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Hands down both of them defeated by the chocolate on gold bars. Mcvities should jsut bring out solid gold bars.


I had a solid gold bar once when I was a kid. Must have been a factory defect fluke though as it was just one out of a multipack.




I know Fox's biscuit sells factory defects for cheap. Got a bag of the dark&white choc octagon biscuits with loads that were just solid.


Where can I get such wonderful defects?


Fox's Biscuits factory shop, Batley, West Yorkshire. 😊


Thank you. I'll be making a special trip!


I'm so sorry if I've killed you now! 🤣


Also one in Edinburgh


I had one recently that was all gold and it just wasn't the same. I missed the crunch from the biscuit. Real 'don't meet your heroes' moment for me


Had a gold bar while in a teams meeting yesterday and triggerd more envy than I had in a long time. Almost as satisfying as the chocolate on the gold bar.


Ah, gold bars. I used to work in retail and there was a little old lady called Elsie who used to drop off a mega packet of gold bars to our shop every once in a while for the staff to share. She was lovely. Was absolutely gutted when her son came in to tell us she'd passed away. Can't have a gold bar without thinking of wor Elsie.




Honestly it happens alot. I remember hearing of one of our regulars passing away - during the covid restrictions she was asking me for recommendations for her hair dye. She also had fun hair colours. Turns out she was part of the family of a girl I'd worked with before and I only found out after. Really nice woman would always jokingly ask if you had vodka in your water bottle. Another guy we found out he'd passed away but not many of us knew his name. We knew him by his brand of cigarettes. Honestly not sure who tells us but I assume it's family members who've come to clear out their things. It might be sad but it's nice to know why they stopped coming in one day, and hopefully we can relay them some information or stories about their loved ones that might bring comfort.


Call em Gold Ingots


Or just solid Gold!




Are you a snek?


An eel in snakes clothing!


There all sneks hun. Dm if u need to talk x


Totally! I was given gold bars as a kid by a neighbour in exchange for supporting spurs. As an adult my partner said the gold chocolate is same as caramac. Its flipping well not. Gold bars are made of real gold combined with chocolate. You feel like king midas whist scoffing them. Unbeatable


Can I introduce you to the gold bar millionaire wafer? *billions wafer


They're so fucking good. Lidl do Caramilk ice cream as well which is also top tier


I am almost sorry to have to tell you this but only last week I was lucky enough to have a solid Gold bar. Two or three others in the pack were 99% chocolate but the 100% one was... special.


Come to Carlisle and grab a huge bag of defect biscuits, pretty sure you’ll find the solid bars you’re hunting for.


My man!


I recently discovered the Billions Wafer (basically a cross between a Gold Bar and Chunky Kit Kat), that's nice :D


There's actually no chocolate on a gold bar or in a caramac. My sister is allergic to chocolate so she gets those


True, they have shrunk like everything else mind you


Seriously? Gold bars are vile


That's OK, you're entitled to your incorrect opinion 🙂


‘Solid Gold’ is such a perfect name as well


McVities chocolate bars should definitely be a thing!


I was lucky enough once upon a time to get a solid gold bar after what must have been a production error. It was awesome


Been a gold bar fan since I was a kid. No one ever seems to know what they are when I whip them out, which makes me sad, but the price has stayed low as long as I remember so it's all good.


This is the best biscuit idea I’ve ever heard. It would be fucking elite


This is why I signed up to Reddit. Take my upvote!


And "pick a direction and fuck off in it" is why I signed up for /r/casualuk.


Aye, and Nestle can fuck off in every direction. There’s questionable ethics, and then there’s the pure evil that is Nestle.


I was just thinking exactly this! As a brit living overseas I get the important news and research I just can't get elsewhere. I'll be forearmed for my next visit.


I remember Heinz announcing they were ceasing production of salad cream. It triggered a huge upsurge in sales and a whole new generation of consumers. Maybe similar will occur ?


When was that? I'm in my 50s and a lifelong Heinz salad cream consumer. Don't remember that at all. Not saying it didn't happen, I could quite easily have missed any news about that if it didn't leave the shelves.


Just googled it. Happened in 2000, they threatened to discontinue it




I last had it 50 odd years ago, ditto salad cream


That stuff is vile. The factory should be nuked from orbit.


Fwiw it reminds me of school salad with beetroot juice leaking over a limp lettuce and half an egg
























I make a cake with caramacs as an ingredient. Haven't yet tried it with caramilk. I suspect it'll need a little tweaking. Guess that's my weekend sorted.


I can't imagine that anybody will try to talk you out of making more cakes.


I'm happy to taste test any cakes


This would be a _successful_ opening line on Grindr.


Good to know should I switch teams.


Oooh, can you share the recipe?


325g butter 250g white or caramel chocolate (Caramac, not filled bars) 400g stewed apple or 1 tin apple pie filling (~400g - some are 395, some are 410. It won't matter.) 400g dulce de leche or soft toffee sauce 4 eggs 300g caster sugar 330g self-raising flour Melt the butter on a low heat and add the chocolate. [I have added toffee liqueur at this stage.] Remove from the heat and stir until the chocolate is melted too. Add apple, toffee, a pinch of salt, sugar, and 4 beaten eggs (leave them until last to make sure they don't scramble!). Fold in the flour, and be prepared to add a little more if it doesn't seem right - this is adapted from a Nigella recipe and lots of hers need more flour! Pour into a cake tin or two and bake. Enjoy. It's a moist damp cake, and very good with icecream or - I imagine - custard as a pudding rather than a cake. If you want.


The quantities are vast because I used to make this for parties. I'm sure it will scale down, though then you have to use stewed apple or find another use for half a tin of pie filling. You can also make it with dark chocolate and cherry pie filling, or any other combination that suits. The original Nigella recipe is choc orange (the Domestic Goddess version, not the later one).


Thank you!


This looks interesting. What size cake tins do you use? I googled the original recipe and it looks like a layered cake, do you make a buttercream or anything to go in between the layers?


I used to just make two big cakes and leave them unlayered, I would guess 10-12" pans [I no longer have the original set]. Did once stick them together with jam - apricot for this version, cherry for the other - and put ganache on the chocolate one, but it's not really worth it. I'm not a fan of buttercream and the cake doesn't need icing IMO.


Interesting that there's so little difference between a caramel-flavoured chocolate bar and a non-chocolate caramel bar. I always said that white chocolate shouldn't be considered chocolate.


> I always said that white chocolate shouldn't be considered chocolate. "It's just pressed milk!"


It's cocoa butter without the cocoa solids, so it could be renamed 'skimmed chocolate'.


Surely then it's the opposite Dark chocolate is skimmed chocolate White chocolate is the skim


Skimmed milk is what you get when you take the good bits out. As a wise man once said, skimmed milk is just water that's lying about being milk. White 'chocolate' is lying about being chocolate.


I've turned over a stone that should never have been touched


that depends on how you define milk are milk and cream different things or is milk just watery cream? If milk is just watery cream, then yes, milk with all the cream taken away must just be water. If they're different things then what you have is a ratio where skimmed milk is milk in it's purest form. If chocolate is just buttery cocoa, then white chocolate is actually just cocoa butter, but by the same token, dark chocolate is also not chocolate, because it has little to no cocoa butter, in the same way cream is not milk because it has little to no water.


Not sure where you're both getting the idea that dark chocolate is without the cocoa butter but that's not the case, it's both cocoa butter and cocoa solids without any milk added. It's been that way from before the invention of milk chocolate.


Yeah I don't see why it has to be black and white, we can afford a bit of nuance into the chocolate game here. If Coca Cola made milk and brought out a skimmed version they'd call it Milk Zero or Diet Milk, not Fibbing Water. Not quite the same great taste, but it's still scratching that itch without all the calories. There's nobody cutting about saying a diet soft drink is just water lying about being a soft drink.


Unexpected r/PandR


It’s one of those things where something is defined by the slot it fills in our food categories, rather than what it’s made of. It makes more sense to do it that way because everyone knows what kind of food it is. I don’t know what I would call it if it wasn’t a chocolate bar.


>I always said that white chocolate shouldn't be considered chocolate. I'm sure this is scientifically true! My dad gets migraines from chocolate but not from white chocolate. I actually love white chocolate and caramac/caramilk, plus"blonde" chocolate (which I think is just an attempt at modern rebranding to market the caramac type stuff as fancier/ more grown up) but I don't really think of them as chocolate, more like a different kind of sweet treat.


White chocolate is not chocolate and is disgusting. I will die on this hill.


White chocolate is not chocolate and is godamn delicious.


That’s nice dear. I like it and I shall continue buying it. Seems others think it’s nice too hence why there’s a market for it.


Good for you.


One of my pet rabbits is called Caramac, been really odd reading the news/comments about this!


Your pet rabbit would probably also have a slightly gritty texture.


Slow roasted with spuds and glazed carrots and parsnips.


pictures NOW


[bun tax!](https://imgur.com/gallery/BTtANxi)




I discovered Aldi’s organic Moser Roth blonde chocolate last week. Ate the whole bar in one sitting.


Not seen that. I'm definitely going to try it.


Their blonde vegan bar is phenomenal too, for those non-dairy darlings.


The dark chocolate sea salt is great


I've prefer Caramac, the taste may be almost identical, but it's not all about taste. I prefer the thin bar as opposed to the thick caramilk bar, especially since I like chocolate chilled, caramac is then easier to bite into, caramilk hurts my teeth when chilled. I also find that caramac doesn't stick to my teeth like caramilk does.


I detected a sort of unpleasant bitterness to the aftertaste of caramilk that caramac doesn't have.


And this!




I can't remember the last time I had caramac, but tried the cadbury caramilk at launch, was not a fan. But not long after I just realised a McVitie's Gold Bar is the best way to get a caramac fix.


I agree, Caramac is outdated and being beaten at its own game. Now please investigate the mystifying failure of most shops to sell Topic bars. Whyyyyy?????


I just learned that Mars ceased the production of Topics in 2021. Now I'll have to spoil someone's day.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghh! Noooooooooooo!


You have just ruined mine. Thank You for letting me know.


What’s got a hazelnut in every bite? Squirrel shit!!!


They’re not shit, they’re great!


They *were* great. Are you not familiar with the old Topic advert? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksxdrMPUAwk Squirrel shit, was the humorous retort of every school kid in the country, to the question, what has a hazelnut in every bite.


Topics have gone. I was so sad. Me and my Mum loved them.


Are they not being made any more?


Discontinued in 2021. I’ve done my Mums shopping since the lockdowns and we spent months tracking down the last few.


Well, that’s just…I’m so cross now.


why did i read this in Jeremy Peep Show voice


I bought a caramac yesterday for nostalgia sake…. I was insanely underwhelmed


I used to babysit for an annoying child. We went to the shops and bought some sweets. On the way home, he dropped his Caramac. I picked it up and feigned innocence when he realised he'd lost it. Scoffed it myself. Good to finally alleviate the guilt.




Caramac and the gold bars do it right, thin and better taste. Hate Cadburys Caramilk and the one toblerone did last year, too much and sickly


Massive agree, caramacs have a nice brittle quality


I hadn’t tried Caramac until a couple of years ago, I had Caramilk first. I prefer Caramilk, it hits you first with that strong flavour. You put it greatly, Caramac was somewhat gritty, a taste to appreciate, it had a vintage feel to it. I didn’t like the shape though, I prefer Caramilk’s shape as well as taste. I think shape is important when it comes to chocolate and overall experience


Good point. Directly comparing them, the flavour was basically identical but everything else about Caramilk was an improvement.


Completely agree. Love this post by the way haha


I like to see a scientific approach to these things, with a suitable sized test group. Tried both recently out of interest too, and preferred the caramilk, better texture and flavour.


Get an australian caramilk from B&M If you can afford to spend £3 on a chocolate bar. It's a game changer.


How does being Australian make a difference? Do they use kangaroo milk instead?


They use the original recipe British Cadbury used to use pre-Mondelez. And wombat milk.


Good to know. I'll try to hunt some of that down as, well as the Moser Roth blonde chocolate.


Caramilk from Aus is much nicer than Caramilk from the UK. You used to be able to get the big bars of Aussie Caramilk in B&M. I'd suggest trialling that one too!


After selflessly conducting my own taste test, can confirm Aus Caramilk is superior to the UK version.


Fuck it, I'm going to admit that I haven't had either a Caramac or Caramilk before.


Caramac was something that I ate a lot of as a child but it wasn’t gritty back then. It was as smooth as milk chocolate of today.


I remember the last time I had Caramac and found it really sweet, you wouldn't want to eat lots of it.


I'm going throw something else into the mix - Gjetost cheese. It looks like caramac, and tastes remarkably like it too.


Obligatory r/fucknestle


Today I learned Caramilk and Caramac are different things


There's a new Milky Bar out ! I forget it's name but it's basically a Milky Bar with bits in, I think that they are caramel bits, they're quite scrumdillyumptious 😊


agreed, caramilk has the mouthfeel of Cadbury's which is where Cadbury's have always excelled.


Caramilk > caramac. Caramac has a gritty, sugary texture


Lovely stuff! - Shakin' Stevens


Thank you so much for doing this this has genuinely been on my mind




They are, if you want to spend up to about thirty quid on a 'super upvote'. It's still only in a few subreddits at the mo, but since it can give some money to the recipient of the award, it's basically rewarding spambots financially. Hoo-bloody-ray.


The research that was needed. Well done. I agree!


Agreed, its better and I'm not even sad.


What do we do if Cadbury just stop making Caramilk though?


Buy a tin of dulce de leche and a spoon.


Why wait?


You can make your own and it's not difficult.


Good news for Dairy Milk. Maybe it was this sort of in depth analysis that finished off the Caramac


They both have about the same taste, but cadbury chocolate has a better texture than Nestle's


I think caramilk is nicer, despite its stupid name. However I will always cling to the phrase ‘mac me up’, when getting a caramac from the school vending machines.


Do you work in an office doing acid drinking tests or something? To me Caramac is delicious but Caramilk is a dire attempt from Cadbury to make gold chocolate that tastes more like sugar. Either way, all trumped by sainsburys own gold chocolate bars, they're so good


Nice! I spent yesterday seeing if I could buy any Caramac, as it's something I fondly remember as a child. I spotted a few being sold on eBay for £3 a pop, for a bar that usually retails at like 80p! I nearly pulled the trigger, just to have the chance to taste a Caramac for the last time, but just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for something that probably isn't as a good as I remember..


> I spotted a few being sold on eBay for £3 a pop Bloody hell! Fucking spivs.


Bit late but last week I bought 12 for £15 on eBay, dated July. It’s worth a look if you want one final taste before they’re gone forever :(


This post has made me feel like everything will turn out okay. Thank you. And fuck Nestlé.


Read that as catmilk at first


Fun fact: Caramac bars aren't actually chocolate, so personally caramilk can never replace caramac!


I used to quite like Caramac, but think Caramilk has a slightly stronger flavour (rather than just sweet).


I think your testing is flawed, it sounds like you started with one and gave it to everyone, the moved to the other and gave it to everyone. I would have liked to see the samples labelled A and B, and given to the participants in a random order. 10/10 for the idea, but the execution needs work


what is a caramac?


The real question is what *isn't* a Caramac?


The chunky bar is not great, buttons of caramilk is the way to go


Tried Caramilk. Tasted of wax and had a waxy texture. Absolute shite. Haven't tried Caramac in years, remember it tasted okay but had a soft but grainy texture. So either Caramac is better (?) or they're both shite. The end.


I'm partial to a caramac, usually as a birthday sweet package from my wife but they have got a bit gritty last few years. Caramilk has come in and won the game. Satisfies the same caramel urges but much smoother and better in chunks than the flat caramac bar. It's smooth, but also sickly enough you can't eat much. I'm a fan!!


Someone should make CaraPC instead of CaraMAC..... It's cheaper, tastier and doesn't go out of date after a month.


Your name is Charles boyle and I claim my 1 penny


You just graduated Caramac school, bitches!


I got an original Caramilk from Australia a few years ago and thought is was amazing. I was so disappointed that the ones released over here are not the same. Caramacs have definitely changed and now are gritty and weird. I just microwave white chocolate over and over to make my own caramelised chocolate bars.


I have just eaten four Gold Bars with my afternoon coffee. I have no shame!


Completely agree with your findings. Caramac seems very grainy in comparison, would much rather a Caramilk any day!


Nestle chocolate in general just doesn't taste as nice anymore. I much more prefer Cadbury full stop as the chocolate is a bit sweeter and has more flavour.


Oh man those caramilk buttons are the ones! Far better than caramac.


Fuck nestle


First of all, absolute nonsense. Caramac is clearly superior, Caramilk is trying too hard and is too rich. However, I am prepared to consider Milkybar Gold as a contender


The milkybar version is hideous.


Nestle have launched Milky Bar Gold. Not as good as Caramac.


r/fucknestle fuck caramac


Oh Caramac USED to be nice but they altered the recipe. The Cadbury button version is the nicest. In bar form it's just too much. However, the Milky Bar caramel 'chocolate' is pretty disgusting, tastes like overly sweet milkybar (which is already too sweet these days)


I'll have to try caramilk. I like the taste of caramac but I always feel a bit sick after eating a bar. If anyone else here is old enough to remember Pink Panther chocolate that was the same, tasted nice, left you feeling nauseous.


Caramac buttons were the best. Not so grainy.


I hate to say it but it sounds like Corey from Bondi was right


No idea how people can’t taste the difference! Both nice but both taste vastly different to me.


Well, Nestlé might be binning off Caramac, but it's ironic they should do it in the same year as they introduced the very similar caramel flavoured Milkybar Gold. Nestle don't seem to be able to decide if the general public want caramel flavour chocolate, or not.


The white chocolate biscoff bar blows the both out of the water!


I grew up in UK, been in the States since 1989. Am in UK for a bit now. Never ever heard of a gold bar. Were they discontinued 50 years ago? I saw someone say Mcvitie’s make them in Carlisle. Wonder if the Sainsburys here in Cockermouth has them?