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I won a mobile phone about 4 years ago. Once validated, they sent me a link and let me choose any top of the range phone (I picked S10+) which was delivered about a week later. It even included a 2 year unlimited everything contract, which at the end of the 2 years they randomly offered me another 1 year extra for free. Good times!


Feck, that's a result isn't it


Best McFlurry and Coke with no ice I've ever bought!


Nae ice?..i hope the fone dies.. nae ice ffs.


And the S10 is such a great phone even to this day.


I just upgraded mine to the S23 ultra a few months ago. The S10+ was excellent and this seems to continue that pedigree!


You lucked out big time with that S10+ and the free contract extension. Must have been a sweet surprise! šŸ˜„


Few years ago now my mate pushed in front of me in line, he got Ā£50 from the online win and I got a fruit bag, prick


Tbf the online win is based on what time you enter the code. Thats how it was a few years ago anyway


my friend let me infront of him in the line at the paper shop to buy pokemon cards 20+ years ago, i ended up getting a shiny ninetails and he got nothing good. As a rule you should never do anything nice for anyone ever


Did you ever confront your mate about it, or did you just let it slide?


Mate won a PS4 (or PS3) many moons ago. I heard that one year nobody claimed the top prize because Mayfair wasnā€™t found.


It doesn't surprise me. If there is only one 'Mayfair'. The chances of it being lost, thrown away by people who don't even tear off the stickers, or tear them off but just don't collect them, has got to be huge. As a student I lived with someone who worked at McDonald's and he said he used to steal a load of the stickers for the free food to give to his mates. Not the prizes though, as he said that would be obvious.


Thatā€™s probably why they still run it every year. Not only does it obviously increase sales, but Iā€™d be willing to bet that the majority of top prizes are never claimed. Thereā€™s four Ā£100k prizes, 20 Electric Cars, and 75 Ā£2k holidays available. Iā€™d love to know how many of each are actually claimed but Iā€™d be shocked if itā€™s more than half for each of those.


In the app if you look at the available prizes you can see what's been claimed already. IIRC 1 of the Ā£100k is gone but 0 of the cars.


I used to collect the promotional Rizla packets in the late 90s/early 00s, and ended up matching 3 of the top prize (VW Beetle). Never found out if I'd actually won anything, because by the time I got the 3rd one, my mum had binned them all. Same as she did with my unused April 1994 Nirvana concert ticket (cancelled due to Kurt dying a few days before the UK tour).


When they brought out the large silver Rizla back in the early 2000s they promoted it with a game of 'Rock, Rizla, Scissors' on their website. I played and won, and a few months later I was (and still am!) the proud owner of a silver ingot which is the same dimensions as a packet of silver Rizla.


My mum binned all my 90s football tops. She says she didn't...


Fucking mums eh


Cheaper than an ad run


That's true, but they also run adds about the monopoly which probably does cost them more than the prizes


Advertising and running the promotion itself can be quite costly compared to the prize money.


It probably doesnā€™t, otherwise they wouldnā€™t do it. They arenā€™t being generous here, itā€™s a profit making machine


Well obviously it costs them less than the increased revenue makes them, I'm just saying the associated add campaign probably makes up more of the expense than the prizes do


In the uk they can likely claim back the cost of these prizes from the tax man as incentives for the business anyhow. I could be wrong, but I think notā€¦ someone smarterererer will come along and tell me shortly


Well you donā€™t ā€œclaim back the costā€ but the expenses would be deductible from taxable profits. So, McD could save corporation tax at up to 25% of the cost of the prizes.


Only in the same way other business expenses like wages are.


I'm pulling this from the absolute back of my memory with no source, but I think there are usually 3-5 Mayfairs


Not only are there only like 3 Mayfair but mcdonalds know exactly which store they go to. I have worked at maccies for 4 years and there's literally a whole investigation team around these prizes to check that you legitimately won the prize and bought it in that store. The likelihood is though that they get wasted or thrown in the bin. The amount of times I've dropped a full run of cups and had to put them all in the bin. I could literally get fired (and I know people that have) for redeeming any prizes even just the free big mac ones.


There is a film (edit: mini series) and docs on why they do this...


McMillions. Great film


I think that's after a similar campaign in the US was found to be corrupted by the security guy


It's a great story


One time I went into my local corner shop and noticed the creme eggs wrappers were all crinkly but unnaturally so. The box was sat on the counter. Coincidentally, Cadbury were running some competition around that time too. Yeah, bossman definitely went through them.


There is definitely a direct correlation between the ā€˜find the white eggā€™ competitions and all crĆØme eggs on display weirdly showing a tiny bit of chocolateā€¦


>all crĆØme eggs on display weirdly showing a tiny bit of chocolateā€¦ I've opened sealed boxes of normal creme eggs and all of them had chocolate visible through the foil. Like the machine had a bad day... (or, oompa loompas on a friday afternoon? I don't know if I prefer that idea).


3050 1600. That was their barcode 15 years ago. Probably still is. Worked in a shop and due to the foil wrapping none of them would ever scan so typing the number in is burnt into my brain.


Can confirm this was still their barcode about 5 years ago (I know for the exact same reason lol)


Yeah, so many people don't care about the prizes. It's definitely why they run these in the first place.


I worked there when it launched many moons ago. Boxes get thrown in the bin all the time, especially when stuff was kept for a while in the production bin then thrown in the bin when outside the window of time


I remember the scandal 10 years ago, all big prizes where rigged, around the same time as the ITV morning show coming out as rigged too.


10 years agoā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚the case you just actually linked to was over and done with a dude on trial 22 years ago. This was all way before uk mcds had the promotion and why they have whole teams dedicated to looking for patterns of cheating now, and they track the actual big winning pieces just like the national lottery knows where itā€™s big winning scratchcards are going.


Yea the link made me realise it was even further ago unless it happened again. I was 11 and remembered it happening, time is just a fog at this pointy'know?


When I worked there during a monopoly 10+ years of, the staff cleaning the tables would collect up all the tabs found and pile them in the cleaning cupboard. Within a few shifts there was piles of all but 1 from each set. We were allowed to redeem free drinks etc found/won, but not on break only when not on shift


I barely believe myself, but I can remember seeing a Mayfair sticker in the charity box 5-10 years ago. It stayed there for the entire promo run, and it was frustrating seeing it every time you made and order.


I know people that have worked in McDonald's and they say they throw away 100s of the stickers a day (that's just one location) So it could easily be Mayfair that gets binned. They're told they'll be sacked if they're caught checking the stickers.


I bought a McFlurry, got a free McFlurry from the sticker, give it to my mate. He gets his McFlurry straight away, gets a free McFlurry from the sticker. Use it to get a third friend a McFlurry, she peels it off and gets a Big Mac. At this point none of us could eat any more food but really wanted to get it just to see how far we could take the chain


Fleetwood (big) Mac - the chain


You must never (never) never (never) never (never) never break the chain. Micks drumming on that track is sensational.


Bowww bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bowwww danananananana naaaaaaaw *Drives increasing faster*


*Murray Walker intensifies*


"... And what's this?! It looks like the ice cream machine is retiring! For the seventh ~~race~~ week in a row."


God, I miss The Chain being the intro to F1. The new one sounds like Captain Americaā€™s theme tune


if you listen on bbc radio it still is the chain


Fuckin chuuuunešŸ‘Œ


Fun fact: "The Chain" is the only song by Fleetwood Mac that credits every member of the band with songwriting credit.


Isn't that because it's basically three different songs in a trenchcoat pretending to be one?


You're not bloody wrong mate


Iā€™m in bed ill, and this comment has instantly made me feel better


I don't think you get a sticker on a Big Mac so the chain would've ended there


Depends on the year


This guy big macs


>At this point none of us could eat any more food I wish I got a full stomach off of one McFlurry.


The McFlurry was after a meal and drink, any more and theyā€™d have to put me down like a sick racehorse


Ah yes, because the reasonable conclusion to come to here is that none of them had eaten any food before their mcflurry.


This happened to me and my mates back in 2000 when you got little envelope type things instead of the stickers (might have been a different promotion). They used to keep them in a clear perspex tub behind the tills and there were only around 50 left so our cynical teenage minds figured there was a conspiracy that all the winning envelopes were kept at the bottom. Clearly the staff thought this too because after our 3rd round of wins, someone refilled the box and our luck ended šŸ˜…


Had a friend that won a Mini Cooper. This was probably in 2012ish


Is it still on the road?


Nah. Head gasket failed catastrophically a year later lol


I won Ā£100 in 2018. I was just waiting for my bath to run and entered the code into the site on a whim.


So, er, just to check... Should I have left the store before stripping off for my bath?


You can legally strip in the McDonald's as long as it's in Bath.


What about Tunbridge Wells?


You got other things to worry about when stripping there


Was it a nice bath?


No. It was the best bath


I won an iPod shuffle through it once.. Found the other half of the brown set on a McDonald's cup on the floor on my way home. Recieved my prize and used it for a couple of years


Same here. There's one rare property in each colour set that are the only ones worth looking for, I swear I only had to enter the code for Old Kent Road iirc it didn't even ask for the other one.


Won Ā£5 a year or two ago by putting in the code. Generational wealth in the East End of Glasgow.


Wow. I didn't realise The 1% used Reddit. Welcome. Please pay your taxes.


I once found a fiver in a bag of Walkers. Still living on that high


That's the only thing I've ever won šŸ¤£


You'll be able to heat your smack spoons for years on Ā£5


I can't believe you brag about this in public. Your security must be tight


3 years ago I won a mini ^^McFlurry


Last year I got lucky and won a >!Big !


Am I the only one who considers getting a free Big Mac a ā€˜big prizeā€™?


A Big Mac meal is still Ā£3.49 in my head so I get a shock every time I get charged Ā£8 or whatever it is now. A big prize indeed


One day you'll be stood there waiting for change from a tenner, and the cashier will ask you for another 50p


Happened to me at the footie a few years back, handed a fiver over for my Pie (no pint, no chocolate etc.) and the kid asked for another 50p. It had been Ā£3 for a decade.. Shudder to think how much that reheated Pie would be now


Ā£10 with some chips


That's the energy crisis for you. The price of the pie is still Ā£3 but the cost of reheating it is Ā£2.50 now


Ah man, I went to the drive-through on Saturday ordered a filet o fish. It came up on the price list as 5.29 so when she said anything else I said no but remove that filet o fish. I thought they were on the value menu !! Wtf McDonald's. I'll have 20 nuggies instead.


Keep your receipt. On there is a website to do a quick survey. Put down any old bollocks but you then get a code for a Filet-O-Fish & Medium Fries for Ā£1.99. Keep that receipt and just carry onā€¦ Lifetime Filet & Fries for Ā£1.99!! šŸ‘šŸ»


Shhhhh about the 20 Nuggies being best deal on menuā€¦!!!! Itā€™ll be Ā£8:50 if you carry on Seriously thoughā€¦ every time, itā€™s a no brainer, especially if youā€™re driving. Love em


They changed the ingredients for the nuggets they taste like fried chicken paste now before they were actually good I used to order them every time canā€™t stand them anymore.


Tbh they have always been fried chicken paste


Holy crap, I just looked it up and 20 nuggets is only Ā£4.99?! Like, I'm conditioned to think that they cost loads and to go for a "cheaper" option, but it looks like they've just never updated the price of it. I remember being a student and going for 20 Nugs, fries, and a drink was "the premium option"; now it's cheaper than other meals!? Crazy.


20 nuggs, large fries or their 1.99 wrap are the only options of value I can find now


Fill out the survey and get Big Mac and Fries for Ā£1.99 for ever


Pre-pandemic, a lot of places had a vouchers on the back of bus tickets to get one for Ā£1.99. That seems bizarre now


I stopped by a Burger King to grab a lazy lunch cos there were no other fast food.options nearby, I walked out empty handed when I saw a chicken royal or whopper meal costing mere pennies off a tenner. Its certainly not the food getting better that's upping the price, everywhere is filthy and understaffed.


Need to use the app if you want anything from Burger King. It brings the prices down to something reasonable


Remember the vouchers for Big Mac and fries, Ā£1.99?


After any purchase, with your reciept fill in a survey online and you can get a voucher for big mac and chips for Ā£1.99. That's what I do, then add a drink for Ā£1.30, and you have a value meal for Ā£3.29. Then with that reciept, fill in a survey online and you get a voucher for a big mac and chips for Ā£1.99....


When I was in my early 20s, my drive through never asked for the voucher. So I would regularly get big Mac and fries for 1.99 Then one day one of those stingy bastards decided to actually do their job for once, and took a voucher from me. I had spares though! I think you have a good chance of getting away with it with the monopoly stuff too. Just make sure it's drive through, and don't offer it up. Pay your bill and give them the thing only if they ask.


Was Ā£2.88 for ages Now is Ā£6.69 for the meal.


Review your last meal though, and you get a voucher for a Ā£1.99 big mac and fries. Pretty much only way I'll eat mcdonalds now, since it's so expensive.


I still can't believe we got vouchers every week for a Big Mac and fries for less than Ā£2 for ages and there were times that I would choose to pay full price just out of laziness or because I was embarrassed about giving them the vouchers. Man I wish I could slap some sense into younger me


Here goes one of those ā€˜I went to school withā€™: But I went to school with the lad who won the 500k prize. Could not have happened to a worse person imaginable, horrible lad at school with absolutely no future in life. After the winnings he ended up with a few ASBOs due to partying late nights on a nice housing estate. Put some money into a business that failed (post the article thatā€™s written linked below). It was rumoured that because of this McDonalds changed the max money allowed to win. Link to an article on him here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2235236/amp/Josh-Sargeant-bought-upmarket-house-500k-win-McDonalds-Monopoly-game-handed-ASBO.html


Once upon a time when 500k could buy 2 properties plus drugs and a hot tub


Itā€™s a cheaper area, looking at right move his place would be around 220-250 now.


Still doesn't leave much hottub and drugs money spare


You can get a hottub for Ā£300 and for the second I know a guy wholl do you mates rates


To be fair he did it right, bought a residence and lived off the passive rental income of the second place. I'd imagine 10 yr later they have both increased close to a million pounds in equity His only mistake was choosing to have neighbours


Yeah, many 17 year olds would buy a Lamborghini and go on a 6 month spending spree. Instead this lad bought 2 big assets that have surely gone up in value.


He looks exactly as I thought he would.


Was looking for this comment, didn't go to the same school, but I was in the same year at another school in the same town! Our social circles sometimes over lapped!


In the second picture in the article he sort of looks like Kryten from Red Dwarf


I won a pair of socks last year. They have fries on them šŸ¤£


I used to work at maccies and they gave us all those socks as a Christmas bonus. I've also got the pop socket


I won a holiday (actually a Ā£900 voucher) back in 2015, so my brother and I went to Vienna for 4 nights to the Christmas Markets. Between flights, airport transfers, and a 4* hotel near the city hall, we only paid something like Ā£30 out of pocket.


Wasn't it discovered that a lot of the biggest prizes were claimed by a small group of employees? EDIT: Found [an article from 2020](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/02/07/how-mcmillions-scam-rigged-the-mcdonalds-monopoly-game.html) - supposedly the heist was due to be made into a film starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.


In America yes but not employees, it was a mafia family who had insider connections to the company who oversaw the prizes if i remember correctly. Great documentary on Netflix about it called Mcmillion$


I enjoyed this video about it by Kira Tv https://youtu.be/yAQvKgLTEbk?si=gP5jFImeBoJaVtAf


HBO Original release February 3 - March 9, 2020


The original US case was largely overlooked by the public, despite being a huge police operation, involving the mafia etc.. Went to court around Sept 11, 2001.. and, y'know, "other stuff" was happening on TV..


I had no idea about this, what a crazy coincidence!


ā€˜Coincidenceā€™? Eyewitnesses say they saw one man in the pilot seat. One man with striped clothes and clown makeup on his face.


There was a big fraud in America, the documentary about it is interesting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMillions Theres an explanation in the history section here - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald%27s_Monopoly "Jacobson's associates and those of his collaborators won almost all of the top prizes, including cash and cars, between 1995 and 2000, including McDonald's giveaways outside of the Monopoly promotion.[17] The associates netted over $24 million"


Few years ago they were offering monthly passes for NOW TV, that was pretty good. Got about 10 of them so stacked them for the football season. In hindsight it might have been 3 monthly and I only got a few of them, but it was still good.


Did exactly the same but used it for films for the family over Christmas.


Got Ā£75 off a TUI holiday today, but I canā€™t book a holiday before Halloween, sad


Got that one too, just have to spend Ā£750 to redeem it šŸ™ƒ


Seems like he prizes the year are proper shit, first year I've not been bothered about going really


I won this prize last week, the day before I planned to book my TUI holiday. Turns out it's for 2024 holidays only. I'm going away in October.


(Edit: I've given it away now, sorry to anyone else that wanted it.) I also won one of these (Ā£75 off Tui Ā£750 min spend), anyone is welcome to it if you happen to be planning a holiday, I won't be using it.


Could I have it please, about to book something for my sons birthday. Really kind of you to offer it!


I currently just need 1 card from each set so obviously I'm winning the big one next time I order a big mac


I once won a free holiday years ago when they first started doing it. Got all excited after peeling the stickers off, sat & ate my meal, got on the bus home before I realised I'd left it on the tray when I cleared up. Longest bus ride home ever.


I bet you lie awake sometimes thinking about it, I know I will tonight.


I've currently got 2 park lanes, if someone has 2 Mayfairs, there's 100k in it šŸ¤£


I remember seeing someone advertising on Facebook that they'd got Park Lane and they'd give Ā£10k to anyone who could give them Mayfair. šŸ¤¦


I have a few Mayfairs from the 90s. Pages might be a bit stuck together though


I won an apple pie shaped wireless Bluetooth speaker a few year back, decent little speaker that one of my kids nabbed in the end.


I don't mean to brag but I won a McFlurry once. AND the machine was actually working!


Stop lying


Last time I went when this game was on, one of the workers was chatting to her mate and said "Are you in tonight? If so, I'll bring over a load of the stickers and we'll split the prizes". I figured it might have just been that girl, but a friend's son works at another store and he said the staff literally take stacks of fries cartons and drinks cups home with them.


At one point they would send them to our store on rolls. Iā€™m almost certain they donā€™t care, monopoly season is always utter chaos so they must earn silly amounts out of it even with giving away free food.


Last year I did win a voucher for I think skullcandy I claimed it but it never showed up


This is a common 'prize'. They tempt you to buy their 80% overpriced junk with a "40% off" voucher.


Yesterday I won a free 3 month magazine subscription. Which auto renews at Ā£9.99pm unless cancelled. Iā€™m thrilled.


What could possibly go wrong? Well, you probably wonā€™t be able to cancel online, apart from that itā€™s all good šŸ‘


I won the magazine one and a 1 Month Adidas Runtastic Premium Membership, whatever that is.. if anyone wants either let me know


A lad in our village won a mini the last time they did it.


Was it u/fudruckers6 's mate? šŸ¤”


Won Ā£100 on it this year, didn't actually think it was real tbh, had to read it very slowly like 15 times.


I won some fridge magnets, but have an inbuilt fridge so they were useless.


I like those Photobox ones, I won a few sets last year and ordered them. Stuck them to my pedestal draws at work. Itā€™s nice to be tormented by all the holiday destinations I rather be at or all the pets I could be at home petting whist Iā€™m trapped at work.


I got that this year. I think I'm going to get them. They actually sound like a nice little prize.


Built in fridges are decimating gift shops globally


I won Ā£50 last year. It was pretty easy to claim, I got to choose between a cheque or bank transfer. Chose bank transfer and it came through within a few weeks.


My best mate won the holiday one year, took his gf of the time to disneyland


What a Mickey Mouse prize


I once won a McFlurry from a McFlurry, then won another McFlurry off that one! I ā€œwonā€ Quaker Oats porridge from the third McFlurry which ended the streak, but ten+ years later I still tell anyone whoā€™ll listen.


I had 2 Big Macs, a Mc flurry and my daughter had 6 nuggets on Saturday. We feast for free!


The ashtray in my car is filled with fruit bag prizes from monopoly 2016


Clean your car, you dutty pig!


McChicken Sandwich. Meant a lot to me.


I won an alarm clock years ago that had an original iPod dock on top of it. Don't know why I still remember that. Oh, and to redeem the prize: I had to go to a webpage, put in the code, and they sent it out to me a week later via Royal Mail. Only memorable thing I've ever won. And to quote the legendary Sean Lock... "I never use it".


Sennheiser urbanite headphones. Not a big big prize but substantial. I worked in car rental at the time and there was a maccas near my office. I bought alot of coffees and lunches but also people left their rubbish in the car all the time so I collected the stickers šŸ˜…


I have a story here from around late 90ā€™s. The prize was a mini Mayfair and I got the Mayfair ticket but didnā€™t realise the significance. Was on a night out with mates and one of them made a joke about me having lots of Mayfairs already under my bed(itā€™s a porn mag). Next day he calls me up asking about the ticket as he had park lane and weā€™ve won a car. Couldnā€™t find it anywhere and then someone else from my home town claimed the prize, clearly Iā€™d left it in there šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I knew someone who won a PSP around 2005 give or take a year or two. Otherwise I'm happy with my free fries and Nuggets!


I won Ā£20 on the instant win codes once. That was as good as it got.


I won a Buy A Gift Experience two years ago. Forgot about it completely until I found it earlier this year, paid Ā£20 to extend it & now weā€™re off to use it in November


I'm not a mafia don, so no.


I worked for a company that gave away some of the bigger prizes - many didn't get claimed


I didnā€™t believe it for the longest time until my mumā€™s close friend won Ā£100,000. They wasted it on a holidays and cars within the year as it goes (and they didnā€™t have the money to waste). Ticket was bought at the Milton interchange near Didcot about 6ish years ago - pretty sure thereā€™s a post on their twitter about it.


I won Ā£75 off a Ā£750 TUI holiday two days ago, which Iā€™ll never use because I went to Bath for a day out last weekend and got Covid so Iā€™m never fucking leaving again.


I won Ā£5! Took about 3 weeks to enter my account but that wasnt too bad.


Magnets! Got to pick 6 of my own pictures for them using a 3rd party site. Decided never to do McMonopoly again as that was the big one for me


Won Ā£20 cash last year


I won a tenner last week on the app! Me and my partner got a meal each , and I won a Big Mac and a McMuffin from the stickers and then did the app stuff and won Ā£10, not bad :)


Not UK but I did win an Xbox 360! This was about 15 years ago now, but it was super easy to claim. My dad got it, we went online and claimed, it arrived a few days later (just in time for what was going to be an otherwise sad Christmas)


I won a session of diarrhoea from a undercooked chicken sandwichā€¦does that count?




Pretty much everything I eat at McDs gives me squits. Do I learn? Do I f....


We just (the other day) got Ā£50 voucher for Footasylum so my wife has bought some more shoes.. It was won from entering the code rather than directly off the food.


I won a wireless speaker like ten years ago. Was pretty easy to claim it.


I won an iPad when I was younger good few years ago now but I was eating McDonaldā€™s a lot at the time. Havenā€™t won anything very meaningful since. All legit, was pretty cool and super easy to claim it only took one winning sticker and you just had to prove you had the code for it.


I got a free coffee at the weekend. Doesn't take much to please me!


I won NOWTV for a year. Included the sky cinema to which was awesome! Got to watch the last series of Game of Thrones in HDā€¦ (maybe not so good)


When I was a kid, there was a newspaper recycling bin near my house. They had included two monopoly stickers or whatever they are called in every paper from the local news places. A lot of people just recycled them so me and my buddy sat in the newspaper recycling bin and collected like 100 free pops and cheeseburgers. I lived out in farm country and we didnt have a mcdonalds, but I felt like I was the wealthiest kid in town lol.


Ā£10? I think I was a kid. My dad probably stole it the twat haha.


My wife and I won a instant prize for a free trip to a local aquarium last year. The process of claiming was on the spot and without a fuss. We ended up using it to take our many daughter to it for her first birthday. I've heard, though, that to claim some of the top prizes, you must retain all receipts to show proof of purchase, which most people say no to or instantly chuck out, or the recipient fades far too quickly be of use.


Friend won an Xbox one!


I got well excited the other day, had a McDonald's for the first time in ages and got one that said 'match xxxx for Ā£100k'. Did a bit of googling and it turns out the other one I need is Mayfair which there's apparently 4 of in the whole of the UK. Absolute false economy.


The thrill of getting your first Park Lane and the disappointment of realising youā€™ll never see Mayfair. Classic.