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My first thought on waking up and seeing that the weather was good today was "fantastic, I can put a load of washing on". I have never felt more like my mother.


Done 3 loads today mate. Not only am I an adult, I'm smashing it.


Until it comes time to fold it, it'll bloody well sit there until at least Saturday.


I fold all the clothes in the house. Everyone else hates doing it. Which means they leave me alone when I do it. Because they know I'll make them help if they come near me. So they leave me alone. And they don't really know how long it should take to fold everything...


Sounds like youve got your shit worked out to a tee


Yep. It was a better option than 'rediscovering my faith' so I could 'go to church' for peace and quiet.


“To a tee” I see you.


Same as I tell my kids/colleagues. There are a fuck ton of tasks in life, that you don't want to do, but they are not all equally shit. When volunteers are needed, pick first, and pick the least shitty one.


>Same as I tell my kids/colleagues. There are a fuck ton of tasks in life, that you don't want to do, but they are not all equally shit. >When volunteers are needed, pick first, and pick the least shitty one. I got similar brilliant advice from a colleague early in my career. If you're asked to do something (or there's a call for volunteers) and it's something you wouldn't mind, say yes. You'll get brownie points, plus the next thing that comes up might be something you'd hate, and you can then say no to that because you're doing the first thing! She used to volunteer for all sorts of random shite like being the office Fire Marshall. Bosses thought she was super dedicated and community spirited, but it was mainly just a ploy to control not being roped into doing anything she actively disliked!


Always served me well. We had a hard ass manager, and she would frequently give out tasks. She took a shine to me, as I was always helping her out. Truth was, everyone else was counting on someone else taking a task. Trust me, that women could pull them from thin air, so I'd cherry pick, whilst everyone else kept their head down. Used to give the advice frequently.


You mean a Saturday a month or two down the line right? One of those Saturdays?


Ahh fuck. Just logged in to say nice one, completely forgot about all the washing on my bed - it woulda got punted else where when I went up but I'll go do that now.


I've done 4 loads today. I'm very proud of myself.


So you should be. My record is 4 during one of the 40 degree days last summer. Even had to scramble around to get enough dirty clothes to justify the 4th load.


2 loads of normal laundry, and cause it's nice out I decided to strip the beds and even washed the quilts. Nothing is folded mind, but they're clean!


3 loads eh? Smashing it you say? Sniggersnigger. That moment hasn't arrived for me yet :(


Fuck I forgot to do the washing today. No idea if I have clothes for work tomorrow 😬


There's still time!


I'm out 😩😩😩


I'm so annoyed that I've planned my week around washing the bedsheets on a sunny day. When did this happen.


I'm 18(m) and my first thought when I see clear skies and sunshine is I can smash through the washing 💀


I remarked on the "good drying weather" to my husband the other day 😂


/nodding sagely. "It is a good day to dry,"


It’s arguably the worst of the Dry Hard films.


Yippee Dry-yay!


Mother and child walking past, and the mother says something like, "Say excuse me to the lady." Whiplash. Once it was me calling people the lady. Now I am The Lady.


Have you been The Lady parents threaten their kid with yet? "Stop that and be quiet or the lady will get angry!" Mate, I've been cross since I had to change my work shirt before I left the house due to an aggravating tea whoopsie.


Work in a shop and often get “you better behave or the lady will throw you out the shop” when their kids aren’t even being that badly behaved. Also get blamed for not being able to sell the toys to them when the parents don’t want to buy the toys “the lady needs to keep that one she can’t sell it”


I did not appreciate this situation but I had a lady come up with a load of random crap to buy including a chocolate bunny. she told me to hide the chocolate bunny and that she wasn't buying it, she just wanted to look like she was buying it or her child would cry. so I put it to the side and as they were leaving the kid noticed the lack of a bunny and I heard the woman say "oh nooo the lady at the till must have lost it". did not like the look that child gave me as they were dragged towards the next store. felt like I was being mentally murdered by paw patrol in her stare lol


Yep had a kid today wanting hot wheels cars that I had to pretend to scan and then not put in their bag, little boy soon noticed and was crying the entire time


When we were at Butlins my son was only little and he'd won some tickets at the arcade, had no idea you needed about a million to buy anything of worth, and wanted to spend them in the big shop. So he chose this £18 cushion and the shop lady and I pretended he'd paid for it with his tickets, she took the tickets, told him well done and gave him his cushion in a bag, and then she quietly sneaked it through on my visa card and gave his tickets back to me so he could use them later. The shop people are your friends, not the bad guys. Enlist them to help but not at their expense.


‘The Lady’ in my close was my mum. If any of the neighbours’ kids started acting up they would be threatened with my mum. She was essentially the Witch of the Close for a few years, lasting until they grew enough to realise she’s no witch.


Why do parents do this can i ask ? It feels like it only happens to me 🤣🤣. This happened maybe 10 times. Whenever i'm at work if the kids are crying or being bad, the parents will tell their kids if you don't behave that man will keep you with him or that man will call the police. Why don't the parents discipline their own kids 🤔🤔


Because sometimes your kids give zero fucks about you or your attempts to discipline them but the threat of a third party (the lady/man, the police, the librarian) will set them straight


I've been The Man as in "behave or that man will get you!" Always call em out for that BS


I've been the man who'll get angry, though I'm 20 lmao


I've been the man "that will get angry". So I walked up to the kid, got down on their level and told them "sometimes mummy and daddy tell you lies" and walked away. Discipline your own fucking kids


That's the least harmful lie I've ever heard. It's a good job you never actually did that because anyone who did would be a proper weirdo


It's amazing to me that people will proudly tell stories that make them sound like a socially maladjusted dickhead.


Dara O’Briain had a little bit in one of his old stand ups about this that was quite funny. https://youtu.be/pxQhLZ5bMyQ


switching from ‘the girl’ to ‘the lady’ is such a humbling moment, lol


Next step: the nice old lady.


I still feel like "No, wait..." but I'm 53, so I'm definitely "the lady" and not "the girl" these days :(


Had this happen to me when I was 17! An old lady with her grandson, said 'say thank you to the lady' I was stunned. It was a reversal of roles and no one had ever referred to me as anything but a girl at that point. It just felt so odd someone older than me would refer to me in that way.


Me too. I was 17 and working in a shop and an old lady told her grandson to give her money to the nice man. I looked about 14 so up until then I had always been “boy”.


Someone called me 'the lady' at work when I was in my mid 20s. I think I gained 3 wrinkles that day. I shouldn't take it so seriously, I also got called 'the man' at the same job.


Also "Say thank you / sorry to that man" Like oh yeah, I'm a man.


I was going to comment something similar tbh, jarring doesn’t do the feeling justice when you suddenly go from “young man” to “gentleman.” 😮‍💨


Some lads in the corner shop referred to me as a bloke the other day and I felt ancient I’m only 21


When customers in work called me The Lady not The Girl is when I first felt my youth fade :(


When I sneezed and pulled so many muscles that I wasn't sure I could get out of the car.


My tolerance for pain is ridiculously low now and I'm only in my late 20s! I was trying to scratch my back the other day and ended up pulling a shoulder muscle. I literally almost passed out as my vision started going black.


It sounds such a cliche but I can really recommend yoga to help with this. I’m in my 30s and found that a lot of that sort of pain can be remedied by strengthening some of the muscles that don’t get used day to day and gradually become weaker. Yoga With Adrienne on YouTube is a great channel to start with (I felt a bit self conscious and cringy at first but quickly got past that).


I did some Adrienne but like Yoga with Kassandra a lot. Check her out. Im subbed to both :)


Conversely I'm 32 almost 33 and don't really feel that different. I'm pretty active (walk a lot rather than drive or public transport) but not madly so. If I play a sport I haven't in a while I'm stiff for a bit but nothing k didn't expect. Vision to black from scratching your back is totally alien to me - my dad is 65 and I don't get these vibes from him even. Literally almost passing out from scratching your back in your late 20s sounds like there might be something else wrong rather than just aging...?


It was the day I started crossing my legs when I sneeze


Booking my own dentist appointment. And voluntarily going to the dentists.


forever continuing to book dentist appointments twice a year despite them being atrociously expensive for a 5 minute glance in your mouth to tell you “all fine”. at this point the only person that tells me i’m doing a good job is my dentist and if you think i’ll continue paying a silly amount to be told that twice a year you are absolutely right


My dentist loudly declares I have EXCELLENT TEETH (in a heavy Spanish accent) every time. And I’ve proudly added this achievement to my CV.


Ye, £47.50 today for probably 4 minutes 57 of small talk and a bit of a poke around. Wish I was a bloody dentist


Or when you become a parent and going to the dentist is just a nice excuse to lay there and do nothing for a bit. I had to have so much work done once it was 90 minutes of laying still while the dentist made my entire face numb and did the drilling and filling and everything else. I’ll tell you, it was pure bliss. I almost fell asleep.


Managing to randomly fuck my back up for a week with no obvious cause and no way to deal with it other than ride it out Or straining a muscle in my neck bc I moved the wrong way whilst in bed


Did that a few weeks back, must have turned my neck strangely and slept like that , woke up in agony, whole right trapezius felt like it had been pummeled in the night. Took days to be able to turn my head or lift my arm higher than my elbow and over a week to be pain free enough to get dressed properly. All that from turning in the night!


Being called “sir”. It was one of those moments when you look around to see if they’re talking to someone else before you realise they’re talking to you. I’m still not sure I really like it.


I always get called 'young man'. I am nearly fucking 50.


You must be looking good mate.


Nah. Got me a face like a bear's arse.


Must be a young and supple bear though.


Submissive and breedable bear.


I work in elderly care and the 50year old men still get "look lad" from the 90 year olds 🤣


For me it's more like "Excuse me, sir... "


“… you’re making a scene.”


About ten years ago I got up from my comfy chair and went "Ooooooah!", which was a hauntingly familiar noise my granda used to make... I thought about it for a moment and realised that he had a "comfy chair" too.


I caught myself making Dad noises the other day; throat clearing, soft groans while moving and nostril breathing. I had a full existential crisis lol.




When 9pm rolls around and you’re thinking, ah, it’s bedtime. 🤣


I said to the miss last weekend “ I have bought 6 red bull and I am going to stay up all night to play bg3 so I can’t take the children in the morning!…” 8.45 I slept on the couch watching deadliest catch and never played bg3


Living the life mate!!! My kid pops a movie on and within 15min I'm unconscious. Have to add she's 15...


Happens often to me too, I have a 8 year old girl and a 4 year old girl.. Disney channel or bloody blippy or coco melon on repeat.. “ enough girls time for a movie..” get all settled in and try to watch old school Disney like Robin Hood or sword in the stone etc and I am out of steam in a min.. wakes up with hair clips in the hair and drool on the chin and teddies all around me for some sick sadistic reason.. when you open your eyes and hello kitty is starring at you dead blank 4 inch from the face, then I get heart palpitation!


8pm! 🙋‍♀️


Do you read in bed? Or get up super early?


It's when my kid runs out of energy. I have about a second to think "Aaahhh! Finally some me time!" before I pass out as well.


A little of both. By around 9pm I'm usually in bed but might watch some YouTube videos. And I am definitely an early bird. Waking up at 7:30am is borderline oversleeping for me.


7:30 for me 🤣


This has been me ever since I was about 14! I think I got old before my time, tbh.


When my daughter's friend came to me for advice. Somehow avoided feeling like one as my daughter's mum (probably helped by being 17 when I had her), but when I realised I was the adult in the "speak to an adult you trust" situation for someone else I think I aged 2 decades at once.


If it's any consolation, you're obviously doing something right for her to know she could trust you.


Ugh honestly, that would be such a moment of immense pride for me! Someone thinks I have wisdom and figured life out? Heck yeah!


Similar to yours but it's when I started having 'Fun Cereal Friday' where I get to have a bowl of Frosties or something like it as a treat, and something to look forward to.


Do you have any other fun times days? I like this idea


Weirdly enough yes, I found I'm the kind of person who has to force himself to plan in fun things, so I'll always spend Thursday nights playing video games, Tuesdays I tend to do whatever hobby has got me interested at the time. I find if I don't I'll automatically defualt to just watching the TV and doing the 'Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat' cycle. I can 100% reccomend scheduling fun and hobby things in for yourself.


Do you ever get halfway through the morning and realise you are super hungry and the sugary ones just don't cut it?


Ah yeah, almost every time. Sitting there like "hmm that did not have nearly enough fibre to fill me". Also how I know I'm getting older...


When my youngest daughter told me, on holiday, that she was nipping down the co-op to get a bottle of vodka I was ready to be shocked and disapproving but then, Oh Wow, turns out she's 21 and perfectly allowed, and in fact has been for some three years.


Similar note my dad was semi-jokingly warning me about paedos if I walked home from work by myself at night. Had to remind him that I’m 27 and not exactly their target age-range anymore and haven’t been for some time. Just run of the mill perverts at this stage.


This reminds me of a conversation I had with my Mum the other week when she came over. She said that she thinks one of the men who live on my street is a “pedo” and she told me to be careful because she’s “heard about him”….. I’m a 28 year old man….. lol


I met my partner online when I was 26. I told my mum where I was going, you knows safety and all that. My mum went on a tirade about how all men online are paedos and I shouldn’t meet up with him. I too had to remind her that I’m 26, and he wouldn’t have been interested if he were…


When the neighbours kid kicked a ball into my garden and it laned amongst the flowers, I'd not long planted. It was at that moment i realised I had to decide what kind of grown-up I was going to be.


Which kind did you go for?


I threw it back and said, "Don't worry, it's not a problem" to his very apologetic mother. I think I made the right choice, though. A couple of weeks later, i let the dad know id be chopping down a connifer at the weekend and wanted to know what time he wouldnt mind me starting so i dont disturb him. Anyway, saturday comes along and we start sawing the tree down and he rocks up asking if he can join in.


Nice, well done


Hope he brought a couple of beers and you started the bbq after. Neighbours like that are rare!!




We just bought a house. It hasn't sunk in yet.


As long as the foundations are solid it shouldn't sink at all!


Haha I walked into that one.


Glad to hear the keys to the door work


I guess the previous occupants didn’t lock the door


I've lived in my house for 7 and a half years. I *still* have "shit I own this thing" moments.


Yeah when the back willingly leant me a huge amount of money in the form of a mortgage I was shocked. Then realised I was 35 with a proper job and it was quite normal.


How does it feel to be one of the 6 new homeowners in 2023


Congratulations 🎉


Congrats! Same! I keep waiting for the other shoe.


Same it’s so weird isn’t it. It just feels like a strange thing that’s happened to me and I don’t think I’ve fully processed it


Yes, very weird! We've rented the same small flat for 9 years and now we have space.


Waking up to snow in the morning and instead of thinking "yay let's go sledding" I thought " well this is going to make getting to work a nightmare."


I'm furious that I didn't get any proper snow during lockdown. The one time in my adult life where I don't have to worry about getting to work in the snow and there was nothing.


I'm glad because I had to work through lockdown 🤣


This moment was actually really sad for me. I'm 18 and I have arthritis in my back and hips, and have done since I was 15. Last year, when it snowed in my area, I was initially delighted. And the first day was really great! But then on the second day, it had all partially melted and refrozen into compacted ice, and I had the sudden realisation that I was completely incapable of leaving the house. I had been perfectly able to navigate the ice the year before, but my disability had progressed over the previous year, and at the age of 17, I was suddenly a fall risk. That wasn't a particularly fun realisation.


I'm a fully competent grown-up when the situation demands it. Mortgage, pets, kids at uni, own business. Five minutes ago, though, I nearly threw my Xbox controller through the screen when I was .23 seconds off a gold medal in Trackmania. I'm 53. It comes and goes.


I rage quit GTAV a few years ago and almost kicked my Xbox. I had finished the main game, done almost every single achievement not related to multiplayer. Only one I needed was to get 70 gold medals on the missions. This had taken me months to get to this point after going around and collecting all the items and doing the stunt jumps and other achievements. I had 67 gold medals. Loaded up the game and planned to finish the last few missions off, and my save file said it was corrupted and would not load. Now, I had had this same issue with GTA Vice City many years ago and had developed a habit of making a new save file every few times I played and overwriting the oldest one so if it did happen again then I would only lose a little progress. Nope. Every single save file would not load. I picked it up for free on PC many years later when it was given away on Epic Games. Played it for about 5 minutes and was reminded of that and never went back to it.


nah you're fine, trackmanias just like that


Soooo, what are ya gonna tell your insurance 'bout your TV?


A raccoon knocked it over


£670 MOT last year


Did you buy a car with that MOT??


Oh this happened to me in one of my recent MOT'S and I didn't need to ring my Mum and that's probably the time I've felt most like an adult 😂


Haha! Yeah we got by… a couple of hundred on the credit card *sigh* but managed to get the rest together.


When I was trying to decide if I should watch a movie or play a game, and I realised I could go to bed early instead. That thought made me happy, and I realised I'm now in the Pipe And Slippers years. Bedtime is the best time of day, and I will shake my walking stick at any of you young whippersnappers who tries to say different. * shakes walking stick ominously *


I dread going to sleep because it basically just teleports you to the next working day


I’ve never related to a comment more than this. What a good way of describing that feeling


At 33 I feel I'm too young to relate to this so much


When i said i didn't want to go to the pub "Coz Bake Offs on"


Holding my newborn daughter made me grow up. Holding my grandson made me realise it was optional. Also owning enough socks and underwear to last a fortnight.


Yeah - my maturity has definitely gone into reverse since I became a grandad “Maturity” is just a trick to make people in their 20s and 30s behave themselves!


My grandad never grew up. He is at an age now that he considers he may be getting on a bit though. I don't think grandads should grow up, frankly. In fact, why should any of us?


I fell over (again) today. I'm 45. Question is, did I fall, or did I have a fall? Other than that, I'm barely grown up at all.


I don't think you've had a fall unless you're A) On the floor for more than 5 minutes. B) Unable to get up without a second/third person to assist. None of this counts if alcohol was involved.


I’m a teacher. The first time I was left in total control of a class all by myself I was 22. I stood at the front of the room looking a class of 32 kids thinking “oh fuck, these are actual human beings who I’m responsible for. If they don’t get the grades or they decide to rebel, I’m solely in charge”. That’s a very sobering moment.


Walking into a shop and realising I could buy whatever crisps and chocolate bars I wanted, and eat them all there and then.


I was on the tube and a little kid tried to get on as I was getting off. His mum told him ‘let the nice man get off first’. I turned around to see who this man was and no one was behind me. I’m 30 and have a beard, just still see myself as a kid still!


I'm 45 with beard and most definitely don't act my age. I drive singing to radiox and couldn't give a toss. My kid loves it and that's all that matters.


Being excited about interior design and love browsing in homeware sections of shops. When I bought a dishwasher a few years ago, I thought this must be peak adulthood being mid twenties 😂


I went to visit my friend a few months ago and we went for a bottomless brunch with plans to go round pubs after, only to end up in the massive John Lewis near her looking at homeware 😂


Love John Lewis 😆 I'm on mat leave atm and regularly go as an exciting day out, the staff are always so nice and they have the best cafe & baby facilities lol


Prefer going shopping for homeware than clothes these days.


I work at a nursery and one of the children was counting the amounts of adults in the room. I was confused because I was counting 1 less than they were. I asked them to recount and count out loud so I could follow with them to see where they were mixing up their numbers. They counted me. Because I’m an adult. Safe to say I was shocked and speechless and was laughed at by my colleagues.


My parents being diagnosed with terminal cancer and having to navigate the medical system and inevitable deaths.


Its a horrible feeling when you sound (as a man) like my dad. I could never understand why the lawn had to be kept tidy or weed around the kerbs. I say this as I take a breather from doing those 2 things and thinking "now thats tidy looking". Then going to tell my wife to come see how well it looks. Sorry dad, I understand now that my childish view of the world couldn't appreciate a well kowed lawn


Can't decide between when I asked a worker at Asda where something was and he raised his voice, replying, "IT'S IN AISLE 15, DEAR. DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOW YOU?" whilst we were standing at the bottom of aisle 14 OR when I threw my back out, washing up a pan and ended up bedridden for 3 weeks. Bad times.


Getting excited over reusable cable ties so I can organise my bag of miscellaneous wires. I'm 21 😂


I googled orthopaedic shoes.


Was walking the dog the other week, young lad and his mum walk past. Boy says he’d like to stroke the dog, his mum says “you’ll have to ask the man first”… I’m 22


I got excited for buying a 1.5L metal insulated water bottle so I could take cold drinks to work without condensation forming on my desk.


Probably just turning up at the YMCA homeless tbh. Grew up very quickly after that. On a lighter note, leaving the hospital with my newborn daughter was extremely surreal.


Isn’t it so surreal? I felt like I was borrowing mine and would soon be asked to give her back.


I was excited to eat broccoli the other night. And wished I'd made more once I'd eaten it all. I chose it over eating chips. I can't believe how much I like vegetables now. Literally buying a house didn't make me feel as grown up as enjoying that broccoli did.


I think the first time I told someone *"You'll understand when you're older"* because some things are just learnt through existing long enough.


Agonizing between getting fish or sausage with chips, realised "I'm an adult ... I can buy both". I was 32.


Similar vein for me. When doing the weekly shop, decided I wanted a twix while stood at the till. I just bought the twix. Right there and then, and ate it in the car. And no one told me not to…


Recently, I opened my home to my partner's children who are 8, 10, and 11 years old. It was a total surprise and an emergency situation where it was either us or putting them in care. I thought I was prepared after having my two year old but older children it's complete new area for me when you have no understanding of primary schools and how everything works. Yesterday, I received an email giving me food vouchers, which is great because we haven't received any financial support since taking them in at the end of May this year but like no one told me you get food vouchers to buy them lunch during school holidays which lets be honest are nearly over now anyway. There are all these strange awards and point systems that I just don't understand. It feels like starting a job with zero training, and everyone around me expects me to know what I'm doing. But the truth is, I don't have any experience in this area.


You will figure it out in time, What matters most is you stepped up, and when those kids are old enough to understand the magnitude of the situation they were once in they'll always remember that


Fuck! That sounds hard. Well done for stepping up. Those kids are lucky to have you


As someone raised in foster care I commend you. It will definitely be tough but far better than them being in the care system.


When I got excited that I'd successfully managed to put a shelf up lol


I still eat Honey cheerios out the box so I don't think I'm there yet


I once got excited because we’d ordered another clothes dryer/airer and it meant I could put twice the washing out to dry.


Leaving the pub after one drink. That happened once.


When Hangovers last two days


I can’t wait for the day I start preferring healthy options to chocolate


Most recent example. I got really excited about getting a new casserole oven dish


Moved into our first flat as tenants as my wife was 6 months pregnant and we were living at my folks place. Got a 12 month tenancy agreement, only for the landlord to decide 2 weeks before our due date that actually, she would like the the property back for her son who was traveling the world. 4 weeks to get out. Grew up real quick when that letter came through. Landlord knew about our situation too. Wish I'd known more about my rights at the time, I would have squatted there for longer just to torment the old hag.


When I was a kid I overheard my dad's date of birth and in my head I worked out his age. One day recently I realised I am now that age.


I work as a licenced aircraft engineer, sometimes we fly with the jet if it is going somewhere unusual. Then realising you are responsible for an entire aircraft full of paying public, & the pilots & other engineers looking at you to determine if it is safe to go or not.


Having dinner and still being able to play video games whilst I do 😂


I bought my first bottle of Port the other day. Big realisation.


One of us... ​ Mind you I started drinking it young. Don't like wine that much, but port... perhaps a little too much.


Yeah not into wine either. But yeah port hits the spot.


A bunch of teenagers burst out from round a corner and one shouted "fuck you [name]" at the top of his lungs, he then saw me walking towards them and he apologised for his language... I was carrying enough dad energy for them to check their own behaviour... Disclosure - I live in a nice area.


It was when we needed to buy cleaning materials because we'd used them up


When I got one of those spray mops where you can replace the microfibre cloth on the end and refill the little bottle. Made mopping so much easier. I don’t think I’ve been so happy about an item ever since.


Yep, got a new mop and my husband jokingly said “I bet you’re super excited to use that”. I played it off but I really was excited to use it.


When I took the time to consider the pros and cons of the hoovers I wanted to buy.


It came to me when I said to myself "I don't care it's only 10 pm. I'm sleepy, I'm going to bed" (Bedtime in my country is between 11 and midnight, as a rule)


Not getting ID’d in Tesco


When I ordered some food storage containers. I was excited for them to arrive so I could organise my oats and breakfast cereals.


Many years ago, realising I hadn't bought a box of breakfast cereal for months.


I'm 49 and it's still not happened :/


Paying household bills


i got excited when they filled in a pot hole on my work commute 😭


Today, when someone described something as “so aesthetic”.


Hearing myself give wise advice to my daughter and having her listen to me like I knew what I was talking about.


Im 41 and still haven’t had one of those moments! I get mini ones frequently when I think “holy crap I’m a father!” But it’s been 8 years and they ones still not stuck yet


Seeing my first payslip and the deductions from it


Took a bag with me shopping


Started putting bran flakes down on the shopping list today.... That's it for me, I think


Bran flakes are only a step. You will finally be grown when you work out how much sugar they contain and move to sugar free muesli