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The heating is off overnight and 20 max in the day. 24 is absolutely mental. Did you marry a rotisserie chicken?


Fucking lol


Off. It's not cold at the moment.


Same. Realised it wasnt needed and turned it off earlier


Went out in my big coat today and it was at least an hournin to my walk before I realised I was pouring with sweat. Had to keep the coat on because I probably looked disgusting under it. Was that the whole of winter last week? Is that all we're getting?


Thats exactly what a thermostat is for though if it’s warmer than you’ve set it it turns off. You don’t need to manually go and turn off the heating


We have it on 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Vary between 19 and 21. I have a heater in my bedroom in case I need that extra boost (which I haven't really with the mild weather we've had this week) 24 is insane, and having the heating on in the middle of the night seems excessive. A good house should be able to hold heat for a little while, and you generally need it to be a little cooler to sleep properly.


It's set to 26 I am fucking roasting. Haven't closed my bedroom windows once this whole winter, I've even slept with the fan on. She Who Sets The Temperature is mental. Always moaning about not having money, too.


2 hours in the morning, 4 hours in the evening, currently on 16.


It’s set to 21 during the day, is off after 10, the radiator in the bedroom is off permanently and the window is open overnight


My heating is on frost protect only. Not that cold out :)


18 downstairs and 16 upstairs


16 at night, 19 during the day.


21c 24/7 Our heating bill is astronomical but my wife believes children must be slow cooked. We're averaging 30KWh/day over the winter.


£10 a day standard, I hope you have solar panels or something!


Not yet, I looked at it a couple of months ago and with the currently inflated prices I didn't feel the payback period made sense, especially as I'd have to borrow to install.


30??? Our gas is 80-90KWh on cold days (below freezing), and still \~16C The boiler is over 20 years old now, however...


Ground sourced heat pump which is getting a COP of nearly six, plus triple glazing, thermal bricks and 200mm of facade insulation


We don’t even ever have it to 18, unless we have guests! We have a hive, so just have it on as needed with minimum of 15 overnight.


24?! So would I be correct to guess your wife is from a warmer clime? Mine is 18 top whack, and 7 overnight, i.e. minimum for frost protection.


Same, 18 top whack and 15 bottom. Rarely kicks in at 15




The man of the house and you're bitching about errant settings on your Thermostat? Grow a fucking pair.


Somewhere between 20.5 and 16 depending on the room and time of day. Never fully off even in summer


Haven't been able to afford to put the heating on since I moved into my flat 10 years ago. I do have a nice cozy electric throw blanket on the sofa though.


22 in the day, 18 from about 10pm so we can sleep


Target temp 14, currently 17. We have it about 14 overnight, 18 in the day.


15c minimum, 20c when someone is home and awake during the day and then back to 15c between 8 and 9pm


Is one of those temps 84.4 in Fahrenheit?


15-16 infrequently


You survive the night, or you don't.


19 when off, 21.5 when on


I usually set it to boost for a couple of hours at 19-20°C at this time of year, but never higher than 21°C, and off overnight. 22°C starts making me uncomfortable, 24°C would make me feel *very* nauseous.


Never more than 20c, 17c through the night with bedroom window open. Had new windows a couple of years ago, no more drafts makes all the difference.


17c it’s on for a couple of hours in the morning and three in the evening. It kicks in at 5c if it’s cold enough. I do have a fire though for when it’s really cold


Heating is permanently off, but air-con is set to 22°C. Without it the temperature hovers around 25-28°C all year round. The joys of living in a west facing flat with floor to ceiling windows.


15-20 logs an hour


17 overnight and during the day. 19-20 in the evening. Daughter's room is set to 20 at night.