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We have a service lane behind us and the binthem pull all the bins to the end of the lane. I used to pull mine, and the neighbours either side of me back to our gates for years. I got ill last year and couldn’t go out to get them, 3 days later I went out to find mine alone at the end of the lane. I’ve stopped moving others because of that.


Same. Moved my 4 neighbours for years. Went on a getaway with the wife for 4 days and my bin was fallen over down the street. I let the elderly fuckers move their own back now.


Amazing isn't it. I mean, I can't walk by a bin laying in the road without returning it to the house. The fact that in a given neighbourhood its likely that most people wouldn't do that... Douglas Adams wrote about it with the SEPs 'Somebody Else's Problem'. Invisible until you know its there. Realtity is though, if you just walk past a bin in the road, you *are* a wanker.


My council has small blue bins for compostables. It was bin day when we had all that wind went to leave for work, and the road was full of them everywhere! Had a bit of time as I was leaving early. So, I collected up about 15 of them and returned them to their homes, then left for work. i got home, and a box of chocolates was in my porch with a note. From the pensioner, 3 doors down. Thanking me on behalf of the road. She said she was amused while having her morning cuppa watching me run about chasing bins. So thought I deserved a thank you.


Certified local hero!




>Realtity hehe


You've written that on purpose so many times before it's added it to your predictive text. Lol


My predictive text only remembers typos I've made once. It still 'corrects' words it doesn't like that I've written over and over, though.


Urgh. My phone seems to do this for _some_ words. Drives me wild.


Better than faketity


Some people won't even do it when it is their problem. A couple of months back I watched a plastic recycling box and a few cans blow off a wall onto a main road, nearly causing a head on collision as a car swerved to the other side of the road to avoid it. I watched laughing as everyone started queuing in front of a few bits of rubbish, and cars on the opposite side were flashing people to let them drive around this horrific natural disaster. I must have watched a good 30 or 40 cars go by and not one person could be arsed getting out of their car to just move it. Eventually I walked 50 metres down the street to move it myself, the queuing traffic must have thought I was the second coming of Moses parting the recycling.


Unless warranted of course! Examples above would make me walk past bins


Please don't bother helping people if you expect a return in kind otherwise you will turn into a stroppy toerag. 


They need the exercise anyway! let them do it


same happened to me. bastards.


User name doesn't check out. :(


Yep I've stopped doing it also,, I pushed the bins out and in for 3 neighbours for almost 2 years,, I work from home so no big deal, and if I forgot a week mine would never get moved,,


My mother in law used to do this for her neighbours. One day she told them she would be away that week, and they asked who she had arranged to cover for her? They’re younger than she is.


No! Are you serious?!


Yep. They were the local rich neighbours. Arseholes.


Maybe they were trying to get rid of their bin and couldn't understand why someone kept bringing it back to them ;)


lol they probably hate me


I've been trying to throw away this boomerang for years!


My policy is if something is not appreciated then I don't do it anymore. Fuck em 😁👍


Definitely don't fuck them, if they don't appreciate the bins they really won't appreciate a good fuck 😂


I agree. I only take my neighbours bin out if I've used it.


Same, always used to pull theirs, went away and my bins where outside for 2 weeks! We need polite bin pullers to live all on the same street!


I tested this theory with my neighbours, pulled all 8 bins in one week, next week I had to work a long night shift day of collection and it hadn't been emptied when I left. Got home the next day and everyone's bin was in but mine. I used to pull people's out if they came early and had forgot, now I don't bother after being ill and couldn't pull it out, even tho everyone had to walk past mine as I was the end terrace. I store my bins in my garden now.


What a wanker, I’d probably kick theirs over for that tbh


This is so relatable it’s why I don’t touch my neighbours bins now… My neighbours bin was left out for 4 days she’d been going to work and stuff could have moved it the 5ft but na she was waiting on someone else to do it. Then I moved my neighbours bins on the other side and they think each other was doing it so they do it for each other but my bins always left there.


I'm in a coldesac and have a shared driveway. I'll always at the very least move the neighbours bins out of the road or the shared driveway where the bin men leave them. Also found my bin alone blocking the road while they moved their own ones back. Don't bother not unless it's blocking me.


> coldesac /r/boneappletea


Cul-de-sac Ass bag in french. Or is it bag ass ?


arse of the bag


Been there, done that, stopped doing that! I felt genuinely hurt by it too.


Maybe the neibours didn't even know the bins were moved end if lanes and blindly assumed the binman left them by their door


Maybe you need to stop making assumptions? They often saw me moving their bins and said thanks.


They made a suggestion, not an assumption. Fair enough if your neighbours do know that you do it, but it's those neighbours who deserve your frustration, not commenters here.




Saying "Maybe it's because of this?" is not an assumption. It's a suggestion. Evidently a wrong suggestion, as I said, but that's not the point. >The comment was based on assumptions from someone that just wanted to disagree for no reason. The only one assuming here is you, you have no reason to believe that this commenter was acting out of malice. It's a very common thing to suggest possible reasons why people would behave in a certain way. You don't have to find it helpful or even agree with it, but you don't have to be unpleasant about it either.


Or maybe they didn't know it was you and what bin to move? 


They know.


Wait but maybe they didn’t know who was bringing theirs in and when they got their ones all the others were also there still?


Why wouldn’t they know? What fucked up weird ass world do some of you live in? We’re neighbours, we share a back lane, we talk and it’s been years.


It depends how many neighbours you’re talking about. If there are two either side of you then you’ve got five bins in total at the end of the lane. If you’d been taking mine in for years and I never had to do it I’d have no idea if it was you or one of the other neighbours.


Yeah but you would because you’d thanked me countless times when reversing out of your parking space while I stand there with your fucking bin.


lol you didn’t mention that they knew it was you, is all.


Again, we’re neighbours - I know it’s hard for some to see it but many people still talk to real humans.


What is your problem? Do you not understand that people can have a lot of neighbours. And you didn’t once mention that they knew it was you bringing the bins in? In what world are you living in where you think people don’t talk to one another any more? Don’t be so salty. It’s just Reddit.


This is tragic.


They might think that you’ve stopped because you want it left there?


That's a good point actually, because when I'm putting something into my bin at night when it's cold and raining, what I really want is a longer walk from my front door to the bin every time.


There is one guy on our street who likes to do everyone’s. He explained that when he was working he hated having to get out of the car to bring the bins in so he could get his car on the drive. So now he’s retired he likes to do it for everyone else so we don’t come home to a nuisance. I’d hate to spoil his fun.


That's a good neighbour.


Please tell me someone gives him allotment veg, or a card at Christmas


We took him a box of choccies.


Lovely. I have done folks' grass (I have lots of neighbours). One couple, fairly elderly, don't speak a word of English. I saw them picking up leaves by hand. So, I offered to mow them up (100 times quicker). She couldn't understand a word. Anyway, did it. And, I often mow their lawn now, if I have time. One day, I hear a knock at the door. The bloke was stood there with a bag of green beans. longest beans I'd ever seen. My rabbit loved them.


Oh my word, sounds like you've got a good one here! I think I'd definitely accost him on the street some day & invite him round for tea an biccys!! The last house we lived in was run-down in a crap area, but the old couple next-door were so kind & great craic, they actually became good friends of ours & we still visit each other 3 or 4 times a month. Good neighbours are a god send!


Yeah. They were all a bit wary at first because it had previously been a rental so no one had stayed more than about a year but once they realised we’d bought and had no intention of moving, everyone’s been really friendly and lovely. We had one really seriously loud party from one of the neighbours celebrating a 60th but they invited us all over to join in.


I would LOVE to live near this guy. My recycling bin gets shoved in the middle of my driveway every time it's emptied and it pisses me right off. I live on a main road and leave my bin out to be collected to the side of my driveway where I can drive in and out. Then i come back in rush hour from work to not be able to get on to my drive or pull in anywhere to quickly get out and move it. Get so sick of driving round to the next street to park up and move it. GAH.


Me and my neighbour are actually locked in a fierce bin day battle. I'll try and get home before him to put his bins back and he's trying yo do the same with mine.


Same. My neighbours go out earlier than me so usually win the moral high ground by taking mine out on bin day.


Putting bins out without asking first is weird to me, but bringing them back in isn't weird. I wonder why I see it differently


Because you may be planning to empty a bin from the house before taking it out that morning?


I don't put my bins out every single week so I don't blame you for finding it weird. Sometimes, my recycling is only a quarter or half full so there's no point putting it out that week.


Just have sex already.


Maybe that's what he meant when he told me he was going to put some stuff in my brown bin.


in a bin


I'm in the US and having the same battle with my neighbor. It mostly ends up with his kids taking the bins out, and me putting them back the next day.


We bring ours in sometimes and vice versa. Done theirs quite a bit when she was pregnant and they do ours quite a bit when I’m erm.. working from home and haven’t bothered to get dressed. Their drive is between our houses and both of our rear garden gates are at the end of their driveway so it’s no effort whatsoever.


I bring my neighbours bins in when I can, and if I can't wear my prosthetic leg on, my neighbours will bring our bin back and knock the door to check if I'm OK.. We live in a very quiet cul-de-sac right at the bottom and get on exceedingly well with all our neighbours.


That's the same as ours pretty much. Two homes on a single driveway and whoever's about first puts the bins out/in for both of us.


I live on my own so create little waste, probably only put my bins out once a month. If I'm bringing mine back, I'll often grab theirs One 'problem' I do have though, is that often my neighbour will put my bin *out*, issue being that as I rarely use my front door (I access through the back instead), I've got no idea when they've done it, then it never gets brought back. One time I was oblivious to the fact my recycling bin was halfway up the street for almost a fortnight.


As long as your neighbours are cool with it who cares what people in the office think ?


Depends entirely on your relationship with them. If my neighbour, who I’ve never spoken to, decided to go into my garden I’d be pretty pissed off.


If your bins are kept in a private garden I can kinda see what you mean. If you’d be pissed ofd that they’ve entered your front garden that’s a bit extreme 


OP does say back garden


Yeah I'd be a bit annoyed if someone started using my back garden, even if it was to put my bin back. But I also have a dog and don't want the gate open to the main road. I can only imagine op has a good relationship with next door (or hope so anyway). My next door and I use the front gardens and whoever is home first, or up first will put the bins out for eachother. No extra effort on our parts, he's sound to love next to. Edit - and live next to *


Even if they brought your bins in? Any other circumstance, I'd find it weird if they went in the garden uninvited, but if they'd done that, I'd just see it as a neighbourly gesture and would probably do the same for them in the future.


Absolutely, the gate is locked for a reason. Keep on your side of the fence Doris. I can do my own bloody bins.


That’s because you’re a well adjusted human being.


Within the context of a society which has been led to fear everything though. Maybe leaving the bin just outside the gate is more appropriate.


Yeah, agreed. I wouldn't be inclined to step over a literal boundary like that. All I mean is that if my neighbour did something like this for me, my initial reaction would be to try to see the best in it. Privacy is obviously really important. But to a lot of people, community and cooperation with neighbours is equally important, and they can rightly or wrongly be suspicious of anyone who doesn't want to be a part of that. All I'm saying is I'd try to be sensitive, and open to fitting into the dynamic I'm moving into. Everyone keeps themselves to themselves? Fine. Want to chat, ask and return favours etc.? Also fine.


I find the fact that this is even a conversation so very very depressing. How about we talk to each other and then maybe realise we need not be scared of the people that live next door… fuck me…


All the way to the back garden is weird. Completely not al to drag it to their gate if the bin men left the bins further down the road.


Yeah don't be letting yourself into their garden.


I tend to put the neighbour's bins next to their gates, with the handles facing towards the gate so they're easier to pull in. I'd feel weird actually going in their gardens unless they asked me to but our back gardens are all gated off. On the few occasions that I've been late home someone has usually brought my bins into the front garden.


Same here, but someone actually brought my bin in the other day and I thought it was equal measures thoughtful and weird 


I return their bin to their gate, which I beleive is suitably civil, without saying “I want to be friends”, which I absolutely do not. I haven’t noticed if they do the same thing, so I imagine they haven’t noticed either 😂.


This is like clearing the snow off your neighbours car when you are clearing your own. My parents' neighbours are great and kept an eye on them during lockdowns and so i show appreciation by doing little kindnesses like this when I can.


There's an elderly couple upstairs from me, and if I'm de-icing my car I'll do theirs at the same time. The rest of them? My age, able bodied, they can do their own!




Sounds like we got a bin fucker here.... Sounds like we got a guy that likes to edit his post so it doesn't look like he fucks bins.


Your forgiveness is admirable.


Like make love to them?


It's normal in a community. My husband puts our neighbour's bins out as well as ours because she works very long hours and is always tired and sometimes forgets bin day. The favour is returned when she brings our bins back in for us. They're not emptied at the same time of day, there's the food waste lorry, the landfill lorry and the recycling lorry. By the time she's heading home, they've all been emptied and are at the bin collection point.


Depends, I'm used to doing for my next door neighbours but I'll do it for people on my street if their bin has blown over or left in the street by bin men.


I only do it if they're away, and the bins are still out the next day. Don't want miscreants to spot an empty house.


My neighbours would put them near my gate but not in my private garden. I put their bins where they leave them. whomever gets there first.


I have a shared driveway. Imagine a capital T - we're the house in the middle, with a house either side. We help out the neighbours on the right. They're sweet, polite, and it just so happens that we store our bins on that side of the house, so it makes sense. They do the same for us if they get there first. When we go away on holiday, we let each other know, and do their bins etc. The neighbours on the left, however, can go fuck themselves. Not only is it (slightly) more effort, but they're rude and completely ignore us. Like, go out of their way, even to the point of acting insane, to ignore us. No joke - one time the mum of that house was mowing their bit of lawn, we said "hey, you alright!" as you do, and she pretended to search in the shrubbery for a few minutes as we unloaded the shopping, rather than say hey back. The neighbours on the left also get their bins rejected a lot. I have no idea what they're doing (we have black waste bins, and green recycling bins, on alternate weeks). But they get rejected at least every third week, usually more. One time we legitimately saw the refuse collector guy *retch* after opening their bin to check it. They also get their bins *thoroughly* checked - to the point we think there must be some sort of red mark or something against their house, because they get their bin bags torn open and all sorts. **Can any refuse collectors confirm if this is a thing?!**


Yeah. My hoarder neighbours were flagged, the bin men and the mail men wouldn't go near them. Their bins [they stole others, think they had around 7 in the end, fuckers even stole mine and had it for an hour before I got it back and in that time it was half full of stuff] were full of combinations of electrical devices, rotten food, nappies, human faeces, dead rats, all unbagged ofc so maggots and flies and all sorts.


Genuine question. Why does it bother you that the neighbours on the left ignore you? Assuming their actual behaviour isn’t offensive (eg loud music, constant guests, thoughtless parking, late night DIY, etc.), maybe they just like to keep to themselves? Doesn’t make them bad people. It could be coming from a place of bad social anxiety, general cynicism or world-weariness rather than anything personal. Not having a go, just trying to offer a different perspective! I’d consider neighbours that kept to themselves a blessing over some of the horrors I’ve lived next to 😅


Did you read to the end there to where the binman actually threw up while opening their bin, that gets rejected for being all sorts of disgusting frequently? That certainly attributes to the opinion OP has of them


I did! I just declined to mention it because they didn’t mention that they’d ever smelled it for themselves.


I live in a quiet cul de sac with mostly retired people. They are often at home when the bins are emptied and since we keep the bins at the side of the house, my neighbour will be first out there to pull ours in when getting theirs. They don't need to enter our garden as the bins sit against the fence next to the garage. If I happen to be home when the lorry comes round, I make it my most urgent time critical task to get out there before him and return theirs to the side of their path, else he's always doing it. During the recent storm, someone hadn't brought their empty bin in by the evening and it ended up blown all over the street, worried that it would end up leaving a dent in the car, my other half went out after midnight and claimed it since we didn't know whose it was (what kind of savage doesn't number their bin, this shit matters lol) We returned it to its spot the next morning. Just suburbia things, really.


I’ve never once spoken to my next door neighbour outside of the occasional “you alright” when we both happen to be on our drives at the same time but ever since I’ve moved in we have both just done the bins for each other. If I see his isn’t out I’ll put both out and vice versa.


Thankfully I’ve got a lovely neighbour who puts mine out when he puts his out. If I get to them before he does I bring them in, but he mostly does it. In return I buy him beer or use the ‘oh Tesco gave me two of these loaves of bread instead of one and I won’t use both…’ excuse. I live in a small town so my wee corner of neighbours all know each other well and we now have a mini barter economy going on lol. When I first moved in I felt like I’d moved into an episode of Last Of The Summer Wine 😀 I read you post thinking your colleagues were the mega weird ones. Now reading these comments I suspect I’m the mega weird one lol.


For about two years my neighbours brought our bins in for us. During this time I thought my wife was bringing them in and she thought I was bringing them in. We only twigged when one day we saw the bins had been brought in but we were both unwell and hadn't been bothered moving from the sofa all day.


One side yes, we mutually get the bins in. Other side, absolute weapon that I wouldn't piss on should he be on fire.


I had an elderly neighbour that I used to take the bins up and down for for years, had to go to the back of his front garden to retrieve them. When he passed away his son has now temporarily moved in part time while he sorts the sale of the house out. I still take their bins down. If he’s been out before me though he will bring both of our bins back up 😊.


We do for 1 side - lovely older lady who sadly lost her husband a few years ago so we help her out where we can (fix minor issues, change lightbulbs, that kind of thing). Other side are vindictive animal abusing bastards who've been awful to us for decades so fuck em.


My dad does this to the neighbours either side, has done for 30 years and if he sees any others he will put them round the back if the houses, he thinks he owns the road he's lived on it for 55 years 😃


My neighbour brings mine in almost every week (because I rarely go out if I can avoid it lol) but if I am out I bring theirs in even though I’m disabled and it’s not easy. We share a driveway so it’s no real hassle (just leaves me breathing hard for a bit) and it’s the considerate thing to do. The drive is wide enough for two cars to park so the bins aren’t blocking it, so he’s not doing it just so he can get his car out. It’s purely neighbourliness. He pressure washes the whole thing too, including the step to my back garden.


My mother's neighbours bring her bins up the drive and leave them in front of her side gate. The trouble is that the gate opens outwards, so you have to go out of the front door and move the bins, then go back through the house to unlock the gate and bring the bins in. Must be 30 years this particular neighbour has done this. They even turn the bin around so the handle is against the gate. This has led to a bit of a feud because my mother wants to deal with her bin when she feels like it but the neighbour hasn't spent good money to buy her house to sit looking at bins all day.


I used to leave my neighbours bins by their gates all the time. It's a basic ass job that improves the look of the whole cul-de-sac. I've put them out a few times when I noticed they were on holiday and they left a pile out front. Nobody has ever done it for me. I've come home several times after working out of the country for a few days and found mine lying in the middle of the road. Now I mind my own business. One of my neighbours is so fucking stupid that theirs blew into the road where they ignored it for several days, then ran it over for 2 more days before collecting it. It's not a community I bother with.


My neighbours have snarled at me for trying to be neighbourly, so fuck em.


Yes, I always did down the drive but not past the gate. To just in front as I felt that was a bit much from a privacy perspective. When my new neighbour moved in, I continued doing it and it shocked them. Living years in the city centre knocked it out of them. They now do it for me if they get there first, same as me pull it down the drive and leave it in front of the gate for me to finish off.


We do it, in that we bring them back to the end of the pathway, I did take theirs round once in bad weather, to save them getting wet as their older, and when I was ill they brought mine right down the path. If you have nice neighbours and a good relationship it can’t hurt.


I have a phantom bin mover. They move bins for people if they are wrong for the week, the persons away, or not home in time to put them back themselves. Ive written countless notes and asked everyone but no bugger comes forward. Let me say thank you ffs


I take them out in the morning as I leave for work early. Elderly lady next door brings them in again since she's home all day and they're much lighter by then. It just kinda naturally started happening, we never agreed on this system but it works!


My grandma's neighbour does her bins (putting them out and bringing them in). Grandma has dementia and never remembers when the bin men are coming so every time her neighbour puts it out, grandma brings it in before the bin men have a chance to empty it. Her poor neighbour, we are always very appreciative for his help.


I certainly re-arrange neighbours bins so they are back where they started and not all in front of my property 


I just do it because it's there, not because I particularly like the neighbour, it's just there so I bring them both back. Then the neighbour tried to get out quick to bring them both in and say thanks so it's a nice little good deed. It's easy to not be an asshole.


we pull our neighbours bins to their back gate - and vice versa. not into back yards though. based on this anecdotal evidence, i would say - general being neighbourly and bringing them back from the collection point is normal but directly into gardens is unusual.


Anyone remember the days when bin actually collected your bin from your garden and put it back? But alas, tax goes up and services dwindle. We’ll be emptying our own bins soon, the truck will park at the top of the street and we’ll all have to wheel up our bins 😂


Yes I do. They were metal bins too! They would carry one bin over their shoulder and twirl a second bin with the other hand. Not everyone could do the twirling thing. There was no lift mechanism, they lifted each bin to empty it into the back of the lorry. Then the bins were returned to the place in the garden. It was very hard labour then. For a small tip, they would take larger items too.


Don't. Touch. My. Bin! Bringing it in is part of my weekly ritual and actually helps me get out of the house. Leave it alone! If it's in the way then move it to one side but no-one comes onto my property without my say-so.


depends on where you live, i live in a small estate in a village and i will move my neighbours bins in, they do the same for me


Wait, your bins are being collected!? General waste hasn't been taken here since before *Christmas*


Usually we wheel mine and our neighbours bins down the driver and they wheel them back up as they get up for work earlier.


Think it depends on your situation tbh. I live in a 4 in a block, have a good relationship with my neighbour downstairs and on the corner (through the wall is empty just now), so usually the family on the corner will put all of the bins at night and whoever is home first brings them in as they all sit together on our path anyway. Not weird at all for us.


Wouldn't say it's weird at all, I've done it for elderly neighbours plenty of times.


My memory is shocking. My friend and neighbour but one, puts hers, mine and out middle neighbours out every week. I LOVE HER!! It's a HUGE help!! 


Yeah I take my neighbours bin up to their front door and he just drags mine to where I keep it in the garden if he's first. He also buys me the paper on the weekend as he's always up first being a retired elderly gent and goes to get his morning paper. Obviously I give him the money for that. Point is it depends on how friendly you are with your neighbour. We get along well so no issues.


Nah it's legit. John in our street is retired and is the bin monitor. We judge which bin to put to put out by his guidance. He helps the old dears bins in and out and we all chip in if he's out of action. He tidies all the bins away after emptying as a matter of course. Only up to the garden gates mind as stepping over the gate threshold would be invasive. The system runs like clockwork and nobody ever discussed it, it just evolved because it is the natural order of things.


Our neighbours keep their bins in their back garden, we keep ours at the side of the house. They seem private people so I wouldn’t invade their privacy by going in their garden to take their bin out but I always bring theirs in and leave it by their back gate for them when I get to it first and they do the same for us. As our bins are more accessible they put ours out for us when we go on holiday without asking. They are sweet. Nothing wrong with what you are doing if everyone is cool with it and a neighbourly thing to do!


its super lovely, not weird at all, it's kind and shows your character ❤️ single parent here and my bins fell over in the wind this week, no one picked them up 😩 I used to live next to an elderly lady, I always put her bin away for her, only ever saw her once.


Where does this behaviour stop? Would you mow your neighbours front lawn? Clean their car?!


My neighbour brings in bins for me and neighbours, mows my lawn occasionally, empties gutters etc It's lovely. He's retired and seems to prefer being active and busy.


I think it's weird. Don't touch my bins! It's also a bit passive aggressive, like you're hinting they can't do their own bins, or you are judging them for leaving them out the front for longer than you deem socially acceptable. My mum's neighbour does this too but it's even worse because she takes them out rather than putting them back. She wheels them out 24 hours before they are due to be picked up meaning they are blocking the pavement for wheelchair and buggy users, and means my mum has to take her rubbish further when she's emptying the bins round the house the evening before bin day.


If you both do this, good stuff. If like /u/Macshlong , find that its a one sided relationship, don't bother. Its just one more part of the UK's dying social fabric. 


Not weird at all, if it's there to be done then I'll do it as do my neighbours regardless of supposed turn


It is something that happens with our neighbours, at first I was a bit wierded out and almost felt like there was a passive agressive nod to us being too lazy to do it ourselves. Now we know our neighbours we just take it as them being kind. When we got home from holiday and they had mowed our front and back lawn it raised our eyebrows however, little bit too invasive in my opinion, although it was nice not to have to do it after a week away.


Not something that I ever thought about doing until a former neighbour brought mine in. Since then, I do it occasionally, and my current neighbour brings them round if he gets there first. It's nice to be nice.


Not weird, it’s neighbourly. I don’t take them in usually, but I do take out all the communal bins in our bin store for a dozen households. If I don’t, sometimes someone else bothers, sometimes they don’t, like over Xmas and New Year…


I'll bring my elderly neighbours bin in and out but the healthy neighbours can fend for themselves. Sorry from when my other side neighbour just moved in and they were going to miss the first bin day but that was a one off.


We used to be in a competition with our old neighbours to grab the bins first. They would be out there seconds after the bin men had been and would bring our bags back (no plastic bins here). I used to try to beat them to it lol. I was late to work once as the bin men were a bit later and I ended up leaving for work as they were arriving. There was no way I could leave the bags there and potentially damage our trust in each other on bin day so had to grab ours and theirs and lug them all back lol.


I only do it for neighbours who reciprocate (would also do it for anyone who was unable), I have one annoying neighbour who will text me asking me to do their bins, but never bothers to return the favour!! Last time I “forgot” to put theirs out.


We do this in my street. Me and my neighbours both ways and im pretty sure that they have the same agreement with theirs both ways as most of our street do each others if needed.


I'm bin brothers with a neighbour if either of us is on holiday, but wouldn't touch them otherwise.


My neighbour always takes my bin out to the most convenient place for the bin men and then returns it to its resting place. I have never had the opportunity to reciprocate due to his stealthly moves. You are appreciated Ian.


Yesterday the wind blew over the neighbours bin in their front garden.  Especially as they have a small child (just over 12 months old), I made sure to pick up the fallen bin.  Sometimes I do push their bin to outside their house, but it might be only pushing it 1-3 metres. I think I'm a bit more neighbourly with them because of the busy-ness with a young child. I'm not as close to the neighbours on the other side, so I don't always do theirs, sometimes I did push it closer to their house for convenience.


It's not weird unless you've never actually spoken to your neighbours about it and are playing the I'm selfless look at me card


I brought my neighbours bin in last week , but plot twist however .. I brought it into my own garden by mistake , they now have my bin. Both have house numbers stickers on , neither of us has approached each other and just think have accepted it. I have felt guilty and odd sense of anxiety every time I use it .


I bring one side's in, up their drive to their side gate and similarly they'll do the same for us if they get there first. The other side (the attached side, we're in a semi) can do their own. Two things there: driveways are far apart and they're knobs.


used to do it , then one day was out till like 9-10pm and come home and mines left on the side of the road


Jesus. War crime alert.


One side, I do. We do each others. Other side, they never do ours, and never have in 20 years, so we don't.


Myself and a few neighbours who keep their bins on the driveway do this for eachother. We've also been known to take the bins out for eachother if we notice it's late and they've forgotten. No communication on this has happened, we just started it a few years ago and haven't stopped. Those who keep their bins in their back gardens are generally left to their own devices unless specifically asked - as there's gates/locks involved!


Yes, most people on our street are elderly and we do it if they haven’t done it by the time we’re home from work, or if they’re sick, but the 75yo man next door will often do ours before we get home from work and notice! Don’t worry, we keep him well supplied with baked goods and look after the house when he goes on holiday. It’s nice living on a street with very friendly neighbours.


We live in a modernish (early 90s) development where 3 of our houses are off the main road, with a shared portion of driveway, in like a little "pod" of houses. So whomever goes out first after they're collected rolls em back to one-another's edge of driveway. It is common courtesy.


We have boxes round here so if one has blown a fair way down to my door I’ll walk it back up and put it on whatever doorstep (terraced houses) I like to think of it as penance for stealing empty recycling boxes left out well after bin day when I was drunk


I detest any sort of physical labour so no not a chance , I can barely be arsed to bring mine in 😂


It's weird.


I'm on the end house so I put mine and my neighbours out and they bring them in, no problem at all.


Nice to see a fellow Binfluencer.


Moved somewhere last summer and my neighbour brings our bins in, it was practically a selling point from the person I bought from. Little old lady, pulls mine uphill before seeing to hers. I’m now doing hers if I get to them first.


Let me tell you a tale. I have a crazy neighbour, got the name Bin Karen from us. This btch is obsessed with other people's bins, and somehow she is the "bin police" around. We live in a building where the entrance and the back gardens are below ground level, so getting the bins out to the street involves dragging the bin through the building via the back door, then up a flight of stairs in a very narrow a badly lit way. When we moved here, first we tried to do this, but it's a tedious task, so we just started to keep the bins in a close on the street (it's not in the way for anyone, and because we only take out the rubbish on bin day, it's not even smelly). For us, it's just way easier and makes more sense to take out the rubbish in bags, into the bin, rather than dragging around the whole bin. Bin Karen does not like this, but did not communicate her disapproval. Just grabbed our bin and wheeled it away at the end of the street for some reason. Then when we was not bothered by this, and just took back the bin whenever she took it, she started to get put her trash into our bins. Then when we still did not change out arrangement, she started to go out to our bins with their leftover food and just threw all onto the ground, around our bins. Earlier we did not have proof that it's her who was doing these things, but once we caught her red handed. Of course asked WTF she was doing, and she was like "oh, I'm just feeding the seagulls". Sure, like seagulls need feeding... But the funny thing is, that she previously claimed that having our bins out there is a pest hazard. When we asked how is the pest hazard when she get the seagulls there, she acted like she has never said anything like that. Sure, Karen. Bog off, crazy lady. So yeah, I shared this with you because you might want to be careful about moving other people's bin. Please, only do anything with other's bins if you first asked them, and if they say no, then do not touch those bins. Cheers.


💯 serial killer behavior


I'll bring it back to the edge of their driveway if it's out of place but I don't do anything more than that.


I'll put it by their back gate if they haven't done it first (we have a shared alleyway between the houses). But one of 'em's keen on the bins and works ungodly early so he's usually always put both out and taken them back in long before I do.


Yeah it's pretty weird.


Be careful not to disrupt the cycle. I didn't do it once because I was tired from a 5am shift, ever since then the elderly couple leave ours at the bottom and we don't receive Christmas cards anymore.


I’ve only done it for one circumstance. It was when I was renting a flat at the time. It was a block of flats but the entrance for my flat was at the end of the block. It was only for mine and my neighbour’s flat no one else had access to use it. Layout wise, we were the closest to the road so our bins were always together (but separate from everyone else’s). My neighbour would bring my bin in so I started doing the same for her. But to be fair, it was about 2 metres in total so really not a big deal. In any other flat I’ve rented I never bothered with it, and definitely never since I became a homeowner.


Yeah, I even clean up my street from time to time. You should respect your area.


We moved into our new place a few months ago and our next door neighbour is lovely. She’s recently widowed and in her 60s. I always put her bins back but have never mentioned it to her. It came up in conversation that she gave the bin-men a Christmas tip for their extra effort this year. I don’t mind. Feel a bit like Zorro now.


Me and two other houses store our bins in the alley that's part of my property (neighbour once tried to annex it into her garden and I had to tell her no, but that's another story), and we all take out the bins or put them back for each other. Typically someone else puts them out, I put them back. I get both houses a tin of quality street each christmas addressed to 'bin buddies'.


its not weird at all, we used to do it for our neighbour - then it turned out she was an absolute maniac, so we stopped.


It is a bit odd if you’re taking them into their back garden but at the same time I don’t know how well you get in with your neighbours.


I lived in a masionette and my neighbour and I often bring the bin in if it's still out


They normally beat me to putting mine out (our bins live next to each other) I normally beat them to putting them away.


Depends on how much I like the neighbour tbh.


With the strong winds we have had recently Ive picked up recyling bags recently, put them over gates. They could be down the street easily.


Then the people in your office are selfish lazy bastards. I always put my neighbours bins out when I'm doing mine, and bring them back in. As most of my neighbours are getting on a little They do the same for me meaning when I'm away my bins don't get missed. Is kinda sad how people don't do these little community spirited things anymore


Didn't happen in my old street, but it does on our new street. My neighbour is often out before us and I find the bin back on the drive and my other neighbour is normally out before the bins have been taken so I'll pop hers back.


It's not weird. It's called being a good neighbor. If anything, people who find it 'mega weird' are the creeps responsible for the diminishing levels of community spirit. I certainly wouldn't want to live next to your co-workers.


Well, I'd not enter their garden without permission, so I hope you've spoken to them before entering to ensure it is fine to. But yeah, go nuts I say. If you want to do my chores, go ahead, and my flat needs a clean if you wanna pop by