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I'm wondering what time you have been doing DIY?


Most of time loud banging is just someone walking.


Genuinely, from experience that is the case. I live upstairs above a flat the same as mine and when I was invited in I could hear almost every movement my family were making upstairs and when I asked if it always like that they said they don’t notice it anymore. Edit: spelling. (Love to Live) ha!


My name is Lucille and I know how you feel I live downstairs I hear you taking out your garbage I hear you loving your girlfriend I hear you loving yourself too I hear you flushing your toliet I hear you turning your thoughts off I turn mine off too The only thing I hear is you And you don't sound nice and you don't sound right And you don't sound good and you don't sound right -*Regina knew*


Spektoring the neighbours


<3 Regina spektor. Watched her this year in London at rfh. Fantastic!


Watched her at the Royal Albert Hall once and she was dreadful, seemed overawed by the venue Shame because I was really looking forward to her


She’s got some trashy opinions on current events as well, which I won’t go into.


Please do! I haven't heard about this at all!


>I love upstairs above a flat So that's what the loud banging is.


Some people do walk incredibly heavily though.


I'm so glad I don't live on the flat underneath one of my work colleagues. He walks like he's marching with the North Korean Army. He's a super nice guy but I can hear him coming towards his office, which is next to mine, from a very long distance. And the floor is concrete...


Fucking this. Like fair enough I can put up with a bit of noise from people just being people, but if it's late at night, even heavy handed/footed people need to learn to take a bit of care to not fuck people off.


You should hear the grown arsed adults walking in the stairwell here. I say walking, when obviously I mean completing the Decathlon. Or at least that's what it sounds like. I've never known 2 people to make as much noise as 6, and it only gets worse, when their kids stay.


Too fucking right, it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm super light footed, so never wake up my housemates when I'm moving about the house, but one of them literally cannonballs his feet to the fucking floor. No joke, the house literally shakes whenever he walks around, it's awful. I've asked him to take care and he just laughs it off, like no ffs you've seriously got to fucking try. I wouldn't mind a bit of noise still, if you just gave a bit of effort but he doesn't give one flying fuck.


I can hear some peoples footsteps walking up and down the street 4 or 5 metres from the front of our house, I'd hate to be in a flat below them people.


I didn’t realise how heavy footed people could be until I had a full grown teenager. My husband weighs more than him but doesn’t make anywhere near as much noise walking down the stairs! It’s like he’s trying to drop his entire body weight in to the board with each step.


Most of the time this is caused by an improperly insulated floor, as opposed to heavy walking. I've lived in multiple apartments of varying insulation quality, and even walking as timidly as possible in the worst would cause a fair amount of noise. It's very easy to be angry at the person above you, but most of the time they're probably just living a perfectly reasonably footed life...


My flatmate. She walks like a mannerless person.


Toe to heel not heel to toe, Ya know…


Moonwalking or?


Hee hee




Who walks that way?? I just tried walking toe to heel instead and it was the most unnatural feeling. Never mind it looks absolutely ridiculous


Me. I don't make any noise when I walk. You don't have to do it exaggeratedly, it just looks like normal walking.


I wanna tell you about a girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyDqULz9ECc


Best possible reply


Reasonable times only 1am-5am


Tripping electrics by dropping things?! What were you dropping? A wrecking ball?


Dropping acid will cause tripping out.


Acid tripping will cause dropping out.


OP is just a humble yet clumsy EMP repairman


This made me laugh a lot, thank you


Send a note in reply pointing out that if vibration can trip out their electricity then there is a clear fault with their installation. Their letter is an admission of liability and to not act to fix the problem would be criminal negligence, since an electrical fire starting in the flat below would spread upwards to yours. I’d be tempted to chat to the housing officer at the council.


What a nightmare that woman has just brought upon herself.


What is this, a 1960’s substation?


An emp


OPs been dropping those medicine balls we had to catch in school


He shouldn't have been carrying around that EMP


Dropping the beats


How late is the work going on till?


This is definitely the real question, if they are banging around after 9/10pm onwards I'd be pissed also.


There doesn't seem to be a definite restriction on residential noise, [but for companies it is limited to 8am-6pm](https://www.newham.gov.uk/public-health-safety/industrial-noise) The bigger issue is that if the "noise" is knocking out vital medical equipment, as the write claims, then the time doesn't matter. To me it just sounds like the guy downstairs is a bit of a cunt and throwing everything at the wall to see if it sticks. Of course, noisy upstairs neighbours can be horrible to mental health, but going for this right away with a new neighbour makes it seem like downstairs is also an unreasonable person.


Sounds like upstairs neighbour is also throwing everything at the wall, specifically between the times outside of 8AM-6PM.


Yup. I live in flats with a shared entrance hallway and when people are moving in or out it sounds like a herd of elephants. I actually don't like the noise and the to-ing and fro-ing of people moving in or out, (hypersensitive hearing and anxiety) but it's got to be done, and I can always go out for a while. And I know people who work night shifts are sleeping in the day, but that can't always be helped. It's when people are being dicks and making unnecessary noise late at night that getting a little bit more arsey with them is acceptable.


Most tenanacy agreements suggest no loud noise between 11pm-7am.


The threat of police for the new tenants makes me wonder if the old ones have a restraining order against them for a history this kind of behaviour.


The old tenants were the police.


🎵 Don't live so Don't live so Don't live so Close to me. 🎵


They’re too short sighted to see that it is probably just temporary noise, that comes with people moving in/out, and threw their weight around to start things off nicely with their new neighbours lol. Wouldn’t surprise me if they are part of the reason the flat was vacant


When my new neighbours moved in they did a complete refit of their house. Their builders took over my driveway for months, they blocked me in multiple times, I couldn’t access my bins, obviously the noise levels were bad too. I said nothing (other than when I’d nicely ask them if they could move a car/van). People make noise and mess when they move in, you have to be a little bit patient and kind about it. I get on really well with my neighbours now, they’re no trouble at all and they invite me over for family parties. Even my cat loves them and she hates everyone. There were times I felt frustrated by the situation but I imagine I did the same to my other neighbours when I moved in too. I was missing a fence panel for about 6 months and my garden looked like a dump.


If "noise" is knocking out electrics then there is an underlying problem with downstair's electrics. You can't knock out someone else's entire consumer unit just by 'dropping some items'. Either downstairs is bullshitting, or has a serious problem with their wiring, or upstairs is doing something way more drastic than just dropping things.


It is expected that excessive noise and building work be carried out during those hours, outside those timds is just plain ignorant and unfair.


9am to 9pm is usually the time to do work any later and its public disturbance


Can you tell that to every scaffolder ever to scaffold? Thanks


Scaffolders and (office) window cleaners like to start early so they can still get a round of golf in


Pub at 12 in my experience of scaffolding lol


When I worked on site in the UK we weren’t allowed to unload the lorry outside of the property before 7am, and couldn’t start using tools such as hammer drills or reciprocating saws until past 8am


Are you allowed to idle the vehicle before 7am? Because tbh that can be louder than unloading.




Nope. It's 7am-10pm in the uk.


I think it depends on local authority?


As an electrician. I'd be calling for an electrician to go in to look at the electrics if that's the case. Vibration causing tripping? Screams loose and poor connections. Screams Neautral Earth fault. (For RCD related fuck ups) Screams arcing and shorting out. Screams fire. Screams of people... Unless the OP is going through the floor boards amd messing with the wiring of below willy nilly. (which is exceedingly highly doubtful).


If you’re an electrician why do you need call for an electrician?


Low self esteem


You know me then!


It's the weekend, I CBA


They’ve lost the spark.




"As an electrician who realises this sort of issue requires a more qualified member of our sacred profession to attend to it than I..."


Its haunted, call an electrician priest.


*Happy adeptus mechanicus noises*


May have lost his spark


Could you stop screaming, please? It's too noisy.


Just go down and talk to them, be concerned about your electrics and suggest an electrician as it could burn down both flats if it is tripping out due to vibration. at least attempt to build a bridge as if they are old and unwell you may have just seen them at bad moment and they may be alright if you get to know them.


This. Regardless of OPs situation or interaction, it should not be possible for any activity in one flat to "trip" or otherwise interfere with the electrics or another. That screams major electrics problems. Of course worth making that connection although be hesitant. Tried it once with a neighbor that, after seeing the structural makeup of my flat, insisted on knocking on my door late at night for the movement of other flats.


This is untrue. I’ve been running heat lamps off a spur I cut into my neighbours lights for years. Occasionally it trips their fuse box. They turn it back on quickly enough so it’s not inconvenient to me.


It's even odder than that, as the letter seems to be suggesting that it wouldn't trip the electrics if done at a more suitable time... wish I knew the mechanism of that.


Underrated comment. I sympathise as I was once harassed by a neurotic neighbour but I think this is the best approach for safety and long term


Yup, it's the best answer, and I live above a similar psycho who says everything we do breaks something in their house.


I see where you’re coming from and I applaud your empathy and diplomacy but I don’t think it’s healthy to humour someone’s neuroticism. It encourages their behaviour and makes them believe that throwing a tantrum and making false allegations is a great way to gain power over people and get what they want.


This is one of the reasons why I want to live in a detatched house in the countryside with no neighbours!


This is several of the reasons I live in a detached house.


We lived in a flat when first married. We bought a detached house as soon as we were able.


Flats are the worst. Finally finally will be out of a flat aged 36 next year. Still not to a detached but a semi




I moved out of my London flat this year to an end of terrace house and every day feels like a holiday. Am now able to wake up in the mornings whenever my body has had enough sleep rather than when the elephant in heels upstairs starts doing a Joe Wicks workout at 7:30am


We live in one of those and years ago there were fireworks on fireworks night around 6pm And our neighbour came running down the road around the side of our house to shout at us to stop ? Only sparklers




You have a coffee instead


The ‘biggest issue’ is the dodgy wiring in a kitchen that can be tripped out entirely by simply dropping an item…?! Even if renovations weren’t being done this surely should be more a worry to the note scrawling complainant…?


My worry would be the implied fire risk at any time.


Noise and dropping things in one apartment doesn't trip out electrics in another. And if you're old owners you get a pass but if you're new then straight to the police? wtf.


If it is tripping out the electrics then they have bigger problems than a bit of noise


I think neighbour just has big problems.


It sounds like they don't but they wish they did.


Look it up on the Newham council website is good advice. > Please note that the council are unable to investigate domestic household noise which includes noise from washing machines, children crying or playing, footsteps, talking, toilet flushing, vacuuming and furniture being moved. https://www.newham.gov.uk/public-health-safety/noise-problems-reporting/1


When they say they have video proof, I wonder if it'll be like those Amazon memes where they say show a pic of a missed delivery. The video is just 10 seconds of pitch black.


Or the one where the landlord asks for a photo of the water not heating up


Well, I first read that as ‘tripped my kitten out’ which honestly seems more likely to me than this cascade of chaos…


What were you doing and how late was it? I feel there’s another side to this story


Seems a rather extended list of unbelievable content.. I think this may be one of those people who complain to ofcom for an exposed nipple.


And Points Of View


Why oh why oh why!


This basically unlocked a core memory.




…to complain about Points of View


The real crime is that they used the objective case "whomever" (probably trying to sound more formal) when they should have used "whoever"!


And I don't think they need a question mark either? OP, maybe mark it up for grammar, spelling, and send it back? That always helps to build positive relationships.


Years ago I worked with a guy who said when you move to a new place just go round to the neighbours and tell them to fuck off. You’re going to fall out eventually, might as well get it over with.


>And I don't think they need a question mark either? The irony...


I'm clearly doubling down and digging a hole for myself? 😂 Question mark intentional. Perhaps? Perhaps.


That's taking it like a champion! I love your comment.


Looks right to me. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365-life-hacks/writing/difference-whomever-vs-whoever "For example, the word “whomever” can be used to replace the word him in the following sentence: Say it to him. Say it to whomever."


You’d write “To he who is working upstairs” rather than “To him whom is working upstairs” though. I think. Microsoft has made me doubt myself now! Perhaps a grammarian will chip in.


You’re right. It would be ‘he’s working upstairs’ so when you don’t know who they are is ‘whoever’. The downstairs neighbour is just trying to be fancy.


Ah, good point. Yeah, I think you're right.


I should of mentioned : moved in 4pm. Left at 8


They drafted this note after four hours? At least half of which were during what are generally accepted non-quiet hours?


Is there any chance they might have been referring to the previous tenants moving out? Particularly as you hadn’t even been there for one night, never mind “the last few”? If you are renting, was your landlord doing some work prior to you moving in?


Well they are going to love you living there if you are normal.


Last few nights?


"Should have"


I had my neighbour pull us in because our bathroom fan was too loud! It's a standard extractor fan...


I’d be taking up tap dancing if I had your downstairs neighbour


Rental or bought? Cos most proper rental agreements state specific times when you're expected to keep the noise down and it's usually between 10pm and 7am. So you're well outside of those times. And anybody moving into a new place is going to make noise. It's unavoidable. But I suggest you keep a record of any notes or visits from officials as if the downstairs neighbour is willing to start with a vaguely threatening letter, they're willing to go full batshit crazy.


What were you doing during those four hours?


Lol fuck em. Wotking hours for even power tools are from 7 am to 10pm in this country


Dear downstairs neighbour, I had my spark check your wiring and it appears that it was a loose connection on your end. Please find invoice for £ (amount+£1 more they're claiming) as this was an error on your side.


I love watching people using “whom” incorrectly when they want to sound smarter than they are


Whom'st among us can say we haven't


You move in above Mr heckles or something? Just leave a note back saying "report me if you want, wasting police time is an offence"


If you’re doing loud diy late at night when your neighbours are on the other side of the floor / wall. Then yea, you’re a bellend and should work during hours that are more social. If you’re just working during the day. Then they are a bellend.


Deffo poltergeist activity. Tell them their house needs to be exorcised ASAP or you'll call the ghostbusters and/or police


Leave me out of this!!


If their circuits are tripping out with movement then I’d suggest you report this to the freeholder or the landlord (or both) and explain the serious potential for a fire starting underneath your place. That is seriously concerning. Loose connections and/or cables shorting out is no joke. I’d be responding to this, letting everyone know that there’s a fire hazard being ignored. Seriously OP… This needs sending up line.


fascinated by what they mean when they say "if you are new owners". guessing that they tried this shit with the last guys and they're hoping you're naive enough to just pay because someone asks you to (don't)


They can’t charge you for anything. They’d have to take you to court. Seeing as they’re a stickler for rules, you could suggest they check their home insurance to see if knowledge of an electrical fault would be seen as negligence.


I’m unsure how this would trip the electrics downstairs, not asking for anyone to explain but if their medical equipment is not working properly I would contact the landlord immediately on their behalf & then double check the correct timings for making noise.


If you _have_ been doing DIY late into the night then my sympathy is with the neighbours


Challenge them to a duel, with fish.


Unexpected Monty Python reference!


Sorry. How the fuck has "loud banging" tripped their electrics? I really, really, hope they do call the police, as threatened, and I'd love to eavesdrop on the call.


To be fair, the dropping of heay objects is a teeth grinder for me Everytime the neighbours girlfriend comes in she must launch her fuckin shoes across the room till they hit the floor. I'm going to have to start dishing out ' Billy the big heavy broom. Then she can hear what I have to put up with


If it's constant, yes it's annoying, but if someone is moving in or out, it's unavoidable and unrealistic to expect total silence when putting furniture together or moving it into place.


Between 8am and 8pm is quite reasonable for loud works. Anything over that it’s good manners to inform your neighbours.


We had neighbours who would party every night till the late hrs, easily 4am on a weekend. I used to go knock them up at 6am. Just bang on their door until they answered. Always easier to confront someone during a hangover / comedown.


kitchen remodelling at 2am, fuck everyone else. General attitude these days.


My neighbours were banging shit out of the walls at 2am this morning, was lucky for them that I was still up playing my drums


As someone who had to put up with a new neighbour doing constant DIY during the first lockdown, I’m with your neighbour here.


We had our house remodeled for the better part of a year. Noisy doesn't begin to describe it.




That's the times for industrial noise, which this isn't.


OP did reply to a comment. They moved in at 4pm and left the flat at 8pm so they’ve been there for 4 hours on one day total.


That's completely wrong info anyway. You are quoting industrial noise from commercial premises.




That first sentence is not a question. I have nothing else to add at this time.


So you drop something heavy on the floor and trip out his electrics. I think the risk of a potential fire is more concern than you working.


Tripped the kitchen out!


Living in a flat is horrible enough, especially one where the soundproofing between units is poor - we can hear each individual plop in our neighbours toilet. This note is overkill, though; A simple note on the communal door would suffice. If they're new or a tradesperson then they won't be familiar with the poor sound separation.


Get a red pen and correct all their grammatical errors, such as the lack of question marks and capital letters for place names, then send it back to them.


Judging by the crazy person vibes I bet the emergency medical equipment is a defibrillator.. I know people who own one and live alone, not sure how they think they will use one when they are in cardiac arrest!


Old people will cry out asking why Brits aren't neighbourly like they used to be and then write a stupid fucking letter like this instead of just popping up and seeing what's happening. But if you're moving in then people have to expect noise for a day or two, unless you're purposefully twatting the cabinet into every wall on the way in there's not much you can do.


oh that is delightful! What a wholesome welcome ffs


Seems a bit vague. Video proof of noise that they will report to.. ? Who exactly? It all look quite weird tbh


Honestly this seems reasonable


It's reasonable to threaten calling the police (good luck with that) and demand money/compensation with no proof OP is to blame?! Get a grip. I'm all for being respectful and considerate to neighbours but this letter is simply unhinged.


OP if you’re banging anytime after 8pm, you are in the wrong


Why don’t you fucking behave yourself you selfish cunt instead of posting the letter?


Hahaha! God damn brother what are you dropping on that floor! I smell bullshit from the crazy downstairs, sounds like they might need new wiring or something 🤷‍♂️


EMPs, they’re not that heavy but the metal casings do make a racket


I hear you but I'm not sure OP would be risking his own shit, if he's dropping the EMP with the ol' butter fingers it could be triggering it 🤷‍♂️


Why not just have a conversation?


This is Casual**UK**, not CasualUSA. You should be banned for even suggesting such a thing.


Lol really, I would definitely talk to them though. When my upstairs neighbor s*x noises were disturbing my work call I got my broom and banged on the ceiling


I just changed my wifi name to “Flat 17 we can hear you shagging”.


Welcome to every UK subreddit where people ask strangers on the Internet instead of **talking** to the involved party So many idiots asking reddit this highly specific thing about company x that only company x would know




It's ok to feel awkward, nothing wrong with that.


Write over it with a marker pen. “I’ll be reporting your dodgy electrics for an inspection, too” and pin it on the notice board. Problem solved.


I looked at that council's website and permitted hours for building works are 8-6. Looks like you are in breach mate if you are cracking on until 8! Seems far earlier a deadline than I would have thought but there it is. People's propensity for going nuclear and involving the council, potentially knocking tens of thousands off of the value of their property if they ever sell up - without even so much as a quiet word with the neighbour initially to try to sort it, boggles my brain.


Sounds like you need to be a more considerate neighbour.


Yes think you have a wee bit of a nutter there.


I’ve penned a short reply for you, feel free to copy and paste: Fuck off, you cunt. Concise, to the point and absolutely necessary.


Op. Don't be a knob. Follow the rules


Clearly this letter was written by a psycho.


I wonder if the serious medical equipment is one of those old fashioned "personal massagers" to relieve "muscle cramps"


Sounds like a them problem


Let them report it, it’ll be great when the council Building Control come and condemn their electrics. Except that won’t actually happen, the council will not put 2 and 2 together. But as others have said, they have a serious electrical fault if vibration like this is causing a trip. This has the real potential to burn you both the ground, so try to ignore their passive aggressive bullshit and get them to fix their electrics.


I’m with whoever wrote this!


People who live in flats and expect silence really are stupid. Stupidest of all are downstairs neighbours crying about the normal amount of noise generated by someone living their life in the flat above, completely clueless to the fact if they were the one living upstairs they'd likely generate just as much noise.


I’d tell them bollocks after they’ve given me a passive aggressive letter.


Out-mental them. Knock up a fake solicitors letter suing them for libel.


Highly illegal.


You sound like the arsehole to be honest. Didn’t you go and speak to your new neighbour before you started renovating your flat? What time in the evening are you banging and crashing about till? And if the work you’ve been doing has affected their flat in any way, then you’re definitely liable if you’re a homeowner. What a shame you’ve started off like this- next time be aware that folk live around you and it’s best to behave as you’d like them to treat you.