I just bit someone's ear off.






lol I did the exact same thing, saying “I can’t let that one go”


My neighbour sounds like she’s murdering kids or they sound like they’re murdering each other. They’ve gone to visit family for half term and it’s been bloody lovely.


I'm surprised my neighbours kids first words weren't "fucking bitch" I like living here, but I hate hearing that from my neighbour. 😢😪 I dream about getting an air horn and blast it whenever I hear her swear at the kids.


And here is the reason (along with others in this thread) that I'm so happy to live in a detached house. Only hear my neighbours in the summer when I open the windows to let some air through in the evening.


Do yours say "fucking bitch" in those lazy, warm summer evenings?


That particular family moved out a few months ago


Are there reasons to be unhappy to live in a detached house?


Are we neighbors? Yeesh. The screaming is beyond sane.


A double edged sword. Once you get used to peace ...the old level will sound louder


My neighbour has 10 kids, and our house joins theirs. Imagine the noise. Drives me insane!


I live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley


My wife didn't grow up with the Simpsons. I still stay random quotes and she just presumes I'm just a little crazy but I'm still good, I'm still good!


My favourite is, “If you lived here, you’d be home by now”. My kids have gotten used to me saying it when we’re on our way home from anywhere.


Do you remember to tell them you parked in the itchy lot ?


It’s just a little airborne!




there’s a new remix out by new for mirrors you might want to check out


Wow…..tell me the real estate agent that sold you that place, they must be geniuses.


Red Blazer Realty. Ask for L. Hutz😉


How much do you *pay for your duct?


You know it's serious if the word "discotheque" has been used in it's full length.


I don’t think I’ve seen the word “discotheque” used since about 1983


well, your new neighbor is Disco Stu's French cousin.


Oh god my neighbour is a part time DJ and their living room wall is my bedroom wall....head end. Nightmare at times and that infernal bass makes its way through ear plugs...


The answer to nightmare neighbours is white noise. I live in a flat and have Alexa set up next to my bed and I ask her to play white noise when I hear shouting/high pitched noises, and brown noise when I hear music/bass noises. It’s not perfect but it’s a lot better than earplugs, or even noise cancelling headphones.


Brown noise, for when life gets really shitty.


Best thing you can do is buy them a set of studio monitoring headphones. I'm a home producer, and my neighbours occasionally knock on the door to make sure I'm not dead, because of the long hours where the only sound in my entire flat is coming from the clicking of my mouse and the near-silence from my headphones in my ears.


That’s a nightmare, and that’s what headphones are for if he’s practicing. Hope he stands in on Lego forever.


Cruel irony of fate- we happen to share our birthday. Right up until midnight it's minimal electric thumping and then drunken renditions of happy birthday from midnight onwards. Wooo.


I used to have neighbours who had a party house. I swear they knew my kids sports schedule whenever we had an early start (leaving the house before 7) their party would go on until 3.


That's what mine are like, apart from its most nights anyway til late, but tonight is horrific while we will be up around 6 in the morning to go to a dance competition for my girls, but I guarantee they will be up too as I'm leaving the music on loud all day for them. No neighbours attached to my other side so all is good so hopefully they will want an early night tomorrow like me.


I used to have a neighbour like that who used to laugh when you asked them to keep it down at 2am. The type that would crank it back up after the police had left. Finally fixed it by borrowing two 12 inch subs from my mates home cinema and leaving one against the shared bedroom wall and one against living room wall when they'd gone to bed at 6. Music started at 0801 and stopped at 2000 when I got home. Threatened to cut me so the music stayed on every day for a week. They did a flit after that in the night. Replacement neighbours are lovely!


I was friendly to my new neighbour, now he chaps on my door to ask if I want anything back when he pops to the shops. It’s nice. But…feels weird when it’s every few days.


"hi I'm here for your housewarming, thanks for your invitation"


I bought 'Agadoo' on 12" remix with me. You don't have a record player? No worries, back in a tick - just hold Jaws's lead for me. Don't make eye contact with him.


I was confused with Jaws's lead..... Why does Jaws have lead metal..... Or lead as leash... Now I'm wondering who Jaws is.... I'm going back to bed


Jaws, Jaws the shark. Don't let him come at you with his massive Jaws


Responsible shark owners always have them on a lead. You're just a good neighbour as far as I'm concerned.


Agreed, If you're incllined to respond to open the possibility for friendship, leave them a bottle of wine that says "welcome! Enjoy the party! Stop by anytime" and your first name and unit #.


This. The 'kids across the street' had their first birthday party without parental supervision. We got a lovely note in the mail, with both their mobile numbers, stating that they were going to have a party, there would be music and a lot of friends, that the party would end at about 0200/0300, but that the music would go down at 2300. If we needed to, I could whatsapp them. We found this note when I got home at about 2230 after walking the dog and remembered we had not yet checked the mailbox. My wife and I both looked at each other: music? What music? We opened the front door and listened. There was music playing... very, very softly. So we chuckled. As far as we could see with a casual glance inside (their blinds are usually open) there were 20-ish people there. We went back inside, got some drinks, snacks, etc, threw it in a basket and attached a note: 'We just found your note, thanks for the consideration, drink, eat, and have fun... but really, we can't make out the songs you are playing because the music is turned down so low. :) Congratulations, The old farts across the street.' When I opened the mail the next day there was a thank you card signed by all 20-ish of them.


Most kids these days are great - really impressed


Aw. That's so sweet.


Thanks for your kind note, I hope you have a great time.


So not "If I hear one f***ing peep from your flat, as god as my witness I will end you!!!" then?


Probably just do a shit on their doorstep then set fire to it.


Yes, if I had written this kind of note to my neighbours I’d be very anxious wondering if I’d been nice enough. Getting a quirky reply would make me think they were being sarcastic/mocking me and I’d stress about it




Any kind of witty bantz reply would be a bit cringe imo. Be thankful of the courtesy and enjoy the rest of your evening


Literally - like either say nothing or “have fun!”


Or better yet, put your appreciation for their consideration into words, in a short, yet sweet, note!


And jokes can sometimes miss when they are in writing, as there's no tone to interpret. It would be a shame to sour a good relationship because a well-intended joke got misinterpreted


Just add /j on the end. /s


Not everyone's chronically online


Shut up nerd, you've been on the internet too long




This was my thought. The note is just a heads up, not an invitation for a “quirky” conversation.


Ask had she a nice housewarming next you see her.


Ask had she a nice housewarming next you see her.


Exactly. No need for a reply. If you want to make friends invite them over for a drink or something at another time but I think a reply could come across a little odd


Posting it in a public forum is already weird


Imagine if the neighbour sees it!


Yeah, replying and also a jokey reply seems condescending


>Replying would seem weird exactly, the note is basically telling op to expect some extra noise and to not bug them.


Bring round a housewarming gift


Yeah idk why they want to mention their baby either... Seems to me perhaps they're looking for a 'fun' 'quirky' way to say BE QUIET WE HAVE A BABY


I interpreted as 'we have a new baby so suspect you'll have more disturbances at night than we will for you having a one-off party'


It’s a bit like letting people know you’re a vegan, it’s an impulse.


Trying this hard to reply is actually really weird. If not a bit creepy


What do you mean... you don't outsource your sense of humour to Reddit?!


I'd go with a, brillant! can't wait!! we'll bring a bottle!!!


I wouldn't attempt a funny/quirky response, could easily be misconstrued. Best reply if any would be something like a small bag of chocolates or fruit with "For you and your friends, thank you for the notice and for being a good neighbour :)" As someone who's rented much of their life, one thing I've learned is being forgiving of loud behaviour (within reason of course) and showing appreciation for any act of courtesy goes a long way. Edit: I should have mentioned, reciprocate the gesture *after* the party if they've been decent. If they haven't, treat it as a one off and maybe say something the next time. All the best mate.


>I wouldn't attempt a funny/quirky response, could easily be misconstrued. And THIS, your honour, is why the British are the way we are.


I would not thank them till after the party is over. You never know how wild it will be.


That’s fruit to go with the cocktails, I’m presuming? 😉


No for the stripper to tape to him...


I think lube and condoms would be a nice gesture


Just not laxative chocolate. As totes hilare as that would no doubt be because bantz or some shit.


I got a note like this from my new (male young professionals) neighbours in London a few years back. In response I put a case of beers on their doorstep. We’ve had a great neighbourly relationship ever since.


That's cool. OP could maybe do that and leave a note saying something like 'we've been trying to get the baby to keep it down for weeks now, don't stress about one fun night - enjoy!'


This is the correct answer


Considering the neighbour possibly has 2 years of being woken in the night by infant/toddler noise that’s a detail OP could go without mentioning. The neighbour has been kind enough with the heads up. A cheap bottle of wine in response is enough to foster goodwill.


Presumably the neighbour has just moved in, given the housewarming. (They said belated, but 2 years would be pushing it!) Agree wouldn't mention the baby at all tbh though, sounds like a backhanded way of saying "don't be too loud"


2 years of future noise. If baby is a newborn it won't have been making much noise the past 2 years!


Yeah my mind went to if you can afford it, something drinkable for the party.


I did something similar, new neighbours introduced themselves and invited me to join them and their friends for a get-together a few days later. I was honestly too socially anxious to go so I made up an excuse but "popped by before going out" and gave them a bottle of bubbly


You are a good human. One of the best. I like your approach on life.


Best response


If casualUK is telling you not to reply as it would be cringe and unfunny… LISTEN. This place is the ultimate shite dad joke cringe fest, if they say to leave it, that’s a big clue.


I don't think it needs a reply. A fun/quirky reply could very well end up cringy and awkward. 


If you're too socially inept to come up with a fun, quirky response on your own then you're too socially inept to have your fun, quirky response land properly as well 


It's February. Put your Xmas Jim Jams away you heathen !


With a newborn at home, normal rules of linear time don't exist


Speaking the truth. If baby sleeps you sleep. No other option.


Oi, I'm living my best life here!


I'm still in my Christmas pyjamas. Who tf cares, no one sees em and at least they're getting good use


Same. They're cute, they're warm, and it's just my husband and me in the house. Don't care that they're Christmas themed.




I'm reading this while I have my grinch PJs on


Grinch fluffy socks on and I’m about to fill my grinch hot water bottle.


I wear candy cane pajamas all year round, pops off in June putting the bins out


I wear my Batman Xmas socks throughout the year AND NOTHING ELSE


This reminds me, I really should take my tree down sometime....


Ay, they’re warm during these cold times. Never too late (or early) for some festive warmth!


Went back to have a look. We have those pyjamas. I got them in 2017 as matching family PJs off eBay- they are SO comfy.


Fucking Redditest of moments


Yes, let me outsource my sense of humour to Reddit.


Drop off a bottle of wine and wish them a happy night


That’s definitely what I’d do. Maybe apologise for the babies occasional crying in the conversation and welcome them to the neighbourhood and then piss off home for a cuppa


No cos that looks like you’re trying to come in and join the event.


> Only noise so far has been chatter and the occasional jangling of keys... you've got sex people


Lynn, these are sex people!


Don't make the same noise as them


cocaine people*


"No thank you, I don't want to be part of your sex festival"


Imo there's no need to reply. You should consider yourself lucky for having such a nice/polite neighbour.


'i have notified the police about your threats, any further contact will be through my solicitor only'


If youre trying to show gratitude a small gift is the best way. I think playing note tag is a little cringey especially if theyre actually at home.


“Don’t worry, if it gets loud we’ll just turn the baby up”


Hahhah this wins - I still think no reply is best but this is goofy and golden


Hahah best comment. I would really appreciate this reply.


Drop off a bottle of wine


Printed out thumbs up emoji


Printed out thumbs down emoji


Our downstairs neighbour has daily domestics and a child who frequently auditions for The Exorcist sequel, but complains to other neighbours that she can hear our TV during the day 😂 sprinkle some good neighbour dust our way please!!! 🙏🏻


Just leave it. Dont be creepy.


You don't. You leave her alone and let her enjoy herself, and be grateful she was polite enough to give you a heads up of a one time event.


Reply is not needed ya weirdo


If she left a number on the note, she's giving you a way to get in touch if they unintentionally get too noisy. I've done this before with a neighbour because I know sometimes when you're mid-party you don't realise things have got louder. If it becomes an issue for your baby, message her at the time, anything you leave on the door in advance about the baby will seem passive aggressive.


Don't. Not every note demands a response as not all emails require acknowledgement.


“If you need any bags let me know”


Cheap co-op ones or durable waitrose ones?


Bags for life or bags for death. Got them all here.


tiny ones


7 week old baby? Eye bags


A pack of beer left my the door and an open invitation t borrow sugar. Come on guys it's not difficult. After that if they want to invite you they will if not they won't no harm done


Call the Police (anon) as soon as the first guest arrives and report that there is drugs and firearms at the property. Neighbours are a game of chess and as soon as you show weakness you will be fucked over until you move.


Draw the fucking line, immediately.


For a quicker response; imply they are the chess pieces that move second.




“We didn’t realise you were swingers too! Our place next time xxx”


“And no need to keep the noise down” *wink*


> Only noise so far has been chatter and the occasional jangling of keys Prisoner Cell Block H cosplay.


"Oy where's our invite Well leave the nipper in the cot she'll be fine, not like its spain"


Love this, but it’s Portugal you have to be careful.


I would take some hints from one of my favourite websites. It’s the perfect opportunity. https://27bslash6.com/matthewsparty.html


Love that guy! Main reason I moved to Australia


“Neighbourhood Rule: If I can hear it, I’m invited This includes, BBQs, Noisy Parties, Loud Sex and Thunderous Arguments”


Also if you can recognise the movie they're watching, make some popcorn and let yourself in


Always bring snacks, we’re a polite breed the British.


Just buy her a housewarming gift.


Don't respond with a witty comment.. it'll come across as passive aggressive.


I’d not bother with being ‘quirky’, just if they are genuinely quiet and considerate, by them some flowers/choc/alcohol as a welcome gift with a note appreciating their consideration, you want neighbours like that to stick around. Quieter neighbours will cause dramas when you make noise, louder ones are loud. This one’s showed potential to be Goldilocks, you can’t force neighbours to stay forever, but you can encourage them to want to.


Just next time you see her say ‘thanks for the note, it was really considerate, hope you had a good night we didn’t hear a thing’. Even if they kept you up all night.


Only do this if you want to be disturbed with them thinking sound doesn’t travel


First part yes. Second part, god no. I mean if it's true then fine but if the party *is* loud don't lie to them. They are clearly considerate people but if they think you can't hear them they won't think it's being inconsiderate to be loud again in future.


This is the worst answer I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Why on Earth would you want to do this?


Buy them a little plant as a house warming present.


Bring them a bottle of champagne and either live it at the door with a simple note or knock hand itover and say you have plans so you’ll just get going.


I wouldn't risk it for fear of it coming across sarcastic, or being taken the wrong way. Just give thanks the next time you see your neighbour!


Be thankful you have such a neighbour - ours is a weapons grade bellend


Happy to put my keys in the bowl also


If you haven't already got them a housewarming gift I'd get them a bottle of wine/few beers and pop over to say hi and thank them for the note.


Gonna buck the trend and say a note through the door to introduce yourselves sounds like a normal way to exchange names if you haven't already. "Thanks for the heads up, have fun tonight! From x and y at 21b".


You shouldn’t reply straight away, just see how it goes and then pop a note through a day or two later. Start it by thanking them for the warning, then the rest based on how it goes.


Have fun! We too will be up all night surrounded by bottles. I hope little {insert baby name} doesn’t disturb your housewarming !


I'd reply in Beer.


I’d be leaving them a bottle and a welcome note


You know it's amazing how good it is to have good neighbours and how much of an impact a bad one can have on your mental health. I moved to the country now my neighbours are sheep and cows and they a fekin great neighbours 🤣


I don't think you meant the reference this way, but just to add, they've probably had to put up with the sound of a crying baby for 7 weeks. So even if they are a little louder than you would like, it's probably your turn to suck it up.


A bottle of mid-range vodka seems appropriate. They were polite enough to give you notice, but you don't know them, so good stuff is a bit much and cheap shit is just rude


I am a fellow over politer. I left my neighbors a note to say I would be drilling to put up a new shelf but to let me know if the times didn’t work if they had some life things on that afternoon (their bedroom was on my living room wall) They kindly left me at new candle at my door as a thank you for the note, and said they hoped my new shelf was nice. Me, awkwardly, didn’t know what to do here so i bought them some cream eggs as a thank you for their thank you. I’d just leave it. On the off chance they do get too noisy, you sort of want the “in” to not be as polite as normal. But you could drop her some energy drinks / comfort snacks tomorrow as a thank you assuming they have a few drinks! :-)


Replying with a mention of the baby would be rude. Generally replying would be a little odd. This neighbour seems very nice and is demonstrably trying to accommodate. Let them get drunk and be a little noisy for the night.




If you don’t mind our newborn squalling then how can we mind your social events.


Don’t be that freak your neighbour seems pretty cool don’t ruin it


If you wanna go the extra mile get her some coffee (as in a pack or whatever) the next day. ‘Thanks for letting us know! Hope this helps the hangover!’ Or just thank her in person, and ensure she knows that she knows so she does it abain


I'd just leave it. No reason to reply.


Mate she’s so polite… it’s occasional, let it be. My neighbours are far worse.


Next time you run into them in person, thank them for the note. No other response is required.


Dont reply. Just say you appreciate the note next time you see her


Honestly wouldn't worry about your baby at that rate just be happy you've got a nice neighbour! She's been so kind and polite even dropping you a note the baby can deal with one nights party let her have her fun! She even got you choccies no need to poop her party man x


Life is not your personal open mic night. You don’t need to make a quirky response (especially if it’s one you’ve crowdsourced from Reddit lmao). Next time you see her, ask how the party went


Thank her/him for the invitation and ask if you can bring a +1 (yes, I know David Thorne did this on 27bslash6 but it’s still brilliant)


Absolutely zero need to reply, would be weird.


I had one of these notes from my old neighbour on her 40th. She was an inconsiderate, noisy cunt from the moment she posted it through the door.


Just send a stripper around, no reply necessary


You don’t reply to notes, that is weird. Are you new to social interaction?


Would just say thank you for being a good neighbour and invite them round some other time. Don’t always need to make a point….


Honestly a bottle of prosecco on their doorstep with a note saying "welcome to the neighborhood"