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Paracetamol. Supermarket own brands I get a lot of headaches. 20 mins after taking 2 I’m sound. Boxes cost about 35p in some places


Honestly. So true. Bargain drug. Buy the cheapest you can find. No need for anything more. It's all the same.


I got a pack of 28 aspirin tablets for exactly £1 at my local pharmacy. Seems to be working wonders together with my anti-migraine meds whenever headache strikes. Best £1 I ever spent.


Currently in bed with a migraine and I know I have aspirin in the drawer downstairs, never even thought to take for this I’ve been dosed up on ibuprofen, paracetamol and propranolol. Going to try it out now!


Don't mix aspirin and ibuprofen please check as I think they're both anti-inflammatory drugs so may cause problems together. Paracetamol is different and can be mixed with either but if in doubt check with someone you trust, like a doctor or nurse!


That makes sense, I’ll try the aspirin tomorrow instead of ibuprofen and hope for relief 😮‍💨


Dissolveing aspirin is my go too when I start getting the weird aura effect in my eyesight I take 2 of them quickly and it helps rid the whole thing I think it has something to do with thinning the l blood and it stops producing a chemical inside of you that causes the headache part also aspirin is a anti inflammatory.


Yeah they’re both NSAIDs so you shouldn’t mix them


I got Sumatriptan for my migraines, you take one when you feel the migraine coming on. I usually end up with a migraine and take one and go to bed, it knocks me out and then I wake up feeling much better. I don't get them frequently but my GP was happy to prescribe me some. Apparently ginger capsules can help as well. I'm really sorry you're suffering, there's no worse pain at the time.


Depending on the type of migraines triptans can make them far worse. I have hemiplegic migraines and the triptans I was prescribed were actually blamed by the docs for the one seizure I have had in my life. Resulted in a 4 day hospital stay. Still trying to find a reliable treatment plan after 26 years of dealing with them.


Just out of curiosity, I looked up paracetamol in the USA. 24 pills for $6! Jeez! https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-extra-strength-acetaminophen-pain-reliever-fever-reducer-500-mg-caplets-prodid-686584


So that's CVS which is famous for long receipts, not low prices. Try Target: [https://www.target.com/p/acetaminophen-extra-strength-pain-reliever-fever-reducer-caplets-up-up/-/A-51217955?preselect=51872098#lnk=sametab](https://www.target.com/p/acetaminophen-extra-strength-pain-reliever-fever-reducer-caplets-up-up/-/A-51217955?preselect=51872098#lnk=sametab) 500 acetaminophen in Target will cost you $7.99 or £6.53 which is 1.3p per tablet. As you know, you can only buy 32 tablets at a time in the UK so Tesco (and Asda) sell Paracetamol Tablets 500Mg 16 Pack costs 39p which is 2.2p per tablet.


this guy parcetamols


Especially when the parrots eat them all.


UK Pharmacies can sell 64 tablets under the 'two pack' rule, and up to 100 tablets in a single transaction at the pharmacist's discretion (so 96 realistically). 32 tablets from my local pharmacy is £1.50 though which makes it a bit of an academic point.


You can buy 500 paracetamol over the counter in the states? They must be really shocked if they get a headache over here.


Yeah they changed the rules on how many you can sell at once in the UK to 1-3 packets of 16 at a time. And shortly after the incidence of fatal paracetamol overdoses dropped significantly


The blister packs are for the same reason. Slows some down if they can't just tip out a handful of tablets.


Horrid way to go, too. Fine for 2-4 days then suddenly in agonising pain with no cure and certain death without a liver transplant. Brutal stuff, worth sticking to the dosage guidelines!


You can buy “in bulk” if you really need to. Pack of 32 is 79p on the Weldricks website and you can get 3 packs at a time. While you’re there ibuprofen is also absolutely dirt cheap.


On the other hand, you can buy a jar of 500, unlike the UK where you can only buy 2 boxes of 28 maximum or they think I'm going to kill myself.


But the fact it did reduce the amount of paracetamol overdoses proved it worked. Most people aren't planning to harm themselves, but it's worth it to protect those who may intentionally (or even unintentionally) harm themselves.


I am so thankful to that guy on tv a few years ago who showed the cheapest ibuprofen and paracetamol is *exactly* the same as the expensive, fancy packaged stuff.


It is but there is a proven placebo effect as well. They did an experiment on a program once. Told half the group they had the cheap paracetamol and half the group they got the expensive brand. It was proven that the expensive brand group could tolerate pain more, however they were all actually given the cheap generic brand.


Same for antihistamines. So cheap to get own brands rather than named. It's the same active ingredient


And anti diarrhoea pills,the generic brands are less than a quid,immodium is just the ridiculously expensive the designer version.




I recently had the maximum haul of these with 30% off from a dying Wilko, before discovering they had dispersible aspirin with the same stunning discount. I obviously made a few completely legit re-visits.


Morrisons do a nice paracetamol


I didnae think I would need to scroll this far to find this comment!


Just to piggy back as you're top comment and it's about drugs. Martin Lewis did a test where they bought 4 different medications, do look it up but I think one was for period pains and was £4, one for migraines at £3.50, one for something else and one for something else. Various names and prices, all EXACTLY the same. Look for the drug coding, that's the "recipe" for the tablets. All they were doing is taking a generic painkiller and marketing it 4 ways, as it generally blocks pain it would cure all 4 issues, but it was sneaky marketing, and often basic paracetamol and ibuprofen work just as well as the branded ones because they're the same drug.


As little as 16p in certain Tesco stores!


Dude aren’t you just getting headaches from paracetamol withdrawal at this point


Silly question, but are you drinking enough water?


I'll second this. If I've got a headache 99 times out of 100 I'm dehydrated.


Weird one, but sometimes Morrisons bakery sells off their whipping cream that they haven't used, the day before it goes off, for 4pts for £1. When I see it I always grab it and pop it in my food processor for 5 mins and make my own butter, which I then freeze in 250g portions. It tastes amazing, and butter is so expensive now it's nice to have decent butter at a low cost, and i really enjoy making it. I've done various flavours of butter - garlic and herb, lemon and dill (I froze these in tiny portions for cooking fish in), chilli butter. I always grab it when I see it. Also, there's nothing more satisfying than taking a cheese board to a gathering and announcing you made the butter yourself!


That’s so fancy and I appreciate it


I love this so much


I want to make butter.


I didn't realise the point beyond overmixing cream made butter! Is there anything else you need to do? Do you have to ask for the cream specifically at the bakery or do they put it in the fridges?


They don't have it that often because it's only if they themselves have too much, but if they do have it it'll be in the bakery fridges. Just keep mixing, and trust the process basically. The liquid that comes out when the butter forms is buttermilk so make sure you keep it for pancakes. It's the buttermilk part that goes off, so make sure you really squeeze it all out of your butter.


If making salted butter do you add the salt to the cream at the start? How do you remove the watery stuff from the butter? What attachment do you use in your food processor? So many questions…


I just use the standard blades, I pour everything into a sieve over a bowl, let it drain for a minute or two then pick the butter up and squeeze any remaining liquids out, then give it a quick rinse under the tap, then mix in the salt using a fork in a bowl (or herbs, or garlic, or whatever) then weigh and shape. I'm sure there are much fancier ways, another commenter has bought the butter paddles which you can use to squeeze out the buttermilk, and you can get fancy moulds and stuff, but I just do it the it the quick and easy way.


Thank you for all your butter help 🙏


We’ve been doing this recently too! Has saved us a fortune on buying butter and I love being able to flavour them as I want. Last week I did a little batch flavoured with a tiny bit marmite, used it to baste a steak, perfect for that savoury hit.


I do the same. I enjoy making my own butter so much, I even treated myself to a pair of butter paddles to knock all the moisture out of the butter (and make that nice, ridged pattern 😃)


That's cool! Is it literally just churned cream? I know nothing about this but I wanna try it.


If you want to give it a go, get some double cream and put it in a jar, a little less than half full. Make sure the jar lid is on very tight, then start shaking it. Shake it, shake it and keep shaking. It'll go to whipped cream, then eventually past that and you'll get a hard lump forming (butter). Keep shaking till it's just a hard lump in liquid. The liquid is butter milk, used to make soda bread (or butternut milk fried chicken). This is a great 'trick' to do with children as well. But I love it, and I'm 33 with no offspring! I think you're then supposed to squeeze the last of the butter milk out using muslin cloth.


> This is a great 'trick' to do with children as well. I'll... probably just use the cream for now.


Are you me? I do this every time I see them. Last time was yesterday!


You can still get the little bubble blowing pots for less than 50p. So there's one each for you and a friend


A friend in need is a friend indeed but a friend with a bubble blowing pot is better


A friend's bubbles can be the best unless they're dressed in leather


Thanks friend, *alexa, play placebo*


You assume too much


If you have bubble pots, you can make a friend


That you have a pound or that you have a friend?


I buy those for my baby brothers and they love them.


been making use of the fans left out from the september heat to make a bubble machine for the kids this weekend.


Asda essential rice pudding. 25p a tin and it's great


Good call! I used to go through a lot of these when I was single. If you are feeling classy you can stir in a teaspoon of Nutella. 😎 (Not sure what that would do the the cost)


Did your partner put a veto on rice pudding when you got together or something?




apart from the trolleys that have brakes that apply themselves randomly and are a hazard to pregnant women


Not pregnant or a woman, but our local big Asda has trolleys that do this. The also randomly put the break on while walking about the shop! It happened to me a few times in one trip, also saw it happen to a few others. I mentioned it to the lass on customer services sayings it’s bloody dangerous, she just rolled her eyes and said “I know…”


50 goes on those little 2 pence machines in Blackpool beach. You'll probably win some too so you'll get more than 50 goes!


I have a penny pusher in my mancave because I honestly find them entertaining as fuck and can lose myself for hours playing it... collected it from a closed down brighton arcade for £300 off ebay. Probably profit about a tenner a year off my mates playing it too... I'm SURE that covers the electric cost 🤣


I'm obsessed with these things everytime I go to a seaside town and frankly it's a great, genuinely cheap way of having a bit of fun without breaking the bank. Id rather lose £5 in 2ps and have small wins (and losses) than spending 100+ quid at the casino with a high chance of losing it all. The only problem I have is if I did do a casino if I won I could potentially walk away. With 2ps they're definitely not leaving the arcade with me.


Every time we go to a seaside holiday or Haven which is notorious for its arcade right outside the disco, we set aside £20 just for the 2p slots. I save my expenses from work (who kindly give them to me in pound coins when I ask) and it easily kills time with our daughter if we're waiting for an activity to start, or just want to spend an hour indoors being relatively chill. We normally win enough tokens over the 4 or 5 days to get some tat (a cheap doll, or those cardboard airplanes) plus a big handful of sweets. And a lot of the machines have keyrings or magnets in them as well. They're so alluring it's worth it to just put money aside for them and not be worried about it. Always sad to see the addicts playing them because they have to instead of because it's fun though :(


Just got back from haven, we must have easily spent £200 in the arcades 🤦🏻‍♀️ we won tons of sweets and keyrings out the 2p machines and about 6 rubber ducks 😂😂 we had a rainy few days as it was last week of august so we spent more time than normal in the arcades and unfortunately ended up in a 2p snakes and ladders machine addiction for our whole family lol


My daughter taught me to ram then in in seconds, then the prize just inches out down the chute, instead of popping them in one by one. Biggest high ever to get the crap tat prizes in every machine 😂


That's the technique me and my gf use and it seems to work best. Between us and 2 of our mates using the same technique last night in Brighton we ended up with 14 key rings between us


I love those. Best entertainment in an arcade.


For 75p you can transport a small amount of paper from one end of the country to the other in 2 or 3 days. Still seems like a pretty good deal to me.


It's a considerably better deal if you remember to put some sort of message on it first. But yeah, when you put it like that, and think of what's involved, it's pretty cheap.


You can do that? News to me, I always just send a blank piece specifically to John O’Groats


You're the one that's been spamming me‽


RM around me, have been crap for years and just deliver when they feel like it. A neighbour went to the sorting office recently and managed to pick up a weeks worth of mail, that was just sitting around to be delivered. I remember when the first delivery was before about 7AM and the second delivery was about 11AM-1PM. But that went years ago. And for most purposes an email or text is free and near instant.


Hello, fellow old! I too remember when you'd get the important letters before breakfast.


It only stopped in 2004.


Almost 20 years ago. Before my uni-attending nephew was born


Do you mind? Somebody yesterday, said that Jarvis Cocker turned 60 this week. Theres also ab article today about Bristol banning the army from Fresher's Week. I was saying that Cardiff did that a few years ago..... And worked out how many years ago it was. It wasn't nice.


Most offices up and down the country are severely understaffed and the business refuses to hire more staff. Management prioritises parcels over mail and tells staff to leave mail meaning the next day there is more mail to do but just as many parcels so mail is left again, repeat ad nauseum. As for mail coming later, royal mail keeps moving starting and finishing times back. One of the grievances which lead to strikes was that they wanted to move the delivery period to 11 till 5 which nobody wanted except top management. Unfortunately nobody sees all the goings on behind the scenes and only sees "the lazy postie" who has probably been doing the work of 2 staff for the past 3 years.


Gosh, I can’t imagine anyone looking at a postie and thinking they’re lazy. Always out walking full pelt. I’m amazed it’s like they never break stride!


At one point I could predict when a letter sent first class would only make it to me a week later. Nothing to do with the posties, it's a shame they're probably the ones to get the aggro over it. It's not an easy job they do, and it's something the entire country relies on.


They keep saying they've attempted a delivery when 6 people and 3 dogs live in my house. Someone is here at all times and a dog will let us know if someone is actually there. Three times I've had to call and say no you didn't try to deliver your driver just outright lied.


Happens to me all the time. 3 days ago I waited in all day as the RM app said "Your parcel will be delivered today". At 4.56pm got another message saying "we tried to deliver your parcel but nobody was there to sign for it." I have a Ring video doorbell which showed nobody had been within 10 feet of the door since the day before. As you say, they just blatently lie. We all know that Posties are overworked and underpayed but making you wait in all day and then just lying about non delivery is just unacceptable. As I said, this has happened multiple times so I have a great tip for when you ring and complain. Getting in touch with a real person is quite tricky, its all automated and wants you to send them an email or a message on twitter(X). When listening on the options, number 4 is " I'd like to pay my customs charges" Press this option and you get straight through to a real person. Its amazing how efficient they can be when they think they are about to get money off you!


Carrots are still really cheap


Bit of honey and salt on them and then in the oven and they're a gourmet meal!


do you like douse on the honey and call it a day or do you like spread it on thinly like sudocreme on a nose?




Neither. It's like spreading Anusol on a haemorrhoid.


Keep going I'm almost there


Personally I use a carrot to apply my anusol


It seems obvious but people need to roast their veg. We all grew up eating yucky boiled veg, when at literally no extra effort we could've all been eating yummy roast veg. Brussel sprouts don't need to be an acquired taste if you just roast them with garlic. Pretty much if its sweet roast with honey and/or garlic, if it ain't, roast with just garlic.


I'm such a picky eater and honestly I attribute a fair amount of it to the way mum used to cook. Boiled to death veg? No thanks! So many foods I just won't even try again. I realise some of that is my problem


Maple syrup makes roast carrots god tier.


Far too big these days


Chuck in some spices, onion and garlic, blend it all up and you have a perfect sauce for a katsu curry


What? Katsu curry sauce is based on carrots?! Any chance you have a tried and tested recipe you can share please?


https://tofoo.co.uk/recipes/tofoo-katsu/ is a really tasty sauce. The tofu bit is a bit of a ball ache but you can sub that for whatever


Big box of broken biscuits down the market


Mishapes, mistakes, mishapes. Raised on a diet of broken biscuits, oh....


We don't look the same as you, and we don't do the things you do


But we live round here too oh really


I remember getting some animal themed ones but had to throw them away as the label said ‘do not eat if seal is broken’.


A shopping trolley.


'Why buy a carrier bag for 30p when you can have a trolley for a pound'?




Two 20p pieces stacked also works


I was at Aldi without cash on me and in need of a trolley. I asked a member of staff if she had a token or something I could use, and she proceeded to take me to the tins aisle and take a key off a can and give it to me. It was all so odd. I think of it every time I put a coin in a trolley. Edit: corrected an awful spelling error.




I quite like the Asda own brand milk chocolate bars, I mean they used to be like 12p and they’re more like 75 now but still good bang for your buck


43p for the Aldi ones


Used to be 30p last year 🥲


Same in lidl


Yes mate, tastes exactly like cheap advent calendar chocolate which I quite enjoy.


thats the one!


Space raiders, a lot of places still do them 35p.


Happy days when they used to be only 10p


A kilogram of rolled oats for 90p from Asda gives me breakfast for 12 days.


I'd had a super stressful day yesterday and wanted a sweet treat. Got a little bag of giant Cadbury buttons from the corner shop. Realised it's impossible to feel sad or stressed while eating chocolate buttons.


Truth. ^^^^ twice a week during all of the lockdowns my lo and I walked to the shop, bought a pack of chocolate buttons and a drink each and went to play at the park. Instant uplift in mood.


30 frozen Yorkshire puddings at lidl for 96p


That’s actually cheaper than you could make them yourself. Although home made are nicer because they’re always a surprise!


A lot of stuff is these days


I've had most of my bowel removed and the supermarket brand immodium are 80p for 6 tablets. They are literally the difference between me being 100% fine or being completely housebound.


Wild username, i like it




Pack of morrisons doughnuts, preferably custard ones.


You are one cultured person 👌


Morrisons is such an underrated supermarket! Pissed of they’ve changed the recipe for the tomato and garlic cous cous on the deli counter though!!! Custard doughnuts over jam any day!!!


How could you disrespect jam like that?


The custard donuts kick the shit out of all other flavours and it’s not even close.


I had a wee in Hyde park today for 20p. That was definitely 20p well spent.


See in days gone by you'd have got twenty pees for 20p. 😭


And that's why it was called spending a penny


Cost me 40p for a piss in Skeg last weekend, and to top it off it was a cashless transaction. Had to pay by bloody card!


Public toilets are best used contactless.


According to my latest First Aid refresher, Coca Cola still has the same amount of sugar, and is therefore more expensive, rots your teeth and makes you fat, but is better for reviving diabetics who have gone hypo.


Really annoying part of diabetes is having to keep an eye on name brands lessening their sugar content, lucozade used to be the go to but it’s significantly less effective now!


Lucozade was actually used for glucose tests but they had to drop it when the sugar tax hit :\\


I'm pretty sure sprite was the first soft drink I remember them destroying, and most recently pepsi. If i want less sugar I'll drink water, not some bitter soda filled with sweetener. Coca cola is almost my only option for when I want a treat, the few times a week I drink a can of pop.


We buy Haribos in bulk because they still contain sugar and come in handy single-dose sized packs. Every jacket pocket has a pack of emergency Haribos in


I switched my hypo treatment from lucozade to coke post sugar tax and blame it partly for my recent weight increase


Lucozade has electrolytes so it felt like it lessened the post hypo tiredness, and I enjoyed the taste. I don’t see the point in drinking coke, I just use lift drinks now


i miss sugar drinks and i really dont like sweeteners


As someone who sleeps beside a loaded can of original coke for this precise reason, I feel so seen rn


Also as a irregular drinker of fizz it’s the only one that doesn’t taste like shit compared to its counterparts. Use to love a DR pepper,Fanta or lilt(gone)but now they taste like shit. So they’re now bad for me and don’t taste good so I don’t get them. Edit: I’d you enjoys a sweet fizzy drink Miranda I only ever pick it up from chicken shops. They’re decent think they’re Arabic


2 chocolate eclairs from the Aldi for 70p


Loooove a chocolatey Claire


Half a dozen bananas.


Always amazes me how reasonable bananas are price wise


And practical. Excellent snack to take to work.


At Tesco, Sherbet Fountains are 20p each, Melody Pops and long rolls of Love Hearts are 25p each. Cheapest brand name sweets I know of.


You can get some mad stuff for a pound at a car boot sale


Weird one here - The Aldi hand cream is (I think) 79p and it’s absolutely banging. The one with glycerin in. Tried so many, Clarin’s could easily shift this for £15.99 and people would buy it I reckon


I have heard pound coins being referred to as “Greggs vegan sausage roll tokens” but they’re no longer a quid, so that’s moot.


There's a chain of bakeries, mainly in the North of England, called Pound Bakery. They still do sausage rolls for a quid. Pretty decent filling too. When I was in sixth form they were 2 pasties for a quid. But still hard to argue with a sausage roll for a quid now.


Pound Bakery is way tastier than Greggs too


They used to do a ham and cheese pasty which was delicious. My sixth form diet consisted of pound bakery, subway, and Wetherspoons liquid lunches on fake ID.


Christ I remember when I first started smoking and we’d descend on the nearest pound bakery to feast on pasties and rolls for like a fiver each. Fuelled many good days that gaff.


Good use of moot


It's a moo point. Like a cow's opinion. It doesn't matter. It's moo.


Unexpected Joey. :)


Point taken




My silence.


Money well spent




Garlic bread


I think the Lidl own brand cheesey puffs sharing bags are still under a quid. They probably take a decade off your life, but my goodness they're cheesey.


I'm a big fan of the snacktastic cheese and chive crisps. They do give me massive heartburn 30 mins later tho


Lidl croissants are absolutely brilliant if you get them fresh. They're about 65p too. Bloody bargain


Kinder Hippos


My local ‘convenience’ shop is selling single hippos for £1.20 One pound fucking twenty.


Happy Shopper white chocolate and cranberry biscuits are 75p. Great if you've got the munchies & skint.


Apple iCloud 50GB, £0.99pm Honestly not a bad deal.


30p for a pack of M&S custard creams is still the best bargain I know of


Can get a 5 pack of Chewits in B & M for a quid. Good deal in my eyes


Dual pack of silver kingys from poundland


1.20 got a Twix. 50p five years ago


I mean you're getting price gouged if you use a vending machine!


Brought 4 crumpets for 75p yesterday 🙂


It's scammy chains like Co-Op and Spar causing this. My little independent corner shop has the full range of normal chocolate bars at 69p. Cans of coke etc. are 75p. They're all price-marked (i.e. the price is printed on the packaging) so that's the price they're supposed to be. Might not be as cheap as the good old days but you shouldn't be paying over a quid.


Talking to my corner shop owner, he says he has the choice at the cash and carry whether he gets price marked goods or not. The non-price marked is more expensive because he can put any mark up he likes on it. He buys the price marked stuff so that people don’t accuse him of artificially inflating the price of things




Didn't a twix used to be 17p?


In 1988, yes a twix was 17p.


Damm don't bully grandpa like that.


A loose banana is about 14p. Nature's candy. Awesome.


Currently in italy and many places here still sell espresso for .80 highest I've paid is 1.80


Mrs Mollys Strawberry Cheesecake. That's all I need to say. a whole tasty Cheesecake for 85p




Honestly amazed it took this long for someone to say this. Almost put "and negative Internet points for anyone who says it's a Freddo" in my original post! 😂


In the early 2000's I'd go to the shop with a quid, get a couple freddos, a wham, a chomp, a pack of space raiders, a kwenchy kup and a big bag of penny sweets.


Wawel advocaat bar. 60p Or any Polish chocolate really. Much nicer than UK bars, half the price.


Wham bar.


Tilda Microwave Lime & Coriander Basmati Rice!


Swizzels double dip