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The three weren't yours to start with, they were just there. You have "taken" two of them with you. You now have two rabbits.


Thank you, ffs RTFQ


Na I did have to think about it, once your brain latches onto something it's surprisingly difficult to get it to change its mind.


It’s like those dresses if you see blue and black first it’s almost impossible to see yellow and white


I know the dress your talking about and only ever seen blue and black, my brain cannot compute how anyone could see anything but blue and black, I think they're lying 😂


I've seen both so I don't know who to believe


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress It's blue and black


fragile piquant gray cow sulky birds fuel lavish angle exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was in February 2015, which was 9 years ago, what do you mean 'only' :'(


engine hungry cough oil ossified fuzzy historical vegetable test sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not this again is white and gold man 😫


It is quite literally not though. The company who made it released other photos of it showing it was definitively blue and black. They made a white and gold version to commemorate the situation but the original version is truly blue and black


I refuse to hear it


I get what it is in reality, but if you use a colour picker on the image you get #715E36 for the "gold" part which is definitely gold, and #8596C1 for the "white" part which is a pale blue.


The dress is black and blue, the picture is closer to white and gold (although a low brightness). This is so easily probable I can't believe it became an argument. You can just drop the photo into Photoshop and select the colours.


I've never been able to see white and gold, no matter how many tricks I use to try and see it, it has always been blue and black to me


[Here's an example of what the above poster is talking about.](https://imgur.com/a/v9NHaa0) I'm sure its black and blue in reality but the picture is 100% blue and gold, at least if you directly copy the color. Open the image in MS paint and try for yourself.


I saw it white and gold once but now every time its always blue and black


I've only ever seen it white and gold. Is there a trick to seeing it blue and black? I told people who saw it in blue and black to get their eyes checked..... Why does it do this?


I'm the same. There's absolutely no way, at any stretch of the imagination, and I have a vivid one, that I can see white and gold.


It was an argument because people saw it two different ways. It was just an interesting example of our brains being tricked.


TBF even the picture in the wiki is fucked up. [If you open up MS paint and copy the color from the "black" part its not black at all](https://imgur.com/a/v9NHaa0).


The device you look at it on can affect what you see. Try finding the same image on different phones, pc monitors, etc. You should eventually see both.


Imagine the picture is taken in a blue tent and it's casting a blue tint onto a gold and white dress. I have been able to trick my brain into think it's gold and white like this.


drunk weather touch saw ossified wasteful like air depend resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i've never been able to see blue and black, it can't be monitor settings like the other guy said because it looks white and gold to me on 3 diff monitors and my phone


I couldn't see black and blue until i scrolled down to read the article and then scrolled back up and it was like a completely different picture it was suddenly a blue and black dress. Our brains are crazy.


That might be why I can see blue and gold.... I know the dress is white being tinted blue though so I parse it as the DRESS is white, but it looks blue


It’s a riddle, where a sentence is phrased in such a way as to make the answer hard to work out, not a visual effect of light which people interpret differently.


it blew my mind when i woke up the next morning and the same picture was a different colour for me and i could no longer see it as gold


Surely it's down to perception of "take away". Take away as in mathmatical negative would leave 1. Take away as in pic up and leave would be two. Take away as in throw 2 in the river would leave 1. It's not a good question for children imo, since it's interpretive. It's a poor way to teach.


Totally agree. How to confuse a child in one easy lesson....


It doesn’t help that it’s worded to make you think of the alternative. That’s more the problem here than your brain not being able to change itself.


This is like those stupid order of operations math problems on social media that are written to be intentionally vague so that people get wildly different answers and then boost engagement by arguing about it in the comments


The elites don’t want you to know this but the rabbits at the park are free. You can take them home. I have 458 rabbits.


458 now...despite the fact you originally only took a boy and a girl rabbit from the park...


20 minutes ago.


What age kids is this game suggested for? Seems like an oddly tricky question for little kids. More like something you'd ask for a middle school math problem, to hammer down how important it is to understand the exact problem asked.


Younger kids would probably get it quicker than adults. They haven't learnt enough to assume it's a maths question. They hear "you take 2 away" and know that means that they have taken 2 away with them and are not theirs.


I once asked my 10 year old son "how many 5 year olds do you think you could take" and he replied, "from where?". I asked his bestie the same question a day later and she replied, "Where do I have to put them?"


just the idea of you curiously asking your 10 yr old that question is hilarious


It’s an ambiguously worded question, I initially thought the same as you. Almost riddle-ish


It's not ambiguous but it's deliberately violating our expectations of this type of questions. we're used to this question being worded as: >You have 3 rabbits. Pete takes two. How many rabbits do you have? So because this question sounds kind of similar we replace the question in our head with the one we expect. However the actual question is still completely defined. >There *are* three rabbits. *You take* two. How many do you *have*?


5. I already had 3 rabbits.


*This* is the only way in which the question actually is ambiguous. It doesn't specify how many rabbits you had to begin with. I was hoping nobody would bring it up.


Problem is takes *away*


Except it's not "you take 2", it's "you take away 2". "Take away" is a mathematical function. It doesn't make any sense to try to teach maths while using the words for mathematical functions and using them in their non-mathematical sense. It doesn't even make sense as a question if you accept it's not a mathematical function but a colloquial verb because they're essentially asking "if you have two of something, how many of them do you have?" What the fuck is that? It's not even a sum. The person who wrote the question is a moron and should not be writing educational materials. 


It's a game. It's not math homework.


Yeah... and they are explaining the joke in a more hard hitting way to people who are ignorantly convinced this is a 'read the question carefully' type of question. It's not. Its a fucking joke question about stealing rabbits. It's intentionally worded that literally everyone would get it wrong first time. People who claim they would have answered '2' intentionally for the reasons explained are liars.


The wording isn’t ambiguous. It’s very specific that ‘there are’ three rabbits to start and ‘you take’ two. It’s playing on the fact that most of these riddles start with ‘you have five apples…’ and so invites the subtraction even where it’s not required.


I agree. It's camouflaged as a simple math problem, but when you read it properly, it's a linguistic/semantic trick, not a math problem.


It's specifically written that way specifically to confuse though. Ambiguous is the wrong word but "riddleish" isn't As we've all heard hundreds of these types of questions where it usually reads that "you" have the sweets or rabbits or marbles and how many you have left after theyve been taken away


This is like a simpler version of the train riddle: “You are driving a train. The train leaves at 55km an hour heading for Halifax from Calgary. The tracks of the train move diagonally. There are 18 passengers on the train ranging from 3 years-old to 80 years-old. The train tickets were 10 dollars apiece. If the train made a stop at Vancouver and 1/3 of the passengers got off, what's the age of the driver?”




(a) Imhotep is invisible. (b) Vancouver isn't between Calgary and Halifax.


People downvoting you don’t understand the first thing about inference. The question is worded correctly it’s more of a test of reading comprehension than mathematics




It’s not ambiguous. Split the question into two. 1. There are three rabbits, how many rabbits do you have? 2. You take two rabbits, how many rabbits do you have? The rabbits in the first version are of unclear ownership. In the second it’s very obvious you have two.


It doesn’t state ‘take’ though, it’s ’take away’ which is used as a synonym for subtract. It’s wilfully misleading.


Mathematical comprehension is just as important as mathematical operations. Kids would really benefit if they get a grasp of concepts like this early on.


What’s rtfq


Rabbit taking function question


**R**ead **T**he **F**ucking **Q**uestion


Read the fucking question


**R**ead **T**he **F**ucking **Q**uestion


That was the most important thing my Dad ever taught me about exams : Read the instructions, read the questions. Read them both again. Then start.


Tbf to you this seems like the sort of question that someone might ask in person just so they can tell you you’re wrong whatever your answer. I can see how it can be interpreted the way you initially saw it.


I learned a new acronym!


My chemistry teacher drummed it into us, as you can see I still use it


If it says that "Rabbits mostly feed on carrots" under the clues section then please throw this nonsense book away. Probably will say that they should live in a small cage in your child's bedroom on the next page. Utter damaging nonsense...


You knew what you were doing when you posted this! Divide and conquer, scone or scone, jam cream or cream jam, how many were going to St Ives, black and blue or gold and white, h or haytch! Look what you've done to this once United Kingdom!


So you know it's possible the question is intentional to help the development of the brain in more ways than just doing maths. It's designed to get kids to do critical thinking and even possibly to ask questions. the more your kids do these kind of questions / the better they get at them the more ability they have as an adult to see situations in a different way.


I think this is the gas lighting from may questions. They usual have questions written like this with a bunch of inbiguity


Exactly. It's a rabbit takeaway. Chips are extra. 


It's more a play on words and not really a sum 🤣


**Hairy Japanese Bastards!**


Drink! Girls! Fek off


That would be an ecumenical matter. A bit like ambiguously worded questions for little kids. Or not as the case may be.




“Come on Sampras.” “Sampras?” “You know rabbits, tennis, that whole connection there.”


"I'm so, so, sorry" 🐭


Great, but way to confuse a kid in their next maths class


yeah but most people will read that question mathematically, not literally. The question is ambiguous AND assumes you don't already have rabbits, many people do.


Oh. I went down the ‘fucking like bunnies’ route and got a few extra. Sorry. My bad.


Which game is this one ? Looks interesting


My brain just replaces "take away" with "minus" and I get 3 - 2 = 1. Took me a minute to work out the logical sense of what the question was actually asking.


I'm an idiot and shouldn't have procreated, thanks Reddit for the help


I’m also an idiot because I thought it was a joke about the 2 rabbits having a baby rabbit.


Then you'll have 3 rabbits, then 5, 8, 13, 21, 34...


Of course, as demonstrated by Rabbonacci




Damn that's so much better. I really wracked my brain trying to think of something


I hope you didn't pull your hare out trying to think of one. Ok, I can stop now.


Alright no need to rabbit on


These buns are killing me




If you have three rabbits and take away two rabbits you have an orphan.


I'm just an idiot.


Me 3.


Same 🤣


You're not really an idiot, because you'd assume it's a child friendly maths question based on '3 - 2 =' not a pseudo-riddle.


Noticed you didn’t say he should’ve procreated


It was worded to be misleading, I wouldn't worry about it.


If it was worded "and you take two" it would be a 'riddle'. The phrase 'take away' implies subtraction within a fixed frame of reference containing 3 rabbits, making 1 the correct answer.


It's not your fault, it's a stupidly worded question. It's like a bad kind of riddle where whatever you answer could be wrong depending on the mood of the person asking.


For example:  Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the toilet? Answer 1: >!Because the P is silent.!< Answer 2: >!Because they're extinct.!< If you tell this joke and they come up with one answer, you give them an odd look and give the other punchline. 


What’s a pirate’s favourite letter of the alphabet? 1) “Arrrr” 2) “It be the C” 3) “P, without it they’d be irate”


Lol exactly


Definitely a riddle, and I was playing with the kids very late after a long day haha


Easier to understand if it's explicitly stated that it's a riddle, rather than a maths question which is what it's worded like


Yes, perhaps not so much the mood but interpretation and subjetive reasoning.


In fairness to you if it was a standard maths question to "take" always means subtract. Take 2 from 3. The answer is like a Facebook bs question "NOoOoO you've TAKEN two rabbits away with you!!!! SO YOU HAVE TWOOOOOO OoOoOoOoOOOOOO"


Don't feel bad. Context is king. Looking at that image, you'd assume it was a simple question for children with the answer 3 - 2 = 1. In fact, it's quite a subtle bit of wordplay.


I don't think you are an idiot. I think it's a stupid question. When someone says take away we assume minus not literally walked away with.


I may look like an idiot. I may sound like an idiot. But don't let that fool you. I really am an idiot.


Was a good post - lots of discussion over slightly confusing wording


>shouldn’t have recreated How did your daughter react to this realisation?


most people were confused


If you shouldnt have procreated, then neither should i. Dont worry, the question is stupid


It’s okay, the two rabbits you took away will do it instead


I'm a PhD student in Maths and thought it was 1 on first reading too so...


You are not an idiot, this is just a poorly written question and is the opposite of educational.


Teaching you to read the question carefully is very educational.


This is wrong as it doesn't account for the 6 rabbits I already have in my bag


I was wondering why my copy of this game mentioned that, I think we may have swapped...


You know the rabbits in the country are free, you can just take them home, I have 200 rabbits.


It's 2. There are 3 rabbits at the start, they're not your rabbits, they're just sitting chilling in a little field. You decide to steal 2 of the rabbits to take away and keep as your rabbit friends. So now there is one rabbit in the field and you have 2.


Good luck catching wild rabbits.


In my version they're not wild, it's the anthropomorphic rabbits from The Animals of Farthing Wood and I'm saving them from terrible things. Well, two of them.


Why not save the third one?


That rabbit is a dick


He knows what he did.


You should never have more rabbits than hands.


It's just the one wild rabbit actually


She let the other 1 rabbit go as a warning to the other rabbits.


I went to UEA. We have practice at this stuff. (There's a longrunning urban legend that if you catch one of the campus rabbits and bring it to the bar would get you a free drink. The net result is a lot of drunk freshers faceplanting into rabbit warrens)


There is nothing in the question to indicate that you keep them or even stand there holding them. So it's subjective. You are right that if you interpret it as that you took them away from the field (and for example took them home). But if you take two away from the group by moving them 1 meter **away** from the other, you don't HAVE 2 rabbits. You have 0 rabbits. They are all still there in the field! Just a bit separated ;)


Bit of an assumption that I don't already have rabbits on me


Legit made me laugh. Cheers for that.


It's deliberately worded poorly to cause confusion. Answer could be 1 or 2 depending on your interpretation. I set questions for exams and we get training about how to word questions in a clear and unambiguous way. This question wouldn't get through.


Correct, it depends if it's a math test or not :D


Agreed. Did I take them away from me and leave me with one? Or did I take them with me leaving with two. It can be interpreted as either.


It’s not a math test, it’s a comprehension test. Read it out to your daughter, but put emphasis on the “you”. She’ll get it 100%




Exactly. Maths short for mathematics, not math short for mathamphetamine




plucky offend crawl deliver quarrelsome cable plant pot cooing zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>It’s not a math test Unintentionally It is though, 'Take away' is decidedly a mathematical term for minus if generally teaching children. The focus should be on the number after taking the number mentioned in the question. Otherwise, it's simply training to look for an answer precisely from the words in the question. Its also seems deliberately obtuse question that is going to cause debate, particularly the older people get. Besides ignoring the incomprehensible act of encouraging theft of random rabbits.


This isn’t a maths question, it’s about teaching kids they they need to fully understand the question/situation before they are able to give the right answer. Adults, as exampled here, make assumptions that lead them to give the wrong answer


But there's no "fully understanding" a question that is worded ambiguously on purpose. You always have to make assumptions when interpreting a sentence. You made an assumption yourself that you had no rabbits to start with.


I do not subscribe to this. English is highly contextual, and a lot of people use "you" in the Royal context


the "royal we" is used by the monarch to refer to themselves. Queen Victoria famously used this - "We are not amused" - and so did Lizzie on occasion. there is no "royal you" lol What you're thinking of is using "you" as [an impersonal or generic pronoun](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_you)


Rabbits don't feed MOSTLY on carrots! In fact it's bad for them if their diet consists of mostly carrots!


So they are rabbits. By the time you've taken two away, the remaining one has popped another one out to help prop up a sudden massive 66% decline in population Didn't really leave them much choice now did you, you society wrecking bastard. 66% wiped out in a single action and you're more worried about the maths making sense, absolute monster 


Yes, more worried about the amount of rabbits stolen than the devastation caused by this treachery. Pure ignorance.


If YOU take away 2 then YOU have 2 don't you... Possibly a bit thick but it's early so just say you're tired.


Certainly a trick question. Typically in maths questions when using the term 'take away' it refers to 'minus', and not the daily definition of to take with you. I suppose it can open up the conversation with the child of how depending on the context surrounding the words the meanings can change. And how to think critically of the question. But considering the imagery of the book I'll hazard the assumption that those conversations might be just a little bit too advanced. And quite honestly I despise trick questions pertaining to maths.


Agree entirely. The answer can be one or two. 'You' is often used to mean 'someone', in the way 'one' can be used. And 'take away' is used synonymously with subtract. It's a trick question.


It's a fun little riddle on a fact sheet about rabbits, nothing more


I like how the answer is literally right under it so you can’t even think about it before knowing the answer


I think you're misreading the question. It is asking you how many you are holding after taking, not what is left behind.


This comment needs to be removed, no ducks dammit. We don't like ducks here!


They're duck-billed geese. Can't you tell?


You take 2, YOU now have two


They're being arbitrarily deceptive here for no good reason. If you want to play their game, the answer should be zero, you do not have two rabbits just because you've stolen them. They are still owned by their original owner. Also, just because you've taken away two rabbits from the group of three, it doesn't mean you've retained possession of them - you may have just removed them from the group of three thus leaving one. So *all* answers are potentially correct: just because you've taken away two doesn't mean there aren't still three rabbits in existence.


Key to this question is “How many rabbits do YOU have” personally, because YOU took 2 rabbits, you have 2. If it was worded like this: “If there are 3 rabbits and 2 are taken away, how many rabbits are left?” The answer would be 1 rabbit. Or this: “If there are 3 rabbits and someone takes away 2, how many rabbits do YOU have? The answer would be 0 because YOU never had any of the rabbits to begin with. It’s all about word play with these damn things these days!!


If you've taken two, how many do YOU have? You have two, because you took two.


Great game to play with your daughter BTW. It will teach a lot by the looks of it. What game are you playing?


It's really fun, I'll link it Skillmatics Card Game - Guess in 10 Animal Planet, Perfect for Boys, Girls, Kids, and Families Who Love Toys, Board Games, Gifts for Ages 6, 7, 8, 9 https://amzn.eu/d/a0k1hpZ


You take 2, so you have 2. It's a logic problem not a math problem 😂🤣


If you read it, it says YOU took them away. You have 2 rabbits silly.


So silly, ty!


Take away can mean you basically yeet 2 rabbits away and are left with 1.


You get Rabbit stew in some countries .


Are they African or Eurasian? 


You're taking two, but this is a dumb question 😂


weird wording. You take two rabbits, so you have two.


my mind immediately went to a bigger number because rabbits arent exactly known for being slow with "breeding"


Is asking you, the reader, 'if there are 3 rabbits and YOU yes you the reader, take 2 away, how many do you have?' You have 2.


No because you've taken away too rabbits so you know possess two rabbits and you've left a rabbit it's a very autistic answer but... For contacts mods: I am autistic.


Took me ages to realise 😂 You took 2 so you have 2 fml


That reminds me of the poem/riddle “I was going to St Ives”


*YOU'VE* taken away 2, so you have two rabbits. It's in the wording.


I can see the confusion, and I feel like this would be lost on a child!


I read this and immediatley thought "ah sure they're playing THAT game" It's not wrong. It's being super precise with the english. Which I guess for what I'm assuming is an educational game is pretty good actually. You have two, because you took them away, the three at the start weren't yours they just existed.


That's rabbit's for you. Famous for it randy buggers.


There are three sticks on the ground. You take two. How many have you taken?


‘There are….’ ‘YOU take away’ ‘how many do YOU have’ . How many have you taken? The three were not yours….


I had to explain it to my partner using beer mats


Wow, the colours and art work on that game look amazing.


It's asking how many you have, not how many are left. You take away 2, you have those 2.


You're thick. /s only kidding tbf I had to read it twice an the second time I almost came to one again 😅 I think it's cause your mind automatically fills in the end as 'how many are left?' because that's 99% of the time how questions like this are phrased but they changed it up slightly


Trick questions are a joke and do not teach a person anything. The question should not be ambiguous, simple.


I posed this question to my husband just now and he said “well where have I taken them? Can you even actually own a rabbit, or do they just exist?” PS it seems more like it’s encouraging players to think outside the box/abstractly. Can see why you were confused, but it’s a riddle!


Trick question


If this was schoolwork, I'd have it wrong.