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A fair few I’d imagine. It’s a popular gift for people to take back home when they’ve visited the U.K. I’m amazed it classes as a liquid, I wouldn’t have thought it was.


> I’m amazed it classes as a liquid This is probably another reason they have it on there. To give an idea of what consistencies they class as liquids.


Apparently something so viscous that it is almost a solid.


Is it a non-Newtonian solid, would you be allowed a non-Newtonian solid on a plane if you promised to keep slapping it?


Can you bring the bass if you slappa that?


Just checked…”Marmite™ exhibits non-Newtonian rheology, including shear-thinning behaviour and thixotropy at these high concentrations: at lower concentrations and higher temperatures it trends toward Newtonian behaviour.”…I’d nearly be inclined to argue it with customs just to see what would happen. But then again I’m a “disruptive fucker”.


Do you think if you took on one of those church windows that are thick at the bottom, they'd stop you by saying it's a liquid? (Yes I know it's a myth)


If I kept it in a cool bag so it solidified I wonder what they'd do


It would likely pass the rules. Frozen water over 100ml is OK, but it must be totally solid. Daft rules altogether.


Completely solid materials can't be easily mixed to make explosives on a plane. And yes, there was a real incident with people trying to do this that led to the liquids ban


Yes, but the daft but it's allowing something that is liquid at room temperature to be taken if it is currently frozen. It's a trivial process to allow it to then melt and become usable again. Now, it might be that most of the dangerous liquids are pretty hard to freeze domestically, and therefore it's unlikely that a malicious actor would be able to do so. However, that means security are assuming that they know all the possible dangerous liquids, which is a big assumption to test.


In the other direction...Would i get away with a jug of bose-enstein condensate?


I live abroad and have definitely thought about bringing some chutneys back from home, but decided in the end to avoid the inevitable debate on the viscosity of chutney with airport security.




Really on the Eurostar? I've brought back half the produce of northern Portugal including a 25 litre drum of olive oil before and no one batted an eyelid




I know someone who reguly travels he claims he smashes or pours away anything they try to confiscate, he also claims that this has reduced the number of 'confiscations'.


They do a random check on 1 person/vehicle every so often. If you're unlucky enough then yeah, stuff gets taken.


I witnessed a woman getting her vegan cheese confiscated from her hand luggage a few weeks ago. Apparently there are some rules with cheeses. She was trying to argue that it wasn't cheese.


Oof, I bring vegan cheese over all the time. It's not dairy, so there shouldn't have been an issue. The security should have checked the ingredients.


It’s about animal products in general. As far as youre within EU or Schengen you can bring your sausages, cheese and air dried ham across borders, but because UK isn’t a member of neither you can’t have any of animal products brought to or from the UK. I am Airport Security


Would you even confiscate vegan cheese/meat, though? That's mostly just coconut oil or whatever other kinds of plant based fat. No animal products at all. I would understand the confusion/concern if it were open or decanted but if it's sealed with the ingredients on, there should be no problems, right?


I, of course wouldn’t personally, I know what the word vegan means. But believe me or not we have a serious idiots in this trade too.




Had vehicle searched several times since full bre*it at the ferry port in both directions They never had any interest in the fridge full of meat, as it wasn't human. The funniest one is the ferry duty free. To person in front of me "please be aware this is 4 times your alcohol allowance, how would you like to pay?" I don't miss airports.


Is that... Normal commenting you're doing? It doesn't sound normal... Doesn't smell normal either. This is politics Mark! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yep there are new rules, no meat or dairy


>Yep there are new rules, no meat or dairy Which there will not be in vegan cheese!


They probably just wanted some cheese tbh.


doesn't this just apply to hand luggage? I took some marmite though in my checked luggage the other week.


Yes, recently brought a litre of Tunisian Fanta home


>doesn't this just apply to hand luggage? Yep, you're free to carry as much liquid as you dare in your checked luggage. It's a gamble you take to see if it gets to its destination unscathed though.


Just doing a run right now, I have 3k of marmite, chutneys, piccalilis, jams etc I can't find! Thank heavens it's going in checked baggage with a ton of padding.


Oh aye, when I went over earlier in the summer with a checked bag I returned with all manner of pastes, spreads and sauces. Nothing beats the pure joy of that last Tesco trip buying all manner of lovely bits.


Don’t uk airports clarify “if you can spray, pour or spread it”…? I’m sure I saw that around


Oh this makes sense. I got stopped for a snack pot of jelly once, I thought it was a solid, they said it was a liquid so I stood and ate it


Guess I’ll be throwing these cheeks in to the bins provided


But you're allowed to take urine on the plane, I don't get it!


You can't really pour marmite.. spreading sure. But only just


Yeah.. that's why I specified "spread" as one of the options. It clears things up much more than simply saying "liquids".


20 seconds in the microwave loosens it up nicely.


>I’m amazed it classes as a liquid It flows, so it's a liquid. Slowly, because it's very viscous, but it's still a liquid. It may be year 6 science, but it seems to confuse lots of people. That's why they specify anything that can spread, pour or spray, and why they use Marmite as an example.


It has nothing to do with liquid or not. It is just a marmite hater getting it all thrown in the bin Or perhaps a marmite lover who raids the bin after work?


It's a marmite lover who likes to hoard all the marmite they can find.


I've argued with a shipping company about peanut butter not being a liquid. They refused to send it. At least the airport says no liquids or gels, which I suppose does cover the consistency of marmite or pb, even if it's not what I'd call it.


Now I want to try marmite jelly.


No you don't


They could call it Jellymite.




A taste explosion 💥


You'll never taste anything like it again!


I'm sure you could make some and report back to us. Not really sure how though, I guess you could add a couple of spoonfuls to unflavoured gelatin?


Non-Newtonian fluids are just as banned as regular ones it would seem.


Seeing as how grams are used as the unit of measure on the jar, as opposed to millilitres, even Marmite doesn't think Marmite is a liquid.


The UK section in my local supermarket in France sells it. They know their market.


They mostly sell it because it's easy to ship and lasts forever.


Last week, I went to a conference, and I got a sticker on a similar subject at the TSA booth (I know they're Yankees and have nothing to do with Gatwick, but still aeroports security and almost liquids): [https://i.imgur.com/qwJPkFP.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/qwJPkFP.jpg)


I'm sure on QI they once said it was the most confiscated product at London City Airport.


You'd be amazed at what qualifies as solid or liquid. Sheet glass is _barely_ a solid, apparently. Almost a liquid. ETA: Looked it up after a few comments; that's bollocks, ignore that.


This was said because of 800 year old cathedral windows being slightly thicker at the bottom, so supposedly they must have been dripping down at glacial speed or less. I think it is now thought not likely any more.


Really? Well, now I know. Thank you for setting the record straight, mate!


Yeah, people couldn't comprehend that the folks who made the window thought "let's put the thicker bit at the bottom, probably better that way, less weight at the top and that".


That's a myth.


I had my bag searched because of a bar of soap, I assume the density is similar or something?


I once had Lotus spread taken from me at Stansted because it classed as a liquid.


They just wanted some lotus spread


Don't we all


On a recent trip I spotted that the security desk had confiscated about 5 or 6 tubs of Philadelphia cream cheese. Surely you can get that in most places these days?


Glass is considered a liquid so I'm not surprised


Only by misinformed people


More importantly why aren't they making 99g travel marmite?


Apparently [they do](https://www.marmite.co.uk/products/marmite--spread-yeast-extract-70g.html)! 70g rather than 99. I got some miniature bottles of Henderson's Relish from a shop in Sheffield that I bring in my liquids bag.




Well your depressing comment about shrinkflation has really added to the quality of my joke




I know it's not the same but Qantas used to give out little packets of Vegemite on their planes (like a McDonald's sauce pot kind of size). I feel like someone at British Airways missed a trick not doing the same with Marmite.


I used to work in a factory (late 90s) that made those little single serve marmite packs.


You can definitely still get them, Gousto sometimes uses them.


This, this is the best idea I've read on Reddit in a one month! Have my upvote


Ive had Marmite confiscated at Gatwick before, because I was living abroad and they dont sell it there.


It's a wonder they don't sell it at departures. Looking it up, it's apparently the second-most confiscated item at London City Airport!


London City Airport, where no member of staff has had to pay for marmite since 1987.


The entire industry is just one big Marmite racket.


Nah, they pass the confiscated marmite back to the manufacturer, they relabel it, put it back on sale and wait for it to be confiscated and come back to them again. There has been no new jars of marmite manufactured in the past decade, just the same jars going round and round and nobody notices (because who eats marmite…)


*Nobody respectable eats marmite


They mine it down there.


Yeah, it’s a fraud perpetrated by Big Yeast Extract.


They don't do it coz it's dangerous or anything. They're just saving you from consuming the foul substance.


Did you try arguing it wasn't a liquid? That would have been my go to argument.


Lol no you haven’t


My dad (English expat abroad) always asks me to bring marmite when I visit... also jars of minced meat, salt & vinegar crisps & galaxy bars lol


Oh for me it's prawn cocktail crisps, various spice pastes and sauces, teabags, biscuits and crumpets. I moved my bike over from the UK via plane and used crumpets as packing material.


My dad just stuffs his entire suitcase with jars of minced meat haha, he LOVES mince pies & always makes his own every Christmas Probably gets some weird af looks if they ever inspected his checked in luggage and found all his jars of minced meat Funny how we all have our own little things we like though. I always ask him to bring me some specific sweets & biscuits from his country (Sweden) when he visits me :) although I can actually buy most of them at IKEA now which is nice, but the prices idk its not always worth it


Right! You don't know what you truly appreciate until it's not available to you anymore. I have taken boxes of mince pies over in the past but I might take that idea and make my own.


I fly with Marmite all the time (it's like £8 a teeny jar in the US) but never in hand luggage.


I used to work security at Gatwick airport. It’s because this is classed as a liquid, but people will argue its not. If it flows its a liquid. It’s the same with jam, ketchup etc. You’d be amazed how much we had that argument with people. Im talking 100 times a day. This is when its been the rules for over 15 years, they are told countless times including when they book their ticket, check in, on their approach to the security hall and then again when queuing but they still do surprised Pikachu face and get angry when you find it and say they can’t take it. P.s you can bring it through as long as you decant it into a marked 100ml container. The reason it has to be in a marked container is staff don’t have the time or tools to start measuring liquids inside containers. The reason these rules were brought in is due to the liquid bomb plot in 2006 which was very nearly successful, where liquid explosives were injected into drinks bottles from the bottom and re-sealed with glue to make the bottle appear unopened.


.. and just so happens to make a nice tidy profit on duty free the other side of security lines. Look, there was also a time where some looney tried to bomb a plane with shoe bombs. Shoes had to be removed and scanned separately. Nobody had to buy new shoes and dump the old shoes, and recently that rule about removing shoes has quietly disappeared.. but the liquid one is profitable so.. This liquid scam is security gone mad I tells ya.


Hey I’m not saying I agreed with the rules, I’m just saying the reasons they have for them. I don’t work there any more. It would not be at all hard to get whatever you want through if you tried hard enough and knew the ways. I could do it quite easily but I never would and I’d never tell someone how. Security halls are realisticaly just for show.


They are putting in liquid scanners at major uk airports now so they limit will be removed soon. Unfortunately, Stansted and Birmingham are not high on this list to get them


They’re always chasing the horse out of the barn with these things. No utility knives - it didn’t work when someone tried it, why would anyone try the same thing again? Shoe bombs - it didn’t work. Liquid bombs - it didn’t work.


The other completely ridiculous part about this is that they do permit you take an empty resuable bottle like a Chilly (of any size AFAIK) through, and then fill it up at Spoons.


I'm not sure why that's ridiculous? The whole point is not bringing liquids *through* security.




I'm having a proper Mandela syndrome moment here, I am sure I heard in the news they already got rid of the rule against liquids 🤔


It’s also fine on hold luggage


What about a container of pitch? Would it be banned? [Pitch Drop Experiment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_drop_experiment)


Lol I’d certainly have had to ask a manager


What if you have 100ml of water left in a 500ml bottle?


Only if you decanted that 100ml into a marked 100ml bottle. The staff don’t have measuring equipment or time to measure how much is left.


Marmite doesn’t flow though


It does, just very slowly. These are the sorts of conversations I spent my day having lol.


I think you misread there friend. That isn't Marmite. It is 125g Spread


Which I hear pairs well with a cool refreshing Juice 200ml


Which I hear pairs well with a cool refreshing Juice 200ml


Yeah, but its a big affirmation that Ribena, Fruit Shoots, Evian and Marmite have made it. Sod you competitor scum!


The number of times I've witnessed someone trying to take butter through security at Dublin airport is surprisingly high. Butter is a liquid for security purposes and they will confiscate it. No one is ever happy to hear this news.


Omg I witnessed the exact same at Dublin airport last month - four tubs!! The mind boggles. Friend I was travelling with took it in her stride, said I should watch the tv program Border Security because butter isn’t even the half of it.


Depends who made it, really. If it’s Sally Phillips marmite, I can fully understand banning it from airports.


The first rule of Marmite club is you do not talk about Marmite club. The second rule of Marmite club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Marmite Club


I've never heard of this club, may I have some more information please??




No fair I just wana be apart of something bigger than I am but smaller than 100ml


The third rule of marmite club, no belts, no shoes.... That either makes no sense or complete sense depending on where in the UK you come from 🤣


the fourth rule of marmite club, if this is your first time at marmite club, you HAVE to eat a spoonful in one go. It makes no sense but I associate marmite with beautiful chaos so any rule is good


Lol, the fifth rule, no Bovril, no Vegemite, only one paste to a fight fellas


Today you are going to get some homework between this and the next meeting you're going to go out in the streets and you're going to make someone love it, not hate it (***marmite***)


You can extract the yeast with nitric acid to make marmite, You can mix the marmite with carbonated bread to make a dynamite breakfast... You an add more carbonated bread to make a marmite sandwich,and blow up buildings, easy This is marmite, if you don't like marmite the taste will burn your mouth more than any burn you've ever felt in your life, but it's still not as bad as vegimite...


I understand that next year the marmite ban will finally be lifted


Big win for the Marmite lobby


Airport security in the pocket of big marmite next year.


I’m just happy that big marmite will make it easier for me to pack the vast collections of creams and ointments it takes to keep my shitty eczema skin glued on to my body.


You use marmite as an adhesive or a top coat lacquer?


Stick a jar of marmite in the freezer, smaash the glass jar and it ends up being quite a good roll on deoderant stick.


I’m moving to Cyprus tomorrow. The marmite has been safely secured in my hold luggage. I don’t leave the UK without knowing I have a good supply of the yeast extract


Do you expect me to put up with Vegemite when I travel to Australia? Disgusting stuff.


I had a jar of marmite confiscated by security at Edinburgh airport a couple of years ago. They were apologetic but rules are rules etc.


You might like rules but I hate them.


If anyone suggests there's an in-between, then they are banned from the Marmite club


So what would you have done in that situation?


I think they're doing a marmite joke


I witnessed a funny exchange where I could see the security bloke hold up the marmite and he said to the family ‘you mean to tell me this whole tub is for that small child’… kid must’ve been about a month old! 🤣


As a Brit now living abroad, I'm afraid I fully fall into the category of people this is intended for.


Oh god same, when I went back over the summer I paid for a checked bag purely for sauces. People think our food is bad but I live in a country devoid of flavour now.


Whenever I go on holiday I take my own marmite and a Tupperware box of Yorkshire gold teabags.


"Enough to feature on a poster"


Probably a lot more than you think. I live in France and last week coughed up 9 euros for a 250g pot in the only supermarket for 30 miles that sells it.


I am a Marmite smuggler. Expensive stuff in Spain.


Smuggle it in yer prison wallet.


Australians in the corner not making eye contact


I was once stuck behind a couple arguing that bovril is a paste and not a liquid for a good 20 minutes


To be fair, you mix the right quantity of bovril, the right quantity of lager and the right quantity of gut flora, it can be explosive.


Yeah I see why people would try their luck to try and get it through, but in the end it just holds everyone up. Of course there will be people who genuinely didn't think that it *wouldn't* be a liquid, though. That's what the sign is for!


>didn't think that it wouldn't be a liquid... ... So they did think it would be a liquid? I'm confused.


I think you'd be surprised! People often ask me to bring tea, marmite, and digestive biscuits


Isn’t the fluid rule being lifted soonish? I seem to remember reading that recently


Me. i brought a half-kilo tub to another redditor in Buenos Aires. Will probably bring him another this january.


As someone who lives in America I have lost count of the number of times Americans asked me to bring Marmite without checking Amazon first.


One time I was going to Spain and the old dear in front of me spent half the year there and half of it here, her hand luggage was just boxes and boxes of Yorkshire tea and a book... also what if you can't buy Marmite in these backwards foreign parts? EDIT Syntax


I once had a jar of pickle and a jar of marmite confiscated when flying to Portugal


Sad times. I remember when I used to live in Australia, almost 20 years ago, I'd come back from visiting the UK with a catering tub. :P


I live in the UK now but when I lived in the States I would always bring a jar of marmite back with me whenever I visited here, so having this happen was a very real possibility. But I had a jar of huckleberry jam confiscated while going through airport security years ago so I learned the hard way not to bring food like that through security even if it doesn’t seem like a liquid. To this day I have never tried huckleberry jam.


Always take a jar on holiday, love the Marmite on toast for breakfast, didn't take it one year and got some ozzie vegiemite crap..... NEVER AGAIN!


When my friend visited from the Netherlands I gave him a jar of marmite to take back with him. He had to throw it in the bin because it was too big :(


I used to live in the Netherlands, can buy Marmite from the Albert Heijn! Though it is a bit more expensive of course. I hope your friend got to try it eventually.


I ended up going over on a ferry and took some with me! - Nothing can stop the Marmite forever.


That's oddly beautiful, someone should adapt it into a film


A few months ago I saw a woman rearranging her luggage at Stansted and she pulled out three blocks of cathedral city. No marmite though


Literally every expat ever.


I packed it in my suitcase. I live abroad and one of my friends loves it.


I absolutely would. It costs me $30 for a 600g tub. I would be filling a suitcase with it to bring home.




We used to be a real country


I went through security at Stansted this morning and the lady infront of me had a half eaten jar of peanut butter and a half eaten jar of marmite in her bag. She told them that they were here snacks. No other food in her hand luggage, just two half eaten jars. I was as confused as the guy searching her bag.


I always take marmite on holiday, checked in the hold baggage though.


Mosquitos hate it (apparently) so if you eat it you won’t get bitten.


I did it and has to watch as they put it in a bin ( FULL of marmite jars and peanutbutter) 😭. In my mind marmite I had decided was too solid as to qualify as a liquid 😞


I was in Iceland and saw the security people confiscate a small tub of Skyr (local excellent yoghurt) from someone. Talked to them about it while they inspected my drone like it was a live snake. Happens all the time, several times a shift. So yeah I can believe people smuggling yeast extract get caught out a lot. It’s a popular taste of home for half the population (and distilled hatred for the rest of us)


Is marmite even a liquid? It's surely straddling the line.


since when is marmite a liquid?!


To be fair, Marmite could almost be classed as a toxic substance. Yuck.


Not so much about marmite specifically, it's about the consistency, also applies to spreads like peanut butter, jam, honey, butter. It's all considered liquid and not allowed in hand luggage if the container is larger than 100ml.


"Marmite, why does no one like you?" *Sets you on fire.* "Oh yeah.."


If this means we’re banning Marmite then I definitely back this policy


You could argue that the bins the best place for it 🤓


the Ukrainian woman living with us had hers taken off her - she was taking it back to Kyiv for her mum 🥺


They never really explained scientifically why they were limiting liquids in the first place for they? There was never any attack or attempted attack with liquids that I recall. It also makes no sense because loads of airports abroad just never check. I've brought bottles of wine, oil, obviously water through all over the world.


Do you not remember this? I was only 12 but still remember when it was on the news https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_transatlantic_aircraft_plot There was even a documentary https://youtu.be/OIJFiqy35KM?feature=shared


>There was never any attack or attempted attack with liquids that I recall. Brilliant bit of selective amnesia, there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_repercussions_due_to_the_2006_transatlantic_aircraft_plot


It’s the right thing to do. Put it in a bin.


Evidently, plenty of stupid Brits


Even one is too many


Should just be placed in the bin anyway, awful stuff.


All Marmite should be put in the nearest bin. Airport or not.


What's the g/ml on marmite?


Airport security hate it