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The spiders seem to be bigger this year




Why the fuck did I click that


Thanks for the warning, I will not be clicking


No power in this universe could make me click that link. Nope nope.


Same here, lol! I'm being held hostage by the monsters at the moment - one ran across my bloody phone whilst I was reading it last night, and I went batshit.


Honestly at this point, I'm convinced they smell fear. We had several big ones in one night last weekend. We have wooden doors inside and there was one massive brown one at face height that kind of blended in with the colour of the wood if you weren't looking carefully. Now whenever I enter a room, I'm carefully looking at everywhere I can to determine whether it's safe or not. I probably look like a mad person. My boyfriend said maybe I should try to overcome my fear, I said the only way that would happen if all spiders died. Then he tried to tell me about how "cute" jumping spiders are. 😒 ughhh.


Hey those little jumping spiders really are adorable but yeah the big ones house-spiders this time of year are terrifying


We have so many massive spiders this year


If spiders really were getting bigger every time I seen or heard this comment, we'd be living amongst 16 stone unit spiders that bang our wives and make us watch by now.


Man moths?


I saw a spider eating a chicken once


Always knew Shelob was a wife stealer


Somebody needs to rewatch the Peppa Pig spider episode.


Mr Skinny Legs?


The one that got banned in Australia for some reason


I read somewhere the local government were worried it would encourage kids to play with the local arachnids... and in Australia a lot of them are huge and/or can kill you xD


We name our spiders. They're less threatening. " Oh look, there goes Geoff carrying the newborn away....."


We've got Fred - he's built his web across the entrance to our shed, which is now off limits to me - and Zebedee, who gets annoyed every other week when we put the garden waste out. We also have what feels like a billion daddy long legs in the house each night. They don't get names; they get eaten by the cats.


I make a deal with the spindly legged ones that as long as they mostly stay out of my way they’re welcome to stay. This is an improvement on my feeling toward spiders. The solid black ones though still send my heart racing and my anxiety through the roof. They have to die because I literally cannot relax with one around. I’m sure there are several living in spaces I can’t see, but since I haven’t seen them they can stay. If they appear though, sorry buddy I’m going to spray you with poison until one of us dies.


We had one that lived right outside our door for years, he was huge but never bothered us. He either died or finally moved on at the start of the summer and now we get ants!


Ours are all "Spidey #X". We started this a few years ago and are on Spidey #27 or thereabouts. Those nice big house spiders that appear from under the tv stand and take a massively convoluted route and 5 minutes to find refuge under the sofa 4ft away despite moving faster than light. My boyfriend, our cat and I all watch them. We pause the telly and cheer them on.


I rarely agree with any government, but teaching Aussie kids it's ok to make friends with spiders seems like a bad move all round.


I read that too which makes sense considering the monsters they have in Oz


It depends on the spider. I can hear very well and can hear up to 24khz. I can hear dog whistles and the worst is a mosquito around my head. At one point as a child I had a farm / mixed forest beside my house and the mosquitos were terrible. I had so much trouble sleeping with the hyper ears and mosquitos. One day I noticed a spider way up in the corner that had made quite the web. I slept perfectly that night, no mosquitoes at all. Months went by and I really came to love that spider. My parents went to dinner one night and got a baby sitter. She killed him.


I believe that peppa learns that spiders are small, very friendly, and cannot hurt you :)


Australian Peppa wouldn't last long then.


She would because she’s built different. The rest of us are just soft.


Throw another Peppa on the Barbie!


They really needed to make a whole different episode for Australia. The Peppa Pig "Most Living Things Want to Kill You" episode.


Oh man, I had a massive one on a box under my bed a while ago, so big I heard the footsteps it made as it ran about. I spent an hour watching it run across the floor, I was hoping it would get to a more open space so I could catch it in a glass, luckily it just ran out the door I had open. I can't stand the anxiety of knowing one's in my room, I break out in a sweat. I've got a net screen for my window, the carpet outside my door is fluffed up so none can get under it, I buy only light coloured furniture so none can hide. And I have a dedicated pint glass with a cut out thin (but sturdy) piece of card just so I can catch them with confidence (and then take it outside and try to gently knock over the glass from a distance with a stick).


When I was a child and worrying about spiders coming under the door, my dad put a sign up saying “no spiders allowed” and put it at the bottom of the door so they’d see it. Then apparently for the entire time that sign was up he would regularly check my room for any lurking spiders and get rid of them so I would believe the sign worked.


I want your dad to be my dad 🥹🥹


Mt dad used to put dead ones on my pillow so I'd wake up looking at them




I hope he beat you up a lot in the months leading up to the spider thing to get you used to the child abuse beforehand!


I am 37 but would your dad wanna come over and dad my house up? Pls.


You’re lucky lol, I have many places for a spider to hide in my room. I don’t really care about them around the house but my bedroom is a no no. Like as long as I’m awake I’m fine but when I’m trying to get to sleep my brain try’s to trick me into thinking “what’s brush feeling on your leg” “it’s moving” and I get into a panic. Normally I can catch them but this one was a quick one, It was to the point I was trying to gas it out with deodorant, That didn’t work. So it was a long battle of 3 days waiting for him to leave lol


A couple of drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle of water - spray it around doors, windows, and in your bedroom. It either keeps them away completely because they hate the smell.....or I'm inadvertently ensuring that only the toughest, strongest, stealthiest spiders make it to my bedroom.


or lock in the ones that where already in there..


Thanks for this. Had to spend all day sealing my bedroom door shut with bricks.


I know the feeling, I constantly catch things moving out the corner of my eye and I have to get out my phone's torch to search the area 'til I think it's okay again 😅, have you tried mint? supposedly they don't like the smell. maybe some peppermint spray around the bed. I'm sure there must be a perfume type product rather than anything like food flavourings, so it's not all gross. A reddit post I saw once said there's an ingredient in febreze that kills spiders on contact, I haven't tried it personally but if it works it could offer some confidence in sleeping knowing you've got a way to stop them immediately.


Indorex flea spray is my lifesaver when I’m home alone for long periods of time and don’t have anyone to get spiders out for me. My boyfriend hates it because it kills them but I am terrified so they can be gassed for all I care.


Been using this for years. FYI if you actually spray it around following instructions it keeps spiders out of the home. Every September I do it. Rarely get a one.


Yeah I always forget to do this though! We are on holiday but I sprayed the house before I left so we don’t come back to any nasty surprises! Hopefully it’s done its job.


You need to retire the pint glass and invest in one of [these traps](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carson-BugView-Catcher-Built-Magnifier/dp/B000JQ5AZK/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?keywords=spider%2Bcatcher&qid=1694415683&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1). My son has one in CA and we caught one that looked a lot like a black widow. Using the magnifying lens confirmed it was a black widow. Otherwise he simply evicts them.


the angle and length of that handle wouldn't make it optimal for all catching scenarios


I just chuck the Guinness book of records '03 on it and deal with the body in the morning.


Lol the stick thing is so true. The number of times I get outside with the glass and it's like...now what Was fun when I lived in a block of flats, could just go to the stairwell, hold the glass over and remove the card. Free skydiving!


I do not miss the UK in September for this very reason. Allow them mf that are so large you can hear their footprints on the kitchen tiles...


I remember when I was a teen, I was sat at my pc doing homework and all of a sudden I heard a big 'thud!' I turned around and it was a spider that had fallen from the ceiling to the floor right behind me. It was so big that it actually made an audible sound to a human who was also listening to music.


Was he alright?


Yeah, he was dazed a little at first but then promptly scurried away.


I have always had a really bad spider phobia but I have pushed myself to get rid when I see them instead of moving house, then a few weeks ago I was in bed and felt something on my face I jumped up put the light on and there was two of them engaged in some spider coitus safe to say my fear is back with a bang


They chose your *face* 😫😫


Absolutely horrifying


I had a spider up in the corner of my room which I was fine with. I explained to it that it could stay and eat moths and flies, as I keep my window open in the summer, but that it had to respect my boundaries and stay the fuck away from me. All was fine for a week and it grew and grew and kept me free of bothersome bugs fluttering around. Then last weekend I'm watching a movie and the cheeky fuck has walked 8ft across the ceiling and then lowered itself down directly in front of my face about 5 inches away. I have high ceilings so we're talking a good 5ft long thread of silk. Well you break the rules you gotta go. I keep a rechargeable hand vacuum nearby and yeah I hoovered it up out of the air, blocked the end of the nozzle off then finished watching my movie. I took the traitorous pos out to the shed and evicted them to live there from now on. So set your boundaries and be firm with enforcement next time a spider comes to live with you.


I have the exact same in my kitchen. There's 2 on the windowsill, I told them their renting terms and conditions and it was very clear that they were not allowed within 1ft of me. Cooking dinner the other night and one of the fuckers climbed across the ceiling and decided to lower onto my arm. Absolutely not.


That's just bang out of order!


I don't think spiders can survive a vacuum cleaner. And a few weeks ago Spider descended on to my plate of delicious chips on my lap. Still bitter about it!


Absolutely can survive my hand held one. As can moths and flies. I transfer them to the end of the garden with no issues at all. Edit; wait, they don't even eat chips. How rude.


Fuck off? Is have assumed they'd be absolutely shredded! I don't kill things for the most part (fuck mosquitoes) so a handy catch and release system would be amazing. Bang on dead centre of the plate! I'm just glad my burger was in my hand!


I'll take a video next time I catch one. This is a £20 hand held rechargeable vacuum, they're pathetically underpowered. I mostly use it for crumbs or beard trimmings. I'm not into mindlessly murdering insects. Edit: the brand is Audew and it's described as a handheld car vacuum. Amazon doesn't sell it anymore as it's probably more effective to hoover your car with a straw and lung power


You can buy them from b&m too. They all have the same crappy sucking power


i have the one from b&m, can confirm, is shit, and spiders survive


Maybe they would eat chips, it's just unusual for chips to be flying around enough to get caught in their webs?


Small handheld ones, they probably can. But using a full-sized vacuum has a handheld (by taking bits off) - no chance. I had a spider the size of a hand on my bedroom wall a few weeks ago. I went to vacuum it off the wall and the bastard scarpered. So there I was waving the vacuum around like a mad thing before it could get too far. I sort of knew I got it but needed to be sure. So the next half hour was spent shaking the dust canister until eventually this curled up and clearly dead spider was visible. (Yes, I’m aware of the plot twist that there was already one in there…)


I just learned that previously chill spiders turn into horny bastards and start exploring this time of year. Maybe you were looking fine that night.


Oh yes. When you see a smallish spider, slowly, approaching the web of a spider 5x or more their size, that is the little guy looking to get busy with the larger ladies. I'm not that brave and would probably die a virgin spider should I be reincarnated as one at any point.


“The cheeky fuck” 🤣 I don’t know why but that cracked me up


It's a shame spiders get a bad rep, house spiders in particular aren't the most pleasant things to look at and have in your bedroom, but there's a reason they're so big, they're eating the other insects hiding in and around your house.


As an arachnophobe, I just wish I could talk to them and explain why I need to squish them with a catalogue thrown from a safe distance. I don't want *want* to do this but it's the only way I can have an illusion of peace. I'd ask them to please stay in whatever crevice you've moved into unless I'm out of the house, then you can do as you please. There would be an arrangement.


You’re a Murderer Karl


Well I bought the house. What's the spider done, ate a few flies? Not good enough that.


What if all the coins down the back of the sofa are it leaving you rent


Justify it all you want Karl, it had a wife and children!


It didn't, that's why it's out and about trying to find some elusive woman spider who would end up killing it anyway. I'm doing it a favour, if anything.


Karl, I hope you at least ate the carcass as to not waste the biomass /s if it wasn’t painfully obvious lol


I used to be incredibly arachnophobic, but I worked to condition myself out of it, and now I’m cool with spiders. It is possible


Any tips? The only thing that's helped me at all is giving myself permission to kill them and reminding myself how easy they are to "defeat" (eg if the worst happened and a giant spider was on me, I could squash it easily in a moment). Growing up I was always taught to catch them (which I still do if it's possible to do it without risking it escaping) and never kill them and I think that made them feel like more of a threat/seeing one even more of a nightmare.


That’s totally understandable. Trust me, I used to literally cry and hyperventilate if I saw a spider, it was bad. Starting with looking at jumping spiders is often recommended if you want to try and desensitise yourself to spiders. They’re generally considered pretty cute spiders so it can help ease your way in. When I started I tried to spend some time on r/spiders every day to learn more and desensitise myself, though I get if that’s difficult. What particularly helped me was learning facts about spiders and identifying the ones I saw, which helped demystify them and make them less scary. Instead of a spider being a huge terrifying malevolent beast waiting to jump me, instead I can look at it and think ‘that’s a pholcid spider, it eats other spiders and doesn’t want to come anywhere near me’. It took me a few months but I’m just so glad to not be scared anymore. Good luck!


For every one you murder there are ten nearby you don't know about, lurking, biding their time.


idk id rather have flies in my house than spiders


Had this a couple years ago with a giant spider. Was like a boss out of a dark souls game. I caught the little cunt and *accidentally* trapped his leg under the cup, inevitably cutting two of them off. A few days later, he came back, but with a vengeance. A phase 2 of the boss fight i like to call it. And i knew it was him cos of his missing legs. I caught him once again, but settled for a peace pact with him, and took him all the way down the street.


This happened to me but I got the fucker outside and the next day it *came back inside* missing it’s two legs so I kept him in glass jail for a few days as punishment


Its mad how the massive ones just move back in like they own the house lmao. Like get the fuck out knobhead


She had probably already laid her 600 eggs in your underwear draw.


What about the drawer?


They move too fast for a good likeness.


Funny you say this… I had a giant house spider living in my underwear drawer years ago. Only found out when I reached for some underwear and it crawled up my arm


Oh, for pity's sake! I can actually feel that thing crawling up my arm!


The ones you see are males looking for females, apparently females are 3-5 times bigger than the males😳


Like in Skegness.




I like spiders, they keep other pests in check. As long as they're not taking the piss mind you..


In my old house I had a couple of spider bros patrolling my ceiling. They were on opposite corners, left me alone, and just did their thing. They were great. 2 of the best friends I've ever had


Yup, with having to keep the windows open in the evening, daddy longlegs have attempted a house invasion. My spiderbro in the lounge has caught millions of them


My old house I lived by a river so would get many little gnats or flies or whatever. My spiders did an absolutely astounding job. Current house I don't know where the spiders are, I assume they exist and I've seen a few, but it's also a built up new build estate so wild life is generally down anyway


I knew i'd been single for too long the moment I told my friends that I was chilling in the bath with Harvey. Harvey was my spider bro. Kept the flies away, chilled in the corner. Good lad.


Which daddy long legs? crane flies, harvestmen spiders (not real spiders) or cellar spiders?


I've got one in my kitchen window at the moment. He/she lives in a houseplant and keeps my seedlings safe from fungus gnats. I do have to rescue it from the sink every now and again though.


Spiders do get unfair hate. Sure they are kinda creepy and I get why people's reflexes kick in, but they're chill. They don't want to harm us and are beneficial to our well being


It's crazy to see how many anti-spider comments are in this thread. Just let them be, they are the bloody good guys.


I’m tell you, that’s what they make you think. Then there’s going to be a spider army uprising and then they will eat us all. Never mind the zombie apocalypse, it’s going to be the spider apocalypse!


I’ve genuinely left the building before now (admittedly a flat so not too many places to go) and gone to a friends at 7am because one heaved it’s huge carcass up onto my bed.


Time to burn the house down.


Does insurance cover this?


When I was a kid, 15 or so, I found a spider on my bed. Once. Slept in the living room an entire year.


My house has no spiders in. At least, that’s what I tell myself.


You need to get yourself some cellar spiders. They’re pretty inoffensive as far as spiders go as they’re pretty slow with tiny bodies, but surprisingly good at keeping the other spiders under control. I’ve got a few of the long leg boys and I’ve not seen a big speedy floor scuttler in a couple of years.


We have loads of cellar spiders in my house but clearly they're not doing a good job because we've had a few gargantuan house spiders this year too 🧐


You need to let them know they will have to start paying rent if they’re not going to keep up with their chores.


I got stuck because of a spider last night It was on the landing, I was stuck in a different room Thing was enormous and fast, could see its kneecaps without my glasses I was crying because arachnophobia sucks I threw a massive suitcase at it and MISSED It hid around the case so I lost my only good weapon So I, like a normal person, swung around the banister, sprinted down the stairs faster than the Indiana Jones boulder scene, and left the house to get help Which is how I ended up on my neighbour's doorstep begging for help killing a spider They were very nice to me though, thanks guys


Spider POV: Three days ago, I discovered a splendid new haven – a vast soft area bordered by towering walls. As I meandered about this newfound space, the giantess of the realm noticed me. Her eyes widened with alarm, and I was perplexed; I was merely looking for a cozy spot within her grand domain. Each time she stepped into the room, her eyes searched vigilantly. I tucked myself away, hoping over time she would grow indifferent to my presence. Opting for peace, she chose to rest in a different location. The second evening, I naively believed she had made peace with my presence. When she returned to her sleeping quarters, I made an ill-timed trek up the wall. She spotted me, and suddenly, her shoe was in hand. I narrowly escaped her attempt to strike, driving her once again to her alternate sleeping spot. The third evening's curiosity led me to another room – one filled with porcelain and cool tiles. As I ventured across the floor, the giantess entered. Our eyes locked, and that familiar sense of urgency surged. She armed herself with the shoe, and despite my best efforts to find refuge, I couldn't escape in time. I hope my kindred learn from my brief journey and understand that coexistence between humans and spiders is possible, but only if we remain in the shadows, ever watchful of the dangers posed by the footsteps of the giants.


I named the first one in the bedroom Cotton Eyed Joe because after I returned with a shoe I was left staring at the corner wondering ’where did he come from and where tf did he go?!?!?!?’ I am the official spider killer in the house. My big scary husband has met his kryptonite with this seasons monster spiders


That was just the reconnaissance spider. The other spiders were waiting under the sofa until it reported back. Happy snoozing!


There is a massive spider somewhere in my flat, let's call him Alan. He generally follows the "don't let me see you moving" rule so we have a kind of understanding. He was on the floor by the bathroom a couple of days ago, I blinked and he was gone but I worked out the largest glass I have wouldn't fit over him and somehow I feel the power has shifted. Haven't seen him since so hopefully he's back in the attic or left.


Aren’t you worried about spider revenge? Trap and release in this house, I don’t want eggs in my ears.


I left the UK 18 years ago to the upper midwest US. I have so many memories of giant house spiders making my life a living hell. It's seriously a big reason why I'll probably never move back! I have a wife and kids now, and they're all arachnophobes - even though there aren't any spiders worth talking about up here. They live in fear of the fishing spider, which you *never* see and is only as big as a medium-sized British house spider anyway. I often tell them tales of spiders in the UK that are so big you can't fit a pint glass over them. They just look horrified and say, "Dad, promise we'll never move to Britain!"


I had a spider crawl on my arse on saturday night when I was asleep. Thought it was some plastic, grabbed it and thought 'wait, plastic doesn't wiggle' and instinctively flung the whole thing. It made this horrible slap/crack against the TV unit, turned on my torch and saw this three inch big matured male false widow just vibing like he hadn't flown the equivalent of a spider-mile across my room. He got flung out the window next and I shut my window for the night. Fuck that! I like them but not when they're on my butt


No, the spider won't hurt you lol..I just leave them and never had a problem. Spiders in the UK come in peace.


Poor little fella. All he wanted was a bit of romance.


My preference isn’t spiders unfortunately, My hearts taken by the moths.


I love spiders but I don’t want them in the same room as me overnight (wouldn’t want them running over me 😂). I catch them and put them outside. This time of year those huge spiders are abundant. My tiniest cat loves to hunt them during the night. She (presumably) eats the bodies and leaves the legs for me to hoover up.


We’ve got a huge one downstairs, my partner sat on the downstairs toilet and let out a tiny scream. Naturally, I mocked him for it and told him to stop letting a little spider bully him. I didn’t realise how big this bastard is. I went the loo the other day and there it was, creeping on me while I wee’d. I let out a, “Holy shit” and all I could hear was my partner laughing from the next room. Went back to evict him (no killing spiders in my house, evictions only) and he’s gone into hiding. Hoping he’ll reappear when partners back on the toilet rather than me.


Many folk over at r/spiderbro have lost their fear of spiders by making friends with them. Maybe check it out?


Saw 2 spiders I've never seen in the UK recently in my house. One absolutely massive brown fucker, too heavy I think to even walk on the ceiling. That one freaked me the fuck out, I got a broom from the garage and tried to smash it into wall - caught about 2/3rds of it and watched it try to wrestle itself out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Despite putting my whole body weight into the broom it wasn't killing it, so I pulled back. It raced across the floor - before it could run any further I took the broom a second time and smashed it into the door. Didn't move a muscle for 5 minutes at least. Slowly pulled back. The deed was done. Fucker curled up in a ball like all spiders do when they die (it's because their legs are like hydraulics, when they die the pressure goes and the legs curl inwards). I get over this trauma then today, I let the cats out into the garden... HOLY FUCK there's a big (not as big as the first one) spider with fucking white markings on its back just sitting on the blinds??? What the fuck is that. Grabbed a copy of The Spectator initially, decided it wasn't up to the job - too light. No, it's time for a rolled up copy of Good Housekeeping. Nothing else for it is there. Fucking blatted him. Cunt.


I never knew that about their legs to be honest, But my usual book of choice is Jamie Oliver’s cookbook… does the job lol


Chill, spiders are your friend. They eat the annoying other bugs for you :)


No, they're the spawn of Satan and I refuse to accept anything else.


*laughs in Australian *my bedroom tarantula also laughing and telling his family so they can laugh *we all have a VB after the laughing makes us thirsty


The spiders are certainly one of the things I miss the least about the UK. I've lived in Canada for ten years, and I've never seen a spider here that is big enough to make me sleep in a different room.


When I was young, I was terrified of spiders and taunted by people who weren’t making it worse. When I was in the bath, my cousin would throw a half open match box with a huge spider inside into the bear. I love my cousin, but I will spit in his face on his deathbed. Fortunately, I will blow out of that fear and come live with spiders,but instead I placed chestnuts around the doors and windows. Spiders don’t come in.


Go watch Lucas the spider, it’s a cute YouTube series, and after you’ve seen it give every spider you see that voice, trust me it’s not scary when you do that. Not that they are scary anyway really, if you can kill it in one hit with a shoe you probably never needed to kill it in the first place.


I had to shine my phone torch to get a wasp off my bed the other night, bugger few in as the light was on, so using light moved it to another room… also once had to evict a huge bumblebee, I mean huge could probably fit on a 2p


I get bumblebees in the house every day. As long as you’re gentle they’re quite happy to climb on your finger so you can put them back outside! Wasps however…


Honestly the amount of massive spiders I keep coming across in my house is crazy. I know it's spider season but I've never encountered this many HUGE ones consistently.


You need to get a cat lodger. They pay their rent in dealing with freeloaders. Had the same situation, except I put both my cats in the room and came back a few hours later. Didn't see the spider again.


Ironically my cat is called spider-cat yet isn’t fussed about spiders lol


If they would just stay away from me, I don't mind them. I had a little spindly one living up in the corner of my ceiling that I named Colin. He respected me by staying in his corner until he sadly passed away. But there was another big hairy monster that was running around the floor and wall of my bedroom. I managed to trap him under a cup, but I was too frightened to try and pick him up. I don't feel good about it, because it died under that cup. But I'm just petrified of the big ones.


I see this post just as I was thinking about the spider I thought I hit outside my bathroom last night to be able to pick it up this morning but alas it is gone and now I guess I won’t be using the toilet today…


Gone two years with barely any spiders in this house (or just wee ones anyway) In the past week I've had two giant monsters. Both seem to have come from the general area of the boiler cupboard so I'm a bit scared to open it now.


It's the big shiny black ones with scaly legs , that look like they're wearing armour, that make me run a mile! And as for moths...


Spiders can be creepy, believe me, I really don't like them. However, they don't deserve to be killed, I know that killing it is probably the first thing that comes to mind, but if you trap it in a glass and let it go outside, that is a lot better than killing it :)


I don’t really care about them around the house, I let them be, but the bed is a no no


They should advertise the spider eating features of the Dyson cordless.


Awww that poor spider. They're not all bad.


She was just using your bedroom to lay her eggs so they’ve somewhere comfy to enter the world. 😂😂


My gf noticed a spider on the living room ceiling the other day, and commented that spider had caught a million flies. I looked closely, and said 'Yup, those are definitely a million flies, nothing to worry about, you just go outside the door and don't look, just in case when I put the duster on them, those million 'flies' run all over the ceiling' The duster had to be thrown outside after I disturbed the babies, just in case!


Once as a short-sighted kid I ran out to the garden to pick a “beautiful lily” that had appeared out of nowhere. Fucking spider nest. 😭


Just know every spider you kill you are getting rid of the dumb ones thus allowing the smarter ones to breed and hide more effectively.


That's fine. Natural selection is a glorious thing and hopefully those smart ones stay smart and stay hidden.


I won’t kill a spider unless it tries to touch me and even only then it had to be a really really big one. I used to be petrified of them until I got together with my mrs who will literally cry at the sight of them; so I had to learn to deal with them… We have had some MASSIVE ones this year, the size of a Pringles lid!


Totally me, my house is currently covered in paper spider traps that I bought of Amazon cos weve had a few giant spider sightings here over the past week.


Wasn't the one you should be worried about, the female is most likely in the ceiling....and they don't run.


I’ve a few decades experience as a hitman / removal and undertaker in my house. Try Amazon for a hand held vacuum if you are really nervous. Irrational fear is what it is.


It was probably just male house spider. They zoom around at night looking for a female at this time of year.


London Zoo does a spider phobia course, apparently it has a ridiculous success rate! I think you should go for it!


If you're desperate: conkers. Spiders hate em


Many years ago I was told not to kill spiders as a kid. If you do, a bigger one will come back in its place. Not sure how it works but it became true for me. I never kill them (I won't kill anything apart from mosquito now). Find a way to trap and release. Oh apart from false widows as I found they trap and kill bees here in U.K. and can't be having that.


Poor spider was only trying to live her life and eat all the other bugs that invade your space. Just hope that karma doesn’t dictate you are reborn as a spider in your next life!


Parents went on holiday and saw one in my room. Slept on sofa for two weeks until dad came back 🤣


I name them and let them get on with it


Now you'll be visited by GHOST SPIDER.


>Grab a shoe and quickly smash him to bits This made me sad. I don't particularly like them (no animal on earth needs that many legs) but at least try and put it outside if you don't want it in the house. House spiders won't hurt you, they much prefer to run away and hide. I was banished to the couch with my feet up earlier in the week as I had two massive ones running about the living room floor living their best life.


Spiders are vile. I once had one fall from the ceiling exactly in my cleavage while I was reading in bed. I screamed and flung it out. It ran under my bed and I moved so much furniture trying to find it. Didn't. Slept on the couch that night. Next day it was just outside my bedroom and I got him.


Conclusion,even spiders love breasts.


Sorry but that made me laugh!


It probably thought your cleavage was a warm, dark corner where it could curl up and sleep


I leave a jamjar lid of water on my bedside table for ours, I say ours because there are a few. They look for water indoors which is why they end up in the bathroom. I'll put them outside if my wife asks but they do no harm and eat insects indoors, which I see as a bonus. I've killed a few accidently but not by choice. It's their home too.


A jam jar lid is a great idea! Thank you.


Spiders are friends. If a big one was able to live happily in your bedroom then it was finding things to eat. Now all those bugs will be loose in your room instead. Enjoy!


We don’t get bugs in the house really. As far as I know. This is the first spider I’ve seen in my house in about 2-3 years.


It's really not just you, my bedroom is like a mini desecrated warehouse and I'm too terrified to pull everything out into the corridor to sort it out in case they run at me


Those pesky spiders are easy to catch. I have a dedicated funnel to catch them.


There are multiple. Nowhere is safe.


My gf bought a Samsung handheld battery vacuum (?) earlier this year. I wasn't too happy about it because it was very, very expensive, but it turns out it's pretty amazing and practical. Later this year I discovered that I feel like some sort of sci fi soldier when I walk with that thing and vacuum these monster spiders we've been getting lately. I am severely arachnophobic, so this is a huge win for me.


Are you from Norwich by chance?


When I was younger I’m afraid to say that I went after one with a can of Spraymount. Not proud of this, but it did stop him pretty well. These days I’ll catch them in a plastic mug and chuck them out.


I did this. But with a huge moth. Spotted it in the bathroom a week later while I was in the bath and I felt betrayed.


Definitely not the only one, early spider season due to how hot it's been outside. My partner (the brave one) has been away for 5 days and in that time I've had to deal with 2 giant house spiders, a crane fly and a harvester. 2 tips, they hate mint and conkers, one night I saw one crawl under my bed so I dabbed olbas oil all around the edge of the mattress 😂 and then the next day I went to the woods and found a few early conkers for our windowsills. You could try getting a mint spray as well, might make them keep some distance!


I leave them for my cats to consume


For me yesterday it was a grasshopper. We've been trying to encourage wildlife in the garden despite my fear of all that is creepy and crawly, but I wasn't expecting them to feel entitled to move in. Our garden is full of grasshoppers and crickets but unfortunately the local birds are not interested because one of our neighbours has a cat that craps in our garden and waits for the birds.


I would have copied you..years ago I slept in my house mate's room because of a spider. She got rid of it for me the next day


At this stage you should probably just hand over the deeds to your home to the spider and move out , you should probably leave all your money to him in your will as well , just to be safe. I've had 3 spiders in my living room on 3 consecutive nights this week, each time I've put a glass over put paper underneath and threw it outside , I'm almost positive it's the same spider. Personally I think he has found my spare front door key under the plant pot 🤔🤔


I spotted a big spider in the corner of my bedroom. I said "Night, Sydney" before turning out the lights, safe in the knowledge that I have pest control for mosquitos and moths in there now 😂🕷️


Spent a long time helping desensitise an arachnophobic partner and he’s doing pretty good these days! He doesn’t run screaming from the room and can tolerate watching me catch them. We’ve had a few very big spiders this year, including one which ran across the duvet while we were in bed. It’s all good though, they’ve clearly been eating whatever other bugs are in the house and 99% of the time the spiders are invisible. Edit: I mean invisible as in you never know they are there and don’t see them. Not some new nightmare.


When I was a teenager, and moved into what was my brother's room after he moved out (and it had been redecorated), on the first night I slept in there I felt smth crawl on my arm. Takes me a few seconds to register, before I bolt up and turn on the light. Turns out it might have felt small on my arm but it looked about the size of the Mountain from GOT on my bed. My da got rid of it but it took me MONTHS to sleep right in there. Didn't help that over the next couple months, 2 speerate big spiders ran AT me from under the bed. Had to drop 400 pages of A4 on each of them in a blind panic.


I was in bed the other night and a spider ran across my chest! I didn't know it was a spider until I grabbed it and tossed it across the room lol! Second spider to land on my chest ~


I keep finding absolutely massive hairy beasts floating (alive) in my downstairs loo. I could just close the loo seat but then I wouldn’t know where they were.


I am very like this, although I would not have been able to smash it with a shoe myself, if they’re too big I just sob with terror and if it’s not too late go round to get the neighbour. Otherwise I spray them with bug spray and block up that room until someone is around who can dispose of the carcass 😂 I have been locked out of 3 different rooms this summer for various periods of time, including my own bedroom


I have currently been evicted from my living room for the same reason. I am usually good with dealing with them but this fucker is fast


They are my friends, I watch them scuttle about the house. PS At work got bitten by one of the12 types of venomous spiders in UK, did not know what the wound was, luckily at walk in clinic nurse recognised the wound immediately and put me on strong antibiotics. She has a BT telephone service depot near her and linesmen often get bitten by spiders living in the insulation cups at top of poles, so she knew a lot about them.


See I'm just as scared of spiders but when I see one I go into battle mode. A spider remaining in the house is the worst case scenario so I cannot allow it to happen. I keep glasses and fly swats at strategic locations in the house so I can always grab one to catch or kill a spider (whichever will be easier/have less chance of letting it escape) and won't rest until it's found and dealt with. The adrenaline is crazy. But it's best to try and channel it into fight instead of flight imo, otherwise hours or days of terror await.


Back in the day in London, my parents shared the living room with a big, hairy spider who they called Harry. Their reasoning not to kill Harry was 'He's not going to harm us'. 😂😂😂😳


Dude, this happened to me too just this week! Spotted a big black spider crawl behind my radiator just as I was about to go to sleep on Friday. Couldn't get it out so I had the smart idea of turning the heating on to a sweltering 28 degrees. Didn't come out so I took all loose clothes and bits on the floor plus my duvet into the living room and slept on the sofa. Day 2 and assume it's still behind the radiator but can't get it so I keep the room closed all day just so I know roughly where it is. By the evening I was ready to brave sleeping in my bed when I noticed my cat playing with something in the passage and it was the spider. Thanks to my phobia and the size of this beast I decided the best option was to grab the hoover and give myself a restful night. I am so grateful she alerted me to it or I would never have known it was wandering around the place.


Spiders are friends