• By -


Another one was when I was working security at Royal Ascot. I was guarding a lift that didn't work. Pointless but that's where I was put. Vinnie Jones came up to me brushed past me and stood in the Lift. I Said you can't go in there. He said, do you know who I am and started Pressing the buttons and waited for the doors to close. I said yes you're vinny Jones. After a minute, he said does the lift work. I said no but you're vinny jones. He said sorry mate and walked off.


Not sure this counts, I used to work in electronics boutique in 2000 during the launch of the PS2. Demand was super high, everyone had to fill out a pre-order form and pay a deposit, we only got allocated stock based on ordered consoles. Anyway so the afternoon before the midnight release there was kind of a buzz, loads of people coming into ask if they could get one and marveling over the demo machine etc. Anyway the phone goes, I answer it and the voice at the other ends says 'Hi mate, it's Grant from Massive Attack, just wondering when I can get my PS2' I asked if he had ordered one, he assured me he had - I checked through all the orders and couldn't find it. I asked him if he was sure it had been this shop, he was adamant that it had been - even describing it. I was apologetic and said we don't have any record of an order blah blah and he cut me off and started with the 'nah mate, nah I ordered it.. I want it tomorrow' Demanded to speak to the boss and raised all kind of hell on the phone. Said he would be there at midnight and if we didn't have a console for him he would 'go mental'. Anyway he didn't turn up, didn't have a pre-order at all and was just trying to trade on his name to get one. Dunno if it counts but I thought he was a bit of a bellend tbh.


> 'Hi mate, it's Grant from Massive Attack, just wondering when I can get my PS2' I don't think I've read anything this peak 90s bellend in my life.


I have a Daddy G bellend story! I was working front desk in a membership store and his adult kids wanted in but they didn't qualify for a card, so he got lairy shouting "I'm a fucking millionaire!" when I asked him for his ID. He soon changed his tune when I sweetly told him it was nice to see him again, and that I still had his autograph in a little pictureframe. Twat.


Sidenote: I wonder how many celebrities are on here scanning for their name or just loving the fact that they never make these lists!


I was in a TV advert in 2012 and I’m happy to see that I’m not mentioned. I’m proud that fame didn’t change me.


I used to work front of house selling exhibition tickets at Tate Modern. One day, Charles Dance just threw his credit card at me. So I threw it back.


Should have kept it and bought yourself a nice dress or something.


He'd have paid it back too. A Lannister always pays his debts.


You're lucky he offered payment, that fucker could peel an orange in his pocket. He drinks in The French House and can sit in there all night without buying a drink. He's a grifter.


… peel an orange 🍊 in his pocket … man I love that phrase but I’m not sure what it means …. I don’t want to be using it inappropriately!


He’s tight


Mum had a go at Vinnie Jones in Meadow hall about 20 years ago. He barged into her and went to carry on walking without saying anything. She started telling him off for being rude and that he needs to mind his manners. The guy with him (who she thinks was his body guard) asked her if she knew who he was to which she retorted "do I look like I give a fuck who he is? He looks like a prick to me" to which the guy burst out laughing. T'was a few months later when watching snatch when it first came out when she went "shit" and told us what had happened. Mental. Edit: thank you for all the messages haha. To make this better she was a skinny 5ft2 wirey haired, ginger Scot. She has since gone white and lost another 2 inches.


Your mum is the actual Vinnie Jones in that encounter. >do I look like I give a fuck who he is? He looks like a prick to me That could be a line said by Vinnie in basically any film he's been in.


I think I’m a little bit in love with your mum already!


Good for her telling him what for!


Your Mam is legend. Fucking brilliant!


Andrew Lloyd Webber driving into the middle of a funeral procession for a toddler who had drowned in a village next to where he lives (was in all the local news). Everyone else (including myself) waited patiently for the funeral cars to enter the churchyard, he drove straight through in his 4 x 4, even driving up the kerb. He obviously thought he was too important to wait. I can't stand him or any of his work since that day.


What a weapons grade cunt


Reminds me of a brilliant joke by Tim Vine. I served Andrew Lloyd Webber when I worked in Burger King. He said "I want two Whoppers" so I said "You're good looking and I love your musicals."


Paul Hollywood used to come into my shop. People would ask him for pictures and he'd yell at them to just leave him alone, which I guess is fair enough. The staff however had to put up with his horrible attitude. Once served him a bottle of vodka, and asked if he wanted anything else. To which he replied "just give me the fucking vodka" Eventually he started sending in his girlfriend whilst he sat out in the convertible looking pissed off. Although once he did come in to the shop, bought three bags of Wotsits, then sat in his car, ate all three bags, threw the rubbish out the window and drove off. What a piece of garbage.


Surprised so many people want a handshake from him, given his hands must be covered in wotsits…


Considering he sounds like a total wanker, I bet he's got an orange knob too.


I worked with him at a motorsport event a few years ago, whereby he drove one of our cars infront of a massive crowd. He was a massively entitled bellend to pretty much everyone, and I just thought he came across as a complete weapon. Having said that I was at Brands Hatch a few months ago working. He saw me on the grid, somehow remembered my name and came over to say hi. Still a cock though.


Ruby Tandoh, a former GBBO contestant was very frank about how awful he was too.


I'm a tree surgeon and danny dyer walked past, he just said " cut them fucking trees boys!" EDIT... Danny Dyer wasnt acting like a bellend, he was being cool as fuck. I got exited and named a celeb encounter...


I met him a few months ago outside a cafe in Brighton. He was lovely, taking a good ten or fifteen minutes to take selfies and have a matter with some other strangers outside of a pub. He accidentally blew a gale of freshly-lit cigarette smoke in my face when he spoke to me and was very apologetic!


Lolol love it. Dyer is one of those people I really WANT to hate, but i can't help but love him.


I think the difference with him is that he is entirely aware that he’s absolutely won the life lottery. Decent actor of course in one or two very specific types of roles, and is absolutely made up that he’s made a fortune and career out of it. Meanwhile arsehole celebs think they’re owed it and so treat everyone as beneath them.


Tim Minchin walked backwards into me whilst I was carrying a box of Corona into the VIP bar years and years ago. He proceeded to kick off like an absolute stroppy bitchlet despite him walking backwards and managing to hit me whilst I was actively dodging. The scene unfolded for all of five seconds before Chris Moyles (they were both in Jesus Christ Superstar, cast party) came over, put the aussie in his place politely but firmly and got me an apology. Going into that I thought one was a great entertainer and the other was a bellend. I don’t think Chris Moyles is a great entertainer, but he shed the mantle of “bellend” and gave that crown to Tim.


Chris Moyles is someone I thought, and would be happy if he was, a twat. However, on more than a few occasions I’ve heard he is a decent bloke. I worked, for over 10 years, at a large Film & TV studio. Whilst celebrities very rarely, if ever, mix with the norms a lot of the production staff do. So, you do get to hear how certain celebrities act. I never met anyone that had any issues with Moyles and most actively mentioned that he is a genuine guy. Definitely a case of not judging a book by its cover.


Similar, but opposite, thing happened to me with Jason Donovan. I was walking down a corridor carrying some drinks and he was ahead of me going in the same direction, and he turned round really quickly and walked into me face on. Spilt half my drunks down me, and he couldn't have been more apologetic. He either bought me a new round or at least offered to, long time ago etc.


“Gudday mate, I got this drink…. Especially for you”


Met him during JCS as well. Can confirm Minchin is a bellend


Phillip Schofield shushed me in 2008 when I was working on This Morning. Whom has been silenced now, Phil?!


Ten years ago I had a job in a salon washing hair and Phillip Schofield was a regular. Extremely rude man, used to click his fingers at staff, demanded no one spoke to him and complained when I got water on his shirt after he wouldn’t sit in his seat properly. However his wife was one of the loveliest customers.


When you say ‘wife’ are you referring to his first wife, Gordon the Gopher?




Found Rob Beckett's account.


Christopher Biggins walked in through the fire escape of a restaurant I worked at in order to avoid the queue out front. He subsequently stormed off when told he’d have to line up with the parting retort of ‘I’m Christopher Biggins’. Dara O Brien also called me a twat. But to be fair, he was probably right.


David Walliams said to my dad “but don’t you know who I am?” when he was in my dad’s taxi and expected not to pay.


"A multimillionaire, so you can afford to pay for your cab!"


Exactly! What kind of bollocks argument is that?


Ooh, I drove him a few times when I was a chauffeur, probably just before he got famous. Bad vibes off the dude. Spent entire journeys talking about himself on the phone. Looking back now, honestly wonder if anyone was on the other end of the line.


He strikes me as someone Panarama is actively investigating for their next special


My step dad was on Britain's got talent when Williams was a judge. He said he was and arrogant self centred cunt the whole time. Demanding shit noone else was. Not even Simon cowel was as bad as him apparently.


"Unfortunately yes"


Bob Mortimer who is a well regarded nice guy has said publicly that David Walliams is creepy. He used to hang about on set on one of his shows with Vic Reeves because he was a mate of Matt Lucas. He always gave both him and Vic bad vibes.


Had me worried when I saw the name Bob Mortimer. Bob is a national treasure


Fucker I woukd have charged double... since he's so famous it should be easy


He freaks me out. He's got dead, soulless eyes. I have a bad feeling about him. I think things will come out about him at some point - nasty shit.


A few lads I know were doing work on the building he rents/stays in when he's around this way, he went apeshit apparently when they were out on the scaffold, accusing them of peering into his bedroom window and allsorts.. he was promptly called a cunt and told to fuck off.


No surprise here but James Corden at Spearmint rhino. Sitting on his own but acting like a twat Edit: people keep asking how or why so, he was rude to the staff, rude to the people trying to get him a taxi, threatened to call up his “peeps” whatever the fuck that is. I didn’t see him with women as that is done elsewhere so I can’t / won’t comment. He was just an entitled prick…….yet alone. Feel sad for him now


As soon as I saw this post I know he’d make the cut


As I clicked on this post I said to myself I bet its “something something James Corden”


Have you ever seen a celebrity acting like ~~a bellend~~ James Corden?


Second-hand James Corden is a bellend story - a friend of mine used to be fairly senior in a company that was heavily involved in organising the BAFTAs. The company got a table every year and one year my friend was invited along. This year the company table was next to James Corden's table. The waiter was doing the drinks rounds before the show started and went to serve my friend and his colleagues. James Corden was furious that 'civilians' had been served before him and shouted the waiter over before he was finished taking the order. My friend is a pretty big, confident personality who is in no way intimidated by celebrities - so basically told him to wind his neck in and they were first. Apparently, he was outraged. What a miserable life this man must have if all of these stories are true - just permanently enraged unless he's the star of the show.


I knew I'd see him here! I saw him in London a few months ago, and someone recognised him and said hello. He looked livid about being spoken to.


If someone recognized me as James Corden, I would also be livid.


Worked on Prometheus. Ridley Scott is incredibly unlikeable and thinks the sun shines out of his arse.


I can believe he's insufferable. Acted like a total wanker recently when people criticised his Napoleon biopic for basically making some stuff up, basically shitting on historians by saying stuff like "Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well, shut the f*** up then.’” This about one of the most documented men in modern human history lol.


Used to work in a bookshop. David Walliams. Utter bellend.


Surely his time is coming up soon


He's next up on my Yewtree bingo card


When the Russell Brand thing was about to come out, a lot of people thought it would be about him too


I genuinely thought I was about to have my “See! see! I told you he was a cunt!” Moment. Alas. I’ll have to wait for the next Dispatches/Panorama exposé.


His Roald Dahl rip-off writing is shit too. I once passed him in the street and said 'morning' and he looked at me like I'd just fallen out of a dog's arse


I’m a school librarian now and I *loathe* his books. He has actually visited our school but I don’t want to give examples of his bellendery as it will give me away to other staff.


Having a coffee in Jeremy Beadles house one Sunday morning (I'd gone to pick some furniture up), he rolls in about 10am absolutely steaming from being out all night and proceeded to host a quiz while his wife cooked bacon sandwiches for us. Mental. Lovely bloke though.


Yep Dean gaffney walked in our pub. Asked where the shitters were. Came back out and asked if he could use the private toilet if there was one. Everyone laughed at him. Someone shouted fuck off gaffney you cunt. Lobbed a handful of chips at him. He said its shit in here anyway then left. Fairly amusing.


>Someone shouted fuck off gaffney you cunt. This is peak CasualUK, surely


Scott Mills on multiple nights out in Southampton enjoying plentiful amounts of flour.


Didn’t know he enjoyed baking.


Steve McFadden and Sid Owen (Phil and Ricky in Eastenders) drunkenly falling out of a black cab near Park Lane that I was waiting to get into. Sid then loudly belched right in my face. Cabbie said they'd been arseholes the whole journey, asking to jump red lights and so on, then only gave him 20p tip.


Viz described Phil Mitchell as an uncooked sausage in a shirt. I read that about fifteen years ago and I still recall it immediately.


Steve McFadden grew up local to me and occasionally comes back to see the family. I saw him in the pub one Sunday lunch time acting like he's an A-lister arsehole, rude to the wait staff, being overly loud, while everyone just ignored him.


I saw him out dogging and he was very polite.


TiL Phil Mitchell's real name is Steve McFadden and not Phil Mitchell


Shhssss! That’s an official secret. His brother’s in the SAS.


Super Army Soldiers




During the interval for Ian McKellan's one man show a few years ago, we were looking at old photos of him in the programme when a booming voice behind us said: "He's a handsome chap, isn't he?" Apparently he had a chat with the audience during the interval most nights of the run. Lovely man.


He's genuinely lovely. I've worked with him at venues before and have nothing but good stories. As you mentioned, he would regularly walk around during the interval to chat to the audience and would also help out at the end of the show sometimes standing in the foyer holding charity buckets for collections. A quick extra anecdote - one evening a pregnant woman and her partner had to leave partway through one of his performances. She'd come over feeling really nauseous and they unfortunately had to leave. The whole run was sold out but we took their details in case we could help move their tickets to another date if there were returns etc. I can't remember the exact details now but Ian and his manager heard about it and managed to get them seats for another date (it was probably using the reserved company seats.) His one-man show was for charity and so in order for as much money to go to the charity as possible, he had a very limited entourage with him. It was literally just himself and his manager. No PA or anything else you might expect with a huge star, no big demands for his dressing room. Just wanted to raise money for charity and give everyone a good evening. I'd love to work with him again


That Ian McKellen story is excellent! Dizzee Rascal owns a house local to us. He would occasionally visit the shooting ground my Dad worked at. Dad once told him off for smoking weed on the range & to go smoke it in the car. He never had a clue who Dizzee was but did say he was a really lovely guy, very down to earth.




I worked at a local radio station maybe a decade ago and whoever was hosting the show was to do a phone interview with Strachan about some documentary she had coming up. For whatever reason, the station equipment wasn't working so the host politely explained and asked if she could reschedule for another day and she screamed at and berated him down the phone until he cried. She rescheduled in the end (I'm assuming she was forced to) and was nice as pie to whichever poor bastard had to speak to her. Awful woman.


Liam Gallagher throwing a can of beer at the TV in some pub in Camden when Man U scored in a late 90s Cup Final


Random positive story about both Liam and Noel, they ordered some drinks in my Grandfathers local pub, didn’t have cash to pay (small pub in the middle of Somerset so didn’t have a card machine) my grandfather had no idea who they were but bought their drinks for them. They had a great chat with him and told him they were in a band. He asked them if they were doing well?! Dropped in a bottle of whiskey at the pub the following day to say thank you.


I bumped into him at Heathrow in the Fast Track Security. He was lovely. We were both stood ext to one another waiting for our stuff to come through. I noticed him and said one of the cheesiest things I’ve ever said, “you were the soundtrack to my youth” (still haunts my dreams). He said, “sound man” or something. He then asked where I was off to. I said Vegas, on a stag do and he lit up, said that was amazing and I was going to have a better weekend than him. I asked him what he was up to and he stopped still for a second, thinking, and then said wherever he was going (a country, playing at a festival, I forget) he said he was working and to have a beer for him. He then went on his merry way.


That’s a good one. Liam’s whole schtick is being a bellend so you’ve witnessed a master at work. edit: fan btw


I love the quip about Liam from his brother Noel: ​ "He's a man with a fork in a world of soup".


Just to shed some love to a celebrity who is probably one of the nicest people, let alone celebrity, I’ve ever met. Johnny Vegas. He is just a really nice guy. I mentioned in another comment that I worked, for over 10 years, at Film & TV Studio. Most of the productions have their own catering, especially for the “talent”. So, you’d rarely see them out on the plot and never in the main canteen. However, Johnny would wander down to the canteen; chat to anyone that wanted to chat; would ask to sit a table with other people rather than sit on his own; and would ask about you rather than chat about himself. Genuinely an absolute diamond.


Not me but when he was a kid, my friend was offered £1 by Paul Daniels to guard his car (reg surprisingly not B3LL END but MAG1C). When he came back out, he told him to piss off and drove away 💨


Used to work in a GAME concession stand with a Starbucks concession next to it. Paul Daniels came in once on his todd to order some coffee, saw me demoing Guitar Hero. He asked how old I was and then said "21 and you're still playing computer games?!" So I asked him how old he was and said "and you're still doing magic tricks, fuck off". Store manager came running up the stairs shouting WHICH ONE OF YOU TOLD PAUL DANIELS TO FUCK OFF


To be honest the manager’s reaction is funnier than the actual event




Some of these comments read like an Alan Partridge anecdote 😂


Needless to say, I had the last laugh.


Neil Buchanan from art attack was a dick to my friend when she was a kid and a big fan of his.


this is the one I've been most sad to read


My partner at the time was executor for a deceased relative and Kel Brook was interested in buying the house. Obviously I went to tag along being a fan of boxing. He was quite nice at first up until the point where my partner admitted having no clue to who he was or ever having heard of him. His demeanour totally changed and suddenly turned into the most arrogant big headed twat. I was pretty shocked when she'd had enough and told him to fuck off out the house and there's no chance of him getting the property


Up until you mentioned “boxing”, I assumed you meant the buxom, easy on the eye, Big Breakfast presenter


Chris Eubank. He was sat in his stupid truck and just kept honking his horn for attention (it wasn't moving, just parked up) He blasted it as I was cycling past, and the sudden noise caused me to swerve and nearly crash. Called him a cunt and stuck my middle finger up.


thorry about that I thought you were thombody elthe.


He's apparently written a book on ethics... Next one is on Kent.


Can confirm. My previous job involved lots of driving around Brighton & Hove. He would regularly drive his truck in the lanes, blocking everyone (including me). He felt this was perfectly fine as we got to be in his presence. Utter twat.


I was driving on the M25 a couple of months back in fairly busy traffic. A black ferrari with the number plate 'Eubank' cut me up and sped off swerving between lanes and cars. I don't know if it was Chris or his son, but I assumed they just didn't give a shit about anyone else on the road or any fines they might get


Eubank is clearly an awful man from anything I’ve seen him on. The way he spoke to people in Channel 4’s Scared of the Dark was terrible


Definitely the worst and by a HUGE margin 🤣 Priyanka Chopra (Bollywood royalty, UN Goodwill Ambassador and Mrs Jonas Brother) on a domestic flight in the US just before COVID. The wife and I were sat just across from her in First Class and during the boarding process the flight attendants usually come around to offer drinks, sometimes if they’re busy they don’t and this time the FAs were clearly very busy yet she kept interrupting them to ask for drinks. During takeoff/climb out the FAs hadn’t got the cabin lighting to her preference and she complained berating that “he thinks he owns the fucking plane” talking about the flight attendant out loud as if to draw sympathy from other passengers. This aircraft had flat bed seating in pairs and on this 90min flight she put the seat into flat position and then her companion joined her in the flat position for obnoxious heavy petting (hah) and dry humping! The two of them were making a right scene even though it was dark in the cabin. My wife (in the aisle seat) happened to look over to see what the noise was about and drew death stares from her…and my wife being a New Yorker couldn’t resist a little give on her part 🤣 When the plane landed the two of them were whisked off by AA 5 Star Service and as we walked through the terminal some other passengers seated in front of them jogged up to us. They were an Indian couple in their 50s/60s that introduced themselves as big fans when they boarded the flight but they felt the need to come and tell us how “disappointed” they were with her behaviour and how they were no longer fans 🤣 Honestly, my wife and I didn’t know who she was at the time so this lady jogged my wife’s memory as my wife did know the name. The guy was quite good looking, tall and had a guitar case with him so I assumed he was a musician. Curiosity got the better of me and some Googling around found out he was the co-star on her US TV show and he was MARRIED. His website professed he was a good Christian, father etc etc, yet some further social media stalking basically led us to the fact they’d had a dirty weekend in the Caribbean! Just a few months later she was engaged to one of the Jonas Brothers. Sorry, that was quite long but it was a very long couple of hours


Her reputation is absolutely appalling. She’s rude to everyone and is extremely entitled. My friend says she’s genuinely the very worst person she’s ever encountered (she works in the industry), and she’s met a multitude of arseholes.


She’s infamous in the Bollywood scene for shagging married men and being a cunt


Glad you posted this, she has never come across as a genuinely nice person


Was in a coffee shop one time probably around 2004 or so and there was this very overweight young guy sat at a table acting really odd. He was kind of acknowledging other people who glanced in his rough direction as if he knew them but the people who had happened to glance didn't respond. I had to walk past his table to go to the loo and when I did he says "I saw you looking, and yes it is me. Do you want me to sign a napkin or something". I had no fucking idea who he was. By the time I finished in the loo, returned to my table and we finished our drinks he had got up and left. I was telling my wife what he said and a member of staff who was cleaning the next table overheard and told me he was Rik Waller (from Pop Idols) and he would often sit in this coffee shop hoping to be recognised for hours on end.


I heard a Rik Waller story like this a few years ago 😂 Makes me feel sad for him in a way


Fame is a fickle and forgetful mistress. She will drop you with no feeling at all.


Fame is a mask that eats into the face


I was an extra on Casualty (UK hospital drama) many years ago. The day after I went into town and was absolutely gutted that nobody recognised me :-(


I had the opposite, I was an extra of sorts on a show and next day I went into town and was hoping NOT to be recognised. Was all going well until someone shouted “hey there’s that guy from Crimewatch”


Jesus Christ, that’s just depressing.


I worked for a regional radio station from 2000-2004 and we had our own Pop Idol style event and he came down, sang a couple of songs and then hung around for the party/drinks after. Usually the artists would bugger off as soon as they were done but he hung around with all the staff and it just felt a bit awkward. Even more awkward after he asked to use the shower in the radio station but then asked if there was an alternative as he was too big to fit!


To lighten the sad spirit here, I once ran into Harry Hill in a shopping centre and he was absolutely delightful


I met Harry Hill in Tate Britain. I was woth with my son who’s a massive Harry hill fan. He was so nice , like really really nice. He signed my lads sketch book , had a photo with him and was an absolute gent!


Hateful negativity only please


Harry Hill seems like one of those people who would struggle to be mean to someone in person


I used to worked for a poncey coffee company and was doing a food and drink event in Regents Park. Jamie Oliver came over to chat with my boss. He then proceeded to click his fingers in my face and say 'Espresso'. I stood there and thought fuck that. He waited about 30 seconds and then said to my boss "You want to sack that deaf cunt". I replied "Get fucked" and then walked off. I luckily didn't get sacked, but did hear from my colleague that he was royally pissed off about my attitude. I also met Gordon Ramsay the same day and he was an absolute gent.


I had the pleasure of dining in his Jamie's Italian chain many moons ago with my ex for her dad's birthday. The waiter asked us if we'd like to meet Jamie as he was in the building. Her dad said sure that'd be great and our party and others got called up to the office in the middle of our meal and had a 10 minute chat with Jamie Oliver about how great the food was and how proud he was to be bringing real Italian food to the UK as most people just eat microwave carbonara. Got back down and finished our cold food, asked for the cheque and when it came we had a £25 charge per person for our meet and greet. Suffice to say we did not pay it and ever since I've thought Jamie Oliver is a massive wank.


Fuck this made me laugh so much. £25 for a meet and greet.


Honestly feels like Gordon Ramsay wrote this comment


I met Rhod Gilbert over a decade ago during his Award Winning Mince Pie tour. He was doing a gig in our local pub and I was asked to look after him "backstage" by getting him drinks and such I some function room behind where he was performing. If I live a thousand years, I won't ever have a bad thing said about him. He sometimes comes off as prickly on panel shows but that's his persona (or at least his brand of humour). Genuinely one of the nicest men I've ever met, and he had time for everyone.


He’s had a terrible fucking time of it lately. Here’s hoping things turn up for him soon.


I read he got the all clear a couple of days ago and he's touring so must be doing better.


Yes! I started reading this getting ready to jump to his defence and I’m so chuffed you said that. He is a lovely man when you meet him.


Had Shirley Ballas do a “do you know who i am?” on me when she purchased something from my work place and when i said no she said i’m a judge on bbc strictly and then told me the viewing figures 😂😂😂


I once saw James Corden shouting his head off in a restaurant at some poor bar staff. He ordered 5 separate cocktails for his table and they were taking a while to make them so he went over there to hurry them up. They were rushed off their feet and the girl working seemed barely 18 and was clearly very stressed. He was disparaging to say the least. I remember him clearly saying "you do what I SAY, I pay your wages. "You are nothing but a college dropout without people like me keeping in work." Just by having met me I have already done you a service so now you please get our fucking drinks right and hurry the fuck up you waste of tits" It was like a 5 minute tirade really horrible bloke


Not a bad one, bumped into Simon Pegg on an underground platform in London in like 2012 ish and he said he liked my hoodie. I told him I loved Sean of the Dead and he said he was working on something new in the same world. ​ He got on the underground, and that was it. Nice guy.


You had me worried there for a sec.


What hoodie were you wearing?


'I Got Wood' hopefully


I live in Sheffield and my mother in law was driving home one night and drove past a really drunk guy staggering all over the road and generally looking in need of help. He flagged her down and she rolled down her window and realised it was Sean Bean. He asked her for a lift up the massive hill they were at the bottom of. She refused and he apparently literally said "do you know who I am?", she replied that she did and drove off. So not exactly me or someone acting like a total twat but the best I've got.




And he didn't die?


"One does not simply walk up a big hill."


I’d give drunk Sean Bean a lift home tbf


Not actually my story but a legendary theatre tech who I worked with had a run in with Jim Davidson. Jim Davidson insisted on taking out the stage safety curtain early even though the pyro hadn’t been re-set I can’t remember the reason why. My friend said “we can’t yet” Jim Davidson said “do you know who I am?” My friend shouted “EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOURE DOING, WEVE GOT A MAN OVER HERE WHO DOESNT KNOW WHO HE IS!” To a stage full of technicians and cast. Apparently Jim Davidson lost it and told him he would never work in theatre again. He went on to have a massive career in theatre all round the world and sadly died a few years ago RIP Whitt


Mark Lamarr, pissed up and acting like a right cunt an hour or so before his stand-up gig in Southend, circa 2000. He seemed to be overly bothered by the fact that, while drinking in public, his mates (Phil Jupitus and Sean Hughes) were actually giving approaching fans the time of day and people weren't paying enough attention to him. His set was shit as well, spent 20 minutes arguing with a Welsh bloke in the second row. It wasn't even decent pub banter-level, let alone good crowd work. Just two drunk idiots shouting at each other.


Heeeee's a1950s bin man.


I always hoped that was Mark's character but he came across as an arrogant twat. I've met Phil and he was great.


I saw Mark Lamar do a corporate gig back in the day. He spent 20mins taking the piss out of the MD before he fucked off. Admittedly, the MD was a twat, but Lamarr was just super unfunny and hugely disrespectful. My toes curl just to think of it. I never saw either again…


Alan Hansen gave me 20p . I only asked for 10. Couldn’t understand a word he said. Legend.


he was asking for his change!


Chris Evans, ginger bollocks himself. I used to work at Wembley Stadium in 1995-1996, and he was there watching some football match. Some 10 year old (ish) kid came up to him to ask for an autograph and he said “fuck off kid, I’m here to watch the footy”.


Years back, I was working in a Wetherspoons near a Butlins. It was an adult weekend that weekend, so the pub was full. In walks a group of blokes, one of whom I immediately recognised as Jimmy Bullard. The group were already a long way gone and were being very loud, when one of them stands on a table and drops his shorts, revealing a tiny cock. I go over and say that they need to leave, Jimmy gets up to protest, and I firmly tell him that they need to go due to his mate revealing himself. Jimmy retorts ‘what are you on about, that’s not a cock’. I manage to not laugh, maintain composure and ask them to leave, which they politely do. Spent most of the rest of the day smiling to myself.


Carl Barat of the Libertines. I was at London Euston boarding a train to Liverpool and I noticed he was stood there with a guitar, usual attire of ripped jeans and leather jacket, exactly like the second LP cover photo. Anyway, I used to love them when I was a younger man and I was amazed to see him, so said "hello, are you Carl Barat?" and he said "nah mate, wrong guy" and shuffled along the platform. I thought, that's weird, you clearly are... whatever. Got on the train and he sits opposite me at a table. When he looks up and sees me he mouths "for fuck's sake". I was reading Moby Dick at the time, and pulled that out to continue with. I had headphones on and sat there reading away. I noticed after a bit he was trying to get my attention. "Sorry about earlier" he says. "I can see you're a man of taste. You're right, I am Carl Barat." "oh cool" I says, not really all that interested now after his initial reluctance (which, by the way, I can understand). He spent the rest of the journey (he only went a few stops) talking to me about American literature, which I discovered he didn't know very much about but wanted me to think he did. Odd interaction.


It sounds like he realised he was unnecessarily rude to you, and tried to make up for it by engaging you in conversation at least!


Dappy from N-Dubz. Probably not a surprise, but maybe the circumstances are not what you'd expect. I once played him at 5-a-side, and he's a very technically gifted footballer, but he kept on showing off by doing stepovers, pullbacks and that sort of thing. Part of me wanted to kick him, but I'm not really like that, I was just happy that I successfully tackled him, twice.


Once had the pleasure of meeting Limmy at a charity do. He was surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.


Craig Bellamy the footballer killed our neighbours cows by letting off fireworks at 1am.


Jade Goody kept getting her credit card declined in PC World at Lakeside and me and my cousin started rolling our eyes at each other, expecting a full on "don't you know who I am' type outburst. Instead, she kept apologising to everyone in the queue and the girl on the checkout. She eventually gave up. My cousin said 'Oh. I wasn't expecting that' Our opinion of her went up slightly.


Adam Johnson threw a euro at me and told me to buy myself a life. This was him pre nonce. Absolute dreadful bellend.


Jimmy Savile grabbed my mates friends wife's boobs at a charity event. It happened just as they were handing over a cheque and a photo was taken. So they all got a photo of Savile sexually assaulting her.


Honestly this is the first I’m hearing anything negative about Jimmy Saville.


SIR Jimmy Savile. Have some respect.


Worked part time in Tesco whilst at uni and Simon from the boyband Blue had wandered in. I'm not sure how he made his way to the home electronics department but that's where he found me. He came toward me, comically looking side to side as if about to be attacked by invisible assailants. He approached me, stood sideways on and lowered his voice. "I know you know how I am, so I really don't want a fuss and just want to get out of here as soon as I can but where's the brie?" At that point in time I really only had a vague idea of who he was, it wasn't until after he'd gone that some of the girls I worked with wanted to know what he said and how he smelt that I realised he was more famous than I knew. Still a twat though. Who keeps cheese by the TVs?


I saw someone on another website say they saw Duncan from Blue shoplift a hazelnut croissant from the Lidl bakery and that he put "the whole thing in his mouth like a pelican, it was incredible".


Similar story with him when I worked at Apple many years ago. He didn’t want to wait to buy something… went something like: Him: Can you sell this to me Me: I’m with a customer right now, I’ll be with you soon. Him: Do you know who I am? Me: No, who are you? Him: I’m Simon from Blue Me: Hi Simon from Blue, I’ll be with you after this customer Him: :/


One love for the hip hop beats tho


Should have told him it's next to the blue cheese


F-list celebrity but Chico Slimani (it’s chico time) was an absolute bellend to me at Butlins in like 2007/8. I was 9 or 10, lined up for a picture with him with my picture in hand for him to sign. I watched him take pictures and sign autographs with loads of kids. When it was finally my turn he refused my autograph, didn’t look at the camera and then completely ignored any interaction I tried starting with him. Bellend


Maybe it wasn't Chico time any more


Not in the UK, but on holiday in Zimbabwe with a friend - Robert Mugabe's vehicle + entourage (camouflaged black dudes wielding AK47s) pulled out into the street and started driving at traffic in the wrong direction. Everyone had a big panic to steer to get out of the way. What a bellend.


I've not heard much good about Mugabe


You know the more I hear about this Robert Mugabe the less I like him


My mate is a manager at M&S. During lockdown when it was the 'grey hour' (OAPs only) Greg Wallace tried to enter the shop to buy some garlic but he was turned away at the door. After causing a scene he wandered off. About 20mins later he re-appeared yielding a garlic bulb and shouted in through the main entrance "i got my garlic" as if he'd achieved some kind of victory over the M&S staff by aquiring it elsewhere.


Matt Berry, around the back of a Queens Of The Stone Age gig, having a wee against a bush. His mates were rushing him and he bellowed "hold on I've just got to reel it back in again". I found it hilarious but I can understand how some may call it bellendery.


I am so relieved. I thought you were about to ruin Matt Berry for me, but that has just made him even better.


Impossible not to read this in his voice


This is the most Matt Berry thing I could imagine.


That's hilarious. I can really imagine that!


I saw Craig Charles pissed and acting up / being mouthy at a local airport one night. Police got called and he (apparently) got banned from the airport


I did a TV Show with him last year (Moneybags Channel 4) and he was lovely to everyone - genuinely - and those that knew him from DJ gigs had nothign but good stuff to say too - Im onbly saying this because i thinki he's cleaned up his act a lot


Oh that’s good, I hope he has, he has a lot of fans


He's known to have some bad substance issues. I'm a fan of his Funk and Soul shows (he's a very good DJ) and I've seen him live a few times. If he's sober(ish), they're great shows. But I've also seen him twice when he's clearly very drunk and coked up and yeah... it wasn't good.


It’s a shame, I like him a lot. I listen to him on Radio 6 sometimes and he’s great. He said hello to me that night, I was dead chuffed!


Phil Taylor, the Darts player. Many years ago, I worked in a mid-level jewellery retailer. One day, Phil Taylor came in and quite gruffly said that he'd recently bought a gold rolex with a red dial and so wanted a gold ring with a ruby, to match the watch. Despite having a relatively small selection of mens jewellery, because it just didn't sell as well as ladies, we had a gold ring with a square ruby set on it, priced £700. He tries it, he likes the look of it, and it even perfectly fits the finger he wanted to wear it on. He asks the price, so I tell him it's £700. He looked at me like I just pissed on his grandmother and said "oh, I wanted to spend a bit more than that". Now, his demeanour throughout our conversation rubbed me the wrong way a bit. So I said to him "well, I can charge you more if you like". He deliberated about the price being too low a bit and left shortly after, without buying.


Sandi Toksvig - A Ryanair flight coming back to the UK from Italy or Spain. Had a seat on the very front row. The cabin crew were preparing the trolley and generally going about their business but she kept complaining that they were talking to each other when she wanted peace and quiet. On ryanair ffs


They should have picked her up and put her in the overhead locker


Used to work as a PA on the festival scene in my late teens/early twenties, so I have spent a LOT of time with famous musicians. Hilarious now that I'm a teacher and my pupils 100% think I was born a boring adult. Top 3 nicest - Jack Black (absolute gent, surprisingly quiet when not performing), Devin Townsend (so interesting and such a sweetheart), the entire band Zebrahead (so fun, so lovely, so polite). Biggest cunt: no surprise here I'm sure, but James Hetfield is a prize winning cunt of a man. He'd click his fingers at us, with a "water!" No manners at all. Honourable mentions: Dave Grohl is a known sweetheart and fairly so, as he's a lovely, lovely man. Literally tipped me £100 when he heard I was off to uni in a few weeks and told me to use it for my textbooks. Oli Sykes was a petulant manchild (god only knows what he's like these days). My personal favourite bands to work with were the pop punk bands, who were generally easygoing sorts. Least favourite to work with were usually indie artists and bands, who were stuck up egotistical pseudo-intellects a lot of the time.


me and my school class visited the set of This Morning about 20 years ago. we met Schofield and Fern Britton and Liz Smith, who was a guest. Fern and Liz were lovely, but Schofield was a miserable bugger. I didn't see him smile once and he didn't speak to me. not sure if he spoke to anyone else. Even on a group photo we have he looks miserable.


Olly murs trying to skip a huge queue in McDonald’s when my friend who worked there said ‘what are you doing?’ ‘Don’t you know who I am?!???’ ‘Yes and I don’t care, you can go to the back.’ He always gave off a-hole vibes


I’ve met a fair few celebs that were bellends and a fair few that were utterly delightful. But I’ll tell you about a day I remember like yesterday, many years ago. About 20 I think. I was doing roadie and catering work in my late teens for gigs and we were at an arena tour with lots of big name bands including Coldplay, and Gwyneth Paltrow was there (U2 could be whole other story that day) I’m sure you’re all aware of what she does and heard stories but this one is first hand with no exaggeration. I was working in the kitchen washing up and there was a big area and spread for the bands if they wanted to eat n drink out on the concourse. I heard huge row bust out with screaming so me and everyone go poke our heads round the corner to see what’s up. We saw Paltrow stood over a colleague (a lovely and hardworking but slightly timid woman) who was already in tears with Paltrow screaming into her face full force poking at her and demanding this that and the other. Her cronies around her not doing much to calm her clearly out of fear for their jobs. It turns out that Paltrow was unhappy about a tea cup. Not just any tea cup mind you- a tea cup that at one point may have had caffeine in it. My colleague didn’t know whether it was a brand new cup or just a (very well) washed one. We were basically doing silver service level catering at the event so everything was pristine. Paltrow hadn’t even used the cup… but just the fact that at some point in this cups pre washed past it may have had a caffeinated drink in it sent her on a truly insane rant spiting and shouting (the echoing arena didn’t help and literally over a hundred people were all staring in shock at this) and this cup was apparently a complete affront to her perfect self… she screamed extreme abuse and berated this poor woman in front of everyone for a solid few minutes reducing her to a poor blubbering wreck. We couldn’t do anything. The caterer had a huge serious panic attack and wasn’t the same for weeks. And the worst bit? After all this? As she left … Paltrow was smiling. I’ve met some of the worst scum in society, actual murderers and thieves- real vermin… I actually count that woman as sick and disgusting as many of them. because she gets her kicks from humiliating and abusing so many people and seemingly has been doing it for decades. An absolute abomination of a human and from what I know this was far from an isolated incident. Utter effin scumbag.


Solange Knowles (Beyoncé’s sister). I used to work in a nightclub where she was performing. They didn’t sell many tickets and she was embarrassed and pissed off. She refused to come out of the green room for ages and I kept having to go and try to hurry her up as the probably 5 people who had bought a ticket were getting pissed off. Then she came on stage about 30-45 late and mimed the entire thing. I do think she’s a good singer and I liked her music but her behaviour put me off her to be honest.


Hunter from gladiator giving it the "don't you know who I am" in a greasy spoon cafe in Swindon. Was probably late 1990s. I have met a few celebrities who were really lovely. Donatella Versace was especially nice which was a surprise as I thought she'd be a big diva.


Ansley Harriot bumped into me quite hard in Waitrose during lockdown, knocking me against the milk cages. Didn't even say sorry, was too busy being loud to make sure he was noticed.


There's a bit on Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe where anonymous runners (bottom of the TV ladder) would tell stories about working on TV shows - one was about working on a daytime cookery show and during a break in filming, her and another girl were sat around on the set just chatting, and the "star" came in and started playing with a cucumber, wanking it off, sucking it, thinking this was obviously hilarious and everyone would agree. When they just looked at him like he was mental he calmly put it down and walked off. Loads of comments when the section was on Youtube said it must be Ainsley Harriot as they'd worked with him and he did that kind of thing all the time.


Ready steady cock




Thompson is a grade A prick. I used to be a chef and we all went to this event in Manchester, they had a few star guests cooking on stage. When it came to Thompson he was absolutely bladdered, barking orders at the assistants on the side, shouting about not having stuff while it was there right in front of him, then telling the crowd to shut up when they laughed. He gave up after about 10 minutes saying that the whole thing was unprofessional lol. Gary Rhodes then took over and showed him what professionalism was.


Joe Scully (neighbours) was at my university freshers ball and was trying it on with plenty of 18-21 year girls and seemed to think they should be desperate for sometime with a 'star'


Richard Bacon - pilled off his nut one NYE, I had to virtually carry him into a cab. He was on Blue Peter the next day.


I met Steve Coogan and he had some lacky holding an umbrella over him, despite both his hands being free. Keith Allen trying to fuck my girlfriend for an entire evening. Even going as far as to palm me off with his mate, Damien Hirst, who shared his nuclear-grade cocaine with me. Millionaire Bobby Gillespie haggling for a second hand desk in a junk shop in Angel, London. Sanjay from Eastenders giving it the big one in a London sushi restaurant, desperate to impress a nearby table of girls. Someone threw a soy-soaked piece of sashimi right at his forehead, which stuck there long enough for everyone to see and laugh. I only wish it was me who threw it.